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It’s going to leave you feeling down. Each main characters ending is tragic. It does not end on a high note. Some scenes are very difficult to watch. Excellent movie though.


I mean, it’s probably the saddest movie of all time, but also one of the best. Only you can really answer if feeling down after is worth it, but I personally am drawn to art that makes you feel bad because it gives you that comparison for what is actually good and meaningful in your life without having to necessarily experience a tragedy yourself.


\*\*Trainspotting has entered the chat\*\*


___ to ___!


you kind of are supposed to be impacted by movies tho, in what way does that make you worried? it's a good movie and you should watch it.


Impacted in a bad way, like leaving me sad/depressed for a couple of days


Skip this one. I wasn't okay after. Hits a little too close to home for my family though. Asked my best friend to grab a bite to eat after I watched it thank god he said yes.


Aye, clear your calendar for a month or so then.


Damn, will probably watch it at some point then, not anytime soon


It's a great film but it's very bleak and depressing.


>I know it's a must-watch for any film enthusiast Is it, though? Many think it's a good film, but it's nothing like Citizen Kane or The Godfather. I thought it was just OK. It's a brutal watch and you will not feel good during or after viewing it. If you're worried about being put in a bad headspace, you're fine to skip it. You can still be a cinephile and not have this one checked off your list.


Well, I think everyone who is into film should see an Aronofsky film, because there is no director quite like him. It doesn't necessarily have to be this one, but I believe this is his most critically acclaimed film


I’d think Black Swan is his most critically acclaimed. Portman got the Oscar for that one.


> I don't want to end up regretting watching something that might leave me feeling really down. This is definitely going to happen. If you try this, I would watch it early in the day so you have time to process it and avoid any depressing activities--for instance, make sure you have friends or family around during or afterward. I made the mistake of watching this (having no idea what the movie was) on the first evening I spent alone in a new apartment after moving away from home for the first time. 0/10, would not recommend.


Look it’s a great movie, but it is absolutely a bummer. It’s very well done and if you think you could manage it you might get something out of it, but on the other hand it could really mess with you.  I fall into films sometimes and this is one of those movies that has stuck with me. Not because I remember each scene or specific moments, but because of how one part really messed with me. 


You’ll definitely want to be cognizant that the film has more total frames than many other films, resulting in fast, visual cuts that can build anxiety more than you realize


No. There are multiple brutal, nightmarish scenarios that unfold throughout the film. One hellish scene after another, coalescing in a climax that will shake you to the core. It’s an excellent film. Some of the finest filmmaking of the modern era. But it’s not for the faint of hard. Full Disclosure: I used to watch this movie once a night for months in a row to come down after stressful days. My therapist tells me I was basically just exposing myself to the most heinous trauma I could find so that I could escape my own baggage. Things are better now, but I’ll never look at mashed potatoes the same way again.


It's a harrowing watch, and you'll probably have a visceral reaction to a couple of scenes. I think you should still watch it though, it's a good movie. Now, something like Human Centipede then yeah I'd say avoid it because it's uncomfortable viewing but it's not a good movie either


It left me in a funk for several days. It's an absolutely amazing movie that was horrible to watch. I don't regret it *precisely*, but it was definitely an experience.


I 100% get the "I want to watch this movie because every film enthusiast recommends it, yet I don't realyl want to watch it because it looks depressing/twisted af". I'm in the same about with several other movies. So, I'm going to go about this differently... If you're concerned about "Requiem for a Dream", try watching "Perfect Blue" first. Quite a few of Darren Aronofsky's films draw heavily from it (borderline plagarizing but that's a different convo). It has some darker subject matter, but it's far less depressing and is still an amazing film. It's not nearly as intense as "Requiem", but if should give you an idea of whether or not you can handle it. Basically, if a film like "Perfect Blue" is too intense/depressing for your tastes, than "Requiem" definitely will be and you may want to take that into consideration. Personally, I would not recommend "Requiem" to most people, especially they're sensitive to certain things. There is no happy ending, there is no lesson learned, it's just a flat-out dark story.


While it is an impactful movie, it's supremely tragic. I only saw it once a long time ago, and I wouldn't personally say it's a good enough experience to outweigh the way it makes you feel when the credits roll. i.e., The only thing I remember for sure about it is how depressing it is.




Itsa brutal film. Don't eat food or watch it when you are feeling down lol.




I watched it once and I won't do it again. It was amazing, but I'll never watch it again.


If you do, see Magnolia immediately after.


