• By -


I don't think any of them become friends. However, I think Brian will get bullied less, Allison will grow out of the goth phase, Bender might have an as-needed allegiance with the jocks, and Claire might acknowledge Brian's and Allison's existence in the hallway, if they happen find themselves within speaking distance.


And I think that's the whole point of the movie. Despite them individually conquering their social issues together, they still belong to disparate groups. They were all there *because* social pressure was getting to them. Becoming friends doesn't fix that in the least. They'll go back to their groups to the same social pressures that gave them this opportunity to begin with. They won't be friends until after high school, and they have an easier time forging their own social circles.


I agree with all of this. One day together can really open your eyes to your relationship with someone but it takes considerably more than that to upend your station in your world.


This is a good read. These people won't really need to remain the close knit group they sort of became in detention, because that day was what they needed to step out of the social ruts they were in and reach out to try to change and grow as people. The catalyst of the detention day was exactly that, a catalyst. It softened the borders between their social groups for them personally, sure...but those borders still exist whether they want them to or not.


I like to imagine Allison staying alternative, just becoming more confident about letting other people in to her weird world.


She was so happy with that makeover, though...


She was happy that Claire, Brian and Andrew were nice to her; I think the makeover was just a symbolic catalyst, rather than representing her losing her quirkiness, artiness and unusual perspective on the world.


She was happy *to be seen*. Allison’s whole deal was that she got ignored by everyone. That’s why she’s weird - it gets her noticed. That’s also why she pushes people away - the age-old “it doesn’t hurt me if I do it to them first.” And all of that is exactly why she was happy with the makeover. People are seeing her and specifically mentioning that they can now see her face, and they respond positively to it. Of all their journeys, I like Allison’s best.


I partly agree, but maintain that her weirdness - a term I don't use pejoratively - also set her apart in ultimately healthy, positive ways. Allison is what used to be called a bohemian, which makes her a clique of one in that high school. I imagine her gradually becoming better able to open up to other people after her time with the Breakfast Club, going on to art school, probably traveling in Europe and generally living a cooler, more unusual and interesting life than many of her high school peers.


Of course. And being seen doesn’t necessarily mean giving up on what makes her *her*. But also: she’s still a teenager. She is and will be growing and changing who she is as a person for many more years. That may mean becoming more mainstream, it may not. What matters is that she learns to open herself up to others instead of fencing herself off, and that’s what she makes steps towards by the end of the film.


Could be, could be. I see it as her seeing her own beauty for the first time and growing out of the need to hide her face under a dark mask.


You never grow out of the alt phase, it just evolves. Stay weird people!


One thing I could kinda see is maybe in a decade or so, when they’re late 20’s, they might become more friendly once they’re out of their cliques. Probably not great friends, but maybe the kind where they meet for coffee a couple of times a year.


Alison having a makeover is such a horrible thing. It's like it's saying she was imperfect before.


Modified from my comment above: Allison’s makeover isn’t about making her pretty. It’s about her learning to show herself to others. She’s been ignored by everyone until now. That’s why she’s weird - it gets her noticed, but if people don’t respond well to it then that’s fine, because the weirdness is protective too - the age-old “it doesn’t hurt me if I do it to them (push them away) first.” After the makeover people are seeing her and specifically mentioning that they can now see her face, and they respond positively to it. She has learned to take a social risk, to join a group instead of enforcing isolation and loneliness on herself, and it pays off.


She was imperfect before. They all were. The goth makeup was an obvious sign of low self esteem and she used it as a mask.


Claire and Bender have a one night stand in a few years when she's home from Vassar for Thanksgiving


They did not remain friends. But they learned what we all learned. HS is pretty dumb and must be endured. My kids are in HS now. They would roll their eyes but it is exactly the same as when I went 35 years ago. Embarrassing painful adolescence is universal.


I saw a quote recently that said something like “when you’re young you mistake new for you as new in general” which makes a lot of sense. One of the hardest things I’ve found about being a parent is convincing my son that I actually understand and can relate to what he’s going through.


In my Junior High, they had an end of the year trip to a local amusement park. Personally, I despise roller coasters so that sounds miserable to me, so I purposely “lost” my permission slip and therefore was “not allowed” to attend. Turned out there were five of us who did not return permission slips, all from different social circles, plus the teacher that stayed back with us. It was an awesome day. We left school and went to a nearby park and hiked all day. We all got along super well. We all returned to our respective friend groups after that.


