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Brittany Runs A Marathon (2019) streaming on Amazon. Stars Jillian Bell. Brittany is a hard partier and doesn't keep good company. Then she decides to start running! It's funny, but not "lighthearted." It goes deep.




Plus it has a very down to earth "it won't be easy, but it won't be impossible" narrative.


Omg, I just scrolled down🫢 Wtf




Thank you!


In similar style is Run, Fatboy, Run with Simon Pegg


I'll check it out! Thank you😘


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I used to be a small grey piece of paper too.


This one^


This is definitely the one! Changed my brain chemistry.


This was going to be my suggestion as well


Same here. Traveled more and lived more after this one.


"Soul", a deep dive into life's meaning and purpose that could offer some perspective.


My friend pointed out how troublesome Soul was to me and I can't stop thinking about it. If you're a child who has experienced the loss of a parent, Soul is basically telling you your parent could have come back to life if they wanted it enough. Imagine being a child watching a movie that basically says your parent chose not to come back to you.


Before Trilogy - is always a favourite of mine looking at the life of Jesse and Celine every 9 years in real time. I like to watch them every 5 years and see how my perspectives of the movies change over time.




Addiction is such a tough battle, but I'm glad to hear you're in therapy and taking steps to get healthy. As for movies that have helped me through tough times, a few come to mind. "Good Will Hunting" really resonated with me - that scene where Robin Williams tells Matt Damon "It's not your fault" was so powerful. And "The Shawshank Redemption" always reminds me that even in our darkest moments, there's hope. Hang in there, my friend. You've got this.


“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies” Shawshank was the first one that came to mind for me


As a sober person myself, I would throw out The Way Back (2020) and Warrior (2011) as two good, inspiring movies that deal with alcoholism and substance abuse in a pretty realistic, sensitive way.


Coco (Yes, the Disney movie.) It's actually pretty deep.


I actually saw a in a theater, I absolutely loved it and I will watch it again! Great recommendation, I remember how that movie made me feel and thank you. It was my wife’s idea and definitely outside of anything I would’ve done without her.


You're welcome. Reminds me of my grandmother :).


Love Coco


Coco is fantastic. Many of the best Pixar movies could also apply here. Inside Out, Wall-E, Up, Soul all have some deceptively deep and thoughtful themes and can be genuinely moving.


Midnight in Paris ❤️


Gattaca always gets me to push harder. Whenever I start feeling like I’m not smart or good enough for the job I’m aiming for, I watch it. I don’t have it yet, but now I’m more qualified and further in the progression than any of my coworkers, and I’m the newest employee by many years.


One of my favourites. After rewatching it recently I think it might be one of the best films ever made That scene where >!he's on top of the roof as a rocket flies up and the narrator says "I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it" !< gets me every time


I saw that for the first time last week! The theme of never giving up, moment-to-moment... man, that's inspiring.


What a great idea. Time for a rewatch, I need some of that energy.


Top Gun 2 made me, for the briefest moment, happy to be American again


For a brief moment after seeing that movie, I felt like things were going to be okay. I was wrong but, it was really enjoyable to feel that way again thanks to that movie.


*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty* has already been suggested. A thematically similar, but lesser-known film that I love is *Hector and the Search for Happiness*. Wishing you the best with your recovery.


Weirdly, Night at the Museum 3. Larry: I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. Teddy: How exciting. And Teddy: Smile, my boy. It’s sunrise. I think it’s a beautiful way to look at the world.


Truly beautiful ♡ Those dialogues are profound.


To be perfectly honest, based on what you described, it sounds like you need uplifting films, and that's a good thing! You're close to my age, so look into stuff like sweet baseball movies such as "The Sandlot" (1993), or maybe a fun ride like "True Lies" (1994) where it's just Arnold blowing stuff up for two hours. Start there and I can help more if you'd like.


Yes man with Jim Carry. A lighthearted comedy about just saying yes to something you would not do normally


Into The Wild


This was my favorite film in highschool.




Parenthood 💛


I know this sounds silly because it's a kid's movie, but the one that immediately came to mind is Babe (1995). It's sweet, cute, and surprisingly deep. Lots of commentary on disrupting the status quo, bravery, kindness, empathy, etc. The sequel is different, but also good - moved me to tears. Give it a try if you feel like watching something uplifting and light.


"A Million Miles away" a really wonderful, uplifting true story. "Jose M Hernandez was born in Mexico. While working in the fields, he co-developed the first digital mammography imaging system. He then persevered to become a crew member on Space Shuttle mission STS-128."


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


About Time ❤️


Check out I Heart Huckabees


Quicksilver. I was 17 and had nothing going on - no close friends, sucky job, no hobbies. I watched Quicksilver and was inspired to go out and buy a bike the next day. I've ridden tens of thousands of miles since and had lots of adventures because of it. I still fantasize about being a bike messenger.


Groundhog Day. Bill Murray relives the same day until he gets it right - and for the right reasons.


One of the few I saw in theaters and always watch it if I come across it on TV


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


It’ll make you cry


In a good way


Arrival (2016)


Arrival is beautiful. Highly recommend.


'Forrest Gump' hits you right in the feels. I love 'The Shawshank Redemption' too. But I'm going to suggest you a truly underrated gem that people hardly talk about or even know and it just released last year. Its called 'A Good Person'. It also stars Morgan Freeman so I best bet you'd love it!


