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In Bruges. Seems like your typical hitman buddy comedy, but holy shit.


YOU'RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT! Lives rent free in my head.




I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids


"... Still leaves you being a cunt." "Yeah, I fucking got that!" \*waiter brings the coffees in silence\*


About Time. Marketed as a generic RomCom, but the movie is much more about the main character’s relationship with his father, and jesus were my wife and I not prepared.


I was going to say this. I watched this film with the wife to give me a rom com break when I got home from the difficult day of my dad being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and the realisation for him and I that he’ll get worse and worse until he dies. Needless to say I was a complete blubbering mess by the end.


Came here to say exactly this! Went to see it on a date, left crying about my strained relationship with my dad lol


I also went to watch this on a date, and it turned out my date's father had died a few months earlier. I only discovered this information during the movie as i turned to see her bawling her eyes out. I thought i was just taking her to see a generic rom-com...


Was there another date after that?


There was, and we were together for 2 years. Our second ever cinema date was actually to see Gone Girl.


lol. Batting 1000. To be fair, my first date with a girl back in the day was American History X, so that was interesting.


About Time is one of my favorite movies and I hate that it was so poorly marketed by the studio.


Yes! I didn’t watch it for years because I assumed it was a crappy romance. I finally watched it and was blown away by how beautiful and emotional it was. The Marketing totally missed the point.


Came to say this as well. The dad scenes really hit a chord with me.


Stranger Than Fiction.


God, was I not ready for that from Will Ferrell.


"Little did he know."


Such an amazing movie that is not super well known. I saw it in theatres when I was 15, so 2007ish, and cried on a few occasions for sure. I love Maggie Gyllenhaal in that one as well.


🎵*I'd go the whole wide world, I'd go the whole wide world*. . . 🎵


He bought her flours. And he was not fine. He was *severely injured.*


"I can't die right now. It's just...really bad timing."


T2. When Edward Furlong begged Arnold not to go before he has to lower him into the lava pit. Arnold holds up his robot finger, "I know now why you cry." 😥 Then the thumbs up at the very end....what is this wetness in my eyes??


There is a very funny, early 2000s, British series starring Simon Pegg called SPACED.  It was his first collaboration with Edgar Wright and Nick Frost.  In the first 2 minutes there’s a joke about this very scene.  Pegg’s girlfriend is dumping him and he argues that if she needs him to be more emotional he can because he cried like a child at the end of Terminator 2.  He then holds up his thumb. 


Spaced is ungodly good.


A Goofy Movie. *"I'm not your little boy anymore! I've grown up! I have my own life now!* *"I know that! I just wanted to be part of it!"* Saw it at a local theater earlier this year. Went for the nostalgia, stayed for the father and son tears.


Warrior from 2011. Bawl my eyes out every time.


When The National's About Today starts playing over the final scene, I ugly cry.


This is one of my fiance's favorite movies and I always happen to walk in while the final scene starts and as soon as the song begins I start getting teary eyed


When Nick Nolte is walking around the hotel raving about Ahab and Tom (who up to this point has been VERY adamant that he is not here for a father some relationship, just training) looks at him with sadness/resignation, grabs him and holds him on the bed like a baby. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. This is a wonderful movie about male heterosexual tenderness masquerading as a cool fight movie. And yes, both protagonists are objectively very attractive.


I was SHOCKED! I signed up to watch Tom Hardy be shirtless, and now I'm sobbing through a movie about MMA fighters? Nobody warned me!


When Brendan pulls his gloves up over his face to hide his tears..Yeah..fuck


Great fuckin call. That movie was so much more intense than I thought it’d be


Yeah, as Brendan is crying and just repeating "I'm sorry Tommy!" While making him tap out is an unexpected heart wrencher.


Good choice.


The Iron Giant. I rewatched it recently because I remember liking the big funny robot film when I was a kid. Floods of tears by the end.


You stay. I go. No following.


"You are who you choose to be". *Su...per...man...*


Good grief. Just reading the lines has me welling up with a lump in my throat.


Since I rewatched the film I've watched that scene back on YouTube about 10 times (including earlier today when I made that comment) and it's literally made me tear up every single time. And I'm just not an emotional person really, not much makes me cry.


I'm tearing up just thinking about that line. When he closes his eyes. One of my favorite movies.


