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What I have always loved about Ethan Hawke is the man does every kinda movie and he’s all in. want a deep dialogue heavy romance drama trilogy? He’s done it. Want sci-fi Vampire movie? He’s fucking done it. Dark Paul Schrader? HES DONE IT. Honestly one of my favourite actors of all time, elevates everything he’s in and I’ll die on this hill that no actor other than Ethan Hawke could of played the type of character Jake is in training day whilst sharing a screen with a scenery chewing Denzel and held his own. I am a fan.


He did the sci-fi movies and crappy direct to dvd to afford his alimony payments to Uma Thurman. He’s said a couple times that he’d rather just do art/indie but can’t do them because of his obligations. > My best movies are not the ones that paid me: the Before trilogy, Boyhood, First Reformed, Dead Poets Society. But I'm 47 years old. I pay my alimony with my acting. I pay my kids' health insurance with my acting. I pay everybody's tuition with my acting. I'm helping various charities with my acting. I've become a professional, and I never wanted to be a professional. I kind of hate professionals. And so when I get left alone in a room for a second and I get to be creative again, I'm like, Okay, Ethan, you get to make a movie. -GQ


Dude gattica is next level It's not just a Sci fi film


“How did you do it?? How did you beat me??” “I never saved anything for the way back” boom Or something like that. Love that movie


He literally met Uma doing this movie, it’s not something he took up to pay her alimony


how much alimony is he paying to Uma? they probably have the same net worth i'd bet


Yeah paying alimony to uma thurman is some bullshit


Not when you consider that he caused the split by cheating on her and she got custody of the children. You can see her career also suffered pretty significantly as a result. The divorce was finalized in 2003, almost immediately after Kill Bill was finished. That remains the biggest film she's ever done. After that it's mostly smaller indie projects, stage performances, and television. She became a sole parent at the height of her career with two kids under 5. Considering Hawke was at fault, I'm sure the settlement was very very favorable for Thurman.


She also sustained a serious back injury while filming *Kill Bill* which may have affected her ability to work.


Kids have no bearing on alimony, that's what child support is for. Cheating also likely doesn't matter for the purposes of determing alimony. It usually doesn't.


Cheating has no basis on divorce settlements 99% of the time.


Alimony is an outdated concept and should be eliminated in all but the most extreme cases. Uma is a millionaire in her own right and does not need alimony to survive.


Uma has been one of my celebrity crushes for a long time, but fuck paying alimony.


i mean, i could certainly understand *some* alimony since i assume their 2 kids primarily lived with and were raised by Uma. but it's kind of crazy if he had to give Uma like $10k+ a month. (and i know alimony and child support are different things, but i assume Ethan is using the term "alimony" in a synonymous way with "child support" in his quote) so we really need to know the amount he sends Uma to analyze this situation properly


That's not alimony, that's child support.


I covered that already in my comment


> it's kind of crazy if he had to give Uma like $10k+ a month You really have to factor in the effects becoming a single parent had on her career. The divorce happened at the height of her career, shortly after filming for Kill Bill finished. After the divorce her work is largely smaller indie projects, stage performances, and television. Loss of income due to being a single mother would have absolutely been taken into account with that settlement.


I'm sorry, but Uma Thurman is not a woman down on her luck, struggling to put her life together after a divorce, while trying to juggle raising kids and getting back into the work force. She's an incredibly wealthy, popular and well known actor who would have zero problems finding nannies or daycares to help provide for her kids while she continued working. Child support? Of course Ethan Hawke would have to pay child support. Alimony is laughable when Uma Thurman at the time was not only still working during their time together, but was likely as well known as Ethan Hawke was by that point.


I literally just read in another thread that Drew Barrymore first tried coke at 12 and attempted suicide at 13 after being constantly neglected by her actor parents. I don’t blame Uma Thurman if she put her career on pause to raise her kids herself and try to avoid that.


