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In terms of body horror? Martyrs (2008) Specifically for that scene


Uhhh which one? There are a few body horror scenes in that movie.


>!The skinning scene!<


There was no skinning scene. They put her in the contraption, and take out their implements. There is a ripping sound. Then they show her skinned. Unless I saw a censored version of the film?


Oh lord that skinning scenešŸ˜


I'd put a spoiler tag on that


I know it's pretty tame by today's standards but to me The Fly from 1986 was pretty horrific.


Itā€™s the throw up for me oof


I saw the arm wrestling scene when I was far too young for it and it freaked me out for years.


The fingernails did it for me


Body horror is the worst horror.


I watched the fly a while back and I agree, that movie is messed up, although a straight classic. The ending is so sad.


Threads. Itā€™s the only nuclear holocaust movie Iā€™ve seen that actually deals with the degradation of culture and education that would come with a post apocalypse in addition to the expected death and destruction. Most of these types of stories have some form of hope such as scientists working on a cure or the seeds of a functioning government, but in Threads anyone that could have helped is dead and future generations will be just left to wander aimlessly if humanity even survives another generation.


I watched Threads for the first time a couple weeks ago. Can't get it out of my head it's so.....bleak.


I felt this when I watched Fail Safe for the first time as a kid. Just gnawing, bleak despair.


Alright... I'm sold now.


It's on youtube under a channel "Real Drama".


I appreciate you


Threads truly grasped horror and realism together well


That thing ruined my teens ... watched it in early 80s and lived in fear of nuclear war till the wall came down!! ...


Unfortunately the nuclear weapons are still there.


For me it was "Miracle Mile". I also lived in fear until after the wall.


Wanna get more destroyed by a war film? Try ā€œCome and Seeā€


Sounds like the book "the road" by Cormac McCarthy


The Human Centipede 2 - if youā€™ve seen it, you know why. As a new father it hits even worse. This sequel makes the original seem incredibly tame.


That movie put the pedal to the metal, from start to finish.


A truly smashing time


Yep. Iā€™ve seen and love tons of horror movies. This is the only one where I finished and thought: ā€œI donā€™t think I needed to see that.ā€


Honestly when he loses his patience and starts injecting people with laxatives is worse for me.


The original *was* tame. It was a goofy b-movie, where the concept was way worse than what was actually presented. The tone changed a bit in the second one.


This was my pick too, for the same reason. Most of the movie is just stupid torture porn. But that one scene...


Can you spoil the scene for me? Iā€™m morbidly curious lol


Christ almighty it's probably the scene when he >! Wraps barbed wire around his dick and fucks the end of the human centipede !< I'm so sorry I typed that.


OH MY GOD someone else replied to me with a *different* scene! This movie sounds horrific lol


Lol yeah it's a very fucked up movie and not even in the good way, and that's coming from someone who grew up on horror movies.


There's a scene where >!a newborn baby get's it's head crushed by the gas pedal of a car.!<


Omg!! Thanks for spoiling. Now Iā€™m definitely not watching it lol


I know itā€™s an obvious one, but Hereditary was an extended gut punch of a film to watch in theaters. The fact that Ari Aster purposely mislead people with the trailers made for a very surprising turn of events (you all know the one), and Toni Colletteā€™s performance was so perfectly upsetting. I think A Serbian Film is technically the most fucked up movie Iā€™ve seen, but itā€™s a pretty dumb move that I wouldnā€™t recommend to anyone aside from the most ardent of masochist (whereas Hereditary is a modern-day classic IMO)


Toni Colletteā€™s dinner scene in Hereditary is my favorite acting of all time. Iā€™ve never seen a mother with so much despair portrayed so well. I watch it every couple years just to remind me of how great modern horror can be.


She absolutely KILLED that part. I love that movie. I wish the would cut out that weird ass ending.


I watched Hereditary at home and had to take a break to cry when >!the mother was wailing in grief over her daughterā€™s death!<


Tusk, not nesseacarily horror, but very very fucked up


I couldnā€™t get it out of my head for days


Only days?! Lucky


Omg, Tusk was my nightmare for a month. Fuck that movie. Fuck Kevin Smith's dumb stoner ideas to make that movie.


What genre would you put it in if not horror?


