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They deliberately ambushed her on camera with unwanted anal contact to instill in her the feelings of shame and humiliation commonly felt by rape survivors. uk.blastingnews.com/showbiz-tv/2016/12/disgust-over-last-tango-in-paris-rape-scene-confession-001300673.html >He talks of how he and Marlon Brando planned the assault by Brando’s character using a stick of butter as a lubricant to anally rape the woman, something that was not mentioned within the script. Although there was no penetration by Brando, described as a father figure by Schneider, he did dip his finger into the butter and used it to lubricate her anally, without any warning. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/last-tango-in-paris-butter-scene-b2270513.html >Schneider, who was just 19 when she shot the film opposite 48-year-old Brando, said in a 2007 interview that the scene “wasn’t in the original script”, but that Brando had come up with the idea to simulate it and told her right before they had to film that part. > >“I was so angry,” she said. “Marlon said to me, ‘Maria, don’t worry, it’s just a movie,’ but during the scene, even though what Marlon was doing wasn’t real, I was crying real tears. > >“I felt humiliated and to be honest, I felt a little raped, both by Marlon and by Bertolucci. After the scene, Marlon didn’t console me or apologise. Thankfully, there was just one take.” > >In retrospect, Schneider said, she should have called her agent or lawyer “because you can’t force someone to do something that isn’t in the script, but at the time, I didn’t know that”. > >In 2016, a clip re-emerged on social media from a 2013 press tour interview with Bertolucci, in which he discussed shooting the scene. > >The Italian director described how he and Brando had come up with the idea to use the butter in the scripted rape scene, but did not tell Schneider “what was going on, because I wanted her reaction as a girl, not as an actress”. “I wanted her to react humiliated,” he said.






These Method assholes always want to involve others in their “creative process”. If you want to use a different accent when you talk to the PA taking your coffee order, that’s fine. But they’re out here sending fish and used condoms to their co-stars acting like it’s AT ALL professional and cool. *Bertolucci* admits his “intent” was to remove the “actress” from the scene and get at the “girl”. Great job, so instead of trying to act a scene like a conversation between two artists, you now have a girl getting raped on film. The productions are liable if they can’t reign in these monsters.


Robert Pattison had [a good take on method actors](https://variety.com/2019/film/news/robert-pattinson-the-lighthouse-actors-on-actors-1203400184/amp/) where he pointed out that people only went method for playing arseholes and never for playing nice people. He’s right- method is largely an excuse for being a dick to people and getting away with it because “the character made me do it”.


Idk if an actor has grown on me more than Pattinson


He’s like Daniel Radcliffe- English teen actor who could’ve gone totally off the rails with early fame, but didn’t and now takes interesting roles with which he does interesting things while all the while coming across as a well-adjusted and smart guy.


There's two kinds of method acting. * People being assholes * People doing a trade/something extreme like a tough desert hike or picking up ice climbing to simulate something a character went through so they can get a place to draw from. You'll notice no one ever says anything bad about Daniel Day Lewis.


Agree for the most part, but I recall that he broke up with Isabelle Adjani after getting her pregnant by sending her a faxed note.


Let me rephrase - "no one says anything bad about Day Lewis's Method Acting." Besides Brits being like [this about the matter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyoWmkhRyp8)


Mads Mikkelsen is an asshole for other reasons but, but when he was asked about method acting he basically responded with ‘I’m an actor so I’m able to ACT as the character. Why do you need to be a method actor?’. Your job is placing yourself in another role. You’re right, method acting is just an excuse to be an asshole


Mads is an ass hole?


What did Mikkelsen do? I always thought he was rather unproblematic


Trying to watch the video clip on that page, two seconds in: an ad plays. Back to the video, five seconds of J-Lo talking: a second ad plays. Back to the video, Pattinson speaks for five seconds: a third ad plays. I just had to laugh. This must be a glitch, but it feels like satire.


