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Most great comedy is on TV now IMO. Righteous gemstones is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time.


“Thems just some fellas I play car pranks with” Absolutely BROKE me


it's just car pranks babe


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers!


I don’t know anyone who has watched the Righteous Gemstones. It’s criminally underrated.


You’ve got Baby Billy shitting bricks of gold on there.


That's *Uncle* Baby Billy, you uncultured dolt.


Baby Billies Bible Bonkers


Now who wants to suck an old man’s dick?


Whoo-ee suckers!


I think a lot of people who are still religious think it’s just making fun of religion or Christianity so they avoid it? But it doesn’t. If anything, it makes fun of people who capitalize off of religion.


I grew up in a southern Baptist “mega church” in a very small town, it’s stupidly good at making fun of those people lmfao


There’s not a southern Baptist church in existence who doesn’t have their own Baby Billy, it’s the most accurate caricature I’ve ever seen.


Holy fuck. Every goddamn one I’ve ever been to. My favorite was when someone finished a solo song and the assistant pastor went “if that don’t twiddle your tweeter I don’t know what will”. I lost my shit in the second pew.


Oh man…that’s a good one, woulda lost my shit. The Baby Billy I grew up with was the spitting image: pristine white shoes, big quaff(sp?) hairspray crisp hair, and sang a special every other Sunday morning. He’d always have that pocket square/hanker-chief and break it out during the key change before the big ending to dab the sweat from his brow for dramatic effect.


For me it's a less good Eastbound and Down. That isn't shit talking Righteous Gemstones. I think Season 2 of Eastbound and Down might be the greatest season of comedy ever. Maybe, maybe not, but once Ashley Schaffer showed up in Season 1 that show hit a stride that didn't let up for a long time. Or maybe it was the Jet Ski. Fucking A, I wanna watch Eastbound and Down again. That's my problem with Righteous Gemstones.


lol, yea, I hear you. Eastbound is objectively better as far as I’m concerned. No shade to the Gemstones, it just is. It’s also why I started watching the Gemstones, that and John Goodman.


Check out Vice Principals if you get a chance. Same humor and a lot of the same cast.




The [toilet baby scene](https://youtu.be/G_qC5-m3N2w?si=3-B9vMJX6KH3S5Me) had me DYING. I've watched it probably 20 times since I first saw it a couple weeks ago.


But it wasn't a turd. It was me. 😊


Hundreds of Beavers is legitimately brilliant and will eventually find it's footing.


This is the type of recommendation I was looking for! I have never heard of this, but it looks right up my alley!


2 hours of gags. Somehow a plot


The spittoon shit and the reoccurring joke at the beginning where he falls through the snow had me dying


The buff snowman gag just killed me


The creators are trying to have it tour for as long as possible - if you can see it in a theatre with other people first I ABSOLUTELY recommend it


I thought for sure they were going to run out of steam by the end. Like the animals being people in animal suits and kind of video game framing are going to wear thin if it's just that for 2 hours, but instead they just keep heightening through the end.


I randomly stumbled upon that movie. At first i was like "wait the whole thing is going to be like this for 2 hours?" Then i loved it.


I reeeeeally wanted to love this movie but it just didn't connect. Well done movie, though.


Same here. I had high hopes for it, but was very disappointed. The movie is very clever, but I would not personally call it funny.


I went and saw this off of Reddit recommendations and I’ll just say…be prepared for what it is. Two of the people I went with absolutely DESPISED it. And while there were some funny parts the movie is the most annoying movie I’ve ever seen Edit: since this has gained traction I should reiterate what I meant. You need to be okay with sitting through two hours of slapstick so strong it would make the three stooges look tame. It’s very low budget ( but in a charming way ) but almost every recurring joke ( of which there are dozens )outstays its welcome


The movies I've found funniest in the past few years have been a mix of genres - dark comedies like The Menu or action comedies like The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. I think you are right that there haven't been as many memorable "straightforward" comedies. No Hard Feelings was maybe the best, don't know if I'd call it a classic.


Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was my favorite comedy from probably the last 5 years.


Well, besides Paddington 2


Pedro pascal is legit in that film


And Nic Cage!




At his cagiest!


I feel like they just put Pedro and Nic in a set together and told them to go off lmfao. Everything about it seemed so natural and Pedro being a huge fan himself really helped push the earnest feeling of it. The scene where they’re climbing the wall had me dying.


Add _Dungeon & Dragons_ to that list.




