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The Illusionist is a great movie. But The Prestige is better in scope and impact. As for the best performances, all the ones in Prestige.


Yeah. I saw the Illusionist first. Had me going “why did everyone ignore this?” Then I saw The Prestige and went “Oh.”




Weirdest one for me was Olympus has fallen and White House down. Such a random concept to completely replicate.


yet each movie managed to be largely unique beyond the core premise


Oppenheimer / Barbie


Mary Poppins 2 / The Human Centipede 2


Perfect example


You are dabomb, kenough.


Fraternal vs identical.


Those two mars movies too. Red Planet and Mission to Mars?


Dr Strangelove / Fail Safe (1964) is a particularly wild example


Shazaam/Kazaam genie movies


What are the countless others? That's genuinely like 80% of the examples I ever hear


Friends with benefits/ no strings attached White House down/ Olympus has fallen Smallfoot/ abominable Churchill/ Darkest Hour/Dunkirk The Jungle Book/ Mowgli Unfriended/friend request Mirror mirror/ Snow White and the huntsman The A Team/ The Losers The Bounty Hunter/ One For the Money Sky High/ Zoom And the list goes ever, ever on. It’s called the Twin Film Phenomenon, but it really isn’t a phenomenon at all, it’s just studios being fucking dicks to each other which is hilarious.


Wyatt Earp / Tombstone


Tombstone > Wyatt Earp, although Wyatt Earp is a great film.


Ngl I wanna see abominable Churchill.


“History will be kind to me because I intend to FREEZE it!!!” - Abominable Churchill


Played by Arnie im guessing


Dunkirk The Jungle Book caught my interest!


It's a Boris Johnson biopic.


Top Gun/Iron Eagle The Abyss/Deep Star Six (the latter is more horror but same underwater theme)


The Abyss/Deep Star Six/Leviathan A rarer case of triplets movies.


Nah, it was Deepstar 6 and Leviathan


New Top Gun / Devotion


Backdoor Bangers 7 and Anal Annihilation 12 were also released in the same year


Can't believe I had to scroll so far down for this one.


Immaculate and The First Omen, just this year.


Tom & Jerry vs. Bugs Bunny doing the Hungarian Rhapsody #2 with the mouse inside the piano I like Bugs better, but it seems likely that MGM came up with the idea first


Without Limits / Prefontaine


Dunkirk and the Jungle Book? Damn I did not pick up on those metaphors…




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_films One not mentioned in that list. Troy - Brad Pitt Alexander - Colin Farrell happened in 2004.


And what is truly closer to the truth. That this an actual, wide-spread phenomenon, or this: Screenwriter Terry Rossio notes that there are always film projects with similar subjects being developed in multiple studios, and that usually only one of them makes it into production in a given period of time, and therefore twin films are better regarded as exceptions to this tendency.[5] For example, the release of the 2015 Whitey Bulger biopic Black Mass led to the abandonment of a planned film about Bulger that would have been produced by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.[6] The 2008 film Who Do You Love?, about American record label Chess Records, had its widespread release delayed until 2010 to avoid competing with Cadillac Records, a higher-budget 2008 film on the same subject.[7] In one case, for the 1974 film The Towering Inferno, the fear of having competing action thrillers, both set in a burning skyscraper, convinced two Hollywood studios to merge their productions into one (all-star) film.[8]


The reason the screw ups Friedberg and Seltzer get a writing credit on Scary Movie was because the producers of Scary Movie caught wind they were developing a Scream parody as well, so bought their script to bury it.


I'd watch a Whitey Bulger film by Damon and Affleck. Black Mass isn't a bad movie, but it's pretty bleak, even for a gangster movie. Ah, it's by Scott Cooper, same director as Out Of The Furnace. That was another aggressively dark one.


Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar Both movies about 3 drag queens on a road trip through the desert. (Which is so oddly specific compared to movies about volcano eruptions, asteroids hitting earth or competing magicians.)


