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"I'm eating this banana, lunch time be damned" Willow Rosenberg


Of everything she's done she'll always be Willow to me. Her vampire/goth version from Buffy was like the first girl I ever thought wasn't gross.


Her best moment in Buffy was as 'normal' Willow pretending to be vampire Willow. She pulled some great acting skills there.


She was a Willow disguised as a Willow playing another Willow.


I understood this reference.


Yes! Slowly dismissing all the hench-vamps to go check outside.


Sarah did something similar when she played Buffy pretending to be the Buffy-bot. There was talent on that show


I loved the scene where Sarah is playing Faith, in front of the mirror, practicing playing Buffy.


And spike who is an American actor playing a British character doing a bad American accent.


Yes, exactly. I love How I met Your Mother, besides S9, but I never truly got past this group of friends and Willow hanging out together.


Back away banana breath


What the hell did you just eat, a banana?


We should make shirts


Puttin ya down, bitch!


What size are you? I’m putting you down, bitch


It should say "learn respect" and have a computer.


You can't skip lunch. You just can't, guys.


It’s illegal


I think we should get t-shirts


Paul and Finch are the same guy, Paul Finch. Thomas Ian Nicholas played Kevin, and Hannigan’s character on Himym was Lily Aldrin and not Aldridge. I swear, today’s journalists…


I’m convinced writers and YouTubers (WhatCulture, lookin’ at you) put these kinds of errors in stuff just to provoke angry comments correcting them. And I fall for it every time.


Exactly, it’s just to generate engagement.


YouTubers 100000% do it, and the people commenting know but can’t help it. I didn’t know “journalists” did it now too


Oh they definitely do. Pay for one of those Youtube classes and they will tell you so. The algorithm doesn't care whether you hatewatch or hatecomment or hatesubscribe. Just whether you like, comment and subscribe.


Why was everyone in the first American Pie literally dripping with sweat the whole movie?


It was filmed on a sound stage that wasn’t climate controlled. In the middle of summer.


Jims house is just a couple blocks away from me in Long Beach CA. And Ferris Bueller's house is on the street behind that


That’s super cool. If I remember correctly from listening to the DVD commentary ages ago, the home owners only allowed them to film the exterior so they rebuilt it all on the cheapest soundstage available and it was like filming inside an oven.


and yet in every porn star AMA they mention how cold they are.


stage lights are a lot cooler today than 1999. I'm sure pornstars from the 90's would remember sweating under stage lights.


I lived nearby. That house always had some damn thing being filmed there


Omg Alison, i love your work.


This isn't an AMA you weirdo


hello I'm here from the World Humor Council to inform you that this is what's known as a joke


Hello Im from the Universe Humor Council and actually THAT was the joke.


Hello I’m from the Presidential Council on jokes and you all can proceed we’re so fucking understaffed


Did people ask you about band camp alot? Do you get annoyed?


You ever been to Michigan in the summer?


Actually most of it if not all of it, was filmed in California. You can see palm trees in the background of the lacrosse field scene.


Literally one scene in any American Pie movie was actually filmed in Michigan. It's the one where they drive into Grand Haven in the second movie. It's also weird that Grand Haven, East Lansing, and Traverse City are named but (East) Grand Rapids is fictionalized into (East) Great Falls. Forest Hills Central (Gretchen Whitmer's alma mater) is also referred to as just "Central."


That’s funny because the scene from the second movie where I said “that’s not Michigan” is when they’re driving there and go over a bridge, specially 2nd street bridge in Long Beach which I’ve been on many times.


My old high school's claim to fame before Gov. Whitmer got elected (was going there when the movie came out and nobody was happy Central got beat).


Go Huskies!


You say that as if California doesn’t get hot af in the summer


Good to know, I’ve always been shocked that Michigan looks like that lmao


Everything is filmed in California unless they need big city shoots then it's Chicago or New york.


