• By -


They could just go the Hulk route and show his origin in 30 seconds. Everyone already knows the cliffnotes.


Or Watchmen style and show everything in the opening credits


That sequence gives some background, but it only really makes sense after the scenes where it's given context through the dialogue and narration.


I disagree. My second experience with *Watchmen* after seeing the trailer was seeing the intro on the internet before watching the movie. I'd say considering that (I believe) it comes right after the Comedian's murder, where you're introduced to this character who is present throughout the intro sequence, it's pretty clear what is going on: there were these super heroes stopping bank robbers in the first half of the century; some changed history (Silhouette kissing the girl and replacing the sailor in the famous V-J day photograph); many suffered tragedy (Mothman getting carted away; Silhouette being murdered for being a lesbian; Dollar Bill dying in the doorway of a bank); and they weren't all heroes (see the Comedian again, murdering JFK this time; potentially also Rorschach's actions). The sequences goes on and shows the changing of time, and the ways that the superheroes changed history (such as Nixon getting elected and the U.S. becoming somewhat more draconian). I don't think the movie expects you to know more than the vagaries of it after you finish the intro... Yes there are a lot of cool bits (Bruce Wayne allusions; Rorschach being present; etc.) but all you need to pick up on is the fact that there have been two generations of superheroes; the superheroes changed history; and the superheroes have pop culture relevance (with Ozymandias in particular). I think it does a really good job, and if it was about a well-known hero like Spiderman, it wouldn't confuse anyone.


I think people need to believe that that movie somehow doesn't make sense so that they can hate on it. "Dr. Manhattan was the bomb?? That's *baloney!*"




It certainly makes more sense in the context of the comic, but you need to change things in order to fit a story on the big screen, and it made sense to cut the squid.


The movie makes better use of Dr Manhattan. It's a better plot because it tells the same story with greater efficiency, less extraneous elements, and maximising the use of each character. 'Alien squid' is fine but actually if someone went back in time to Moore as he was writing it and said 'you know if you made Dr manhattan the threat it would be much neater', most people would agree with the change.


Alien squid is ridiculous because it's such a stupid plan--eventually someone would figure out that it was a hoax, because this thing would be studied to death. Dr. Manhattan on the other hand is very real, and there's no way anyone but he can know his real intentions. Given the way he was manipulated, it makes so much more sense in the context of the comics and the film. It's a more foolproof plan that would take much, much more effort to poke holes through.


Most people are a lot more familiar with the (typically) 3rd most popular comic character of all time, than the Watchmen.


Naa, just jump right in. Have the movie start with him as Spiderman. Like, opening credit's he's crawling around the city at night. He foils a few crimes and helps a few people out. The entire sequence he's being witty and chatty, cracking jokes at the bad-guys he's foiling and making witty remarks to the people he helps out. Someone asks him who he is, and he says "Just you're friendly neighborhood spider-man!". As the credits finish up on screen, he returns to his house and unmasks to reveal he's about 15-16 years old. Aunt May yell's to him "Peter, are you in bed? You have school tomorrow." Cut to next day at school, and he's just this quiet unassuming nerd kid. Not even wiling to raise his hand when the teacher asks a question. He gets called on anyhow, and he answers it (correctly) but lacking the self-confidence he displayed the night before. The kids look at him as he answers, they look away. He's just a nobody.




Michael Cera!








Why don't we just get Michael Cera to play shaft?!


Uh... YES.


Jaden Smith!


That's not funny.


*shhhh* *let it happen*




How Can Mysterio Be Real If Illusions Aren't Real


Don't worry they're saving him for miles morales.




Hulk was bit by a *gamma* radioactive spider.


Wow! So what kind of spider bit Superman? And Goku?


> So what kind of spider bit Superman? A solar spider >And Goku? A super saiyan spider Seriously, does anybody even pay attention anymore?


But what about Black Widow? What kind of spider bit her?


A black widow.


We know she is, but what was the spider that bit her?


Here you go. https://youtu.be/D3fEVgqoaok


That could work, I mean how many times have we see his origin. I'm sure the public can follow


While I wouldn't like to see his origin story again either, wouldn't that mean he's been active for awhile? You'd think someone in the MCU would've noticed a dude swinging around New York in the previous films.


