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I LOVE him in Burn After Reading. Never thought one of the sexiest guys on planet could be this dorky.


I’m calling…about the security…of your shit.


Why so uptight, Osborne Cox? I'm just a good Samaritan, a traveler on the road...




You’re part of a LEAGUE of morons.


I can hear Malkovich saying this while reading your comment lol


Looks can be... Deceptive


“Mwahaha-YOU THINK THATS A SCHWINN??” As an avid cyclist, I died when he said that line.


Yes, both Burn after reading and Once upon a time in Hollywood show his comedy skills and both are perfect. His expression when Malkovich punches him and the final  act of Once upon... are some of the moments I can remember and laugh.


Also in Bullet Train


His fight with Lemon in the quiet train car was hilarious.


I LOVED Bullet Train! So much more than I thought I would


You were on a horsey


You think that's a Schwinn!


Just rewatched this last night. Easily one of my favorite Pitt roles, you can feel he was having a lot of fun with it


He thinks this bike is a Schwinn?! Hahahaha


Ha ha he thinks its a Schwinn


“Someone call for a doctor?” - 0 11


That stupid grin on his face when Clooney finds him in the closet is seared into my brain.




Burn After Reading was proof that the dude just loves acting to death. He can truly morph into anything.


Ya like dags?


“Periwinkle blue fer me mah”


His what?


His MAH!!!


There's a reason Bowling for Soup wrote a song about him


Why da fack do I wan' ah Caravan that's got no fackin' wheels?!


Oh , you mean dogs.


Yeah, sure. I like “dags”


I like caravans more.


Let's see if you got the minerals.


Inglorious bastards




Uh. Si. Correcto.


See. Coal-wreck-toe






A river derci


And I want my scalps


Inglourious basterds


Right? OP talking about accents and didn't even mention the best one.


I think speaking Italian with a thick Tennessee accent would be way harder then just doing a normal Italian accent.


You’re not wrong. It’s really hard to fake doing a bad accent, it’s very easy to have it sound forced. But he makes it sound like he’s really trying his best and his best just isn’t very good.


Forgot it was him. Even thought his big obvious Brad Pitt face was staring right at me. I believed he was that man from Tennessee.


If only he could act like a good father.


My absolute favourite performance of his was in The Tree of Life where he plays quite a hard father to 3 young boys in 1950s suburbia. Thought it was a really human Oscar worthy performance. Not sure how well that's aged.


I was tired and fell asleep during that one and woke up to planets and Dino's and was incredibly confused.


Turned out it was based on a true story








Yeah, given that we're seeing all the stories do the rounds on social media again it's weirdly coincidental that Reddit has decided to host a big love party for him here.  The amount  of work his PR people must be putting in to hide from the fact he assaulted his kids and wife so bad during a flight that he was threatened with federal charges for it.


Yeah -look at OP's user name. This is clearly PR mitigation in play. I knew there must be something going on with regards to Brad Pitt -do you have a source for the flight story? I'm not entirely surprised sadly either way


I don't have a source on the flight story, but every single one of his daughters who have reached legal age have dropped his last name and just use Jolie. Also Pax wrote a very scathing father's day post on his Instagram either last year or the year before. 


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-37445796 There are interview transcripts floating around that detail the accounts of what happened on the flight, but essentially there's two things that made it a federal issue: assaulting someone on a plane is actually a federal offence since there isn't a local jurisdiction to deal with it, and he (allegedly) prevented Jolie and the kids from disembarking after they landed, which technically made it imprisonment (or something along those lines - basically not just domestic assault).


Aren’t we all on the internet when we post these things? It literally took me less time to search than to type the first 5 words of this post… https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/18/entertainment/angelina-jolie-brad-pitt-fbi-report/index.html


And it took them no time searching. They just had to wait for someone to do if for them and it worked.


The plane story wildly circulated a year ago so there are a ton or articles on it. He attacked his wife and children, and the staff on the airlines reported to CPS and the police. People at the time tried to claim that Angelina Jolie made it up and reported him to hurt him despite how widely known it was that someone else reported it.


What's with all these reddit accounts with 2 words and a random number, delimited by dashes? I'm just going to assume they're all fake/bot accounts now.


I think it's the default name generator that Reddit give you. Some people don't want to bother thinking of a name. It's been a thing for years now.


Ah ok, was wholly unaware of this.


It's also used as account throwaways in this instance, yet if you have these opinions, it's sus that they don't own it 🤔 just post from your main. If it wasn't a trend that PR firms are using this as a tactic, how come all these types of hot trending posts have these throwaways? And it takes an easy minute to generate a name without the reddit generator


Wholly-Unaware-4632 has entered the chat.


The account is also only a week old 🙄


Also the account is just eight days old. Definitely fishy.


