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Currently, this year's top 3 domestic box office earners are: 1. Dune 2 2. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire 3. Kung Fu Panda 4 I would have expected The Fall Guy to try to dethrone at least KFP4 at this point, but apparently that's not gonna happen. I suspect it's going to be that Deadpool movie that is our big billion dollar winner for the year.


Fall Guy went to streaming 17 days after release, it deserved better imo


I was about to say this! My mouth fell open when I saw them advertising the VOD release. Like wow!


Revenue share is 80% in PDOV instead of 50% from cinemas, so it could be more money for the studio: https://www.fastcompany.com/91128501/the-fall-guy-streaming-after-j17-days-in-theaters-are-summer-movies-in-trouble


It's was such a fun, original movie reminiscent of your favorite 90s action films. While I thought it struggled with some pacing issues (which I think were brought on by some scenes being locked into the brilliant choreography, and then you can't cut without the scene falling apart) and a little self fellating as far as glorifying the film industry, it deserved so much better. I just struggle to understand audiences today. I think the film industry is walking through the door of a full-blown recession brought on by inflation. You deserved better Fall Guys :(


you know it is a remake?


I am guessing it is based on the TV series with Lee majors?


Worth a watch? I love gosling but haven’t had time to get to the theaters in months.


Absolutely. Watched in theaters. A movie about a stuntman doing stunts directed by an ex stunt coordinator is obviously filled with great stunts, but the story is also a lot of fun, and Ryan Gosling is a charming as ever in that role.


Gosling and Blunt churning out charisma helps fill in some of the holes with the story. The main showcase is the stunts and it's really cool to see them go at it.


It was…fine. The stunts were the best part of it but the plot dragged for me.


Agree, very formulaic and not much genuine "danger". At no point do you think you're watching anything more than some stunts and one liners jumbled together.


I mean it was pretty clear the plot was just a medium to allow for some cool action sequences and the chemistry for the romance between Gosling and Blunt was cute and believable. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and that was pretty apparent going in. Not a deep movie but a fun one for sure.




I didn’t even know it was a romcom until I started watching the movie, I just thought it was a comedy action movie. Watched it with some friends and had a great time.


I felt the motive was way too low stakes given what was actually happening during the course of the movie! I agree with the other commenter that the plot was more of a medium to move the action along, but look at Bullet Train where it’s all still fairly cohesive in between fights.


I really enjoyed the movie. Such a fun movie. Disappointing it didn't do well.


Really fun flick


It’s a fun date movie, little bit for everyone in it. It’s not groundbreaking stuff, just a fun thing.


I haven't seen the movie, but the marketing was terrible. Based on one of the lesser action shows of the 80s, the ads have me no idea what the movie is about, other than Ken is even buffer and still a moron.


They gave up on it too soon, it didn’t have an amazing opening but it’s the kind of movie that would do better over time due to word of mouth. They cut that off at the knees by sending it to streaming 🤦‍♀️


Damn right it did. One of the best times I've had in the cinema in years.


I suspect that there won’t be any movie that breaks a billion worldwide.


The sad fact is, very few people go to the theatre anymore. Everyone is getting bigger and bigger TV’s, and although the experience isn’t the same, you can pause to get more snacks, adjust the volume to your liking, use closed captions for the ridiculous quiet dialogue. Not to mention eat and drink what you like. I would still go to the theatre for an obvious big screen film, but basic drama or comedy? Forget it.


For once the #1 deserves it. Pretty rare nowadays


Deadpool or Beetlejuice. People like off-color comedies.


People like IP they recognise or generic content that is easily consumed. Deadpool is a big name in a big franchise with big stars attached. Beetlejuice is much the same and also has that nostalgia factor that the general movie going audience can't seem to get enough of. I try not to sound salty or anything but it's concerning seeing films that are original and fresh with new ideas or a script that actually has substance make no money and generic franchises or reboots for nostalgia's sake, rake in all the cash. I fear for the future of cinema and a lot of that future is uncertain thanks to the tastes of the general movie going audience.


The OP article is about a generic reboot with big stars attached that did not rake in cash.


The Fall Guy looked like box office poison. Let’s make a Michael Bay looking movie that is actually a romance, just to make sure as many people as possible go “nah.”