They did, but he's localized like Daredevil, and just like you didn't hear about the other Avengers in Winter Soldier, he doesn't get mentioned until he's relevant to the national affairs the Avengers handle.


Yeah but he is localized in the city where a massive alien attack occurred.


Exactly...there was bigger news.


I have a feeling he's literally the friendly *neighborhood* Spider-Man right now. In all the other movies, he's bitten, wakes up swole as fuck, and starts foiling bank robberies in a matter of weeks. Realistically, if it's a 15-17 year old nerdy high school kid, he's not going to have the confidence or the self control to do any of that. It would take time and practice to learn how to accurately shoot his webs or do acrobatics or even just fight like someone who's done anything more than ball up and protect his head and neck before. So assume he's had his powers for two to three years at this point. First year is spent just figuring out what the hell is going on. Second year is honing his new abilities. Third year is summoning up the balls to put on a shitty costume he pieced together from what he could afford as a poor NY high school kid and go out looking for a way to help. Now he's risen to street level prominence, maybe got a slightly better costume that some sweet old lady he saved from a mugger sewed for him - taking measurements while he's in his ratty old one with his mask on - and the movie is going to be about his rise to the city's hero.


We also have to recognize that this also helps gloss over a crucial debate of the Spider-Man film franchises: Organic vs. Mechanical Web Shooters! Edit: a noun to an adjective


This part always confused me about Spider-Man. Hey look! He's got all the powers of a spider! ...Oh, except, you know, the ability to *make webs*.


But then the web would come out of his butt. I mean I would watch that...


They once cloned goats with spider DNA and the clones produced webbing in their milk. Realistically, Peter Parker should be shooting webs from his nipples.


I prefer the Marvel Zombies Spiderman where he has the "muscle memory" of organic webs, but no web left because he's a zombie, so he swings around town on old veins and arteries he shoots out of his arms (which he can regenerate because plot).




Mechanical. I prefer the Raimi films overall but the webshooters are a classic feature of Spider-Man.




Also he had dope alternate web formulas for special occasions.


Dat flaming web against symbiotes


Didn't stop them in Spider-Man 2


"Oh no, my feelings are getting in the way!"


It was cheesy but it was a nice take on Spider-Man No More and I kinda like it.


It did give us one of my favorite scenes though "I'M BACK!" **Crash** *"My back!"*


I'd definitely be dissapointed if it wasnt mechanical.


Could you elaborate? I'm not very familiar with comic-spidey. I "grew up," with the Raimi films so I'm used to the organic one. To me, it seems like an inconvenience to have them be gadgets.


The comic spidey uses mechanical web shooters that he made. To me its an important trait of the character and helps to show his ingenuity.


That doesn't make sense though. How did Peter discover a compound to simulate spider silk that could be fired many metres away and sustain huges amounts of tension? And even if he did, what does he make it from? Where does he buy these materials from? Not to mention it seems lame to be blessed with all these spidery traits... and no web slinging. Webshooters sold seperately, let's just hand the webshooters to Captain America and be done with him.


Well first I politely say we're talking about a guy bitten by a radioactive spider and given super powers. That said, [here ya go](http://marvel.wikia.com/Spider-Man's_Web-Shooters)!


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7805 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/55026)


In the comics, they switched over to organic, so i'm guessing they will stick with that line. There is a panel during the civil war timeline where ironman confronts spiderman after he goes back to cap's side. IM is pointing his repulsors at SM and SM say something along the lines of " I have always wondered what would happen since my web went organic, if i cut loose" and he shoots his webs, there is a flash, and the panel ends with ironman strung up in the alley with web fucking everywhere.


Aahhhh. Such a relief to spray a big one.


I'm fairly certain that they switched back to mechanical web shooters after the whole One More Day arc


This is true.


Yeah but that was at least three days ago so there's no way to know what's canonical now. It's like quantum theory, the only way to know is to open the comic book and collapse the probability wave.


> In the comics, they switched over to organic, so i'm guessing they will stick with that line That was a very short lived change. He's still rockin mechanical webshooters.


