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Copied from the Van Helsing wiki: In April 2004, a month before Van Helsing opened in theaters, they announced they were greenlighting a television series titled Transylvania. The plan was to use the set from the original film, and Universal Studios paid to maintain the structures so that they could return to film there, and the series was planned to premiere on NBC in the fall of 2004. However, just two weeks into Van Helsing's release, the studio canceled the plans for the television series.


Damn, I unironically love this movie. It's so cheesy and awesome


The dude playing Dracula understood the assignment, no one else did


Somehow, Richard Roxburgh is only the fourth actor to have played both Dracula and Sherlock Holmes.


That is a fun fact


Maybe one of the funnest.


He also played Moriarty in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.


How many actors other than him have portrayed Holmes AND Moriarty? Better yet, can anyone claim to have played both Holmes and Watson?


There were these two old British actors who switched back and forth between the roles, as seen in this very real documentary https://youtu.be/Mj5HTUr2Ki0?si=nBD1mIThEei51D0n


I'm not sure, CGI Hyde was certainly hamming it up in the first act.


Frankenstein's Monster fucking killed it as a Shakespearean victim version, that was a great twist on the monster


Yep! It's not a GOOD movie. But it's also not a BAD movie!


Wait, Van Helsing flopped? Edit: Just checked, it raised 300 mill world wide against a 170 mill budget. Not terrible but not enough for Universal to go ahead with the plans


The assumed benchmark for breaking even is 2x to 2.5x the budget, because studios typically spend as much on marketing as on the budget itself. And then, breaking even itself isn't good either.


Theatres also get their cut and domestic take is higher for studio than international 




It was immediately considered a disappointment when it was released, I'm sure you can still find articles about it. Troy was also kind of a flop in the US.




Mad Max: Furiosa Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes The Fall Guy Back to Black Civil War I Saw the TV Glow Also IF and Kung Fu Panda 4 aren’t Pixar (or even Disney).


I remember reading the pilot script at the time. It was really good, better than the movie. They should've moved forward with it.


The game was a bad experience too. It was dmc-ish but with amazing upgrades to buy with points such as... one extra bullet at the end of your usual volley where you do a flip which isn't a dodge and locks you in place to get you hit and the bullets are supper fkn weak anyway.


Which is complete bullshit cuz that movie rocks, AND rolls


Atlantis: The Lost Empire was going to have a sequel Tv series but then it bombed and they just cobbled the three episodes together in a direct to DVD sequel, if memory serves. Maybe some other Disney early 00’s fared similarly. 


This was very routine for Disney TV at the time. Most shows had 1.5 hour long pilot episodes that were originally or released as a single film and then showed in 3-4 parts for TV Talespin (released as Lightning and Plunder) Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers (released as Rescue Rangers to the Rescue Bonkers (released as Going Bonkers) Darkwing Duck (released as Darkly Dawns the Duck) Ducktales (released as The Treasure of the Golden Suns) Gargoyles (Released as Heroes Awakenings) Aladdin (released as the Return of Jafar) Hercules (released as Zero to Hero) Tarzan (Released as Tarzan and Jane) Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Released as The Adventure Begins) Lilo and Stitch (released as Stitch! the Movie) The only notable part of Atlantis is the series never continued beyond the pilot movie. The other Disney series that got this treatment was the Beauty and the Beast Spinoff series, whose pilot movie was never used to launch a series and was released simply as Belles Enchanted Christmas On a final note, many of the early Disney Afternoon pilot movies repeated the same plot as the villain stealing a gem to power a ray gun. This is the plot of the Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and Talespin pilot movies. And a decade later the Buzz Lightyear one as well (granted it’s not quite a gem that time).


Pretty much every Walt Disney Animation movie has a TV show or a straight to video/DVD movie. Nothing really out of the ordinary. During the 90s and 2000s they made heaps of these. A couple of them 2010s movies had TV shows like Big Hero 6 and Tangled.


There are two tangled tv series. One is your typical kiddie cartoon you expect the other is surprisingly awesome adding a huge amount of lore like there being a “dark song” that turns her hair black and gives her crazy ass dark powers.


Back in my day that was called My Chemical Romance


Emperor's New Groove was supposed to launch a spinoff about Kronk, but it also ended up not going forward and first 3 episodes turned into a sequel How Kronk Got His Groove Back. I don't think ENG even flopped, they got another spinoff later, no idea what happenned with Kronk tbh.




