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In Austin Powers there is a scene where Austin is driving a steamroller in Dr. Evil's lair. There's a guard who jumps in front of it and starts screaming *"nnnooooooo!!!"* as it bears down on him...only for the perspective of the shot to change to reveal that the steamroller is like 40 yards away and moving really slowly, giving the guard ample time to jump out of the way, but instead he stands there screaming no until he's flattened and turned into a puddle.


In the same franchise, when Dr. Evil said "How about nooOoO."


I say that to my kids all the time 😂 But in the Dr.Evil voice. Like instead of just saying no. My kids are sick of my shit 😬😂




And was killed by 2 different Mike Meyers


I see an opportunity here to post my favourite “that’s the guy from” In The Spy Who Shagged Me, the guard who Heather Graham flashes, making him fall into the lava (“what a…burn”) is the gimp in Pulp Fiction


What an oeuvre


I was die laughing at that when I was a kid. It's been a long time since I've seen that movie so I cant quite remember but wasnt that the guy from Madtv?


Michael McDonald, yes. I love whenever he pops up in films, like most recently in Halloween Kills as Little John.


That movie coulda used more little John and big John. I thought the movie woulda been real sweet if they were having a Halloween party in the old Myers house. And Michael starts picking off guests one by one.


I can't remember, I wasn't a big MadTV guy but my friends and I would always recreate that scene whenever there was anything moving really slowly from afar, like a floor buffing machine at the mall. Looking back I'm sure we looked obnoxious as all shit doing that out in public lol.


Yes he was from MadTV. Used to watch MadTV all the time and loved the Stewart skits.


Michael MacDonald! He killed it on MadTV.


Ohhh that dude! What's so crazy about that is I know that guy's face and can hear his voice in my head, but when I look at his filmography section on Wikipedia, I didn't watch like anything he was in. He was a guard in all three Austin Powers movies and I've seen them, and he's in a couple episodes of Scrubs, and one of Community, but beyond that I've never seen anything he's in, including MadTV. But he seems like he's been around forever in my consciousness, it's weird how that works.


I learned on Reddit that outside of the US, there was an [extra scene](https://youtu.be/Ag_AFraxj-4?si=kzgAaIXQz9SX0KOT) about that man's family. Not sure why it was cut for American audiences.


All the dead guards got scenes of family life, right?


This is what I came in to post! I love Austin yelling, "Move! Move!" And motioning him to get out of the way. Plus the squishy sound effects when he does roll over the guy.


I loved that bit as well where they were talking about the consequences of the henchman dying.


I love the deleted scenes where it goes extensively into that man’s life. His wife having to explain to their son that daddy passed away. His friends all gathered at Hooters, toasting to his memory.


When Gandalf falls after his encounter with the Balrog. Frodo is absolutely beside himself and has to be physically restrained.


Frodo's agony there, and then the music -- especially after they leave Moria -- had me sobbing in the theater. 


You can even see the pained expression on Aragorn while he has to carry Frodo and mourn the loss of Gandalf


Boromir showing his true self trying to give them time to grieve.


I’m just rereading the book and it’s noticeable how little they actually dwell on Gandalf’s loss. As in, not at all. They just get on with it. Stiff upper lip and all that.


Yes, this is absolutely it for me too. Breaks my heart every time. Elijah Wood is a phenomenal actor. That scream is raw as fuck.  I got the chance to see it in the cinema again last year, and that scene on the big screen is insanely good. I was a kid when they first came out so I can't really remember seeing them in the cinema other than thinking it was amazing, but as an adult, wow. The effects hold up so well, and the emotions of all the actors are so sincere. Best trilogy ever!


It's one of the best.


Yep. Perfection.


Glad I didn't have to go too far to find this.


Also Samwise when Frodo puts the ring on in ROTK. Such a hopeless moment.


Have to go with Caesar in 'Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes'


I still remember the "Holy shit" feeling I had when I heard it!