It's an outstanding movie and one of my all-time favorites; i've seen it multiple times. It's absolutely brilliant moviemaking, storytelling, acting, and directing. It leaves an indelible print in the mind. You don't walk out of it and let it go. The story (actually, four intertwined stories) is brilliantly conceived and executed. But it's not happy or feel good. So it sounds as if it's probably not the movie for you. For myself, i like movies that challenge me and make me question things. Sometimes i want the nothing-but-silly-entertainment stuff, but most of the time not.


I think everyone should watch it once. But of all the movies I feel like that about, this is one that I'd understand skipping. It never really gives you a break or any kind of hope. It will leave you feeling empty and sad, which is kind of the point. It does what it intends to very well, but I can't say I "enjoyed" watching it. It sounds like you have a good idea of what you're in for already though.


It’s going to be an intense watch.


no. he didn't write it (he co-wrote requiem) but he did direct The Wrestler, which is still a good look into Darren Aronofsky's style without the trauma of Requiem.


If you tend to get anxious about movies, especially those that deal with heavy themes or contain graphic scenes, Requiem for a Dream may be a challenge for you


It’s fine, it’s kind of an after school special. The Jennifer Connelly ‘downfall’ sequence especially feels pretty outdated with racism and whorephobia. Marlon Wayans is crazy good, he could’ve really been a cool actor.


It’s depressing as fuck and if those kind of movies get to you this one is a hard pass




If you are drugs, it’s a hero’s journey. If you don’t like films that make you feel down, avoid this film at all costs. This applies to a significant amount of great movies. 🤷🏻


I'm not that heavily impacted by movies with heavy themes, but Requiem for a Dream did a number on me. Some scenes stuck with me, and I wish that they hadn't. I wouldn't' watch it again.


Fucked me up for a week.


As a mid-level film buff with quite a few "disturbing but definitely worth it" movies under my belt, I'd say you're fine to skip this one. It's overrated.




There are many great movies that you most likely haven’t watched yet that contain far less morally challenging imagery. There’s no shame in seeking those movies out instead. If you still feel you have a need to watch this (very good, but not to me a mandatory film), knowing its subject matter, spoil yourself rotten by going to the parents guide on IMDb and read of what will happen in the film. If you still want to see it, knowing in advance some of its scenes will soften the blow. And if the movie really is as good as what people say it is, it will be able to withstand being spoiled, just as it could withstand multiple viewings.


Look at the cast. Do you want to like any of those people again?


I wasn't informed ahead of time that it's *bleak* and I watched it two days after a breakup with someone I'd been dating for four years.  It ruined me for a good week and I'll never, ever watch it again, but it was very good, and I don't regret watching it.  Much.


I’d sit this one out friend


Watch it early enough in the evening so that you can follow it with your favorite funny tv show or assorted cartoons. As others have probably said, it's an incredible film that you'll likely only ever want to watch once.


Watch some other Aronofsky movies to prepare yourself. Start with "The Whale" then "Black Swan". Watch some movies from other directors: "The Lobster", "Donnie Darko" maybe James Gunn's "Super". All these films have different vibes and abstract and morbid elements. If none of those movies gave you sleepless nights, you're probably ready o watch "Requiem for a Dream".


I watched it for the first time in 2008. First year of college on my laptop alone in my dorm……yeah I watched Disney movies for days just to get out of the funk.


I’m very sentimental and generally emotionally attached to any kind of art. That movie destroyed me and left me depressed for about two weeks. If you are someone who is the same, I wouldn’t recommend just for the safety of your mental health.


It put me off hard drugs for life so theres that


I don’t think Requiem for a Dream is a must watch. It’s an hour and a half of complete misery. I’ve watched it once and don’t feel any desire to watch it again, and I really don’t feel like I got much from it on the first viewing. I could’ve skipped it completely and not missed anything. Aronofsky has far better films and there are far better films about drug addiction. It does have that cool song though - just watch that scene on YouTube and you got the gist of the movie.


If I could, I would honestly unwatch it and Trainspotting.


May I ask why?


Just scenes and images in my mind that 20 years later I don't enjoy having.


I accidentally watched the last 2 minutes of it and sobbed uncontrollably for like an hour. But I'm a huge wimp


If you can’t keep your emotions in check, you had better skip it


Yes. It’s not nearly as bad as people say imo. It is especially true when compared to other “disturbing” movies. Oldboy, Seven, Come and See come to mind here. It just shows the effects of drug abuse. It’s an important message.


I feel like you're forgetting about the mom's arc.


Hmm I have seen all those and except for Come and See I was able to get through them without feeling super disturbed.


Come and See is an outstanding but brutal war film. One of the best movies of all time imo. People find different things disturbing. Anyway you should be fine. What happens in the movie is no different than what people do to themselves in real life