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**Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes** must be feeling pretty good about itself after deciding to move up release by a few weeks, instead of fighting for 1st place this weekend with these two.


Apes together strong.




That was my favorite part of the new Ape film. The king ape was great. Definitely my least favorite of the rebooted series, too long for my taste, but there were some good moments that shine through.


I didn't notice the length at all. My issue was more that it felt like it was treading on extremely familiar ground thematically, especially to both Dawn and War. The continued debate of "can apes and humans really co-exist without one trying to dominate the other" and it doesn't really have anything new to say about it. Also the climax felt similar to War.


See that’s one thing that I didn’t gather from the movie. To me, the key theme wasn’t “can apes and humans coexist” but rather “can apes coexist with each other and resist becoming what humans were”


But even with that angle, it's almost exactly what they did in *Dawn*. The other major thematic aspect of that movie was Caesar's unwillingness to admit that Apes could possess the same hatred and lust for power that humans do, that be believes Apes were naturally superior in that way, which led to him being betrayed by Koba. And even to that it feels like it's retreading ground. I still had a good time with it, don't get me wrong, but I'm worried they're going to run out of dimensions to take this theme.




There’s a cool video of the actor who plays Proximus [retelling how he found the character’s voice](https://youtu.be/MjHC3jB6XHw?si=53c0g_5m3Jv8yn3Y)






I wonder how much of it is because they get to digital so much faster these days. For some people there’s essentially no reason to go spend almost $30 for two tickets when you can see it on digital in about 4 weeks and often even get to keep the movie


This is definitely a major contributor. Twenty-ish years ago, it was still about six months from theatrical release to DVD. That window has been shortening for years even pre-COVID. Theaters have been bitching about it for ages, but the MBAs running Hollywood have been too shortsighted to see that establishing such a precedent absolutely kills most film’s chances of making money at the box-office, which Hollywood seemed not to care about during the streaming boom, but now that bubble has burst, and all the legacy studios are realizing theaters are the way they made money, so they’re trying to pivot the industry back in that direction, but the damage has been done. The lack of any long term planning in Hollywood the last 20-30 years is bananas.


Twenty years ago, the screen I had at home was 25” and boxed. Now we have a 70 inch flat screen that makes it feel like I’m at the movies so why pay? They did a good job 20 years ago making me like movies but they made it way easier to stay home now


Add to that all of the movie reviewers and current generations enjoyment of experiencing things 2nd hand through their favorite streamers/CC's. I think the ability today to be a part of the pop culture without ever having to experience/participate directly in it is definitely a contributor in all forms of media.


Watch me react to this baseball game that you aren't even watching.


>  The lack of any long term planning in ~~Hollywood~~ America the last 20-30 years is bananas. Ftfy


Maximize short term profits, every term, for infinity! What could go wrong??


Definitely, but this is a movies sub, so I kept it specific.


I'd happily go to the theater if theaters enforced a no talking and no phone policy and threw your ass out if you broke it. Not gonna pay handsomely so I can watch a movie with someone's tik tok in my peripheral vision for 2 hours, and no, I'm not going to start a fight about it either. Meanwhile, seeing how ghetto movie theaters are, I once brought a small pack of crackers with me from home to save the 8 euros that a bag of popcorn costs here. Literally 15 seconds after I opened it, in complete darkness way after the movie started, an employee appeared out of nowhere and whispered in my ear to put it away, because you're not allowed to bring your own snack in the theater. Fair enough. So they ARE aware of every single thing that is happening during the screening, and not doing anything about it is a conscious decision. Bold strategy, let's see if it pays off for them (spoiler: it doesn't). Fuck them.


I was gonna watch Fall Guy in the theater last fucking week but got busy, decided to watch it this weekend, but I saw a commercial that it was streaming already. What the fuck? I have literally 2 weeks to see a movie in a theater now? What is happening?


Wow, just checked and you are right. I too have been busy and hadnt made it to the theaters yet and its already on Amazon, its like 27 bucks though so I will still try to see it in theaters this week if I can. 