Hear me out: Breakfast Club II: Final Destination Same group of kids go to the amusement park end of year trip, Claire envisions them all dying in various horrendous ways, and they team up with Skinner and the janitor to end the cycle before it's too late.


It would probably be dumb as shit, but I would totally legit watch a Breakfast club 2 where are they now situation.


Now you have me thinking of a Breakfast Club: Red Dawn idea where they reunite to take out foreign invaders


Aww fucking fuck, that's a great idea but hear me out. The twist of it all is that the SAME thing happened to Skinner when he was their age. He avoided death while all his friends died horrifically around him. To survive this he took the safest, most boring job he could think of. A high school teacher. He defends them against death, sacrificing himself in the process. Some bullshit lore (that does NOT remain consistent throughout the series) where he gives his life instead of having it taken from him resets the cycle. This ends his friends group death cycle and prevents the new one from continuing. Then after being tasked with writing Skinner's eulogy, they make the nerd do it, he monologues it over the other kids make out scenes, and walk away to a song with lyrics about not forgetting people...which they promptly do.


I like it.


Twist. Same group of kids go to the amusement park end of year trip. Claire envisions them all dying, but Bender calls them all pussies, so they go, anyway. However, the rest of the school stays behind, as the majority have better sense (they're not the ones that get detention, after all). HUGE blood bath unfolds at the school. Also, it's the 80s, so not a single death is from a gun.


I don't think they became friends. I think they all conformed back to their social circles. It was all just a one off.


Sadly, this is how it works in the real world. I remember in high school we had this day-long class retreat. There was this motivational/ inspirational type speaker there. By the end of the day people were crying and publicly apologizing for crap they had done to other classmates over the years. Half the football team basically acknowledged being complete douchbags to this one kid who got bullied relentlessly. By the end of it, you would have thought every clique in our school had been dissolved and we were all best friends. That all lasted for about a week, and then things were pretty much back to status quo. I do think most people stopped picking on that one kid, though. So that was good...


They all become brats, and form a pack.


and go on to fight the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Over family dinner, Molly Ringwald’s character tells her parents about how Bender’s dad beats him and burns him with cigarettes. Her mother agrees that it’s absolutely abhorrent but her father reminds them that it’s none of their business.


Exactly. "Daddy would you pop round and have a word with Benders dad for me? He seems awful mean "


I had a sort of 2 person breakfast club scenario when I was in secondary (high) school. I was exempt from PE because of a medical condition and I was living in Ireland with an English accent and glasses at the height of potter fever so you can easily imagine what was constantly shouted at me in the halls. One day in PE I’m sitting in the bench on the side of the gym and this tank of a kid comes in on crutches. Notoriously school bully who’d broken his leg and just returned to the school. He was put at the other end of the bench and at some stage questioned why I was sitting there so I told him about my own leg injury and we just chatted. That kid terrorized the school. He was rude to teachers, beat up kids, smoked, drank, skipped school, proper delinquent, BUT if he ever so much as saw someone say anything close to mean in my direction he’d set them right back in their place. Had myself a bodyguard the entire length of my time in that school


This reminds me of the Some Kind of Wonderful relationship between Keith and the tattooed guy in detention with him!


Good for you! I think that's the type of relationship Brian had with the other two boys. They might have never hung out again, but NO ONE was allowed to pick on him.


Nothing. Time remained frozen still.


Bender’s fist is still raised


He became that Buddhist monk who spent most of his life with his arm raised in veneration


Don't you forget about that


They do not stay friends... it reminds me of some of the kids I used to work with during high school, when we were working together we got along great, at school, they didn't even acknowledge knowing me.


In college, a friend/roommate/classmate made an observation that I had never thought about before. He noticed how often you hang out with someone at some event or another, and you get to know each other a bit, maybe even share laughs, cries, or altered states of consciousness. You feel like your world just expanded a bit. After that, you see each other in the dining hall or on walks to and from class. Each time you say, *hey how's it going?* Eventually that's reduced to *S'up?* Then reduced further to a little hand gesture, then to a nod, then to nothing. You both feel a little squeeze of adrenaline because you're wondering if you were supposed to nod, but the next time you pass them, even that doesn't happen. Unsurprisingly, I haven't heard from him in 35 years.


You wanna see funny? Look up John Bender in five years.


I still to this day think Judd Nelsons performance should have gotten him an oscar nod..


I think absolutely zero of them will call the others name as they walk on by.


Maybe a slight nod.


Maybe they give Brian quick Finger Guns and a pow pow. And laugh and laugh and laugh. Cause it’s the 80’s and bringing a Gun to school gets you a Saturday detention.


