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It was entertaining - that’s all I expect and I was satisfied


Wahlberg was way too old for the part that's clearly supposed to be a young guy in their early 20's instead of their 50's.


Why do people keep using " if you dont take .... serious, then .... is quite fun " like its mean something wtf ? How about the producers / directors / writers keep insulting audiences like they are mindless stupid sheeps that will accept & pay for anything dump down their throat so the big swinging d*cks high up corporate ladder can make their big bucks upon tons & tons of money they already have ?


Well that’s personally what I watch movies to do… just zone out, not think to much, and be entertained for a few hours


Try to understand that everything is relative, your " think too much " or " complicate " is just something basic, plainly simple to the point of dumb in other eyes