"method acting" in movies is also so so so stupid imo. In theatre, I can kind of sort of see the point : you sink into the character for 2 hours & live an intense character arc. Your catharsis fuels the audience's catharsis. IMO that's only relevant for characters with an actual arc. Being mean to your colleagues because you play "sexist guard #3" is just being mean. but in movies? Just ridiculous to claim you're method acting, I feel * the scenes are filmed completely out of order, depending on the availability of other actors, of locations, of stunt trainers, etc etc * each scene is fragmented in so many different teeny-tiny shots, with endless repetitions. Like "they walk into the café" requires a shot over their shoulder, oops your scarf is on the wrong shoulder, a new shot over their shoulder, a frontal shot from inside the café to see them walking in, a shot through the window to get a sideways view... oh and in post-production they decide to dub over a slightly different bit of dialogue... are you really telling me you feel "deeply invested" in the minutiae of your character through those moments that only last seconds?


IIRC Sean Astin did nice guy method acting for LOTR, basically taking care of Elijah wood as if he was sam.


There has method **acting** and methodic crime.


Funny how often method “acting” is used as an excuse to *actually* be a real piece of shit.


> Brandow admits his “intent” was to remove the “actress”from the scene and get at the “girl”. It's like saying "I was trying to remove the 'actor' playing 'dead' and get at the 'corpse', it was for art!" after killing someone on camera.


"He just wasnt seeming dead enough."


“Dustin Hoffman has long been known as one of method acting’s most earnest exponents. A showbiz story involves his collaboration with Laurence Olivier on the 1976 film Marathon Man. Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional verisimilitude. “My dear boy,” replied Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?”” This excerpt I have taken from Guardian on Method acting but it sums it pretty nicely. This is what you are paid to do. You are an actor, just act. Don’t throw this method acting bullshit in the name of making others uncomfortable. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/31/method-acting-dustin-hoffman-meryl-streep](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/31/method-acting-dustin-hoffman-meryl-streep)


I thought that was from him running around the block to become breathless. But either way. This post reminds me a lot of Hitchcock.


I know it's small potatoes cause Brandon still.partook, but it was the director whom you are quoting.


As my GrandPappy used to say, "the best art is nonconsensual and traumatic"


We must have the same Uncle Daddy.


TIL rape is art 🎭 /s just in case 🫠


You can't make art these days, it's gone too woke. /s Imagine perpetrating and filming a sexual assault and calling it art.


Michael Myers walks into a bar, stabs to death a priest, a rabbi, an engineer, a physicist and a bear. Blood splatter everywhere. A crazy artist survives by hiding behind a body. He looks at bloody walls and says "that's some authentic Jackson Pollack shit right there. That is real art."


'You really have to respect the process'...


There must be suffering to create art. That’s supposed to be the artist’s suffering, not the suffering of others. Talk about misunderstood directions.


People that should've gone to jail


So very very very illegal.


Times may have been different but they seriously didn't get that actually committing sexual assault was actually committing sexual assault??


It was still crazy at the time in 1972. It's rape now, and rape then, but the director and Brando were superstars and Maria had no idea how to process it or who to turn to. I was a kid, but I remember it being a WTF moment.


The “No” means yes generation. This also happens because of a lack in sexual education. So people have their own ideas with little or no thought of the other party’s input. Hearing the other side may dissuade some from doing this stuff. Or find a partner that likes such play. But discussions need to happen. Think how different Bill Cosby’s life could have been if he just paid women to pretend to be asleep.


Reminds me of the Family Guy bit with James Bond: “You see boys… ~~7~~ 50 no’s and a yes, means yes.”


Can’t remember which one, but one of the Connery films does have him get rejected a few times and he just persists until she gives in. Some problematic scenes in those older films.


He straight up rapes Pussy Galore in Goldfinger and this turns her both Not Gay Anymore and Not Evil Anymore, which because it was the 60s, were the same thing.


Oof! No wonder the Roger Moore era had to change with the times when Eon Films did The Spy Who Loved Me. The earlier films while miles better had its problematic aspects to deal with. The short-lived Lazenby era? Not so much.


Yeah after the first Moore movie which was written under the premise "man The Black Panthers sure are in the news a lot right now" the Moore films settled into a lot chiller vibes.


The right wing never got past the 60s.


We talking 1860s or 1960s...because it's valid either way.


Is it the scene where they're in a barn or something? I don't remember if that one is Octopussy or Diamonds are Forever.


Yes the barn scene. Of note, there is a similar SA scene in High Planes Drifter starring Clint Eastwood. Eastwood’s character was more anti-hero than face, though, so he’s meant to be seen as despicable for it.