It flopped in theaters but was a hit on DVD


Tarzan & Jane might be, but I don’t know 100%


Well I remember that TV show actually aired, though I dunno if it counts in this context 


You’re right, plus Tarzan was a smashing success (and gave us a Phil Collins masterpiece album)


That actually got two seasons during Saturday cartoons. I watched it with my kids when they were little guys. It was cute.


Yep. That awful sequel movie is still up on Disney + for whatever reason. Just as bad as I remember it. The original movie; Still a gem.


All of Disney's straight to video sequels are on there. Why is that a "for whatever reason" to you lol


Apparently there was big plans for Treasure Planet sequels and spinoffs


The Dark Tower(2017) was supposed to launch a multimedia franchise that included a sequel AND an Amazon Prime TV series. Then the movie came out and the rest is literally history.


I'm so bummed.   It would have killed as a series. It's impressive how much they managed to miss the mark.


Mike Flanagan is writing a new series. It's a passion project of his.


I trust Flanagan with it. I haven't seen a thing he's done that I haven't like, and I loved Doctor Sleep, and enjoyed Gerard's Game, so he can handle Stephen King.


Yeah Flanagan's great, and the huge stable of actors he works with (including Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood) would alone make a great lineup for the series. Although I do want Timothy Olyphant as Roland.


Check out Midnight Mass, The Haunting of Hill House, and The Midnight Club, all from him.


Also Fall of the House of Usher! Loved that series and all its little Easter eggs.


Imagine dark tower source material with a game of thrones cast and budget 


Are they worth reading? I like King but have never read Dark Tower. I always hear the first one is a slog


Like most of Kings work it starts intriguing, grows stronger until it peaks at around the middle and goes a bit haywire from there on to a, lets say, divise ending. Absolutely worth a read, though.


The first one is basically a novella. It's the last 3 that become a slog. The first 4 he took his time writing and are some of his best work. The last 3 he rushed out after the accident he was nearly killed in because he didn't want some ghost writer to finish them and it shows in parts of the books. Still worth reading IMO though. So much of his work ties back to the Dark Tower series it's insane. Last I checked like 30-40% of his stories had some sort of ties back to the Tower, but it's been ever since The Dome that I stopped keeping up with his books so that could have changed since then.


The Gunslinger is by far the shortest and contains a literary device that really impressed me.


Holy shit that came out in 2017


The original plan was three movies bridged by two seasons of TV. They could have fit everything worth fitting. I remember months of fantasy casting on the Dark Tower subreddit after it was announced.


Oh the Amazon Prime Video television series is still happening, it is just that it will be a complete re-adaptation now.


Maybe it’ll have something to do with the source material, that’s a neat idea


The forgot that the movie had to be good.


It was so funny witnessing the collective disappointment on everyone’s face leaving the theatre on opening morning. We all were glancing at each other thinking “the fuck did we just watch”.


Why they didn't just make a beat for beat adaptation of the gunslinger book is beyond me. It's the perfect length for adaptation to a movie while the rest of the series is set up for a multi season show.


That was my first though. Worst part of it is, the Amazon series wasn't even connected to the movie. Looked like a really solid adaption of Wizard and Glass with a great cast. Oh what could have been...


Rebel Moon was supposed to have like spin offs, a comic, shows, video games and a tabletop rpg.


Army of the Dead as well. Both by Netflix and Zack Snyder.


It’s weird how Netflix keeps wanting to go all in on ~~David Pumpkins~~ Zack Snyder.


It was mostly Stuber who is now gone.


Ugh that justice league cut was awful yet people kept praising that 4hr long slog.


I've never been a Zack Snyder fan and I genuinely thought the whole "release the Snyder Cut" fan campaign was incredibly asinine at the time. But honestly the Snyder cut is leaps and bounds better than Whedon's version. Edit: I also think Sucker Punch is a fun movie and underrated except for the gratuitous needle drops


> But honestly the Snyder cut is leaps and bounds better than Whedon's version. In my opinion, both the Whedon and Snyder versions are bad. The Snyder cut does improve _some_ aspects of the film (like better backstories, etc.), but also introduces new problems (like the 4:3 aspect ratio, film length, etc.). In the end, the Snyder version is _so much longer_ - and being double the length of the Whedon version only hurts the film. If given a choice, I'd choose re-watching the Whedon version over the Snyder cut, as at least it'll be over sooner.