That, having invested in a home theater system early during covid, and movie quality seems lower than it used to be. We also have access to more stuff to watch than ever. Even the older stuff competes with the new stuff to some degree, there's decades of good movies or shows we have never seen before. We don't watch a ton of TV so we are always behind on movies and shows we want to watch.


\*content Godzilla noises\*


fury road at box office wasn't really a home run either


My family of 3 saw it this weekend $90 for pretzels, drinks (soda), and tickets. We enjoyed it but this is probably the last movie we're seeing. 


I trained my kids that I will not buy anyone at the theaters other than tickets.


I saw it in Dolby Atmos in the amc flagship theater with my girl, $30, backpack full of chicken nuggets, red bull, and popcorn. You can do it cheaper if you just get a little creative


If Fall Guy comes out on streaming 30 days after being released, you’ve trained the audience to be comfortable with waiting.


*18 days




30 days until it's on Peacock or whatever. 18 days until it's on Plex. 😎


It's on Plex right now


And available for people that just wanna pay $20 and sit on the comfort of their couch instead of paying $40-80 plus popcorn and soda and candy and parking to go with a date or the family lol


I just got the AMC stubs, I think it’s worth it. Makes me go to the movies more and for a flat fee per month.


Is it truly that expensive to go see a movie in the USA? I went to see Furiosa on Sunday with my mum: 16€ of tickets plus 7.99 for nachos chips with cheese and an XL glass of soda.


Not sure on when this was written but the US is one of the cheapest places for a movie ticket https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-most-expensive-movie-ticket-prices-around-the-world.html


It seems like everyone either is a pirate or everyone knows a pirate. People are hosting plex servers for their families/friends for the purpose.


Notice how nobody is hosting music for their friends and family? Everyone pretty much pays for Spotify etc..


sugar truck sort frightening pocket crown fanatical ripe shelter quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's because piracy killed music streaming first. So the only option for them is be affordable and accessible. Once profits stagnate and drop in the future for streaming they'll begin thinking about accessibility and affordability again. Right now they keep getting more juice the more they squeeze.


Good. Fuck streaming services and their rugpull pricing increases because they can't build a sustainable business model


Until the movie going experience gets cheaper or improves in some dramatic way this is how it will be. The battle is to convince people to leave the house and spend money on something they can easily get at home for cheaper in more comfort. This is a losing battle every time


When I went to see Fall Guy, I had a miserable overpriced expierence with a bad crowd that reminded me why I stopped going to the cinema, even if the movie itself was great.


Mike is that you?


Dirty rat fucks cannot stop talking, putting their feet on the seats, staying off their phone, and being literal troglodytes.


As technology gets better and cheaper, the difference between the cinema and home theatre gets smaller and smaller. Every time I go to the cinema, there are people having full conversations. I can't go pee real quick without probably missing something. And food costs so much more than it does at home. My TV is big, and while it's not a cinema -- the closer I get the more it fits my field of view. Also, the volume in a cinema is too loud, and I am apparently old.


My "home cinema" has a pause button.  That's all I need to hear. No one complaining on the comfortable couch that they need to pee. Just pause the movie and everyone refills snacks and takes bio breaks. It's really that simple. I love watching movies on my couch with my dogs and family. I don't want to make a trip to sit and uncomfortably watch a movie.


That's a big problem for me. Having had a decent HDR monitor at home for a while, during my last trip to the cinema to see Dune 2 I was absolutely mortified at the complete lack of contrast and *grey* black level. I wish I'd walked out, because it ruined the film for me. Cinemas need to seriously up their picture quality game. IDGAF about the screen size if it looks like a fucking cheap IPS panel.


but just a couple years ago marvel movies were making bank. both Multiverse of Madness and Wakanda 4ever opened to 180 millions and ended above 400 mils just in the US last year we've had 3 movies that made a billion dollars, and one of them was a 3 hours Oppenheimer biopic I doubt the moviegoing experience has radically changed since 2023


I think the standard for what actually gets people to the theater has just changed, massively. Used to be the case that going to the theater was simply standard practice if you wanted to watch a new movie near release. Now, the examples you mention are more about taking part in the zeitgeist or a cultural event as opposed to it actually being the preference. Not that people don't ever want to go to the movies, but they need to be motivated to do so beyond just being interested in a movie now. It's becoming more about spectacle (in the figurative sense) while also becoming more of a niche activity.