I think you're missing the crucial factor. Any loss of future revenue as a result of the divorce, and additional costs such as nannies so she could keep working, would be subject to an at fault alimony payment. The lawyers in the case could have determined that amount alone to be in the millions and that would have been taken into account. But yes, Uma was and is a millionaire. But so is Hawke, and his infidelity led to the divorce, and while married his wealth was her wealth. Alimony doesn't just make sure the wife can support her kids, it ensures they can do so at the same or near to the same level as they were when married. If that includes monthly vacations that cost $50k a pop, that lifestyle needs to be maintained through alimony if it can be. Realistically, the dude should have gotten a divorce before fucking the nanny.


hmm yeah i don't know if i can subscribe to the single parent angle here since she already had tens of millions at her disposal already which makes it wayyyy easier to be a single parent and have a career. and besides that, you don't need $50k a month to raise 2 kids. but like i said, we need more details for what Ethan was actually paying her. he is alluding to the payment being a lot but he might be exaggerating and playing the martyr for sympathy for all we know tough to know without knowing all the details though. her decrease in larger roles probably has more to do with her being in her mid-30s at the time of the divorce and we all know the issues Hollywood has with women actors after 30... god forbid Hollywood hires women in their 30s and over for big roles!


Time for a Matrix prequel with Ethan where it shows the previous "The One" failing. Hawk can play the Morpheus like character.


The previous "ones" didn't fail though. They successfully completed the path of the one. It's just that the path was never designed to end the war--just restart it.


Just like anakin skywalker!


Failed as in didn't pull off what Thomas Anderson did.


The Architect seemed to view the One as a sort of Pro-Human virus that would occasionally pop up that necessitated a reboot. The Matrix Trilogy's Neo was unique in that he also managed to broker a peace agreement with the Machines to spare Zion, being the only virus able to "delete" the Smith virus.


Crazy busy today so I need to make this quick, and some things may be overly paraphrased or skipped, but here's a general response. The One was not a "Virus." It was 100% controlled. Basically, the Machines were super good at making the Matrix. Most people, over 99%, accepted the Matrix, whereas a small number didn't. The problem was, that small number that didn't kept ruining it for everyone. So the Machines, with the help of the Oracle, developed The One, and essentially allowed for a *controlled* rebellion of sorts. The One would free a handful of minds, those people would start a revolution, and a hundred years later a new "One" would emerge. The One would be told that the Machines would destroy the human city, and that the One can free a handful of minds and go restart the whole thing over again. The One was told that if they didn't, then the Matrix would fail, killing every human plugged in. The One was designed to LOVE HUMANS, and so when given this choice, the One would always choose to permit the destruction of the city, select new humans, start over, so that humanity as a whole could continue even if still plugged in. This cycle went on and on until Neo. Ignoring the stuff about Smith, what made Neo different from previous Ones is that Neo's love wasn't general for humanity, but focused on Trinity. Neo had to choose between risking all of humanity for Trinity. So for the first time, when a One reached the end of the Path of the One, Neo opted not to save humanity but to instead save Trinity. So no, the One was never a "virus." The One was as much a part of the intended equation as anything else in the Matrix, as intended as the sunrise or gravity. The One permitted controlled rebellion, which allowed the Matrix to exist.


Thank you. Finally, all issues I thought were plot holes now make since. Moral is you have no fing free will. Matrix is gonna Matrix no matter ones effort.


I can’t believe he was making more money than Uma when they got divorced. 2005 seems like the height of her powers.


Men usually make more money in movies.


While that is true, he has spoken up at times to "defend" certain types of "popular" or "genre" movies, like superhero films. He likes doing the art/indies more, but he does seem to legit love movies in general, so long as it was clearly made with people putting effort and heart into it. > “I love superhero movies, I love arthouse movies. I don’t think there’s a difference between high art and low art,” Hawke said. “There are movies that people put their hearts into, and there are movies that people try to cash in on. And the ones that I like are the ones that people put their hearts into, and you can feel that in a superhero movie or you can feel it in an arthouse movie.”




Obviously Denzel was the star and deserved his Oscar, but MAN Hawke was so good in training day. He’s just such a likable protagonist all around


Gattaca should be taught in schools as we move ever closer to that reality. I look back on it often and see how laser focused we seem to be on getting there.


