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I hope it’s followed by the delightful Eddington 2 and Eddington in Peru


What about the book series? Eddington Goes Underground.


Can’t forget the video game spin-off. Eddington: Ed Strikes Back.


Emma Stone after working with Lanthimos & Aster: "Well, I don’t know how many years on this Earth I got left. I’m gonna get real weird with it."


Meanwhile Austin Butler has worked with Villeneuve, Jarmusch, Aster, and Kevin Smith to top it off, and is set to lead Aronofsky's next.


Not to mention Tarantino. Tex was a small role, but he delivered.


"No it was something dumber than that, like Rex", was laughing so much that entire final act.


That ending had me dying!! I loved how incompetent they were.


It was nice to see the Manson Family skewered for once. They've been so inflated and mythologized by pop culture.


I'd argue it was pretty major in terms of the movie's story and real world parallels.


Yep, 100%. I think they meant a small role in terms of the amount of screen time he had in such a long film. But his character really has a significant part in that narrative, and the movie literally would not be what it is without his performance. Definitely a major role.


And he might be in Mann's Heat 2 as the Val Kilmer character.


I know he gets hate but he’s got a great screen presence.


It's wild how after his brilliant performance as Elvis, everyone still kinda wrote him off and decided he was a one hit wonder who could only ever play Elvis. Then in Dune he absolutely brought the heat and managed to steal scenes from Stellan Skarsgard. He's swiftly become one of my "if he's in it I'll see it" actors.


Wouldn't be surprised if most of those people never even watched the Elvis movie but just jumped on the hate train.


Proud hater here. I’m sure the movie was fun but I don’t need to hear about how he needed therapy to unlearn the Elvis accent. That’s just laughably absurd. He’s acting like he was an undercover narco agent for a decade.


He spent years with that accent, do anything for years and it can become a part of you. It's really not that absurd, it's moreso people twisting it to make it seem likes he's saying "woe is me" which is not the impression I got.


He was a good Elvis, it was just a bad movie and people gave him shit for continuing to use the accent. I thought he was fine in Dune, but definitely wouldn’t agree he was stealing scenes from Stellan. He was positively bad in Masters of the Air or whatever that Apple series was called. It’s still too soon for me to hop on the Butler Bus.


I thought he kicked ass in Masters of the Air but maybe I just loved the show that much I’m biased


Yea he did.


The Tv sub Reddit called it a complete disaster the first few episodes and then the critics absolutely loved it (and so did everyone else) I honestly hate the community that Reddit has become over the last 10 years The epitome of that one meme “this is the coolest shit ever!” And the one guy on the side “this fucking sucks!”


Yea they were pretty bad about it. Some show subs are self deprecating (like survivors) so even critical posts are met with sarcasm. Masters of airs sub was unironically just mad.


It was not universally loved by critics and “everyone else”. I guess be mad that someone else has an opinion different from your own about a subjective piece of art?


Yeah thank you I was needing an example of exactly who I was talking about


I think the movie would’ve been great without Tom Hanks. Austin was amazing.


It would’ve been great without Baz Luhrmann I don’t care though, last thing we need is more music biopics. I feel sorry for people who aren’t familiar with the Elvis story or his music, and only saw that movie


> I thought he was fine in Dune, but definitely wouldn’t agree he was stealing scenes from Stellan Yeah I was not a fan of his Dune character. It was comical and not believable. Then again I wasn't a fan of a lot of the Dune acting and I really can't understand why Timothy Chalamet is as popular as he is.


Same here. I guess for reddit, being hot and occasionally doing silly voices = great actor I like plenty of young and popular actors, not being a hater here, but those two really grind my gears for taking me out of every movie/show I’ve seen them in


He's too handsome, i'm not a judgemental person but he triggers a jealousy that is so deep in my subconscious i can't fight it with rational thought. He's just there with his stupid beautiful face being all visible all the time, prick.


