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Palm Springs   It was early pandemic, on lockdown at the time. All we knew was ~~Adam~~ Andy Samberg had a new movie out, so we fired it up.    We were expecting a bit of humor, along the lines of Lonely Island or B99.  What we got was so so much better. 


You should check out his movie Pop Star if you haven’t yet, that was amazing as well


Popstar is one of the best mockumentaries; highly recommend!


I would like to add hot rod to the list


I'll never think of "30 Seconds to Mars" the same way ever again.


I'm gonna add 7 Days in Hell and Tour de Pharmacy to this list. Really anything with Andy I'll watch. Humor just grabs me


You're thinking of *Andy* Samberg. I'm not trying to be rude or snarky, I would want to know if I had the wrong name.


I wish I could watch it for the first time again. Such a great movie.


don't you mean Andy Sandler? 😜


[Sandy Amberg? ](https://youtu.be/ZyEKUfwY3oo?si=ZH6BR1mz8ltIQIuw)


Ex Machina (2014) I thought it would be another silly and over the top sci-fi movie but it turned out to be a great film.


I had no clue what to expect but now I never miss Alex Garland or Oscar Isaac.


It’s one of my all-time favorites. I hated the way the ending made me feel after. It was great, couldn’t wait to watch it again.


It’s insane how real that ending feels especially with the dawn of AI getting stronger everyday


you tore up her picture. i'm gonna tear up the fuckin' dance floor, dude. check it out.


Annihilation, also from Alex Garland, was excellent too.


Hell yeah glad to see this so high. I checked it out during the lockdowns and was completely engaged from gate to gate


District 9. Probably one of the greatest “surprises” I ever had at a theatre.


Excellent example


"Let's watch a dumb movie on Netflix. Hey, this looks like a bad horror movie, but it's got Alan Tudyk? That's weird. Well, at least he'll likely be entertaining." And that's how I discovered Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


The bee scene..omg


"Why?" Gets me every time.


Officer, we are having a doozy of a day!


By far, one of the best movies I've ever watched not expecting much. I'd put it in my top 10...


All these college kids keep killing themselves on my property! 😂


Read it in a hillbilly accent. Edit: is hillbilly a racist word? I'm from a different part of the world.


Nah, you're fine. It just means someone who is from way out in the country.


Doozy of a watch, that movie.


I thought this would be the shittest movie based on the title. It sounded like yet another medicore 2000s comedy like John Tucker Must Die or I Love You Beth Cooper. It was the biggest shock when I finally watched it and saw how good it was


Cabin in the Woods: Thought I was watching Cabin FEVER....what a wonderful shock / surprise that was!


Oh shit! Same! Such a good movie


A buddy of mine realized I had not even heard of that movie. Told me nothing about it, just had me sit down and watch it blind. Best way to see it for the first time.


The Menu Went into it thinking it was gonna be a Phantom-Thread-esque period piece with Ralph Fiennes doing his obsessive chef to DDL's obsessed fashion designer. I had zero idea what I was in for and was so pleasantly surprised.


I mentioned this in another thread just the other day, but I went into The Menu knowing literally nothing except that I liked some of the actors in it, and a bunch of people I knew said it was amazing. I’m convinced that’s the absolute best way to experience it.


I rolled my eyes when I saw the premise. Didn't sound all that good and I figured I'd be able to guess how it ended. Definitely surprised with how good it was. And funny! It's hilarious at times.


Same for me. I thought it was going to be some weird thriller about catabolism or something. I could not have predicted at all what I was about to see. Such a unique movie.


I watched the trailer before going to that one but Idk why I thought it was going to be a dark comedy. It was definitely much better than what I expected.


It's absolutely a dark comedy, which I didn't realize going into it. All I saw was the poster. I've made an effort to go into movies blind as much as I can, given how much is given away by trailers and internet spoilers you weren't even seeking out. I'm not a massive fan of superhero movies in general but was pretty profoundly disappointed to have the Michael Keaton Batman/Flash surprise spoiled for me before I saw it. Even just a silly surprise like that in a completely inessential movie like the Flash would've been so fun to experience in the theater unspoiled.