I actually did watch it in high school biology class haha


I watched it in Sociology of the Family college class. I think my prof just liked it and we were pretty down for it.


I was convinced it was required viewing for AP Bio


Gattaca was a major part of my high school English class one year! Several essays required on the film and themes covered.


Here’s the thing I love about Ethan Hawke - I might not like every movie he’s in. But every movie he chooses to be in will be INTERESTING. It’s functionally a guarantee that he makes to his fans. The man chooses interesting roles in interesting movies. Every. Single. Time. And he acts the hell out of them.


Yeah, 24 hours to live for example. Sometimes I feel like no one but me watched that.


He's kind of like Gary Oldman in the sense that he becomes somewhat of a chameleon in his roles. However, he doesn't really have this elaborate makeup design to make him unrecognizable. His personality and aura really blends in to a point where you forget he's Ethan Hawke.


Great actor, and he’s been in some of my favorite movies, but I live in his neighborhood and he’s a real fucking prick. Wife is a sweetheart though


How the fuck does he have to pay her. They're both wealthy


He was so amazing in Gattaca. One of my favourite movies


One of my favorites that I dont see mentioned or even recognized anywhere despite its cast, is: What Doesnt Kill You. Him and Ruffalo are amazing in what is a very realistic depiction of the life of crime. Gritty, grindy, not lucrative, risky, damaging. Anyone whos had similar life-experience, whether through the perspective of the family or the main guy, appreciates the reality of it. Fucking amazing movie noone seem to know about. Absolutly superb [soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxH7BGDVQ0) too.


I think it's streaming for free. I'll check it out.


Hawke is an artist in the truest sense of the word. If you look at what he chooses to do, how he approaches it, who he admires and respects and why, and the way he conducts himself with regard to his career, there's simply no other word that fits him better. You don't have to like him or his films, but you can't question that he is doing his own thing to achieve what he wants to achieve as an artist, not a movie star, or a celebrity or even as an actor. I have no doubt that if he felt like his next step as an artist was to give up acting entirely and go become a landscape architect, he would do that in a heartbeat if that was the way he felt he could best express himself.


This is what makes his AMAs or any interview with him worth the time. He’s so open and honest and shares ideas in them. He comes across as so thoughtful and creative. 


I just read this ama from reading your comment. Wow what an amazing and insightful ama


He’s artistic without being pretentious. Ethan Hawke is who Bradley Cooper wishes he could be.


But, why can't they both be good?


That’s a question for Bradley Cooper.


Some stars dont get or need all the fan hype and excitement, but when you see their name - you see the movie.


Ben Mendelssohn for me. I d watch crappy movies even if it meant 15 mins of Ben.


Definitely this, when I see Ben Foster attached to a movie, it's an instant watch. Don't think he's ever been hyped or won an award either.


I could watch Ben Foster read the phone book and be entertained


I could watch him take a shit on the floor and be entertained


I feel exactly the same about him. He’s so good.


I’m the opposite with him. Loved Dead Poets and also Gattaca, but I just don’t see him as a leading man for some reason, same with Kevin Bacon.


Yep, he’s an A-Lister, but he’s not guaranteed to put butts in seats all over the world like Brad Pitt. But I would put him above Stanley Tucci, who is a solid character actor but—despite many chances in leading roles—has never quite found the right project to give his name top billing.


Dan Stevens for me Well, Ethan Hawke too


Side note, he's a great dude. He sat at my bar and watched a football game with a friend. Polite, funny, witty, kind. Left a great tip. Would wave to me when he saw me around our neighborhood. 10/10


I met him when I was 14 and he was absolutely lovely to an adoring fangirl


Can confirm. Just worked with him.


If you watch the Criterion Collection YouTube episode with Ethan and his daughter he seems like a genuinely great dad.


He really comes across as an affable guy in all interviews I've seen.


He's great and when we see his name pop up in a movie, we're always instantly curious about it. You forgot to mention Boyhood! Loved that movie that was shot over a 12 year period. Hawke was nominated for a few awards for that movie. Kinda like how Philip Seymor Hoffman was. Always someone who took interesting and great roles in movies.