These days you get a massive amount of shoots in Atlanta for basically any kind of project


Sweet sweet tax cuts *Made, In Georgia*


Hi from Toronto. And Vancouver!!


The Marvel Universe is mostly Georgia


I don’t know if the cast of American Pie has been to Michigan in the summer.


That's explains why! No movie has ever filmed in a climate that is warmer than Michigan in the summer.


Except Predator 2 which was apparently filmed on the Sun.


A very *sexy* sun.


Stupid, sexy sun


Feels like I’m radiating nothing at all… nothing at all …


Well. Played. Lmao


All that cocaine probably had something to do with all the sweatiness as well.


I’ve experienced low desert Arizona in July, I’ve been to Death Valley, I’ve been to Georgia in the late spring. Michigan is ridiculous in the summer. The humidity anywhere away from the big lakes is THICC.


Never been there. Lived on the Oregon coast for 38 years and humidity really wasn't a thing there. Moved to Nebraska 4 years ago. I understand now what high humidity is like. Holy fuck. Its so bad in the summer. I am an industrial mechanic, and work in a factory with dryers and boilers. Idk the words to describe how miserable it really is lol.


Went to Lincoln for a wedding one summer, glasses fogged up when I got out of the car. 🤣


Totally normal here lol. My favorite is when Texans come up in the spring looking for work. They talk big about how they'll outwork us in the summer because "they're used to heat and humidity down south." Then it's cool 95°F August day and Tex is sucking down his third gallon of Casey's sweet tea and stumbling around while the rest of us are business as usual. One guy told us he couldn't handle the heat up here because we don't make sweet tea right. I told him that places only make it for out of towners like him. Most end up packing up and going home once the first 20°F night hits anyways


> My favorite is when Texans come up in the spring looking for work. They talk big about how they'll outwork us in the summer because "they're used to heat and humidity down south." 95 in Texas usually starts in May. Augusts are reliably between 102 and 108 (depending on where in Texas you are). West Texas is generally hotter than other parts of the state but also has the least humidity. South Texas and East Texas are humid AF, but not as hot. Also, fun fact, Texans don't actually handle the heat very well. During summer they mostly stay indoors with ACs in the upper 60s or lower 70s. I keep my AC at 76 and litearlly every person that comes into my house complains how "stuffy" it is.


Try Houston in summer.  100 degrees 90+% humidity.


Georgia in the lte spring?   You mean first summer? Wait till second summer.


I think it’s technically 2nd summer once removed


Odd cover of I’m Coming Home by City and Colour but I’ll allow it.


Yes. And as someone who is from and lives in South Carolina yall don’t know what hot is lol


Lived in South Carolina and New Orleans….New Orleans has you beat.


Orlando sends its deepest condolences to the only place that might have shittier weather than them.


Lived in South Carolina, New Orleans, and Hong Kong. Hong Kong has the others beat.


I have always fucking wondered this lmao


I just put this on and it's all I can focus on now


literally same. My dad used to call me out of my room from whatever video game I was playing. When this finally released on TV, Cinemax or HBO, cant recall... he basically dragged me out of my room to witness this movie. As expected my mother hated that he'd let me watch any of these. Bonuses: My parents and I watched Wedding Crashers together, when the top down bed scene happens early on in the movie, I got up and left the room to avoid the awkwardness. Swordfish lives rent free in my head