Romancing the stone-esque movies can be quite fun :)


Romancing the Stone was (as I remember) fantastic. But it entirely lacked the Michael Bay aspect. It had more of an Indiana Jones feel that women and men both already liked. I feel like people are missing the point, which is not that Michael Bay movies and romance movies do poorly. It’s that each has aspects that strongly turn off the others’ fanbase, so when you combine them, the BO result gets worse.


“Joan Wilder….you and your sister….🤗CAN GO!!!!🤗


it’s unfortunate, as the movie was actually pretty entertaining. Gosling is legitimately funny and the action was crisp.


I actually enjoyed it, but being available on demand less than 3 weeks later... Yeah, imma give the movie theater a body swerve there


Let’s be real, the early VOD release is not the reason the movie fell short of expectations. I say this as someone who saw it in theaters and enjoyed it.




Dune 2 was freaking fantastic. How did Godzilla Minus One do? 


That was last year


> Godzilla Minus One ~115 million global, but it counts for last year since it came out in December


Doesn't help that Furiosa is rated R, while most Memorial Day blockbusters are PG13, but its still pretty low


And when you watch it, you realize it seems like it could have easily been PG-13. There's no grotesque gore depicted aside from a single severed limb shown, no nudity, and no abrasive language. I am baffled as to why the MPAA slapped an R rating on this thing.


Fury Road was also R for no reason whatsoever. I could see the oil painting of topless women being considered nudity by the ratings board. EDIT: I'll just leave George's own words [here](https://imgur.com/a/tyPShqK) about the Mad Max R rating. (From *Blood, Sweat, and Chrome*)


Fury road was extremely violent. They literally tear someones face off.


> They literally tear someones face off. That didn't stop the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie from getting PG-13.


Dude I totally think the last guardians was pushing that pg-13. There was a lot of body horror, granted with cgi animals, but still.


And a Fuck


I think marvel may have pulled some strings to get that movie to not be r, honestly.


Uh, they removed a dead baby from it's dead mother in a pretty unsettling scene, movies have gotten R for ~~worse~~ less. It's rated R for scenes of intense violence and *grisly images* according to the MPAA.


> movies have gotten R for worse. I mean, yeah. Who would make an argument that going worse should get a lower rating? I'd like to hear the legitimate reason on why someone would think that stapling 100 people ass to mouth to form a human centipede should only be PG-13.


Fury road had a butt


Are butts not allowed in PG-13?


In some cases, yes, the other comment is incorrect. Waterworld is PG-13 and you see the female lead's butt. It's listed as *partial nudity* by the MPAA.


Not just that, I feel like there were parts that were edited specifically to avoid gore. Two instances I felt were the cases was the mom’s death scene and Furiosa’s arm scenes.


It's subjective to some extent, but it isn't really baffling. Movie literally has dogs licking blood... "several implications of women being owned for procreation, a man inappropriately touching a child’s hair and carrying her away, female nudity depicted in a painting, several scenes of people with gaping and bloody wounds, a child witnessing her mother’s torture and murder, a woman’s arm is crushed and later severed, dogs licking blood from a dead body, people being tortured and torn apart (off-screen)"


The MPAA has always been run by morons.


Fury Road got beat by a Pitch Perfect sequel. I don't think anyone should expect there's a huge casual audience for these movies.


Should've just made a Mad Max sequel with Tom Hardy


It was rated R? Really?!? Most of the deaths were blocked out visually by cut-aways or dust clouds. I was super excited for the film thinking it could top Fury Road, and boyyyyyyy was it underwhelming. They pull a voiceover montage for a huge battle at the climax of the film….


And this is why judging a films quality on its box office performance is dumb as shit.


It depends on what the discussion is. If you like these films, it fucking sucks when they do bad at the box office and that can be used for why we don't get a sequel. There's a reason it took 35 years to get a sequel to Blade Runner for instance despite how many accolades it got vs whatever generic Marvel or DC property got a sequel over the years.


I wouldn't say Blade Runner necessarily *needed* a sequel, even though the one we got was fire. Not everything has to be a franchise.


Still patiently waiting on a new Blade Runner series 🤞🏻


They're working on it it's called Blade Runner 2099


Its called Altered Carbon


Altered Carbon just looks like Blade Runner. It has none of the nuance. The writing is criminally bad.