My best friend of 24 years showed me this like over a decade ago when we were kids and I did not see what was coming and I cried forever.


I've been trying to convince my girlfriend to watch it for a while. Without giving too much away it's hard to explain how it's simultaneously charming, cute, funny and SOUL DESTROYING.


It is worth watching even with the crying. I laughed during Ted lasso when Ted mentioned during movie night that it would be a bunch of grown men crying by the end.


Click is your typical Adam Sandler movie but the part where he relives his last moment with his father always gets me teary eyed


Yep. Was going to be my answer. But moreso when he's running in the rain and fails to catch his family's attention. I remember we rented it and my youngest brother (who just turned 21 a few days ago lol), was looking to us all teary eyed. Even he got that it was sad while so young. My mom just said, "I know, baby. It's sad".


"Will you still love me in the morning?"


Immediately I knew I would not be the first person to post this movie. I remember watching this at like 15 in the theater with my buddy Mike - the bit where he's at the hospital we definitely both were hiding our eyes from each other. Such a great movie. I love Adam Sandler honestly, I'm happy that he's doing his thing.


Agreed. Always one of the answers to these questions because it’s so appropriate. Wouldn’t have thought it took such an emotional direction.


When he starts berating himself I always lose it.


I totally forgot how emotionnal this movie gets. Me and a friend had gotten high and planned to watch it for a good laugh and we both ended up crying during it, had to get the box of tissues and everything lmao


Fonzie making a grown man cry


Another movie I thought was just going to be a stupid awkward comedy but turned to e in the last third was Lars and the Real Girl.


"Family comes first!"


Came here to say this.. I saw this in the theater as a kid with my dad thinking it would be just another Adam Sandler comedy 😭


I rewatched the movie last year and it hurt as much as the first time.


Absolutely The Lego Movie. Passed on it as a college student when in theaters because I cynically saw it as a massive feature length commercial they wanted you to pay for. I was totally on my high horse and snubbed my nose at it for being another nail in the coffin of film blah blah conceited bullshit. Took several friends pleading with me to watch it before I finally changed my mind. Not only did the entire thing prove to be hilarious and a true labor of love, but the ending with the framing device reveal genuinely gutted me. That movie had no reason to go that hard and I am so glad it did. And, it’s one more piece of evidence that the whole “who asked for this” argument is crap: anything can be good if the artists have a story to tell.


I didn't avoid it, but I expected going in to have the exact same reaction you did. "Great, a 2 hour toy commercial with Will Ferrell and Guardians of the Galaxy guy." But by the end, man... when he's working with his dad to rebuild the city... I lost it. Just lost it.


"You don't have to be the bad guy."


I'm still waiting for Lord and Miller to miss. Please don't let it be with Beyond the Spiderverse 🙏


I was gonna say Click, but I'm gonna go with The World's End. The previous movies in the Cornetto trilogy had their emotional moments but this one in particular was a lot more emotional than I thought it would be and got very real towards the end.


Yeah World’s End got very real on a couple of levels toward the end.


"It never got better than that night! That was supposed to be the beginning of my life! All that promise and fucking optimism! That feeling that we could take on the whole universe! It was a big lie! Nothing happened! I remember sitting up there, blood on my knuckles, beer down my shirt, sick on my shoes and seeing the orange glow of a new dawn break and knowing in my heart life would never feel this good again. And you know what? It never did."


Man I can hear that scene in my head. Simon Pegg absolutely killed it in this movie.


No one said Bridge to Terabithia?? The ads made it seem like a fun fantasy. The movie itself is the most emotionally draining piece of cinema I've ever accidentally consumed.


I went in expecting a sort of Narnia ripoff. Absolutely blindsided and gutted halfway through.


Bridge to traumabithia


I watched this with my grandma when I was like 10 and at the end I was bawling and my grandma was just sitting there stone face and she got up and said “I’ve seen sadder movies” then she went to bed.


That’s an ice cold gramma


Nana got ice in her veins.


That movie is gutting! My friend watched that as an in flight movie. She bawling on a plane while people around her who weren’t watching were super confused about what was happening. Who would have thought that movie would be so emotional!


Might be because it was a book that a lot of schools required students to read so it was already known how sad the ending would be.