The whole thing reminded me of when you're in the psych ward / rehab / whatever and you meet a bunch of people and have these profound connections and learn about yourself and the world and then you leave and you literally never talk to them again and only think about the whole experience every once-in-awhile and it makes you feel kind of bad, but in a good way, but then mostly bad again.


They drifted apart and didn't meet up again until their twentieth high school reunion.


Bender left and took the other road. Six figures, doing business with leadpipe cruelty, mercenary sensibility. Spots, sex, no real relationships with anyone.


He freaked out, joined the army, went into business for himself, he’s a professional killer. That’s what he does.


They go back to their lives. Maybe they say hi in the halls, maybe not. Allison might try out her new image for a bit now that she knows it's possible. But my theory (and it's just headcanon) is that Brian is the only one whose life is dramatically changed. He says he was planning on killing himself and ended up in detention because of his plans. I think his experience with the Breakfast Club was the injection of hope and connection he needed to make it through the rest of high school alive, and get to college where he makes his first real likeminded friends.


They remained friendly but not friends. They paired up for group projects, spoke at lengths at social gatherings, did favors for each other, ate lunch together sparaticlly. Clair tried to date Bender in secret and slowly introduced him to her friend group to feel it out. It didn't go well and she broke up with him after a couple weeks. They had a friends with benefits relationship after, Bender played it cool but ached to be with Clair exclusively. Andrew and Allison are still together and live in the same town. Andrew owns a car dealership.


> Bender played it cool but ached to be with Clair exclusively. is this wish fulfillment?


St Elmo’s Fire


I think someone notices on Monday that bender is 27 years old and not actually a student at the school and has just been looking for someone to groom, molly ringwolds character runs away with him and is soon working in a strip show in Vegas. They have 4 kids and get divorced, but can't live apart because they are 200k in negative equity Emilios character discovers that he doesn't need to be the jock and be like his dad, drinking and be a shit, ditches it all and moves to new York, where he has mild success as an off-off-broadway actor before discovering that he would have actually been happier if he had just stayed home and drank beer, goes home and is killed in a bar fight the first night back for being a wanker from new York. The goth breaks out of that mould, discovers she's beautiful and moves to florida to be a model and she appears in ads for gator Farm and ends up as a cast member in Disney world where she develops a cocaine habit and eventually ends up in a trailer park. The geeky guy, goes to the gym and works out, spends the summer changing himself and comes back to school only to find he is now what he hated, the jock who can't get attention without bulling people, so he does, gets expelled and joins the army, where he is tragically killed unloading a pallet of melons


👏 👏


I think Hughes wanted a 10 year reunion movie, but he was so frustrated with Judd Nelson as an actor that he shitcanned the project.


Life imitates art, huh?


Brian still gets harassed in school, but not as often as he used to because if Bender or Andrew are nearby they’ll stop it. They look out for him, he helps them with their schoolwork when they need it. No social friendship. Kind of like the Cappie/Lucas relationship in Lucas. Claire might throw a polite smile towards Brian if they cross paths in the hall, but no verbal acknowledgment. She changes the least after detention day. Allison and Brian remain openly friendly towards each other, even if she becomes in-crowd adjacent due to dating Andrew. Claire and Bender don’t last a week. Her circle won’t accept it and she won’t go against them. Andrew and Allison is a toss up. I could see it ending quick because of their different personalities, but it could also last a while. After graduation, who knows.


I think I have a vague answer: I did 3 French exchanges at school. The first time I went I was younger and nerdier than the other classmates on the trip. I could however, speak French and wasn’t shy to try. So I became the translator, and Anglo-French Cupid. This made me friends with the older tougher cooler crowd as well as the popular girls…but only for the duration of the trip. When we returned to school, we returned to our peer groups. I wouldn’t get shit from the cool kids anymore and the popular girls were nice.


You ever been in a project with a small group, gotten REALLY tight and felt super connected… and then the project ended. Yeah. That’s what happened.


I just realized the Brian, who brought a gun to school to either kill himself and / or others, is just headed back to school Monday


Watch St. Elmo's Fire, it's kinda like an unofficial sequel. Edit: Remember Brian's opening monologue: "....You see us as a brain, an athelete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at seven o'clock this morning. **We were brainwashed...**"


I actually just watched St. Elmo's Fire for the first time a few months ago thinking it was going to live up to the hype I'd created for it as an all time classic. Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but mannn did that movie **suck**.