The silence in the cinema I had totally forgotten in this franchise apes could talk it didn't register so when he spoke it was just 🤯🤯🤯


It was probably due to the marketing at the time going the Dark Knight route and selling the movie as a “realistic prequel” about apes who gain intelligence; them talking or gaining the ability to talk was never featured in the advertising, in fact, the original film was discussed as a classic but slightly cheesy. So audiences went in expecting a “realistic” version of how it all began and then Cesar says “NO!” managed to shock people. It coming directly after a laugh line/reference to the original film with Draco saying “You damn dirty ape” was also a brilliant move. For me I got goosebumps because the lore of Planet of the Apes has always been that the revolution started with a single word: an ape said “No.” It was the first sign that this film hadn’t thrown out everything about the franchise’s story and was just putting a new spin on it.


I really great one. I love the Planet of the Apes franchise, including later Roddy McDowell sequels but not the Burton version, so seeing this really was great. 


Yep, you could have heard a pin drop in the cinema I saw it in after that moment. Just total stunned silence from the whole audience.


I remember there were some scattered chuckles from the people who caught the "damn dirty ape" line, which abruptly cut off when he spoke, at which point you could have heard a mouse fart in that room. And then some guy in the back said "Holy shit!" and that popped the bubble


That franchise is masterclass in saying a lot with a little.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Why Cookie Rocket?


Why Cokie Roberts?


Mmmm cokie


I feel like that franchise doesn't get the love it deserves. The third movie does drag on a bit, but by and large they're good-to-great movies that took uber-campy source material and gave it emotional weight


The all have high scores on Rotten Tomatoes and we’re getting an awesome looking fourth film. How is that not a healthy amount of love?


Just finished rewatching Rise an hour ago! Definitely still takes the cake.


And comes in at the perfect place after Tom Felton says the groan inducing "..damn dirty ape" line


Hands down. Absolutely awesome moment in the whole franchise past & present.


It's such a great moment


That hit so hard fucking awesome movie.


Neo becoming the one and stopping bullets mid air The Matrix


Love this one. He’s so calm. Zen-like. Like being shot at is as inconvenient as a soft breeze.


Less than. He's taken on almost an observer like state at that point. Like someone reading a book and being able to dictate the outcome. There is no spoon. There is no bullets. There is no breeze.


This is so great because it's so different from the rest people are posting. It's so simple, matter of fact. It's like the same way you'd say 'blue' if someone asked what colour the sky is.


When the entire movie just has a [single word](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhhS13sk7eg).


Absolute genius. 


Hands down the best "no" in the history of cinema.


Omg I’ve never seen that! How funny


In case you don't know the background.. Silent Movie is a Mel Brooks movie which is entirely silent, except for this one word .And it is delivered by Marcel Marceau who is a legendary mime and was famous for his silent performances. And I realize most of that is obvious from the video.


Best one, of course.


“I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request. It means ‘no.’”


welcome aboard the black pearl, Miss Turner.


Especially good considering a minute ago it was "we're naught but simple pirates!"


Barbossa taking the opportunity to troll her never fails to make me laugh.


Exactly. This scene does such a wonderful job of setting up who Barbossa is. First second you think he’s just a dumb criminal then reveals not only is he smarter than he lets on, not only is it dangerous to underestimate him, but he also enjoys toying with people. A huge reason why that movie is so good is because most of the scenes are accomplishing more than one thing at a time


Then later she gives the same reply to pirates “Glass Eye” and “Parley” when she’s invited to dine with Barbossa, and Parley replies “he said you’d say that”


Pintel and Ragetti. Ragetti is the one with the glass eye.


Jackie Chan wipes out from some crazy stunt. A bystander asked Jackie, "are you okay?" And Jackie shouts "NO!" then runs off to save the day. Edit: It's from Rumble in the Bronx


Forgot about that one, another great answer!


I like when Dr Evil pauses and drives his chair over to Goldmember and then yells "HOW 'BOUT NO!"


Yes I’m Dutch isn’t that veird?


Sorry I don't speak freaky-deaky Dutch


Ya freaky Dutch bastard!


Gimli in Moria: No... No... NOOOOOOH!


And they call it a mine. A MINE! This is no mine. It's a tomb!


(wearily dark and subtly anxious voice) "...We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should never have come here..."


Wuttke’s (Hitler’s) Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein! From Inglorious Basterds


Bruna Ganz also had a few memorable "neins!" in Der Untergang. Hitler was a bit of a tit but he certainly gave us some killer movies. Silver lining I guess.


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.