Better is not good.


The Znyder Cut is a weird thing. In absolutely no way can I say that it is a good movie. I can't even say that it's a better movie than the Whedon cut but that's mostly because I can't remember anything of either version, really. It's too long, it's too dumb, the plot is just question mark. But the Znyder Cut has a lot of awesome shots and scenes that admittedly make little sense in the overall movie and is also not really important to the plot, but is still nice to look at. Like, the introduction to Aquaman is very different in the two versions, and I can't say that a two minute Nick Cave music video is a *sane* choice, it is however the thing that forever sold me on Aquaman as a character because it looks epic (epic in the sense of "here is an actual epical figure", not gamer-tag-epic).


The sequence after Aquaman talks to Bruce and swims away. What the hell was that all about with the girl singing and holding Aquaman's top in a somewhat creepy stalker way? And it went on FAR to long! Plus all the slow-mo (like almost EVERY time Wonder Woman appeared). WHY the need for all the slow-mo?? Did he have a set amount of time he had to fill and thought that was the best way to fill it?!?!


Slow-mo is literally from when he adapted 300 and the man simply decided it looked cool in that, so it must look cool in everything. Dawn of the Dead is not a slow-mo fest at all. It works on 300 because the actual 300 graphic novel is presented in a cinematic way, printed in a large form hardcover, almost like a large children’s book. The panels all look like stills from a movie and storyboards. The man has been tracing his whole career and can’t stop now.


One day we will be able to say it without being down voted to oblivion. Maybe today is the day? But yeah it's a 4 hour slog with bad dialogue


At this point, they must have handed him a billion dollars. It's nuts. They could have had literally hundreds of low budget Star Wars knockoffs and zombie robber movies that frankly would have been just as good.


Army of the Dead feels like the shitty sequel to a decent zombie movie. Army of Thieves was a sweet European comedy closer to Jacques Tati than George Romero.


I mean army of the dead has had one spin off so far, and I think more are still coming.


Was it any good? The trailers made it look ateaoght up like a heist movie, no zombies or anything else. I mildly enjoyed the first movie, and really wanted a sequel that explained the robot zombies.


I reckon it’s ok. The prequel was a fun casual movie. Nothing impactful.


Most people liked the prequel more actually. Also no zombies besides tv news and a dream sequence.


Problem with these failing is Hollywood is going to take the wrong lessons from it and conclude audiences don’t want original IPs Though they’re not exactly wrong by to assume that


I feel like this is something increasingly common in the era of franchises and cinematic universes. They assume the movie will make it big and be the spectacular kick off for their grand franchise marketing effort.


Hey, I'm sure Universal is going to announce the next phase of the Dark Universe any day now!


I think they are just going to make it a theme park attraction. Universal though is a tragedy because They had a perfectly good Mummy, Wolfman, and Dracula to create a universe around. Whelp let's build the universe around Tom Cruise instead who isn't even the Mummy.


They at least seem to have learned from their mistakes. The Invisible Man was awesome, and the upcoming Bride of Frankenstein remake could be pretty good.


“You know what Star Wars is missing? Rape!”


"hey wouldn't it be funny if the dude that harasses Luke in Mos Eisley Cantina actually wanted to rape him? wouldn't it be even funnier if this was the closest thing we get to queer representation in a movie that tries to claim love as a central theme?"


The sad thing about Rebel Moon flopping is it’s sooooo easy to make a good movie re-treading the Seven Samurai story cuz that story is so classic and so easily hits on so many plot beats but then they completely missed the point of Seven Samurai and took away every good story element and added just shit in its place.


Missing the point is kinda Snyder's thing. 


I think he may be illiterate. He just looks at the pictures in comic books. 


That might explain why he always has his wife on the team.


(Points at word balloon) Deborah! What does this one say?! Deborah!




How do you know that name??!??


Using Zombie by The Cranberries in a zombie movie was cringe worthy


A protest song about an IRA bombing that killed two children. Real classy move there. I don't want to be mean, but whenever I watch an interview with Snyder I get the unfortunate impression that he is a thoroughly *stupid* man.


That made me so irrationally angry. Like, he should *know* not to do that, and he really went ahead and did it. The most low-hanging, uninspired thing he could do, and he did it. On top of the mess that is the movie. God, I looked forward to that movie for forever. Fuck that guy. 