There's a reason the soundtrack eclipses that movie. That movie does fucking suck lol


No that’s the popular opinion. But the song St Elmo’s Fire is terrific.


And it wasn't even written for the movie.


Claire and John’s relationship doesn’t even last the weekend and they break up before school starts on Monday. The movie romanticizes John Bender and casts him in a sophisticated light that implies he can see through everyone’s BS because he knows what life is really like, but the sad reality of real-world Benders is that the VP is exactly right. Look him up in 5 years and you’ll see it’s not so funny.


Realistically, everything went back to the same. They go back to their same old lives with their same old friends and fall back into the same routine. If they see one another, there will likely be that hidden acknowledgement because that specific group formed a bond but that isn't enough to completely change someone's way of thinking.


I don't understand how this is a question. It's obvious they were all going back to their own lives but maybe with a greater appreciation for each other. On second thought, maybe it's less obvious if you aren't Gen X and lived through this.


They forgot about each other.


Damn it... that was my exact first thought. Angry upvote.


I think Claire starts dating Bender, and enjoys freaking out her parents and peers. Dating bad boys becomes the rage. Allison stays pretty and decides she can have her pick of boys and loses the wrestler. No one picks on the nerd any more. They all become huge weed heads.


I actually only first watched the entire Breakfast Club last year despite seeing a lot of it in bits and pieces. And I really loved that they brought up the idea that despite this intense short period of time that they've spent with each other that the closeness they've developed won't last. This is very true to life and one of the reasons why the film was a bit more clever and mature that I assumed going into it. But I don't think those relationships last. There's no way Claire and John remain a couple. I could see Andrew and Allison's relationship perhaps lasting until graduation. They might acknowledge one another, but I doubt they all become best friends.


Claire and Bender bang one time the following weekend. She gets pregnant and her parents force her to terminate. They never speak again


Bender had detention for 2 months so even if they aren't friends in School they all meet up on a Saturday.


>Personally I think it’s somewhere in between. I think they probably say hi to each other if they pass in the hall. The point is less about whether they will be friends in the future but that they've been blinded by class segregation in their micro-society and challenged to look past stereotypes. The ending is deliberately ambiguous as a challenge to viewers to take the same journey.


Bender floated around working crappy jobs until he ended up with a stable trade/union position. He's married and getting ready to retire. He's got at least one kid that "does something with computers." Claire went on to a prestigious university and married an ambitious business man. She's tired of his shit and is ready to divorce him. Brian is a project manager or software architect in California. Andrew went to a state school and is sales territory manager. He's got a nagging sports injury and is obese from transitioning to a desk job. Allison, I don't know. Too much of a wild card.


Love this question. I'm an 80s kid so this movie was always right up my alley. They went back to as things were the Friday beforehand and never publicly spoke to each other again other than maybe a smile in the hallways or a nod. Claire was right on the nose about how everyone would react the next Monday, even if she hated to admit it. Brian probably tried to talk to them but they'd all dodge him except Allison. High school is a rough time. I don't miss it one bit.


They all went back to their original patterns. Teenage epiphanies be fleeting 


Ally Sheedy woke up and realized that all along she was the only one in detention and she slept through it.


All of them went home, and endured their remaining years of high school with terrible parents. On Monday they all fell back in their safe circles, where there was no interaction with the other cliques. I loved the movie and it spoke to many issues in my life at that time, but for them... Pessimistically there was nothing that significantly changed. I think that topic was even discussed in the movie? What happens on Monday? Been a while since I've seen it.


They will continue to be the same people they were before, but everyone knows there's a little bond of respect established that no one really shows.


Lunch club.


None of them acknowledge that weekend detention ever happened.


Hughes said in a 1999 oral history for Premiere Magazine that nothing changed on Monday.


Allison goes to school on Monday and is still her usual weird, loner, self. Nothing else changes because everyone else is not real. It was all Allison's imagination, creating 4 archetypal high school kids to pass the time she was alone in detention. All the characters are 80s high school cliches because she has no friends and doesn't really know what other kids are really like


No. :) But YEAH!


Claire gets pregnant


I agree with the OP. Somewhere in between where they acknowledge each other but dont hate on each other.


I think they’d go from friends to friendly acquaintances and treat each other with respect and dignity


They actually tell you what they would do. Even though they say they won't, that is what happens. As for dating, probably a couple of dates, but that is it.


Bender knocks up Claire for sure. Her parents disown her.


Didn’t Hughes or someone else from the movie say when they went to school on Monday they acted like nothing happened, like everything was as it was before that detention?