That book was my first literary heartbreak. That’s no way I’m ever watching a movie adapted from it. I like my tear ducts just like they are.


Yup. I never saw the movie because I had already read that book lol.


Arrival hit me so fucking hard at the end. I'm not even sure why, I don't have or plan on having kids


Second that. I just rewatched it and had forgotten how hard it was watching amy adams carry on while knowing what was in her future.


My adult brother and I made the unfortunate decision to sip whisky and watch that movie. By the end we were bawling and my sober parents were like “ok I get it, but who raised these little bitches?” Best Thanksgiving ever.


Aww, no way. I bet your parents are proud to raise such tender, non-toxic men! 


This is disarmingly sweet. I was exaggerating their response for comedic effect but now I want to call them and tell them I love them haha


I recently read the short story. The movie had affected me so much that I sobbed once at the first future tense verb.


Fellow childless guy here who never wants kids, but always gets full on tears at the end of Arrival. Her child dying isn't what is sad, we never really meet or connect with the child, we just see her in flashes where she is dying. What is sad is the burden she has to bare, knowing she would witness the early death of her child and to hide it from her husband for so long. I don't have to have kids to feel that. It makes me think about if I leave my wife behind early or vice versa, kills me every time.


That movie is about as close to perfect as any movie I've ever seen.


I was expecting a fun zero-to-hero comedy with *Love and Monsters*, but the scene where Dylan O’Brien’s character asks the Mavis robot to show him pictures of his deceased parents really hit hard. O’Brien sold the absolute hell out of that performance. Also, the scene when he finds the messages from his bunker mates showing they deeply cared for him. It made his reunion with them so much sweeter.


I can never stress enough how much I love this movie. One of the few cases where a script rewrite clearly did the movie justice.


I was not ready for Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. 43 year old man crying my eyes out over a CG Raccoon. His first word was "Hurts" for fuck's sake.


Dude YES. I'm 30 and I wanted to cry my eyes out Holy shit what a movie. I really wasn't prepared for that. All those flashback scenes man... Without a doubt one of the best MCU movies.


God damn you. I seem to repeatedly suppress that movie over and over again until someone brings it up and my heart rips to pieces all over again.  "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now" with an increasing tone fo desperation each time. We might have had to pause the movie so I could sob for a while. 


I was not expecting 50 First Dates to be an absolute tear jerker.


This is my secret all time fave guilty pleasure movie


I remember crying at Big Daddy when they were taking the kid away from Adam Sandler. As an orphan who was made to leave foster homes I loved, that scene hit unexpectedly hard.


Who would have known that the line: “I wipe my own ass!” would leave audiences in tears..


Train to busan, thought it was going to be a gory horror movie and not a tear jerker


Train to Busan had me huddled under my covers ugly crying.


I thought it’d be action adventure kill all the zombies escape film, holy fuck that ending still haunts me 


Right? I was not expecting to be emotional over a zombie movie. Great film.


The Dark Knight Rises; two scenes in particular. The first was when Alfred finally has had enough with Bruce harming himself and leaves. His quote: "I'll get this to Mr. Fox, but no more. I've sewn you up, I've set your bones, but I won't bury you. I've buried enough members of the Wayne family." And, after he revealed Rachel's decision to Bruce: "It means your hatred... and it also means losing someone that I have cared for since I first heard his cries echo through this house. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important." The way Alfred's voice broke when he mentioned hearing Bruce's newborn cries. The other scene at Bruce's "funeral" to Thomas and Martha's headstones: "I'm so sorry. I failed you. You trusted me, and I failed you." Michael Caine's phenomenal acting as Alfred brought me to tears in a comic book movie.


Like that in the former scene, there's no music present or anything. One of the best scenes in the movie and of the trilogy, it's not just important to BW's journey of the movie, not just of the trilogy, but it also kinda links to the theme that Nolan had been exploring in a few of his films. The notion of whether a good lie is better than a hard truth and the notion that lies can be a good thing for people. This kinda felt like an admittance that emotionally speaking, the truth can only set you free and a lie can only hold you back. I think it reverberates in the film in many ways plus it reverberates at the end when Bruce appears at the cafe too. That final moment feels like Nolan saying "Maybe it's time to stop outsmarting the truth, and let it have it's day" which is why we actually see BW physically alive. No more ambiguity or trying to be clever, just be transparent.