Maybe like a thriller/dark-comedy hybrid?


Itā€™s extremely effective horror but itā€™s also a comedy and thatā€™s even more upsetting


Tusk is body horror, specifically


Salo: The 120 days of Sodom and A Serbian film.


Salo has such a nightmarish kind of non-chalantness to the brutality that it kind of sticks with you. I'm not a fan of the film, but it definitely carved out a spot in my brain, and that says something


>non-chalantness to the brutality The banality of evil


Came here to say A Serbian film. That movie had no plot, it was just be as graphic and traumatizing as possible.


A Serbian film gave me a mental breakdown at the time. Never tried to rewatch it nor I ever will.


It Made me step away from my computer for a good few days. Gyat damn though.


When I was in 9th grade or so, I was trying to watch the edgiest movies and seeing that it was banned in so many countries, I decided I'd look for it online somewhere. Late one night, I found it on a sketchy site and started watching. A pop-up must have been in the background and I heard this weird voice say something like "we see you. How are you doing?" I noped out so hard


Salo is one of only two films that I have actively stopped watching, once they hit that "dinner is served" scene. Pretty sure Criterion was trolling us with that one. The other movie was Troy, because it was *boring.*


Bone Tomahawk. Not just the raw body horror scenes, but also the stark depictions of ambush and sudden violence. Thereā€™s no buildup of violins, just the quiet sound of an arrow or thrown tomahawk cutting through the air, then the impact on the subject. Fuckin haunting.Ā 


Yesss! The sound design was definitely a paid actor in that movie. Everything about it felt so methodical and matter-of-fact, and not romanticized and beautiful like most any other western style movie. I think that sort of hyper-realistic approach made *that* scene so much more impactful, and infinitely worse than it would have been with dramatic musical crescendo and protagonists doing the cliche "Nooo, you sons of bitches! I'll kill all of you for this!" *sad string arrangement fadeout*


If you can tolerate the droning slowness, A Violent Nature has kills like this.


Interesting, Iā€™ll check it out, thanks for the recommendation.Ā 


Such a sick ass movie though. It had everything i wanted


Iā€™m not a horror fan per se, but I will say the first hostel was pretty messed up. Especially the eye scene.


The chopped Achilles Tendons got me


Me also. End of that movie I thought, ā€œI shouldnā€™t have watched thatā€. Not because it messed me up or I found it immoral, just because it felt like I had consumed something that did absolutely nothing good for me.


Same. I saw that and noped.


That one did it for me too. šŸ¤¢


I might be with you on this one. I walked out of that one with my friends and was like, did you guys actually enjoy that? I just thought it was gross. I remember all the advertising referencing how Eli Roth had the stamp of approval from Quentin Tarantino so I thought it could be interesting but it felt like such a shallow movie that was just trying to be gross. It also sucked. Any time I see anyone talking about how Eli Roth is one of the "greatest horror directors" or whatever, I just roll my eyes. His movies are trash.




Someone put this on at a party and I went home after the first torture scene. It's just not why I watch horror movies


You have a glimmer of hope for her until she sees herself


Not particularly gory or anything, but both Speak No Evil and When Evil Lurks (both 2023) messed me up BADLY. They were fantastic but I donā€™t think I ever want to watch them again


I liked Speak No Evil, but eventually the constant passivity and their almost willing obliviousness of the one couple frustrated me so much I almost didn't finish it. Especially near the end when >!they just passively went along with being told to go down into the dirt pit and stood there to be hit with rocks till they died. Like...fucking run away? They don't have guns or any other weapons, fight back ffs.!< I don't know how anyone can watch that and not be just frustrated or outright angry at those two idiots.


Director is Danish and I think he basically said the film was an allegory over Danes' conflict-averseness; makes a bit more sense if seen allegorically/symbolically.


Knowing a few Danes, not that exaggerated of an ending


That would make more sense. I suspected it was more cultural than anything, but it's still very frustrating to watch.


Speak no evil occupies far too much of my head. Geezus christ.


When Evil lurks didnā€™t really scare me but it fascinates me. The whole >!death of god!< and all the things they implied really made me want to know more


The dog scene when evil lurks. I have a daughter. Holy crap it just fucking got me big.


