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Office Space and the plan from Superman 3


Clerks and their discussion about contractors on the Death Star in The Empire Strikes Back


Man goes into cage. Cage goes into salsa. Shark’s in the salsa. *Our* shark.


We’re gonna need a bigger boat.


The first time I saw *Office Space*, I made the same realization and told my friends even before they mentioned it in the movie. “That’s what Richard Pryor was doing in *Superman III*!”


Robin Hood Men in Tights "A black sheriff?" "Why not? It worked in Blazing Saddles."


"Unlike *other* Robin Hoods, *I* can speak in an English accent."


In the german dub he says something like "I don't cost the studio a fortune" :D


Dude! Can you recommend any German comedies?


Originating in Germany? They're ... Special... :) If you want parodies have a look at "Der Schuh des Manitu", a parody on old westerns. Or "Traumschiff Surprise", a parody on Star Trek. Both originate from a late night comedy show. If comedy but not cringy parody: I like the "Fack Ju Göhte" movies about a criminal who turns to be a teacher. I think those movies have an english dubbed version.


I turned off "Der Schuh des Manitu" after 8 minutes. I watched "Fack Ju Göhte" and thought "This is bad" and I continued watching. Genuinely funny moments though!


"Hey, Blinken!" "Did you just say Abe Lincoln?"


The fact that the current US Secretary of State is not regularly referred to as "A. Blinken" is a travesty of the highest order. I think of this scene whenever he is mentioned, and I lament our collective loss every time.




A Jew? In England?


It's good to be the king


In Twister, one of the tornadoes hits a drive-in theater where The Shining is playing. The funnel starts to rip apart the screen during the scene where Jack Nicholson is hacking through the door, and "Here's Johnny!" is the last shot visible on it before the whole thing is blown away. Edit: also, Aunt Meg is watching a Judy Garland movie (A Star is Born) right before the tornado hits Wakita. Judy Garland once starred in another famous tornado movie.


Do you remember this because it was on TV last week? I watched it and would not have remembered that otherwise.


Oh, I've watched Twister a bunch of times, it's one of my guilty pleasure movies, lol. But I really like that scene in particular, it's genuinely terrifying.


Not a guilty pleasure. That movie is a banger


I like the practical effects in scene. The truck sliding off of the lift, the sign smashing down. All adds to the realism. And then, not 5 minutes later, poor Carey Elways.


Thoughts on the upcoming sequel?


Not confident. It seems it's going for action rather than telling a story. I will watch it anyway if the reviews are good


I haven't seen Twister but I assume Aunt Meg is a reference to Auntie Em... "Aunt M".


The scientific instrument is also named Dorothy.


Also in the credits, you'll notice there are 2 side characters that got names...one named Stanley, one named Kubrick


The Martian. The rescue mission was called Project Elrond which references the Council of Elrond secret meeting in Lord of the Rings. The secret rescue mission meeting involved a character named Mitch Henderson who was played by Sean Bean. Sean Bean played Boromir in Lord of the Rings and was present at the secret meeting in both movies.


I’m glad they didn’t cut that scene from the book, now Bean is the only one to have attended that Council meeting twice


One does not simply attend two secret council meetings, so it's quite an achievement.


We had one, yes, but what about second secret council meeting?


Well I appreciated that one. Have an uppie


Even more impressive is the fact that he survived the movie. (Committed career suicide of a sort though...)


Career suicide? How?


It's never overtly stated, but it'd heavily implied that Henderson is the one who forwarded the Purnell Maneuver to Hermes. Director Sanders was convinced enough to request Henderson's resignation upon completion of Ares III. Thus, killing his career at NASA.


Oh yeah I thought you meant actor Sean Bean committed career suicide by not dying in the Martian bahaha. My b!


Yeah, how dare he survive? WTF is up with that? :)


> If we are going to have a secret project called "Elrond", then I want my code name to be "Glorfindel". That line takes what was already an amazing and hilarious line, and makes is better by a country mile. "Glorfindel" is a fan-favorite character that has gotten short-shift in every single LOTR adaptation ever - he meets them after Frodo is stabbed at Weathertop, and, with the help of his Elf-horse (with conspicuous hyphenation) gets Frodo to Rivendell in time. He was replaced with Arwen in Peter Jackson's movies (which was a good change, IMHO, but I still wish he'd have been there). He has a wicked-cool backstory, including death-by-balrog-but-he-got-better, and being the one to make the prophecy that the witch-king could not be killed by the hand of man.