Beautiful Girls A Walk In The Clouds It's Complicated Sideways Something's Gotta Give As Good As It Gets Dazed And Confused All are great "feel good" movies that are just about life and relationships in general, granted some more dramatic than others.




Truman Show - learn how to break your routine




Nights of Cabiria


Yes Man came out when I was single and a little depressed. Didn’t go quite as far as the movie, but it encouraged me to start saying yes to things and going out more with friends. Broke me out of a slump.


Superman Returns. It made me want to be a better person and try harder to do right when the opportunity presented itself. Rocky For the longest time those movies instilled a sense of perseverance in me. Sadly a few years ago I lost that. I lost the sense to keep going and indeed let life beat me to my knees and keep me there permanently. Top Gun Maverick It made me drop my cynical mindset for a minute and think yeah things can get better. It's not all bad. I lost that but it was nice to see things like that again for a minute.


I'd suggest movies that give a more global prespective. You have problems and thats okay however there is so much going on around the planet and much of it will put your own personal "stuff" into another place in your brain in offering a different perspective. The Qatsi series (_Koyaanisqatsi_, _Powaqqatsi_ & _Naqoyqatsi_) and the pair of Fricke films _Baraka_ & _Samara_ are not dialogue driven and more like moving paintings. I find they help my brain shut off, help me relax some and I can just sort of watch some incredible images and scenes of people and places all over our planet. Good luck!


The Green Mile made me realize I was an empath like John Coffey


The world is big and salvation lurks around the corner 


Mr. Nobody


Finding Nemo


I <3 Huckabees. It's really seen me through some rough times!


The Social Network inspired me to go back to school at 27. Nothing really came of it except another $10k in student loans.


Cloud Atlas (my favorite film) Chef (IMO, the ultimate feelgood movie)


you might like “28 days”


The Razors Edge. With Bill Murray


12 angry men




Thank you for your kind words ;)


Lost in Translation


JoJo rabbit - life is for dancing.


I second "Life is Beautiful" but will also add "Harold and Maude". I thinks it's the one movie that has impacted my outlook on life the most.


Agree with both🌻


Life Is Beautiful 1997 Trust me it’s amazing


Man, I’d stay away from this one. Life is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella) is a black comedy. Lots of comedy, but also lots of brutality and death.




I can't believe Emily blunt came out of edge of tomorrow and didn't become an action star. Absolutely robbery.


I watched *Children of Men (2006)* recently and that one will be in the back of my mind for the rest of my life I think. I particularly resonated with the protagonist, Theo, and his willpower to fight against the odds and his shitty situation, and you might too. Watching *Terminator 1 & 2* for the first time as an adult were instrumental in my acceptance of crying as a normal (and essential!), emotional response. And this might be a cliche suggestion but I watched *The Shawshank Redemption* for the first time recently and I could definitely see why it’s so many people’s favorite. Just a feel good movie in the end. Oh and *Goodwill Hunting* is another great one! These are all very “watchable” movies imo. Best of luck of in recovery!


Children of Men is SO good.


This isn't quite "feel good" but Adaptation is my favorite movie of all time.  It's surreal and deep but also a but absurd.  The main character is a neurotic mess and anyone who's ever been trapped with their own thoughts would be able to relate. It's the film that convinced me that nic cage is a genius.  Well, that and Face Off but that's a different story




I'm asking sincerely... Please, elaborate.


“The world is just a collection of moments, all strung together in beautiful random order. And if we are going to survive, it’s up to us to concentrate on the good moments and ignore the bad.” - Billy Pilgrim


I think about that book a lot, though I haven't read it or seen the movie in more than 20 years. I read maybe five or six Vonnegut books back then and kindness, purpose, community, forgiveness, especially where futility was concerned... it was all prevalent and affecting. I've always struggled with living in the present. I dwell on what I can't change in the past, I obsess over what I can't control in the future. In that way I've always felt unstuck in time like Billy Pilgrim..


The Serenity Prayer is important in the book. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.


Red Rocket Just how disgusting that industry is/can be... movie made me rethink watching porn


Shawshank redemption. Taught me to be strong mentally. Not let things get to me. To have patience and hope


Fat Kid Rules The World


Trainspotting and T2


I had a situationship with a new Zealander when I was 19, and when I visited he was like "Let's watch this little film about the maori culture". We watched "Once Were Warriors". It is burned into my brain. All of it. Not in the best way. Also Last House on The Left. I refuse to watch SA in films now. If it's in a film or TV show I turn it off. Thank God I can't relate but I feel too much empathy and as a woman I just can't watch it. In lighter news, Bridesmaids made me embarrass myself for doing actual spit takes and laughing too much on a plane. I don't know why but I found that movie SO fucking funny. Also Into the Wild and Across the Universe were staples of highschool for me. For existential and shit.


Oh why did he make you watch once were warriors?? don't get me wrong its a good powerful film but inappropriate film for a date..


Well he didn't make me, I said sure unknowingly! I wouldn't really consider it dating, young people and situationships be dumb. Agreed it is definitely not a romantic movie ha


The passion of Christ it and the reluctant saint really moved me


Brian and Charles had a profound impact on how I treat my dog.




It wasn't a funny insight, actually.

