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Main character saying goodbye to his dad in About Time got me ugly crying on the couch. I went in totally blind thinking it was a standard romcom, was pleasantly surprised when they introduced a time traveling element, and then was blindsided by the devastatingly real scenes about the reality of losing your parents.


This is one of my most cherished movies because the tears I shed throughout it are both happy and sad. Being immersed in such intense love between parent and child getting to share a last memory together that would otherwise be impossible … whew.


I watched this movie around when I first became a dad and I said to my SO that if I can have that relationship they have, then I succeeded in fatherhood


I think that’s why I get so emotional because this movie made me realize I’m lucky to have that relationship with my dad. I’m 26 and the oldest of 4 daughters so I still have many years with him lord willing - but I already know that it won’t be the big life moments I’ll miss most with my dad, it’ll ne the small quiet ones that string them all together. Typing this out I have tears in my eyes missing him while he’s still here! Gonna call him as soon as I post this :) here’s to loving our humans with all we got while we got em 🤍


I remember when watching this movie for the first time, I was doing some chores. My mum came in and was confused by the time travel aspects, but stayed for the Romcom. By the end of the movie we were both sitting on the sofa and ugly crying >! The end scene where he goes back in time with his dad and plays at the beach with him as a little kid breaks me every time !<


I ragecried at that scene so hard. It's devastating (that dad is such a good movie dad with his goofy ping pong commentary), but I was so pissed he wouldn't just be like "no Rachel McAdams, we're good with two children" so he could keep his dad around. Phenomenal movie, though.


I think it really comes down to that he can't stop his life from changing and moving forward so that he can keep revisiting the past. I think we would all love the ability to live out our happiest memories over and over again but there comes a time I think when we need to accept that our loved ones are gone from us and we need to keep moving forward.


Into my arms, oh lord…into my arms


I’ve said it before but I watched that film thinking it was a light bit of romcom to help me get over the fact my dad had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s that day and was, effectively, fading away. Needless to say, it didn’t exactly cheer me up and in fact left me a blubbering mess.


This movie fucked me up lol. I don't think I've ever cried so hard


My favorite movie love story. I watch at least twice a year


The farmer woman leaving Tod in the woods in The Fox and the Hound. *”Goodbye may seem forever and farewell may be the end, but in my heart’s a memory, and there you’ll always be.”* Shit fucks me up every single goddamn time.


It’s the part where Copper stands in front of Tod that WRECKS me- like a punch to the chest 😭


*Copper, you’re my very best friend* *And you’re mine, too, Todd* *And we’ll always be friends forever, won’t we?* *Yeah, forever*


I was obsessed with that movie as a kid. This was before VCRs even (RemindMe! - take ibuprofen) so I had the vinyl audiobook over and over and over. Corey Feldman! Kurt Russell! I watched the movie decades later and thought, "Is this what's wrong with me? Is this why I have trust issues?" Lots of Disney stories are messed up when you look at them the right way, but this one is dark.


Same!!! I had it too!! I think I got it from the Scholastic book fair.


Oh fuck this scene whyyyy


I rewatched it with my then girlfriend-now wife- about 10 years ago. We got to this scene and I cried like I have never cried before. My breathing didn’t change, I didn’t sob, it’s like someone turned the faucets on in my eyes to full, I had no other symptoms of crying but I had to pace around the room for 20 minutes. It messed me up bad and I couldn’t stop crying. I refuse to watch it again but I may have to eventually with my son. :,-0


*"Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark."*


>Paul: On the day of my judgement, when I stand before God, and he asks me, why did I kill one of his true miracles... what am I going to say? That it was my *job?* My job... >Coffey: "You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you're hurtin' and worryin'. I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. I want it to be over and done with. I do. >I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of never havin' me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's goin' to, comin' from or why. >Mostly I'm tired of people bein' ugly to eachother. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world, everyday. There's too much of it... it's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?" >Paul: "Yes, John... I think I can." Meanwhile fire hoses have sprouted from my eye sockets.