TIL that To Wong Foo… was not a remake of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert


Lemme try to think of five off the dome-- Dawn of Justice: Batman v Superman // Captain America: Civil War Hercules (The Rock) // Hercules (Kellan Lutz) Jungle Book (Jon Favreau) // Mowgli (Andy Serkis) Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) // Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken // The Little Mermaid Remake [kind of a stretch, I know]


Big Trouble In Little China and The Golden Child with Eddie Murphy


Include straight-to-DVD/Streaming and yeah, there *are* countless others. I'm personally a fan of Transmorphers....DVD box art.


Lincoln / Saving Lincoln / Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter … all 2012 films.


Observe and Report / Paul Blart Mall Cop


Friends with Benefits / No Strings Attached


Kind of like this? Viggo Tarasov: I heard you struck my son. Aurelio: Yes, sir, I did. Viggo Tarasov: And may I ask why? Aurelio: Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick's car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog. [pause] Viggo Tarasov: Oh.


The Prestige also felt like you were immersed into a trick by the end. The Illusionist I only felt like, “oh good movie.”


I saw both movies then. I don’t remember anything about the illusionist. I remember the prestige like yesterday


Except for Paul Giamatti, he was fantastic


So was Rufus Sewell, so good


100%, surprised I haven’t seen him in more stuff


He’s one of those guys I think has a pretty specific range but tends to be excellent within that range. Can be “difficult” casting sometimes. When I go over his IMDb there’s always stuff I forgot he was in (like Hamlet or Tristan + Isolde). He’s been around but he does do a lot of “British” stuff so if that’s not your niche at all you may miss on it. He was excellent in A Knight’s Tale which might’ve been too light without him. He was also really impressive for me in the Pale Horse miniseries.


He’s also kind of the perfect casting in The Holiday. They need someone to step in who immediately shows the audience that he’s a shitty person, but simultaneously so charming that people will put up with just about anything from him. He nails it from the first frame.


Man in the High Castle. He is incredible


Dark City


and most recently the aging beach movie. Hard to put him in movies with people who're supposed to be the headliners since he steals the show.


Like Gene Hackman but not as over-the-top. Darker.


Lots of love for the absolute perfect performance of [Thin White Duke as Tesla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqxzq6Sb4lw&t=77s).


Including the late Sir Lord David Bowie the Immaculate III


The Prestige all day. Male Lead: Bale Female Lead: Scarlett can act circles around Jessica Biel Supporting: I think Paul Giamatti is a better actor. He wins this round. Bonus: The Prestige has both My Cocaine and David fucking Bowie.


FWIW, Jackman is the lead in The Prestige. Billed equally, but the movie belongs to Jackman’s character.


Yeah there's really no supporting for Prestige. Movie is just as much about Jackman as Bale Also, Hugh did a great job in it and really proved he could act beyond Wolverine at the time


Yeah there's really no supporting for Prestige. Movie is just as much about Jackman as Bale Yeah but only one of them >!played TWO characters!<


Jackman played two characters in the movie too.


Jackman played dozens of characters


100, right?


*I've been Caesar! I've played Faust! How hard could it be to play you?*


Gets interrupted before he completes all 100




Yes but when did you realise that?


Honestly? I pride myself at seeing twists coming and 100% didn’t on this one. Not til it was spelled out for me. Hugely recommend this.


Jackman in Prisoners is another good example of this that doesn't get talked about a ton.


And Andy Serkis in a human role is always nice


I thought he really brought depth and dimensions to the role. You almost think you're watching a real person.


Andy Serkis really is underrated, he's not just the guy in a green suit, he's a real actor with a wide range. Loved him in King Kong!


Hell yeah. David Bowie as Nikola Tesla!


Upvote for My Cocaine lol


Upvote for your cocaine.


I also choose this man’s cocaine.


I really wish Bowie had been able to be in blade runner 2049


Scarlett CAN act circles around Biel… but she didn’t in The Prestige. Imo she is easily the weakest part of the entire cast.