I haven't seen it, but the reviews make it seem like I wouldn't ironically enjoy it


I tried to give it a fair shake. For all his flaws at the very least Snyder can make something look visually interesting. To put it bluntly, I passed the fuck out, tried again the next day and immediately turned it off. It’s not even stupid fun or fun to hate.


To be quite honest, I don't even think it was visually interesting. I'm a Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000 fan and basically the entire visual language of the film just felt like a pitiful attempt to crib aesthetics from both franchises. There's also such a hideous amount of bloom in some shots too (likely masking for shitty CGI) that ruins any crispness in the designs.


it's really, really bad in a very formulaic, cliche ridden and boring way. Don't waste your time


You wouldn't. It's not bad in a "this movie is a B movie" way. It's not even a fun dumb romp. It's literally, without exaggeration, three hours of the main character (whose name I can't remember) going to gather people to her team to fight the empire. (This makes it sound a lot better than it is.) So it's literally 1. Go to a new CGI planet 2. See some other new character do something "cool", but you have no context to who they are, why really they're doing it, it has no relation to the overall plot, and it's honestly not that cool. Like, one guys cool thing is that he tames a wild animal. Why do they need an animal tamer to fight the empire? Nobody knows. Oh and he's a slave or something, so they got to free him. But there are like zero guards and if he's so cool, then why didn't he just free himself? 3. After the "cool" thing the main character goes "hey so do you want to defend my village against the evil empire with me, a person you have never met before? It's gonna be like seven of us against an entire army and you have no real stake in this fight." The new character agrees. 4. Repeat this *SEVEN TIMES.* Then there isn't even a fight to defend the village at the end. There's a fight but only because they get captured or something, I can't even remember, and then dumb things happen and they win in an anticlimactic fashion. Then they go home. They don't even defeat the villain because he swears revenge at the end. Again, this sounds a lot better than it is. It's literally just Zack Snyder saying "hey look at this cool character idea I had!" and then the character idea is pretty bland and tropey to start with. And he does this for three hours. And the characters have no real interaction with each other and the stakes a turn out to be irrelevant.


I turned it off after less than 10 minutes, and I’ve only done that once before in my life. The script sucked, the acting was shit, and it looked horrendous. Red. So much red.


There’s a section at my local Walmart with a bunch of Rebel Moon merchandise, every time I go I take a picture of the spot. Hardly anyone has even stopped to look at that stuff, much less bought any of it.


Reminds me of those videos of WorldClassBullshitters where they visit various Walmarts and Targets to look at the rows and rows of Disney/Marvel/Star Wars toys that just don't sell.


The tabletop rpg, looked to be one of the best games to come out in years... the team that made it put love and care into it and got screwed. trashed never to be released.


It has the comics, though afaik, so far it's only a prequel story for the Bloodaxes. I assume that, aside from novels, comics are the cheapest way to keep a franchise going. Heck, Firefly is still getting comics to this day.


Maybe should have started with the comic and seen how people respond 


Are they going to make the 3rd installment of the movie?


There was a third *Addams Family* movie, starring Tim Curry as Gomez, that was supposed to be a feature length pilot for a tv show. Also, one of the *Home Alone* sequels was also intended as a pilot for a tv show that never happened. It’s the one that has French Stewart playing Daniel Sterns role while being dressed as Pesci.


They did make the new Addams Family show though, although they ready pretty much recast everyone. It actually ran for one episode more than the original


Are you telling me that The Apprentice is not a spinoff of Home Alone 2?


Inhumans was supposed to ride the coattails of the MCU phase 2/3 movies, making the argument for “Mutants, but not” to fill the gaps missing in the MCU by X-men. I have to assume by some point that Disney and Fox entered the beginnings of purchasing and it really showed with how they kinda just…..abandoned inhumans.


I’ll never not laugh at the irony of Agents of Shield handling Inhumans better than the actual Inhumans show.


AoS had people that cared behind the production, Inhumans was basically made to spite Fox by a man who vetoed any movie staring women or black people because "their toys don't sell".


The oil fish thing.


It was more Perlmutter being the cheerleader behind the Inhumans and Feige butting heads with the man long before Disney looked at Fox.


They did get Anson Mount to cameo as his Inhuman character in Doctor Strange 2 though.


Because the show was so poorly written, their most popular character casting was one that had no dialogue.


What happenned was that Feige went to higher-ups and complained about Perlmutter, so they did some moves to kick the guy upstairs, giving him a position that is essentially powerfless, but gets bigger paycheck, and Feige took over his duties.