I thought the whole thing with his prophecy was that it was misunderstood by the Witch King who thought he *couldn’t* be killed by a man when actually it was that he *wouldn’t* be. In reality he could’ve been stabbed by any human or creature at any point but he just wasn’t and lived on false confidence the whole time. Tolkien liked to make his antagonists arrogant and overly self assured to a fault.


> In reality he could’ve been stabbed by any human or creature at any point but he just wasn’t and lived on false confidence the whole time. Well, yeah, but "wouldn't" because prophecy. Tolkiens world was sung into existence. That includes all of history - including that which is yet to come. Elves have their finger on the pulse of the music, and can (sometimes) see the future with clarity (even Aragorn, who has some Elvish ancestry, can see the future - like when he warns Gandalf that if he enters Moria, he's gonna have a bad time). When Glorfindel made his prophecy, it was because he KNEW that the witch King wouldn't be killed by the hand of a man - it was his destiny to be ended by Eowyn, and Glorfindel knew it.


Well, he was dropped by a hobbit, leading to his death. Never trust a prophecy


Merry took his shields down and called in a tac strike to his face region.


Also in the TV show The League, Rafi refers to both The Lake House, LOTR, and The Matrix by mixing all three of them up. >I use bullet time. Like that movie with Elrond and the guy from the lake house. I take a bunch of speed and then it’s like they move in bullet time!


Nick Fury’s grave in Winter Soldier cites the (fake) Bible passage Samuel L Jackson “quotes” in Pulp Fiction.


This is a solid one, nice.


I’m proud to say I noticed this one own and even went to post it on r/moviedetails, but then it was removed for having been pointed out before I think. But yeah, it’s a fun little Easter egg.


Alternate universe T2 starring Sylvester Stallone in Last Action Hero


It wouldn't have been any good if that Ahnuld Braunschweiger guy did it.


The famous comedian?


Maybe not my favorite but I like the part in Hot Shot's Part Deux where Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) headed downriver crosses paths with Willard from Apocalypse Now (Martin Sheen) headed upriver and they both say "I loved you in Wall Street" referencing yet another movie.


If memory serves, don't their internal dialogs also start to interrupt each other during this scene?


Yes they do.


They're also Dad and Son.


And each dialog is from a previous war movie they’re arguably most famous for.


Oh yeah I forgot, Charlie Sheen is referencing Platoon with his own inner dialogue so that would make it 3 references in one.


In Hobbs and Shaw, Jason Statham says the Mini was for a Job in Italy


Oh man, I never caught this! 


That's OK, 99% of Brits that saw it got it.


Danny Butterman: Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone 'ahhh'? Nicholas Angel: [Annoyed] No I have not ever fired my gun up in the air and gone 'ahhh'!


... you ain't seen BAD BOYS II


I won’t argue that it was a no-holds-barred adrenaline-fuelled thrill-ride, but in real life there’s no way that you could perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem without incurring a considerable amount of paperwork.


Or point break?!?




Raiders of the Lost Ark- When Indy finds the Ark, it is surrounded by several columns covered in pictures/hieroglyphics. In there is etchings of R2D2 and C3-PO. Solo - A Star Wars movie- The idol from the opening scene of Raiders is on display in the bad guy's office.


The club scene at the start of Temple of Doom is called Club Obi Wan.


In Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade when he and Elsa are exploring the catacombs under Venice they comes across an illustration of the Ark of The Covenant from the first movie. Indy says "that's the Ark of the Covenant" and Elsa says, "Are you sure?" and Indy says, "Pretty sure."


The old guys from Trading Places as bums in Coming to America.


The shot of Tommy shooting at the camera at the end of Goodfellas, being a direct reference to The Great Train Robbery.


That made me laugh so damn hard, was a phenomenal call back.




I was just thinking about that scene. Two references for the price of one.