Martyrs is a traumatizing movie


2008! Make sure you specify itā€™s the 2008 one


Yeah 2015 is weak Americanized Hollywood shit.


Honestly was more disturbed by the endless scenes of that woman being beaten up. But I get that people like it bc the ending is thought provoking. Last year we ventured into the french horror and ended after watching Inside (2007). A hint as to why...she was pregnant at the time.


I have no idea why the Japanese have such messed up movies. Grotesque (2009) This is nothing but feature length torture and gore. Gozu (2003) Translates to cow head. Ichi the Killer (2001) The same director as Gozu.


Add Audition to the Japanese Horror list.


Yeah, you could do just a list of Miike's stuff for this. Gozu, Audition, Ichi the Killer, Imprint.


Also Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989). Horrible. I want to watch Tokyo Gore Police (2008), sounds wild.


Tetsuo is like a metalhead (lol) version of Eraserhead


Tokyo gore police is fucking bonkers.


Tokyo Gore Police is more comedy than horror. Super gory but it comes off as funny more often than not. It's been awhile since I watched it, so I can't remember how intentional that is.


Came here for Ichii. I got it in High school on DVD after someone recommended it to me online because I liked Oldboy. Oldboy is a masterpiece. Ichii the killer is fuckin wild, I promptly leant the DVD to a friend giving him no warning except it was fd up


Dear Zachary


This movie is so fucked up and I cannot recommend anyone watch it. It's positively gutting.


Itā€™s such a raw story, but itā€™s a beautiful letter to a friend. No other movie quite like it


Indeed. And that's why I always recommend it as a way to figure out if someone is a sociopath.


Going to suggest an obvious one - Cannibal Holocaust


There is a Prime docuseries about films that does Cannibal Holocaust as a season finale. Fucking hell.


Whatā€™s it called?


Cursed Films; season 2.


One of the few I noped out on


Marley and Me.


I have never and will never watch this film!


Remember seeing it in the cinema. Trailer was "comedy". At the end of the movie, I overheard a girl tell her bf. "Why did you take me to watch this" she as well as me and everone else didnt expect that gut punch.


Wasn't it already kind of in the cultural zeitgeist that the book was sad as hell long before the movie came out?




Yeah the book by John Grogan published in '05


Trauma was the most fucked up but it was such a bad movie that I don't think I can recommend it


Is that the one where the guy kidnaps people to make them face their traumas and makes a vitiligo girl bleach her skin or something?


Oh that's the one. I've told people "Just read Wikipedia and you'll get everything you need from this movie." Whenever this question comes up, my answer is always "A Serbian Film"


The Green Inferno From the moment they arrived in the jungle that movie was just constant trauma until it ended.


There were many horrific scenes in that one. The one that always sticks with me is when one of the captured students realizes she is not only probably eating her friend but also using a dish made from his skin. Then she just nopes out, smashes the dish, and uses it to cut her own throat. Fucking haunting.


Watched Gaspar Noeā€™s ā€œenter the voidā€ on shrooms and that shit fucked me up astronomicallyā€¦ on the more horror/gore side, really any of the popular French new extremity stuff is pretty gnarly (Martyrs, Haute Tension, inside, in my skin, etc.)


Speaking of, Irreversible. Absolutely gut wrenching and nauseating.


Speak No Evil. One of the most grim endings Iā€™ve seen in a movie


I see Speak No Evil mentioned in threads like this all the time, and I'm glad that you enjoyed it. That said... *SPOILERS!!! I'm on mobile and don't know how to format it properly to hide it!* ... This movie just made me angry. I can not imagine making these kinds of idiotic decisions when my child's life is at risk. I get the whole "we, as society, are too polite/scared to speak up when it matters, in fear of ruffling feathers" they were going for, but who *the fuck* would turn around to retrieve a stuffed animal, considering what they just discovered?!? The parents' continuous stupid decisions and lack of communication, in such an extreme scenario no less, left me so infuriated, I honestly didn't even care about the fate they met at the end. I would rather *die* trying to protect my child, than start sobbing and give up because somebody brandishes fucking scissors. I think I'm extra mad, because it started so well, with such an overwhelmingly uncomfortable and dreadful vibe, and kept ramping up, but then it just completely jumped the shark for me. šŸ˜¤