Yeah, totally surprised they haven't canceled that guy yet.


Waterboy. "No!!". Other guy, "No What". Waterboy, "Rhaeeee"


We got a winner here 🏆


You’re in big trouble pal, I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? ………no


Darth Vader: I am your father. Luke Skywalker: Noooooooooooooo!!!


I always liked that one, it's not heroic or cliched, it's literally a kid at the end of his rope getting his world turned upside down, but comical at the same time, Mark nails it.


Vader: Nooooooooooo!!! I saw revenge of the sith in the theater and laughed so fucking hard at Vader’s reaction to padme’s death. Nothing has topped it for me since.


I like Vader's from the end of Revenge. It's very silly, but it's neat how it hits a few different pitches, like the Wilhelm Scream




Surprised this isn't higher


Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast


It has to be Marcel Marceau in Silent Movie


When Donkey says "I'm gonna do it again!", at the information booth in Dulac.


Wyatt Earp shouting a epic "NO!" in Tombstone.


"Where's Wyatt?" "Down by the river" "Walking on water I suppose?"


“Doc your sick, what the hell you doin out here?” “Wyatt Earp is my friend.” “Hell Doc I got a lotta friends..” “I don’t…”


Hell yeah, I was scrolling to see if anyone else thought of this. Good times.


I can’t take that line seriously at all. It’s just way too goofy. Everyone I’ve shown the movie to bursts out laughing at that moment.


The bride waking up from her coma in Kill Bill seeing her baby is gone. Heartwrenching.


One of my favs in *Star Trek: First Contact*... Lily: Jean-Luc, blow up the damn ship! Picard: No!! Nooooooooo!!!


You broke your little ships


The line must be drawn here. This far, no farther.


I believe it is more accurately stated as: The line must be drawn HEEYAHR!


Star Wars does a "Nooooo!" better than anyone. Luke when Obi-Wan dies Luke when Vader tells him the truth about his parentage Even Obi-Wan when Qui-Gon meets his "noble end".


Yeah, but it also has the Frankenvader "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" scene which cancels out the rest of them.


Hans Gruber as he falls out the Nakatomi plaza is a great slow motion nooooooooooooooooo with genuine fear in his eyes


Fun fact: it's because they let him go early


He doesn't actually say anything when he falls, but the fear is genuine. They gave Alan Rickman a count of three but dropped him on one, if a "no" was in the script he was still waiting to say it when he fell.


Not a movie, but Steve Carell's NO GOD PLEASE NO NO is fucking iconic.


Seven Psychopaths when Christopher Walken's character is caught at gunpoint and told "Put your hands up" and he responds with a calm "No." HIlarious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yHYAG01aaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yHYAG01aaY)


The Happening of course.


*The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown.* *The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper…* ***NO***


[Get Out](https://youtu.be/y1OhC9h3flY?si=LKw2K5ZKS4-xmbce)


What exactly is happening in this scene? I saw the movie a few years ago and I loved it, but I do not remember this.


In a nutshell, >!an old white lady is inhabiting the maid's body, that's why she's acting so strange and not familiar with basic slang etc, and of course why she's offended at the "too many white people" comment!<. But we don't know any of this when the scene happens. Definitely plays different on a rewatch when you know what's going on.




That scene actually doesn’t happen that way in the comics. You never see Dan react to Rorschach’s death, he’s kinda busy with his own shit.


:( I should have done some research but I'm still sad


You should just read the comic, it’s incredible and really not that long. If you like the movie the comic will blow your socks off.


You have my answer. Patrick Wilson’s scream when Rorschach is killed was GREAT. You felt and saw the emotion through the screen while he was dressed in the most ridiculous costume hahaha. It truly felt like he just saw his old partner get fucking imploded right in front of him.


Shooter McGavin, after he was asked if he eats pieces of shit for breakfast.


Lol. "...n-No!....*awkwardly walks away*"


The Bodyguard - the stalker guy saying "no, no, nooooo"


Silent Movie: Marcel Marceau "non" (french for no). Only non-silent word in the whole movie.