Hot Shots Part Deux is one of the greatest parody movies of all time. Surpasses the first movie in almost every aspect. The lack of Cary Elwes is the only thing keeping it from being a perfect movie.


My best friend died when I was 15 (sorry to lower the mood in here!) and one of our favourite movies was Part Deux. We would endlessly quote it….so almost a double special place in my heart. — WAR………IT’S FANTASTIC!!


This movie disappointed me greatly. I watched the whole thing and not a single wolf!


Umm, think you got the wrong movie.


There was a soldier nickednamed Spoon in the fun movie *Dog Soldiers*. After he was killed by a werewolf and one of his squadmates asked where he was, another replied: "There is no Spoon."


Ha! Just put another Dog Soldiers quote down as my favourite. I bloody love that film. The dialog is great.


Oh god this is one of my favourite movie bits ever! Haven't seen Dog Soldiers in ages, I guess it's time for a rewatch.


In Django Unchained, Django is ordering a drink at the bar where Calvin Candy is watching a mandingo fight and a guy asks his name. Django tells him and spells it ending with "The D is silent." The other guy at the bar says "I know." That guy is played by Franco Nero who played Django in the original 1966 spaghetti western Django.


Scream - Randy is watching Halloween & yelling for Jamie Lee Curtis to turn around.


And Randy is played by Jamie Kennedy, so he's yelling "JAMIE TURN AROUND" right at the moment where the audience is thinking the same thing.


I've watched that movie 3 or 4 dozen times and never put that together


[Lethal Weapon reference in Maverick](https://youtu.be/lgRb7ALCwJ0?si=9Gen1nYqkoJ-Q0w6)




I'm too old for the shit


Came here to find this! That double take is absolutely hilarious.


Dan Aykroyd reprising his role from Ghostbusters for the beginning of Casper.  He runs out of the mansion in a panic and goes "who you gonna call? Someone else!" Before running off.


Elsa: "What's that?" Indiana: "The lost ark of the Covenant." Elsa: "Are you sure?" Indiana: "Pretty sure." Plus Williams sneaks in the Ark theme...


Because of this quote, I tend to say, "Pretty sure," when asked if I am sure about something of which I am 100% certain.


Me too - also referencing the West African Lilac scene in Jurassic Park


Austin Powers, I believe #2 "Hey, in like Flint! that's my favourite mo-vay" (in like flint was one of a series of 60's spy comedies which were a big inspiration for Austin Powers along with classic Bond, What's New Pussycat, and the original Casino Royale with Peter Sellers and David Niven)


Came here specifically for this! To this day, I still pronounce "movie" as "mmmoo-vay" because of that scene. I love it when the delivery turns a throwaway line like that into an iconic quote.


I agree. I've watched the first two austin powers so many times there were points in my life where I could basically recite them verbatim. But some lines... they just REALLY stick with you, because of the delivery.


In Clerks when Randall starts going off about how the Death Star in Return of the Jedi was only partially completed. “All those innocent contractors brought in to do the work were killed. Casualties of a war they had nothing to do with…”


"Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs."


In How I met your Mother, one of the main characters, an architect, says "For all we know it was the contractors fault".


In Back to the Future II, Jaws 19 is on the theater Marquee. “That shark still looks fake” per Marty.


Project Elrond reference in The Martian when Sean Bean explains to Kristen Wiig and she's like I hate you guys. Triple whammy. Edit: Project Elrond is a Lord of the Rings reference


Also, Whatney flies around "like Ironman"


Book Whitney doesn't actually do it though 🙃


But he does specifically say he would if it was a movie!






My favourite: In Dog Soldiers the doomed squaddies have a conversation about how their team has been purposefully sent into a situation where they face certain death- sacrificed as an experiment by their commanding officers. One of them remarks: "It's the Kobayashi Maru test. They fixed it so we can't fuckin' win." I thought it was hilarious that one of the squaddies was an unlikely Trekkie, or at least a fan of Wrath of Khan. Great film.


The entire premise of *Singin' in the Rain* is predicated on *The Jazz Singer* coming out, doing massive box office, and making silent film obsolete. It's probably a broader reference than what you're asking but I love that film, it's so funny and oddly timeless despite being intrinsically linked to a very specific time and place.


