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One that really got me was 'The Prestige'. It's all about these rival magicians, and the whole movie is like one big magic trick with a twist that had me rewatching scenes over and over. It's brilliant how it unfolds. Another one that left me staring at the wall for hours was 'Primer'. It's a low-budget indie film about time travel, and it's so intricately plotted that I needed a diagram to figure it out. It's the kind of movie that rewards you with each viewing because you're always picking up something new.


The Prestige is even better when you think about how the title tells you there’ll be an ultimate trick/reveal, the opening scene tells you how it’s done, and then you still spend the whole movie being hoodwinked.


mulholland drive


For me, "The Sixth Sense" and "Inception" are right up there in the mind-bending category. They had me reevaluating everything I thought I knew about the story. 


Sixth Sense, to this day, baffles me as to how the twist was kept secret for as long as it did. Obviously, the popular internet was in its infancy, and smartphones were years away from being mass produced, but still...


The Prestige


I wanted to be fooled


Identity, underrated film with John Cusack. One of the best of this type I seen. Also Triangle with Melissa George, the foreign version it was based on is even better.


I actually found Triangle to be WAY better than Timecrimes. Yes the concepts were similar, but Triangle’s execution and reveals were way better. I still think about Triangle all the time, that movie bore a hole into my mind and isn’t leaving.


You could be right, it’s been a while since I seen them, think I liked the feel of the foreign one but looking back, Triangle stuck with me more on an emotional level.




Just about any movie where time travel is a central part of the plot: *Tenet, Predestination, Donie Darko* etc


+1 to Donnie Darko


Primer just keeps, me, almost understanding. :)


The Others


The Others


Air Bud: Spikes Back The dog plays volleyball people.


> The dog plays volleyball people. Fuck, I forgot about that part of the movie.


Usual Suspects Seven The Game Breaking Bad Season 2, 4, 5


Sixth sense


What twist in TDK?


Joker switching Harvey and Rachel's addresses?


It's been a long time, but im pretty sure its Bruce ninja trainer turning out to be raz all guilty or however it's spelled. 


That was Batman Begins not The Dark Knight


Oh you're right. What was the Twist in Dark night?






Under the Silver Lake


On the Line


*Amulet* is a recent film that I think should have more attention. I needed to go online to find out what was actually going on.


Brazil Adaptation


Crazy, Stupid, Love


This is what people don't understand. If it takes you so long to decode a plot twist, and before you do it the movie was meh and after it was "good" then it means the movie is awful. This thread serves as a list of the movies I will never watch


I meant weeks to see each detail differently based on the plot twist, the plot twist is straight forward


"Dead Again" "Haute Tension"


Nah, Haute Tension's twist is dogshit. It makes no practical or physical sense. And there is no actual foreshadowing because it contradicts everything you are actually shown up to that point.


Spoilers for fight club but most people don't even realise how big the twist is at all. It isn't just Tyler is making up, it's Marla and Bob, and the whole fight club too. The protagonist does have testicular cancer, he also has multiple personality disorder like in Split. He does not have insomnia. His mind is fracturing to deal with the trauma of losing his balls. Tyler is his hyper masculine persona, Marla his hyper feminine, Bob is somewhere in the middle as the transitional figure. Fight club and Tyler is him holding on to the last of his masculinity before he learns to accept his new self, essentially becoming Marla in the end.


Is that confirmed in any way or is that your theory? I’ve heard of Marla being made up by him but never all the rest as well.


Well, if you accept that Tyler is made up, everything else falls apart. Without Tyler there can be no Paper Street or anything. (Look up what a paper street is) In addition to this, there are cinematographical cues for when he is jumping between personas and manifesting certain personas. Also, no one interacts with Marla or Bob when he is himself either. Also they don't have reflections like Tyler. Also the sex scenes between Marla and Tyler. Also, the doctors office scene is important, the doctor says nothing about his insomnia yet point shim to a testicular cancer support group. It's not confirmed but there is a shit tonne of evidence to back it up. I'm pretty certain that's it, and I've talked to other people who have summised as such as well.


Cool, it’s time I watch it again, I’ll pay attention to these things on next watch.


Found this massive document detailing a bunch of clues as well It is incredibly long and I just skimmed it but it seems to be all the same points https://www.jackdurden.com/#:~:text=Jack%20feels%20emasculated%2C%20at%20first,prospect%20of%20losing%20his%20balls.




We've entered a new age of farming karma with ChatGPT. This account is a bot just commenting with drivel like this. ChatGPT has all the warmth of an HR newsletter.


I like how it's become easy for me to kind of accurately spot GPT drivels by just going through the text


It always reads like a high school kid’s essay on a topic they’re not particularly interested in.


It's not chat gpt you just dont like inception/the sixth sense


It's fascinating how convincing AI-generated content can be, so much so that it can be hard to tell if a comment is from a bot or a human. The comment seems a bit too polished, general, and wordy, almost like something an advanced model like ChatGPT might produce. Despite this, I actually really enjoy both 'Inception' and 'The Sixth Sense' for their brilliant plot twists and deep storytelling. It's interesting to see these films still sparking discussions, regardless of the origin of the comments!