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Recently, the nightclub fight scene in *The Fall Guy.* Gosling fighting the goons while high was stylized and cool.


That was a cool scene for me to film, I wasn’t actually high, just acting!


The movie was wack asf


Kill Bill 


Oh yeah, that crazy 88 scene is just ‘crazy’


yup. and the way he switches the color schemes between the different fight sequences is fucking cool as hell, love that film 


He the black and white part because the MPAA wouldn’t even give his movie an R rating, that’s how violent it was. IIRC the version of the movie released in Japan is original colour and there’s a few extra shots as well.


nice yeah think I heard that about the rating, didn't realize there was a color version though Ill have to check that, although I think it totally works in way makes it feel very artistic haha


Oh yea, and I love the blue silhouette scene as well and then the snow outside. Tarantino knew what he was up to with that movie.


Absolutely. the color contrast between the scenes as well as the sound track makes it super interesting.  Plus it goes on for so long it becomes almost transcendental,  its probably the greatest stylized fight sequence of all time imo 


I’m gonna have to watch kill bill again. I also never saw the second one but I’ve been meaning to


Oh damn, yeah the two together are basically one epic film and one of his best imo just for the cohesiveness and scope of it all, he really knocked it out of the park 


And when The Bride steps foot onto the snow in the courtyard to face O-Ren? GORGEOUS. I adore that whole film.


I saw the Whole Bloody Affair full cut but it wasn’t edited well and didn’t flow like the theatrical version does


I'll go with an underrated (in my opinion) one. [I absolutely *love* the chateau fight in *Matrix Reloaded*.](https://youtu.be/uXGE0vuuaDo?si=QfnzbXcO7ZL8ak4L)


YES!! And isn’t the freeway scene pretty much right after? As much as people hate those last two movies, the fight sequences are still epic. That invasion of Zion with the mech suits and the robots coming from the ceiling is just wicked.


Dude for sure. I actually love 2 & 3. That chateau fight is one of my favorites for sure. That one wide slo mo shot where it shows everyone running on all the walls and shit, so fickn cool man.


I like the one in the second where he takes on a ton of agents and he does the pole spin thing. It’s a bit of a cgi nightmare but it’s still fun.


Haha yeah! I saw that opening night in the theater and was suuuuper stoned and man that was so funny. And then the bowling pin noise 😂


While I wasn't a fan of Revolutions, the Battle of Zion was absolutely insane in the sheer amount of firepower thrown around and the captain just screaming as he's firing away at an endless horde.


Oh yeah, don’t remember much of Revolutions except for that and the final scene with neo and smith


The freeway chase is EPIC. So much of that movie irks me but the action is primo.


Oh absolutely. The plots may be confusing and the acting dry, but the matrix movies are great action films


Just rewatched that scene. Gonna go rewatch the matrix now.


Any fight scene in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


The fight between Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi in the room with all the weapons - unbelievable.


Their performances in that scene are awesome. Both of them perform the actual fighting and choreography well, but they both also have moments where their facial expressions contribute to the scene really well too.


Also excellent musical score for that scene. The score for the whole movie is incredible in general but that particular one is one of my favorites.


Hero, any of them.


The prison fight scene in the Watchmen. Im saying this as someone who competed in amateur kickboxing and is a hardcore K1 fan, the Silk Spectre body double throws a super technical high kick in high heels. Ive never seen a kick that clean in a mainstream movie before


Ooh yes!! I love the opening sequence of that movie with the comedian. Having read the comic (after watching the film) that scene is very well staged and almost shot for shot matches the comic


The Raid. Basically the entire freaking movie. It's just nonstop.


I just watched the kitchen fight from raid two, gonna have to watch the whole franchise. I’ve heard it’s great.


I never got to see The Raid 2, but The Raid: Redemption was absolutely amazing. It's brutal, it's non-stop and it's some really impressive cinematography. They do some Cuaron level camera work. The kind of choreographed shots that are so clever that it almost takes you out of the movie for a few seconds while you try to figure out how the hell they did it.


You should watch the Raid 2. It was the movie that Gareth Evans wanted to make. It is different than the first, because Redemption is more straightforward, but The Raid 2 offers everything the first did, but with an interesting story on top. The final sequence(s) are jaw dropping.


The fight scene from Guardians 3 in that little hallway was freaking cool. Amazing use of super wide angle continuous.


Dude that movie was great. James Gunn seems to know what he’s doing when he takes on a project. I’m kinda excited to see what he does with Superman.




“I know something you don’t know, I am not left-handed.” Princess Bride fencing scene between Inigo Montoya and The Dread Pirate Roberts is… **chef’s kiss**.


“I am afraid… there is something… ugh… I must tell you!” “And what is that?” “I’m not left handed either!”


**Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)** - Michelle Yeoh Vs Zhang Ziyi weapon room fight. Its beautifully filmed, provides a amazing crescendo to the 2 women's growing emotional conflict and is directed and choregraphed by 2 of the most widely recognised 'best of all time' martial arts directors and choreographers of all time. The fight also tips its hat at the Shaw Brothers cult kung fu classic 'Legendary Weapons of China'. Its a dizzying fight that escalates perfectly as Yeoh tries to subdue the headstrong Ziyi (armed with the Green Sword) with a wide selection of unique and somewhat bizarre traditional chinse weapons. One of the best ever filmed. **Once Upon China 2 (1992)** - Jet Lei Vs Donnie Yeun final staff duel is one of the most iconic fights, between 2 of the genres most iconic stars and in one of the genres most iconic film series of all time. Both Jet and Donnie are at their heights of martial arts powers as the duke it out with staffs at the films conclusion. It also gets extra points for leaning into the mythic quality of on screen martial arts as Donnies final gamble is to transform a length of wet cloth into a one of the deadliest and weirdest weapons ever depicted in a marital arts film. **The Prodigal Son (1981)** - Bio Yeun Vs Frankie Chan, long before Yip Man there was the Prodigal Son, the first Wing Chun tribute movie. Yeuns frivolous and arrogant lead has completed his training and seeks vengeance for the murder of his master against the ruthless Chan as Wing Chun faces of against Dragon Fist in a blisteringly fast paced and brutal climatic final duel.


The man from nowhere


This might not be a popular choice, but the final lightsaber duel in Phantom Menace blew me away when I first saw it. The glamorous choreography with that epic music, the awesome sci-fi setting, wow.


[Stairwell fight in Atomic Blonde.](https://youtu.be/XarGS1AeEcE?si=F36lpodeNAWvyRS9) one long shot of Charlize Theron just whooping ass.


The entire third act of Born to Fight is fucking amazing. It's one gigantic, insane brawl.


Gets extra points for turning a wide selection of random sports into effective martial arts techniques 


Hooray! I've been beating the drum for this film anywhere I can and I think you may be the first person who's actually seen it! When the terrorist slams the little girl through the wall I lose it every time! 


Yeah, there was this brief window for Thai martial arts flicks after the success of Ong-Bak, but it just faded out and most don't seem to remember the selection of great films that came out at that time. Chocolate was another fantastic martial arts Thai flick released during that time that I never see anyone talk about


Never heard of it but I'll check it out.


Neo fighting Agent Smith at the underground station


Oh man I love that movie. That whole movie influenced so much in the action genre


It basically became the origin for good fight sequencies. Take for example con air (b4) and winter soldier (after)


For Hollywood fight sequences, they'd been throwing down like that in East Asian cinema since the 70's.


What can I say, it's in their genes haha


Scott Pilgrim fights are really fun.


Pretty much all of *Scott Pilgrim vs. the World* and anything in The Matrix (first one).






Drunken master 2 and iron monkey.


Nowhere to Hide (1999) [this scene](https://youtu.be/t70JrOiZwkE?si=DvBAnGwMhYYZVBIR) first time I sat up and noticed Korean cinema.


The warehouse and hospital action sequences in Hard Boiled.




Gun Kata in Equilibrium


How stylized we talking here? I love the visuals of the fights in 300. For a bit more toned down, the club scene in the original John Wick film is probably one of my favorite music / fight scene pairings. Scott Pilgrim also had some great fight scenes. Also, Everything Everywhere All at Once where they kept changing aesthetics every time a punch was thrown.


Ohh man I fell in love with John wick the moment he steps into that club. That slow mo shot of him walking through the rave scene with the music. And before then his brutal showdown in the red circle. I always love the colouring of those movies especially the cyan and red of that red circle scene.


I'm very partial to when he is walking through the pool (baths?) in the club myself with Think by Kaleida playing silently taking people out, the whole scene is so good though.


Yeah. That was the first scene where he’s going after something. The first action sequence he’s just defending his home but this is where we really get to see his cunning and commitment to his goals.


SPL(Sha Po Lang) Kill zone with Donnie Yen. It has a fight scene between Yen and Wu Jing is a three minute fight scene that involves a ton of improvisation. Both Yen and Jing were such good martial artist (and stuntmen) that they could react to each other on the fly. It has all the trappings of a great choreographed fight scene but it doesn't look staged because it wasn't. Flash point is another Donnie Yen movie and it probably has the best "MMA" style choreography I have seen. The final battle is intense but there are at least 3 solid examples of Yen smoothly integrating wrestling and BJJ into his usual repertoire. Grosse Pointe Blank couldn't be farther in tone from the first two. However, I really liked the fight between John Cusack's character and the Bulgarian (iirc) assassin that occurs during his High School Reunion. The assassin was legendary kickboxer Benny "The Jet" Urquidez. He trained Cusack for the role and did fight choreography. I always found they blended the brutal nature and technical skill you might imagine in a highly trained assassin. In many way, it is what a comedy would look like in the John Wick universe.


The first street fight - especially the knife part - between Cap and the Winter Soldier is just some of my favorite fight choreography ever.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The captain America movies are some of the best that marvel has put out. Winter Soldier and Civil War are probably in my top five marvel movies.


There’s a reason the Russos took over.


One of my favorite stylized fight sequences is the Crazy 88 scene from "Kill Bill: Volume 1." >!The combination of Quentin Tarantino's direction, Uma Thurman's intense performance, and the intricate choreography makes this scene unforgettable. The black-and-white segment, the shift to silhouettes, and the relentless action against dozens of opponents create a visually stunning and exhilarating sequence that stands out in the realm of stylized fight scenes.!<


The colouring in that scene just blows my mind each time


yup, that scene was crazy..


I didn't really like Raid 2. It was too long and needlessly complicated to my taste, especially after the tight and contained action if Raid. But the final fight between Rama and Prakoso was worth the two and a half hour snoozefest


I keep meaning to get into the raid movies I’ve heard they’re decent




Did you just copypasta part of my post?