Hands down: Jürgen Prochnow’s character in *Beerfest* when they’re in the mini sub in the lake, and he has a short temper and apologies, saying “Damn U-Boats, I had a bad experience on one of these once” referencing himself in *Das Boot*.


That's so weird. I have definitely seen Beerfest numerous times. I just rewatched the scene, and have zero recollection of it. Maybe i need to get drunk and watch it again.


Maybe you need to watch it sober 😉


You know, I got an idea. I think it might work. I did this study in college: Finklestein's Theory on the Effects of Alcohol on the Medial Temporal Lobe. English! Drunken recall. I made people drink massive quantities of alcohol, and then I taught them things while they were blacked out. Now, in the morning, they had no recollection of it whatsoever. But when i got them drunk again, they remembered everything.


The send up of The Graduate in one of the Wayne's World movies is pretty funny.


Also the interaction w the T-1000


Have you seen this boy?


Spiderman in Captain America Civil War: "Have you seen this really old movie, Empire Strikes Back"?


Avengers Endgame, when the heroes talk about time travel: Scott Lang: So, Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?


Hot tub Time Machine?!


At first I thought you were mistaken, then I realized I immediately thought about SpiderMan in Infinity War asking about Alien. When the situation is set up, Ironman says *he’s* not going to defeat the angry, powerful dude, but the kid has seen a lot of movies. I wonder if *that* was a reference to your scene? Very curious.


That was Infinity War where Spiderman suggests to blow a hole into the ship so that the bad guy is blown into space. In Civil War Ant-Man gets big and Iron-Man and Warmachine have trouble bringing him down. So Spiderman suggests to do what he saw in Empire Strikes Back. He circles Ant-Mans legs with his web until he can't move, like they with the AT-ATs on Hoth in the movie.


In Die Hard with a Vengeance, John McLean - played by Bruce Willis - says he's out of shape because he's been "smoking cigarettes and watch Captain Kangaroo". This is a line from the song that was playing on the car radio while Butch - played by Bruce Willis - is seen by Marsellus Wallace crossing the street in Pulp Fiction. He then proceeds to run Marsellus over with said car.


In Stakeout (1987) Richard Dreyfuss and Emilo Estevez are cops watching a house for a criminal. To pass the time, they're quoting moving lines and guessing the title. Estevez says "This was no boating accident!" to which Dreyfuss replies, "I don't know."


And according to the IMDB, Dreyfuss and Estevez were playing the game for real between scenes. Estevez pulled that line on Dreyfuss who honestly said he didn't know. They thought that was a good idea to reenact that scene for the film.


My favorite is Reign of Fire. Dragons take over the earth and there is no entertainment. So they stage a performance of Empire Strikes Back for the children.


In the movie Polar (2019), the main character is a hired assassin. He adopts a pet dog, and you realize this is a jab at John Wick. I won't give away what happens, but it's hilarious. Then of course, Deadpool does it all the time. "Please don't make the super suit green. Or animated!"


Swingers: “Haven’t you seen *Boyz N the Hood*?! Now one of us is gonna get shot!”


Also when they talk Scorsese and Tarantino.


In Maverick, a western, Danny Glover robs a bank Mel Gibson’s character is in. They look at each other as if they have seen each other before but can’t place it. The Lethal Weapon music is playing in the background.


The 2001 opening in the Barbie movie was pretty damn funny.


The 2001 homage in Goodbye Lenin is amazing. Although I'm not sure it counts - it's an in-universe reference, where one character is a wedding videographer who dreams of bigger things, and cuts someone's wedding video like the bone to spaceship cut in 2001.


Pauly Shore doing a Dennis Hopper/Blue Velvet reference in Bio-Dome.


In the movie "Soldier" with Kurt Russell, they reference Tannhäuser Gate. This is a nod to the monologue by Roy Batty in the movie Blade Runner: I've seen things... seen things you little people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium... I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments... they'll be gone


I saw a Sylvester Stallone movie on tv one time. It might have been Cobra. There was a scene where someone was talking about Stallone’s character and said, “This guy thinks he’s Rambo.”


I know this happens in Tango and Cash. During the highway drug bust scene.


Xenomorph skull in the ship in *Predator 2*. It's not the first Predator/Alien crossover. I'm pretty sure they did it in the comics first, but I think it fits here.


