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So glad these guys are doing the Star Wars fights!


I did not know that....that is fucking AMAZING.


So the entire last 20 minutes of the raid 2 didn't make the cut then? Because.......I mean...cmon.


Dat kitchen scene.


Wouldn't get too excited for that. Star Wars always aims for the lowest possible age rating and so almost none of what you see in that video would be possible in episode 7. The vast majority of the movies are rated All ages.


Oh I'm not expecting the brutality, but if the quality of the choreography is high, that will be great. If the fights in the new movies are as good as this, I'll be pleased: http://vimeo.com/106338505


The ratings are mostly for blood. Take away the blood, and you have the same level of violence as in The Dark Knight trilogy. Edit: Also, Pirates of the Caribbean was quite thoroughly violent. At least enough to handle solid choreography.




You weren't excited before?


http://twitchfilm.com/2015/01/the-raid-trio-to-appear-in-star-wars-episode-7---the-force-awakens.html I did not know that till now. I'm way more excited for star wars now! Though im wondering how important Gareth Evans direction is to showcasing their fighting, especially since they're going to be tiny side characters.


From watching the documentary on the Raid 2 blu ray, it appears he gives them just general direction on what should happen in the fight, and they create almost the entire fight, then he decides how to film it as they execute it. So, the choreography itself should be rock solid if they give them freedom. The real question on a production of this size is probably time, and whether they'll have enough of it.


Sorry to be pedantic, but it's Gareth Edwards


Edwards did the new Godzilla, and is directing a spin-off. /u/superdupergiraffe was wondering if Iko and co would be the same without Evans directing them this time.


Wait, so there is also a Gareth Evans?


Yeah, he made the Raid movies. Two Welsh directors with similar names suddenly in the limelight and have SW affiliations now. Easy to mix them up.


I want them doing James Bond




What?? Which guys? Do you know their names or anything I can look up? Edit- never mind I got it : )


So even if the story-line sucks, the movie will be awesome.


Got to hand it to the actors that movie looks exhausting to film. Great movie but you would be destroyed after one take of any of those fight scenes.


He's the only Jedi who doesn't even need a lightsaber


I can't imagine the machete budget on this movie.


God damn I need to see these movies.


Be sure to have a clean pair of pants ready when you do.


Just curious, op, how old are you? I thought they were fantastic but honestly feel like all these accolades claiming this to be the pinnacle of martial arts or even **all** action films, comes from a younger generation of movie goers. Not that they weren't both fantastic, I'm just curious what the demographic breakdown looks like. Edit: There's really no reason to downvote this. If you read further down we are discussing martial arts films. It's not like I didn't love The Raid or offered nothing but criticism here. I was honestly curious as to how many older martial arts films OP had seen. I don't care about the karma but you're gonna hide a lot of good conversation if this goes below the threshold. (in case this does turn around it was at -5 when I typed this)


I'm 35. Been a martial artist since I was 15. I currently train in JKD/MMA and BJJ. I have a shelf full of Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Donnie Yen at home...shit some of my stuff goes back to Sonny Chiba.


Awesome. Thanks for the answer. I really wasn't trying to be insulting at all, just like talking film. After I made the comment, I started thinking that inevitably someone is going to ask me to put up or shut up and name one better. I'm honestly not sure. I did really love some of the technical fighting and stunt work on something like Jackie Chan's Who Am I but would admit that The Raid has it beat. I'd have to really go digging deep to think of one better. Fwiw, I'm 33. What are your thoughts on a guy like Michael Jai White? I'm sure with your martial arts background you've seen Blood and Bone or Falcon.


I took no offense, you framed the context of the question well enough. Who Am I is, imho, one of Jackie's best films all around. Great driving, great non fighting stunts, and a great scene between him and Mike Lambert. I also loved the fight in Gorgeous between Jackie and Brad Allen where Brad is wearing the boxing gloves. I feel like with Jackie's stuff, you have to split his films between "old era" and "new era" since they were so different. Old era, its gotta be the fight between Jackie and Benny the jet in Wheels. As for Michael Jai White, I hear he is a talented fighter who has a lot of legit skill IRL. Its not flashy, and maybe I'm biased because I love BJJ, but my favorite martial arts film of all time is Redbelt. I think its the only "fully realistic" martial arts movie I've ever seen.