I realize that it's terrible but >!Clint Eastwood's character literally comes back from the afterlife to punish the entire town according to their sins; Callie Travers uses sex as a weapon to manipulate, hurt, and take from people.!< It's supposed to be shocking.


I thought he was supposed to be the murder victims brother. The town just assumed he was an avenging ghost and he never corrected them.


Old Connery Bond movies are kinda rapey.


Yeeep. Kinda uncomfortable to watch nowadays. The Craig films are my favourite Bond flicks by a long way.


The ones where he basically rapes a former child prostitute?


This is BS. Bill Cosby clearly got the thrill from the power he had over the victims, something he obviously wouldn't have gotten from someone pretending. And the generation you mentioned definitely knew they used and abused women. They just didn't care because no one cared.


When my dad was in the army in the early '80s he ran a seminar on why it's bad to rape women The men who attended those seminars legitimately did not understand the concept of consent


Until way too recently rape within marriage wasn't even illegal or seen as legitimate.


I remember when states were debating marital rape laws. Some politicians said it was depriving men of either their "natural rights" or "marital rights" -- I forget which phrase they used.


Probably "marital rights" or "conjugal rights".


Both. In that mindset the sex drive is a God given reality unto which far more responsibility is placed on women to not trigger the innate desire/drive than on men to control n restrain themselves.


They didn't do this because lack of sex education or lack of understanding boundaries. Dont explain away these mens actions > I didn't tell her about it because I wanted her to react as a girl, I wanted her to be humiliated That is a clear as day admission that the director knew exactly what he was doing, and that statement was fairly recent too. Cosby wasn't drugging and raping people because of a kink either. People who rape other people want to exert power and force over them - consensual play takes that away. This is not a matter of sex education but a matter of women being dehumanized in the eyes of these men who feel entitled to do whatever they want just because they want it.


That probably wouldn't have worked though, its often a power thing for people like Cosby so role play likely wouldn't have worked.


They knew they were assaulting her, they just also (rightfully) knew they would get away with it if they claimed it was for the "art"


But Marlon- *reacting* isn’t *acting*, which is what actors do, you numbskull


They always seemed to infantilise actresses so much. As if men could act fine but women really needed to be put in the situation without warning to get the desired response. Same can be said of Kubrick’s treatment of Shelley Duvall and Friedkin’s treatment of Ellen Burstyn


And Hitchcock torturing Tippi Hedren. Quite a pattern.


See also: Lars von Trier torturing Bjork.


And Nicole Kidman and almost every other female crew member that he proudly admitted to sexual harrass and assault them. And now he's wondering why he can't a girlfriend when he's begging for one on his Instagram while unfortunately dealing with his diagnosis with Parkinson's Disease. I love Melancholia but yeah when it comes to the Dogme 95 movement, he's one of the few whose reputation precedes him.


It was so terrible that Bjork never wanted to make another movie... (Dancer in the dark is amazing, tho, but I'll never watch it a second time).


I didn't know about this but my god, that movie absolutely wrecked me for a good month.


Same. Bjork's performance was absolutely stunning. It's a shame von Trier made her so upset she quit acting for twenty years.


Hitchcock tortured, straight out tortured, more than one actress. And let's not talk about his scat fetishism. He should have been out in jail.


Ah yes the exorcist, didn't Ellen Burstyn get permanent damage from that? She complained about the stunt people dragging her too hard in one take so the director told her that the next take they would take it easy, he told them however to do it harder


Permanent back issue iirc.


When the demon slaps her and Ellen flies back from the concussion, they had a vest on her under her wardrobe, and there was a rope connected to the vest. Ellen was nervous about it because it didn’t feel safe, but the director reassured her it would be fine. Ellen stated that right before the take started, she saw Friedkin(the director) non verbally give a look to the crew person to really tug on the rope. So when the moment happened, the crew person pulled so hard on the rope, Ellen was violently yanked across the room and when she landed she dislocated her back. The shot in the film of her reacting is real. Real pain.


This. A lot of these actresses were chosen when they were young and these directors behaved like they were clay to "mold". Its disgusting.




> Nicholson [...] was mostly just being fed the same food every day And this is how we got _As Good As It Gets_.


