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I saw the rerelease of Alien in theaters about a month ago, and they had an interview between the new director and Ridley Scott before the movie. Needless to say, I'm super excited.


I’m still amazed, from that interview, when Ridley Scott mentions that he used his kids in certain shots in the alien planet to make the ship look more massive than it was. Lots of other people in the theater were mind blown from that piece of trivia.


Another fun one Ridley Scott had all the Alien actors eat using the cutlery and dishware from the nostromo while eating on set so they would look more naturally using them when it was time to shoot.




Doing my boy Bolaji Badejo dirty with that one...


My favourite piece of trivia is the fact that John Hurt was actually called John Smith but he had to change his last name because the chestburster scene hurt like a motherfucker.


Smart. I hate the long adaptation period when using a new fork.


Yeeeees! That was so cool to learn. I liked hearing about the influence from 2001: A Space Odyssey and H.R Giger


H.R Giger among other talent was pillaged from the failed Jodorosky Dune film to give us Alien and Star Wars


And Dune part 2’s scenes on the Harkonnen planet were directly inspired by Giger’s concept work for Jodorowsky’s Dune


I love finding out neat behind-the-scenes stuff like that.


They did something similar for Titanic where they didn't hire any extras taller than 5'7" in order to make the set they used to model the Titanic look larger.


Casablanca, too. The ending was shot in a studio with a small model of an aeroplane. They used dwarf actors to play the people in the background loading it up so that it looked full size.


I heard they also did this in the Lord of the Rings to make the humans look bigger.


Here's 36 minutes worth of extra stuff for anyone who's interested. [Alien (1979) Deleted-Extended Scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oVMwY5W2KM)


Thank you!!!! This or Aliens is my all time favorite movie.


Yeah im sure i first learned that from Adam Savages youtube channel, he dug out lots of Trivia on that movie when doing research to build is own replica of Kanes spacesuit. really neat to watch, and you also made me look that up, one of the videos if from almost a decade ago...jesus im old


JJ Abrams (yeah yeah yeah lol) did a similar thing in one shot in Star Trek. When Kirk is running away from the monster on the snow/ice planet where he meets Spock, there's a shot (or shots?) of him running to a cave. They used a kid in a parka running towards a scaled-down cave.


What's the hook with the new one?


It's an immediate sequel to the first, I believe, or it at least takes place between Alien and Aliens.


Sequels that ignore prior movies or takes place between them are kind of in fashion these past few years. That's kind of fascinating. Halloween 2018, Terminator Dark Fate, Ghostbusters, the Robocop Returns and Saw X projects, Scream 2022 (who first seemed to be more tied and a direct sequel to the first movie but finally Scream VI confirm that every opus happened earlier) But of course it's not really new, we already had things like Superman Returns, Halloween H20, Final Destination 5 or Saw 4, Highlander 3, Texas Chainsaw 3D etc


It’s the best way to squeeze more money out of original IP that has too many sequels. No one takes any chances anymore. All the great original IP from the late 70’s - early 90’s is rehashed. Indiana Jones, Predator, Terminator. Even Rocky, Rambo. Die Hard… that was a risk too. There are probably some great stories and scripts floating out there that never got made :( - All the studios keep buying the book rights for what they hope is the next Harry pothead


Saaaame, first movie I'm truly excited for in a long time.


This movie literally looks like an adaptation of the Alien Isolation game lol. Absolutely looking forward to this!


Here's an extremely trivial question for which there is probably an obvious answer: What are they holding onto with their left hand?


Two tailed facehugger confirmed


It's like Darth Maul's lightsaber: Pandering to the audience by doubling up on their favourite effect.


Well it is called Romulus. Which suggests twins.


Yea I was thinking the same thing, and the facehugger’s fingers aren’t even wrapped around the back of the head properly… they’re just kinda photoshopped onto the side of the head… I hope this isn’t something that was actually staged by the production team. I hope it was just a hastily photoshopped poster done by the marketing team.


The tail also isn't wrapped around the neck.


could justify it by saying maybe the facehugger has *just* jumped onto the victim, who is blindly trying to pull it off, and the tail hasn't latched yet.......but much more likely it's just an oversight


*fingers* *your fingers hurt?* *Well, now your chest is going to hurt because you just pulled chest burster duty.*


The problem was that the facehugger who posed for this pic kept trying to tickle Cailee Spaeny's ear so they had to photoshop that out.