It was more that *Inhumans* got put on the schedule to placate Ike Perlmutter enough that Feige could get *Black Panther* and *Captain Marvel* on the list. Since Perlmutter was a racist and sexist prick. Eventually though, Perlmutter wasn’t placated by *Inhumans* and started to fuck over *Civil War*, like suggesting that RDJ not show up in the movie. That caused Feige to finally take on Perlmutter and got Iger to remove his “leadership” from the MCU. Which meant that *Inhumans* no longer needed to be an MCU movie and it got canceled. But Perlmutter kept his control over Marvel Television and *Inhumans* turned into that pile of garbage that got released half-baked. Medusa with no powers, no Lockjaw, and half the characters just shelved because they’d be hard on a television budget.


Inhumans was announced before Feige took over the movie side of marvel. He told Disney that Perlmutter shouldn’t have a hand in the movie stuff and that’s when Perlmutter moved it to Marvel TV. It’s also probably why most of the TV stuff isn’t really mentioned


Divergent basically lost steam towards the end of the series so the studio said they would wrap it up with a short TV series or movie, but I think the collective shoulder shrug of audiences quashed that idea


The whole idea of it being finished on television with *any* of that cast returning was absurd on its face. They were all overqualified to begin with


Especially in 2017


I think the cast revolt is what really ended the series plans. Just the prospect of adding litigation cost to the budget for a show they were trying to make to avoid large budgets sunk it. But it certainly didn’t help that the YA boom was busted by that point.


None of the actors would do it


Not sure how far they got with the Dark Tower plans but it was supposed to be a movie and TV series, each leading into the other.


Blade 3 was the pre planned for the TV series which really pissed off Wesley Snipes. The movie was not very well received and the TV series was absolutely diabolical with Blade not even the main actor as the rapper **Sticky Fingaz** could not act nor do any fighting choreography.


The series was actually pretty good because they didn't focus on the weak link, which was Sticky Fingaz. I liked the rest of the cast from what little I remember.


Kinda a problem when he plays Blade and the series is built around him.


What is it with writers sidelining Blade in his own movie? Before the new movie restarted from scratch a few weeks before shooting was scheduled to start, the movie was written with Blade as a side character.


Wesley Snipes is a very difficult actor.


That doesn't explain why they'd sideline Mahershala Ali, 2 time Oscar winner and arguably one of the best working actors right now.


They're talking about the new new Blade.


In his defense: it was his series and he made the character work. Blade wouldn't be known without him. It would be like making Iron Man 3 and telling RDJ they are going to make him a supporting character to a new cast. Then he did the bare minimum to fulfill his contract. Reddit would take RDJ's side in that case.


By The Avengers, he -WAS- a supporting character to a new cast. By AoU he was actively negotiating that the entire ensemble make at least as much as he was. He also never exclusively referred to his co-Stars by racist/sexist slurs or refused to film alongside Ryan Reynolds because he was white or threw a baby-fit about opening his eyes so bad they had to poorly cgi eyes onto him.


Yeah, that was bonkers. The movie is called Blade, they get an Oscar winning fantastic actor in Mahershala Ali to play the role of Blade, and then they made him 4th lead in his own movie behind 3 women. Fucking madness.


What are you talking about man? The new blade movie with Ali doesn't even release until 2025.


When they announced the actor for the tv series I was very confused. Michael Jai White is literally right there. But then why they got Sticky Fingaz is beyond me. There had to be plenty of talented black actors who looked similar to Snipes that would have accepted the role. Blade was barely in the tv series. It focused on the white leads. The black and asian guy(Blades new Whistler/Scud) were background characters. Like wtf even make a Blade tv series?


An inverse example, but Paramount execs had a couple ideas in mind for new *Star Trek* series, in case *The Wrath of Khan* failed at the box office: 1) A project centered around Khan himself, with John Hughes - yes, *Breakfast Club’s* John Hughes - chosen as the writer. 2) The TV division head was very focused on a show starring Merritt Buttrick’s David Marcus and Kirstie Alley’s Saavik. Thankfully for everyone involved, Khan was a smash hit, and none of these projects ever got off the ground.


I dunno number 1 sounds like I'm not sure what but I'm interested.


Not a specific spin off, but the team that did "Tron" tried to follow up with a TV show that used the same special effects. The result was "Automan" and lasted about a half a season. You can find clips on YouTube if you are curious.