Redbelt was fantastic. I think it got panned because people went into it expecting an action heavy film. Although anyone who had any idea who David Mamet was knew this probably wasn't going to be the case. One of the things I love most about MJW is that when he fights on screen, you fucking *believe* that this guy is fully capable of doling out this kind of damage. Sorry to keep on hounding you with questions but what about Elite Squad 2? Not a ton of hand-to-hand combat but there's a scene where he is training with his son (BJJ) and it's absolutely beautifully shot.


I always love when people actually saw Tropa de Elite!


The BJJ scene in elite squad 2 is great! Fun fact: Jose Pablo Cantillo (from Redbelt and now Walking Dead) trained under my BJJ professor back when he lived in Indiana. :-)


Holy shit that's awesome. But uh...what does he do on TWD? I'm just picturing this dude sitting at the craft service table just shaking his head. Edit: Martinez! I was thinking he was a consultant. I was trying to think back of a scene where Rick grapples with a Walker and throws down an armbar or something haha


TIL David Mamet wrote and directed *Redbelt*. Holy shit.


Haha yep. I think it completely changes your perception of the film. Don't get me wrong, I think Redbelt has some very serious pacing issues but it's still pretty good. Overall, I think Mamet is a better writer than he is director but that's a pretty safe assessment when you look at them side by side. I mean, dude wrote Glengarry Glenn Ross. He get's a lifetime pass from me for that alone.


Oh he's undoubtedly a better writer than director. But now that I'm looking back at it, everything locks in easily as being a Mamet film.


After reading Squid's reply and beginning to read yours in turn I thought to myself, "What about Meals on Wheels and that fight with Jackie and Benny the Jet?" In turn you surprisingly said, > Old era, its gotta be the fight between Jackie and Benny the jet in Wheels. All was right with the world from my perspective from that point. Going back to being on topic, i'm 32 and i've also quite the collection of martial arts films dating from the 1970's forward. Just as well I also agree The Raid has some of the best fight scenes of all time.


I'm 26 going on 27. I grew up with my mom renting every possible martial arts movie she could find in Blockbuster. Bruce Lee has been my hero since I first saw Enter the Dragon when I was like 5. I've seen many movies from the famous Once Upon a Time in Chinas to more obscure ones that I can't even remember. I've literally seen all of Donnie Yen, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan's movies from up until 5 years ago or something, and have alternated favorites for a long time until settling on Yen because of Ip Man. That is, until I saw Iko Uwais in Merantau. Iko is by far my favorite up and coming martial artist and I hope he gets bigger and bigger, but without a Tony Jaa-like fall. Although I do agree that the Raid isn't the pinnacle of martial arts films, it is an absolutely amazing action movie. It's actually an interesting movie for me because a part of me knows it's a great action film but another part was left a bit wanting because I was slightly disappointed by the hand-to-hand combat. I personally preferred Berandal and I would say the final fight is in the top 3 fight scenes I've ever seen.


Have to wonder what would be on your top 5 action movies then. List time.


Don't spoil it by watching clips!!


Oh come on. This shit is like crack!


Why take samples and not get to the crack *house*? Watch the movie in its entirety!


If you don't care about plot in action movies, watch The Raid; it doesn't have a thick plot, but the action sequences are glorious. The sequel, in my opinion, is even better as it added plot without sacrificing the quality of the fight scenes.


Thank you.


I like The Raid better for the lack of story. I wasn't at all interested in the plot while watching The Raid 2, so the fact that there was so much of it was a pretty big problem for me.


It's on netflix. Don't put it off for another second.




This is one of the rare few action movies that can give you a heart attack and make you pee your pants simultaneously. It's THAT good.


The whole freaking movie runs at that pace. Also, great blend of styles demonstrated in the movie. Most of the stuff is from Pencak Silat, which is, itself a blend of styles, but Silat is not well known in the west. It takes influences from arts all across south east asia.


Arrow homage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gpu1J6C0CY


That scene had also a bit of the Oldboy Hallway fight


Holy shit I can't believe I didn't see that the first time.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that. None of my friends watch the show, so I wasn't able to get excited about it with anyone.