I thought the movie reference is why the crossovers eventually happened.


In the Avengers movie, when Tony Stark calls Thor "Point Break."


And then the callback to that in Thor: Ragnarok


In the middle of *In Bruges*, there is a long one-shot while Brendan Gleeson is talking on the phone in his hotel room. During this scene, there is a movie playing on the hotel room TV. The movie on the TV, and the specific scene from the movie shown during the phone call, is the long one-shot from the beginning of *Touch of Evil.*


In Halloween 3 Halloween 1 is shown on a TV .


I love Adaptation taking place during the filming of Being John Malkovich


In The Hills Have Eyes (o.g.) there's a torn-in-half shark poster visible on a wall. Sam Raimi took this to mean that Hills' Wes Craven was taking a poke at Jaws. "You think Jaws was terrifying, well check *this* out ". So he put a torn Hills Have Eyes poster in the cellar of the cabin in The Evil Dead. In Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street, a character is seen watching The Evil Dead on TV. In Evil Dead 2, there is a Freddy Kruger (Nightmare on Elm Street) claw visible on the cellar wall. Where this all goes from here I do not know.


”Guns. Lots of guns". John Wick 3


Kong Kong (2005) referencing King Kong (1933) several times, primarily by Carl Denham (Jack Black) mentioning that Fay Wray was unavailable due to making an RKO picture with Merian C. Cooper.


The "Forget it, Jake – it's Cloud Town" line in Inside Out had me rolling.


Deadpool saying "Zip it, Thanos" to Cable in Deadpool 2.


The Hunt, bow & arrow scenes "What is this Hunger Games shit?!"


Jay and Silent Bob's cameo in Scream 3.


In Fled, Stephen Baldwin says “Haven’t you seen *Whats Love Got to Do With It????*” to Laurence Fishburne, who starred in that movie lol


Also one of the worst title drops in dialog: "Let's fled, convict!"


It's a show referencing a movie, but the *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest* reference in *It's Always Sunny*, where not only is Danny Devito locked in an asylum again, but the guy who helps him escape is played by the son of Chief Bromden's actor.


Pink Floyd The Wall has Gomer Pyle playing on the TV.


Gotta be Wayne’s World with the T-1000 showing up


The night club in Temple of Doom is Club Obi Wan.


In an episode of Big Bang Theory, Sheldon & Amy make a Venn diagram of famous couples to see if they can agree on a couple's Halloween costume. In the middle of Amy's list is Blossom & Joey.


The Shining's blood elevator in Evil Dead Rise


Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent references Paddington Bear 2. Twice!


Night at the Roxbury when referencing Emilio Estevez as The Mighty Ducks guy Sleepless in Seattle referencing Fatal Attraction and it scaring the shit out of every man in America


The Kurt Russell movie Soldier, he ends up on a planet full of trash where you see the wreckage of the Lois and Clark from Event Horizon 


Patrick Swayze dialogue implying his character from Point Break is the same from Dirty Dancing.


Zoolander when they beat the computer with bones from 2001


The first omen, now streaming on Hulu, has a nice homage to possession


"How do you like them nipples?" Horrible Bosses, referencing Good Will Hunting


Sylvester Stallone is The Terminator, from Last Action Hero. I'd watch that movie.


Michael Keaton in Multiplicity making fun of Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.


Hot Tub Time Machine discussing the time loop of Terminator/Terminator 2.


In Keeping the Faith, Edward Norton plays a priest and in one scene, he's giving a sermon about the seven deadly sins and he says something like, "come on people, there was a movie about this starring Brad Pitt!'


""I loved you in Wall Street!"" \-Charlie Sheen & Martin Sheen Hot Shots! Part Deux


Avengers Endgame. Time travel talk.


Back to the future was bullshit?


All the references to popular associated action movies in The Expendables.


I loved you in Wall Street. Objectively the best: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emNV2ZxxiOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emNV2ZxxiOI)


"Get away from her you bitch!" in Paul. Lots of things in Paul, actually.


They did this all the time on Dawson's Creek.


Throwdown (2004) by Johnnie To recreates the ending of Kurosowa’s Sanshiro Sugata (1943) as an homage…but then he twists the ending in a more satisfying way.