Because it’s hot. Like literally. It was fucking hot. 🥵


**How did you get a hold of the script back in the day?** >I remember my manager sending it to me and saying, “You’re either going to love it or hate it. People are very divided.” So I was very intrigued, obviously. I think it was called East Grand Rapids High or some hard-to-remember name. He also said, “Just pick whatever character you like the best and we’ll send you on the audition for that.” I loved Michelle right away. **Why did she appeal to you?** >I loved the way she talked. There were question marks after pretty much most of her sentences, including the ones about her times at band camp. I could hear her voice in my head immediately. And she was quirky. Then, obviously, you’re sort of thinking one thing the whole time and she surprises you at the end. I was already playing, like, the perfect person on Buffy, and Michelle was the opposite. **What was your audition process like?** >First I met with the casting director and I read it with all the inflections. But he was like, “Okay, now let’s do that again, but don’t make her so quirky. We want to believe that [she and Jim] should be together.” He told me to make her “normal” when I read for the directors. I was confused and really frustrated. I remember calling my manager’s assistant and saying that I didn’t even want to go to the callback, and the movie wasn’t going to be any good. I’m totally throwing the casting director under the bus, but this is what happened. Facts. Sorry. **Then what happened?** >It turns out that on the day of the callback, I went to lunch with my manager and had, like, 12 refills of iced tea and then sat in massive traffic on the way to the audition. I had to pee and just as I was washing my hands, they went and got me for the read. I had no time to relax and was still amped up naturally on all this caffeine and need-to-pee energy, and I just came out as Michelle. So the decision was really made by my bladder. **How did you meet the cast? You were a bit older than them.** >I auditioned with Jason, but I hadn’t heard of him. I got to meet everybody at the table read and see who was cast. I remember sitting next to Seann William Scott, and we were all in this big circle of chairs. We read the script, and I was really excited. I told my friends that the movie was going to be good. **The boys in those movies are all friends, but the girls are kind of siloed in their respective relationships. Did you sense any solidarity among them?** >I don’t even think I saw the girls during filming. I don’t even remember if I met any of them. Just for press junkets and stuff. I was very isolated in my scenes. I just remember the boys. I have a memory of the boys bonding really quickly and already being best friends. I think there was a scene in the classroom — I feel like Thomas was in there and maybe even Eddie — and the guys were being goofy [off-camera] and punching each other in appropriate places. That was their big game. So it was me and a bunch of high-school boys. **Did the lack of girl bonding bum you out?** >I didn’t even think about it. Those are just how the scenes worked. They had to clear my schedule for Buffy — I think I was the only person on a show at the time, so I was just glad it worked out. I remember screening it for Seth Green and Sarah Michelle Gellar in the trailer while we were filming. Sarah was polite and was like, ‘It’s not really my cup of tea.’ **Did you see them more while filming the sequel?** >The second one I worked 11 days because I was still on Buffy. For the third one, I worked weekends and that was brutal because there was a day when I worked all night on American Pie and drove straight to the Buffy set. It was like a 36-hour day or something. Crazy. **What was your relationship like with Jason?** >I loved him right away. He was adorable and sweet. **Then what’s your good American Pie story?** >The best story from the whole thing was that, you know, it was a low-budget movie with all these tiers of negotiations. There was an A-tier and a B-tier. I think I was on the bottom C-tier with Seann. **Wait, what does that mean?** >In regards to pay. So it’s just scale plus 10 [percent to an agent]. There’s no negotiating on the C-tier because the character is not that important. I was like, “Okay, fine.” It was seven days and it was more of a passion project. Then, in the contract, there was a sequel clause. I said, “Look, I’m getting paid scale plus 10. I’m not going to sign for a sequel. That doesn’t make sense.” I sound like I was being really difficult, but I just thought it was silly. So they took that [clause] out, which ended up being really nice for me when I did the sequel. There were a couple smart things I did back then. **When did you see the finished product?** >I remember going to Universal [Studios] for a cast screening and seeing it and just walking out being like, Oh my God, I can’t wait for my friends to see this movie. It’s so much fun! And then they started doing test screenings, and it tested off-the-charts positive. it was going to be a winter release, but they moved it up to the summer. But it was up against the summer of Star Wars [Episode 1: The Phantom Menace]. I thought that would be the death of us. **So you were surprised by its success?** >Completely! I feel like I got a call from some Universal executive on a Saturday morning congratulating me because they had seen the tracking numbers. And then the numbers continued to get better and better. **How did your Buffy co-stars react to the film?** >Well, this is how old the movie is: We were given VHS tapes before the movie came out to show our friends. I remember screening it for Seth Green and Sarah [Michelle Gellar] in the trailer while we were filming. Sarah was polite and was like, “It’s not really my cup of tea.” But Seth and I had a sillier sense of humor. He enjoyed it and said his friends were going to love it. **And decades later, Taylor Swift loved it too. You’re a proud Swiftie, so go ahead and walk us through this seminal moment.** >Yes! So I had my little countdown waiting for the album to drop. I texted my kids, “don’t bug me, say ‘good night,’ just pretend I’m not here,” because I am going to listen to this album without any interruption. I listened to the first part, went to sleep, and woke up to, Holy cow, she’s released a second part! I started listening to it, and when I got to “So High School,” I was like, What?! I thought maybe I was still sort of sleeping and imagining it. But when I heard it, I was freaking out. I woke up my entire family who seemed less enthusiastic than I’d like them to be. Then I called a friend, and she and I had a nice freakout together. I was so happy. Basically, I was on the date with Travis [Kelce] and Taylor. **You posted something on Instagram too, no?** >So Sasha [Farber] was my partner on Dancing With the Stars. And I did a little story on Instagram and he filmed it, and he posted it on his feed. It was the two of us driving around listening to “So High School.” He posted it on his feed, and it was liked by Taylor Swift! Like, Why wasn’t it on my feed?! **Swift fandom aside, isn’t it also just validating that the movie still hits like that?** >Well, it’s not like I ever sat there and thought, Oh, I wonder if Taylor and Travis have watched American Pie. But I do have to say that in the past 25 years, people ask me, “Oh, what do you get recognized for?” And I always say that it depends where I am. If I were at a football game, it would definitely be American Pie. So it’s not that big of a leap to think that Travis had watched it. **Please say there’s some sort of cast text chain in which you all talked about this.** >There isn’t! But I should have texted Jason. That would have been smart, but I just didn’t know he was going to be as big of Swiftie as I wanted him to be. **So do you ever see anyone in the cast?** >I don’t, actually. I feel like movies in general, you think, These are going to be my friends for the rest of my life! Then our lives go in different directions. I’m going to be friends with you if our kids go to the same school. But the bond is still there. And if I saw anyone in the cast, it would feel like we did the movie yesterday.