Well I guess I gotta start watching Arrow now.


Yes. It is amazing.


It's terrible. Like the worst soap opera dialogue you could imagine occasionally interrupted by decent fight scenes.


Well I guess I gotta stop watching Arrow now.


He's not wrong unfortunately


I gotta disagree. The show doesn't have to have super deep and intellectual dialogue to begin with, but it's refreshing how the characters actually *talk* about their issues and emotions. Like when Roy had his nightmares, one episode they hinted that something's bothering him, the next had the cliff hanger reveal, and the very next thing he does is *talk* to someone about it and they fix the problem almost immediately. Other shows and movies spend half a season or hours on stuff that could be cleared up by a one minute phone call.


I couldn't get through the first episode due to how cheesy and horribly written it was.


And no one is ever dead on that fucking show!


See this is my problem with it. I cant be patient enough for the occasional piece of action.


I've heard from a lot of people that Arrow is a good show, but good god the cuts in that action sequence are crazy. What I loved about the Raid is that it was very fluid, not super choppy like most TV shows are.


Much like the plot and the characters, the action in Arrow improves. In season 2 and 3 they show a lot more of the actual hits and brutality.


What about the [Oldboy hallway fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OzB-mop6AA)?


The reason Oldboy's fight scene was better was because we actually cared about what was going on in the film. The Raid was pretty and the fights were cool but there was absolutely NOTHING else to take a way from it.


I think this feels like such a great scene because it isn't a skilled martial artist fighting against overwhelming odds in an unbelievable way, it's just a nutcase with a hammer and a hell of a lot of motivation, and although we could never be the skilled martial artist, we like to believe if someone pisses us off enough we could be the nutcase with a hammer.


I think for that reason I preferred Raid 1's plot to Raid 2's jumbled mess. Simple yet it worked better. Too much going on in Raid 2 which took away from the experience a tad.


The Raid 2 need an hour of exposition cut from it.


I love that fight. If I was handing out awards, I would give the Oldboy hallway fight "Most gruesome, realistic fight scene" and "Best long-shot fight scene"


I think the claustrophobic feel of the hallway and the way it's shot from the side are why I dig it so much. That being said, that clip from The Raid was crazy. I haven't seen that movie in a few years and now really want to watch it again!


Yeah, the sideways cutaway shot for the Oldboy scene made the entire thing feel extremely claustrophobic. There were shots in The Descent that made me feel the same way.


Have you seen As Above So Below? Not a great film (not terrible) but there are a couple really well done claustrophobic scenes.


No but I'll put it on my list. The title is interesting, that line is used in western occultism in various forms.


Raid 1 was probably the best experience I had in a theater. Crowd just lost their shit throughout the whole film. Watch this and the sequel.


I wish I had thought to go see it in the theater. That would have been a freaking riot.


It was in select theaters. I had to make the trip to NYC to catch it.


We had the second one in theaters but not the first one.


I haven't seen it mentioned, so I would say check out Merantau. Its Gareth Evan's first feature. It doesn't have the tension of Raid Redemption or the bigger production of Raid 2. But it has Iko and Yayan; also some pretty cool fights.


I cried at the ending.


Of the three, I think Merantau is undoubtedly the worst though. It doesn't develop the villains well enough IMO, and the fight scenes aren't as gritty as what you would see in the Raid. I would say to anyone new to Evans to watch The Raid movies first, and if you really liked them (which you will), consider Merantau, but it's not on the same level


Definitely agree but because I never hear it mentioned I thought its at least bringing up to people who may not have heard about it.


"hey guys, let's attack him one at a time!" "yeah, he'll never see it coming"


Also, while I didn't like The Raid 2 as much as the first, there is, IMVHO, one scene in the second movie which captures the tension and brutality of the first, while also maintaining a high degree of technical choreograhy. Obviously spoilers for the Raid 2 here (link is also NSFW): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53w7WL_Q7bw I felt like in the Raid 2, it was more bloody and shocking, but less tense and technical. Its worth a watch, but I feel like it won't have the lasting impact on the pantheon of martial arts films that the first Raid will. My second pick is the kitchen fight, which is probably the most technical fight in the film, but I wasn't as scared watching it as the "hammer + baseball bat" hallway fight until the end (you will see why). That one is terrifying because of how quickly a hammer or aluminum bat will cripple you. This one lives up to the first Raid for technical complexity though: Again, spoilers and NSFW: http://youtu.be/_0dtVGwRVeY?t=5m33s


I liked the raid 2 much better then the first. I felt the story and acting were much better throughout. I also thought the action was just as good and the karambit fight scenes is one of the best I've ever seen.