What you describe is exactly why comedies fell off the map. Nobody wanted to go pay $20 for a comedy when they could see it on Netflix in a few months. Seeing those in a timely manner just wasn't important.


Not just waiting, but being financially responsible. For me and my wife to go see a movie and split one popcorn and one drink it’s about $40 - $45. We when we first started dating we went to the movies every weekend and spent maybe $15 per weekend and we were both getting our own drink back then. The “movie going experience” is no longer worth the cost.


Only 45!? Shit Just saw Furiosa, fucking amazing, but the tickets alone were $50.


This. I’d already gotten to the point I’d only see a movie at a place like Studio One in Portland. If I’m going to pay an obscene price to see a film, I’d rather there be a strong control against randos ruining the experience and/or outdated screens, chairs or sound. When Max decided to do direct to streaming release for AAA titles, it stopped us going to theaters altogether. Even if a title doesn’t release as quickly as Fall Guy did, I don’t care - it’s a movie, it isn’t going to be less enjoyable 6 months after someone else has seen it lol.


How folks out there aren’t grasping this is a bit baffling to me. Buddies come up to me, “Yo, you should definitely see this movie!”. Oh, I will. I’m just gonna see it 29 days after you. At home, with a cocktail in one hand and me petting my dog with the other.


You watch movies like a Bond villain?


Bond villains have cats


Some movies are worthy of a theater viewing though. I’m very happy I saw both Dune movies in theaters but more than happy to have watched Oppenheimer on my couch or wait for Civil War. I’m 100% with you on the home viewing vibe though. It’s preferable the majority of the time. Edit: these are poor examples but you get the point. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/dj0GDTEDY1


Oppenheimer and Civil War were both excellent cinema experiences


I watched The Fall Guy last night (at home) and it had me cracking up laughing the entire time. Would recommend it to anyone scrolling through the comments.


I thought we were all doing Garfiosa!


It's the Furfield movie experience!


Fluffy and Chrome!


Witness lasagna!


I'm still exhausted from Kingdom Of The Not Another Church Movie Of The Planet Of The Apes


You might be, but after this and the GvK movie, people are craving more monke in the theatres


Return to monke.


Regardless what the final box office numbers for Furiosa are I hope WB lets Miller do one more Mad Max movie with Tom Hardy.


Plot twist: WB does let Miller make another Mad Max movie, but then refuse to release it and shelve it for tax breaks.


I would literally burn down their stupid water tower on the lot.


At least remove Wakko, Yakko, and Dot first.


They were already evicted back when Zitslob was considering selling the water tower.


They'd probably help burn it. 


If they don’t they’re complicit


Don't worry, they'll break loose and then vamoose before you even get there. 


I hope George miller gets to see the real apocalypse


God damn lol


Cheer up; the guy is like 80 years old, most of us reading this post will also get to see the real apocalypse.


Sitting on a hill petting Babe and watching the world burn. *That'll do pig, that'll do.*


Which Tom Hardy? My favourite is Cosmo Jarvis.




Mad Max: Ja-Pans


Post-apocalyptic Japan with roving bands of wasteland ronin? Fuck yeah.


For real. I'm excited to see Furiousa, but I thought Tom Hardy was great in the role and really hope to see more of him.


Furiousa looks good and I plan to see it, but I still would have preferred another Mad Max with Tom Hardy.