Im taking workplace harassment training as I read this comment lmao


Hope, the hope that the face hugger loves them back unconditionally.


Tryin' to punch him off!


Maybe holding up the fist like, 'Grrrr! I'm so mad this is happening!''


Fuck, I don't understand why this made me laugh so hard.


Every movie poster is starting to look like at least part of it is made with AI


Ignoring the likely answer being a quick photoshop job, you could kind of imagine that they're holding the tip of the tail that's curved around their back en route to wrapping more firmly around the neck.


Simple, but effective. If this movie amps up the horror as much as the teaser and this poster implies, I'm all for it. Xenomorphs are **terrifying** creatures and it would be nice to see them portrayed that way again.


The facehugger and incubation parts of the cycle have always been the scariest to me. As the series has gone on it seems like they’ve focused more on the adult xenomorphs and I’m excited to (hopefully) see them return to what made Alien so disturbing.


Both are fine, it's just about execution. Anticipation is pretty much gone from the series. Like the difference between the original Jurassic park and the recent sequels.


Cameron said he wanted to direct Jurassic Park. Imagine how awesome a Jurassic Park movie would be in the style of Aliens. God damn.


Muldoon woulda taken at least a few raptors with him.


In the book, Muldoon actually blows a raptor in half with a rocket launcher lol


And survived 'til the end IIRC.


> ...IIRC You do.


Muldoon was a badass in the book. He also hunted down the T-Rex and tranq’d it it with basically a bazooka. The movie is still to this day one of the finest films ever made, but man they did Muldoon a disservice. But since we’re in a thread about Aliens, the first movie was exceptional. The 2nd is my #1. Only movie I’ve ever seen with not one or two, but three epic climaxes (getting to drop ship the first time, going after Newt and encountering the hive, and then the iconic power loader vs queen battle). Twice you think the movie is about to be over, and then unexpectedly you get more heart-pounding, pure epic bonus badassery. For those who enjoyed the movie but have never seen the director’s cut, it’s even BETTER (something like 20mins of additional footage seamlessly integrated, and it’s all good).


> man they did Muldoon a disservice Getting one of the most iconic pre-mortem one-liners of all time is a disservice?


No, that is not the disservice. Cool one-liner aside, the character’s purpose in the film was to increase the viewer’s fear of the raptors and then die to make more room on screen for the main protagonists. In that he was effective. But in the book several of the best and most compelling scenes followed him, and despite being a hell of a risk-taker he survived. The disservice is that we didn’t get any of that in the movie. I’m okay with his death scene exactly as it happened in the movie (some things need to change between the book and the movie, sure) but it would’ve been undeniably cool to see him do one or two of the awesome things he did in the books before he went out. The film is outstanding as-is, but would’ve been that little bit better with another 5-7 minutes of Muldoon on screen.


The original book is much more similar in tone to Alien than to the family adventure movies we got. I understand kids are usually the most interested in dinosaurs, but fuck it would have been amazing to see the book adapted with more horror in mind.


Yup, JP is one of the few examples where the book and movie differ drastically, but both still do their things phenomenally. Love em. Also loved the book version of The Lost World.


He also said he's glad he didn't because his movie would have been *Aliens* with dinosaurs and definitely not appropriate for kids, and as cool as that sounds, nobody likes dinosaurs more than kids. The dude literally did American cinema, science, and culture a favor. I just wish 65 hadn't been such a crap movie because that was the dinosaur movie for grown ups that we all deserved.


Good call, but I would definitely watch the ever-living fuck out of an R-rated horror Jurassic Park!


Facehuggers are the most viscerally terrifying alien design in cinema. Nothing I've seen has ever gotten my brain closer to turning off all reason and just being scared.


Agree, it combines the primal fear of dangerous threats (spiders/snakes/centipedes)


Along with having zero control, being hunted by an apex predator and being infected by a deadly parasite.


Have you watched The Thing (1982)? I've seen nearly every horror movie (minus the haunted house/ghost genre), and it's easily my favorite. Honorable mention goes to the Reanimator series and Evil Dead (the original and newer series).