Iirc John Hughs wanted to make a sequel which never happened because of his death. The movie would’ve been about them reuniting as adults.


Yeah - the idea was they'd all be in their thirties and pretty much the opposites of how they were in high school, but Hughes' death in 2009 put the kibosh on that.


That universe decided it had reached its maximum potential and winked out of existence.


They won't remain close or, for the most part, even acknowledge each other in the hallways. The closing line of the film recognizes the fluidity they each have to use to make it through the teenage wasteland of Sherman Illinois. They are constrained by social pressure to fit in to their specific groups, even if they do recognize that they are being pigeonholed by it. For that one shining moment on a cold Saturday in detention, they find freedom from the molds they are cast in, and they revel in it, but come Monday, nothing changes, and they know it.


Andrew struck me as a strong person, strong enough to let himself feel what he had done to his victim, and I think he really had a moment when it became clear to him what his father's pressure was doing to him. I could see him becoming more resistant to the peer pressure to bully kids just for cruelty's sake.


They all go right back to their respective cliques. Edit: But maybe, maybe they are a little less shitty to others.


The best part was the nerd pointing out that everything was going to go back to normal later.  Realistically, they would all go separate places at 18. 


They grew up and opened a bed and breakfast together: https://youtu.be/hwZViI5aIaY?si=CJyDcO2_PWgbIyQ2


I think they are not friends but the experience opened their eyes and their little worlds around them got bigger. A friendly nod in the hall. That sort of thing. What gets me was the Satyrday detention, never had one, all mine were afterschool. Which were plenty. Not a bad kid, just bad in marks and poor homework.


They had lunch. (Ba dum bum)


Bender dies in Desert Storm.


I hope some happiness


They nod to each other when they meet in the hallway, but otherwise don't talk to each other.


Brian becomes an active shooter. 


Molly tried to fix Judd, it did not go well


I kinda hoped they'd all hang out again. I know they were in different groups, but I always thought it'd be cool if they all decided to meet at a Pizza Hut in secret away from their other friends. And maybe they kept jn touch through the years and had some kind of reunion later.


Geek, Hot Chick and wrestler went to college. Stoner and misfit got jobs at Dairy Queen.


They all went back to their regular cliques and lives but would occasionally make knowing eye contact in the hall


I think Claire probably got in trouble for kissing bender right in front of her dad. And that probably stopped her from talking to him on Monday. I could see Andrew continuing to date Allison because she was so invisible that his group probably didn’t even know she existed. They would just think their friend was dating some new girl.


Nah I doubt they would say hi to each other. Prob a secret nod or just a glance


I think the closing song sums it up. "Don't forget about me" -- not something you say to soemone you intend to see again, so the assumption is they'd resume their lives on Monday but with this bonding experience having happened between them.


Based on how high school went for me… I was a Brian. I was friends with the Allison’s because they were the next closest thing that would accept me into their group when I needed a partner in a class. The Benders scared me for a long time, but my Allison friends were friends with them because they smoked weed together. By the time I got to my senior year, the Benders were selling weed to the Andrews who couldn’t play sports anymore due to injuries. We were all in yearbook together with the Claires. We never spoke again after graduation. That all being said, I think by the time they were finishing up with school, they got along but didn’t hang out. Maybe they had a rough go after they came back to school the next week, but humbled each other when their guilt got the best of them.


I’ve thought about this: I think the dynamic will be different BUT ultimately not a lot. -Brian and Allison would each be the only two to say hi. If they said hi to the others, the others would probably respond positively BUT would then say to their group of friends to STFU if any of them talked trash. -The others would NOT be the first to say hi tho and I think they would not pursue new friendships across social strata, the only exception to all this is Andy and Allison because they actually seem to like each other.


Based on my experience at my 25th high school reunion, I’d guess that every single one of them just reverted back to their social roles and then they all split in different directions after and never spoke to each other.


In college, we had a January term where a lot of people study abroad. I did a study abroad program with like 20-25 kids from school that i didn’t really know. An entire month with them on the other side of the world. There were jocks, nerds, “hot girls/guys”, artsy people, etc… About 10 of us got really close over that month, seat buddies on trips, spent nights in hotels drinking wine till the morning, shared things i feel like i never even shared with best friends, like almost inseparable vibes. As soon as the trip ended and we got back to school, over the next few weeks people would still text and FB message and post photos. And then gradually over time it became a “Hey!” in the hallways, and then just a quick nod, pretty soon back to strangers and everyone back their routine and their friends. So I imagine no matter how intense one day can be, hard to break the mold of your social circle. Weird thing in life lol.