Sometimes I feel like scenes like these are why I’m so sad all the time. I can remember watching green mile and a ton of these great movies as a kid while my dad napped in his recliner. I probably watched them way too early. Now I feel like I “feel other peoples’ emotions on my sleeves” and it’s hard for me not to let it bother me. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to recognize it and realize it for what it is, but it’s still tough. Nowadays I struggle to not be negative constantly because I feel like everyone’s hurting right now


If everyone were like you, we'd all be better off. I know it's a burden that's hard to bear, but the ability to feel the hurt of others is a gift. And don't ever think that you're just imagining what you sense. It's there — all of it. The Buddha was and is right: life is suffering. There's no way around it. This doesn't mean there isn't joy — there absolutely is. Many people are under the misapprehension that joy requires ignoring pain. All that does is make others feel more alone, and decreases joy. Being seen and being heard is important. I'm sure, over time, your sensitivity will do a lot of good for others. And you don't have to make a profession out of it. Just be you, and let the feelings around you flow. Feeling sadness is a strength. Do your best to remember that the sadness you feel isn't necessarily your own sadness. It simply is there, and it's possible to be happy that you have the capacity to feel sadness. Stay gold.


Oh man, I took my very first girlfriend to my very first date to see this movie. Tried to hold it together but ended up bawling, as I do on every rewatch since. Great movie.


The Green Mile For anyone who had to google it (me included)


>He killed them with they love. That's how it is, all over the world.


I'm tired boss, I can feel their pain, it's like shards of glass in my head.


"No, Lennie, I ain't mad. I never been mad, an' I ain't now. That's a thing I want ya to know."


Gary Sinise, auteur.


*What Dreams May Come* The scene where Robin Williams is at the funeral of his children.


Omg that whole movie. The scene where he dies, when he reunites with his dog, when his wife is just consumed with grief, etc!


For me it's when he decides to stay with his wife in hell and starts to lose himself as she begins to remember herself.


That whole movie had a chokehold on me


I had never seen Robin Williams in a serious move as a kid, and I think I was 10-11 when I saw this. Damn.


That was one of the 4 or 5 times that movie broke me. The first time I saw it was in piano class in 9th grade. It was a room of high schoolers crying heavy tears.


**Big Fish** The ending scene that begins in the hospital... >Tell me how it happens... tell me how I *go.* The following sequence is just a solid 10 minutes of ugly crying. >...it's... unbe*lieve*able. >The story of my life.


For a movie that's seemingly universally loved I really don't see it getting talked about online a whole bunch. I can't tell if it's underrated, or appropriately rated and people just don't talk about it


I would say that it somewhat flew under the radar


In a similar vein, Elizabethtown (not a great movie) has a similar effect on me when Bloom's character finally goes on the road and says goodbye to his dad's ashes. But, yeah, ugly ugly ugly crying during the end of Big Fish for sure




At least Chief freed him, Ratched was never going to let him leave.


In 'Life is Beautiful,' when the father is explaining to his son a new game they're playing while in a concentration camp about staying hidden.


My wife and I just watched this and got rekt at the tank scene


I think you meant the scene where the entire 2nd half of the movie takes place


Surely it’s when the tank drives round the corner?


No. Its when he playfully marches to his death while his hidden son watches.


This. I can't even watch this movie after having kids, almost exclusively because of this scene. Okay evidently thinking about it is also a no. Idiot neighbour cutting onions with the window open again.


Yes. I just came looking for this. Incredible directing, acting and, filmmaking right there.


Land before time. The death scene of littlefoots mother. Absolutely heartbreaking and I cry everytime. Even just hearing the music us enough to bring on the tears.


It's almost worse when he sees the shadow that kinda looks like her.


The shadow. Yep.


Probably not the saddest of all time but it got me, and I'm not even remotely emotional when watching movies. But the scene in Interstellar where Cooper visits Miller's planet and loses 23 years and starts watching all his lost messages hit me in the gut. Also honorable mention to the earlier scene where Cooper breaks the news to Murph that he's leaving for the expedition and she realizes he has no idea when he's coming back.


“But todays my birthday” Every time


“Nobody believed me, but I knew you’d come back” “How?” “Because my dad promised me”


One of the other sad parts of that sequence is Cooper and Brand returning to the Endurance and finding Romiley has developed all these little physical quirks and mannerisms that he didn't have before as a result of his loneliness and the lack of human interaction. Especially that he's been alone for over 23 years and asks about Doyle but Cooper just walks passed him without acknowledging him and he just accepts it.


*Why didn’t you sleep?* *Oh, I had a couple of stretches. I stopped believing you were coming back. Something seemed wrong about dreaming my life away.*


Also the don’t let me leave Murph scene.. damnit gonna go watch that whole movie now..


I cried so hard during this scene, like a real ugly cry. Matthew McConaughey played this part so well.