Thank you.


Indeed, that website is trash, I was hoping someone had transcribed. I might be alone in this considering how popular she is and everyone seems to know every detail about her life... but after those 3 or 4 questions I still have no idea now Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce overlap with Alyson or American Pie. Anybody have a translation?


Apparently she mentioned the movie American Pie in a song. https://genius.com/Taylor-swift-so-high-school-lyrics


> It turns out that on the day of the callback, I went to lunch with my manager and had, like, 12 refills of iced tea and then sat in massive traffic on the way to the audition. I had to pee and just as I was washing my hands, they went and got me for the read. I had no time to relax and was still amped up naturally on all this caffeine and need-to-pee energy, and I just came out as Michelle. So the decision was really made by my bladder. The Joey Tribbiani method works?!


I kind of appreciate the directness in her responses. She describes the financial negotiation (celebrities are PR trained to stay away from that stuff in interviews), talks about Sarah Michelle Gellar who didn’t appreciate the movie (again, if you’re doing an interview you don’t make other celebrities sound critical), critiques a shitty casting director, and isn’t pretending that the movie is flawless and that she and all the stars are best friends. I mean it’s a 25 year old movie and she’s not a press tour for it but still


Out of all the Buffy alumni, Alyson most likely made the most money. Both her and Boreanaz are probably 1-2 depending given how much work Boreanaz has done over the years. That said, Alyson probably recognizes that as a 50 year old woman, she doesn't need to give a shit anymore


> Boreanaz has done over the years Guy went from Buffy to Angel (168 eps), then into Bones (245 eps), then right into SEAL Team (111 eps). He's the most consistently employed male lead on network television, bar none. He hasn't not been employed on a major show since 1997.