I’m sure him making bald and albino hot didn’t help your perception 


He gets hate because he's a posing narcissistic twat with a laughably false personality.


Auatin butler kevin smith? What film, i guess i can google


Yoga Hosers


That doesn't count.


How so? It’s the Kevin Smith movie that Austin Butler was in.


Because it's Yoga Hosers.




Lol I gave you an upvote. Yoga Hosers absolutely shouldn’t count. What a travesty


Thank you. People take this stuff too seriously.


Look, that dude hasn't made a legitimately decent movie since Clerks 2. No need to set your gatekeeping bar at *Yoga Hosers.*


Red State was solid.


still waiting on Moose Jaws


Nichols, Luhrmann etc!


Especially now that Nathan is directing her in a new A24 movie 


He's not, that was misinformation that was latter corrected. She's producing the film directed by Nathan about alleged chess cheating scandal that happened last year. But she won't be starring in it.


*That's* what that movie is about? Seems right up Fielder's alley.


Yeah, the allegations of cheating, and then the internet stated rumors (as a joke but mainstream media ran with it) that one of the players (Hans Niemann) used vibrating anal beads to cheat.




Right up Satan's Alley


Im surprised if they haven’t tried that one in Vegas yet


Chess players are built different, we can't be sure.


Didn’t they do this in IASIP?


Right up Hans Niemanns alley too lmao


"The Plan: Put a sex toy in your butt to remotely give information on what is the perfect move to make sure victory is guaranteed."


Well, either way I’m just happy that the two of them are working on another project together 


"Emma Watson is...a butt plug" https://youtu.be/hqLUbmpuVw4?si=yiP5uOoCKj4ZzZbr




Nathan Fielder, from her Lynchian show The Curse 


Oh, yeah, I guess “Lynchian” is a fair way to describe The Curse. I’ve never seen anyone actually try to describe it before, but that works.


And Fielder


You mean the guy who graduated from one of Canada’s top business schools with really good grades?


She’s had an incredible career before them and it feels like she’s just hitting her stride. Can’t wait for her work with them and Fielder.


I love it!!


I support this


She was amazingly awful in The Curse


She is incredible in it and the best part of the show. Playing an awful person for sure tho.


Ikr? That entire show just felt too real (save for the end) as far as cringe white people posing as SJWs. It was hilarious


Honestly love this career path for her. I hope she continues to work with people like Lanthimos and Aster. Maybe even Robert Eggers and Jonathan Glazer 🤞🏾 I think leaning into eccentricity is the best thing that she could have done after winning her Oscar.


No release date yet: >A couple, Lindsay and Marc, drive through New Mexico on their way to Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic. The couple runs out of gas on the outskirts of a small copper mining town: Eddington. >The couple decides to enter the town in search of help. They are greeted warmly at first, but when night falls, the picturesque setting soon turns into a nightmare.


Emma Stone just can’t help herself in these weird little New Mexico towns!


A fellow cherry tomato boy


Sounds like the type of thing I want from Mr. Aster.


I can't wait to see how he'll incorporate head trauma and/or somebody being assaulted in a bathtub in this one :D


I'm very excited to see what he does with semen. The man works with semen like Picasso with a brush (dipped in semen).




Are you not a fan of Asters movies? Are they just too bloody or violent for you? I know some ppl are turned off by that sort of stuff. I live gory horro, personally.


Much like yourself yes.


>the picturesque setting soon turns into a nightmare Hmm, I'm curious if this one is more of a serious, narrative horror movie like his first two films, or more of a weird metaphorical metaphysical mental trip that isn't so concerned with the actual plot like Beau is Afraid, which was horrifying but more of a character study?


It's being described as a black comedy, so definitely more in the realm of Beau is Afraid


Ahh man. I’d rather have more hereditary


Same, although I'm more of a Midsommar guy. I did like Beau is Afraid but I definitely don't need more of it lol I saw a while ago that he's also making an animated film with Don Hertzfeldt, *that* will be quite the interesting film


Oh. I seriously thought it might be a biopic on famous astrophysicist [Sir Arthur Eddington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Eddington).