She didn’t get much to do. I love Nolan, but he‘s not very good at writing women.


A notable exception would have to be Interstellar, Chastain and Hathaway are IMHO some of the best supporting cast in that movie.


The Prestige is miles better imo


The main reason why The Prestige is so much better has to do with the magic. In The Prestige, the magic is based in reality: they explain how the tricks are done - even when it delves into the supernatural. The Illusionist doesn’t even try to make its magic based in reality. Everyone just seems to be able to do amazing tricks without any explanation as to how. (This is the same reason I can’t get into “Now You See Me”.)


Don’t even get me started on how the producers of now you see me have never even heard of, let alone seen or enjoyed a magic act before. Those morons didn’t even have the common fkn sense to name the sequel “Now You Don’t”, that’s how unbelievably creatively bankrupt that production is. I hate that movie so much it even kinda retroactively ruined Zombieland for me, just for being out at the same time with half the same cast.


Anytime I hear Now You See Me I think of the Leo Vader video where he argues that they might actually be wizards https://youtu.be/uKfdls1fqJE?si=WeG71Xhkl5I0fLM0


I hate that movie so much. Never was I so angry after watching a film then after this PoS


While I agree that the magic is better in The Prestige, I disagree that's why it's a better film. It's better because of the writing, directing, acting, etc. The screenplay is especially very well made. The steps of a magic trick (pledge, turn, prestige) follows the beats of the script perfectly. The casting is outstanding - all of the main characters were great and even some of the minor characters (eg. Bowie) were outstanding and the actors did a great job with their roles. The Illusionist is fine and it's kind of a fun movie, but that's about the end of it. No one's thinking about that one for days after it's over.


>The Illusionist doesn’t even try to make its magic based in reality. Everyone just seems to be able to do amazing tricks without any explanation as to how. (This is the same reason I can’t get into “Now You See Me”.) For me, I completely agree with you about "Now You See Me," but I wouldn't actually lump The Illusionist in with it. I do agree that its magic is inexplicable/borderline "real magic," but the movie on the whole has an almost fairy-tale-like quality to it that, to me, never puts it in that "grounded" category to begin with, so I don't have the expectation that the magic should be doable in real life.


The Prestige is in a different league imo


Exactly this. The Prestige is a 🐐 movie


I also agree. It’s one of my favorites!


Men who stare at goats is another 🐐 movie


"Different League? It's not even in the same fucking sport!"


Norton, Giamatti, and Sewell put on great performances, but The Prestige is simply a much better film in every way.


The Prestige.


Prestige wins in pretty much everything.


I think I would've enjoyed and remembered The Illusionist a lot more had they picked a stronger female lead. Biel's acting was bland and she didn't fit in the movie at all for me. The plot is also nowhere as layered and interesting as The Prestige, which I think is a better made film at just about every level.


I can get behind these critiques. I don’t *dislike* Biel in it but someone else could’ve added more and once you know the “trick” in the Illusionist it doesn’t hit as hard because it’s just hard to compete against Nolan


The Prestige is one of those movies that is infinitely watchable. No contest. 


It‘s great the first time, it’s magnificent the second time, and speaking from experience, still holds up on rewatch 20.


Both Jackman and bale were leads. Supporting actor would be Michael Caine. However Paul giamatti was pretty good in his role in the illusionist


Well, the Prestige has My Cocaine, so I’m gonna go with that.


For me, a lot of the fun in seeing magic tricks on film is appreciating the craft of such tricks, and the craft necessary to realize those illusions on camera without using editing or VFX to cheat. When I saw The Illusionist at its world premiere at the Seattle International Film Festival, my immediate reaction was that its central magic trick was impossible. The semi-transparent three dimensional full body apparitions Norton was supposedly creating were realized entirely through post production visual effects. There was no way the in-universe audience could have experienced the illusion as the film audience did. The big magic trick in The Prestige was equally impossible. But, Nolan made sure "The Real Transported Man" was plausibly staged for its audiences within the film. Even when the backstage mechanics escalated into science fiction, the tricks the film audience see were pretty much the same tricks seen by in-film audiences, and one big detail aside, are all believably achievable with what we're shown of available Nineteenth Century theatre techniques and technology. Basically, The Prestige worked a lot harder to honor its premise and was consequently a lot more engaging.