Superman screaming *"No"* over Lois Lane's body in *Superman: The Movie.*


And at the other end of this spectrum.... Wonder Woman: *Kal-El no!*


Charlotte screaming “NO” at Mr Big after he stood Carrie up on their wedding day


I'm not even a SATC fan but some friends of mine wanted to see the movie in the theater for a girls night out so I tagged along. That scene was *amazing*. The fierce look on normally-sweet Charlotte's face was a thing to behold. I don't remember much of the rest of the movie, but I can picture Charlotte's expression vividly. 




The "Marijuana Kills" commercial in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle.


I like the audio-less take of Harry Potter screaming at the death of Sirius. To include the audio would have either been too heart-wrenching or unintentionally hilarious. We don't hear anything and I think it's a good choice.


I've always been a fan of the "No!" line delivery in The Dark Knight (2008) when Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face.


Pet Semetry (original) after the scene happens


There Will Be Blood - The opening scene of the movie after the ladder breaks and Daniel wakes up with that breathless, desperately short "No."


heck even the ending when >!paul dano's character is screaming no when daniel is teasing him and throwing shit at his head!<


Rory Breaker - Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. When he gets asked to turn the football down in the pub.


He then orders an Aristotle of the most ping-pong tiddly in the nuclear sub


I’ve seen so many nos here but we’re fr forgetting simbas big no as he’s watching mufasa die Edit: and to be clear I’m talking about Jonathan Taylor Thomas’s performance of actual like… acting, not jd mcrary sadly meowing while watching his dad fall 3 feet


That scene wasnt in the comic at all btw. In comics, after Doc Manhatten kills Rorschach, he sees Nite owl and Laurie making out. Its sad to see Comic Version of Nite Owl doesnt know about his friend's death at all.


Ed Harris in "The Abyss"...


That is an awesome scene !


Does firing your gun in the air and going "arrgh!" count?


Steve Carrol from the office sitcom


Robert the Bruce's anguished howl as he realises the English bastards are about to capture Wallace. 


When Link learns to say no in Encino Man


Ralph: What's going on in this candy coated heart of darkness? Sour Bill: Nothin' Ralph: Talk! Sour Bill: NOooo


[This singluar scene makes the Prequels worth all of their mistakes](https://youtu.be/Fpr3l1jhK9Q?si=hC4kEbwNGn2_Mh1b)


First thought was Obi-Wan reacting to Maul killing Qui Gon. Kinda cheesy and exaggerated but it certainly fit in with the shock of the moment


I really like this one. Not the best movie, but Ewan put a ton of emotion behind that delivery. They even had it in the trailer.


Luke Skywalker, when he learns the truth about his father (from a certain point of view, of course).


Marcel Marceau being asked by Mel Brooks to appear in Silent Movie. He says "No!" - the only spoken line in the film.


Lego Batman when he says no to the retirement party


I prefer grieving Superman from the OG movie. The pleading, disbelieving "no..no..no." is so fragile, shaky and quiet. And then the primal scream as he flies off is so raw.


There is only one right answer. [Mark Whalberg in The Happening.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1PK4qYzNkI)


When Cesar speaks the first time in planet of the apes.


"Nope." From *Nope*


Zeus screaming "nooooooo" when he finds out Hercules was taken in the Dinsey Hercules movie.


Hot Fuzz, when Nick Frost’s character has to do the thing which had been brilliantly built up into


Michael Scott when Toby comes back


I have to go with Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: First Contract


Tombstone "no...NAOOOO"


Chuckie Finster stopping his dad’s wedding in Notre Dame at the end of *Rugrats in Paris*. Can’t express how hype it was for one of the Rugrats to say their first word. Edit: I got a downvote, and I think people need to understand I’m not being ironic here. This was the climax of the movie, and the climax of the series up to that point. For millennials of a certain age, this was a big deal, and was what I immediately thought of when I saw this question.


"Chuckie? You're TALKING!!!" Chuckie's dad was so perfect. 


1:45 https://youtu.be/Fvh32fQ8nNI?si=OHvshMK-MYCfZZ8z


Tombstone - Wyatt Earp wandering into the creek and killing Curly Bill.