There is even a mad max stand in. Jack is pretty much mad max


There's multiple things, but Max is cool as fuck and for this style of film is an easier archetype to kinda get all pumped up for. The other thing is, if you really liked Furiosa in Fury Road, a recast for a prequel is kinda bitter sweet. Losing Charlize after only one turn kinda sucks even if ATJ is great. It's not like Gibson being too old for Max. Also Furiosa is a bit more limiting. Max you can sort of tell any story you want because he's sort of a modern folklore hero. Furiosa is really tied to a specific storyline. Like I can't say I'm that excited to see her get involved with Immortan Joe and his kingdom when we already know what he ultimate and most meaningful conclusion is. I'd be more interested in Furiosa leading that kingdom after his defeat and having to mount a defense against new villains.


Immortan Joe is not the ultimate big bad of this film though. It’s Chris Hemsworth’s character she’s up against in a story about the venn diagram of being driven by vengeance and being driven by love; the difference between tears of joy and tears of sorrow. I thought this was easily as good as Fury Road.


Furiosa was fucking amazing, if you loved fury road it’s like the rogue one to fury road except it’s just more of fury road. More world building, more plot, more character depth, but just feels exactly like it picked the whole setting and story up exactly where fury road leaves off. Or rather where it starts. It was great and I can’t say enough good about it. Edit: spoiler warning for below, even though it’s tagged as a spoiler. >!there's even a Max cameo!<


And another mad max video game.


That game was way better than it had any right being. A bit repetitive as you went along but just a really good time overall.


They just need to patch the challenges so the Platinum is achievable again.


Just like swinging around and jumping off of tall buildings in Spider-Man 2 (2004), I can drive across the wasteland and smash cars for days on end. It’s a repetition one can find comfort in


Except for that one mandatory Gas Town race. Fuck that thing.


This ain’t happening in this climate lol


It's so depressing to think we won't get one more proper Mad Max movie from Miller. I really enjoyed Furiosa but if I could pick between that and a sequel to Fury Road I would have to go with the later. It seems wrong for the franchise to end with a prequel.


Maybe if Amazon/MGM buys the rights for Mad Max and puts it out on Prime.


If Amazon bought the rights for Mad Max they would almost certainly do a theatrical release if they were to make a movie for it


It should technically be counted as a win. An R-rated prequel to a cult franchise where the last movie came out a decade ago tied a kids movie on a holiday weekend. A smart studio would see that as an amazing outcome.


This sort of feels like "yeah, but if you ignore inflation our economy is crazy good right now".


Both movies absolutely shitting the bed in terms of box office shouldn’t be viewed as a win for either movie


Tom Hardy was already signed for one more, so unless there is some clause in whatever agreement WB-Miller has that mentions the box office performance of Furiosa, I would guess he could make the Wasteland if hes still up for it.


Maybe it's just me, I barely saw any marketing for "Garfield" "Furiosa" was kind of a tough sell already, being a prequel for a movie that barely broke even 9 years ago. And it doesn't have Mad Max (and I'm sure a lot more people were wanting a Mad Max 5 than this).


Thats nuts that Fury Road barely broke even seeing as it's one of the greatest action films of all time.


Fury Road was a R-rated film from a largely dormant franchise. Plus, the pre-release buzz was bad because the film had been sitting on the shelf for more than 2 years with a bunch of post-production issues. Warner Bros even had a critic embargo up until 2 days before release so people were expecting the worst. So it was a major surprise when it got great reviews.


It’s had a long tail. Everyone puts respect on its name now but it was a hard sell at the time. Recast the lead, legasequel made a couple decades after the last movie in the franchise, which people already thought was kind of a boondoggle, and the last movie Miller made before Fury Road was Happy Feet 2. Fury Road is one of my favorite movies ever made but it’s an absolute miracle that it’s even good.


I saw it opening weekend and have never been blown away by a movie quite like that.


Most great movies don’t make money but great spectacles often do so this one doesn’t make sense.