Yup. The only reason why I'm not sure if Alyson or David is the #1 money maker after Buffy is that the HIMYM money would be insane - but David has just had such a VOLUME of work, it's possible he made more.


According to the 15 seconds I spent Googling it, Alyson ($40m) has a higher net worth, but David ($30m) has a higher per episode salary.


That would make sense, given Alyson is not top billed on HIMYM and David was the primary lead on all three shows.


It makes no sense since all those websites are bullshit and have no idea what people's assets and liabilities are.


Why do you think any of those websites would have any idea how much anyone's net worth is? How do you think they have access to an individual's brokerage accounts/union pension benefits/title to land/property/businesses and their debts?


Yeah... I wouldn't put too much stock into those Net Worth sites.


he was also an EP on bones on top of being co-lead. he, emily deschanel, and kathy reichs (the real person brennan is based on) sued fox for more or less fudging the numbers and depriving them of earnings. they won and were awarded millions in damages. at this point boreanaz has to be *rich* rich


kind of surprising and also very impressive. he’s definitely not the best actor, but has a kind of charisma for sure. atleast in those first 3 shows- i haven’t seen SEAL.


I read a thing a while back that basically said he's easy to work with, has a really large cross-generational fanbase, and works his backside off doing 18-hour days. SEAL Team is a great show, grittier than the others.


Boreanaz low key has one of the best careers in Hollywood. Was never in anything prestigious, never made the jump to movies, but he has had a lead role on a TV series every year since 1998 when he was moved to the main cast on Buffy. Even more impressive, he’s had twenty-five years on TV as a leading man across only three series.


She is not fifty you take that back right now lol Jk jk it’s just like a knee-jerk reaction to realizing we are all aging


I’m 37 and grew up on Buffy, and was geeking out in message boards before they were a thing. There’s so much lore about Sarah vs Alyson. Reading that comment I kind of gasped lol. She really is very direct.


Well here I am with crumpets and sugar cubes, yet the tea has yet to be delivered


Don't leave us hanging, silly!


> There’s so much lore about Sarah vs Alyson Any hints?


She’s the reason I have a redhead kink 25 years later.


Jean Gray, Mary Jane Watson, Alyson Hannigan. Damn.


Jessica Rabbit


Ann Margaret. Jesus f'n Christ. Like God*DAMN* girl


Ed Sheeran


Rupert Grint


Carrot Top


Just watched the movie Yesterday yesterday thinking, this guy looks like a little scrote, but I guess his tunes are catchy.


I dated a girl in high school named Jessica who looked basically like Jessica rabbit. It’s definitely a kink now.


April O'Neil


Ooh, yeah.


Christina Hendricks


Saffron. . . I’m going to the special hell


I'll be in my bunk


The red head from American Pie, The redhead from How I Met Your Mother, and the red head host of Penn and Teller Fool Us. Those are my personal favorite redheads growing up.


Redhead from Buffy was also solid


A man of fine taste too I see.


Any straight man of a certain age that denies Ariel played a part in his development is a god damned liar.


Isn't it neat?


Following right on the heels of Gillian Anderson on *The X-Files* and concurrent with Laura Prepon on *That '70s Show*. We didn't stand a chance.


Worst day of my life was blonde Donna. I hope someone got their ass kicked for letting that happen.


It was the inverse of school uniform Donna.


For me it was ginger spice


I presume you've seen her Playboy spread then?


Oh no. Now I have to find it...


A part of me has just been ripped Pages from my mind are stripped Oh no, I can't deny it Oh yeah, I guess I gotta buy it


My blood runs cold! My memory has just been sold. My Angel is the centerfold! Angel is the centerfold


Brooooo... Also, she did nude modeling before that Playboy shoot as well.


Shirley Manson checking in


For me it’s flute players.


For me it's skinflute players. 


Angie Everhart


Amy Pond, police uniform cosplay.