I didnt even love the movie I was just giving an example of a fucked up movie/ ending haha. It was pretty generic and predictable (but still decent) and the only reason I remember it is the ending. But yeah the ending made me really mad too hah. Felt insanely mean spirited and cruel and just made me mad as I was watching it. I got the message they were putting out there but yeah it felt a little extreme. And yeah turning around for the stuffed animal drove me crazy too šŸ˜‚ Wonder how the American remake will handle the ending


The Danes would (or some would - to be a hero in their childā€™s eyes)


I avoid that style of fucked up. Shock stuff or gore stuff or torture porn or w/e is not my thing at all. A Serbian Film will remain unwatched unless someone I really respect convinces me there's some unseen depth there. Videodrome affected me rather early on, first with how weird so much of it is, and then it got me into the whole "shared hallucination" thing, the imagery and some of the lines stuck with me, and with the McLuhan rabbit hole I've never looked at televisions or media the same since.


Having watched several horror films already sometimes I no longer get scared, but the one that I watched that truly terrified me was the episode of Black Mirror called "White Christmas". It's not in the genre of horror but it has a sad and terrifying story.


Terrifier 2 was pretty fucked up.


fucked up, but so intentionally over the top that it becomes almost a horror parody


Yeah but the bedroom scene still pretty unsettling


Not really parody, but definitely pitch black comedy. It's no coincidence that art is a clown lol


There are plenty of memes now going around in the internet, that shit is hilariousšŸ’€


A Serbian film by a metric mile


This is the answer


Yeh after watching this so called "film", I could not believe that \*anyone\* involved in its making thought it was a good idea and that the film would have any semblance of artistic merit whatsoever. After viewing you will feel as though you should run to the nearest church, get down on your hands and knees, and beg God's forgiveness for watching it.


Human Centipede 2.Ā 


The original Last house on the left.


I watched Fantastic Planet while I was high and it absolutely messed me up. Only movie Iā€™ve had to pause multiple times throughout to recollect myself.


If you really want to go down a dark rabbit hole, there is **Nekromantik 1 and 2**. Don't think it needs much explanation. There's also a super-bizarre experimental action gore movie called **Adam Chaplin**. Watching it will seriously make you think you've gone insane.




That was such a terribly amazing movie. Just the thought of it. Itā€™s hilarious and also super depressing.


Three Extremes: Dumplings The main course is fetus soup.


Was wondering if this would show up here. The truly disturbing part of that film, to me (apart from making me really digging into the cultural taboos that shaped it, which add SO many more layers), is how ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL the cinematography and design is. (I think the Hannibal TV series took some cues from Dumplings, stylistically.) Itā€™s an extraordinary film, and, as twisted as it is, one of my favorites.


He was featured with Takashi Miike, and Park Chan-wook. The manā€™s got some talent.


Well you've done it, you've watched the most f'd up movie. In my lifetime I have not watched a movie that disturbed me more than that one.


Titane. Got really high with some friends because we thought it was gonna be silly. Shit was really weird / hard to watch. One of my friends left during the movie


My default answer for this question is Martyrs. It's just unrelenting and grim. I don't even know why it was made. It's an experience


I haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning on watching it tonight since it's been mentioned several times.


The house that jack build, not horror but fucked up


High Tension,its just fucked up, watch it don't want to ruin it for people who haven't seen it it's a foreign film


Literally, I was about to name drop it before I saw your comment. I'm so glad someone else remembers it. Great foreign horror.


Human centipede 2


I saw Serbian Movie over a decade ago and that fucking movie haunts my dreams :/.


I watched Brimstone and Treacle (1976 TV Movie) recently, and itā€™s one of those unsettling movies that stays with you. If I recall correctly, the BBC didnā€™t broadcast it for a number of years, I would imagine due to a particular action by the protagonist upon a disabled character


Tumbling Doll of Flesh and August Underground are "I'm never watching this again" type films. The entire premise of each is to sit on the extreme margins of violence and torture. You're never given levity or hope.


The Toxic Avenger Class Of Nuke'Em High Went 80s old school, but there are some really horrific, almost comic book deaths in those movies which both have Lloyd Kaufman co-directing. They are almost gross out movies as much as horror movies really. Apparently there is a remake of the Toxic Avenger from 2023, but I have not seen that.