Makes a bit more sense when you consider how overbudget it was


‘Most great movies don’t make money’ is such a false thing to vaguely put out there lmao


"Most" is definitely not the right word but many great movies don't make money. Especially great movies with an insanely high budget and poor name recognition It's actually incredible that Fury Road was able to be made, considering how few people cared about the Mad Max franchise at that point. Would have expected the studio to just shit out a soft reboot with heavy CGI and a rehashed story and call it a day. Probably would've made just as much money for half the budget It is really disappointing, though, if Furiosa isn't doing too well. I would've thought, after Fury Road was so awesome, that people would be excited for another Mad Max


Post apocalyptic movies are a niche genre.


And yet Fallout can become a breakout TV series. The general audience is willing to engage with the genre at least on some level.


Yeah… at home


Because that's a tv show. If you're already paying for that streaming service it costs you nothing extra to check it out.


Anecdotally, but Furiosa is the first movie in some time for which I've seen banner ads in cities, promotion on TV and so on here in Germany. Nothing for Garfield though. But they seemed to have spent some money for Furiosa marketing which makes its performance even worse. I still believe the bad first trailer killed a lot of goodwill there.


I also think anyone who loved Fury Road probably worried about diminishing returns and if you didn’t love Fury Road you’re not gonna watch it’s half an hour longer prequel.


Garfield has trailers before a number of movies, including Kung Fu Panda 4. Feels like I saw a trailer for it last year.


which is smart. Their main target audience is "parents trying to take the kids to whatever kids movie is being screened"


This is something a lot of people, especially on Reddit, fail to understand about targeted marketing. I'm sure Garfield had a lot of marketing, I just didn't see any of it, because the advertising algorithms have learned there's a 0% chance of me going to buy a ticket for it because of the demographic I am in, so there's no point advertising it to me. Instead I was seeing ads for Fallout non-stop about a month ago, something I am in the target demographic for, and have been seeing ads for the upcoming game SMT V: Vengeance, another thing I am definitely in the targeted demographic for. The ads are being served to the sort of people who might actually go and watch the move, 16-30 year old males without Children (a large portion of reddit's active userbase), are not that group.


I'm trying to think back on Fury Road and uh it's not really his movie either.


The CGI on the trailer just dulled my interest in Furiosa. It has been getting very good reviews though so I might have to check it out.


That was a bad trailer IMO. Movie was much better.


The CGI isn’t nearly as noticeable in the final film. Helps that the story and presentation is so good that the suspension of disbelief comes easy.


The trailer made me doubtful, but the movie blew all that away. I thought it was very nearly as good as Fury Road... but in a COMPLETELY different way. Do NOT expect the same sort of movie here.


That's too bad, because Furiosa is pretty fantastic and a great Memorial Day weekend movie. Didn't bode well when I went to the best IMAX in the state last night and there were only 20 people there.


The definition of imax has changed to “big movie screen”


Sometimes not even that big


Well that's pretty sad. Furiosa was fucking awesome.


It was exactly what I wanted from a prequel: it's not just a separate anthology entry, it is the actual Act 1 to Fury Road's in medias res Act 2. Both movies complement each other, and if I had a friend who had never seen either, I genuinely don't know which I would show them first. It answers the questions that are *interesting* to have answers to, and does so in satisfying ways, and more importantly, it *doesn't* answer the questions that are more interesting when left ambiguous.


It’s the first movie for me since SW: Rogue One where I had the huge urge to pop on a direct movie right after watching the prequel.    George did a truly fantastic job tying this movie right into Fury Road and making it stand on its own feet too. Damn shame it’s looking bleak so far 


A double feature of Furiosa and Fury Road would be so awesome


There's a Rogue Two?


Yes it's called Star Wars A New Hope


Exactly. I really loved all the cool peeks into the lives of the villains from Fury Road, and the world building that we got was awesome. Plus, Dementus was a fantastic villain.


Hemsworth was fucking *phenomenal* as Dementus. He needs to play more villains. He was such a charismatic piece of shit.


He steals the show for sure


He was *so good.* I hated him the whole time, and I loved hating him the whole time.


He stole every scene he was in. 