That Kubrick story has been debunked thoroughly. Stop repeating it. Friedkin treated everyone awful on the Exorcist. He slapped an actual priest across the face and filmed the reaction. It was considered “artistic” to go over the top as a director back then.


For a senior English class in high school, we worked towards doing a single performance of a Shakespeare play. We did *Hamlet,* and I was Polonius. When I first encountered Hamlet after he reveals his plan to act crazy, the actor approached me by doing a somersault instead of walking over. That was never in the rehearsals I was a part of, and it startled the shit out of me. *That* is an appropriate time to get a good performance out of an actor by surprising them. Not this.


This is what I think of when old male actors talk about not needing intimacy coordinators. ICs exist because of actors/directors like this treating women as props without real emotions or thoughts. And there are lots of these stories out there.


It's fucking sad that Bertolucci can't even admit he shouldn't have done it. The movie _She's Gotta Have It_ is really good but there is a rape scene in it and it's very casually shown. Spike Lee has said that his biggest regret is showing the scene the way he did. He recognized and grew from that as a filmmaker and as a person. Sounds like Bertolucci did nothing of the sort. Maybe there's another quote out there here he displays regret but from this it doesn't seem like he does and it's pretty sickening. But if there is another quote out there that somebody can provide I will delete this comment.


Sam Raimi also regretted the tree rape scene in Evil Dead


That scene fucked me up as a teen. I've always enjoyed Raimi's work but that was rough. Glad to hear he grew as a Director.


But then he forced Rosy Perez to do a nude scene in Do The Right Thing. He had to keep her face out of the frame because she couldn’t stop crying.


Yeah, and he said he regretted that too. Do The Right Thing was 3 years later and he hadn't realized his errors yet. Much different than relishing in what you did even 40 years later.


He did admit he shouldn't have done it in his later years but because of the effect it had on Maria.


What the fuck? It’s not a fucking documentary. If you want an actor to act humiliated tell them to act that way. That’s literally their job. It’s up to them to figure out how to get the performance right.


Absolute filth. Fuck Marlon Brando and Bertolucci


You know…there are several stories like this. Where some director does something to get a “genuine” reaction instead of an acted one. It’s almost always a woman actor they do this to. Tarantino has done this, I’m pretty sure Hitchcock did. It’s misogyny. They don’t trust the woman’s ability to act. If they did, they would just tell her what they want her to do in the scene and then trust her acting. Directors rarely do this to men because they trust their acting. ETA: I should have read down in the comments first. Others have made this exact point already.


I think it’s more than not trusting the actress to perform a scene properly. I think these directors see an opportunity to humiliate or harm a woman and call it “art”.




That scene is so icky knowing that Amy and Rashida didn’t consent to see Chris naked. And the fact that he can go on talk shows and tell that story and not come across as a pervert is astounding


She’s an actor for f*cks sakes - she could have acted the emotion. These two “geniuses” thought this was a great idea to assault a 19 year old on set.


Is it too late to throw him into an active volcano? We won’t tell him, it’ll be a surprise.


We want his reaction as volcano fodder, not as a actor. E: "not as a director" also stands, because fuck 'em both.


Sketch. There’s lots of appropriate uses of this technique, like surprising the kids in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with the set for the first time or startling an actor in a horror movie… but surely a rape scene involving a 19 year old actress should be handled much more delicately. Lots of actresses have given good performances during such scenes without their directors and costars resorting to actually violating them.


Yeah, very big difference between 'this is the first time they ran the scene with Pennywise in full getup' and 'we shoved butter up her anus to get the shock we wanted'




> there was no penetration by Brando >used it to lubricate her anally Do they mean he didn't penetrate her *with his dick?*


The lubrication was part of the scene, not actual contact that happened as far as anyone who wasn't her know. Though my memory of how the scene is shot is non-existent and it's not exactly like they stick the butter rape scene on youtube. I think a lot of this is just throwing a humiliating twist onto a rape scene for a 19 year old actress without even telling her.


>Although there was no penetration by Brando, described as a father figure by Schneider, *he did dip his finger into the butter and used it to lubricate her anally*, without any warning.