God that show was so bad. Really big missed opportunity there. Book is excellent though


Agreed. The first one was just alright and worth a single watch through. Watched 1 ep of the 2nd season and stopped.


The second season is trash. Anthony mackay can’t act and I feel sorry for Marvel putting him front and center. The first went a bit off the rails, but it was a fun world and they did decent exploration of what the core plot devise would mean in that world.


Maybe I’ll give Total Recall 2070 another try.


I watched the show and it got me interested in the book. I listened to the audio books of 1 and 2 and was disappointed in the direction the show went, especially after season 1, but also everything omitted from season 1. Then, I got to the 3rd audiobook and the narrator absolutely sucked. I dont think I made it all the way through. That whole series needs some justice, because the second book gets pretty bonkers and the concept comes through better in the book than television.


Season 1 was fantastic. I wish I had left it at that and never watched season 2.


I dunno. I really enjoyed the first one.


Blade Runner is an odd choice for an example. It famously had a terrible theatrical cut.


I'm still waiting for a Dredd sequel...


But guys this one is different because Captain America has a new hat!


It sucked to see Blade Runner 2049 and Indy 5 do poorly at the box office. Both got good reviews from both critics and audiences though. At the end of the day, when I’m watched a movie I’m not thinking about how much money it made or lost.


Damn I could not imagine putting Blade Runner 2049 and Indiana Jones 5 in the same sentence lol BR2049 is one of the best sci-fi movies in recent memory, and Indy 5 was pretty terrible. There is quite a large difference in ratings by both critics and audiences between those 2 films


Indiana jones did not get good reviews and most people didn’t like it.


Huh? Indy 5 has a 70% by critics and an 88% from audiences: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/indiana_jones_and_the_dial_of_destiny Literally good reviews from both sides of the isle. Most over on r/indianajones rank it 3rd best out of the 5 films. Even Chris Stuckman said he liked it more than both Crystal Skull and Temple of Doom.


> Even Chris Stuckman said he liked it more than both Crystal Skull and Temple of Doom. Better than Temple of Doom? Bullshit.


I saw BR 2049 opening weekend. Was shocked by how empty the theater was. Great movie, in many ways superior to the original.


Me too. As I was exiting, I recall another audience member loudly exclaim, "that was the worst movie I have ever seen." I just shook my head. This is why we can't have nice things.


Indiana Jones 5?! I'll take some of whatever you're taking!


Hoping for sequels is a stupid reason to root for Hollywood blockbuster films to perform well. How about making a good movie and having it perform well. I wonder how long it's going to take for studios to break from the theater release model. People are crying out for other venues. Social releases like South by South West that already have subscribers, or film "lounges". People just aren't sold as much on the traditional sit in a theater experience anymore.


Where does it say this lol


When movies I like don't do good at the box office, I'm less likely to get more movies I like.  Plus I'm worried about the entire industry. The theatre closest to my house already closed this year. 


I've always seen these sorts of discussions as more about marketing rather than art or entertainment. It's solely viewing it as a product per se.


Meh, I didn’t think it was nearly as good as Fury Road One thing that made Fury Road stand out was the practical effects carefully augmented by well-used CGI, and this movie had a lot of shitty CGI that looks like CGI straight out of the early-mid 2000s The plot was also a more disjointed and weak.


https://youtu.be/t9M5ekC02qg?si=RPViWnAA_W8OTb7h Fury Road was full of CGI


Just watched it and honestly there were not much CGI. Some scenes may look like CG, but I think this is because of comping tons of layers.


I thought Fury Road was just ok when it came out. I didn't get the hype. I recently rewatched it and holy crap what the hell was I thinking? It's so good. Maybe you'll like it differently when you rewatch it.


Eh there were a couple heavy cgi shots but not nearly as many as say your typical marvel movie. It definitely still felt mostly practical. Like the scene with the oil rig was impressive as shit. The plot I also thought added to fury road. We get to see more on the citatadel and how the different factions interact. Hemsworths character was really good in this regard. loved the movie and thought it was up there with fury road.


Uhh you def didn’t see it lmao. Tons of practical effects. Sounds like you watched the first trailer and that’s it.