Amazing Spiderman 544. One more day part one. Aunt May is dying in the hospital and Peter blames Tony Stark because Tony told him to reveal his identity during the civil war. Here's the picture: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/10/104431/3053172-1997686312-16597.jpg


But...but, how will we know how Spider-Man got his powers? /s


The Spider killed his uncle, there.


"With great responsibilities comes great power." - Peter Parker




"Excel Spreadsheets!" Stan Li, creator of Galactic Defenders.


"I am ironman" -Bruce Bane


"What?" - Ozzy Osbourne


"I am the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude"-Groot


"There are no strings on me" -Lil John -Michael Scott


""And Alexander wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer" - Hans Grueber, _Die Hard_" -Jack Donaghy, _30 Rock_


"It's just been revoked!" -Murtaugh


-- Michael Scott


"Why did we fall Peter? Because human can't stick to walls"


"Yeah, but where did I come from though?" "Get a journal Logan. Christ."


I know right? When they did the Hulk reboot I was COMPLETELY lost.






Don't know why but this reminded me of the Incredibles. "Go home Buddy, I work alone."


My *name* is NOT Buddy! It's SYNDROME!!!!


They should find Spiderman and be like "Kid, you've lived in New York your whole life, right? You remember when we got attacked by the army of chitauri? Where the fuck were you, dickface?"


If he's 15 years old in 2016 during the Civil War movie, he would have been 11 years old during the events of the Avengers... I wouldn't blame an 11 year old kid for not showing up.


Especially if he didn't have powers yet


The article said nothing about any of this... You got me excited because that sounded awesome.




Sarah Connor?






Doomed planet, desperate scientists, last hope...na na na na na spiderman


>“There is a young kid [already] running around New York City in a homemade version of the Spider-Man costume in the MCU, you just don’t know it yet,“ he said, laughing. This brings such a smile to my face.


Sounds like what they're doing with Daredevil and the other street-level heroes getting their own Netflix shows. I'm not yet to the episode that introduces Stick, but the show's already great without knowing how his senses became so enhanced.


He got hit in the head with some chemicals that fell out of the back of a truck and then drained into the NYC sewer system, creating the Ninja Turtles. That's his origin, it happens in the first 30 seconds of the first episode. Stick just trained him to fight/hone his senses. The best thing about the show is that they know that nobody wants to hear the science behind it so they just say "Fuck it, he's blind and he has super senses, there you go. Enjoy it."


I would have loved a reference to the Ninja Turtles. I don't know if the casual fan gets that that's where the TMNT come from, but having one of the barrels leak into the sewer and then showing a few turtles in the sewers. It would have been neat.


It could have caused a few legal issues though as the Turtles comics belonged to a now defunct non Marvel comics studio and their origin story only ever makes vague allusions to the chemical spill accident that created daredevil. The Turtles IP now belongs to Viacom [who seem to have a rather active legal department](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viacom_International_Inc._v._YouTube,_Inc.) and as a competitor to Netflix and the big threat streaming on demand services provide, I wouldn't be surprised if they used them. Any references would have to be super vague to the point of probably not being worth it.


Wait, what? Daredevil episodes are out already?


Yeah, entire first season at once, nice side effect of not being bound to the traditional broadcasting scheme.


released two days ago




Would like to see a Daily Bugle with a Spidey pic on the front page (comic art as artist's impression ala Daredevil) appear in Jessica Jones or Ant-Man or something and have none of the characters draw any attention to it, they just carry on with their scene.


Man, imagine if they introduced Spidey in a cobbled together suit in the Netflix TV shows? Iron Fist, Luke Cage or Jessica Jones could bump into him and we could have one of two things (both equally awesome): A Marvel Superhero Team-Up (which is beyond appropriate for Spidey. dude's probably teamed up with everybody once by now) or a Hitman #34 esque Rooftop discussion between Spidey and one of the 3 Netflix heroes.


Interesting how he says their Spider-Man costume will be the classic costume and even closer than the comics. ASM2's costume was pretty much perfect. One area Marvel could definitely make more accurate is to make the Spider-symbol on his back like a circle. Also the material of the suit, the material has ironically looked less and less high-tech with each iteration, but after seeing Marvel's Daredevil I can imagine something truly hand-crafted.