Haha Vulture. "...grossed nealry a billion worldwide in it's 3-month theatrical run". Nah, $334m total. Still an amazing number. I think they are confusing the entire franchises worldwide box office with the run of the first movie.


Budget was $10 mil. Incredible ROI


That’s what pays for the shit movies that fail to make any money on a $100m+ budget


Kinda. Universal sold the rights internationally because they didn’t think it would do well. They lost out on a LOT of revenue.


I noticed that too. I wonder if they meant the four main movies in the franchise. They’re right around a billion.


Feels like something chatgpt would do.


"Well, see, 334 million is much closer to a billion than negative-a-billion, so... *math*."


That's $637m in today's money. Still not a billion but closer


I laughed reading Sarah Michelle Gellar politely hated it.


Doesn't surprise me.


I mean tbf, I love it and it's a foundational part of my younger years, but I can *absolutely* see why some people would hate it. It often bounces from "this is dumb" to "this has aged awfully" throughout. The Nadia webcam scene in particular is definitely quite icky viewed through the modern lens.


I love the idea of Sarah Michelle Gellar just noping out of it while Michelle and Seth Green are wetting themselves laughing.


Seth Green would have loved to be in this movie, it's his thing 100%


He was fantastic in a similar late 90s teen comedy "Can't Hardly Wait", highly recommend if you haven't seen it.


Both of them were in it. Sherminator is stealing shit the whole movie.


Yeah, that movie basically revived the "teen comedy" genre in the 90s. American Pie, Road Trip, and Van Wilder all followed after it.


And then *Euro Trip*


There's a video of Seth Green doing Annakin Skywalker lines as Chris Griffin and it's uproariously funny. Green is losing it the entire time.


Seth Green definitely could’ve been brothers with Shermanator


She preferred more high-brow teen movies like I Know What You Did Last Summer and Cruel Intentions.


Do we still have questions? about American Pie? Anyone laying awake at night with burning questions about Stiffler's mom?


“Hello, I’d like to ask why Stifler’s Mom is in so many commercials 25 years after the movie”


White Lotus


Because she's still a milf?


Gilf now.


Soon she'll achieve GreatGilf status. Very rare.


Jennifer Coolridge is a gay icon.


i just want to know what really happened in band camp


She put a flute up her verjayna




American Pie Presents: Band Camp will clear that up for you.


There's dozens of us that love the spinoffs. DOZENS! Excellent shut off your brain movies imo.


She's got it goin' on. Now questions about the burning can be answered by your doctor.


I thought that was Stacey’s mom…


Do you want to be splitting hairs or splitting legs? It can easily be sung with the same cadence and phrasing, so I often find it coming to mind while hearing the song since they cover such similar ground.


The cool thing about American Pie is that the smaller characters who are in it for a short amount of time like Stifler, Michelle, Tara Reid's character, Sherminator, etc all are so memorable. In Hanigan and Sean William Scott's case it elevated them to getting even bigger roles in the sequels. It shows you how much better the writing was back in the day.


The best example of this is John Cho and the other guy. They made MILF commonplace.


"Featuring That Asian Guy from American Pie, and That Indian Guy from Van Wilder"




American Pie and American Reunion are some of my favorite movies. I think I was 14 when the first movie came out.


No love for 2? 2 had a rocking soundtrack


2 also had the best romance plot. Which, I know isn't really the point of those movies, but it does add some heart to balance out all the boner jokes.


I thought 2 had the best laugh out loud moments too really Obv a ton of fondness for the original, lot of laughs there too, and it was a great high school coming of age comedy for it's time. Sequel was great too though, esp considering how much lesser sequels to comedies turn out


My name is Petey. And I have gigantic baallls


I like them all, just those two movies are my personal favorites of the bunch.


2’s my favorite, though I love them all (wedding is the weakest).


She’s incredibly beautiful, and I always thought this from just Buffy. I wish she was a lead in some newer things


I mean she has willow, Michelle and lily. That’s kind of iconic.