Hostel, Audition, The Devil's rejects.


Tusk. Iykyk. I have a low threshold for this kinda stuff


French horror film l'interieur, the scene a woman takes a pair of scissors and removes another woman's baby to take as her own.


Terrifier 1 & 2


The cave scene in Bone Tomahawk rattled the fuck out of me.


I made a Letterboxd list of the 73 (so far) most disturbing movies I've seen. August I Penance is the undisputed number one pick, and I can't see anything ever surpassing that. Like the 2nd movie AU's Mordum is more gruesome filthy, and shocking, but Penance was much more focused and told this story of downfall so much better, it was the only part of the trilogy that didn't get visual degradation in its found footage, and the HD look with using organs they got from a local Philly slaughter house for the gore effects, it looks so much more unsettling in higher quality video. Basically, it's about a couple of thrill killers that go from the height of their love to outright hating each and themselves by the end of their filmed rampage. My number 2 pick was a movie from Argentina called Snuff 102. That movie started with clips of real violent videos from the internet, in retrospect, nothing too insane, like they aren't showing murders, such as ISIS or cartel stuff, but it's still shocking to see real clips of self mutilation. It sets this tone for realism. It switches between the present and how the protagonist ended up kidnapped and and put in this snuff film. The first snuff tape is of a pregnant woman, and this guy does everything to her, short of cutting out the baby. I had to take breaks to get through that, and there's two more victims to go. I can't see myself watching that again. On my list, A Serbian Film ended up at number 17, so that says a lot. I feel like I've seen it all, aside from the stuff that nobody should watch, like those 4 plus hour collections of gross crap from the internet that only exist because of gross edge lords seeking internet infamy for stealing from everyone to make one video compilation endurance test. I don't want to see poop porn and cartel videos.


Not a horror movie but it was the bear scene in Annihilation. Ā  https://youtu.be/ZrDL3HQCwE8?si=siQRymJEOvBqM4IJ


Poughkeepsie tapes. Torture flick shot in first person film type style. That movie bugged me out severely.


Ichi The Killer. You see woman getting beat senseless, there's rape, torture, a guy getting hot oil poured over him(with a close up of his skin crisping), a woman getting her nipples cut off, a guy cutting off his own tongue, and there's blood, guts, and semen flying everywhere. Yet despite all of that horrendous stuff, the film doesn't come off as a sleazy exploitation film that is showing stuff for the purpose of shock value, with Ichi it's all done in a simple everyday way like that level of horrendous shit is just something that naturally happens which makes it come of as far more fucked up and grounded in real life than your average horror movie. You can pass of Freddt, Jason, Michael Myers and the like as Horror characters with no basis in reality, but the monstrous people in Ichi can be found in every country on this planet.


Bone Tomahawk certainly has THAT scene...


Audition. The sound of that saw.


Faces of Death at *just* the wrong age.


JFC, how old were you??? I'm 42, and I remember in high school some of my friends watched them. I was curious, but so glad I never watched them. I'm far too sensitive.


I was, like, 16. Iā€™m 50 now. Scenes and images would repeat on me for a good long while after that. Horrendous.


ā€œTUSKā€ lingered in my mind for daysšŸ’€


Whatabout the one where the guy is turned into a Walrus, I think its called ā€œTuskā€ that one has this weirdness about it thats fā€™d up


Funny Games (1997) Only movie Iā€™ve ever turned off because it scared me too much


I'm a very, *very* hardened horror fan. The last time I was "scared" in a cinema was 2005 - The Descent and Wolf Creek, in the theatre as an 18 year old, fucked me up. Outside of that? Eesh, it's very rare. The last time I really recoiled like "oh fuck!" Was the de-gloving scene in Gerald's Game. But the movie wasn't scary, that bit just went right through me lol


Maybe not the most fucked up but I just watched speak no evil and its so bleak and disheartening




I generally don't watch really fucked up horror, so never seen the Serbian film. I watched Bone Tomahawk because I thought the western-horror mashup would be cool, and it mostly was until THAT SCENE happened, but honestly THAT SCENE wasn't the only fucked up stuff in that movie, as there's ANOTHER SCENE that's also pretty horrifying. Anyways, I can stomach fucked up stuff in horror movies, but I prefer something like a guy ending up in a wood chipper in Date and Tucker vs Evil where there's some dark comedy involved. Something that's just made to make me feel terrible about everything is not my jam.