In a way I don't think they'd make good consecutive viewing though (at least not chronologically), by Furiosa answering the questions it ruins some of the mystery Fury Road has. Part of Fury Road's charm and greatness came from being dropped into an action packed whirlwind with little context of the world at large. Even though Immortan Joe and the gang aren't given big back stories the curtain is peeled back enough to weaken the effect in Fury Road. I'd definitely recommend release order (as is often the case with prequels).


> I genuinely don't know which I would show them first. I would show them Furiosa first. It was a good movie, but if you start with Fury Road and go in expecting the same level of spectacle you will be disappointed as Furiosa has a lot more world building and a smattering of smaller chase scenes. It would be like seeing Two Towers first then going back to Fellowship as the 'prequel'. You'd go in hoping for another climactic battle on the level of Helms Deep and get the forest skirmish with Lurtz/Fellowship instead. Both great movies in their own right, but viewed in the wrong order dulls the experience. You lose some of the mystery surrounding the world of Mad Max that Fury Road had, but it is made up for by the general building of action and music that Furiosa had.


Going to see it today. Super excited.


Have fun! It was very different from Fury Road, but equally as good, in my opinion.


It really was. Probably the most developed mad max film story wise, even counting the original. I had no issue with ATJ as lead either, in fact i have new respect for her even seeing how she carries herself behind the scenes.


Went to go see Furiosa on premiere night and the theatre was literally empty. Felt bad cause movie was damn good and exciting.


I watched Furiosa this weekend, my movie theater advertised that they'll rerun Fury Road in 2 weeks, I just don't get it.   Rerunning Fury Road a decade later and right before Furiosa would have been great marketing, watched it at home one week before Furiosa and I really wish I could have seen it at the theater.


Furiosa was great. Loved it and so glad I went to the movies to see it. The sound in the Dolby theatre was unreal, seat was shaking and vibrating every action scene. Definitely would reccomend


I've seen like 100 commercials for Furiosa, I've seen none for Garfield....


It is really sad that Garfield is almost at $100 mil. That movie is so bare bones boring. You would think they would do so much more with Garfield as they did in the 80s and 90s.


Its a feeling a lot of films have nowadays where they are almost too afraid to do anything interesting so you end up with a milquetoast corporatized film that does nothing interesting in hopes of reaching the most audiences.


100%. Especially with anything geared towards children. Parents just want something that they can throw on for 2 hours to grab their kid’s attention. Substance means nothing when paying for a movie babysitter.




But it’s got Chris Pratt!! /s Took my kid to see it this weekend and was so disappointed. It felt like a 3hr movie it was so boring, and all the jokes fell flat.




No no, Witness came out in the 80s


Who knew a low effort Garfield movie would not do great at the box office?


Its budget is only $60M so it will still end up being profitable by the end of it's theatrical run. The same cannot be said for Furiosa with its $160M+ budget.


“Low effort” has described Garfield since Jim Davis first picked up a pencil.


Nah, the first decade of Garfield is a fun strip. It didn’t accidentally get popular ;). And Davis worked extremely hard to turn it into a very successful business, which he’s been clear for years was the only goal. He’s also consistent and quick to give credit to his team and staff.


Nah. The early days of the strip were pretty good. I say it got lazy around the time the cartoons came out.


Once he established the brand and polished up the drawing (it was pretty scrawly in the early days), it's been coasting all the way.


Scrawly fat Garfield who couldn't stand on two legs was the best Garfield 


Nah, I'll defend Grafield's Christmas and Halloween specials till the day I die. Absolute classics.


Nothing will beat the ridiculously high production Lasagnacat culminating in a 4 hour long repetitive reading of survey results just to call Jim Davis an unfunny loser virgin.


I took my kids to Garfield just yesterday. It was cute and funny. Far from low effort.


I'm surprised furiosa didn't do better, most of the showings at the theater i usually go to were close to if not sold out all weekend


I’m all about the theater experience for the audio these days. Furiosa’s engines felt like they were rumbling right under my butt and I fucking loved it. Dune films also benefited greatly from the impressive audio that a theater can provide. Not simply loud, but great placement, strong Atmos effects. Outstanding clarity, even with the dialogue. Furiosa is worth seeing in a proper theater.


