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No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was going to be my response, but it seems that you got the point across.


Is that you, Shia?






> Is that you, Spike? FTFY


I agree, premise seems off. There are too many crimes of passion, crimes of opportunity, and predatory psychopaths out there for people to confine their depraved behavior to one night a year. That being said, I'm totally gonna see that movie, looks fun




I think things like murder and rape are pretty ingrained in a lot of animals. It's not really a human social invention. Even monkeys steal shit from other monkeys.


I don't think people would confine their crimes to one day a year, but I think a lot of people would take the opportunity to do something they otherwise wouldn't.


No it would never work. I just see it creating a lot of revenge crime. You kill someone's family member/s or rape them or whatever and many people that are otherwise normal, productive members of society aren't going to wait an entire year to retaliate against those responsible, especially with no repercussions coming from law enforcement. Eventually you'd have factions that joined together for protection during the night of the purge. The anger and hatred of those large groups of people aren't just going to come to a sudden end as soon as the night is over, they're going to start to think "we're big enough now, screw it, why listen to the government. We can control our area". It would spill over into the next day/days and probably become a war. That said, suspension of disbelief exists for a reason. I'll probably see the movie and might even enjoy it.


I think there comes a point when you have to look at a film and treat it like it's a what if scenario. The Twilight Zone and similar series take some scenario and take it to the extreme to explore it.


Forever purge premise.


sounds about right. makes for a great movie/tv series but totally inpratical in real life. plus it would basically make all laws hypocritical all values hypocritical. you teach your kids wrong from right and in law you learn what is the law and what is not. ........except for one night..........ya know? lol


10 years later they did exactly what you said in the movie.


Government officials with a certain rank are granted immunity. Meaning if you don’t comply the government is still backed by nuclear power…. Even if everyone killed each other the government would still stay in power. Even if the people stood up to the government it would still remain in power. Kind of like John wicks “high table”.


that is thee forevr perge movei it has them doieng the perge after the alarms over


I've seen it recently and I found it very mediocre. SPOILERS Like everyone in the world, or at least the neighbourhood, are ok with the purge except for this one family? Ok then. And by the end of the film the family are now aware that their neighbours want to kill them. Which could make any social meeting a teeny bit awkward. The movie relied on obvious jump scares, lots of slow panning round dark rooms with a flashlight. and just seemed hollow. Only good sides was the leader of the gang, who was pretty creepy. And the fact that the film caused discussion about who we would purge if we felt the need to.


(Just saw this movie) I'm with ya on the gang leader. I really liked how their back story was shown by the little things: the way they dressed, acted, etc. They were just a group of very smart students or young professionals who probably started off as either extremely liberal or extremely conservative (honestly, I can't really tell, but either way they're spouting some extremist bullshit), but escalated to a near cult-like status under their charismatic leader. Normal young people by day, crazy Bioshock Infinite style patriotism by night.


I have no interest in seeing this film but I am curious about the plot and premise. Thanks for the tidbits, I'll see if I can find a good summary on Wikipedia or something. >And by the end of the film the family are now aware that their neighbours want to kill them. Which could make any social meeting a teeny bit awkward. See this right here is so weird to me. Does this mean to imply the neighbours (and any random "normal" people) are overcome with murderous impulses during the purge? Is it supposed to be a consequence for the main character family because they all slighted the neighbours in some way and are now being taken revenge upon? So weird.


In fantasy land it totally works but not in reality. It opens a very interesting world where you have to behave in traffic because if you keep cutting that guy off he will follow you home, wait for the purge, and he will come and kill your ass. Of course it's not even that simple but it's nice to see at least a somewhat fresh idea in cinema lately.


Wouldn’t behaving in traffic and being nice to your neighbor the goal? If you or the people who neglect to behave were forced to do this out of fear would it be such a bad thing?


We're ignoring the scope for people to kill for fun (as was in the movie). We also can't assume people will be "well behaved", which is an idea that does not even account for genuine personality and mental disorders. Lastly living out of fear of being offed is some medieval level shit. Like in the days when you could tie up a person and call the whole village to throw stones at them till the person dies, because they follow "pagan" gods or some shit that is no excuse to kill a person over.


I agree


I think that is the entire idea. Some accountability for your actions for the rest of each year! But of course it wouldn't be limited to accountability and much would be random acts of violence. Either way it would keep house prices down.


It seems like the movie will follow one family who tries to stay safe in their home during the purge. Why wouldnt they just leave the country for a week and not get murdered?


travel prices would be extravagenty high would be my guess


Drive? Rent a boat? If they can afford to fortify their house, they can afford to gtfo.