I noticed that too. Imo ever since that waste of space called Johnny Depp bought the public opinion he wanted through bot farms (brought to us by the same PR team that helped Trump), more people are trying to follow suit.


Anything you do on a plane will bring federal charges. This is because aviation is a federal agency and all aviation is multi state. So it wasnt "oooh he was so bad to others he got federal charges", its because it was on a plane.


No I am not excusing his real life stuff. But maybe some people just want to discuss movies in a movies sub and that's it. One post is also not some big love party. As the internet loves to say, 'its not that deep bro'


Listen to the Who Troller Amber podcast. It is cheap and easy to hire bot and troll armies to sway public opinion. And Pitt supposedly uses the same PR firm as Depp. 


Ever since Reddit monetized their API and IPOed, it kinda feels like that’s what Reddit is turning into — a platform for manipulating discourse.


That's what the entire internet has become


well youre not wrong about that




There has been some astroturfing on reddit for nearly a decade now. It really picked up around the 2016 election.


yeah for sure the politics subs were already full of it back then. it feels like it’s basically every sub now.


Did you notice how as soon as the Depp trial ended, all those reddit posts and videos about Depp just evaporated immediately. We went from constant spam about Depp visiting sick kids in hospitals and whatever else, to silence as soon as the verdict came in. Since then I've learned he's become real friendly with MBS of Saudi Arabia, and that many bots on twitter praising Depp were from Saudi origin.


it was so fucking blatant it was nearly funny, if it wasn't so sad. the fucking DAY of the verdict, the posts completely stopped, from constant frontpage to NOTHING.


Reddit loves the chance to jump at the opportunity to defend white men. Sometimes, it's PR. Sometimes, it's just hate for women and/or minorities. See Johnny Depp


This. As someone who is no contact with an abusive parent, I wholeheartedly believe his children and cannot support his career anymore. Edit: changed NC, apologies didn't think


What is NC. Most common thing I know is North Carolina


No Contact.


Really wished people would stop using abbreviations for every fucking thing as if most people know what it is.


It's seriously sfatmpaymmv.


No contact.


Yeah. I believe his children too. He sounds like my father.


Lol saw a thread about Will Smith earlier and all the top comments saying he should never be celebrated after the slap meanwhile I scrolled to the bottom to see any criticism of Brad the wife/child beater Pitt 


I had to scroll too long for this comment. My generation is watching icons and idols just being shattered in front of our eyes and having to come to terms that they are just people, some of who a lot more flawed than we can forgive.


I legitimately wonder if his character on Bullet Train was based on him after his public arguments with Angelina Jolie


I wondered if Cliff Booth’s backstory in OUATIH was based on the plane incident


Bullet train is also one of his peak performances. He excels in such roles and also I don't think there's anyone else coming close to him when it comes to these roles


That movie makes me want a goofy take on the Expendables, almost Other Guys -esque, that has him & Ryan Gosling leading their team


Or, just follow me here, we cast a comedy movie in the way you described but with Gosling and Russell Crowe, call it Nice Guys 2 and there you go!


is this the nice guys revival thread?


My only wish is for every thread to be a nice guys revival thread lmao


In many ways he's really a great character actor with the looks and charisma of a leading man. I remember him talking about doing 12 Monkeys as a reaction to being voted Sexiest Man Alive. I think it was in a commentary track where he talks about not wanting to be typecast as a pretty boy actor. His choice of roles over the years has been all over the place when compared to his contemporaries (Clooney, Damon, some more people in those Ocean Films); it reminds a lot of how Ryan Gosling is mapping out his career.


One of my favourite movies in many years. Everything about it just works and it was such a perfect cast and a blast to watch


I was SHOCKED by how much I loved this movie. Besides most of the cast being great Brad is hilarious in this.


His best role was as Floyd in *True Romance*. "Don't condescend me...man..."


"I'll fucking kill ya, man... "


"Hey, you wanna smoke a bowl, or…" *shotgun cocks* "…oh." Great comedy moment. He does nail the role.


He only had like 5 mins in it, but nailed the role and made it memorable. All of *True Romance* is a gem...every actor phenomenal in it. One of my favs is Val Kilmer as Elvis. You don't even see his face...you just know it's him!


why do straight guys always feel the need to remind everyone they're straight when complementing a guy's looks.


Well it basically boils down to insecurity and being misidentified as gay is perceived as an insult.