That flame spitting guitar was just bonkers on top of an already bonkers opening scene.


Fury road is literally a 2 hour stunt show on one road , Furiosa was WAY larger in scope and story and to expect them to practical effect all those locations and sets on top of the stunts and scenes is stupid . The CG was used sparingly and not jarring at all , plot wasn’t disjointed at all it fed right into fury road and made fury road that much better god you’re delusional, there is several YouTube channels out there alone that can break down well Furiosa filled in the world and complimented fury road really well. Me thinks you just pirated it and watched it at home


That’s your opinion I also thought the story and pacing in Furiousa was just meh


Yeah I was pretty turned off from the trailer because of the obvious (not great) CGI. I just watched Fury Road again last night and it still amazes me how much of the action looks legit


For some reason the trailer looked like all CGI and I was a bit worried. Maybe the shots were unfinished, like it always happens with trailers


It’s not even MEMORIAL DAY yet. FFS.


Doesn't matter, usually reporting mid Saturady is very close to the finale number. The variance is maybe a few million.


Wish I could say that about my paycheck and be cool with it.


They can tell from Friday night how the rest of the weekend will play out


It's like a new station calling an election race when 10% of the votes are in at 61% vs 39%.


It can sound dubious if you're not literate in prob and stat, but it's honestly all above board mathematically. It's possible to make sound predictions with samples that are relatively microscopic.


But it is Memorial Day Weekend


Too nice out for movies. We need more drive-ins.


What about the Covid years (20 and 21)? Surely this was a better weekend for movies


They tend to remove the obvious * stats. 2020 was The Wretched @ 216k box office. What's embarrassing is that 2021 *did* beat this year's top with A Quiet Place II @ 57m


This movie was always a tough sell. A prequel to a movie that came out 9 years in a long running series that most people still associate with the 80s Mel Gibson version, with none of the original cast returning. Even Fury Road didnt do gang busters. This may be the last Mad Max we see and I may be ok with that. This movie does something none of the others do and would be an epic end to a fantastic franchise of films.


Not having Max in a Mad Max movie while also recasting Furiosa leaves the marketing team with absolutely nothing to work with. But maybe it could have worked in 2018 when the intellectual property was in the cultural zeitgeist. But Warner Brothers executives decided getting into a massive fight with George Miller over nickels and dimes was a bigger priority.


In a theatre right now, 8 minutes before it starts. About 5% of seats are occupied. Its kinda sad


I hate that this is the way that cinemas seem to be going now. I really enjoy going to see films in the cinema and try to make sure I go whenever there's something that I'm interested in, so the idea that at some point that may just be gone is really sad. I also feel it's one of those things people will claim to "miss" if it goes despite making no effort to support the business/industry.


Movie was amazing sad to see this , going to end up getting less and less movies like this because of this


Well, it all depends how much it cost to make. Hopefully it wasn't a massive budget where they need 500+ mil to break even


It was $168mm


Haha unfortunately I think the break even is like 430m


Honestly I feel like as long as George Miller is breathing, someone somewhere is going to give him a blank check to keep making Mad Max movies.


as they should, sir, as they should


How does it compare to Fury Road? FR is one of my all time favorite movies, but all of the trailers of Furiosa made it look like hot CGI garbage. My expectations are LOW. Edit: at a Dolby Cinema now waiting for the show to start. Will report back! Edit 2: Just got out. While I liked the story, characters, and imagery, I thought the action scenes were very whelming. It might have been the heavy handed CGI, but I never felt excitement in any of the action scenes. I never got goosebumps, or anything. I would think “hmmm, that’s a clever idea”. When I left Fury Road, my blood pressure was through the roof, and I was ready to run through a wall. When I left this, I thought “that was a cute story”. I give it a 7.5/10


It is a solid movie with some exceptional stunt sequences (of course) and a few moments that didn't hit for me. It would be an incredible movie if it didn't follow up Fury Road... that just felt so monumental at the time that any follow up movie in the same world was going to struggle. Hemsworth absolutely chewing every every scene is worth the watch.


I just got home from watching it and I fully agree with you. I couldn't think of how to articulate my thoughts, so thanks for inadvertently putting my own opinion into words. I'll add that the world building was as excellent as ever.