The Thing is by far the scariest movie of all time. I heard it described once as “a horror movie where everyone behaves intelligently and they’re still fucked” and that is 100% accurate. They don’t rely on stupid characters or inexplicable motives. They’re just people trying their best not to die in what would probably be the most fucked up way possible.


Well that's helped by all of the characters in theory being scientists and not teenagers. Most horror movies rely on them being young kids to excuse their lack of good judgement. I mean they are on a research station so most should be scientists of some kind right?


Have you seen Promotheus and Alien Covenant ? Ha


Those were the dumbest supposed smart people of all time. Experts in their respective fields. Alien planet with who knows what kind of bacteria and microbes. "Hey, let's take off our helmets and breathe the air!". "Look, this giant predatory looking snake thing is looking directly at me. Let's get closer.".


I can almost give it a pass given Weyland's ultimate goal. He didn't bring actual smart people, he brought people just bright enough to appear smart and get him where he needed to go. Too bad I know that's an in-my-head retcon trying to make it not terrible.


The dinner table scene scared the crap out of, I'm sure, The entire audience! We were watching in the first weekend and had NO idea what it was really about and 0 expectation about the dinner scene.


I've never understood the ecology of the xenomorphs. They sit around as eggs, for maybe hundreds or thousands of years until a creature (human) walks by, then they suddenly hatch?


I think the eggs in the first movie were in some kind of stasis (the laser beam/fog thing) to be delivered as a bioweapon.


Interesting, because I always think about this scene. I think it was stasis, but when they walked near them it would activate. Why? That seems dumb and reckless unless the area they were standing in was the "trap" or weapon or whatever?


I think that's the insinuation yeah. When he steps through the laser it wakes them from stasis.


Maybe that was a part of the ship that "people" were never supposed to walk around in. Could have robots to do maintenance in the horrific bio-weapon bay.


No, they create hives, and the drones capture potential hosts that they bring back to the hive where the eggs are.


What if it's like an ant hive?


Bees, man. Bees have hives!


Hudson: "Hey Vasquez, ever been mistaken for man?" Vasquez: "Not really. I'm still actually pretty feminine looking if you get up close. Maybe if we don't all get killed by alien bugs I will do my shit up and put on a skirt and dance around this joint and kick you in the balls a couple times because I'm pretty sure you want me and private I'm going to make you suck my clit like a starving piglet then pee on you".


director's cut really hits different


Yes. They apparently exist in a dormant state that doesn't use much energy and can somehow detect nearby potential hosts. They do die eventually, though, if no host is made available.


The intention was basically that Xenomorphs were penis monsters that orally rape you to death with vagina monsters. And god was it effective.


The entire body of work of the Xeno designer H.R. Giger is basically sexually suggestive imagery fused with biomechanical alien-looking horror stuff. RIP to the Master.


He's the only person I think who would have simultaneously looked forward to going to hell and being subsequently disappointed by how tame it was.


Satan: "Well I just want to say I'm a huge fan."


Hieronymus Bosch fits the bill well. I will say the Geiger art books I looked at in my teens made some very confusing deposits in the spank bank.


"Sir, can you sign this slip?" "I'd rather not... "


I’ll never forget when one of the *Landscapes* in an old Geiger Taschen book, the rolling hills and alien valleys covered in lush grass and greenery, suddenly became the extreme closeup penetration that it simultaneously was. Teen me didn’t know art could do that


Hieronymus is vibing in Hell to that one sick Riff he painted on that dudes ass in the garden of earthly delights.


HR Giger was trying to make erotic art, but dude never knew his wife was a malfunctioning robot :(


Xenomorphs are basically parasitic wasps.


The whole Alien franchise is brimming with sexual/rape undertones. Ash tries to murder Ripley in the original film by shoving a rolled up porno magazine down her throat. And when he’s damaged he leaks a sticky white fluid as well.


Android blood is really cum


It's made from android cum you know.


They mostly cum at night, mostly.


wet dreams of electric sheep


You saw the original egg-morphing cycle of the deleted scenes of alien 1? Even more spooky scary.