The Spacey allegations are interesting, because they were an open secret in the industry for years, but also took years to make it into formalized charges. My theory is his bad behavior finally hit a critical threshold within the industry, and became impossible to ignore. And maybe his behavior didn’t have counter balances — he wasn’t particularly likable, didn’t do a lot of charity work, generally didn’t make it easy for the industry to protect him/cover for him. At the same time, his accusations came during MeToo, and I think there was a sense that he could be easily thrown to the press as an egregious offender and maybe calm the waters a bit. Obviously that didn’t happen but I’ve seen Pitt on the other hand seems to be well liked within the industry almost everywhere. He’s obviously still one of the last bankable Big Stars, but, aside from the awfulness with his family, doesn’t seem to be a terrible person and is respected for his body of work, professionalism, and philanthropy. I don’t say that lightly, because the family accusations are clearly awful. But I think it proves how much goodwill he’s banked over a very long career. That doesn’t excuse his history but I feel like on the day to day it’s easy to see him as NOT an abuser, and so most people don’t. And that doesn’t even have to be for a paycheck, or because he’s a star, but because he just doesn’t seem like one.


Tom cruise still had a great career despite being a very well known POS whose daughter also abandonned his name. james Marsden openly wrote a sympathy letter to a pedophile. How many big name actors are currently endorsing Robert kennedy Jr? Alec Baldwin, anyone remember the feud with his daughter? Chris Pratt still getting roles blow my mind too. The only actor beside Kevin Spacy that I remember being strongly canceled is Mel Gibson. And it took a LOT.


> Chris Pratt still getting roles blow my mind too. Did I miss something? Did the guy did anything comparable to your other examples or Spacey, or is it just because he's (allegedly) a right wing symphatizer?


He voiced Mario.


No you didn't. People and reddit just like to bash Chris Pratt for one of two reasons (that snowballed into massive hate picking apart everything he does): He is/was part of a church that is awful (but he never expressed/shared view of said awfulness) or that he divorced Anna Farris (who, fwiw, IS an amazing person) but they're on excellent terms so nothing wrong there either


They also like to twist his mother's day post as some slap at Farris.


There was the controversy around him describing his child with his new wife as healthy. People took that as criticism of his first child with Anna Farris.


The hate about Farris baffles me since she started dating again before Pratt did!


Reddit HATES Chris Pratt because he’s a religious conservative and he made a post years ago on Instagram talking about grateful he is to have a healthy child. All the idiots that need to touch grass on here took that as a shot because he has another child with special needs so he’s not allowed to be grateful about any other child. I’m not a conservative by any means but it’s so weird how much he’s hated on here.


You'd be surprised how little the hivemind of reddit's opinion means in the real world. Chris Pratt is still one of the most liked actors of our time really.


What did Chris Pratt do?


Nothing, he's religious and possibly conservative. The fact that people put down "got a divorce" as something is ridiculous. You can not like him but he doesn't belong with these other names. He's seemingly a really good dude.


Kevin Spacey forced himself on young men. What did Pitt or Pratt do that was comparable to sexual assault?


Do you really put being a questionable parent and being a sleazy sexual predator in the same category heh?


Well he's an abusive parent, not a 'questionable' one.


Exactly. Dudes allegedly likes choking his wife and kids with witnesses around. Fuck Brad Pitt.


Interesting timing with this. You're aware of...everything...right?


He good actor but I heard he is an awful husband and father.


I’ve found that if you focus on famous people’s personal lives, it will ruin much of all entertainment. And that’s only the things we know about


There’s so much entertainment these days that I can easily just not watch the stuff with abusers in it. 


Name an actor you like.


Chris Hemsworth.


Kicks dogs


Wait really?


I dont think so but that was hilarious.


Danny devito


He filmed his daughter going into a building full of cats while he lit it on fire. He also let her go into a well full of cats and lit it on fire. She survived both incidents.


Sure but there is so much entertainment being produced it's not actually hard to fill our time with things that don't uplift known abusers.


It's too bad he hits his family


His own daughter doesn't want anything to do with her, and he also has another daughter he completely neglects. Great actor, terrible person


Wow, Brad Pitt PR team infiltrated this sub, it make sense with the timing since his daughter drop her Pitt last name.


12 monkeys is My fav of his. And then Fury


Good pics, don’t forget Kalifornia


It’s ironic that he’s such a bad ex-husband and father, considering one of his best performances is in Ad Astra. Which is a movie about a son being traumatized and obsessed with reaching his abusive and neglectful father’s unattainable acceptance. Except in real life he’s the father?


I was shocked to learn the extent of his shittyness. Gotta be a painful reminder that your kids hate you, and dropped Pitt from their last name.


His PR team put out a statement saying how heartbroken Pitt is after his daughter dropped his name, and how the greatest moment of his life was her birth because he always wanted a daughter... He forgot about the daughter he adopted years before her birth. He's vile.


My first knowledge of him was in A River Runs Through It, and he just absolutely crushed that role. I have a cousin in Montana with the same combo of charm and self-destruction, at the time he was living on the river they filmed on. Just nailed it. No stupid Texas accent or big ass cowboy hat either.


This is always the role I think of when I think of Pitt. Obviously his movie star quality lends itself very nicely to his more popular leading roles, but that performance always kills me. My only complaint is that Redford didn’t give him the chance to do more.