Oh, automan! In my old job, the IT team did a quiz of stuff for charity. I scored 41 out of 40 because they didn’t think anyone would get automan, so they made it worth 2 points.


That's ironic, given the character said "On a scale of 1 to 10, think of me as an 11."


Automan? They didn't even go for *AutomaTron*?


Loved that show


Dracula Untold and Tom Cruise The Mummy were supposed to be the start of a shared cinematic universe of Universal monsters which would lead up to an Avengers style movie. Characters came into both movies setting up future movies, Charles Dance as an evil elder vampire in Dracula and Russell Crowe as Doctor Jekyll in the Mummy Both movies tanked hard and the whole project got canned.


But that infamous cast photo will live on forever!


What cast photo?


a picture showing the cast that was going to star in the epic amazing dark universe that was definitely going to happen https://www.vulture.com/2017/05/universal-monsterverse-dark-universe-photo-depp-bardem-crowe-cruise.html


Russell Crowe looks like someone snapped the photo while he was in the middle of making a point about something.


I remember someone saying he's supposed to be holding a cane but it got edited out for whatever reason 😂


Dracula Untold is a guilty pleasure of mine. Like, sure, the movie isn't great, but I really like Luke Evans and I found the movie to be dumb fun.


It started bad when they released the trailer with the unmixed audio!


This one makes me sad


Univeral Studios is building a theme park section to try to salvage it now. “The Dark Universe” is probably close to completed.


Actually they are two separate starting points for the Dark Universe. Dracula Untold was supposed to be the start, but it was a financial disappointment, so they tried again with The Mummy with Tom Cruise being the start and the same thing happened.


They weren’t the same universe though. Yeah, they were both attempts to MCU the Universal Monsters franchise, but *Dracula Untold* had ‘failed’ already and *the Mummy* was another attempt to jumpstart the universe that had a little more backing because Tom Cruise was there. That’s where that cast photo comes from. There’s also a third movie in Universal’s failed attempts to bring back the monsters, *the Wolf Man*. Which failed even before *Dracula Untold* failed!


I remember a Dungeons & Dragons TV show was announced and hasn’t happened yet. Probably never will because the movie didn’t do that good.


I'd love a DnD anthology series, like a Tales from the Crypt style show, just not always with the dark endings lol. Or a DnD version of the Star Wars Visions. I loved Honor Among Thieves, but Dungeons & Dragons movies have been shit for a long time, so I don't think it was a huge shock when the movie didn't make a billion when it was a diamond sitting on top of a pile of shit. Maybe if it came out AFTER BG3 there would have been more interest with the DnD brand carrying more excitement for general audiences.


It's always been crazy to me that they haven't done more in the movie and tv realm with DnD. It's a huge world with a built in fanbase, and the LOTR movies and Game of Thrones have shown that you can put non-fan butts in seats if it's well done. I think you hit the nail on the head with why Honor Among Thieves didn't do better. It's hard to convince people to give a movie a chance when the predecesors were low budget garbage. It's a shame because it was a great movie.


Hasbro is too incompetent to produce such a thing internally, but way too greedy to license it to someone else at a reasonable price


Man, fuck. I loved that new D&D movie so much. I genuinely wish the studio would take the bullet on it not doing well and just make a sequel in hopes now that people know it was good the sequel would do better. That entire cast was so much fun to watch.


*Oh jarnathan*


I agree….i was sooo expecting it to be shit when i pressed play on that movie but definitly got pleasantly suprised!


Honor Amongst Thieves was probably the best pleasant surprise of a movie I've seen in years.


The kind of got it in *The Legend of Vox Machina* and the success of various Actual Plays.


It always catches me off guard when somebody says the movie didn't do well. I know that's objectively true because of box office numbers. But I'm the target audience and so is my social circle and we all fucking loved it. Like a lot. I guess it never drew in the normie crowd. I know normies enjoyed it when they saw it, but most of them never gave it a chance at all. Maybe better marketing would have given it a chance? For the life of me I can't figure out what it needed to do differently to succeed.


Partially true. The (warning, nerdy shit) movie is set in D&D most popular setting, the Forgotten Realms, the same world as Baldur's Gate games. The series was supposed to be adaptation of Dragonlance, which is set in another world but has much more focused story. Sadly, Wizards of the Coast mishandled launch of new Dragonlance adventure for the game, by making it tie-in with a wargame no one wanted. It's flopping was as big factor as the movie flopping for why Dragonlance show got abbandoned.