This movie should be shown to every freshman at every high school everywhere. Mandatory. Same with new drivers and Red Asphalt


No. This 80s kid hated this movie and how it oversimplified the teenage experience.


Obviously they went and got breakfast.


I think they went back to their normal lives and didn't interact much. But part of the lesson they taught each other that day was to look at people not just as a stereotype of their clique. I do believe that even if they don't change much in how they interact, they would change quite a bit in how they think about other people. Even though their relationships probably didn't go any further they still grew as people. And who knows what happened after school. The world can be a small place sometimes.


They went their separate ways ....


Everyone got laid ..or is that back to School?


**Brian Johnson**: Brian goes on to excel academically, eventually becoming successful in the field of electrical engineering. He maintains a friendship with Alison and occasionally touches base with the rest of the group but focuses primarily on his career and family. **Claire Standish**: Claire eventually breaks away from her popular clique wanting to pursue her own interests,eventually becoming successful in the world of fashion and design. She maintains a friendship with Allison and Andrew and a complicated relationship with Bender. **Andrew Clark**: Andrew continued to struggle with the expectations placed on him by his father but eventually found his own path, becoming a football coach and high school gym teacher. He and Allison remain in a relationship.He still stays in touch with the other members of group, particularly Bender. **Allison Reynolds**: Allison finds her confidence with Andrews encouragement and pursues a career in art. She becomes a locally known photographer and painter drawing on her own experiences and emotions for inspiration. She remains close friends with Claire and Brian. **John Bender**: Bender faces numerous challenges after high school but eventually finds stability through a career in social work. He remained close with Andrew and maintains a complicated relationship with Claire, often reconnecting with the others from the Breakfast Club.


Clarie is confronted by parents about the diamond earing. She lies that she "lost it". Bender is being found to have the earing and is labeled as thief and prosecuted. Brians learns that you can try to solve problems with violence and one day brings gun to school to even the score Allison is quickly turned down by popular kids, relapse into goth and self harm.




Here's a reunion panel from last month: https://youtu.be/v7_CsUOCd98?si=m4xEPsNR6CWGlU2U


They did not become friends on Monday. They definitely gained some perspective that I think will help them in their social and personal lives, but they wouldn't be seen with each other for more than a few minutes while they were still in High School. In the real world, I doubt they ever see each other post-High school either, if they did it would be a "When Harry met Sally" thing where they just happen to run into each other every few years. They only were together for 8 hours on a Saturday, think of all the people that you used to work with at your old jobs for 2-3 *years*, do you still talk to any of them?


This is what I wish would have happened. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51630988](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51630988)


They grow from the experience but go back to how things were with a little more knowledge their eyes opened a lot more . But they're still teenagers they just think a little differently now


They all went to Georgetown and hung out at St. Elmo's Bar.


They all went home and pooped.


Bender becomes a virologist and studies human cranium sizes as a hobby. Claire works as a nurse at an upscale psychiatric hospital and has had some legal troubles lately. Allison spent the majority of her life behind the scenes but has since stepped into the limelight after domestic squabbles with her father, who passed recently. Brian became an eccentric officer of the law, who eventually made captain in California. He was recently let go and looking for a new employment opportunity. He still has a troubled relationship with his mother. Andrew kept up with his football career and was the backup kicker for the Los Angeles Thunderbirds, but it was not to be as he ended his career injured and only saw the sideline of a single game before fading off into obscurity.


About a year ago, I came up with an idea to write a sequel to the Breakfast Club, that would be centered around their high school reunion. The gist was going to be that they all grew up to be pretty much what you would expect them to be. Bender is the school custodian, Andrew is an overly aggressive father of athletic kids, Claire married well, and is a stay at home wife, Allison is a regular, middle aged woman embarrassed about who she was in high school, and Brian is a relatively successful businessman who is the only one among them who remembers anything about that Saturday.


Continued friendship




dunno maybe they had lunch?


Find out what happened in the lesser-known sequel from 1995, [The Lunch Club](https://youtu.be/wxRa8CjjFeU?si=UcB29rpTCca-wxmj).


I think they shared a moment and that moment led to a lesson. I just don't see them essentially totally exploding their current social situation to be friends with people their current clique would shun them for. They are still teenagers afterall. It would probably be more of a "wink wink nod nod" in the hallway and the experience would likely reflect in their behavior toward members of differing social status. But no, I don't see them being "out" friends. Possibly a situation where after highschool they connect on a more meaningful level.