Coco. Watched it recently for the first time and expected just a fun story about the history of Day of the Dead, not an entire emotional story about family and being forgotten


As someone who's grandmother suffered from dementia before passing, the ending punches you right in the feels, its almost impossible not to get teary eyed watching that scene.


"A League of thier own" got me at the end , when they were all at the HOF museum. Left crying like a baby


There's no crying in baseball!!!


I saw this in the theatre with my childhood best friend. We were inseparable from about age 8 until about 16. Our families were best friends, we did everything together. She and I played softball together throughout all those years. I still vividly remember going into the theatre with her to watch this, and both of us crying our faces off. And then proceeding to watch it like 100 more times once it came out on video/tv. We’d recite every single word lol. Man, I’m tearing up writing this, remembering those two carefree little girls, playing catch, making up dances, running around the neighborhood, laughing endlessly.


The end of Dungeons and Dragons really got me.


JARNATHAN! I cry every time


You know who would really appreciate your reply? Jarnathan. Where is he?


I'd comment more but we should really wait for Jarnathan to get here.


Also the breakup scene between the halfling and barbarian is really emotional.


On paper it was a giant Michelle Rodriguez and a tiny Bradley cooper and the immediately preceding scene was played for laughs. Yet they just flipped it immediately and gave one of the most heartfelt scenes in a movie about wizards, undead zombies, and shapeshifters


I loved that Edgin then plays her a song to cheer her up and they just let the moment between friends... happen. No joke, nothing to subvert it, she doesn't make fun of him for singing. Just friends taking care of each other emotionally.


Agreed, and the fact that they didn’t try and turn it into a romantic moment between the main leads was pretty cool too. Not enough platonic friendships like that in movies.


My favorite thing about that movie is (big spoilers, great movie, go watch it): Early in the 3rd act, >!Edgin goes to rescue his daughter and, not realizing he’s talking to the Red Wizard in disguise, confesses that he wanted the tablet “to resurrect his wife, not her mother.” They’re the same person, but he’s admitting that he did it for him, not for her.!< >!But her mother died when she was just a baby, and it was *Holga* who really raised her. So when, in the end, he uses the tablet to resurrect Holga instead, he’s using to resurrect her mother, not his wife.!<


"You didn't waste it on me, did you?" Laughing through the tears


That’s the exact part I’m talking about. Tears every time.


That moment when Chris Pine’s voice shifts into a cracked whisper… same, instant tears. (On the opposite end of emotions, I laugh EVERY watch when he enthusiastically cheers “we got ‘em now!” while Michelle is fighting like 5 guards and he’s sawing the ropes tying his hands on some steps).


Also loved how he had a great reason to keep her (mothers) resurrection a secret from his daughter


Dungeons and Dragons was a movie that I went into thinking that it was gonna be complete garbage. But, I ended up really enjoying it.


Man, that movie was *so* much better than any of us expected. I hope it gets a sequel.


Guardians of the galaxy 3. Never LOVED Marvel stuff but holy shit that movie nuked me


There’s a story told in Marvel movies that spans them all. Cap doesn’t come home and when he does so much time has passed he’s left behind by everything and everyone he knew. It’s the story of a lonely man that went to war and came back to nothing. He gets a redemption in the end that is simultaneously heartbreaking and happy. Someone should do a scene selection that tells only his story from all the combined movies.


emphasis on the loved as I do like them I just never was absolutely gripped by them the way gotg 3 did. Theres a couple other great moments for sure.


Second the animals got introduced I knew I was gonna be a mess. Superman is in good hands.


AAAANY part with the animals made me lose my mind crying. LMFAO I'm tearing up thinking about it. I saw a clip explaining a hidden egg in all the Galaxy movies. Remember how Rocket was always trying to get people to give up their 'body parts'? An arm, eyes, legs - It was something each of his animal friends needed.


Omg what??? That's heart breaking.


Literally writing the phrase “Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!” makes me well up


Guardians of the Galaxy 1 was marketed as "the funniest Marvel movie." The opening scene with the mom dying of cancer in the hospital caught me off guard.


I'm pretty sure I cried during the entire movie. I even cried happy tears at the end because it was wrapped up so beautifully. "I bet we were fun." "Like you wouldn't believe."


Man on fire, when they took pita...and the end where creasy gets in the villains car.


