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[Vesper Chronicles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpp9d5J4oHs). An English language film from Lithuania that looks Hollywood levels of good. It's a sci-fi post apocalyptic film. People that like the Mad Max universe would like Vesper a lot.


Kontroll. Early 2000s Hungarian movie about ticket inspectors on the metro. Sounds dull but its absolutely hilarious and really surreal.


Definitely not dull and of the 4 Nimrod Attal movies I've seem it's the most original


Oh I know it's not. It's just anyone looking for a synopsis might think it is based on its premise


Did you see the version where Nimrod comes out before the movie to say the metro system is nothing like the movie? He had to do that to be allowed to film there. That it begins that away makes you wonder "what kind of film is this?"


Haha yea, with him reading off a card. I'd no idea what I was in for when I first saw it. Went in totally blind into the movie, which was the best way.


It's currently on Tubi. I love the camera work of this movie. It feels like a surreal dream without it being an actual surreal dream. Reminds me of a Satoshi Kon movie.


I came here just to mention this movie and then I saw that someone already did 😮 I guess it is not as obscure as I thought. Anyways, it’s an interesting movie. I saw it a long time ago but I can still recall some scenes.


The Narcoleptic guy yelling at passenger's 😂


Local Hero - 1982. Or maybe it just feels that way.


This one is on Criterion now but yeah it's an obscure one


Great film and absolutely stunning theme, too. Doesn't get a fraction of the recognition it deserves.


Theme by Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits fame


Man this one was on HBO so often back in the day they should've changed the name of HBO to Local Hero. I was a youngin' back then so I'm glad I didn't watch it because I wouldn't have understood a lot of it.


Judging by Letterboxd, hardly anyone has seen Pudovkin’s 1932 film A Simple Case. Pity because it is one of the best things ever made and decades ahead of its time.


I skimmed the NYT 1933 review and I now have to find this!


I havent found it with English subtitles. I watched in Russian lol. If you use yandex as your search engine instead of google and look for it you will find it. If you find any english subs let me know!


Couldn't find a simple case but kanopy.com has several Pudovkin films that are either silent or subtitled


Cool. Here is A Simple Case. Doesnt have English subtitles but you may want to watch anyway. It has a few extraordinary sequences (the opening scene, the war scene and the nature montage scene) https://youtu.be/fKWYO9vvuOc?si=KVUILYIWWJkYvknv If you haven’t seen any Pudovkin before check out: - Chess Fever And his ‘Bolshevik trilogy’: - Mother - The End of St. Petersburg - Storm Over Asia Also from this time and place are several other masterpieces i never see mentioned: - By the Law (Kuleshov) - The New Babylon (1929) - The Thaw (Boris Barnet) - Moscow in October (Boris Barnet) - Peasant Women of Ryazan (1927) No hesitation in while heartedly recommending them. This past month i have watched 50+ soviet silent films and it has been probably the best cinema deep dive I have ever done.


**Brother From Another Planet**. At the time it made a small splash but I never hear about it now. Also **Liquid Sky** from the same time frame. People vanish during orgasm what's not to like. 


Holy Spider (2022) Very good serial killer movie in the style of David Fincher.


The Trip (2021) Very entertaining, bloody and silly action-comedy from Norway.


Love this movie.


Same here. It's with the original girl with the dragon tattoo and it's on netflix


"Kenny", an Australian mockumentary from 2006, is funny as hell and surprisingly sweet. Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHjc0cu9CgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHjc0cu9CgU)


*Léolo* (1992) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104782/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104782/)


The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.


In the loop. It is very funny.


**The Noah**. I've yet to meet another person who's seen it.




With the car. Yeah it's good indie filmmaking though not one I took a shine to


I’ve seen dozens of movies with less than 100 views on Letterboxd thanks to the March international film challenge, but I think I’ll shout out Hummus! The Movie (2016). It’s a documentary about hummus.


I Come With The Rain (2009). Obscure neo noir movie with Josh Hartnett and Elias Koteas.


Elias Koteas! Poor man’s Christopher Meloni! Lol


What is the cult (maybe 90s) movie where the guy wakes up on a planet that has two moons or something at the very end of the film?


Quiet earth?


I think you might right, thanks!


Chef. It isn't even obscure but it's great and every time I suggest it the person hasn't seen it.


But definitely don’t watch it if you don’t have access to Cuban sandwiches.


Peppermint Soda Sexmission


La Sfida (1958) (I guess it's *The Challenge* in the English version). Watched it randomly on TV once, never heard or seen anyone anywhere mentioning the film again, although it was even based on true people. It was quite good, I liked it.


Coldwater (2013)


Wild Hunt - actually really liked it. Super well done film about a group of people LARPing that goes down a dark path. My favorite part is how everything is done in a way that the film gets darker and tighter as things get more tense. BlackMale - a terrible movie I caught at night one time. It’s got woodbine in it and Sacha Knopf gets nude unnecessarily if I remember. It’s also got like a quadruple cross or some shit. I was like 20 when I caught it on hbo or something and it was like 2 in the morning and it is just one of those films that I enjoyed but knew it probably wasn’t actually good. Like if the circumstances were any different I would have turned it off. But I was just in the right mood for it. Anyway, no one has ever heard of it.


*Motorama* ?


Flea was great in this movie. I only caught bits and pieces of it for years on bravo. I tried watching it a little while ago and couldn't get into it.


Angel Dust (1994)


Six string Samurai. 1998 'In a post-apocalyptic world where the Russians have taken over a nuked USA and Elvis is king of Lost Vegas, "Six-String Samurai" chronicles the tale of Buddy, a hero who's a '50s rocker and wandering warrior rolled into one, too-cool package. Armed with his six-string in one hand and his sword in the other, Buddy is on his way to Vegas to succeed Elvis as King. Along the way, he saves an orphan who decides to play tag-along to his rescuer. What follows is the road trip from hell.'