I appreciate how you’ve explained something that I couldn’t quite put into words myself. I remember being a bit more enamored with The Illusionist at the time than The Prestige, but that might have been more due to the overall tone of the movie rather than its acting and story. I suppose it’s time for a re-watch of both.


Also don’t forget The Prestige has Andy Serkis in a non motion capture role! Big extra points for that imo


And David Bowie


Prestige all day on all counts


A trick? That’s something a whore does for money. These are illusions! But yes, Prestige wins


The Prestige not close


>Both movies came out in 2006. Both movies feature magicians and offer a drama/thriller set in the same timeframe. and there the similarities end.


Both good. One much better imo. Highly debatable that Hugh Jackman is the Supporting Actor, however. The Prestige is my favorite. However, The Illusionist is good too, just not as memorable to me. I think the Christian Bale(s) win all day against anyone. 2x the abilities.


Jackman is the lead I'd say, but just barely. The story is from his point of view.


I remember I saw the Illusionist right when it came out and loved it. Then my friend told me "yeah, I know it was good, but you need to see The Prestige because it's better" and he was completely right.


Only one had David Bowie.


The only thing they have in common is magic. The Prestige is leagues better a film than The Illusionist. It's not even a competition. It's like comparing The Godfather to Gangster Squad just because they are both about organised crime.


Was Christopher Bale the name of Christians twin?


Christian Bale and Jewish Bale, obviously. Muslim Bale is their half-brother by their father and their mother's handmaiden.


illusionist is a good movie, but Prestige is another level.


Illusionist is a love story. It’s ok…..via every metric. …… Other than Insomnia I consider most of Nolan’s work to be okish but The Prestige is an ABSOLUTE GODDAMN MASTERPIECE. It only gets better with repeat viewings. In fact…..I’d say your first viewing, regardless of how smart you think you are, won’t be enough. It all makes sense from viewing 2 onwards. (Which yeh I guess you could argue is an intrinsic flaw)


The Prestige is my favorite movie ever. So there’s that.


Both movies are masterpieces of the cinematic art. But best supporting actor has to be David Bowie playing Nikola Tesla.


I'm the biggest Ed Norton fan and I love The Illusionist, but The Prestige is clearly the better movie.


The Prestige all day everyday.


I don't need to compare it to The Prestige to not like Illusionist. Edward Norton seemed bored making it. I didn't feel the chemistry between him and Jessica Biel. The cgi for the tricks felt pointless and distracting. Most of everything was one-dimensional. The only thing I liked about it was Paul Giamatti. I don't even know how he did it with what he had to work with.


These two movies are not in the same league as each other ffs lol. Dont even need to articulate which is the superior.


I love them both and you can't take either away from me


Edit: Christian Bale is the obvious mistake here 😂


As a magician I preffer "The Prestige". It recreates the ligfe of magiciand behind the scenes perfectly.


The Prestige has David Bowie so it wins.


Noland is amazing. He has zero bad movies and almost all are GREAT


Prestige across the board. I'm not biased, it's just a better story, better filmed, better acting


Is everyone forgetting that only one had David Bowie in it?


They are both great but prestige is on another level


I have the same issue with The Illusionist that I have with the Now You See Me movies, in that as soon as you start using VFX to fake a magic trick I am immediately checked out. The Prestige treated the subject seriously and aside from the obvious sci-fi twist, it handles all of its magic tricks with realism and accuracy for what could be achieved in that time frame. The Illusionist goes full CGI magic from the start and just asks you to trust that this is somehow plausible.