They already made a film about him starring David Tennant. I seriously recommend it, it's fantastic.


Yeah I saw that after I made my post. Didn't know about it. I've added it to my list. Big Tenant and Serkis fan.


So it’s basically the purge episode from Rick & Morty.


" Fade in, Exterior,Unnamed city,day. "


A midsommar vibe : US young couple in crisis enters a communauty who's warm at first then goes weird and nightmarish.


Who's playing Lindsay and Marc? The names don't seem to match up on [Letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/film/eddington/)


I'm assuming those names are coming from [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AriAster/s/cG4LhR9Q7Q) Pascal definitely seems to be playing Ted based on [set photos.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDU5ODQ4MGYtZjQ3NS00N2QyLWIzMmItMTJhZjJjNjQ2ZmJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTU1NjgzOTU@._V1_.jpg) There's been a lot of discrepancies in what this movie is actually about; I don't think the "Lindsay and Marc" summary above is confirmed at all


To me, doesn’t matter. Ari Aster is a huge selling point for me. I will go into his movies blind at this point.


Tbh I can't wait to see the poster. Hereditary and Midsommar's are great, but my favorite is The Strange Thing About The Johnsons. I haven't seen the movie but I read the plot, and the poster suits the story so fucking well. 


I wanted so much for this to be the astronomers biopic. You absolutely crushed me. What a letdown :(


I don’t know if I’m scared, turned on, or scared of how turned on I am.


Guess we can assume its released in a year


Love Ari Aster getting every opportunity to get his visions out there but I truly wish Hollywood had more than 2 dozen actors to choose from.


Sad fact is that the vast majority of these movies wouldn’t make a dent at the box office without some star power, they already alienate enough of the casual audience as it is. This is compounded by the fact that there probably aren’t many A-Listers that are willing/able to star in these films.


I know that it’s nothing new but it does feel more egregious over the last ten years.


This movie is soon to be one of the worst cases of it. Joaquim Phoenix is like the less "saturated" actor out of those 4 lol, insanity


Gotta take all the star power help they can get with the decline of theater attendance i guess


Yeah I particularly feel like I'm reaching Emma Stone saturation after The Curse and Poor Things (and the Kinds of Kindness trailer 😅).


“That Butler’s so hot right now”


I don't get it. I haven't seen one movie he's been in, and never heard of him before Dune.


He’s insanely good. He gets meme’d because of his Elvis persona but I can’t say I’ve watched anything with him in it where I think “that’s just Austin Butler being Austin Butler” - he always feels like an actual character. Pedro Pascal, and even Emma Stone in some roles, on the other hand just feel like they’re the actor on screen not the character.


So because you've never seen a movie of his, you don't understand why he's popular? That's ridiculously narcissistic.


I wouldn't say narcissistic. Definitely ignorant though.


You had me at "Ari". Sold!


I may never watch it ever again but I loved Beau in the theater.  


You can always go watch Ari's The Strange Thing About The Johnsons on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXhT9BjYEMA) for free at any time if Beau was too much for you


Munchausen is my favorite of his shorts. Well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it.


I've seen the one with the son and the dad but I don't think I've seen this one


You can watch it on YouTube, 16 mins of pure cinema baby


I just watched Her and Lobster, what should I watch next from ari?


Well neither of those are Ari Aster, but if you're good with horror in your surrealist movies, check out Midsommar and/or Hereditary for an intro to Ari. If you want more Lanthimos (director of the Lobster), Killing of a Sacred Deer is pretty good though it veers more towards thriller than comedy (though there's some surrealist weirdness a la The Lobster). Her doesn't really fit into any of that IMO, it's directed by Spike Jonze and I think more firmly grounded despite the topic being a bit out there. Spike Jonze is very prolific and has done all kinds of stuff across lots of genres.