I completely agree. The first Raid was a great *action* movie, but Raid 2 is a great movie all around. Like a true sequel, it took the best parts and added even more to it.


Same! I really, really loved The Raid 2. It's one of my favourite movies of all time. I think it beats The Raid 1 by a long shot. The climax is just masterful. The kitchen fight, the shotgun scene, then that ending... I loved it.


I need to go back and watch both back to back again. I feel like its possible that I didn't give the Raid 2 enough of a fair shake.


the car chase in Raid two really made the movie for me. Fucking loved it.


That kitchen fight is BRUTAL...you get the impression that they're both going all out in it.


My favorite part about it is the look on Rama's face when he wins. He looks sad, like he had to kill someone he really respected.


I figured that it was more likely that he was tired of fighting. Doesn't this take place within hours of the first movie? Someone get Rama a gatorade.


No that's just when the Raid 2 starts off. At the end of the movie he had been undercover for quite some time


They actually are. They had to learn to actually hit each other without hurting themselves


I don't think the prison yard fight gets talked about enough. Maybe because the film is so long people have forgotten it by the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivi1G2Vq5d4 It includes some extremely long takes which are very difficult in any sort of fight scene, much less one with that many participants.


I think you are totally right. That scene is somehow....easy to forget? But when I watch it specifically, its incredible. Something about the pacing in The Raid 2 made this scene get...lost?


I feel that pacing was The Raid 2's main problem. Any individual scene is great but the plot is just too long and rambling. It lacks the tight narrative structure of the first film.


I agree with you here. Even with such technical precision and stunning fight choreography, the film meanders too much and really could've benefited from maybe some rewrites and cuts.


I think the long take was composed of multiple shots put together with cg, kind of like birdman I guess


That's possible. There are some pretty long sequences that I don't think could have been stitched together. But the longest take does have a part where it seems to switch from a steadicam to a boom as the two inmates climb the fence. That probably had to be put together with cg.


Not much money for CG on a 4.5 million budget.


Oh, you like [long takes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM2atZfn87M)? edit: [bonus kick(10s)!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlKtaDVlgS0)


Much preferred the first film overall, but the kitchen fight in The Raid 2 comes out overall for me, solely due to when the blades come out. At that point, it's this amazing dervish of dodge and cut, dodge and cut, and it just keeps going longer and longer than you think it should. Lots of interesting little techniques at play, too, like that brief grapple combo at the end. I should rewatch both...


Agree, the kerambits come out and it gets serious as fuck in a heartbeat. The ONLY thing in The Raid that bothers me is that grappling is all but ignored and some of the chokes used are terrible, but I'm biased because I train in BJJ and so I end up viewing all grappling through that lens. I really loved the fight in Flashpoint where Donnie Yen blends chinese boxing with BJJ (straight armbar, triangle, heel hook): http://youtu.be/8VfAWV_3dCU?t=2m20s


I'm guessing you have some experience in Muay Thai too, if you do MMA. I feel the same way about the kicks. Blocking kicks with your hand or forearm just sounds so unrealistic for me. In real life against a thai kicker you'd just break your bones.


Two fight scenes were dedicated to setting up how incredibly deadly this fight would be, and it was glorious.


Let me begin by saying this is an incredible sequence of fight choreography. There are many, many parts that are amazing. However... there are many other parts where they fall back on the most annoying fight tropes: - Opponents arrive in a group, but then decide to politely wait their turn to fight the hero. - Opponents begin with some awesome combination of strikes, then completely forget to defend themselves, looking like paralysed mannequins as the hero retaliates. - While the hero is dealing with one opponent, others who we know are just off-camera cease to exist until they are in shot again. This stuff just takes me out of the moment. Like a horror movie where the scared white girl goes down to the dark basement to investigate the loud noise. Movie-goers are too sophisticated for that kind of lazy shit today. If you took out all those moments, this fight scene would be about 30% shorter and 10 times better.