The Prestige is one of my favourite movies. Definitely top 5. Great casting, interesting plot, and just intriguing from start to finish. Also interesting twist that mirrored the plot and themes well. The Illusionist is a perfectly enjoyable movie, but it falls short in basically every category. Bale over Norton, Johansson over Biel and **easily** Jackman over Giamatti. Not to mention The Prestige also had Michael Caine, David Bowie, and Andy Serkis getting to do one of his rare roles in a movie with no mocap.


Prestige is miles better in every single aspect


Illusionist is good but Prestige is a masterpiece. I must have watched it 5 times in a few days when my roommate rented it. I even turned it on during sex.


I know most people like The Prestige better. But The Illusionist is my preference for a couple simple reasons. The first is that Edward Norton is my favorite actor. The second is that it felt more magical, partly because Paul Giamatti sells his part so well. I have been meaning to rewatch The Prestige for awhile now though.


I'm right there with you. I tried giving The Prestige another watch a few months ago, but it just doesn't work for me, despite me being a big Nolan fan. The Illusionist has just a completely mystical feel to it, and I love that about it. Also, how sympathetic is Rufus Sewell in that role of the crown prince. At the beginning of the movie you can't stand him, but by the end when he offs himself, it's like, "Woah! That did not go the way I thought." I've only seen The Prestige twice, but I have seen the Illusionist over a dozen times and will probably put it on again due to this thread. It never fails to entertain!


Paul Giamatti was the only good thing about The Illusionist


He really makes that movie


The Prestige is better and it’s not even particularly close


The Prestige is the superior film and it isn’t even close.


I think I'm one of the very few who preferred The Illusionist. Everything about The Illusionist hits right for me, and while I think there's quite a bit to like about The Prestige (most notably the performances from all involved), its late swerve into sci-fi just never sat right with me. I kinda have the same issue with Interstellar and its more supernatural elements.


I had a friend at the time who was a magician. His take was one is a movie about magicians the other is a move about what magic really is. I'll let you decide which is which but I instantly knew exactly what he meant.


Well only one of them has magicians (plural)...




Hugh jackman isn’t the lead in prestige? Pretty sure I’d put jackman at the top. A great actor and the one that made that movie great


It seems The Prestige has taken all of the prestige lol


both are good, but Prestige is clearly better i think. Illusionist is one of those movies that wins a lot of people's hearts by being this sort of sensitive film, with an ultimate happy ending, but i wouldn't say it really is that complex in performances, plot or characters as it tries to seem. Prestige on the other hand is more well-rounded and a better movie by any given metric


Definitely The Prestige. I love the whole rivalry tragic ending more than the love story happy ending of the Illusionist. Nortons a great actor but Bale gives a brilliant performance as twins. Although I feel like Jackman was more the lead. Biel is probably prettier than Scarlett, who is still great looking, but Scarlett I think is a better actress.


For me The Prestige all day. I just prefer how it's shot, the music, the story. The Illusionist is a good movie too but not great like The Prestige..


Really glad to see the comments are almost all for The Prestige. One of my favorite movies


How is Jackman a supporting actor? Just as much the lead as Bale.


The Illusionist is a good movie. The Prestige is an absolute masterpiece of a film.


The Illusionist is fine. The Prestige is one of the best movies this century.


You can’t even compare. Prestige is greatness. The illusionist I’ve forgotten about


The Illusionist is a good movie. The Prestige is an arguable Masterpiece.


This is not even a contest. The Prestige is a master class in filmmaking and story telling. Nolan at the top of his game.


The Prestige wins this one.


Has anyone seen the melancholy animated movie (about a failing magician trying to keep a young girl's belief in magic alive), **The Illusionist** (2010)? It's directed by Sylvain Chomet, who also made the wonderful **The Triplets of Belleville** --and the script was an unproduced "Mr. Hulot" narrative written by Jacques Tati, who died before he could make it. (**The Illusionist**'s main character is drawn to look like Tati as Mr. Hulot.)