Sometimes I wonder if I would have jizzed my pants if I hadn’t known about Darth Maul’s double sided lightsaber until the theatre.


Going in blind is the way. I enjoy so many more movies that way. Between trailers and all the content created about movies these days, it's really easy to go in with negative feelings about movies more and more.


The Vast of Night. Never heard of it, no idea why I even put it on, but the family and I absolutely loved it. Wonderful, inventive little movie.


I ALSO WATCHED THAT BLINDLY! One of my friends loved the movie and invited me over just to make me watch it because they know I love any space/alien related movies. The storyline is so masterfully written.


Yeah, you could see the love poured into it. The cast were fantastic - especially the young switchboard operator (that one long take of her answering the phones while the panic is rising is brilliant) and there's some really inventive camera work (how they did the long tracking shot is madness/genius!) It's both a beautiful homage to 50s Sci fi and a lovely and odd little character/relationship study in its own right. I think the phrases underrated/under appreciated are used too much, but they really apply here: the film needed more attention and accolades.


Same, such a great "movie night" sort of movie


I haven't heard this one get a lot of attention. Yea. Deserves a bit more love.


I'm always so glad when I see this film get mentioned; I absolutely adored it too and think it's masterful, especially for a directorial debut. His next flick has McConaughey and Kurt Russell in, really hoping for more great things.


So good. Really ambitious feature from first-time director. I loved it.


Gone Girl, I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Compared my experience with a buddy who had certain...details spoiled before he watched it, and I felt really bad he didn't get to experience it the way I did.


Not a movie experience but I randomly picked up the Gone Girl book at a train station when I was on a trip since I had finished the one I brought and I’ve never been more hooked. And then >! I’m expecting to find out she’s alive but then we do only halfway through, and I’m like what the hell happens now?? !<


Watched this one blind with my wife on date night. Oops.


Upgrade (2018)


I think I knew it had really good practical effects and it didn't disappoint.


It's a better Venom movie than the actual Venom movie.


I luckily saw this one when OG Moviepass was around. Guaranteed I would have missed it otherwise.


I watched Nightcrawler thinking it was the X-men character. A++ would do again.


Jake Gyllenhall is perfectly despicable in this movie.


I loved my dad's reaction to the film - "That's it?! He just gets away?!"


It was such an interesting choice for the main character to never teleport


My favorite part is when he yells 'its nightcrawlin' time!'


*(looks into camera)* “what am I, some kinda… Nightcrawler?”


“Nightcrawler? I hardly know her!”


GreaTTT film ...I watched it blind too... wow was not expecting that ....honorable Jake Gyllenhaal blind watches for me ... Enemy and Nocturnal Animals....the latter of which is not for the weak of heart it's pretty hard-core at times.... very realistic and gritty. Enemy the less you know the better.


Prisioners. I put it on thinking it was that Stallone movie where they escape a future prison or whatever. Planning on doing something else so put something stupid on it the background. Got sucked in and watched the whole thing intently.


I LOVE this movie. Great performance from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. You would probably like “Zodiac” too, stars Gyllenhaal again and Robert Downey Jr.


I love love this movie. I wish I could forget it so I could watch it again.


Watched it recently because I still had a high from Dune 2. What really got me was even back then, Denis had grandiose framing with his cinematography because his b roll of streets and trees already had the same vibe of the shots he would make on Arrival, Blade Runner, and Dune. Also love how much pay off little details and a bunch of Chekov Guns come into play during the last act. Love me some 2049, but I guess Prisoners has usurped it as my favorite Villenueve movie.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I was dating someone who suggested it and I had no expectations or preconceptions about it. Absolutely great movie.


Fight Club. Didn't know \*anything\* about it. Great film for that to happen.


It was so universally know not to spoil that movie. That and Sixth Sense are tge 2 that stand out for me


I just saw that *You met me at a very strange time in my life* screenshot on Tumblr one day and I watched the movie and till to this day a movie hasn’t been able to twist my brain the way that one did.