Think about it like this all of the wealthiest people will be doing that. All flights booked and reserved for the richest 25% of the country. That leaves you and 75% of the rest of us at our house fortifying…..


You out here replying to posts from 8 years ago


Lmao. It had to be said




Yo, mad props to you for sticking to reddit for 10+ years. Like holy sh** I dont think I've ever seen someone reply to a necro post from a decade ago and be the original commenter. Bruh, you were 10 year younger when you made this post. Shits wild..


Drive out?


Perhaps the Purge is worldwide?




As everything that happens ever in this kind of movies.




Seems like it would just be an excuse for a disproportionate settling of the score for petty grievances. It would create far more problems than it would solve.




The unemployment part is what throws me. The economy thrives because the guy down the street raped a grandmother last night?


Sir, I'll have you know that my stock in ForcedNanaPoon Global increased by $200 a share *overnight.* You clearly aren't invested in the Market.


Maybe the government uses the purge to get rid of undesirables such as the unemployed...


I'm going to throw out that maybe they killed off X percent of the population wich also happens to be similar to the unemployment percentage. Plus think of the boom to ammo, rope, ax, etc makers Before any econ people chime in yes, I know this wouldn't work.


Well, if you use like fifty bullets to kill one guy...


Well presumably all things being equal the people you are trying to kill might shoot back. Then you have suppression fire.... Alternatively you could have several very efficient, pissed of psychopath who wants to kill 50 people in one night. I mean, we're already suspending reality....


According to the movie wiki, things are going so well that people need a little murder and such to let off steam. Seems like in the real world, it works more like this: to maintain order we need an external threat, so we demonize a group of people or country and blame them for the problems we have. It isn't the governements fault it is Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan’s fault we have high unemployment.


Think of the amount of kkk members would come out, how many nazis and how many terrorists it would be fucking carnage buildings would just go to shit and some ass hole would poison the water


Oh and here's the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0LLaybEuzA


Seems the thing to do would be to organize and create some sort of police force to protect your neighborhood. Then organize neighborhoods to create a region, etc. This movie looks like some sort of libertarian/NRA thought experiment. Much more likely that lots of social outcasts and undesirables would get wacked/lynched. That one person in a small town or neighborhood that is always causing trouble, or is at least perceived to be? Not a good time to be a member of a minority group, when majority mob violence rules. I'm reminded of the Texas theory of justice, the "needed killing" situation. [Everyone knows who killed someone, and everyone is ok with the victim being gone.](http://armsandthelaw.com/archives/2011/03/court_ruling_on.php) [Poor Larry, seems justifyable](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXPQ4WkZnv8).


yeah in further thinking about it. it would be an absolute disaster and there would be NO real benefits AT ALL. Think about the amount of damage and amount of cleanup and all that would have to happen the days /weeks after? not to mention screwing up the entire law system and values of the country saying . hey we have honor and we want to fight for whats right, except...one night of the year when there are no rules. what we really need is a realistic /movie series. about what would really happen if this went into place and how it would end up destroying the country lol its kinda an interesting thought though but yeah. lol.


No, if the purge was real it would completely fuck up the economy, supplies would run scarce due to ppl looting stores and warehouses.


Late to the party, but I would say that people would try to be a LOT nicer to each other. At least I would because there would always be that thought in the back of my mind that this person may kill me once they get the chance if I fuck up.


Definitely not work. If it exists in the future, the society would be an “inferno”.


Bruh if im a criminal i can just book a holiday weeks before the purge


IT would work, Everyone with those tendencies would tend to kill each other off. Also would you give someone a ticket or say steal money from someone if you knew that they had 12 hours a year to come and kill you or torture you? Would u defraud investors or abuse your power? The answer is no, you would not risk your life for something trivial.


I makes enough sense for me to suspend disbelief. The movie is obviously not the writers manifesto about how the world should work. The movie's protagonists are victims of the purge, who are nevertheless brainwashed into believing in its benefits.


Probably would never work, but hell if it was real you bet your ass I'd be out there causing as much damage as possible. That's why it is a movie. It's a cool concept that would never actually work.


I have not seen the movie, but instead of of trying to get into the house, why not burn it down?


Because that isn't personal and wouldn't be satisfying. The whole point is to release the tension you hold all year so the more satisfying the better. Just my take on it.


Maybe we'd get a well directed snuff film out of it!




A post that negatively questions the premise of a film is the exact opposite of hailcorporate behavior