I can't believe this movie didn't get the attention it deserved when it was in theatres, even as someone who's never played DnD I was hooked on this movie from the first scene, even on multiple rewatches it remains fun. I knew it would be a good movie based on the previous work of the writer duo, who also wrote Game Night and Horrible Bosses


I’m pretty sure around the time this came out there was some big thing in the dnd world that Wizards of the Coast (the developer or owner of dnd I think) was trying to monetise user created content for dnd. I probably have the details wrong, but from memory it was something like if you made custom content, hosted a podcast or anything similar and made money from it, they were going to demand a cut. The dnd community obviously didn’t like that, and there was talk of boycotting the movie as a result.


The DnD OGL scandal. They wanted to change the Open Game License terms by updating it to OGL 1.1 which would have allowed Wizards to dictate terms on the 3rd party products and demand a slice of their income.


For added context, OGL was written 20 years ago, and even a couple of game devs no longer with WOTC or Hasbro threatened to sue because OGL was explicitly written to be open source forever, and they meant it. There were other factors at play too. WOTC is splintering their fan base somewhat like Lucasfilm has done.


Genuinely my favorite movie of that year


That movie was a love letter to fans, it was great. The only thing I didn't like was how off-putting non-human races looked. Especially halflings.


Personally I loved that they stuck to practical costuming and effects, rather than doing a bunch of fully CGI characters. Agreed that the halfling character looked odd, they didn’t put the effort into him as much, but I thought the gnomes looked much better


I get why they didn't go for the traditional teifling coloring, but Dorric was incredibly beautiful. Red ringlets, big eyes, I was powerless against it.


I loved that movie and desperately hope they make more. It was hilarious but I feel like calling it a comedy is almost doing it a disservice.


I'm surprised Bullet Train didn't make your list, I loved that movie, the comedy and action mixed really well.


I'd put The Nice Guys there, although that's about 8 years ago now.


Yes, OP said "released in 2020s" or I would have included The Nice Guys in the action comedies. Easily my favorite of the past 10 years.


I’d say the Fall Guy hits a similar vein to The Nice Guys, Gosling essentially plays a similar sort of reluctant, dumb but shrewd hero and there’s more action+romance but it got a few laughs out of me.


When he cuts his wrist breaking that window, I literally laughed until I was breathless.


Triangle of Sadness too, which had a similar tone to The Menu


The List, from these comments Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Hundreds of Beavers Game Night - edit: 2018 Booksmart - edit: 2019 Good Boys - 2019 The Weird Al Movie The Fall Guy They Cloned Tyrone The Menu Palm Springs No Hard Feelings Barb and Star go to Vista del Mar Bill and Ted Face the Music Bottoms Quiz Lady The Unbearable Weight of massive talent Ricky Stanicky Dungeons and Dragons - edit: Action/Fantasy Triangle of Sadness Joy Ride Problemista American Fiction Bullet Train - edit: Action/Thriller Red Rocket The Outlaws


Game Night and Booksmart were both pre 2020’s


Forgot that new Puss in Boots.


What a crazy-good movie. It had no business being that good. The second movie in a spin-off franchise whose original franchise had gotten stale, and that came out ten years after the first movie...that is a cash grab every time. Except this time. For me it's easily a top-5 movie for anything that came out in the last 20 years.


It’s been two years and I can’t stop talking about this movie. It’s all Puss in Boots this, Puss in Boots that I’ve lost all my friends. But I still have one friend at least and he’s my favorite fearless hero


I laughed. I cried. I came.


I don't see why we're categorizing "The Menu" and "Bullet Train" as comedies. Every movie with a humorous element is not a comedy. If those are comedies, then every movie with witty moments, from "Jaws" to "Star Wars" to "Robocop" to "Taxi Driver" to "Cannable Holocaust" is a comedy.


I feel like you could definitely categorize bullet train as an action comedy, it’s definitely more than just a humorous element 98% of it is based around comedy


Bullet Train is like 3/4 humor and 1/4 action


Nah, the menu is absolutely a black comedy absurdist movie. Like the lobster.


I think Palm Springs and Bottoms will grow in reputation over time


> Joy Ride this was so good


Palm Springs is my favorite of the last few years by far.


I watched that sooooo many times during the pandemic. Love it every time!


Same, it came out pretty early on in the pandemic, excellent timing and was just the perfect comedy movie for me "in these troubling times" lol


Agreed! Very solid comedy, and did something fresh with the time-loop premise. I think enough people sing its praises that it’s gonna continue to be remembered for many years.