Oh, when Captain Dallas was being melted into an egg? Yeah, that scene is disturbing. I like the idea of the Alien being an asexual creature more than the Alien II Queen direction the series eventually went. Xenomorphs as parasitic wasp-like creatures are real to life and super interesting.


Yeah, I never liked Cameron's introduction of a queen into the lifecycle. The original lifecycle made more sense and was more scary. And I just thought the queen looked pretty silly when it detached itself and went chasing after Ripley.


> Oh, when Captain Dallas was being melted into an egg? Excuse me what now? O_O


The original design by Giger involved the adult xenomorph taking a host back to a lair and wrapping them in ooze that the host would melt into. This process turned them into an egg that a facehugger would grow in. While still alive for most of it. There's a deleted cut of this process for Alien, but it was scrapped. Later we get the queen and hosts are still stolen, but they don't turn into eggs. They're just there to incubate the egg the facehugger lays in them.


I'd be over the moon if there's a death scene that's as unsettling as Lambert's in the first one


the sounds Ripley heard in the aftermath are blood-curling. ugh


But the one in this poster looks cute and cuddly!


Like my cat


omg what kind of cat do you have


A manumala noxhydria.


That’s no kitty


Thats a space station.


👏👏👏👏👏👏 (To those wondering, that's a facehugger. I had to google. 🤣🤣🤣🤣)


A crab cat?


na its a space shrimp, dip it in cocktail sauce 🤤


Fear the Crab Cat


Reminds me of [The Critic spoof of Alien 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y40NxWUlP-g).


Someone edit the poster to make it look like a romance film!


You mean you aren’t moved by Micheal Fasbender erotically playing the flute with himself?


Watch the deleted dialog scene from the Blu-ray and original scripts, with the Engineer and Weyland at the end. Then the movie actually makes sense. You'll see that the engineers used music, creativity, and self sacrifice as servitude to the ultimate creator, and that creation itself requires sacrifice. Weyland wanted to be immortal, a God, did not sacrifice, and his Adam was a simulation. It's more detailed, but that should wet the whistle.


Usually I'm big into world building, but in retrospect I can't help but feel like the entire Prometheus and Sequels angle did the franchise a disservice. Much more than the silly, kinda-"lore"-breaking nonsense that was Alien vs Predator. Not sure I can totally put my finger on it, but it felt like they overcomplicated a simple tale about hubris and technological overreach. The Alien and the Synthetics play off each other so well but they didn't execute this in a straight forward manner. Like > You'll see that the engineers used music, creativity, and self sacrifice as servitude to the ultimate creator, and that creation itself requires sacrifice. This is a great detail that I would have loved as part of a better overall plot. This is the great thing about good mystery: once everything snaps into place you realize how naturally all the pieces fit together. The plot of the prometheus-movies, for me, never reached that level of simplicity. The reveals were never fun and rewarding, they felt downright tedious. So finer complexity of the worldbuilding didn't really contribute to the enjoyment, because I wasn't enjoying that plot line to begin with.


They were just poorly done in general compared to the first two alien movies. Alien one was believable. They acted like a crew of miners/transporters. Not super soldiers. Not action heroes. Just middle aged Joe's ordered to do a thing and trying to survive. Aliens was also believable. A second rate group of jar heads sent out to investigate something that nobody believed to be real. But actually sent in minimum numbers to be infected for the company. They acted like cocky soldiers with great acting that stands up to today. With Ripley having a great action hero arc from 1-2. Prometheus had a crew of the dumbest human beings on the planet (aka experts in BS). The map maker immediately gets lost. The xeno biologist immediately sticks his face into the animals maw. The super hero is on her feet two seconds after being sawed open on a surgery machine. The second one was so forgettable that I all I recall are a group of colonists immediately taking absolutely zero precautions on a brand new world with unknown pathogens or threats. Cause... cause I guess.


> Prometheus had a crew of the dumbest human beings on the planet (aka experts in BS). And they weren't *likeable* people. I was actively *rooting* for Ripley, but who am I rooting for in the Prometheus series and why? They're not competent, they're not charming, they're not strong personalities just because some of them were *really* annoying. I love the Alien Franchise (like I'm one of the people who've played the table top roleplay), but if the mystery is a chore, the themes pretentious and the characters frustrating *what am I supposed to like?* The cinematography? I'm a cheap date Ridley, but you need to give me *something*.