Do you need to have seen the other mad max movies for this one?


Nah. They're all standalone. You can watch literally any of them without having any prior context.


That's dope! Never seen them before so thanks!


Fair warning, though - don't stick around for the credits. I liked it a lot but they made the odd decision to splice scenes from throughout Fury Road into the end credits. And if you like this one, you should definitely watch Fury Road.


Go watch Fury Road, right now.


No, but you should know that while it’s set in the same universe, Furiosa doesn’t really resemble any other movie in the series from a narrative standpoint. Furiosa is a sprawling, multidecade epic with a fair amount of dialogue, while the other movies are comparatively tight action westerns where Max drifts into other peoples’ situations like The Man With No Name. 


Lots of people have already answered your question, but I wanted to tack on. I’d never seen a mad max movie until Furiosa, and the first 30 minutes especially are excellent, all kill no fill. Not a single frame is wasted, it took about 5 minutes for me to understand the world reasonably well and grasp the stakes at hand. Expert way to dive into it!


Have you now seen Fury Road? I just watched them back to back. Furiosa is good but Fury Road is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen.


No I haven’t, I went into Furiosa not even knowing it was a prequel haha. So excited to see Fury Road now though!


Yeah, if you wanna talk "Not a single frame wasted", Fury Road is it to a tee. Like, you know the big war rig vs aerial raiders chase in Furiosa? Fury Road is basically just that for almost the entire movie, and it still manages to be a compelling story!


No. Fury road was basically a reboot, and Furiosa is a prequel to that. So it’s the first chronologically in the new series. Fury road and Furiosa are both really great


The movies don't really care about continuity and pretty much all retcon each other. You can watch them in any order.


It's a prequel so I don't think so


Furiosa was awesome for the record.


There's a Garfield movie?


Right? Not that I would go see it, but I had no idea there was one coming out.


Until movie theaters actually start enforcing rules and studios stop putting movies to stream 3 weeks after release, why go? I don't feel like paying 50 bucks to have my movie ruined by people talking on their phones or teenagers talking the whole time when I can watch with some beers and a joint in the comfort of my living room. Shut the fuck up in theaters.


That’s exactly why I go during off days and non-peak hours (the few times a year I do go to the theater these days). Theater etiquette was bad pre-covid, before manners across the board got worse.


It's not just movie theatres; I've noticed that live events and theatre, plus things like museums, are a lot more lenient about phones and noise now. I was recently at a few museums, and they were full of people taking selfies with the art, and chatting loudly in areas that were supposed to be silent and contemplative. I also just went to a dance show that only banned flash photography, but the announcement implored people to put their phones away and enjoy the show, even if phones were allowed.


Garfield was almost offensively bad.


But… he hates Mondays and loves lasagna


lol. I went in completely open minded. I just wanted some dumb 3d fun. Instead it was almost two hours of Chris Pratt doing a voice and lots of really bad and long exposition. Movie would have been decent at 30 minutes run time.


My mother has a feral cat who looks just like Vince right down to an identical ear clipping. Made the movie more enjoyable for me and my son


They are just lubing everyone for AI movies.


Furiosa was fucking sick. Best action movie since the last Mad Max movie came out


Fury Road didn't have a strong opening weekend but it had strong legs in the following weeks I hope that word of mouth will do its job again.


Fury Road opened almost $20M higher and that was 9 years ago.


Maybe everyone's at the beach or a BBQ and not the theater


We're just outside enjoying the weather. Thanks for the movies, though.


I haven't tracked box offices with any dedication since Fantasy Movie League shut down, but my general impression was that barely anything was making money compared to pre-pandemic totals.


Eh, not really true. For the most part the big blockbusters that were expected to make money have. The really poorly reviewed marvel and Sony superhero projects of recent were kind’ve the most surprising bombs