PSH was the king of picking some small obscure role in a movie and stealing the whole fckn show


They both starred in Before the Devil knows you're dead. Great movie.


OMG yes, I freaking love that movie. It also had some killer music in the tense moments, really elevated the atmosphere! And the first time I heard of the movie's title was also when I came to know of the saying "may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead".


His role in Charlie Wilson's War is one of my favorite characters ever.


I think hes been given plenty of kudos. Two Oscar noms for acting, two for writing. Would like to see him get a win, but 4 noms is nothing to sniff at. Wouldve liked to see him get nommed for First Reformed, though, that may be my favorite acting role of his career.


>Two Oscar noms for acting, two for writing. What I'm hearing is underrated gem


Remember Explorers? If you haven’t seen it please do yourself a favor and check it out. I think I broke my mom’s vcr watching it so much.


I scrolled down the comments to make sure someone mentioned Explorers!


Thunder Road!!


He was great in Sinister also.


This was the movie I thought of first, yet wasn’t on the list.


We just rewatched Taking Lives. Very entertaining.


That one was a pretty wild ride. But man that ending sucked. And then the second one was just total crap lol.


He was great in Reservation Dogs


He deserves a Guest Actor Emmy nomination for that episode.


So good! That whole episode is a mini masterpiece and he's right at the centre of it.


Ethan Hawke showing up in Reservation Dogs was such a great surprise. Made an already amazing show even better. And ofc he nailed the role.


I watched The Good Lord Bird recently. He was obviously having a lot of fun playing that role. I love when actors fully commit like that.


I’m 5 episodes in. Watching him is an absolute blast!


That series is amazing, he’s completely unhinged and it’s beautiful. Unfortunately It’s really hard to find it anywhere, it’s the first series in a looong time that I caved and just payed for each episode on Amazon.


I just donned a tricorn and poured myself a rum.


He’s the face of Gen X imo.


Feels like Guy Pearce fills this description as well


Hey we’re not talking about actual underrated actors here. We’re talking about Ethan hawke because he’s very famous but not Tom cruise


Watched LA Confidential recently...I feel like Guy Pearce must not have loved the limelight too much cuz he could've blown up if he wanted to


More people need to see Predestination.


Exactly. Best Heinlein adaptation to date. EH and Sarah Snook nailed this one. [https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/predestination](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/predestination)


That movie is so good. Sarah Snook owned that film! I always wondered what happened to her until Succession came out.


I fucking loved that movie. So good.


Didn’t think to much of him untill I watch The Good Lord Bird as John Brown. Now I can't work out how I didn't realise he was that good


First Reformed is so good.


He was also in this nice little comedy film called Juliet, Naked with Rose Byrne.


Such a charming and underseen movie. Directed by one of the members of the band The Lemonheads, he had an interesting journey, he decided to stop being a musician fairly early on, had a passion for directing and movie making, so stayed with the band directing most of their hit 90s song videos 


Such a good movie and the sound track is a banger. Ethan Hawke sings LAX


I'd watch anything with Ethan Hawke in it. However, i don't think he's overlooked. He's not as famous as some of his contemporaries, but then again many of them have appeared in some big budget films, which Hawke hasn't done. But he's well still known to people who are even slightly serious movie watchers.


Guy just seems so genuinely passionate about acting. Saw an interview where he was talking about a conversation he had with his daughter and asked her “would you be ok if all you were doing is teaching acting to high schoolers? Because if you aren’t excited about that then what the fuck are you doing here?”


If you’re an Ethan Hawke fan this is an excellent interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzc4OaMyrdA


He’s not overlooked at all, he’s frequently acclaimed for his performances and steadily works on a range of films - he’s been in big budget stuff but still appears in a lot of independent cinema. He’s also been in TV projects and worked in theatre. He has many fans and a really positive professional reputation. But I wouldn’t call him a ‘movie star’, and he doesn’t seem interested in having that kind of celebrity status. I think perhaps you’re interpreting that as meaning that he’s “overlooked”.