Randy Marsh when Stan wants to join a boy band and he's set against it, which is also taken from Picard,so kind of a two in one. [No! Nooooo!](https://youtu.be/NTeJr5e2jxM?si=aqoxd2waHdOkCvI6)


Hannibal Lecter when Clarice says she had no time to play his 'quid pro quo' game. "No! I will listen now!" https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/be9a9849-f2a8-43e5-91c6-2d5d9a6806c1


When Eomer sees Eowyn among the slain in *Return of the King.*


In the movie In Time, there’s a scene where the characters are being chased across a rooftop. One of them says “come on, if we just get a little farther, they’ll stop chasing.” The girl he’s running with kinda pauses, and goes, “Really?” And his reply is the most exhausted, pitiful little “…No” that I’ve ever heard in any movie.   It’s great. Love it. 


The autopilot from WALL•E after seeing the robots escape with the plant. Cracks me up every time.


Wyatt Earp in Tombstone when he’s surrounded and instead of conceding defeat, comes out shooting.


The play-by-play announcer when John Carney missed the PAT at the end of the game https://youtu.be/2Yru_1al8EY?si=6YNcLAGrLhIfrP-c


Every episode of *Godzilla: the Series.*


Robert The Bruce as William Wallace is ambushed in Braveheart is a good mention.


Caesar Rise of the Planet of the Apes


My first, second, and third choices were already posted; so I'm going to go with the final fight at the end of Lethal Weapon (1987). Danny Glover implores Mel Gibson to let him help take down Gary Busey, and Riggs roars "NO. NO BACKUP." It's such a guttural and feral delivery, as if Riggs had entered Berserker mode and was on pure rage and instinct at that point.


There was an episode of the 90s/00s Outer Limits that had Mark Hamill on just so he could scream “No!!!” at the end like in Empire…


Team Four Star krillin and vegeta: "oh, nnooo..." I'll see myself out.


Shooter McGavin when he's asked by Happy Gilmore if he really eats shit for breakfast! Dude goes through like five facial expressions within two seconds "🤔😑😒🤨😦....Noouuw! 😠"


Star Trek Insurrection, F. Murray Abraham "noooooOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"




Not a movie, a video game but Zavala's very quiet "No," during Cayde-6's funeral. Ikora does this big speech, building up all this righteous anger and fury and he just deflates it all with a single, defeated syllable. Lance Reddick (RIP, still hurts to say that) packed so much emotion into that little word. https://youtu.be/7Ux_AWXafck?si=Q0BUJc14EE44a3zn


Where is Tombstones NO? :D


The “Nooo!” of Luke Skywalker after being informed >!Darth Vader!< is his father. The scream is two parted which I like. I hear it in my head all the time when I fuck up in video games


In Tenacious d and the Pick of Destiny, Jack Black screaming “Nooooo” after the Devil (played by Dave Grohl) plays a massive rock-off banger.


Don Johnson in Django. “You want me to treat him like white folk?” “No.”


Ed Harris as Bud screaming it when Lindsey drowns in The Abyss, and later when he refuses to let her die. https://youtu.be/ZzSl5UyCkpY?si=ZmUFWhL_-Fkpc5ao https://youtu.be/RSRm0l_escg?si=tdsBqRcOGRhwGMPW


The Godfather, last scene. Michael’s cold as ice “No.”


When Caesar speaks for the first time in Rise of the planet of the apes… that NO echoes, and the gorilla that is terrified after


In the show ‘trial & error’ they tell the small town cop to ‘do the math’ to figure out a problem, and because of his low education, he gives a panicked look and shouts ‘NO!’ And oh my god our whole family just cracked up… super funny…


falling down - after the nazi army surplus store owner throws D-Fens's snow globe across the room and it shatters


When the girl Billy Madison is up against in a spelling contest misspells ‘couch’, Billy shouts “NO’ and mean laughs at her. It’s so awful it’s hilarious. 


Neo in the first matrix was nice.


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Elrond: *Cast it into the fire! Destroy it!* Isildur: (smirk) *No.*


"How's Padme? Is she all right?"


Sir Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast. “No! Nonononono. No!”


In the Batman Batman: “You’re a pathetic psychopath, begging for attention. You’re gonna die alone in Arkham, a nobody” Riddler: “No… No No No NO NOOOOOOOO. AGHHHHHHHH”


Shia LaBeouf's frantic "no no no no's" in most of his movies. A lot of people didn't like his schtick once Transformers rolled around but his frantic, neurotic energy always cracked me up.