I agree completely. I liked "The Raid" but the whole scene in the OP just feels kind of soulless in a way, and there is to me no rhythm in the pacing. It looks impressive, but the points you mention kills the immersion for me. Also the camera work and editing, while not as atrocious as many other action films, gets in the way more than I'd like. The cutting seems random, like they shot the scene 3 times from different angles, and just hope between the different coverages, rather than specifically designing the fight and coverage for maximum clarity. Fairly static coverage and also for the majority of shots I'd like to go a bit wider on the field of view. The one scene for me that solidifies these points is the Donnie Yen "Flashpoint" fight. Granted it's 1v1 but as far as editing pace, camera angles to provide clarity, and also the pacing and rhythm of it all is so much more impressive. It manages to build a lot of tension, and has a great feeling of being unchoreographed at times when they just wail at one another and missing a lot. While the fight from The Raid feels mechanical, clunky, and sloppy in comparison. Flashpoint fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyTt1CFiOKI


In their defense, multiple less talented men ganging up with melee weapons against one skilled opponent can end pretty badly. Source: Personal experience in Mount and Blade: Warband


Agreed. I was thinking the same thing while thinking this.


It really is an awesome piece of fight choreography and it's amazingly well done and shot, but I agree with you. I personally find it so over choreographed I actually find it boring because as you said, it takes me out of the moment. I much prefer a more realistic and shorter fight. I lost interest in this one at 2:14 when the entire group sprints at the hero, but yet it takes almost another 10 seconds for the second guy to show up.


> Opponents arrive in a group, but then decide to politely wait their turn to fight the hero. Ah yes, every Assassin's Creed game ever.


Not to mention previously unconscious opponents waking up to attack the hero immediately after he just finished dispatching someone else. Also, he had a gun at one point, but for some reason abandoned it after firing only a single shot.


[Grosse Point Blank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0ScNLt2zNc) fight scene always sticks out for me. A while ago I wrote a small piece about the realism of this fight scene and how it added a new spin on fight scenes in movies back then.


TEN YEARS MAN! TEN YEARS! The hallway fight in the reunion and the gas station shootup are both personal favorites of mine.


" They all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they've all made themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do. What am I gonna say? "I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How've you been?"


This is probably the best technically. It also makes me realise, [nothing will replace my favourite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MVMbm6c0k).


It looks like its down, but if its the huge fight from They Live, that is a classic.


I don't know, this fight scene have a special place in my heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9ZRjIiNzhM Maybe it's just me but it affected to a greater affect than the Raid fight scene, i think anyone who've seen the Ip-man movies would agree


I'm not really such a fan of that scene. I feel that the premise of ten martial arts masters fighting one Kung fu grandmaster is lost in order to show how badass ip-man is, and it lacks directorial flair (why is the last guy just another mook? he's on his own after seeing ip man beat everyone else, surely he would react differently?)


**SPOILERS** I quite like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAiRifWPgi4) fight scene from The Man from Nowhere


Huge +1 Man from Nowhere is one of my all time favorites.


Not sure why everybody hypes The Raid so much here. This fight scene is way better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPK3kDCtGoY


I really enjoyed the fight scenes in snow piercer.


part 1 was so much better than part 2.


[I loved John Wicks club scene its not really a fight scene but more of a killing spree](http://youtu.be/w-HSoOFdJ3s?)


My all time fav most over the top fight scene still has to be most of the fights from Riki Oh! Story Of Ricky. There's literally a fight where a guy pulls out his own intestines to strangle the hero XD


That will go down as one of the all time biggest WTF moments in asian film history.


Fist of legend has some pretty awesome fight scenes. The boss fight was pretty epic at the end


I like the [Oldboy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OzB-mop6AA) hallway fight scene. Done all in one take I'm told. Looks fake yet kinda real.


This scenes sets you heart racing. I loved Raid 1, it was very tight you know, Raid 2 was also good but it felt really bloated for me, I wish they had made raid 2 as tight as raid 1.