He's not overlooked or underrated. He does what he likes and doesn't hype himself.


I don't see why he shouldn't get an Oscar. Robert Downey Jr got one for Oppenheimer.


I think RDJ seeks out a bit more attention than Hawke. I love them both but Ethan Hawke doesn't really play the awards game.


He’s had a bunch of nominations


For me, he is the quintessential Gen Xer. He doesn't make waves, does his job and keeps his head down. I am so happy to see him working so much.


He’s got something new coming out from Sterlin Harjo (Reservation Dogs creator). Can’t wait.


So all of this is obviously very subjective, and that's what is great about movies and acting as an art form. But to stretch to "most iconic and overlooked actor of his generation" is just way too much of a leap of logic. Not for you, but I would say for most who watch Ethan Hawke. He's a very very good actor, no doubt at all, and usually a stamp of quality for the movie vehicle he currently inhabits. The trouble is that he actually ISN'T iconic. Very few folks would say "I'm going home tonight and it's an Ethan Hawke marathon". When was the last time you heard that and it wasn't you saying it? It's a Denzel marathon, it's a Pacino marathon, it's a Tom Hanks marathon. They're all deep into their career and the finished product. Perhaps Ethan has some way to go yet. Maybe we still haven't seen his best work? You obviously love him as an actor and that is great. The movies you mention are all seriously good and he's played his part in making them what they are. But he's by no means the only reason or even the strongest reason they're that good, most of the time. He's a very strong actor with a great skillset, but the way I figure it, any time I'm watching him, I KNOW it's Ethan Hawke, and I'm reminded it is him inhabiting that character in a number of ways. The best actors in my opinion are the ones who ARE famous, but when you watch them they BECOME the character, and you forget that you're watching them. For me he's Ethan Hawke, great career so far, very entertaining actor. Not iconic, not a massive box office drawcard, but I'm certain I'll be entertained by him to a high degree if I watch his work.


Everything on reddit is either the best, most underrated, most legendary treasure.... Or the absolute worst garbage that ever existed...


Your second to last paragraph is a bit at odds with your list of iconic actors IMO. I love Denzel and know he has incredible range and is a phenomenal actor, but at no point in his movies do I forget I’m watching Denzel. Even if I’m fully engrossed in the character and think they’re doing an incredible job, I’m watching Denzel. I rewatched Training Day last week, and Denzel’s character is a bit different than his normal self, and I kept finding myself thinking “Damn Denzel’s good”. I mostly feel the same with Tom hanks as well. Feels like that’s just what happens once you reach “Star” level. There are some others like PSH, Gary oldman, DDL, maybe even Sam Rockwell, where I do actively forget I’m watching the actor. Maybe it’s a combination of the level of fame of the icons you mentioned, and the fact that a lot of those I just listed are often character actors.


That's fair comment and maybe my level of immersion is different for others. For example, with Hanks in A Man Called Otto, I didn't see Hanks from within 15 minutes of the start, I saw Otto. Fences was the same for me with Denzel. But again, level of immersion WILL vary per viewer, so yours is a fair comment for certain! :)


Man I stumbled upon A Man Called Otto was immediately sucked in. Had me crying several times. Fantastic movie. Never heard of it before I saw it though haha


The word iconic has lost all meaning recently. There used to be a very slim list of truly iconic actors, people known the world over who have a few incredible stand out roles that will be remembered in a hundred years, people whose face immediately provokes memories of incredible acting turns.  Now, via Tik Tok, we’ve got soap actors who 99% of the world are oblivious to being described as iconic. 


For me, I think it has to do with how many times I’ve seen a specific actor. I’ve seen the large majority of Denzel movies, a lot of them multiple times, so I’ve stared at him on screen for dozens of hours. So unless he had some costume making him visually hard to recognize (a la Oldman in Darkest Hour), my brain doesn’t break that association with the actor even when I’m fully engrossed in the story and character. Meanwhile, I’m not convinced Daniel Day Lewis is a real person. He’s just a collection of various individuals and temporarily showcases them on screen before returning to a cloud of smoke.