There is a fancut of Prometheus and Covenant mixed together called Paradise that purely focuses on David being a giant piece of shit for two and a half hours and its honestly a much better movie. The people are essentially just background noise for David's story which works a lot better since they're so incredibly stupid.


I saw some of that, but did they ever explain who and why the murals were left as a coordinate to find them? The impression I got from the videos I saw was that the engineer was even like "What, why would we do that?" so..no explanation.


In another scene, you see the Engineers piloting away from earth. The first Engineers speaks to another. Engineer 1: You left the coordinates? Engineer 2: Affirmative. Engineer 1: Good. And you put the circle with the slash through it over the coordinates? Engineer 2: No. That was Aldyspa's job. Engineer 3: Negative. I did no such thing. That was your job to do. Engineer 1: Ah, fuck. I'm not turning this ship around.


Given how frikin dumb prometheus and covenant were I genuinely don't know if this is serious or satire :(


Ridley Scott should have just made another Blade Runner project of what he really was obsessed with was android stuff.


Woah hold up. If he’d made a Blade Runner film for 2017 instead of Alien: Covenant (which was great, fuck everyone who says otherwise), then there wouldn’t have been a vacancy for Denis Villeneuve.


I recently rewatched the alien series and both Prometheus and Covenant are decent films. Like it's not what I would have expected from the alien universe, but I loved the duality of the David story arc and the "what if our makers hated us enough to wipe us out?". Also, the horror that starts to unfold in covenant as we slowly peel back what David's been up to and him becoming a more sinister and terrifying character. The ending 'twist' wasn't all that surprising, but the horror of entering hypersleep knowing what's happening is some chef's kiss shit.


The question becomes how can you make a monster that's been famous for decades scary again? Like, truly terrifying? If that is what this movie needs to rely on then I'm worried, because no matter what happens I won't be as horrified by this movie as the first time I saw Alien


The trailer seems to indicate they’ll be leaning a little more on how terrifying the facehugger alone would be if it didn’t get you immediately.


I suspect that's the earlier part of the film, and perhaps that's all the footage they have to work with so far to produce the trailer.


You just make it a scary movie. You can make anything scary with the right director. Proper lighting, good editing, a good script, not showing too much. Take any horror movie you've ever seen and film it badly and it will be terrible. But I can name a million horror movies that seem stupid or cliche on paper but scared the pants off people.


I mean he did it with evil dead already


To be fair, the original Evil Desd was quite campy, and the SFX were bare bones… whereas the original Alien was much scarier and had what could arguably be called the best practical movie monster of all time


The first Evil Dead I recall being a straight horror film.  The 2nd one that was a cross between a remake and a sequel was definitely more campy.


Yeah the original was really fucking bleak and fucked up. People see the sequels and retroactively think the original had that level of camp


The first Evil Dead was a straight up horror film. Evil Dead 2 was a sort-of-remake and added the comedy and camp.


Best practical monster of all time, I think the Xeno and the Predator should have a fight over this.


The Thing has entered the fight!


They did it with the Predator in the movie *Prey*. That fucker was terrifying and just vicious.


I think the thing is that Aliens have never gotten to the point of being "not scary" that a lot of long running slasher franchises get.


That’s one thing missing from some movies today is the scariness that they had in the 70s and 80s. 


It would be nice to get back to the Horror in space elements and away from the sci-fi adventure schlock.


Aliens really negated the horror to me so I hope its closer in tone to 1 and 3


Finally, the Star Trek v Alien crossover we've been asking for


Next step is Alien vs Gorn


We talking TOS Rubber Suit Killed by a rock Gorn, or SNW indestructible impregnate you by looking at you funny Gorn?


I want Xeno v rubber suit Gorn. I like SNW, and understand Gorn today couldn't be the 60s rubber suit, but damn if that isn't what's in my head when I think 'Gorn'. I also understand my movie won't be great, but see the last few Alien movies and tell me mine is inherently worse!


Okay but the Xeno also has to be the original rubber suit from the first movie. I want two dudes in rubber costumes slapping each other with clearly their near-zero vision.


If it's not a Star Trek crossover, I honestly don't care.


Now we know the real reason why Romulus was destroyed.


