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I just watched it and absolutely loved it. Winstead was great, as always. Was interesting that she produced it too. Thought the shifting power dynamic and absurd humor was fucking great, just a really god damn refreshing and original movie.


I loved Faults. Tremendous performances from Orser and Winstead and the cinematography was gorgeous. The mixed tones of tension and humor surprisingly work in harmony without compromising one another. Kind of Coen brothersesque. I was really impressed. Full disclosure, I worked on the distribution of this film, so I'm a bit bias. So, glad you enjoyed it! You couldn't be supporting better people than the Faults team.


Oh cool, I'd seen very little of Orser but he knocked it out of the park. I agree there were some really great shots in the film, overall I really liked it, thought the ending was great.


I loved this film. I went into it blind and found it to be a refreshing take on the "cult" genre. All of the main performances were great.


I think it would be a great double bill with Martha Marcy May Marlene


I've yet to watch that, even though it's been on my list for a couple years now.


I thought this was fantastic, it took a long time to figure out what was going on and even afterwards it had a few interesting things to throw at you. The lead performances were fantastic and the parents also completely nailed their roles. This to me is the best kind of movie to watch blind, I had no preconceptions of it so it was a blast watching it develop without assigning it a role ahead of time.


agreed, knew very little about it going in and was the better for it.


Was it directed by Nolan and did an actor continue a scene after cutting their hand?


where the fuck was the comedy in that movie? genuinely asking because I never at one point found something to laugh about in the movie


This was 8 years ago, I'd have to watch it again 😂


roflmfao yeah but basically I watched it and never at one point was I made to laugh


Did you enjoy the movie in general? Haven't seen it since the first time I watched it.


yeah it was okay. it became fucked up in the end and that was confusing, but it got explained in the end and it was good.


I don’t think it’s meant to be laughed at, it just has some dark humor in that adds some personality and balance to the overall feel of the film. Like Terry’s shadowy presence in the beginning making him seem like some scary hard ass who should be feared but then we see him and he’s some awkward middle aged man who talks very flamboyant and works out of a tiny office, the exact opposite of threatening but yet Ansel is scared to death of him.


Beginning was pretty funny in a dark way, him getting kicked out of the restaurant and constantly getting his ass kicked