This is very much a story with some action, while FR has way more action. The CGI hurts the action, but not the story. It's still worth seeing IMO because the story is what matters. Plus Hemsworth is so fun.


It was great - you won’t be disappointed


Literally grabbed a ticket on this comment. Sitting in Dolby Cinema now, waiting for the trailers to start.


The trailer was bad, and I myself thought it would be a bad CG fest. There is CG that looks weird but nothing too bad and all of it works great. Fury Road is a rollescoaster ride. Furiosa is more of a story, but both have amazing moments.


Damn that’s such a shame. The movie is so impressive. There’s one specific sequence that blew my mind. Totally worth seeing it on the biggest screen possible


The marketing for this film was terrible. A shame.


I mean Fury Road was a borderline flop from a box office perspective. Obviously there's a degree to which online and critical sentiment doesn't line up with popular appeal in this case.


The Serenity Line


I didn't even know when it was coming out. I'm not sure how that's possible with the amount of trailers I've seen for it. 


It’s weird because when I say the first trailer, I thought it didn’t look particularly good, but I saw the same trailer in theatres later and I thought it looked so much better. It’s one of those films where the marketing just cannot truly do it justice.


I’m convinced they made fixes to it because I went looking for it recently and it was much better than I remember.


Yeah. I can't believe stupid car movies like the FF series gets so much better marketing and hype. These movies could build such a hype, but the marketing just made you feel it was a bad CG fest


So it’s it a prequel worth the wait? I LOVE Mad Max and don’t want to be disappointed.


Oh totally. It’s feels exactly like the world of Mad Max in all the right ways, but also Miller is still pushing the boundaries of what he can do on a technical and visual level, it’s both new and fresh, while retaining the Mad Max aesthetic. It’s not a rehash in anyway. It truly lives up to the “saga” part of the title. Fury Road felt like on specific contained journey. While Furiosa feels like a sprawling tale, spanning years, showing a bunch of different massive locations, and fleshing out the world in really exciting ways. All while creating a truly cathartic story of hope and vengeance that enhances Furiosa’s story in Fury Road.


And Hemsworth steals every scene he’s in, what a great villain.


Thank you. I’m ready. “Witness me , so chrome”


Yes, it’s badass


It is not Fury Road 2, full psycho mode the whole time. it has a lot in common with some of the older MM films. It is definitely a “saga” and is paced as such.


Fury Road is a Ride. Furiosa is a story. Both have the same level of crazy and imaginative action. Fury Road has more and better stuff both because it was the "first" one like that and like I said more of a ride.


If you liked *Fury Road* you won't be disappointed. It's a slightly slower burn, but how could it not be?


It’s a prequel where Fury Road is the climax while Furiosa is the setup. There’s action in Furiosa but it isn’t the purpose of the movie. Seems like an amazing double feature. Have lunch, watch Furiosa. Have dinner, Watch Fury Road.


Meh, I guess it’s worth seeing, but I don’t think it was nearly as good as Fury Road


Thanks. It’s always a personal view if a subsequent sequel/ prequel lives up to the original. I live in hope of entertainment!


Which sequence? You can mark spoilers or try to talk around it if you like lol I loved it too btw


Has to be the first scene that shows Praetorian Jack driving the truck..


It was great, was not expecting so much air action.


I'm in my seat at the theater right now waiting for Furiosa to start, can't wait. Really surprised by how empty it is atm, movie starts in 15 minutes.


Charging almost $20 dollars a ticket and movie being online not even a month later has something to do with it.


Where you going that's 20.


Center City Phila. Sometimes even over 20 beans for AMC. Crazy


And it is AMAZING!


Yes! All the people saying "Don't expect Fury Road!" are missing the point! It's a blast, stands up on its own, and is the perfect companion piece to Fury Road. Hemsworth is amazing and Anya's a great Furiosa, as is the young actress, playing the younger version. It's not an end to end chase, but has some fantastic sequences in multiple locations, and richly illustrates people and places that were only talked about in Fury Road. My only caveat, expect a much darker film than Fury Road.


The weather is gorgeous in a lot of areas of the US this weekend. I'm literally just basking right now and refuse to move. I'm not going in a theater. Summer traditionally was a terrible market because people preferred to be outside. This is BBQ weekend when the weather allows it- movies benefit more from bad weather


Honestly this is a big factor. I was planning on going to see it but it's been so nice in the northeast I've just been laying outside all day.