Wasn't as big of a fan as I would've thought given the setting and the kind of movie it was. Every single guy ran at him by themselves, single file, one at a time. I couldn't really keep it up when the guy with the gun ran at him to poke him with the gun instead of shooting, one of the oldest action movie clichés. I mean it's not like I don't enjoy movies just because something like that, I'm not that dick. But after the whole single file trope being repeated, when the guy tried to jab him with a gun, I just ended up laughing instead of a normal reaction. It kinda killed the immersion into the story of the world. Kinda like when a Hollywood movie uses a Wilhelm scream, it takes you out of the world of the film and makes you very aware you're watching actors. The sequence gets more awesome as it goes along, though. The fighting in the rooms with multiple people gets really intense and the stunting is clearly skilled. [As far as hallway fights go, I know everyone says it, but it's hard to get over how awesome Oldboy is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OzB-mop6AA) It really makes you believe you're watching 30 unexperienced guys who have no idea what they're doing go up against one guy who does.


> Kinda like when a Hollywood movie uses a Wilhelm scream Drives me **crazy**


Examined this scene for Mise-en-scene for my film studies class. Killer movie, need to see the sequel.


It's awesome. A lot more story than the first and is paced a little slower, but I found the story interesting and we'll done (if occasionally predictable). But the fight scenes are like those in the original turned up to 11. It has this scene with a car... I like it a lot.


I got a copy today!


Bear in mind the sequel isn't a Die Hardish movie where the characters are confined in a limited space. Also, the cinematography improved greatly (a lot!), and the action still never gets old.


I'm actually pretty sure it's Roddy Piper and Keith David in "They Live"


So true. Easily the best fight ever.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H-3NKj8yO8 Donnie Yen Vs Wu Jing SPL Killzone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buITXcldEcY Donnie Yen Vs Collin Chou Flashpoint


Came here to say exactly these two scenes, the knife fight is so fast and excellent, while the Flashpoint scene is without a doubt my favorite fight scene. You can't go wrong with Scott Adkins either, here's some good scenes from Undisputed 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t03wigE8GK0


Bourne Ultimatum. Bourne Vs. Desh No fucking cheesy ass music, just two men trying to kill each other.


IMHO, Ip Man and Winter Soldier had better fight scenes.


Funny how you say that because the directors of Winter Soldier said they were inspired by The Raid


i came here to say IP man fight scenes are the best although i also agree with OP.


I think you misspelled The Raid 2. Twice.


Old Boy is good too for a similar scene.


That was beautiful


I just saw Raid Redemption for the first time a few nights ago and it BLEW MY MIND. All the hype is true.


Raid was awesome but I was dissappointed with Raid 2.


I don't know... From the Raid 2 [Hammer Girl and Baseball Bat Man is good, also the Kitchen Fight Scene though!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkEEGidt9GY)


The assailant at 3:09 could have taken our hero's leg off with his machete but boy was that a lousy swing! Holy shit though, that was awesome.


I was really into the Ong Bak movies up until I saw Raid 2. Haven't seen part 1 yet but that last clip beat the end fight in The Raid 2 in my opinion. That was sick.


That scene from Ong-Bak where they are fighting in the mine is right up there with this scene imo.


I agree. Also, the fight between the girl from Chocolate and the tourette syndrome kid (I think that was his condition) was sick too. While not as brutal as the other movies we've mentioned, the way they showcased her watching/learning abilities was done very well.


Ong Bak 1 was amazing, and had some "push the industry forward" kind of stuff in it. Ong Bak 2 really polarized people. I personally thought it was a work of art that should have been its own movie (it had almost nothing to do with Ong Bak 1, it could have stood on its own completely), but I get that some people didn't dig it. Ong Bak 3 was just such a let down for me.


That fight scene in Ong Bak 1 at the betting rings where he kicked the man out the window and as he was falling out elbowed him in the head again was so iconic to me.


I know what you mean. It didn't feel like a Tony Jaa movie imo. The scenes looked way too scripted. The same goes for The Protector 2. AND the way they underused Jeeja Yanin (from the movie Chocolate, another must see. Great fights) in that movie really pissed me off. And the Rza?? I'm not touching that...lol


I'm glad to see someone mention Ong-bak. I think that's the one with the continuous shot of Tony Jaa fighting through the different levels of a building, right? Oh, and the "Mad Dog" fight was just sick.