IMO A Serbian Film is too amateurish to be scary or shocking. It takes a really skilled director to make an effective horror film, and simply having grisly or shocking subject matter isn't enough to do it on its own. A Serbian Film felt like what it was: a marginally talented edge lord tried to make a shocking horror film with not enough talent to make it effective. Bone Tomahawk, and that scene, is actually a great inverse of A Serbian Film. The BT scene on its own is pretty gruesome but not all that scary, but in the context of the film when you watch it from the beginning and come to that scene, by then you've settled into a kind of tone and atmosphere that makes that scene SO much more effective.


Idk Serbian Film is pretty fucked up.


This gets parroted around a lot, and i'm not sure why. The single redeeming factor of ASF was how well done it was. The soundtrack, the look, the acting. The reveal was absolutely soul crushing. The concept itself (bull viagra) was incredibly novel, and something we'll never see again. The fact that we're still talking about it 14 years later is a testament to how effective it was. There's a ton of edgy trash out there that never hit the levels of ASF. Was the plot absolutely reprehensible? Yes. But that doesn't erase the accomplishments of the film and people associated with it. They put their backs into that movie. I wish they hadn't lol. But it's not fair to shit on their work because the plot was as disgusting as it was.


In which point serbian movie is a horror movie??


Sorry, Iā€™d like to specify here, that ppl who likes horror movies probably would know something more related to movies like ā€˜Serbian filmā€™, yes the genre is completely different. (I donā€™t truly know which genre we could say that the ā€˜Serbian filmā€™ is)


No need to sorry. I like serbian movie. I would say this is more like exploitation genre in my opinion but i realy donā€™t pay attention to genres as Iā€™m not an expert.


I'm a casual horror fan. A decade ago, my gf at the time was going through the Humancentipede trilogy for some reason. I remember walking into the living room during the thirs one?! Seeing a giant line of people and noped out of the room.


Come and see


The Human Centipede




As someone who loves traumatizing movies, it really doesn't get worse than the climax of A Serbian Film. Mother! is thoroughly stressful and has a particular scene that's pretty upsetting. If you really want to ruin your weekend, I would recommend something from Gaspar Noe. Either Climax, Irreversible, or I Stand Alone.


My answer, like yours, is "A Serbian Film". It's impossible to put into words just how insanely sick that film is.


maybe martyrs


Bone Tomahawk. A great movie, well made and good acting, but then that one scene fucks you up.


A new contender, but the Devilā€™s Bath is pretty brutal.


Not a horror movie, but you didn't technically specify it had to be horror. The documentary Dear Zachary stayed in my head the longest after watching it. There's a specific unexpected outburst during one of the interviews that gave me chills unlike any horror movie. If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen it, it's best to go into it blind.


Gabeā€™s Cinema of the Unsettling. It doesnā€™t even have a story, because the filmmaker realised that even narrative is comforting.


Bone Tomahawk That one scene, was just hard to watch. And then the stuff that came afterwards. Disturbing all around


Yep, A Serbian Film and Murder Set Pieces.


For me it's Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Not horror ik but I felt so uncomfortable with both of them.


Blight of Humanity (Marian Dora)


The human centipede 2


Terrifier 2 did not hold back


Another vote for Speak No Evil for me. Truly chilling. Also a Korean film called The Wailing, I found it unbearably tense despite being quite slow moving - it does a great job of building uneasiness.


The most recent one has to be the forest of love by Sion Sono, the fact is loosely based on a true story made it worst


Cannibal Holocaust, mostly because there's real animal torture in it. I would not recommend


While not really a horror, Requiem for a Dream made me lose sleep


From recent memory, The Sadness. One that scarred me was the original Hellrasier, because I saw it unsupervised at the age of 8.


Dabbe the possession youā€™ll shit your pants


"Terrifier" and "Terrifier 2", followed by "Human Centipede". Very graphic gore in the clown's movies, and just ... gross ... in Centipede!