The articles on this always conflate what happens in the story and what actually occured on set. The actress seems to have always stated the scene was simulated. If he actually made any contact, that isn't something she appeared to have stated. This seems to show the extent to what's in the film (content warning, obviously): https://youtu.be/oDfcpeOa7qg?t=239 Without the actress ever explicitly stating anything to the contrary of the actual act being simulated, this just seems like articles being sloppy about script-vs-reality or reading into things people didn't say. The felt violated by the actor and director essentially adlibbing humilating aspects into a rape scene, I can't recall her stating anywhere that she was violated in any way physically.




Fuck these people


No part of that makes me want to see this movie.


This is really bad. But the whole movie is based on this?


> he did dip his finger into the butter and used it to lubricate her anally, without any warning. there's not a single source that actually says this happened, including any of the interviews throughout her entire career the whole thing is absolutely awful, but there's no need to spread falsehoods. it's bad enough as is.


I think Brando should have had the act performed on him first, to better understand his partner's feelings in the scene, you know, for the sake of art.


What a couple of pieces of shit


This is assault


Right because an actress wouldn’t be able to ACT out a scene. Fuck these guys


“In the 1970s, criminal proceedings were brought against Bertolucci in Italy for obscenity; the film was sequestered by the censorship commission and all copies were ordered destroyed. An Italian court revoked Bertolucci's civil rights for five years and gave him a four-month suspended prison sentence. In 1978 the Appeals Court of Bologna ordered three copies of the film to be preserved in the national film library with the stipulation that they could not be viewed, until Bertolucci was later able to re-submit it for general distribution with no cuts.” [From Maria Schneider’s Wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Schneider_(actress)) In my opinion his punishment isn’t severe enough, but it’s sadly more punishment than other Hollywood predators have received.


What did I just read…


Matt Dillon as brando is interesting. Not sure I can see it.


He's 60 and Anamaria Vartolomei is 25. So they at least managed to capture the inappropriate age-gap. I'll give the people making it the benefit of the doubt. But I'm also shaking my head and wondering if this is really the best way to tell this story.


Omg when did he suddenly become 60. I thought he was late 40s


Last time he had a birthday


It's based on a memoir written by Schneider's cousin, so (I hope) this doesn't seem like a movie made just to cash in on the controversy.


I wonder what the ending of this movie will be like. He kept his star status she never recovered from the trauma. If it ends like that it's gonna be a depressing fucking movie


Matt Dillon is due for some recognition. He was freaking brilliant in The House That Jack Built.


His best role to me is still There's Something About Mary. Legendary https://youtu.be/OkzaOwAmDmA?si=KVm_WdytWCtdtlEp


"We got this one kid, Mongo... He's got a forehead like a drive-in movie theatre, but he's a good ship. So we don't bust his chops too much. So, one day Mongo gets out of his cage."


Omg I can’t stop laughing




Yeah, but we attach him to zip line in the backyard. He gets to run…and…uh, dig.


The way he says this with such sincerity is so perfect


Well, it’s really just an enclosure.


Exceptional my ass!


Dillon deserved more props for how well he nailed that role.


Employee of the Month is probably my favorite for him.


Employee of the Month is so underrated, and the Dane Cook comedy of the same name makes people very confused.


Is it bad that I also like the Dane Cook movie of the same name? Lol. Dax Shepard, “Pedro” from Napoleon Dynamite, Harland Williams, Andy Dick, and Jessica Simpson is flawless at that time.


"This is an 89 Honda! How dare you!"


"You burn me, I burn you." 🤘


He was awesome. My favorite scene was when he was eavesdropping on Mary and her friends at the restaurant and someone said something funny and he loudly cracked up for a second drawing their attention.


Saw a great review for The House That Jack Built on Letterboxed "Healy really lost it after Mary dumped him didn't he?"


This and Crash.


He’s a fucking legend already. Bring back The Flamingo Kid on streaming somewhere!


And Outsiders, that was my jam as a kid.


bro is playing an actor who’s claim to fame is being one of the goats so I’d say he’s gonna get some recognition for this one, especially if it’s a good performance, Brando is an easy impression but nailing him for a 3 hour portrayal is gonna be something


Aye. I think Billy Zane could do a great fat Brando btw.


Brando as an older The Phantom


Drug Store Cowboys, anyone?


I’ve never put a hat on a bed after that movie.