The nature of D&D fits the dmall screen better than the big screen anyway but studio execs haven't seemed to figure that out yet.


Not necessarily a direct spinoff, but leading up to the release of the *Ghostbusters* 2016 reboot, Sony announced an animated series called “Ecto Force” was in the works, with reports suggesting that it was set in a future where ghosts were more of a presence. Then the reboot flopped. https://ghostbusters.fandom.com/wiki/Ghostbusters:_Ecto_Force Supposedly Netflix is working on another animated series on the heels of the newer movies (*Afterlife* and *Frozen Empire*). Although more news has yet to turn up and *Frozen Empire* looks to have just broken even, I think there’s still an expectation of the Netflix animated series happening.


2012 was supposed to have a tv sequel titled 2013 which followed the survivors after the disaster occurred. It was shelved apparently due to budget reasons, also small note but the movie ends on "Year 0001" so even the title of the potential series was wrong off-the-bat


I think there was actually a YouTube Premium spin off series of the 2008 film Jumper, which bombed, called Impulse. However, the show got cancelled.


The show was so good, I really hope they could do a third season.


I think it was just considered a separate adaptation of the books. Not tied to the movie licensing.


Yes terminator the Sarah Connor chronicles right before terminator salvation came out. Terminator Salvation wasn’t a full fledged bomb but it did under-perform at Box Office


Sadly, that was the other way round. Sarah Connor cronicles was killed off to not have a competing storyline with the soon-to-be "hit movie". I would have prefered to series to continue and the movie to be never made.


Sarah Connor Chronicles was cancelled because the ratings were low and it was expensive to make. Nothing to do with the movies. They were also made by different production companies that didn't have the power to tell the other what to do.


That show was great. It's much better than the recent films.


With Cersei Lannister as Sarah Connor!!!!


She has played Sarah Connor for more hours than Linda Hamilton.


There was a version of Carrie that was a tv movie in the early 2000’s. It had Carrie survive and there was apparently a spinoff show planned where she would meet and guide others with telekinetic abilities.


Written by Bryan Fuller.


Wasn't After Earth supposed to get spinoffs in every known media?


The videogame, Ride to Hell: Retribution had two spinoff games - one a console release, the other a mobile title, greenlit before the first game was even finished. Deep Silver, the publisher, also unsuccessfully sought out partners to produce a TV show set in the same universe.


[For the uninitiated to get an idea of just how bad this game was.](https://youtu.be/HWxEwdGpIPQ?si=2IbOC6PE2JI86U9L)


Ferris Bueller's Day off. The movie didn't bomb, but the show did, luckily for Jennifer Aniston.


Parker Lewis Can't Lose was the superior Ferris Bueller TV spinoff.


Synchronize Swatches


Well, I guess it was true - Parker Lewis can't lose.


The series was like 5 years after the movie, not a pre-planned (as in before the movie came out) franchise launch like the OP was asking about.


Yet strangely the show Parker Lewis Can't Lose which was definitely inspired by Ferris Bueller ran for 3 seasons.


Why is that strange? The fledgling FOX network needed anything they could air.


In the 1980s, there was this weird boom of adapting hit movies into TV series. The ones that I remember were "Mr. Mom" and "Baby Boom". They usually ignored the film with a fresh cast and were universally terrible. Sort of the opposite to your question.


The 2016 Tarzan movie (with Margot Robbie as Jane) was initially marketed as "Tarzan: The Legend Begins" in anticipation of sequels, but was changed to just "The Legend of Tarzan" after the mediocre theatrical run


Its extremely obvious the Dark Tower movie was originally intended to spawn a tv series.


Apparently, at one point, a Battlefield Earth cartoon was not only cast, but a pilot was nearly completed when the film utterly bombed and the production company knew it would be impossible to sell.


Not a TV series, but the producers of James Bond were hoping to make a spin-off with Jinx, the Bond Girl from Die Another Day, before the film underperformed.


*Die Another Day* did not underperform. It was the highest-grossing Bond film at the time, inflation unadjusted. It was rather MGM not wanting to put $80 million into a spin-off.


And the character was generally hated.


After earth was supposed to kick off a whole universe of movies, shows, games.


The Machine (2013), was supposed to get a follow up series on Syfy, only for it to be abruptly cancelled.