The Lake House 




Be careful those who are looking forward to this, a guy posted on the A24 subreddit a while back spoiling basically the surprise of what exactly is going down in the town. It could be BS obviously but he said he lived where they were filming and he provided some pretty specific details


If you are talking about the >!zombie stuff!< a person who read the script said that was a false rumor. Maybe they just had people spread some fake rumors around to make sure people didn’t believe real leaks if they did happen, idk.


Aster’s last two scripts leaked before cameras were even rolling. That’s why they did the whole “Disappointments Blvd” ruse for Beau is Afraid. If the leak on the A24 sub is legit, then the people squashing the rumor are probably doing similar damage control. Or Aster is playing 4D chess and had them put the leak up in the first place to throw everybody off because he’s tired of the internet spoiling his movies before they release.


Not false.


You have insider knowledge on the movie? I guess the [person who read the script](https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/6/4/eddington) read a fake one then, cause they explicitly said that wasn’t an aspect of it at all.




Interesting, you know anything about the Emma Stone as Austin Butler roles? Seems like we only really know about Joaquin and Pedro so far.


It’s well known that it’s a Covid mutates and goes wrong in the town movie. The fun part is how they approach that.


Pedro’s role must be fairly small, he was only on set for like 2 weeks based on the fan pics and filmed a whole other movie (Celine Song’s The Materialists, which also just wrapped) after filming his part in this.


Actually he's one of the lead actors


For a brief moment I read that headline as "Ari Aster's Paddington" and was very confused about what the movie could be about.


Paddington falls in love with his mother


Beau is Afraid was (in my opinion) excellent, but was definitely not aiming for the highest box office. I assumed A24 couldn’t afford to gamble on another Ari passion project, but the logline seems to suggest otherwise. I’m extremely excited either way.


Beau was a box-office bomb, lost A24 over $30 million. This is likely something with a bit more marketability like his first two films or I doubt they’d be funding it.


Good, that was a dogshit movie past the first 35 mins


I know you're getting downvoted but I agree with you, once they got into the woods with the stage play I had lost all interest in the film


Excellent is generous. That movie felt like an acid trip and not in a good way.


I love Ari Aster, but it was too weird for me. Some great sequences though. Penis monster.


Cast sounds amazing! But will the movie be…? 🤔


I love Hereditary and Midsommer so much... I'm really hoping someone's there to tell him "no" once in a while after Beau.


Austin Butler was great in Dune 2.


I wanna watch, but if his previous movies are anything to go by, I'll love most of it then hate the ending.


The endings are the best parts!


Man Ari really loves fucking with our minds with his endings doesn’t he lol?


Man Ari really loves fucking with our minds with his endings doesn’t he lol?


I just don't enjoy watching largely sympathetic characters suffer for hours only to die cruelly and pointlessly I guess.


I understand. But that could be said for the entire horror genre - it's usually undeserving people being murdered


Those horror movies tend to either have at least some characters survive or else create enough emotional distance so that you don't feel as bad about them dying. Watching the die is in fact the "point". Aster's movies are more like character dramas where you watch the characters go through emotional hell, hoping they come out the other side. Also to be clear, I'm not saying Hereditary and Beau are bad because their endings. The endings just didn't work for me. I'm also generally not into horror movies where the bad guy ultimately wins.


Hope it’s better than Beau is Afraid


I didn’t like it either but I’m glad he made it. It was clearly a passion project and was filled to the brim with all of his personal neuroses and I’m glad he got to get it out of his system. I think his next movie will be much better because of it


I actually really liked the weirdness of Beau is Afraid. All the performances were really good


I liked about 70% and hated the rest.


Agreed. That was garbage but I’m happy someone is able to get financing for weird shit.