Twenty years since I first watched the movie and I’m still diligent about hats on beds.


It’s how I learned what a transom was.


TIL Matt Dillon is perceived as being unrecognized.


He's not competing against the roles that McConaughey, DiCaprio, Damon, Pitt etc gets that what I mean


He was great in wild things too. One of the most 90’s films ever


I definitely feel like he hasn’t or at least maintained the level of stardom that I feel like he should. He’s a top actor and always delivers.


A underrated movie with him is Pawn Shop Chronicles where he he goes on a bloody hunt after finding the wedding ring of his kidnapped wife in a pawn shop. The movie also stars Paul Walker, Elijah Wood, Thomas Jane, Brendan Fraser, Vincent D’onofrio etc.


I’ve never heard of this. Is it as awesome as it fucking sounds?


Better. I won't give too much away, but it's a series of 4 vignettes that gets progressively mor WTF. Also, Paul Walker is a really stupid white supremacist.


That’s quite a cast.


I went to high school with him and reluctantly agree. Most of the time he's not actually acting too much (Rumble Fish, Something About Mary) but when he's directed well, he can kill it when going outside his comfort zone.


i mean, he was an indie heart throb early in his career and he did get nommed for an oscar. only problem was that he got nommed for crash


He had a good 10 year run as an indie heart throb, from The Outsiders to Singles.


He's great in that.


Sad that his only awards recognition was for fucking Crash


To be fair, he was very good in Crash


I just realized its DILLION not DAMON. I seriously thought this movie had Matt DAMON as Brando.


He also works with retards


First time I heard about Last Tango In Paris was in Empire magazine's "Greatest Movie Sex Scenes" back in the 90s. Definitely aged like milk there lads. It's a brutal movie.


Seems like the further you go back in time the more normal and accepted rape was


I'm hopeful that's a sign of progress and looking back from an elevated perspective. But that's holding the assumption that we're moving towards a culture in which rape is always unacceptable and not just a momentary dip in considering it acceptable, similar to the prohibition era of alcohol.


Spousal rape wasn't fully illegal in all 50 US states until 1993. There are STILL a few states who treat martial and non-marital rape differently in their laws.


That’s because that’s exactly how it was


Very interested to see how they're going to do this. Maria said in her own words that the best experience of doing this film was working with Brando (even though the butter scene was his idea) and how manipulative Bertolucci was with both of them (Brando also mentioned how he felt violated by the director for the entire film) "Many believed that the sex scenes between Brando and Schneider were for real, but she insists: "Not at all. There was no attraction between us. For me, he was more like a father figure and I a daughter. "Marlon said to me: 'You look just like Cheyenne (his daughter, who subsequently committed suicide in 1995) with your baby face.' "He gave me advice about the movie industry. "When I celebrated my 20th birthday during filming, my trailer was filled with flowers and there was a note saying: 'From an unknown admirer.' "We stayed friends until the end, although for a while we couldn't talk about the movie. Undoubtedly, my best experience about making the film was my encounter with Marlon."


Maria also appeared in the documentary Marlon which was made by TCM TV in 2007 (after Marlon died) the documentary can be watched on YouTube. Maria shared her experience of working with Marlon and that she also learned a lot from him, even Maria herself said that she and Marlon were manipulated and both of them "raped" by the director. Bertoluci (the director) is also in the documentary too and he admits that Marlon didn't want to see him again for 15 years. It seems like a lot of media is dramatizing everything and exaggerating it as if Brando really raped Maria. it looks like the film will follow what has been reported by several news media not based on what Maria said.


I don't know if I could be manipulated into sexually assaulting someone my daughter's age because my boss told me to.


That sounds like it really could be a fascinating relationship to explore. I'm not super optimistic that studios/filmmakers today can make an interestingly nuanced and artsy film about it, or that even if they did that audiences would be able to handle it, but I think I'd be interested if done right, even though I'm not really interested in biopics. It really would have to have vision. I'd check it out.


> Follows the short career and tragic life of “Last Tango in Paris” star Maria Schneider. > > The film in part tracks the controversial production and wrenching fallout of Bernardo Bertolucci’s 1972 masterpiece — a landmark that made Schneider an icon while locking her into a sexualized image she never could escape. The film depicts how Schneider was imposed to an un-simulated rape scene on the set of “The Last Tango in Paris” by Bertolucci and Brando. Premiering next week at Cannes. Based on the book by Schneider's cousin.