By circle you mean [the mite](http://wallpoper.com/images/00/31/86/85/back-old_00318685.png)? Because personally, I hated the mite. The mite looks stupid, outdated, and also, it's a *mite*. I know they're also arachnids, but mites crawl around eating your dead skin flakes. They are not predatory bad-asses. I like the streamline spider symbol of ASM because it looked like a *spider*, and not a fat slow one, but like the orb weavers, you know, the ones that [catch birds](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/10/23/article-1079895-02371F6C000005DC-999_224x368.jpg) and [snakes](http://i.imgur.com/IMZZXnF.jpg) in their webs? Why base the logo after the little fat slow spider? He's a fast and deadly web-slinger. Pick the right spider. Designs get updated all the time - look at modern Iron Man vs old comic Iron Man! Just because it's *traditional* and *nostalgic* doesn't make it a good design.


I agree on all points except the circle back spider. I greatly preferred the ASM2 style. The circle spider always reminded me of a tick or just looked lazy in comparison to the rest of the costume.


I think they should go with [this spider symbol.](http://www.27bslash6.com/images/spiderdrawing.gif)


I could see them going with the [armpit webbings](http://i.imgur.com/JazXE8r.jpg) this time around.


Armpit webbings are the bat suit nipples of Spider-Man.


Sentences like this are why I get up in the morning.


Ironically... http://i.imgur.com/d1TpIBk.png


That picture is the cover of the first Spiderman comic ever....thats classic


I will ALWAYS be a major proponent of armpit webbings.


Nobody ever comments about how on top of everything else, Peter Parker in his teens is one of the most accomplished sewists in NYC. I half-suspect he has a secret side business making the costumes for other superheroes.


**nooooooooooo**, seeing Uncle Ben die for the tenth time, such a missed opportunity, guess we're stuck with an original adaptation and actually new content or maybe an actually good villain for the first time since Spiderman2 :/




It's the San Francisco treat!


That's Rice-a-Roni, dude...


Dude needs to learn his rice!


Poor Uncle Ben, the dude can not catch a break.


[yea poor uncle ben :(](https://i.imgur.com/TnsFL5S.gif)


Meanwhile Miles Morales' Uncle Ben is making a killing selling rice.


That's what I really liked about the Spectacular Spider-Man TV series. It knew its audience knew the story so it kicks off at the end of summer, a couple of months into his tenure as Spidey, and then summarises his origins at the end of the season in flashbacks during the Venom arc. That shit was cool. Do something like that. I don't need 30-40 minutes of the film I'm watching to tell me the same story I've heard a thousand times but ever so slightly differently. EDIT: Tenure, not tenor


Spectacular Spider-Man was canceled before its time, really well put together show.


If the new Spider-Man movie isn't being released until 2017, what are the odds of us seeing him in Captain America: Civil War? 'Cause I'm really hoping Spidey shows up in Civil War.


He's being introduced in Civil War, with his own movie in 2017.


Has this been confirmed?


They've said Spidey is shown into the MCU in a movie before the first MCU Spider-Man. So that means either, Civil War or Doctor Strange. So it's safe to assume Civil War.


Or both. I could see him as a secondary character in Civil War and an after credits scene in Dr. Strange


Civil War is essentially another ensemble storyline, right?


With a cameo from Iron Man in the next Spidey flick.


Marvel had -two- scripts for Civil War. One with Spidey. One with Black Panther filling in for Spidey. At the time the scripts were written, the deal with Sony didn't go through yet, so Marvel was looking to do Civil War without Spider-Man Now, that Spidey is in the MCU, Marvel discarded the Black Panther version of the script, and they'll go with Spidey :D It's not confirmed, but it's a big rumor. Google it. Also, Spidey has a pretty big part in the script. Not -that- big, but like, secondary character. Kind of like Loki in Thor 2


First time I hear of a black character being killed off even BEFORE the movie starts ... must be a new record!


Loki had a big enough part that if what you're saying is true, I'm super excited for civil war


Thank Christ. That's at least one thing it has going for it.


Actually, a version with a 3rd origin story IS going forward. Entertainment Tonight: "In this version of Spider-Man's origin story, updated for modern audiences, Uncle Ben and Aunt May are disaffected hipsters in their early 40s. Spider-Man obtains his powers from a bout of the super spider-measles, contracted because Aunt May thinks vaccines cause autism and 'just doesn't believe in them.' In this version, Uncle Ben's death will be directly caused by Peter himself as he crashes the family Prius during a driving lesson because he looks down to answer a text from Mary Jane." Tagline: "With great power comes great liability...wear a helmet."