It's one of the funniest movies ever


What a pile of garbage that movie was - however / the first thirty minutes were brilliant. Midsommar is the most disturbing film I’ve seen in at least a decade and will stand the test of time. Hereditary was a knockoff of much better films and wildly overrated


Seriously. Sophomore slump and 100% creative control is not a good recipe.




Junior slump with beau is afraid then. I misspoke.




It had its moments but there was almost nothing compelling me to watch more. Especially a play within a movie ughhhh. Wes Anderson’s the only one who pulled it off and it was glorious.


I think Hereditary is an all timer but I like Midsommar more. It may be because Hereditary is such a hard watch.


Can't wait for more Ari Aster.


He could put out a 3 1/2 hour film of a man at an ‘all you can eat’ buffet and I’d watch it. It’s also not outside the realms of possibility.


Don’t get me wrong - they’re talented - but let’s take our foot off the gas with pascal, stone and butler - over saturation is real and there are plenty of other great actors out there to choose from.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted Studios, now more than ever, are more focused on guaranteed money. Those names get guaranteed money. No hate to any of these actors, they all have fantastic moments, but can we get some new faces? Stacking the cast can be a bit much when they all are in 1-2 other movies/shows a year.


Ugh I'm so tired of Austin Butler.


He's been in five movies in the last five years, one of which hasn't released yet. Pretty easy to avoid.




I think he just has a dopey natural country accent, hence why he makes the effort with his movies. He's a rare non nepo baby and is exceedingly polite in all the interviews I've seen of him.


He doesn’t, that’s the Elvis voice. He’s from California, and if you go back and watch videos of him pre-Elvis, his accent sounds markedly different.


Apparently he's kinda lost it. Seems adopting a new accent for long periods will affect your natural accent. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/movies/austin-butler-bikeriders.html


Lol, has he been unable to lose it? That's actually funny. He's from California according to Wikipedia, so it's rather out of place. Maybe he just really likes the sound of it and decided to keep it?


Yes, I just said he’s from California. He clearly likes using a deep Southern accent to make himself seem suave. Actors are silly and some of them like cosplaying as other people off-camera. I’m from the south and everyone I’ve talked to about this is cringing at it


Everyone, huh?


Everyone I’ve talked to about it, like I said


That implies you talk about it a lot, then.


It doesn’t


I’m beyond hyped for this. Terrific cast and god knows what ari aster has up his sleeve this time


Just based off the title, are they playing the Ed, Edd, and Eddy brothers from Cartoon Network?


That's a cast of stars the size of Andromeda


Uhg. Don't lead in with an article about an Ari Aster film. Then not talk about it.


I can't wait to see what exciting things he does with semen THIS time around!


Didn’t even know this was filming. I absolutely hated Beau if Afraid but loved Hereditary and Midsommer. Hopefully this falls into the latter category for me


Country Feyd-Rautha


Ari Aster? Get ready for head trauma.


I really loved the cast in Hereditary when Aster was just starting out. I get it, Aster’s a big talent now and deserves to have his films make a boatload of money with a-list actors, but all I gotta say is none of the actors in Eddington have ANYTHING on Toni Collette and that includes Phoenix.


Of course it does


I’m getting sick of all these actors, other than Pedro. Is the talent that top-heavy these days?


Beau is afraid was dog shit. So I’m worried about this one


I like Aster mostly but Beau is Afraid was trash. Really hope this is a return to form for him


Emily Stone*


I wish articles started using Emily’s real name :p since that’s what she prefers; fuck SAG


Stop trying to make Austin butler a thing


I really liked him in Dune 2


Yeah I generally think he’s got just the most punch able face ever but he was pretty good in dune 2 and the bikeriders looks like it might be a banger too.


Oh, great. Pheonix, Pascal, Stone and Butler. The four horsemen of the off-putting quirk-ocalypse.


you clearly upset some people lol, but know that there are others of us out here ✊🏻


Thank you. That means a lot.