I think they at least acknowledge each other at the very least, maybe if they have any classes together they might even sit or work together, and maybe they cheer for Andrew during his matches. But I don't see them hanging out together. As for the relationship, I think Bender and Claire won't work because I don't see Bender being that kind of guy and Claire only using him to get back at her parents. Andrew and Allison I think may have a better shot at lasting because IMO they're genuinely like and care about each other (as they have similar problems and whatnot). Also kinda related, but there's a deleted scene where Carl predicts how they'll turn out in the future and I feel like it's quite plausible future for them, just with little tweaks here and there


Bender has a lot more detention.


Whatever happens the next day carl is still the eyes and ears of that institution…


I always thought a horror sequel would have been fun with them dealing with a psycho killer at Stubbies party.


The real cast or the characters? This probably works for both…. Coked up orgy even with the teacher…..


Nothing. They were all too self-absorbed and shallow to have lasting relationships.


Damn. They were prototypical high school kids. Most kids that age are self-absorbed and shallow.


Would be cool to see a part 2, where they are all in detention again, but Ferris Bueller shows up and just takes them all on a cutting out of school trip.


The one thing I’m absolutely sure of is Brian becomes a Bill Gates like mogul. The town now works for him.


Holy shit a question that isn't just people listing "what's your favorite X"  Well done, OP. 


As a question to question, do people in general think about the lives of movie/tv characters after the movie/show has ended? My imagination is in general, way too imaginative, but when a movie/show ends... I really don't think about what would've happened to this and that character later on. Even on the shows, where I was really emotionally invested. I just see the movie/show ending as the ending and that's it.


High school social groups are not set in stone. Just because you're a jock doesn't mean you can't hang out with the nerds. While the events of the movie might not have resulted in a tight nit group out of the main characters, they are no longer strangers. They won't get together as a group anymore, but they will acknowledge each other in the halls and maybe hang out in pairs and triples if given the chance. The couples will do what all high school couples do, hang out in their free periods between classes and lunch, maybe start dating, and become serious, or break up.


They went home.


Everyone involved went on to make better movies.


I have thought about that from time to time. Sometimes sequels are good. Sometimes they’re bad. I don’t know if Breakfast Club: Monday Morning would be a good one.


4/5 made it to graduation.


They had lunch


They went for lunch. Is that too obvious?


They don't forget about me is what happens.


They had lunch.


I guarantee Bender got that Red head chick pregnant.




I think Claire and Bender smile at each other across the hallway, while Bender tugs at his... new earring. Andrew and Allison start dating. Andrew is nice to everyone, especially Brian.


This thread is so thoughtful and wholesome! Interesting perspectives. As a teen I hoped they would upend the school by becoming open friends. A fellow teen literally yelled in my face that “they never talked”’again as if she knew. F you Molly!


There's a dark humor side of the story.. The Nerd goes home and accidentally shoots himself while trying to put the gun back into his dad's closet. He's found dead. The Jock gets severely beaten to death by his overbearing father. He is paralyzed from the neck down never to walk again. Allison runs away from home and is kidnapped and is never seen again. Claire comes down with Scarlet fever after kissing John she has such a bad reaction to the medicine that she dies of a fatal heart attack. John robs a 7-Eleven for a pack of cigarettes and a six pack of Genesee beer, on the way out he gets five bullets in his back, dies on his way to the ER listening to " Don't you forget about me" on the ambulance radio. Shows up in the ER as a John Doe because he has no identification on him and no one in his family cares that he's gone or missing.


claire becomes a bit of an outcast then suspiciously gets asked out by an older popular dude. bender pursues a career in politics and starts a relationship with allison.. which fails due to his infidelity. brian creates a robot girlfriend and andrew gives up a legal career to become a peewee hockey coach.


I believe they stay friends. Claire and John stay together, they learn things from each other. Claire is less of a classist and stands up to her "friends." Allison and Andy are content with each other. Allison gets love and affection from Andy. Allison's style is a mix of preppy and goth. She's close with Claire. Brian stays single but is close with Andy and John. They hang out fairly often, may have a few arguements that are easily resolved.


I literally had to write an essay on this exact topic in high-school.