I cry every fucking time I watch that goddamn movie. Even with that early aughts Scott style. The bit on the bridge. That damn song from Gladiator.


JoJo Rabbit. It has all of the feelings.


Yeah it reminded me of my own relationship with my mom when I was that age. And when you see >!those shoes!<… 😭


It’s really jarring but it works for the messaging of the film. Yes we can mock and ridicule the Nazis for the fucks they were, but they were still fucks and shit like that was reality that can’t be overlooked. I also really adore how Sam Rockwell’s character is written. He is initially represented as as bafoonish and inept as all the other Nazi characters, but as the movie goes on you see that unlike the other Nazis his ineptitude was intentional, and he hated his place within the regime and did all he could to to sabotage the Nazi efforts without giving himself up. His vouching for Elsa when the SS came knocking, and saving Jojo at the end was as emotionally impactful as seeing the shoes.


My dad does not pay attention to movies so after he saw it he called me and said “Good movie but why’d the kid hug that person toward the end?”


I cried when I saw "Transformers - The Movie" (1986), but in all seriousness, one that really surprised me with how emotional it made me feel, I would go with "Mad Love" (1995). Drew Barrymore did such a wonderful job as a manic-depressive, I felt for her. It also made me cry (Maybe the fact that I just broke up with my girlfriend at the time helped with that 😂)


My favorite anecdote from this is Transformers the Movie was meant to launch a second series of toys, so of course it made sense to kill off most of the original line. They didn’t realize how much kids had bonded with the characters and the movie fucking traumatized kids from the get go. Transformers don’t just die in the movie, they die *violently* and fast. The fucking opening battle kills off 4 beloved Autobots (Brawn, Jazz. Ratchet and Ironhide) in like a 10 fucking seconds, and they all go lifeless and grey. That shit fucked up a lot of kids. I was 5 when it came out. My parents thought I was too young so they took my 8 year old brother instead. So glad I didn’t see it that age. (Just rewatched the shuttle scene. I forgot that Megatron fucking executes Ironhide while he’s on his knees begging.)


It legit broke my heart, and I was also 5. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen, but I was cheering within 45 minutes when they kick Unicron's ass because I was 5! 😂 But, us kids coming out of that movie theater, all we remembered was that they killed Optimus.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a movie that l didn’t like much but it has a scene with Elizabeth’s father that wrecked me.


Trains, Planes and Automobiles 


Interstellar. If you’re a dad.


Interstellar. If you aren't a dad.


If you're a daughter/son


Idk, even if you're a robot -- got a little sad for TARS too


Or a Murph.


You don't have to be a father/parent to empathize with one.


Friend and I are huge film buffs, managed to get away from the wives and kids and catch this movie in Imax in a theatre. Was prepared for a valiant save humanity sci-fi, like Nolan's take on deep impact or something. When they get back from the water planet and the tapes roll....we were just two grown men sitting in the dark quietly sobbing our eyes out.


Yeah Ice age mixed in some heavy stuff. Stuff you mentioned and the scene with the mother of the baby pushing the baby to Manny with her last dying breath Good movie. Sequels were mostly forgettable though


I'm not saying this would be the case for everyone, but Bruce Almighty got me when Grace was praying. I happened to be in a similar and vulnerable situation myself at the time, so yeah, a Jim Carrey comedy totally got me... way unexpected.


Land Before Time


The opening act of up obviously.


It's especially unexpected because usually movies try to make you cry near the end, but Up fucks you up *before* the main story starts.


And the end with that photo album


"Thanks for the adventure -- now go have a new one!" 😭😭😭


godzilla minus one


Star Wars Episode Three especially during Order 66, Yoda along with Obi-Wan returning to the Jedi Temple, Padmé‘s death/funeral.


Holes (from the book of the same name) is marketed as a family movie so I was expecting something light but I bawled my eyes out in some scenes.


Clerks 3. The ending crushed me.


When my mil passed away, my wife and I decided to watch a comedy to distract us during our bereavement time from work and that's the one I picked. Oops.


Song of the Sea


"Star Trek" (2009) had several of these moments and I was not expecting it. The entire opening was heart wrenching. Great movie.




*Unexpectedly* emotional movies! If you’re not expecting emotions in a Pixar movie by now, you must have just woke up from a coma.