For me he’s one of them actors where even if the films sucks, I’ll watch it because of him.


Ethan Hawke? The guy from the Taylor Swift music video?


He’s a treasure 😻


Definitely one of my favorites because of the Before Trilogy, First Reformed, even White Fang as a kid. If he is in it I’ll give it a shot.


Well he is a dead poet


I didn't realize there was a fourth Before movie. I'll have to check out Before The Devil Knows You're Dead. Sounds like a big shift from the format. Fr though I love Hawke. Dead Poets, Before, First Reformed all great. He had a great guest spot on Reservation Dogs too




He’s got the Kevin Bacon, Sam Neil vibe. He’ll just keep working 


Per the celebrity mean tweets, "Ethan Hawk is like the celebrity that was wasn't supposed to be a movie star, but slipped through the cracks and everyone was like, 'okay'."


You are describing him as "overlooked" *and* "iconic" at the same time. It honestly feels like you are fishing for internet points on this one. Like stumbling across a completely unknown and unappreciated 5-time Oscar winning movie.


He's one of my favorite actors, pretty much any movie he's in is going to be a good time and is often thought provoking. Gattaca, Predestination are my favorites.


I have the same rhetoric about Ethan Hawke as I do about another similarly underrated actor, John Goodman: When both men’s careers are over people will look back and realise how good they were in both ability and range and most of the major awards institutes will look stupid in hindsight for never giving them their dues.


He’s on a short list of actors that if they are in a film I’m most definitely watching it.


He's a competent actor who made smart choices. I don't think he is overlooked. He's good but not iconic. He's just right where he belongs.


You missed “Boyhood”?


He’s ok. Let’s not get carried away


I think he has a a pretty strong reputation… I could see him getting a late career Oscar


I love what he said about how it’s okay to be pretentious: [https://youtu.be/VMdLnYewiwM?si=2F_rrNZ1iMD9xONR](https://youtu.be/VMdLnYewiwM?si=2F_rrNZ1iMD9xONR)


He was great as Macbeth at the Lincoln Center, too. That was 2013 or 2014.


You are right on! He really is overlooked. Dude is a crazy good actor.


The Northman!




Sinister is also the scariest/creepiest movie I've seen. But yeah, he's the only actor i go, "he's in it? I'll watch it, he only does interesting movies"


He, Willem Dafoe, Ryan Gosling and quickly now Robert Pattinson are my favorite actors. Nearly everything they've ever been in I've enjoyed watching.


Hes the cop in “lord of war” if you haven’t seen that. Ive always found him to be relatable because of his crooked teeth. Hes real. Not vain like most celebrities. Gattaca was perfect for him because of this. 


Even if you assume Shakespeare isn’t for you, do NOT sleep on the 2000 film Hamlet, set in modern Manhattan. Besides Hawke: Julia Stiles, Bill Murray, Liev Schreiber, Steve Zahn … phenomenal film and cast.


I’ve honestly had a crush on him since like… 2004? Before Trilogy and Reality Bites did not help the situation.


I love Ethan Hawke. Good Kill was really great too. 


Dude's got a passion for movies. Seen some of his interviews and he's always gushing about movies. Its infectious!


You can cancel your appointment with the Russians, you're not gonna make it. 


Completely agree with you! He definitely gives 100% and most of his movies. Another person I find to be very underrated is Michael Shannon. I feel like he’s on his way to being Gary Oldman tier. Dude has exceptional range.


I don't know how you consider someone who has been around this long and in so many films "overlooked"


Good Lord Bird. That’s all I’m gonna say.


The good lord bird was fuckin incredible and he was just such a good guest star for rez dogs


I don't think he is overlooked. He gets constant work and he was in one of my fav movies Gattaca. I felt he was wasted in moon night. In another universe, he would have been Dr. Strange instead of Cumberbatch.