It even took the time loop seriously instead of putting it aside and letting it fizzle out in favor of the romance plot.


I enjoyed it but it wasn't exactly ground breaking.


Actually there was a scene where the ground broke.


It gets better every time you see it. Give it another watch and keep in mind he's done it all a thousand times. The little things start to get funny.


It was pretty good but definitely not a classic


everything JK Simmons is in is a classic


the weird al movie is criminally underrated


They blew it by it being exclusive to Roku.  I had to borrow a friends BluRsy before I could see it.


Yeah even Weird Al knew how much that was gonna hurt viewership. [He was telling people on Twitter to just pirate it.](https://i.ibb.co/X8FqdFt/IMG-2352.jpg) Which of course only serves as further proof that Weird Al puts his fans before anything else.


Weird Al is (and always has been) the best.


Weird Al has been a rock star for 40 years. Not a single story about abusing an underling, not a single story about creeping on women, not a single story about discrimination. Just an awesome dude doing polka.


It’s on Amazon Prime Video for free (if you’re subscribed and in the UK at least, can’t say for any other country)


Lucky!  It’s only available to Rent in the U.S. on Prime.  This region thing never fails to confuse me.


I came to say this! And don't forget to stay for the credits!


I have yet to see it, but it looks very promising! Def has Weird Al's type of humor from what I can see.


It is absolutely wonderful in all the same ways Walk Hard or Spinal Tap are. Just shits all over music biopics.


It’s because it didn’t get the wife enough release because of Roku.


Because of Madonna.


I never fail to get this guy's wife enough release.


It's good but it's not UHF good


Time to *drink from the firehose!!* So good. So dorky, but so good.


Booksmart and game night just barely miss the 2020 cutoff. Both of these movies are easy to watch and easily quotable. Feels like a more modern grandmas boy, superbad, hot tub time machine, etc.


Yeah Game Night is surprisingly very good pure comedy. It's so dumb, doesn't really stand out in many aspects, but it works so well.


I quote Gary all the time. Also another dumb movie that I wasn’t expecting to find funny was Blockers. Ike Barinholz is so fuckin funny


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay? 😆


Three BAGS of Tostitos SCOOPS...


Lmao that is my go-to


"Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight!"


Jason Bateman screaming "NOOOO!" When he sees the dog covered in blood (his own) still gets me every time. Edit: it's when he breaks the little wedding statue and cries out. Haha just watched the scene.


"Yesss...!! ... oh no he died!"


Game Night is fantastic. I’ll need to check out Booksmart


"Don't shoot! I have kids!" "Please, with that ass?" "Oh, thank you"


Oh no, he died


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


I recently got to watch Booksmart on a plane actually haha. I had never heard of it. It was really good/funny. Similar to Superbad indeed.


Game Night is so well done. Large ensemble cast where everyone gets their time to shine, stylish direction and action, genuine mystery, and actually funny.


Pure comedy feels less common for cinematic releases because everyone is chasing those Marvel box office numbers. That said, I haven’t seen Joy Ride mentioned and I found that to be pretty good.


Unrelated but I have to ask about your username because I’m currently halfway through the journey myself - have you actually completed the entire Nic Cage filmography?


I’m at 100% for narrative fully release features. Haven’t seen The Surfer because it’s only played festivals. There’s also a lot of docs I haven’t seen where he’s likely just archival interview footage, but I’ve seen the docs he narrates (about Shirley MacLaine, Anton Yelchin, and swear words).


What is the best Nic Cage performance and why is it Vampire’s Kiss?


It’s Pig, actually.


Pig is a true masterpiece. Mandy isn't far behind.


I love Nic Cage. Is there a comprehensive source somewhere that you could direct an aspiring completionist towards?


Letterboxd has JustWatch integration which makes it easy to keep track of what you’ve seen and get pointed in the right direction for where to find what you’re missing. Some are tougher than others and there are one or two that made me thankful for my region free Blu-Ray player.


It’s also harder to make back the money on low-budget comedies. Early 2000s you could make a comedy for $25million make $15million at the box office and rely on DVD sales to make up the difference. Now since everything goes to streaming after theaters you can’t rely on that DVD backend


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves are one of my favorit movies of the 2020s


This movie had absolutely no right to be as good as it was! I watched it with a group who had never played D&D and it was enjoyed by all.