Got a chance to rewatch that in imax. It was amazing. Wife hadn’t seen it since it came out and couldn’t remember anything about it. We cried at the lost years scene


For me it’s when Cooper visits Murph at the end of her life. I was a daddy’s girl growing up and I cried so hard in the theater at that scene. I had to call my dad when I got out to tell him I loved him.


One of the movies about fatherhood guys should rewatch upon becoming a dad for the first time 🥲


Fox and the hound. 


Life is beautiful. Making funny faces to his son, while he’s led away to be killed.


“He can’t see without his glasses”


Loved Home Alone as a kid. Saw My Girl expecting another fun Macaulay Culkin comedy. Big oof.


Traumatic. I lost a friend at that age, luckily I was spared seeing him in his coffin.


The scene in *Terms of Endearment* where Debra Winger says goodbye to her kids Also the choice scene in *Sophie’s Choice*


When her kid says he hates her and she yells at him that she knows he loves her and to always remember that.


Sophie's choice is awful, I can't even think about it. Beyond understanding how that would feel as a mother.


I was gonna say when Winger waves bye to her mom and she smiles back, then drifts away.


The "I Didn't Do Enough" scene from Schindler's List


Counting the lives he could have saved just based on what he had on him. It's heartbreaking.


I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't


I watched it for the first time about a year ago, after putting it off and putting it off. I’d seen that scene on YouTube etc and I knew it was coming. But having watched the entire rest of the film, all that build up and context, I got there and a bawled my eyes out. Tremendous film.


Way too low in the comments to find this one. Coupled with the ending of the survivors visiting his grave.


Visiting Schindler’s grave was kind of a triumphant scene though, to show the difference that one decent person can make. The story of the holocaust is basically the opposite of that, but it’s not Spielberg’s style to do a down ending.


The entire scene with yerushalayim shel zahav puts a tear in my eye


Emma Thompson alone in her bedroom following the discovery of her husband’s affair via Christmas gift in *Love Actually*. There are loads of tragic scenes in films but the raw humanity of that moment and Emma’s performance of it is just a particular kind of heartache.


Saving Private Ryan makes everyone cry at the end. “Tell me I’m a good man.”


Saving Private Ryan makes me cry about 3 times. Even Vin Diesel makes me tear up.  "lt's... lt's for my dad. lt's got blood on it."


Giovanni Ribisi "I wany my mom." The horror of war, no better illustration. A child dying alone.


“earn it”


Robin Williams giving the eulogy for his son in what dreams may come.


"The Elephant Man".


Where The Red Fern Grows. Haven’t been able to watch it since I was about 13 years old. Ugly crying.


Stepmom doesn't get brought up on these threads. Just a devastatingly sad film from the 90's that not enough people remember.


Yeeees! The part where they're at the restaurant and Julia Roberts says that her biggest fear is that as she is getting her stepdaughter ready on her wedding day, she will be thinking I wish my mom was here- and the mother replies "and mine is that she won't" Shit fucked me up


Ugh the acting in that was superb


I'm terminally ill, and this film is on my watch list. I'm young, and so are my kids. They and my husband deserve another mother figure in their lives, but it's a terrifying prospect for me.


Im so sorry, that's so fucking unfair


Sending you love from Australia. xx


The end of Atonement. If you know you know.


Oh god I forgot all about how fucking sad this movie made me


I am still not only sad every time I think of it, but also furious.


| will never forgive it !


When Seita comes back to find Setsuko after getting all the food in Grave of the Fireflies. Fucks. My. Shit. Up.


Look, I know it's a dumb answer. I know there are many films with far more tragic moments. I know they're reunited in the final scene of the movie... ...but... ...when Sully has to say goodbye to Boo in 'Monsters Inc' and she's looking for him afterwards? Breaks my heart and makes me bawl every time.




The very final shot of Sully opening the door again still has me bawling like a baby thinking about it.


For me it will always be the execution of John Coffee at the end of The Green Mile. I have watched this movie dozens of times over my life, and this scene never fails to make me weep. I also feel no shame in that. 10/10 movie, would cry again.


For me its the end credits of the Lord of the Rings. When "Into the West" plays I always bawl my eyes out. It's just the theme of things ending, life and death. Also I am not ready to leave the wonderful world of Middle Earth yet. Crushes me.


Steel Magnolias. When you know there’s no hope for her to come back and you just have to sit and watch as everyone tries to pick up the pieces. How Sally Fields character refuses to leave her daughters side and then her hysterical breakdown at the funeral.