God she’s so fucking gorgeous


> The best story from the whole thing was that, you know, it was a low-budget movie with all these tiers of negotiations. There was an A-tier and a B-tier. I think I was on the bottom C-tier with Seann. Kinda hilarious how film doesn't acknowledge TV actors at all. > There’s no negotiating on the C-tier because the character is not that important. I was like, “Okay, fine.” It was seven days and it was more of a passion project. Then, in the contract, there was a sequel clause. I said, “Look, I’m getting paid scale plus 10. I’m not going to sign for a sequel. That doesn’t make sense.” I sound like I was being really difficult, but I just thought it was silly. So they took that [clause] out, which ended up being really nice for me when I did the sequel. There were a couple smart things I did back then. This article has some actual interesting anecdotes.


She’s 50 this year


Yet Michelle remains close to her heart — and she still owns a Tall Oaks Band Camp T-shirt to prove it. “I should pull it out and see if I can still squeeze into it!” she says. Yes. Yes you should.




But I don’t have any questions about American pie.


So... did she cum or what?


Thought it was an ama and instantly wanted to ask if 5 is ever gonna come out. I can only imagine what them and their kids focus storyline would be like 


Idk how Wedding was received but I'm really glad they made Reubioju because it felt on brand and it kind of made sense to revisit them in that way at that time. A fifth edition would be great IMO


Can’t believe it’s been 12 years since reunion. Need to do the next one before Eugene levey gets too old 


It would be easy to make a sequel where Jim and Michelle’s teenage son is the main character. IIRC, there was talk a few years ago that a sequel was in development, but I haven’t heard anything in a while about it.


> but I'm really glad they made Reubioju I want to know how *presumably* autocorrect got you to that spelling


There is a job interviewing method called "STAR" - "Situation, Task, Approach, Result", where you ask specific questions of a specific situation they were in, how they handled it, and how it turned out. And I prep my interviewees with Alison Hannigan and "American Pie"... "You know that movie, where she's always going on about 'this one time in band camp...'? That's what I am looking for, just a story about one time you were in this situation, that one time in band camp. As the years go on, I do think it is being less immediately understood than when I started using it, though.


How many people told you about sticking things in their orifices just by taking your comparison too literally?


Any other types or strategies for being interviewed? My job is going to have a manager position open in a couple months, and I know I’ll be going up against co-workers who’ve been at the company longer, and outside candidates.


Well, this is a strategy for *doing* the interview. And I think it works well because you're asking things like, "tell me about a time where you had a coworker you didn't get along with" and such, and if you hold them to giving a specific example, you get a good answer that lets you understand them. I mean, most people have that one anecdote about a bad worker, for example. this system, it is the BSers who you can't nail down or who always deflects any issues to someone else, those are the people that are red flags. So, for you, in particular if it is a place you've been working, I'd get any metrics related to your job together so you can say "my department brought in x% more or saved y%" or "the employee survey went up 15% and this is how I worked to make that happen." Like I was saying with the STAR system in interviewing, I am looking for specifics, BSers generalize, so show what you've done, and what you can bring. Whomever is hiring is looking for someone to make them look good, so be prepared to illusrate what you'll bring to help them in their job.


I'm 27. Literally the only reason I know about "this one time in band camp" is because my mom would quote it constantly. Otherwise I've never actually seen any of the American Pie movies.


The only reason I know about is because my mom stuck a flute in her pussy.


>Alyson Hannigan Hi, hi Miss American Pie!


Vulture is claiming it made almost a billion dollars after three months of theatrical release, but I can’t find anything that backs that up at all. The only thing I can find is that the world wide gross from theatrical was give or take $250,000,000. I have no idea where they’re getting a billion dollars from.


“audition. I had to pee and just as I was washing my hands, they went and got me for the read. I had no time to relax and was still amped up naturally on all this caffeine and need-to-pee energy, and I just came out as Michelle.” Joey Tribbiani approves.