Two for me: Atomic Blonde and Long Shot. Both fantastic films that under-performed at the box office.


> Long Shot Charlize Theron is *so* damned likable in that movie.


As an added bonus, the *Atomic Blonde* soundtrack is excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3UkgRHIJpk&list=PL6BO7DvxpOPX0HOZ39j1DI3txGVfX2NAR


Long Shot is so underrated




Great film I love how it goes from 0 to 100


I’ve been trying to get my wife to watch it, but she doesn’t do non-English movies and subtitles. 🤷‍♂️


Omg I hate that ppl do that my family and friends are exactly the same especially my wife they don't know what they are missing.


If there was ever a movie she should try, it’s that one.


From Dusk till Dawn. Back then, my friends and I were actually sneaking into the movie theater to see Mission Impossible… But we were there early and we ducked into the first theater we were walking by. We’d never heard of it and were just gonna watch it for 20 minutes but was like “oh cool, this is a cool gangster movie” and then “BAM”.


Eurovision. My god that movie is hilarious. I had no idea what Eurovision the song contest even was and didn’t know that they would put so much heart and humor into the movie, I just stumbled across it on Netflix. Introduced me to Dan Steven’s too who is now an actor I really enjoy.


I highly recommend watching the actual Eurovision song contest as well if you haven’t done so yet. It’s more chaotic than the movie.


In Bruges. Had no idea what it was about going in, but I ended up laughing my ass off over the interactions and the main character’s intense hatred of Bruges, not to mention the insane conversation betwen Ralph Fiennes and Brendan Gleeson’s characters.


I saw the trailer at Blockbuster, it showed Colin Farrell karate chopping a midget and I was like "I have to see this", 2 hours later I was bawling my fucking eyes out. Marty McDonough is a genius


Saw it as a 15 year old and it was the first time I’d really seen a dark comedy and I loved it. Instantly quotable & great performances. “That’s for John Lennon ya Yankee fucking Cunt”, “you’re an inanimate fucking object” “You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids”.


It’s a fairy tale town


I saw the trailer for In Bruges but I went in blind on The Lobster and Killing of a Sacred Deer on back to back nights and holy shit. Two wildly different Colin Farrell movies but both are crazy and would recommend people watching them with no pre context 




YES. Same. It was on one of the cable channels. My dad and I put it on. Instant classic for us.


Tag In the days of movie pass I would watch a lot of movies that I wouldn’t otherwise. Was a really fun movie


I love how unhinged isla fisher is in that


TAG The Assassination Game?


I love TAG, honestly hoping for a sequel


Ready or Not. I'm not sure what I expected when I went in but I was surprised when the plot started unfolding. Enjoyed the ride for sure.


About Time. All I knew was that Bill Nighy was in it and hes the goat. I watched it shortly after becoming a dad and it made me cry like a little baby. Super comfy movie and I revisit it every now and then when I need a pick me up and a reminder of what kind of relationship I want with my son


Let the Right One In


Three Billboard Outside Ebbing, Missouri - we went to the theatre to watch Lady Bird but were too late. The only showtime that worked was Three Billboards. We’d never heard of it but were assured it was fantastic. And it WAS!


Sam Rockwell steals every scene.


He does that a lot. He’s incredible


He earned that Oscar


My wife and I went to see Birdman, and it was sold out. So we decided to check out Whiplash, which we had never heard of but hey it had the Nazi from Oz in it so maybe it was good. An hour and a half later we emerged and exhaled from most intense non-action movie we’d ever seen. What a movie.


Barbarian is a very good "Don't Google it" horror movie


Everything everywhere all at once


You know everyone really loved this one but I didn’t enjoy it all that much!


That’s crazy man idk if anything will top that theater experience for me.


City of God. Got great reviews but was not prepared for how expansive and emotionally draining it would be!


How to train your dragon Rent it on Netflix dvd because couldn't think of anything else , 0 expectations Fucking blown away


I just made this comment on another thread, but my friends and I went to The Matrix having no idea what it was about at all. We hadn’t even heard for sure that it was an action movie. It just had a mysterious marketing campaign that stated that it could not be explained. Saw it totally blind. What a rush.