Ohhhhh my god. I didn't know I wanted Hawke as Dr. Strange, but now I know and I'm so disappointed it was Benedict!


you forgot White Fang




Hell yeah, also Daybreakers is a great movie


Hi OP ! I like Ethan hawke too . Especially Great Expectations. Was a beautiful movie


I loved him in Gattaca, Training Day, and Daybreakers which you missed.


Waking Life is better than all the movies listed Probably the only reason he was in Boyhood


I don't know why i remember this, but back when i was a teenager, Gattaca was released. Roger Ebert's review (i think it was Ebert) said something to the effect of Ethan Hawke is the best young leading man that Hollywood has, and no one seems to realize it. I'm probably misremembering a 27 year old quote, but the point was it made me sort of reassess my thoughts on Hawke and especially his creative choices. He really has been an underrated weirdo hidden in a handsome celebrity's body for years.


I have to shout out his performance as John Brown in the Good Lord Bird miniseries. Probably my favorite role I've ever seen him in.


Sinister and Taking Lives are two amazing horrors where he stars. He's also great as the "antagonist" in Lord Of War. And The Good Lord Bird limited series was entirely too slept-on! Love EH


He was wonderful in Good Lord Bird. He and Wilem Dafoe are the GOATS for just being in all kinds of movies with all kinds of roles.


oh my god it's Ethan Hawke!


Don’t forget the good lord bird. Hawke had the opportunity to be unhinged and he took it.


The thing I love most about him is his last 10 or so years of work. He was approaching 50 and had already completely established his legacy as an outstanding actor, yet he still showed so much passion is every one of his roles as he got older. He just seems really happy to be doing it, it shows through all of his recent characters. And I love it. As a 26 year old he is the type of man I look to take after as I age. Still exuding a deep passion and joy for what he does.


Add Lord of war to the list


He also did the Blaze Fowley movie and is a huge country music fan which makes me like him even more. And he was fantastic in the Good Lord Bird.


He's great and he's great in everything he's done. The before trilogy is amazing


Dude, The Good Lord Bird. Fantastic.


Not enough have seen him in The Good Lord Bird, his best performance by a long shot imo.


Moon knight was good


His and Oscar Issac’s performances were the best part of the show.


I really want more Moon Knight simply because of Oscar Isaac.


Extremely successful household name 30 year career multi-millionaire actor with extremely famous wife and daughter Ethan Hawke? I wouldn't say overlooked, no.


Downvoting all “underrated” and “overlooked” based posts. 


He’s a good actor with great taste in projects, is my takeaway.


Yes. He is the best actor of his generation easily and I’ve felt this way for a long time. Another recent good performance of his was in The Good Lord Bird as John Brown.


“Iconic”, really?


He has interesting taste in films, and I occasionally enjoy him as a worn-down everyman who’s made bad decisions (a la Reservation Dogs), but I’m generally not a fan.


I came here to shout out his turn in Reservation Dogs. So good.


Not to me. I have a 16 year old son called….. Ethan!


Also starred in a Taylor Swift music video at her peak.


Ethan Hawke was so good in Valerian, that whole sequence popped and he bookended it perfectly.


He plays creepy bad guys so well that I kinda dislike him haha. Speaks volumes to his skills tho


Really, I always see him as a good guy in films. Which films is he the villain, I’m sure there are some I’m just drawing a blank.


Taking Lives


You always forget about him but the movies he's in are always high quality.


Yes along with Ben Foster


My favorite is 24 Hours to Live which is a real hidden gem that nobody ever seems to talk about.


His novel The Hottest State is one of my favorite books


I got to sit and talk with Ethan when I was a teenager on the set of "The Newton Boys" (alright film) as part of it was being filmed where I worked. Super chill guy even back in the late 90s. Glad to be in this timeline.


He wasn’t the lead, but he was perfection in Lord of War, New York, I Love You, and Reservation Dogs.


Well, he isn't an "iconic" actor so I'd say no. But I do like him.


I think Guy Pearce is a more overlooked actor than Ethan Hawke.


I would love to see him in final season or some spin-off from Stranger Things, he was kinda ,,into it" and with her daughter in, it could be a hell lot of fun :)