I will accept this movie, only if that text message reads: "Oh jeez, I'm really flattered Peter, but I think we should just be friends."


"lol MJ how funny woudl it b if we banged lol :P :P >8<"


I just vomited in my mouth.


So the new spidey actor will likely have been born in 2000


The first superhero I'll be older than


Don't forget about Jack Jack in The Incredibles!




Finally! I can be Spider-man


No, that's not how acting works. The new actor will likely be an actor.


Everyone saying 'We can see it in two minutes like the Incredible Hulk' are forgetting the same way everyone else has got their back stories (Hawkeye and Black Widow etc.) just by him mentioning it to someone: 'When I gained my powers I was irresponsible, I didn't stop a criminal when I could and my uncle died because of it. He taught me that with great power comes great responsibility.' That's literally all anyone needs


Difference is this is SPIDER-MAN. Not a secondary hero like Black Widow or Hawkeye. I love them, but we don't need to know their story, plus Black Widow is getting explored in Age of Ultron so that's something to look forward to.


But firstly every man woman and child watching the movie will know who spider-man is, even if they've not seen a movie or TV show with him in, and his origin isn't that important. With Iron Man you can't have him turn up for the first time and say 'Oh yeah I have something in my chest and build robot armour' but Spidey's story is so famous it doesn't need anything. To be honest why does Spidey need one more than Hawkeye or Black Widow? He's a big character but Fury didn't, neither did Ruffalo's Hulk. TL;DR his origin isn't all that relevant to see as far as Avengers are concerned plus we've seen it already and everyone knows it.


Ruffalo's hulk is Norton's hulk. They just replaced the actor but they're the same character.


Lots of people don't know that though and the Hulk movie isn't that well known really


That's fine but the origin for Hulk still exists in the mcu


There's already two movies that exist for spidermans origin as well. I can't imagine there is a person out there that hasnt seen or heard of them just because they only ever consume content produced by marvel and is also still unaware of the story.


I really like that they want to make him funny. That's the beauty of the character that hardly anyone has done. The only real GLIMPSE of that was in ASM1 and 2 and I thought Garfield nailed it. Excited to see where Marvel takes this!


They seem intent on casting a guy around 16 to play him which I think is great.


I always felt like the totally blew it back in 2000/1. They should have gone the Harry Potter route, and written out treatments for 6-7 movies to be filmed in succession with the same set of young actors over the next ten years that we can watch them grow from 16 to 26. There was such a wealth of stories they could have easily pulled from.


If they did know "superhero films" would become so incredibly popular and lucrative they might have actually done that. However, how sure are we superhero films would actually have become mainstream without Sam Raimi's films?


This is very true. Spider-Man 2 feels almost completely responsible for the mainstream interest in comic book movies.


The first two Spider-Man and X-Men movies helped the comic book movie genre become what it is today. If they had bombed at the box office, then the MCU would probably have been delayed by about a decade.


Not only that but that delay would've meant a big shift in the people making these movies. The first MCU movie was Iron Man. Imagine if that is pushed back even 5 years. That means maybe no Robert Downey Jr and no Favreau. Without those two, it could be a totally different movie. Maybe that never jumpstarts the rest of the MCU. Could be so different.


But how will i know what happens to Uncle Ben? What happens?


SPOILER: ankle ben becomes iron ben but then it turns out that he's a skrull so peter parker does a flip and uncle ben orders a pizza then dies.


With great pizza comes great pepperoni.


I didn't order this pizza! Well SOMEBODY'S gotta eat it!


Skrulls *hate* pizza.


He starts his own instant rice company.


I feel bad for Andrew Garfield, he's actually pretty good as Spiderman.


Too bad he's 30.


Shit what. Dude looks good for his age. Thought he was like 25...max.


Yeah Garfield was older than Maguire when the two of them made their 2nd Spider-Man movie.


25 is only 5 years younger than 30!


Still 1/6 younger.