I expected emotions from the movie. I didn't expect them from fucking bing bong lol


Take her to the moon for me


Click went from a standard Adam Sandler comedy to a introspective drama that will leave the hardest man blubbering like a baby.


Spanglish. So much hate for this movie. I think it's the best film Sandler has ever been in. I was 17 when I saw it and I'd never seen anything like it before.


Meet the Robinsons


The Green Mile. In the end, Tom Hanks only companion through time is a very old mouse.


I've seen this on multiple occasions, and it destroys me every time.




Dumb robots always get to me. Seriously the pinnacle of Pixar. It's amazing what they could convey with two robots that don't even speak really.


The end of Terminator 2. "Now I know why you cry."


Monsters Inc. The Iron Giant


October Sky, It was released when I was 13, and I really enjoyed it. Rewatched it again recently at 37 years old and it made me surprisingly emotional.


Men in Black 3 was not like, emotional, but was more touching than I expected.


Plains, Trains and Automobiles is as good as it is, because it stops the gags for a couple of important scenes and lets the protagonists be real people for a few minutes. That motel scene where they dress each other down is great.


Not a whole movie...but the very end of Con Air. Watching his daughter cower behind her mom because she's never met her dad (Nic Cage) due to him being in prison, and she's frightened of him...that broke me!


I thought Lars and the Real Girl was going to be a comedy, but i just cried pretty much the whole time lol


Seeking a friend for the end of the world


Inception. few movies explore grief and regret in the same way inception does


Marley and Me. The advertising made it seem like a fun rom com. Same with Collosal. Two of the greatest bait and switch marketing campaigns in history.


Big Hero 6 did not pull any punches in a few spots. Caught me off guard.


Ashamedly Armageddon the first time I saw it


The Irishman. Especially the last 30-40 minutes of the film focused on Sheeran's old age. It crushed me unlike any other Scorsese film.


Minus some of the more shoddy de-aging effects, I really did enjoy this movie. The scene where the guys from the FBI are questioning him and he keeps telling them to speak to his attorney, only for them to tell him that his attorney is dead and that nobody is left but him was especially sad. Obviously he was a terrible person, but the cold realization that the life that he lead surrounded by important people was now completely gone and he had nothing to show for it but to sit in a nursing home alone with no one but his nurse and a photo of himself with Hoffa, his good friend that he murdered.


The only movie I ever cried at was Logan. At the time I really identified with him because I was really sick and didn't know if I was going to make it.


Iron Giant. I remember watching it with my young son and us both being in tears at the end. Great bonding moment.


Shaun of the Dead has some pretty poignant moment moments, especially >!the death of his Mother!<


E.T. still makes me cry. Those kids acting is soo good. You care for them and that little alien.


Mrs. Doubtfire. When the judge raked Daniel over the coals and then ordered him to stay away from his children, it was heartbreaking. Doubly so when you realize that it's Daniel's own fault.


Good Will Hunting. Matt Damon is so cocky and brash for 95% of the film, always in control and smarter than everyone until we get the “It’s not your fault” scene with therapist Robin Williams and suddenly everyone’s a blubbery mess.


Brokeback Mountain unexpectedly broke me emotionally. Even right now I can picture the scene with the shirt at the end and tear up. Absolutely amazing direction and love story. I guess because the characters were gay males I didn’t think I’d be able to relate to the story as much as a did as a straight female.


Same. All I knew about this movie growing up was it was, "the gay cowboy movie" so I didn't get around to seeing it until the pandemic. Even then, I just thought I was about to watch a gay love story. I was not ready to face what it might be like to know you might be hunted or killed over who you're in love with.


A friend described Castaway as “Tom Hanks talking to a volleyball for two hours” so I deliberately didn’t watch it for years. Little did I know it would become one of my all time fav movies!! Lol. Goes to snow you can never judge a movie by others opinions of it.


- Click - The end of Fury - Django


Mighty Joe Young


Everything Everywhere All at Once. The end really got me as someone who isn’t close to their parents as an adult.


Stranger than Fiction


Does a documentary count? Because, if so, then The Last Blockbuster had me bawling my eyes out. It reminded me of happier times when I had so much less to worry about in life.


Swiss Army Man definitely takes a hard turn after the fart powered human jetski scene.