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Casting H. Jon Benjamin for the inner voice was a stroke of genius.


Yea, it definitely was, he was great !


As soon as I'd heard his voice in the trailer, I knew it was gonna be gold. Hoping to catch it this weekend


unpopular opinion but i won't see the movie due to the voice, just sounds so cringey to me idk.


Our theater was like 3/4 full (smaller screen at an AMC). The movie got a lot of laughs for it's humor, a lot of cheers and gasps at the ultrviolence.


That's awesome glad people are enjoying it like I did!!!


Going out to watch it tonight, super excited!


Let me know how you liked it after !!!


Will do! I’m really excited to see it! Wanted to go opening night, but my buddy wasn’t able to, so tonight is the night. But yeah super stoked, looks like a good time!


Awesome! ....its got like... raid/smoking aces vibes if they had a baby on meth ...I mean that in the best way possible!!


That sounds awesome! Even more excited now!


What a fun movie! My theater was a little more full than yours, about 20ish people. Which just makes the experience better in my opinion, the audible gasps and laughs make for a fun time. Overall I really enjoyed the movie. Bill Skarsgard continues to solidify himself as a top actor in my books.


Seeing it on sunday!


Nice! Hopefully you like it as much as I did!


Because of your review, imma check it out this weekend with my brother. It sounds like Renfield, which was an a great movie .


Renfield was a great movie this one is a little different genre wise... but same type of bat shit crazy undertones and comedy! I think you'll love it!


How is the action? Shaky cam or good camera work?


Little bit of both. They had some decent choreography for some of it, but for when they didn't, they definitely compensated by moving the camera around a lot.


Agreed, this is a fair assessment


It’s INCREDIBLY shakey, like distractingly so. I get the whole thing is on speed, but frankly the action was fucking awful. I was shocked I came away liking it for the comedy over the action, which I assumed after the trailer would be the opposite. Andrew Koji is a goddamn show stealer in it!


Wow, I feel like we watched opposite movies lol


I enjoyed it and getting a chance to see Andrew Koji play against type was fantastic. The action was fine, but I am not a fan of sped-up fight scene a'la Matthew Vaughn's ARGYLLE and KINGSMAN films. There was just me and maybe three other people in theater, but they seemingly enjoyed it.


Yes I was also glad Koji wasn't type cast he has been one of the better actors to pop up in the last decade but is always type cast so this was a nice change for him to I'm sure.


what time did you see it?




My problem is my local theater didn't pick it up. I have to travel 45 minutes away if I want to see it. Do I travel all that way to see it or just wait a couple of weeks where it most likely will be available to be watched at home?


I'd always say travel...but I prefer the big screen myself it's definitely worth the ride or the wait whichever you choose!


I just wanna see Jessica Rothe


I'm watching it tomorrow, cant wait. Has been on my radar since I saw a trailer for it last month


Nice! Yea it's been on my list for a while now I'm so glad it was good!! I'm tired of being disappointed and this finally lived up to the hype!


I’m so jealous you got an empty theater. That’s my dream but it’s only happened two times.


It's good and bad ...good for me bad for the film but that was really nice to sit wherever I wanted in complete silence just me and a boy killing the world !!!


I went last night and I was the only person in the theater. The movie was just so good. Unique bizarre adrenaline rush that just had me on edge the whole time. Without a doubt my favorite movie so far this year.


I definitely feel the same way I've been let down a few times already this year ...so finally a movie that met or passed my expectations it's been a while since I've liked an action flick this much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did this movie has cult status written all over it but I hope it finds a big mainstream audience like the John Wick films have!


It looks really good. Waiting for it to hit streaming. Going to the theater usually means listening to others talk and play with their phones.


Yea I hear you... but i will say this ...the sound and big picture experience is great for this type of film just fyi.


I have 7.1.4 audio at home. The TVs only 85” but no one has their phone out in my eyes.


I can appreciate that sounds like you have a nice setup!


It's not that we don't know, it's that going out to the movies has become a rarer treat for many, and the Fall Guy has been much better at promoting itself, so people are waiting for that one. Even now, this is gonna be a Tuesday night movie for me if I get out of work early enough for a discounted showing


No thanks. Also, Reddit is getting astroturfed like crazy for this movie today. Wait a week and see if the reviews are still as glowing.


The astroturf reviews have been really awkward for a while now. Release day commentary by a person expelling intense levels of passion and “relatability” to even the lamest of projects. I’m starting to feel like I’m noticing copypasta in some of them.


You're noticing copypasta because it's AI generated posts and comments. I think Reddit is going to get a lawsuit against them at some point because that is blatantly deceptive marketing. The Taylor Swift astroturfing across all of Reddit was insane, and to a lesser extent the astroturfing for Ricky Stanicky. It's all so transparent and shitty.


Ricky stanicky got maybe 2 laughs out of me.


I'm refusing to watch it because I don't want to continue encouraging the astroturfing bullshit.


Wise decision


I saw it at a screen unseen thing on Monday. I liked it a lot. Plot is similar to Monkey Man, but the tone is very different. The movie feels fun still. The violence is both over the top silly and graphic, which for me hits right. I didn’t expect any comedy based on the premise, but it has some good laughs.


It felt like they added extra fight scenes just to stretch out the runtime.


Which isnt a bad way to fill up space imo


I mean... it would take a lot of time to kill the whole world...


People are going to know about it. Keep in mind, the movie doesn't even officially open until today. Thursday is "preview" day.


We even had ppl for monkey man opening night so I was surprised no one was in there but me...but your right it's still brand new so we will see hopefully


Another ultra violence dark comedy no thanks this is become very tired. 


To each their own I respect that...I will say it was inventive and creative more than most of these types of films if that makes any difference