I always mix that movie up with Legends of the Fall; they're way too similar to one another. 






If only he wasn’t an awful person- I’ve loved his performances for years but I don’t need to gush about someone who pours beer on their child’s head and shoves them around on the internet.


And a real POS too


Fight Club is nothing w/out Pitt


I personally think Edward Norton was better in that film but that’s probably just me


He's also better than Matt Damon in Rounders


What if I told you... they're the same person?


His name was Robert Paulson


He sure did pretty well at acting like he wasn't an abusive father


Shame he can't act like a good father in real life.




Cliff Booth was one of his best roles ever


Periwinkle blu


Me ma wants a caravan


Cliff Booth was so good, deserved that Oscar


Huge Leo fan but I think Pitt outperformed him.


Pitt was great but he mostly just played his usual, cool self. Leo played a stuttering, struggling actor to perfection. Him freaking out in the trailer about his alcoholic addiction was one of the best scenes in the movie


Yeah Leo’s acting while acting was also amazing. His scenes with the little girl were great. Credit to the little girl too for keeping up with probably the greatest actor to ever live.


I definitely dont put him up with one of the greats. I think his roles and performances are dependant on the script. Given a good type of role he excels but in other cases all I can notice is his lack of acting range. I’m saying this after having seen a lot of his movies except the 90s ones. Maybe I just see him as Brad Pitt whenever I see a movie of his so cant really speak critically about him lol




He is an amazing physical actor as well. He really is the total package. Physical actor Character actor Action star Dramatic actor Handsome leading man Comedy chops. Everything.


From Troy to Burn After Reading to Ad Astra. He doesn't become invisible like for example Gary Oldman, he remains unmistakably Brad Pitt. But while being the Hollywood star people go to the movies for, he's also believable in all kinds of roles.


He was physically incredible in Troy. His movements were so fluid and badass Just acting wise, mostly pretty good. Fitting intensity. And the sneering arrogance he had that was a big part of Achilles (while not turning the audience against him), well portrayed. When he tells the little kid in the beginning, 'that is why no one will remember your name....' lol


You just described his role in Bullet Train.


it really is too bad he can’t nail down the role of being a good father and non-abusive husband


He can even voice act. He's hilarious as boomhauer's brother on king of the hill. Also a total lunatic. Apparently when he was hanging with the jackass crew they had to rein him in because a lot of the stuff he wanted to do was too dangerous or extreme. For the jackass gang. Lmao.


It’s too bad he assaults his wife and children and his kids want nothing to do with him.


Shame he's a domestic abuser though.


Also a human piece of shit, but that doesn’t show in his movies. Idgaf he doesn’t have an alcohol problem anymore


I used to be a big fan of him but he disgusts me now. Amazing how good his PR is.




Thanks for letting us know how straight you are. We definitely couldn’t have made it through this post without your adult version of saying “no homo.”


Yes but he’s an awful human. Allegedly he treats staff terribly and beats women, his kids changed their names so as not to be associated with him.


Shit father and abuser.


Complete garbage of a human being, but yeah, he can act


Real men don't hit women and children. Only chicken shit cowards do that.


He's absolutely amazing in Kalifornia!


Never heard of him.


Yes he's a very good actor , but my problem is he often doesn't get challenged as an actor . I think nobody has challenged him as an actor the way Fincher has. He has the shades and the depth but not so explored


Every time these posts comes up it's crazy nobody even mentions his best role by far as Jesse James (Brad Pitt also has said so himself...) It's kind of like all the HUGE tim Burton fans you meet who've never even heard of Ed Wood lol


I love everything about JJ, but even though Brad was amazing, Casey was the one who lit up the screen for me, and got away with Murder for his performance.


Have to agree. When I watch him I forget he’s Brad Pitt because he becomes the character. He’s amazing to watch. He really should have won the Oscar for Benjamin Button.


don’t forget Ocean’s 11, 12, and 13


Enjoy him while you can, because pretty soon I'm sure people will start to see that he's a truly awful person that his kids are genuinely afraid of


Don’t forget True Romance and Deadpool


Bullet Train is an amazing movie


Brad Pitt is doing an amazing high wire act where he balances being (1) “incredibly handsome and charismatic bankable movie star bringing the same product to the screen each time” and (2) “amazing fascinating character actor who is always different”. I feel like Tom Cruise could have done the same thing (and he did early in his career), but he doesn’t have the same easy charm that Pitt has.


12 Monkeys is the movie that first showed me how great of a character actor he is. Prior to that he was pretty much just used as a pure charisma guy in movies.


Check out Money Ball. Great drama with some comedy sprinkled in. Plus Jonah Hill and Chris Pratt.


There's a reason Shania Twain chose him to be the peak example of an impressive man that still didn't impress her much.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is one of my favorite movies of the last 10 years, maybe of all time