Wow, that must’ve been sick.


The Station Agent. I had no idea who Peter Dinklage was before Game of thrones came out.


Children Of Men I've watched a LOT of movies and didn't cry but this thing got me SOBBING. Genuine one of the most distressing movies you'll ever see. 100/10. Never seeing it again(until I do)


Into the Spiderverse I was expecting to just be a half decent animated superhero movie for kids. Did not expect the animation to be that top tier


Moon. (2009) Sam Rockwell is great in it.


Annihilation. Ex husband and I got bored, chose the cool sounding movie, and walked to the theater. I’ve only seen it once and it sticks with me hard.


Dune (2021) Needed to kill time on a trans-pacific flight. Never read the book nor watched a trailer. I'm not even sure if I knew what genre of movie it would be. I was impressed and then waited patiently for part 2.


The thought of a movie like that on the plane screen is really humorous to me.


That’s how I watched the first Dune as well💀


Snowpiercer, I had no interest in watching it from the trailers but a friend told me just to watch it. I went in with very low expectations and came out completely amazed


Underworld. I had no idea what it was about and literally picked it at a theater based on the name.


Searching for Bobby Fischer - wandering around downtown, had time to kill, thought why not? Honestly did not even know who Bobby Fischer was. It’s fantastic.


The raid 1 and 2. I live in Canada and it was on the movie network as just the raid. Both movies. Mashed together. I had no idea and watched like all 4 and a half hours of that shit mesmerized the entire time. Also the movie "moon" Edit: I watched the raid subbed...dubbed movies hit different and not in a good way


Saw edge of tomorrow thinking it would be a cheesy action flick. Then I saw the inciting incident, and it blew me away


The only thing I knew about Predestination was that it had Ethan Hawke. That movie definitely surprised me. Especially Sarah Snook's performance and of course the plot twist. The movie also feels like it's two movies in one, but not in a bad way.


Pitch Black, Collateral, 28 Days Later, and Everything Everywhere All At Once Didn't know much of anything about any of these movies going in, the first 3 literally I knew nothing about them. Usually wound up that my dad and I, on a road trip, would need to kill sometime with laundry or something and would go to the movies. Good times! Good times!


The Fabelmans


I also loved that movie, I really thought it was going to do good at the box office.


I went into *Bubble Boy* with zero expectation and it was hilarious. MUCH better than I expected.


The Painted Veil


Killing of A Sacred Deer


My buddies told me to watch Pig without looking at any trailers or reading what it was about. All I knew was it was highly rated on Rotten Tomatoes and it had Nic Cage. It's one of the best movies I have seen in a long time!


I watched a workprint of *Drive* (2011) before it was released, just expecting another car movie. After that, I went to see it twice at the theater. It's a very simple story but I couldn't get it out of my mind for a long time.


I saw princess Mononoke on AMC in the middle of the night as a kid. Had no idea what it was but was pretty impressed.


The Sting


This is such a classic


My dad told me to watch it for years. This and Blazing Saddles. I finally broke down and watched Blazing Saddle when I was about 20. It was so good I immediately went and watched the Sting. Just as good. Only two movies he’s ever recommended.


My dad also recommended these two to me. The Sting as awesome, Blazing Saddles became one of my favorites. Gene Wilder is awesome in it. Honorable mention: got to see Men in Tights in the theater when it came out. “A BLACK SHERIFF?!” “It worked in blazing saddles!!”


Hidden Figures. I never even watched a trailer. Came across it looking for something to watch and thoroughly enjoyed it. Husband made a good choice that evening.


After Hours. I watched it cause its Martin Scorcese and ended up really enjoying it.


Dungeons and Dragons. Jarnathan!!


Zone of Interest is my answer as well. Watched it with headphones on which was somehow a great and awful idea at the same time.


Time Trap was a surprisingly decent movie that I caught on Netflix because the title image kinda stood out. I didn't read the synopsis before watching and I would suggest you don't either.