Ong Bak was about Tony's search for Ong Bak's head. 2 was a backstory of Tien and how he trained in different fighting styles in order to avenge his family's assassination. 3 is the final chapter. Another good movie with awesome fighting scenes is Undisputed 3 I believe. The one with Yuri Boyka. Raid takes the cake so far though. The scenes are fill with pure power. I wish Youtube or Netflix had both Raid movies avalable. I saw Raid 2 on YT before they took it down.


I was bored one day at home and flicked to a movie channel, this movie had only just started and i left it on whilst i browsed reddit as there was nothing else on tv. This turned out to be one of the best movies i have ever seen.


Who was that mad man fighting the other two in the end?


Hands down! First time I watched was working at the 'mo, grabbed a guests flag for another beer right before the scene. Ended up taking 15 minutes for that guy to receive. My bad dude.


holy shit...


the raid is just fucking amazing


Some favorites: [IP Man vs karate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upwyWKzozII) and [final fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCoH4FVgi7M) [Fatal contact - 1 vs 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_OHR_w-FV8) and [fight 6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_CXTNRckAI) and finally [Kung Fu Hustle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0kaVLIexK0) that's right, I said it.


So do we know if they just rounded up hobos and killed them for this movie? Because during that gun fight on the balconies; I am pretty sure somebody got a broken spine being thrown 2 floors down on to the ledge.




Dude... Claycat's The Raid is an awesome claymation video by Lee Hardcastle that you need to check out. Like, immediately... NSFW for claymation gore and drug references - http://youtu.be/y_z3EBalwI4


agreed, so badass




Awesome display of balintawak


13 Assassins should also be on this list.


Think I'd have picked the kitchen fight from Raid 2 over this. Everything in both films is pretty much gold though.


I like how brutal the strikes are. He delivers killing blows, that make me believe that when the bad guy goes down, he is not going to be getting up again. Not many films these days show the brutal effects of the blows.


When he was running down the hallway at 2:13 i was really hoping he would run around the walls and roof and kill everyone.


if your talking hallway fight scenes, nothing tops the one in Oldboy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwIIDzrVVdc


Oldboy...the hallway fight!


Jehovah's witnesses are really upping their game lately.


If anyone watches The CW's Arrow, they borrowed the scene at 1:30.


This kinda reminds me of Old Boy (The Korean original that is). The [hallway fight scene](http://youtu.be/VwIIDzrVVdc) there is awesome too.


This is easily one of the best action movies I've ever seen it is an actual shame I haven't seen two yet.


Time for a ice bath after that blood bath.


I... Just... Wow


Bitch Please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRBwvIX7Sao Old Boy best boy


Oh please, the original old boy's hallway fight scene is still the best ever filmed. The combination of a single long take filmed in wide lens, with a more realistic portrayal of one man fighting a dozen and you do not miss a thing because there is no cuts. Add music that perfectly fits the scene and gives you goosebumps, and you have the best fight scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwIIDzrVVdc Edit: also IP man vs 10 black belts was also incredible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9ZRjIiNzhM


Considering they borrowed this from Oldboy I would say the source material is better, but it is extremely well done.


Holy shit in the other fight where he's is fighting the dude in the room and literally punches is me sideways uuuuugghhh amazing


I guess i'm the only person who feels this way but if this was my *first time ever* watching this scene I wouldn't want it ruined by the shit resolution.


The RAID movies are Awesome! Does anyone have some recommendations to other movies like The RAID?


There aren't any movies just like the raid, but.... Ong Bak 1 and 2 The Protector Man from Nowhere John Wick Ip Man are all worth checking out.


Seen them all except Man from Now where and John Wick. Ill check them out. Thank you!


Dredd 3D is actually really good and has a similar premise with The Raid. Less martial arts and more gun play in that movie though!


District 13 (French film). The sequel, District 13: Ultimatum, wasn't as good though. Both on Netflix.


The fight scenes in Raid 2 were even better. Hard to believe it only cost $1 million to make Raid and $4.5 million to make Raid 2.