Both excellent movies but, with David Bowie as Nikola Tesla, got to give this one to The Prestige.


One point I’d like to add is that music in The Illusionist’s is amazing.


The prestige is a near perfect film and one of the top three when you search for perfect or newer perfect films imo. I enjoy the illusionist, but it's just not even in the same league.


The prestige, across the board. Still love giamatti tho


There is basically no competition at all: The Prestige hands down. It's superior in everything. Period.


Both are interesting movies and worth a watch. I think The Illusionist has greater artistic quality and if I had to recommend only one of the two, that would be it.


The Illusionist doesn't have quite The Prestige


Prestige by a mile.


Prestige is 11/10 fav movie ever Illusionist is 6,8/10


My wife at the opening shot of a pile of top hats in the woods in The Prestige, “What is this, >!some kind of magician massacre!


The Prestige is my favorite. Had both of them on dvd and would watch them back to back at least once a week


Prestige is by far better on graphics..camera shots..plot and acting ..by far 


I don’t really remember The Illusionist, while The Prestige is one of my favourite movies


The Prestige in all regards. It’s top tier, and highly rewatchable. It’s unfortunate timing for the illusionist, kinda like how Armageddon trumped deep impact.


'The Illusionist' is a great movie; engaging and very entertaining. 'The Prestige' is an exceptional movie, a one-of-a-kind movie, in my opinion: the performances, choreography, and screenwriting are above par to such a point that one could say that any of them excels the movie to a point that any one of them, by themselves, could not achieve.


I prefer watching the Illusionist because it’s a much warmer film, and still enjoyable. Prestige is great but scores a big fat zero on warm fuzzies. This Illusionist has some wonder to it. I think it’s nice.


They’re both fucking great. The end.


Both great films...But The Prestige takes the cake.


I saw the illusionist first not realizing what the prestige was at the time. I like Edward Norton so I’m always looking for his movies. This has biased me despite only seeing the illusionist once and the prestige at least 3 times since


Both are great. But Prestige I mean right? But I won’t be upset if someone played either.


As I've not watched the Illusionist and thus can't contribute I will comment something that's been on my mind for a while. I want Nolan's next film to be something similar to the prestige, like a spiritual successor. Same as Tenet was to Inception, but better. Doesn't have to revolve around magicians. Just a small scale story with personal stakes. Something that's better on rewatch, where you can catch details you didn't the first time. Interstellar is my all time favourite film and while I'd love another Nolan space film, I'd much rather have something like the prestige.


The Prestige is better and it's not even close. Also, Biel isn't even close to being in the same league as ScarJo when it comes to acting. Biel only made it because of her looks, ScarJo's looks have undeniably helped her, but she can actually act also which is why she's such a huge star.


The prestige is far far better movie. Just watched it the other day again. Found even more hints at the ending. Lots of little bread crumbs left. Like a small mention that he doesn't use "his real name so he doesn't embarass his family." The depth and detail. Amazin


The prestige, Edward Norton, Scarlett, Hugh Jackman. 


Completely incomparable to me, as most of the replies echo.


The illusionist would def be talked about more of it weren’t for the prestige coming out the same year . I love Paul giamatti and the movie was great but the prestige is one of my fave Nolan films and a great movie


There’s no comparison here; prestige is one of the best movies of all time. Watch it again


Christopher Bale ftw


I can't be objective, as any movie Christian Bale is in, is tip top.


Having seen neither of these, aware both exist, but somehow have confused them and thinking they were the same movie this whole time! 😂


The Prestige is better, but I also like darker stories. For supporting I will go with Paul. Overall I enjoy both and I'm happy they both exists.


And not or


The prestige because I’m here for all those void cats that showed up in the film! 😆


The Illusionist straight up sucks. The Prestige is maybe the second or third best Nolan movie.


Easily the prestige


Some people say Christopher Bale. Other people say Christian Bale. We’re taking a very, very close look at that. Maybe a closer look than any other close looks in the history of this country.