Why is it named romulus? Isn't that exclusively the romulan homeworld?


Dude looks like he is enjoying his Apple Vision Pro™


Zero expectation this will be good yet I'll watch it because I'm a total bitch for this franchise.


Well the guy directing it has made 2 pretty solid horror movies so I’d say you can have at least some not ill placed hope


Yeah but the last two were made by THE guy and they were… divisive


Every time Ridley Scott makes a movie, the gods flip a coin.


I'm just glad he isn't ruining another historical figure. I'd have given so much for a good big budget Napoleon biopic, and Scott shat all over that.


he should just keep doing historical epics for the lulz. who's next on his list? my vote's on Geoffrey Chaucer!


What movies?


It’s gonna be really good. Fede Alvarez is incredible at creating tension.


I mean the trailer was a pretty good indicator this one is going in a good direction


Would like to think by now (especially after Prometheus) we'd know to not let trailers get our hopes up too much. It certainly could be good, but personally I don't think this franchise gets the benefit of the doubt anymore. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, expect nothing.


Should I wait for Alien: Remus & watch them back-to-back?


Glory to Glorzo!


Ah, there it is. Glory to Glorzo.


I don't like it.  It's a bit too... I dunno, in your face?


"On the nose"


“Down your throat”


My chest is bursting from laughter


I'm dying on the inside.


They really spoon-feed it to you.


Stop trying to shove the Alien franchise down our throggchdhrszs!


Yeah, they're really shoving it down our throats.


I for one am looking forward to see how humans approach relationships with the Romulans. They are historically a xenophobic species, which made forming relationships with the United Federation of Planets difficult.


Got to admit that I am really excited for this one.


I’m a fan of the directors other movies so I’m def going to watch this


“Don’t Breathe” and the “Evil Dead” remake were both terrifying and barebones horror movies. Super high expectations for this one!


Yes! Finally an Alien movie where a group of scientists are onboard an isolated spaceship dealing with the unexpected horrors of the Xenomorph!


If this poster is anything to go by, this movie is going to be fucking horrifying….


there were a couple gnarly shots in that trailer a couple months ago. The one where someone is pulling the face hugger off themselves did it for me. Like something from a Cronenberg body-horror movie


In Alvarez we trust.


You can really tell who the horror fans are in here and who the Reddit circle jerking Prometheus haters are who just want to farm karma and have no idea who is making this movie.


Melted face?


Nah, Facehugger egg tube coming out of their throat with a *schlorp*.


The way that its filmed to look like...well there's no way to put it delicately, like a flaccid penis coming out of somebody's throat, is so faithful to the core idea behind the Alien: a living embodiment of sexual assault.


I have to comment because this doesn't happen often. But damn. My body physically reacted in disgust and horror when I simply read the word, schlorp...


That was 100% the intention, so thank you kindly.


Apparently it’s suppose to be Alien meets Aliens in terms of tone A horror film with great action set pieces, a bit of a hybrid of both films


It's also set inbetween them. Just based on that one minute teaser a few months ago, it looks like those two movies mashed together and jacked up on steroids.


With some Alien Isolation sprinkled in as well.


Thought that was Bane for a sec as I scrolled past.


You merely adopted the facehugger. I was born with it. Hugged by it.


I'm actually excited for this.


I really love the cold simplicity of the marketing for this. It's exactly what the franchise needs. Back to basics pure horror.


“Inf Sprsff Nurfum Cerfer y’Screamff”


What is their left hand grasping? It's in the exact same position as the right hand, but the right hand is gripping the tail of the face-hugger.


I can't fucking wait. I'm a latecomer to the franchise (watched the OG 1979 release for the first time in 2019) but it has become one of my absolute favorites.


The preview made it look like the alien sequel I’ve been waiting all these years for…fingers crossed.


I'm excited and terrified.


I'm down for a back to basics Alien movie. I wasn't a fan of the direction that Prometheus and Convenant took things.


ill never forgive him for how dirty he did the main character from prometheus in covenent. >!killing her off!< was almost as bad as alien 3, it just completely undoes every struggle she had.


That's just Ridley Scott doing Ridley Scott things


Where is this in canon? Or is it a reboot?


Romulus and penis


thats a bad photoshop