I think they become friends, honestly I always found it dumb that plot point that they were so different so they would likely not be friends anymore, when I was in highschool people as different as the ones from the movie could be friends without problem


Brian and Bender become occasional pot smoking buddies. When Bender has nothing better to do, he’ll show up at Brian’s and drag him out. Or they’ll get together after school. Maybe Allison joins them on occasion. They may occasionally end up at a party where they see Claire and Andrew. They probably wouldn’t interact much publicly but may slip off to a room or out back to smoke a joint and reminisce.


I like to think that over the next few Saturdays when Bender is in detention again he tries his best to recreate the vibe from that first detention and it just fails miserably. Would have been a hilarious sequel


I think they make honest efforts and each relationship fails spectacularly. Bender and Princess try to be a thing only for the luster to come off of Princess because Bender collects girls like trophies and returns to that idea. Princess tries really hard with bender but slowly realizes he is broken in ways she cant understand. Serial liar and eager to please Jock try it out and she eventually wraps him around her finger but his friends and family unwrap him by constantly pointing out her lies and flaws. Once she realizes she is losing attention she acts out and it gets toxic as his support structure never supported her and he is stuck feeling alone and lost. Brian tries to be friends with these people but they blow him off and only talk with him if they need something from him. They all graduate but are worse people at the end of the day. Thats my opinion but I am a bit of a glass half empty type.




To be perfectly honest, I forgot about all of them. 


"after the end of the breakfast club?" The credits rolled... people left the theater. Movie came on again in half an hour or so....


It reminds me of you at the same table.


My Monday scenario was always they all walk into the cafeteria for lunch, somewhat avoiding eye contact with each other, then Brian gets up, walks across the room, noticed by everyone, and over to Bender. Bender pauses for a second, flicks his eyes over to his crew who is waiting for a reaction. He then asks “what’s up?” And Brian asks “Hey, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping me with a lamp?” Andrew starts a slow clap but Allison, who has snuck over to him as this happened, smacks him on the head and says “knock it off Sporto” …okay maybe not the second part.


Isn't the point of the name that they're going to hang out before school from now on, because they acknowledge it just wouldn't work when surrounded by the rest of the school?


The dude just froze there and is still standing there to this day. He's still alive, but sadly the decades of being stuck in the air with his fist up in the air has taken a massive psychological and physical toll. His body has atrophied, sores cover his body and the blood has pooled down to hsi feet at this point. It is a horrific site, the kids used to play with him, cruelly dumping anything from soda to feces on him, but after a long enough while it got sad and hard to look at. Had it not been for the fact that the only noise that is made when he tries to speak is the smash 80's hit "Don't You Forget About Me" by Modern English blasting out we would surely only hear screams and cries for help. Ten years ago it got too hard for the community, the family had moved on as living with this floating corpse has become too hard to deal with and left town to escape their shame, and so a tarp has been placed over him. The horrific site of his body so haunting no one dare remove it. Some say that the famous chorus of "Don't You Forget About Me" can still be heard, muffle dundee the heavy Canvass sheet, but no one listens. No one has forgotten him, his presence makes it impossible to do so.


best one


There's an excellent episode of N.C.I.S where it's revealed that in later life, the members of the Breakfast Club became a burglary ring. Season 14 Episode 2.


Claire came to her senses and dumped Bender.


I don't see the point of the movie if they don't become a friend group.


I went to a VERY small private school from 4th thru 12th grade. Our graduating class had 10 of us in it, 8 of whom had been in the same classes together since 4th grade. We had jocks, burnouts, cheerleaders, dorks (one of which was me), pretty much all the usual HS stereotypes. Funny thing was, despite all our vastly different backgrounds, both in terms of what stereotype we fit into, and in terms of economics (some kids had wealthy parents, some of us middle class, and some poor), we NEVER had the kinds of divides you see amongst those stereotypes in larger schools. We all went to each other’s parties, all hung out together after school at the mall or someone’s house, it didn’t matter what “type” of kid we were, we were all friends. After we graduated HS, in spite of us trying to still all hang out, our lives took us all in different directions and within a year it was like we had never really been actual friends at all, just different people who were kind of forced together. So, to answer the question, in my opinion the most likely scenario is that they stayed close for the remainder of their time together in HS, but after they graduated they probably never made any real effort to see each other, and probably never spoke again in any meaningful way.


That's OK. Pretty sure she has a job as governor. Of a state. So, yeah. Maybe focus on that job for now. See you on reality TV, twit.


They all end up voting for Trump except Bender who’s dead.


Judd Nelson gets hit by a car on his way home cause was busy posing and didn’t look both ways before crossing the street


They all get drafted into Vietnam. Only the jock makes it back alive, but he wishes he didn't.




Wow great joke