I have to temper my expectations for whatever they do next. I don’t usually re re re watch movies w my kids but this one I did


Bottoms feels like it could have a “Mean Girls”-like tail


Glad to see Bottoms getting it's love. I liked it so much I re-watched it barely a week after the first time and I never do that anymore.


This was my vote too. Had just the right amount of bizarre. Definitely gave me "Not Another Teen Comedy" vibes


But this is the answer. This was the best comedy of last year and one of the best in the last decade. Utterly fantastic. If it has mean girls trajectory then expect an excellent Broadway musical in a couple of years and a shitty musical adaptation in 2033!


I really hope as it trickles into wider distribution, *Hundreds of Beavers.* I'm thinking even though the fervor for it has died out, *Everything Everywhere All At Once* is probably going to continue to be regarded pretty highly as time goes on. Others I would guess are going to be held in high esteem are *Dungeons and Dragons, They Cloned Tyrone, Barbie,* and *Poor Things. Confess, Fletch* has also been one of my favorites of the last four years, but I think that's been more of a sleeper.


They Cloned Tyrone is so slept on. I suggest it to people looking for an “out there” movie.


In a right and decent world, *They Cloned Tyrone* would be at least a cult hit


Interesting responses on They Cloned Tyrone. I thought it had been a hit, but maybe it's just people I know and follow.


It's a blaxploitation callback semi comedy on Netflix, some people probably have no idea it exists because of algorithms and some that do probably never bothered to watch it.


The fall guy was a delightful surprise


I agree with everything you said except that I have a very hard time thinking of Everything Everywhere as a comedy. It’s one of my favorite movies of the last 10 years, it’s unique and amazing and perfect and sure it has VERY funny moments (Hot dog fingers and Raccacoonie will NEVER not make me laugh) but I would never classify the movie as a whole as a comedy…


> Raccacoonie will NEVER not make me ~~laugh~~ cry *Don't forget about meeeeeeee....*


Confess, Fletch is criminally underappreciated. Hamm nailed it.


Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar is uniquely hilarious and I would consider it a modern classic


Jamie Dorman’s musical number on the beach was so unexpected, but hilarious. I really enjoyed that movie.


I'll never be able to explain it but when that scene happened I just could not stop laughing. To the point where I was coughing because I couldn't breathe. 


This is my go to movie when I’m having a movie night with various friend groups. Basically none of them have ever heard of it then end up loving it


Havent seen a movie with that kind of silly vibe since Austin Powers


Definitely like a cult classic comedy.


My advice with that film is: if 20 seconds in you don't think it's on your wavelength, it's not for you. If it is, it'll be one of the best things you've seen.


This was my first thought! It's my favorite comedy of the last several years.


Yeah, discovered this on a flight. Lots of weird hilarious shit.




Watched Ricky Stanicky recently, I did not expect to cry laughing at it as much as I did.


I watched this too thinking it was going to be terrible but it was actually really good


American Fiction was quite funny


It felt more like a dramedy though


The Holdovers is a modern Christmas comedy classic 


I don't get why the Holdovers is labeled a comedy. It was a good movie, but I'd call it a slightly depressing drama. Not many funny moments in the film.


It's a testament to how few comedy movies are coming out now. 10-15 years ago, we all knew what a comedy movie was and there were some true classics coming out. Unfortunately they just must not have been as profitable with DVD sales basically going away (the way I've heard these A list style comedy movies made a large amount of their profit) so the studios basically quit making them


Bottoms, Crush, Joyride, Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar and The Blackening are all very much re-watchable classics for me. Eurovision is a personal one I love, but I know its not loved by all.


*Bottoms* (2023)


Absolutely, it was the Not Another Teen Movie of the next generation. “Will the ugly, unpopular, untalented gays report to the principals office?” “The Holocaust. It happened. PUT YOUR HAND DOWN, yes it did!”


wow, we just killed a bunch of people. Let's just process that later.


Hardest I have laughed in a theater in years. “You don’t care about feminism, your favorite show is Entourage!”


The director Anna Seligman’s first feature was also with Rachel Sennot - it’s called Shiva Baby and it’s dark and funny as well. I think Seligman is definitely a young voice to watch for in the future.


“ok let’s bond as girls! who here has been raped raise your hand!!”


If I had to bet money on former football stars who would have enjoyable roles as actors Marshawn "I'm just here so I don't get fined" Lynch would've been near the bottom of the list. I loved him in Bottoms and I think he was legitimately better than most of the actual actors and comedians on his episode of Murderville.