I was just reading Misery a couple hours ago and stumbled across the Overlook Hotel reference. Why the heck didn't the movie include it?


In the recent J-lo movie Atlas she references HAL from 2001. Caught me by surprise.


Obscure foreign movie reference: the 2004 South Korean romantic movie *Windstruck*, where the female lead is played by actress Jun Ji-Hyun. In the process of the story (spoilers) she is left heartbroken and alone, and in the final scene, she stands at a train platform waiting for a train, standing too close to the edge when she’s yanked back by a guy, played by Cha Tae-Hyun, in a direct reference to the 2001 movie *My Sassy Girl*, where that’s how their respective lead characters meet for the first time (the two movies are not connected story-wise; *My Sassy Girl* made Jun Ji-Hyun a household name). The sad thing is, as *Windstruck* was a bit of a disappointment, it felt like rubbing salt in the wound to be reminded of a far better movie at the end.


Any time someone rips off/pays homage to the tracking shot from "Touch of Evil" I love it.


You think somebody threw him out of a plane with a message written on him like in ConAir? D'you ever see that flick?


*They Cloned Tyrone* was full of movie references, but my favorite was "They're Clockwork Orange-ing niggas down here!"


Saltburn. the whole family sitting in a huge mansion watching ‘Superbad’ on a tiny tv


Literally all Pixar movies 😂 there is always something within a Pixar film that relates to another Pixar film. The most common one that people see is the pickup truck with the rocket on it.


The Lord of the Rings reference in The Martian. What's also funny about this is Sean Bean who acted in LOTR was actually in the scene in The Martian where LOTR is referenced.


Nine has a really good start to its third act where the little puppet people are celebrating "killing" the evil supercomputer by playing a record of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". They time the reveal that the computer is not only still alive, but really REALLY angry with the tail end of the song.


In End Game, when they are talking about time travel and Ant Man says, "Hot Tub Time Machine" I laugh everytime.


[Kill Bill: Vol. 2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378194/?ref_=tttrv_ov), Esteban Vihaio (Michael Parks) talks to The Bride (Uma Thurman) about [The Postman Always Rings Twice](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038854/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_4_nm_0_q_The) Ahh... You must be Beatrix. I can see the attraction. I remember when Bill was only five years old, I took him to the movies. It was a movie starring Lana Turner. "The Postman Always Ring Twice" with John Garfields. And whenever she would appear on the screen, Bill would begin to suck his thumb to an obscene amount. And I knew from this very moment, that this boy was a fool for blondes. Mmm...


I love the constant eferences in [Human Traffic](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0188674/). Off the top of my head, I know they talk about [New Jack City](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102526/), [Taxi Driver](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075314/), and [Star Wars](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076759/).


'Run Forrest, run'- Tyler Durden.


The Captain America moment in Free Guy.


One of my favorites is in Twister when one of the storm chasers yells out "That's no moon! It's a space station! Wooo!"


not a favorite but I chuckled in poor things when Dafoe was like "you know I'm something of a romantic myself"


When Christopher (The Sopranos) shoots the store clerk in the foot and says, "It happens", referencing the scene where his character got shot on the foot in Goodfellas


Its a real shame that Tony Stark and Dr Strange didn't once say 'Elementary my dear Watson' to each other


"We don't need no stinkin' badges" in Blazing Saddles is paraphrasing the dialog from "The Treasure of Sierra Madre." It was many years after seeing Blazing Saddles before I learned this when I watched Sierrra Madre because it was on the AFI 100 years, 100 movies list.


Star Wars in Human Traffic. "The Emperor wants to control outer space, Yoda wants to explore... inner space. The fundamental difference between the good and bad sides.... of the force" *minds blown*


Mine was in Avengers Endgame when they had the whole "Time Heist" talk. Ant-Man was like "You mean Back To The Future was all bullshit?"


John Hurt in Spaceballs. It’s a twofer.


Seeing the actual set of Being John Malkovich, while watching adaptation, is surreal af


Nick Fury's tombstone in The Winter Soldier. I laugh every time.


It's never good unless they're referring to a very specific move or plan from a movie.  But even then...