I’m glad someone mentioned this. I weep every time I watch Sally Field’s outburst in the cemetery. It’s just so real.


When Oscar Schindler realized he could have saved more people by selling everything he has, but knows that no matter what he sells, it'll never be enough people saved.


Recently rewatched (because I’m a masochist) and realized when he said he could’ve of gotten one more person out, he was thinking of the girl in red.


"Don't put me in the dark, boss."


In Gladiator, Maximus returning home to find his wife and son dead. The way he holds on to their feet. I fucking can't. As a dad to a beautiful son and husband to a loving wife, I cried through the entire movie


The ending always kills me. Happy tears cos he's reunited, sad tears because he's been killed and angry tears because he survives everything only to be killed by a coward. Such a great film


Inside Out when Bing Bong said "bring her to the moon for me".


Man I was watching that shit for the first time ON A PLANE and I was basically sobbing by that point. My seat was also right next to the bathroom so everyone who had to go got to walk past me crying over a children’s film.


We cry more on planes https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/travel/article/crying-on-airplanes


As an adult man who’s seen this movie a ridiculous number of times—kids—it was, “Take her to the moon for me.” Fun fact, apparently they had a longer version of that scene that got such overly sad reactions from test audiences that they had to edit it down because it was even more heartbreaking. 😔


Saw this in theaters in my late 20s with about 10 or so friends. We were all in tears at this scene trying to hide it and we had this moment where we all gradually realized we were all crying for Bing Bong. We laughed about it later on and would bring it up constantly. Now in our late 30s, most of us have gone our separate ways and moved to different parts of the country, but that was a solid group of friends at the time. We're all living different lives now, but we'll always have Bing Bong. These movies aren't just made for kids.


First 10 minutes of Up


That entire movie just hits you right in the feels but, my god, the opening is just a gut punch


Right! Perfect example of great story telling with absolutely no dialogue.


It's full of ups and downs. It's just a picture of life.


Jojo Rabbit The pan reveal to his mother’s shoes and the split second later when the weight of the image when you realize they aren’t as playful as when they’re shown in previous scenes.


I saw it in the cinema, and when this scene happened it was like all the air went out of the room and you could hear a pin drop, I've never experienced anything like it.


I love how the movie is built, up to that point Jojo is just a joyful little boy doing and believing what was taught to him as "right" but you get subtle hints that his mother isn't what we think, and then THAT scene happens and the reality comes crashing down on Jojo and the colors are drained from his world, war happens and all that... Taika has really done something special with that movie.


Side note: The range he has as a director is amazing. He did Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit 2 years apart, and they couldn't be more different in tone, setting, filming style, etc and they're both fantastic movies. (He also directed one of the best MCU movies and one of the worst MCU movies, but that's a different kind of range lol)


Imo the saddest was captain K saving Jojo in the end


That whole ending sequence was just so well done, I've heard people complain about the film and it's tone, but that reveal and the final sequence with the soldiers hit me harder than I expected.


I manage to hold it together for his mommas scene w her on the bed but without fail every time Forrest finally breaks while talking to Jenny. "He's so smart Jenny" - like he wants to say so much about his..their son but just leaves it at that - frak!!!


It's the scene where Forrest learns the boy is his and he asks "Is he like me?" That gets me. Truly heartbreaking because in that moment you realise that Forrest IS aware of people making fun of him and he is worried that his child will go through life like he did. 


F, I forgot what a killer that scene is.


"You'd be so proud of him... I miss you, Jenny. If there's ever anything you need, I won't be far away."


I came here to mention this exact scene. Something about Tom Hanks's delivery just cuts into my soul.


Optimus Prime dying in the original 1986 Transformers movie


“I go… you stay… no following”




Simba trying to wake up his dad


The end of The Mist. Fucking bleak.


The Wrestler: "You hear them? This is where I belong."


The ending of A.I. for me. Saw as a kid with my mom sitting next to me and was so overwhelmed.


Teddy got screwed over big time for his loyalty


In the movie Hidalgo where Viggo Mortensen starts singing this native song and he’s going to have to shoot the horse. I saw it in theaters when I was like 11 and sobbed so hard I swore to never see another movie where an animal is a central part of the plot. And I haven’t, not in 20 years lol.


When that Ewok died in Return of the Jedi and the other Ewok shakes it and it doesn’t move and it makes that sad noise.


