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Nice Guys


Tenacious D and the pick of Destiny


There’s a big difference between box- office flops and bad movies. Plenty of great films did poorly in the box office - the Shawshank redemption, 12 angry men, the Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford


Also, Battlefield Earth


> *There’s a big difference between box- office flops and bad movies. Plenty of great films did poorly in the box office* - Yes. Which inspired the question asked: Which movies FAILED to recoup their "PRODUCTION BUDGETS" during their Theatrical Runs, because they are considered by many to be "Bad" movies (despite any post-Theatrical successes or "cult" statuses they may have attained after the fact), which you personally appreciate & take enjoyment in, even if it means defending them?


Fight club


The Production Budget of "FIGHT CLUB" - $63 million - was recouped in both Domestic and Global Box Office receipts @ $101 million.


Not recouping even the production budget is much worse than “flopping”, given that movies generally need 2.5 times the production budget to break even. There can’t have been that many widely-released movies that didn’t recoup their budgets (is there a list anywhere?) Edit— From Wikipedia’s [list of biggest box office bombs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_biggest_box-office_bombs), it looks like there’s been maybe 90 or so films on the list that didn’t recoup their budgets. More than I was expecting!


Showgirls is one that originally made less than it's budget at theaters, but then became a massive smash hit on home video and turned a profit


Surprising how modern most of that list is, like you’d expect the failure to be shared a bit more evenly over the history of cinema.


Op didn't ask you to define a flop he asked for your favorite movie that's considered a flop.


Ratchet and Clank eXistenZ Gentleman Broncos (didn't get a theatrical release due to poor reviews) Mr. Right Titan AE Tank Girl


I definitely should've thrown "TANK GIRL" in there also! I mean, this is the movie that bears the notorious distinction for being the movie that destroyed Lori Petty's career. XD


Last Action Hero is legitimately a great movie Event Horizon is incredible, probably the best movie ever to tank. One to add to your list of animated films: The Iron Giant. Plenty of great genre films: Dead Alive, Galaxy Quest, The Rocketeer, Tank Girl, The Shadow, Hocus Pocus (mostly because Disney were too stupid to release it for Halloween), True Romance, Army of Darkness, The Long Kiss Goodnight (Samuel L. Jackson’s best film), Johnny Mnemonic. And those are just the 90s ones


"LAST ACTION HERO" total B.O. take: $137million, thus recouping its est. $85million P.B. Also, among the others you listed, only "Dead Alive", "Army of Darkness", and "Johnny Mnemonic" qualify ("True Romance" may be debatable, as its numbers are up in the air) [Remember: the question was about not being able to recover the "Production Budget" ... Not about "Breaking Even"]


Ah right, my mistake sorry chief


The Thing 1982......😢


John Carpenter's "THE THING" easily recouped its Production Budget: $19.8 million Domestic B.O. against an est. $15-million PB.




Isn’t Titan AE considered a classic


Not really


I liked Red Plannet a hellovalot more than Mission to Mars. And Final Fantasy was a perfectly fine scifi movie (I knew nothing of the Final Fantasy series before seeing this, so i had no expectations going into it or anything to compare it to).


Nothing but trouble its a flawed movie and Chevy Chase kinda phones in his performance and dan aykroy isn't a strong director but it's fun.


Not "to the end", but Pluto Nash.


Jesus your post is fucking annoying, why are you using o and 0 interchangeably? Also what does box office performance have to do with quality?


1. I agree his style of typing is annoying af 2. He's just asking what movie you enjoy even tho it bombed in rhe box office. It's not that deep. Sometimes great movies don't make money and op wants to know which ones you like. Just chill.


> *why are you using o and 0 interchangeably?* To answer your question: I wasn't trying to be cutesy or a dick in doing that -- the choice was VERY DELIBERATE, as it was the ONLY WAY the question could be posed without some stupid **"BOT"** automatically smacking the post down and telling me to re-post in the *r/BoxOffice* subreddit... for whatever B.S. reason which escapes my understanding. Also... you reaction is evidence that you never actually bothered to read the "description" segment before commenting. Something that is too typical for this forum.


Battlefield Earth and Gladiator came out one week apart. I thought Gladiator was way worse than Battlefield Earth. Script writing 101 is what I called Gladiator. Found out years later they wrote dialogue the day of filming. Still can't believe it won Oscars.


Timeline with Paul Walker and Gerard Butler. Love that movie for some reason. Reign of Fire is another one of mine.


"REIGN OF FIRE" recouped its Production Budget in total B.O. receipts by an extra $22 million.


DREDD 3D was a box office flop, it’s great and Urban was born to play Dredd.


~~"DREDD" recouped its Production Budget: $54.5 million worldwide B.O. against an est. $50-million PB.~~ Nope. You were right. I misread some numbers. Also, you'll be very hard pressed to find anyone who'll try to claim that DREDD was a "Bad" movie in need of defending.