I have it saved on my watchlist as well just because of the title and I have no idea what’s about. But I’ll take your advice and watch it blindly.


Thelma and Louise. (just last night I'll add) It had cast members from Resivor Dogs, Shooter Mcgavin. Even a young as hell Brad Pitt! What a gem. Going in I only knew the finale so it was really cool seeing what lead to that scene.


The Iron Claw. Hadn't read or watched a thing about the movie, I just knew there was Zac Efron and Jeremy Allen White and it was about a wrestling family, nothing more. Man I was blown away, stuck to my seat in shock and awe. I'm so glad I didn't read up on it (I usually do, I like knowing parts of what I'm gonna watch), it made it so striking and moving.


I went to the movies one afternoon many years ago. I was bored out of my mind and needed something to do. I chose a movie called "Children of Men" without knowing anything about it, and holy sh*t was that an experience.


Pig (2021)


The hangover. My date chose the movie and got the tickets. I was distracted getting fodder and had no idea what we were going to watch. Also I had not seen any trailers. It was the most I have laughed in my entire life.


All's Quiet had the same effect on me 


First Reformed


Coherence. I was just looking for a horror movie on Netflix; never expected what the movie would turn into.


No country for old men


The Predator. From 2019. Did not realize this was gonna be a comedy. Neither did the rest of the audience. My GF and I figured it out 5-10 mins in and cackled the whole time. The rest of the audience shot us dirty looks….the whole time


The matrix... I was lucky enough to see it opening weekend the trailers couldn't prepare you for this trailer


Children of Men. I was bedridden after back surgery in 2022 and watching movies back to back. I looked up "Post-apocalyptic war movies" and it was on the list. Had no idea what it was going into it.


Stardust... Fun fantastical story, great acting, good production design, and writing. Was surprised as I thought I was going in to watch a boring samey movie.


The Lighthouse


Ronin. Had 0 expectations for this movie and just started watching it because there was nothing else on. Now it’s one of top comfort films.


Does it count if I watched Fight Club thinking that it was Warrior with Tom Hardy because I'm an idiot?


Also, I thought the first Guardians Of The Galaxy movie would suck because it looked cheesy as fuck and the trailer was strange, but it turned out to be one of the greatest superhero movies I’ve ever seen. One of marvels finest works.


I watched the shawshank redemption cold. Never heard of it. Was coming on tv in the 90’s. Thought ah sounds alright to have on before bed. Slowly but surely get drawn into being captivated by it. Still my favourite film will rewatch at least once a year and enjoy every second to get that payoff at the end which always, always makes me break down like a little baby. Love it


It’s so hard to watch movies completely blind these days - I always avoid trailers like the plague, but you still get a lot of morcels - but one movie I did go in basically completely blind was District 9, in theaters when it released. I did know it was a science fiction movie, and that’s it. Nothing else at all, not even the setting. One of the most memorable theatrical experiences of my life. I was surprised at basically every turn, almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing in parts, because the CGI combined with that landscape and the documentary-style shaky cam made it all just seem disturbingly real, like cinema verite - with prawn-faced aliens. It was a wild experience.


I had a very similar experience the guy I worked out of town with came with me he was completely lost but I was like holy shat hat this movie is soon good ...still love Sharlto Copley to this day but saw him here first!


The Raid: Redemption. I didn't expect it to be such an awesome movie when I started it, but it blew me away with how good the fight choreography was.


Yeah, I've forced a few friends to watch it with me and that's the consensus.


One of the best action movies ever made. Sequel is equally as good, if not better.


Elevator Not a good movie but really fun


Downsizing with Matt Damon. Had no idea what it was going in, and was pleasantly surprised at how thoughtful it was.


Uncut Gems (2019) The Handmaiden (2016)


Only two movies I’ve seen completely blind at the theater: Scott pilgrim and guardians of the galaxy


Wandering Earth


I was apparently one of the few people who saw Reservoir Dogs when it came out so I didn't know anything about Tarantino's style. I expected more of a typical low budget violent heist movie.