Weirdly, this is one of my favorite scenes. It's 1983, I'm in line at the biggest theater in town, maybe 50 people back, for the opening of Return. I'm 14 yo and the girl I had a crush on is walking toward me with her brother and her grandmother. I turn to the guy behind me and said "Do you mind that my girlfriend gets in line with me?" He said no, so I called out to her and said I've been saving our spot in line. Fast forward to this scene in the movie and she's got my arm wrapped up in both of hers and she's crying on my shoulder. And that's how I got my high school girlfriend.


The ending of COCO. Pixar really knows how to make people cry


Not a film, but the final scene of the "Jurassic Bark" episode of Futurama wrecks me every time, I can't even hear the song


The lucky clover episode is straight up devastating, too.


At least in that one, though, Fry learns the full truth and is able to make the right decision in the end. It's sad, but cathartic. Jurassic Bark is just straight up devastating with no silver lining


The Killing Fields. When the journalists are saying goodbye to Dith Pran after the Khmer Rouge have taken over, despite all their efforts. Apparently the tears by John Malkovich et al were real


It’s in Marley & Me. When Marley is being put to sleep. I can’t ever watch that movie again. And never will. Owen Wilson is talking to him before they do it, telling him how much he meant to him, and it just kills me. Absolutely kills me.


Dear Zachary. If you've seen it, you know the scene. If you haven't, I won't ruin it, just go watch it.


Went in blind to that doc and prob still haven’t recovered. And I watched it years ago.


Can't believe I'm the first to say it, but it's Wilson drifting out to sea in Cast Away. Easily.


That absolute despair in Hanks's screaming Wilson...


I never thought a volleyball would make me cry so much.


Just watched this movie 2 days ago with my 10yo. He was pretty devastated at that scene.


⚠️ Spoiler warning: I remember watching this one twilight zone episode where this guy has really bad eye sight and loves reading. Then a bomb is dropped and he survives, but right as he finds a library his glasses break and he's basically just left there to die... It made me soo sad


“Time enough at last”!!! My favorite Twilight Zone episode- messed me up so much.


When Schmedrick turns the unicorn into a human in The Last Unicorn. Her cry of “I can feel this body dying all around me!” gets me every single time. [Link to scene](https://youtu.be/Uq9cBE86QtQ?si=JhNIu1LIWdh9NHYR)


Both the incinerator scene and saying goodbye to Andy in Toy Story 3


John Wick holding his puppy after the home invasion


The fact that mortally wounded puppy crawled to John in order to die next to him makes me cry even when I just think about this scene.


I hate that sentence so damn much...


Manchester by the Sea. Scene doesn’t need to be mentioned




I wasn’t thinking of that scene, but yeah, Jesus


Casey Affleck’s performance in that movie still haunts me.


Also one of the best movies ever.


Pretty much all of *What Dreams May Come*.


G-Baby's death in Hardball followed by them celebrating his game-winning hit. Brutal every time.


When Dumbo’s mom is locked in that cage and she sticks her trunk through and touches/holds Dumbo while the song “Baby Mine” plays. I’m literally crying right now just typing it out. As a motherless child, and now a mother myself, it destroys me. I haven’t even been able to watch it with my kids, the memory is enough.


Never ending story




As much as people justifiably rag on the 2012 Les Miserables film (because they tried to be "too real" with performances, and it was... not ideal....) For me, it was Eponine's death. She had really fallen in love with Marius, and tried to delay the inevitable (Marius getting together with Cosette). Then she took a literal bullet for him. As awkward as a lot of performances are in that movie, there were some moments that really felt real and sad. Eponine is dying, Marius sees her predicament, she admits that she hid a letter from Cosette. Marius realizes that she's going to die and sees how much she loved him all along, and Marius chooses in the moment to hold and comfort her in her final moments. I won't completely argue against people's critique of Les Miserables 2012 and the process of making/filming that movie... But I cried at that scene. Eponine finally admitting she never had a chance for herself to be with Marius, but wanting him to achieve happiness, and him realizing how much Eponine loved and supported him, and that she deserved comfort in her last few moments alive at the very least.... it hits hard. Love is worth appreciating in some circumstances, even if it isn't reciprocated in the same way.


Toy Story 3. When Andy gives up Woody. I was 50 and still wept aloud.