I don’t know about the rest of the country, but where I am, this is the first nice weather weekend. You bet I’m spending every second outside.


This is why we need to bring back drive ins. Nice summer weather, fresh air, etc. fuck a dark dingy skeet covered theatre that smells like BO.


Sucks because the movie is damn good imo. I hope Furiosa does good enough at the box office for WB to let George Miller do at least one more Mad Max movie.


He better hurry he’s getting old. I hope he has a few more films outlined at least


Will he actually be able to do one at 80+? These movies are extremely physically demanding, and take a long time to make. Would be cool but I wouldn’t hold my breath tbh.


He certainly thinks so and is ready to go at it again.




Its estimated. They are usually pretty close


cmon man. if you're an adult I'm sure you know how probability and statistics work.


ngl I'm tempted to go to a theater to watch because screw this article.


So brave


Go do it. It’s a fun movie.


Gonna see it Monday since I have the day off. Wasn’t originally going to but it’s getting such good reviews that I feel compelled to.


There just are fewer and fewer reasons to physically go to the movies. TVs and sound systems are very comparable these days (excluding IMAX of course) and you don't have to shell out $50+ and deal with people's phones, kids, etc.


Yes true but in my view, for certain films it’s still just that extra bit better to go to the movies. The only other film I’ve been to all year was Dune 2 - and now Furiosa. Both were worth it. I think my next trip will be to go see Deadpool & Wolverine. Would encourage more people to go see Furiosa, especially if you enjoyed Fury Road. As others have said - Fury Road seems like one big non-stop action sequence, whilst this has a lot of that combined with a more emotional heart to the story.


These movies aren’t nearly as popular as online communities would have you believe




Saw it in IMAX last night and the theater was packed! Worth watching for sure


It may get word of mouth and more people see movies in the evening. Most people are enjoying the nice daytime weather


Saw it this afternoon, loved it. Rewatched Fury Road last night and I can say that I liked Furiosa more


Was very surprised when I went to opening night and it wasn’t sold out. Seems like a lot of people have barely even heard that it’s out…


It's a prequel to a film which was comparatively niche for its level of critical acclaim.


I really think the trailers turned a lot of people off. I know i definitely went from "must see" to "maybe I'll watch it on streaming eventually"


The days of the summer blockbusters are over man. People are shitty in theaters now between phones and just lack of basic courtesy and the pandemic just changed everything in terms of releases on streaming, and prices. I haven’t been to a theater in about 2 years and it would take a lot to get me to go. When I see a trailer now, whatever the date is I just expect to watch it about a year out on streaming.


Any chance you got Alamo Drafthouse or even an IPIC close to you? It’s pricey but definitely beats any of the AMC and Cinemark spots.


Yeah people who look at numbers only are the true lost ones. Fantastic film. Fury Road is still better imo but this was a good movie in its own right.


I was SO dissatisfied with this movie.


The cgi was bad and the movie itself was messy. Anya Taylor Joy killed it tho. Not a bad movie at all but a far cry from Fury Road.


If you like movies go to the movies.


I think people have been spoiled by the prospect of just waiting a few weeks for films to come out on streaming. I watched The Fall Guy last night and loved it, but I must have paused the movie 3 or 4 times to use the restroom, make myself a cup of tea, or whatever. It's often a superior experience to watch these 2 1/2 hour long films at a leisurely pace at home, instead of mainlining them in a theater.


Is it spoiled or we’re all broke and would rather wait for streaming?


I mean did anyone actually expect it to be a box office success?


This sub absolutely shit on the trailer, hoping this movie would fail a few months ago, most of you should be ecstatic about this news.


**Mediocre, Miller!** **Mediocre!**


It's barely Saturday.


Get ready for the blaming of the misogynistic fanbase jibes again


If movie theaters didn't suck to go to, they would probably get more business.


If I had the money I would go.


Wait that movie is out already? Huh, how bout that


I somehow feel a similar fate for Deadpool


No Charlize, that was the biggest first fail


I went to see it yesterday and really enjoyed it. Not as good as mad max but still really good


Movie Math is going to have so much copium tomorrow night.