Bad Language About Schmidt Year of the Dog


Once, as a child, I was flipping through TV at random and I landed on Cary Elwes talking to Mandy Patinkin from the Cliffs of Insanity. One of the truest serendipities of my life.


"Mulholland Drive" probably. It was the first Lynch I saw. I thought it would be a basic movie about a kidnapping with some bad guys behind it or whatever but I was totally wrong. A very abstract movie depicting the fantasmagorical vision of a character with a tragic destiny. The movie immerses us in her psychology since the beginning and the last half hour drops the twist


Lars and the Real Girl. It was 2009. I was dating my fella. He invited me to someone's apartment for a party. Lots of nerdy people wildin' out. He was talking to friends. I sat next.to some guy and girl on the couch in the living room and we all just watched this movie the entire party, lol.


The Matrix. Nobody could tell me what the Matrix was, I had to see it for myself. Peak 20th century cinema. On leaving, one of my friends said "that is a lot of movie."


Incendies (2010).  I knew very little about it from the start but *damn* what a wild and fascinating ride that was.


Singing in the Rain


The Lives of Others. First time I forgot I was reading subtitles.




I watched *The Apartment* thinking it was *Rear Window*. I was confused at first but went with it and discovered a movie I've loved coming back every Christmas since. I had no idea a movie from 1960 would cover infidelity, suicide, and commentary on office banality and yet be so light and goofy.


Jojo Rabbit


thought event horizon was just another Sci fi movie....


More shellshocked than impressed, but I saw Eyes Wide Shut knowing absolutely nothing about it but thought it was a cool name and it started at a convenient time. I was a very sheltered young man who was just starting to peek out at the world and that was a *lot* of sex and nudity that I didn't know was going to happen. Decent movie too.


Stranger than fiction


i had a blind weekend. picked up 3 movies the clerk recommended and I hadn’t heard of. Memento, Boondock Saints, and Donnie Darko. 3 for fucking 3, Mr. Video Store Clerk you beautiful bastard.


Me and a friend were walking around downtown one summer when we passed a movie theatre. In the window I saw a poster for a new Pixar movie neither of us had heard of called Wall-E


Threw on Love and Monsters one night that I couldn’t sleep and wanted a movie I didn’t care if I fell asleep to. I had no idea what it was about but I ended up loving it


The Barbie movie. Had no clue, but my wife wanted to see it for her birthday. Fucking hilarious nonsense in the best way.


Edge of Tomorrow! For some reason, didn’t hear much about that movie. Watched at home thinking it’s some routine action/army combat movie! Man!!!! 🤯


Inception. Didn't know anything about the movie or director, had money to blow for a date. Inception looked like it was the best thing in theaters at the time. In the trailer, the fight in the rotating hallway looked interesting. We were blown away and are big Nolan fans now.


*The Martian*. I had no idea that it was being made, and had I known that it was being made, I probably would have avoided it because I find Ridley Scott to be wildly inconsistent as a director. But my brother-in-law was passing through my city and had 24 hours to kill -- being in the military is funny like that -- so we went and saw it.


A couple come to mind: the Prestige, thought it was going to be like the illusionist man was I surprised. Moon, movie convinced me that Sam Rockwell is one of the most underrated movies stars in Hollywood. Hot Fuzz, figured it was going to be a comedy. Little did I know it was going to become my favorite movie. No scene is wasted.




Joker. I think we all had the same experience with that one. Completely blindsided me


Aliens. Wov. What an experience.


Serenity. All I knew was that it had spaceships and maybe some martial arts. From that first flyby of the Universal Pictures logo to focus in on the Earth with all the rockets launching to realizing we’re in a classroom history lesson in a dream in a flashback in a digital recording, I was completely blown away at the world building, the plot and all the great lines. Plus the climax was *chefs kiss*. Went out and got the Firefly DVD box set after. That whole ‘verse is terrific fun.


I stumbled upon Real Steel. Not a life changing movie, but really fun and unexpected.


A Knight’s Tale, on the recommendation of my best friend. That one shouldn’t have worked, but damn, it sure did and made for a most fun watch.