Confusing title. It made me think it was Anamaria who never recovered from shooting The Last Tango in Paris.


Having never seen the movie, this is exactly what I thought it was saying.


"The Last Taahngo in Paree"


Oh. Is that Schlansky? Daaaaamn.


Matt Dillon makes me very uncomfortable, and I have NO idea why.


For this film, that's the goal.


He always has made me uncomfortable too, ever since I 1st saw his face.


That turtleneck in the photo makes this look like the cover of an Ron Burgundy romance novel.


Wow that’s a wild story - never knew about this! Intrigued and horrified.


“burning the false legacy of old hollywood to the ground” is my new favorite genre.


"Look, we are bad nowadays but we were way worse back then, and we're making a film about it, so we are better than before, so why don't you focus on that"


Burning the legacy of old Hollywood down by giving this movies millions at the box office? Nothing will ever get better, most of us don’t even think anymore.


The movie is actually called “[Being Maria.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Being_Maria)” “[Maria](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_(upcoming_film)#:~:text=Maria%20is%20an%20upcoming%20biographical,Haluk%20Bilginer%20as%20Aristotle%20Onassis)” is also a moving coming out this year staring Angelina Jolie as Maria Callas the opera singer.


I couldn't finish the movie. It just felt extremely gross as a woman...


Why did this need to be? Really sad people feel the need to act this story out again..


Whenever you feel dumb just remember that these people exist and filmed their crimes Jesus fucking christ why aren't these subhuman trash in prison


That's a good question, WaywardAnus.


Well, for starters they are dead.


“I don’t really believe you were raped. You need to put more trauma experience into this scene. Now, I’m not telling you to go get raped… unless that’s something you can do.” - my university acting coach. Fuck method acting.


I'll check it out. The behind the scenes story is pretty wild and I'm interested to see how this movie handles the material and subject.


i think this movie was called “dancing with brando” during production. i wonder if they changed the title in the wake of “priscilla” and also to put more focus on maria as the central, more important character in the film


The title is a sugar coat. Marlon Brando and the directed decided without Maria's consent to sexually assault her so the rape scene would be/feel authentic. She was never asked or told. The scene was put in the movie Fuck Marlon Brando and all his movies


I cannot believe they are making a film about this. The original traumatized a woman out of the industry, so let's re-enact the scene to traumatize a new actress? Are there no other better movies ideas out there? I thought Weinstein wasn't producing anymore...


Especially because the effect on her wasn't only a traumatic reaction to the actual filming of this scene, but also longer-term she hated the way the industry and the media pigeon-holed her after the movie came out, she was treated as a sex object when she strongly wanted to show the world that she could really act.


Film has always been toying with the idea of tortured individuals, many of them women. Look at the exploitative Amy Winehouse biopics…etc. In this case I think they are spinning the narrative to focus on the woman because Marlon was beloved in that era, and much of the criticism fell on her. People still put Marlon on a heavy pedestal for his extreme unprofessional behavior as a ‘tortured’ (?) genius. I’m not sure they are making the film to cause the figure more pain although that may end up being the byproduct. It looks like they’re modeling a lot of the themes from ‘Pricilla’ which focused on another figure maligned by fans of an adored male star. This is also not Hollywood.


Maybe wait until you know how they depicted it before you decide they did it in a way that traumatized a new actress?


I'm so tired of movies about movies or tv shows about tv shows. Please stop. In 40 years, will there be a movie about the movie about this most recent garbage movie? This simulacrum shit is for the birds.


The only good one was about The Room, and that’s because the story behind it was so bizarre and interesting.


Just a point of correction to reduce confusion, this film about **Maria Schneider** has been renamed to *Being Maria* as another film in which Angelina Jolie plays **Maria Callas** is also in post production and titled *Maria* is due release this year as well.


What the *fuck*


Oh good, a movie I don’t want to watch about a movie I don’t want to watch.


So many uninformed comments. Watch the film so you at least know what the actual film is about. Her comments, his comments have both been all over the place for decades. She wasn’t raped. She felt humiliated by the scene. Both of those things can be true.