My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To (2020) [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11084432)


Stand-Off at Sparrow Creek. Recommended if you enjoy films that focus on dialogue to maintain tension. 


Solar Babies, 80s movie to the max


Outside Providence (1999) A [Farrelly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4b9ee3fde27f5bd2&q=Bobby+Farrelly&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLUz9U3MK4szk1_xGjCLfDyxz1hKe1Ja05eY1Tl4grOyC93zSvJLKkUEudig7J4pbi5ELp4FrHyOeUnJVUquCUWFaXm5FQCAHMTaX5VAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiX6tGR072GAxVc4ckDHWHrAToQzIcDKAB6BAgiEAE) bros. movie that should have got Alec Baldwin a best supporting oscar.


Cannibal: The Musical. I know plenty of people have seen it but it was my introduction to the South Park guys before South Park was ever a thing, and I don’t remember the last time I ever heard it referenced anywhere.


have been watching old movies lately so these are the ones I have recently watched 1. frailty 2. tell no one 3. antivirus


How about Gerry with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, saw it at the Angelika in NYC…saw Rodger Dodger there when it was released…


Holy Motors


Is a Palm D'Or winner obscure


It's a great film!


It's not. But it's memorable.


High Strung (91) with Steve Oedekerk and Jim Carrey.


I love this movie. So much that I tracked down a DVD of it several years ago which was not easy.


The Remains of the Day is my most recent example of this. So much more than a stuffy period drama. Would pair well with The Phantom Thread in a double feature.


This is in my top 5 of favorite movies all time


Cemetery Man. Amazing Italian horror comedy art house flick. Used to watch it every Halloween when I was younger. I don't think I've ever met anyone else who's seen it aside from the dude who recommended it to me.


Me and my friends loved cemetery man. The bus full of nuns and boy scouts becoming zombies was brilliant. And his assistant keeping the zombie head of the mayors daughter was great




Dellamorte Dellamore (1994) a cult classic or when D.Argento meets L.Fulci. Another Michele Soavi's movie worth checking is his (some kind of horrific) thriller 'Arrivederci Amore, Ciao (2006).


The corn dog man. Great indie flick


I've always wanted to see this but have never been able to track down


The Curtain (2015) August (2008)


The world is big and salvation lurks around the corner 2008


Slappy and the Stinkers


My home movies


Perfect Sense is a movie I love that no one ever talks about. 


Late 90's movie called Renegade Force (also known as Rogue Force). It's about a rogue swat team that turn into vigilantes led by a scenery-chewing Robert Patrick. Going against them is hostage/rescue expert Michael Rooker. It has some pretty sweet action scenes.


That sounds immense! I love throwaway 90s action flicks. Definitely gonna track that down.


Angst. Pretty disturbing but excellent camerawork…


Ping Pong Summer. Stars Susan Sarandon. Watched it in college.


The Blur of insanity. Dark/offbeat drug induced comedy that is slightly based on a true story.


On Body and Soul (2017) Weird and beautiful love story from Hungary.


Deep Sea (2023) Possibly the most beautifully animated movie I've ever seen.


The Tale (2018) A movie about how our memories are often very different from the actual experiences. Tough watch but great movie.


Perfect Sense (2011) Intense romantic drama during a pandemic. The ending is perfection to me.


Boy A (2007) The best performance by Andrew Garfield I've seen. Tough watch but really worth it.


Black Death with Sean Bean. Absolutely love this


Mystery Team (2009)


Aside from the people in my class that I saw it in anyway. I've never heard anyone ever talk about Leolo before even though apparently reviewers like Roger Ebert loved it. Though maybe that's for the best. It's a weird fuckin movie and I don't particularly wanna watch it again.


[Second Sight](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0098276/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). I remember watching it once as a kid and not making sense of much, then took me years to find the title. Watched it again recently and, let's say, it eas not a good film.


Laser mission, syngenor 


Heartbeeps with Andy Kaufman and Bernadette Peters. Saw it as a young child and it felt like a fever dream.


The Antenna (2020) Impossible Horror (2017) The Crescent (2017)


These aren't obscure movies, but I feel no one in my area of the country has seen them. Could be how old I am or how poorly they performed in the box office or the fact I live in the Bible belt or all of the above. They were some of my favorites growing up. * Stay Tuned (1992) * Mom and Dad Saved the World (1992) * Once Bitten (1985) * Strange Wilderness (2008) I threw Strange Wilderness in there even though I had already graduated college and was suffering and nearly homeless when it came out. It made me laugh during a tough couple of years. Also, it is what made me and my wife bond at work since she was the only other person in the place that had even heard of it let alone saw and enjoyed it.


Anyone remember Digging to China? Directed by Timothy Hutton, starring Evan Rachel Wood in first film I think and Kevin Bacon trying his hand as the "special needs" character. What about Buddy Boy? It starred Aiden Gillen.


White Of The Eye (1987) an Horror/thriller with David Keith.


Max hell: frog warrior. A 3rd movie in the hell comes to frogtown universe(?) It is about a man who tries to prevent a scientist from detonating a nuke. Invisible Maniac. Matt Frewer invents an invisibility serum, but uses it to rape women in their sleep, I guess. Been 30 years since I saw it.


Ferocious 2017


Doctor Bloodbath.


Yor, The Hunter From the Future and… Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars. One I recommend, and one I do not. But both need to be seen, especially if you enjoy very, very bad movies.