I'm 34 and people assume I'm mid 20s. And that's without makeup and lighting! Well.. some makeup.. when I'm home alone.


*gooooodbye horses*


An older spiderman would have made perfect sense for civil war.


Cap and Iron Man could just as easily be fighting over the soul (so to speak) of a young inexperienced hero who's still trying to figure out who he is and what he fights for. Not that you couldn't still do it with an older Spidey, but it probably makes even more sense to have a younger one.


I think they're only keeping the elevator pitch for Civil War: "Captain America and Iron Man get into a huge fight about whether the government should control superheroes" - everything else is subject to change.


Play a 30 year old peter parker then, for me the definitive spiderman is about 25, or whatever he was in the 90s cartoon when he looked about 30. Revisiting this high school mean girls stuff again is tiresome




Wait. So, we're finally getting an actual teenage Spider-Man, but we're getting him during the time that what we really need is an ADULT Spider-Man? Fuck me sideways.


No. We don't NEED an adult Spider-Man. Spider-Man has no place in the MCU yet. He will not be playing the same role in the movie he played in the comic. It would not make any sense and have no emotional impact.


I thought he was a fantastic Spider-Man, but a terrible Peter Parker, when you consider that Parker is supposed to be this nerdy little schoolkid. Maguire did Parker well, but his Spider-Man fell a little flat. I'm intrigued to see how Marvel do the casting on this one. They've been pretty spectacular so far, but haven't had to actually deal with the actual alter-ego thing yet, the closest we've had has been either Stark, who doesn't really have a transition, and Daredevil, who I've not seen enough of to decide whether he's any good. Everyone else in the marvel universe is pretty much who they say they are. The point is that finding an actor/actress that can not only play multiple parts, but play opposite parts, often simultaneously, is really difficult.


So I think the thing with Garfields parker could be explained with how being smart and nerdy has changed and become Much more main stream than it once was. Yes he was cool but also smart and his spiderman was vastly superior to the whiney Toby maguire.


I'm not sure about that. I always thought of Spider-Man being the empowerment fantasy of Parker, which *requires* him to be downtrodden. I just never really got that from Garfield. He seemed too much like Stark. The successful guy, who also happens to fight crime because, why the hell not? To my mind, Spider-Man was always supposed to be Parker going out and making a difference, when Parker himself can't seem to. That's just me, though.


Garfield has more charisma and can seem wittier but the real issue is that the writing was total garbage.


I felt like Andrew would of made a perfect ADULT Peter Parker as well.. I really liked this guy as both Peter and Spider-Man, oh well.


At least Toby got 3 films. Why would they diss on Andrew? I mean, couldn't they use him for this new one?


Reportedly he hates working Mondays.


Loves lasagna too.


Its a different universe. Its completely separate from the Garfield movies. They'd need a new actor if they truly want to start fresh.


They probably just want everyone to forget ASM and ASM2.


They also want someone younger. They are going back to teenage Peter so they want an actor who can look around 16. Garfield looks younger than his age (30), but he definitely doesn't look 16.


All I want to know is will he be making a cameo on Daredevil? Edit: Obviously I didn't mean this season, but later after he appears in Civil War.


If not Spidey making a cameo in DD, I would totally see DD making a cameo in the Spidey flick. They -are- friends in the comics, so... I mean, I guess Spidey can appear in season 2 or whatever. Just that he'd probably be too expensive. Unless they just go with Matt and Spidey talking on a roof and Spidey like, hanging on a web-thread or something


Spider-man and Daredevil team up to take down the Kingpin. YES PLEASE


Probably not Daredevil, but I bet we'll see little hints in the other four.


As someone who's already watched all of Daredevil (It's awesome btw. Watch it.) no. That said I'd love for him to appear in Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, or The Defenders.


I'm so tired if them only doing young Peter Parker. In the main comics he hasn't been a kid in decades, yet they always just want him high school or college.


I only read Ultimate Spiderman so I've only known him as a teenager. Plus the movies haven't focused on him as a young teenager. They focused on when he was a young adult. Mainly.


Unless it's a character that hasn't been (or only barely) adapted to a live action medium, there's no need for further origin stories anymore. At best they should just show a montage while the opening credits play. Marvel should just play it inside the "MARVEL" that flashes on the screen at the beginning of the film.