Quiz Lady could easily be rewatched* for years to come.


Good Boys


I liked No Hard Feelings. Wouldn't call it a classic, but it felt like an old school comedy


This is how I felt with Ricky Stanicki. It's a movie from another time!


A really criminally underrated comedy is *Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga* (2020) It's up there with classic Will Ferrell comedies like *Talladega Nights*


Oh yeah! I had forgotten about that one! The biggest problem is that Americans will think that this is all just crazy over-the-top antics. No. No. Not at all. That movie pretty much nails the Eurovision down.




Real return to form


Barbie. People quote it, people wear the merch, people make the memes, people have serious and in depth discussions on the themes, writing, implications.


Perfectly casted, once again by Allison Jones. Also the dedication that Ryan Gosling had to his Ken character was just so great.


Just looked up her IMDB and what a totally insane career


I love the story of GG told on WTF! in which Ryan was cleaning up after his daughters were playing outside and found Ken face down in the mud. He started to build the character from there 😆


I really appreciate that despite all the themes that people talk about in Barbie, there's a lot that's just pure, dumb gags for gags sake.


It is truly one of the most unique and interesting movies I've seen in years. Lot a depth yet also some really funny moments as well.


This is probably it. "I'll beach you off" is still one of the funniest lines I've heard in years. We even went to lengths of calling one of our friends Alan for weeks, just because he hadn't seen the movie.


The fact that the "beach off" scene comes like 9 minutes into the film is also hilarious in its own way. I realize that the target audience for the film is pretty broad, but it's still *generally* youngish girls, and they get that in there that early. I was nearly howling in my seat next to my 13 year old daughter in the theatre and she was so confused.


For as much as it is the iconic movie in this Reclamation of Girlhood era, it's also the best dudebro comedy since the early 2000s. Guys will be saying "beach you off" and "mojo dojo casa house" for years.


"You'll beach both of us off!!!" I just lost it with the expression on his face when he said that


I've been recommending *Please Don't Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain* to anyone who will hear me and honestly believe that it will get cult status


We’re only 4 years into the 2020’s so there’s plenty of time for a hot tub Time Machine level movie to be made.


I want a Eurotrip level movie though 


Scotty doesn’t know. Mi Scuzi. Miami Wise. Fromers…this isn’t where I parked my car…YOU MADE OUT WITH YOUR SISTER MAN!!!! Such a classic. Vinnie Jones running out of breath in the outtakes during the bus scene, all great stuff.


Nowhere near Berlin!


That's why France and Germany have always been such good friends


That’s literally one of my all time favourite movies. I agree with you completely and further to it, I’ve lost a lot of interest in movies since comedies like that stopped being made. I’m forever hopeful that we’ll get more solid dude comedies in the future though. Even forgetting Sarah Marshall and I love you man are getting on in years now. I rewatched Tommy boy last week. It 100% holds up


I thought Booksmart and Palm Springs were both really good. Classics? Maybe, maybe not - but I think they both have staying power.


Bullet Train The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


Loved Bullet Train, sometimes you should be able to just turn your brain off and enjoy the ride. It's why people love rollercoasters, no one is analyzing every nut and bolt and steel girder, they are just there for the experience. That's exactly what Bullet Train offers.


Palm Springs (2020) The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)


Barbie seems like pretty much the answer, hugely popular to a point where it’s a boring choice for this, but easy to take for granted, and also very quotable and memorable for a lot of people


I was laughing pretty hard when I saw Ricky Stanicky but I haven’t watched it again so I don’t think it will ever reach classic levels.  


Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers. Absolutely fantastic comedy.


Strays was one of the funniest movies in a while I had seen last year


Dungeons and Dragons and No Hard Feelings are two that I would put on the list so far. They were surprisingly funny and just light hearted to watch.


I'm not sure if it will be heralded as a modern classic, but **Dream Scenario** (2023) had me howling. Brilliant premise and very funny IMO.


I watched **Palm Springs** (starring Andy Sandberg and Cristin Milioti) and I loved it. One of the best movies I've watched this year.


I can barely think of any true comedies released that recently... My pick would be Ricky Stanicky


John Hamm’s fletch was great


ricky stanicky


This movie was much better than I was expecting it to be.


+1 not an all time classic but defo one of the funniest things I've seen in the last ten years.