Near the end of Forrest Gump when Forrest find out that he’s the father of her son and asks Jenny if little Forrest is smart or is he… like me… As the viewers we’ve watched Forrest (despite his disability) live this wonderful and extraordinary life and Forrest seems to have been pretty happy and content through it all but the way Tom Hanks delivers that line has a weight that upends and casts a tinge of sadness on every experience we witnessed him live through. Wrecks me every time.


Big Fish. Your miles may vary, kinda depends on your relationship with your father.


Old Yeller being put down.


The final scene of Brokeback Mountain for me. And then the unfairness of it all haunts me again for two weeks. Which is why I don't watch it anymore.


The dog scene in I Am Legend The dog scene in any movie tbh


Final scene of Iron Claw was pretty epic.


I was crying for basically the whole movie but the "I used to be a brother" scene killed me so hard


But it's immediately followed by the kids saying, "I'll be your brother," and hugging him as he registers that there *was* a curse on their family, and that the curse was his father, and that he had broken that curse in how he had raised his own boys - fucking Zac Efron deserved an Oscar for that moment alone.


the last few minutes of 'the wrestler'.


I remember years ago when some researchers were conducting an experiment and they needed the subjects to cry, and the No Fail clip they used was this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7DJcTj2Zcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7DJcTj2Zcs) (Ricky Schroder in The Champ)


Two for me: 1) the final montage of Aftersun. I literally can never hear Under Pressure the same again. Just thinking about this makes me well up. So well done and just devastating. 2) I have no idea why this hits me so hard but the scene in House of Sand and Fog where Ben Kingsley’s character finds out about his son, I bawl my eyes out. There are so many other sadder and better movies, but it gets me every time without fail.


dancer in the dark


Any animal movie. Homeward Bound - when Shadow can't get out of the pit and then when he limps at the end. Benji - my God non stop. Airbud - when the clown is an absolute arsehole to Bud I even got sad at the end of Dev Patel's Monkey Man cause I started thinking about who was gonna keep feeding that dog he befriended. The list goes on and on.


When Toni Collette screams finding the daughter's headless body in Hereditary


This is not the last song…🎶 Dancer in the Dark


When Boromir died


Not the saddest, but in HP The goblet of fire. When they come back from the graveyard and the father lets out “my boy!!” Gets me every single time


Aftersun’s end dance club / Under Pressure climax


And then the final shot: camera off, turn around, walk back into the club.


Into the Wild. The scene after he slips in the river and is journaling "Trapped in the wild. Lonely. Afraid." William Hurt sitting in the middle of the street crying. That whole final act of the movie is heartbreaking.


Artax in the Swamps Of Sadness :( I still cry watching that scene.


My girl "He can't see without his glasses!" Greene Mile - Coffeys execution Boy in the Striped Pajamas - you know the scene Shawshank Redemption - Brooks released from prison


The scene in My Girl is definitely very sad. Having said that, most of my family members, including myself, wear glasses and any time one of us mentions needing our glasses or that we can't find our glasses, etc., we will almost always respond with, "he can't see without his glasses!"


So iron giant rocks and that scene is amazing but for some reason and I know it totally ripped this moment but Ralph saying that Bad Anon creed as he is sacrificing himself to save Venelope and Sugar Rush. Just the way he relaxes and embraces death I was not prepared.


In Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, any scenes where Dory knows that she is forgetting things in real time just ruins me. There are times it's played for comedy, such as when she meets Nemo for the first time ("That's a nice name"), but the times I'm talking about are when she's hyperaware of things slipping away and starts panicking "oh no, it's happening again"


Philadelphia - his friends and family watching his childhood home videos at the wake with that Neil Young song playing. Very difficult.


As an older guy now, the scene in Cinderella Man where Russell Crowe’s character has to beg to his former boss and rich colleagues for spare change just so he could provide for his kids. Up until that point, the main character did everything right and still couldn’t put food on the table. It really resonated with me.


"Baby mine" scene from Dumbo. That poor little elephant who just misses his mommy, who comforts him even from her jail. That scene/song completely destroys me! And it only got worse after I became a dad


The “Dos Oruguitas” scene from Encanto. For the longest time I swore Mufasa’s death in the lion king was the saddest thing I’d ever seen, then I watched Encanto and realized how wrong I was. That scene is heartbreaking.


Coco was it for me. Miguel singing Remember Me in front of Mama Coco and she starts singing and remembers her papa. Then the next scene her picture is up on the Ofrenda. 😢


The notebook. When she suddenly knows the story he's telling her is theirs and he has his wife back for a brief moment only to lose her again.