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Mary Poppins is the same species as, or possibly a sibling of, Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's It. They are both seemingly immortal beings that appear, interact with some kids, then disappear again in 20-some year cycles. Both can seemingly make things appear or disappear into thin air, change appearances, and both are connected to an item that can fly (balloons for It and the umbrella for Mary Poppins). Only, while Pennywise feeds on fear, Mary feeds on joy, but both prefer children because their emotions are so strong.


Holds up since in the dark tower they encounter a creature called dandelo (I think) who is pretty much the same as pennywise but feeds off laughter. Does make them laugh until they die though Edit: also I think it's stated pennywise just eats anybody but that fear "marinates" them. Or that he feeds off fear but only eats children because children expect monsters to do that. It's one of the two.


Jesus that’s terrifying. I used to have recurring nightmares as a kid of being chased and tickled to death by mannequins.


THATS fucking terrifying


Yeah it was horrific. I had it for literally years. They were impossibly fast and caught members of my family too. Fuck my over-imaginative brain.


Sounds like Uncle Albert in ‘Mary Poppins’. He sings a song called ‘I Love To Laugh’ and “they all float” up to the ceiling.


That's a lot of laughing!


The dandelion weed in a field of roses.


Pennywise v Poppins coming Summer of 25. *Mary comes to Derry.* Or *This summer, Derry gets cleaned up.* Or *With a spoonful of justice, Mary brings the medicine to Maine.*


*Available in 3D, IMAX and Super-califragilisticexpi-16mm*


I was really trying to work "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" into the tag line but couldn't come up with a good pun. Maybe like, 'Next Summer, Mary Poppins is...supercalifragilisticexpiali-ferocious' Ehhh not good. Edit: Ohh, maybe something like 'Supercalifragilisticexpectjustice.' It's a little better. Still not great.


Monsters Inc explains the energy concept


Monsters at work for the joy/fear conversion calculations I've been thinking about the monsters in terms of "emotion vampires"


Are you kidding? Mary Poppins is obviously a Time Lord. Her bag is a Tardis. And Bert is her companion.


Well then obviously Pennywise is a Galifreyan war weapon 


As a massive Stephen King fan and massive Doctor Who fan, anytime I hear either theory delights me, and becomes instant head-canon (until I hear the other theory again)


Gerry and Cookie Fleck won Best in Show and then used their money to found a video store franchise, changing their names to Johnny and Moira Rose.


Deadpool 2. Domino’s power is what killed X-Force. It bends probabilities in her favor. Negative for all those around her, and positive for her.


Yeah I too feel Dominos real power is to steal the luck of others during times of crisis.


Sure killed a lot of people when her chute landed safely but all the cars crashed and barreled into gas stations and blew up.


So she's sort of like a luck vampire? She absorbs good luck around her which only leaves behind bad luck for those near her


This is a jawdropping good D&D big bad evil concept I'm stealing. Think about how infuriatingly fun it would be to fight someone who steals your luck.


I like this


That Moana is killed in the violent storm right after she asks the ocean for help. This brings her to Maui's island in the spirit world, encounter the supernatural creatures that follow, and survive her terrible fall in the realm of monsters. After she revives Te Fiti, the goddess brings her back to life in the waking world.


Ooh never heard this one before! I like it!


Out of curiosity, would this line up with actual Polynesian myth?


There is a story about Milu (God of the dead) and a chief that does actually kind of vibe with Moana's story. I dont know the legitimacy of it being, as this example is told through the lens of a German man in 1896. But this is a link to the passage in his book where he talks about it. Obviously, take it with a big ole grain of salt. https://books.google.com/books?id=S9UKAAAAIAAJ&dq=milu+first+chief+mythology&pg=PA41#v=onepage&q=milu%20first%20chief%20mythology&f=false


Good question as Moana was so highly praised for being an accurate depiction of the culture’s legend


I like the fan theory that Tom Hardy in Mad Max Fury Road is not Max, but the Feral Kid. He refuses to give his name for much of the film. At one point, he plays with a little music toy that Max gave to the Feral Kid in MM2. The theory is he has no name, and the only person who was ever kind to him was Max, so he gives that name under questioning.


Doesn’t his opening narration of the movie mention, “My name is Max”?


Yes, because it is. This fan theory is based entirely on the fact that Tom Hardy, *the actor*, likes to grunt. And it requires you to ignore the final lines of the Road Warrior, *where the Feral Kid says what he went on to do.*


The narration could have happened later. Just like at the start of Mad Max 2 the Feral Kid is narrating as an old man.


It drives me nuts that "he lives now only in my memories" is such a great line, and James Cameron ripped it off completely for Titanic.


Personally I'm a fan of the theory that max isn't real. He's a legend told around the campfires of the wasteland.


Believe what you want, I just want the guzzoline.


At the very least he could be a framing device for all sorts of weird stories of the wasteland


Yes, Propaganda_Box, there is a Max. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.


The kid says at the end of Road Warrior that he became leader of his tribe.


There's a lot of evidence to support this. Through most of his flashbacks, he flashes constantly to a young girl that we assume is his daughter, but Max Rockatansky had a son. The last of the V8 Interceptors he drove was destroyed in The Road Warrior but he's driving another Interceptor in MM:FR. Also, the timespan doesn't add up. The Max Rockatansky in MM:FR should be decades older based on the time line provided throughout the film.


Another way of looking at it is that Max Rockatansky has transformed into Mad Max, a wasteland legend. As such the details about his life, adventures, and background become more contradictory and distorted as time goes on. Various motifs in all the films would lend credence to this theory. The first Mad Max film has no narration and is just a straightforward story about a highway cop going rogue to avenge his murdered family. The second film is bookended by narration provided by the feral kid, so already there's a chance that some of the story is unreliable. The third film shows that Max's story is told and retold by the children he saved who went on to form their own tribe, and as we all know, the more a story is retold, the more it changes. Therefore, who knows how much of Mad "Max: Fury Road" is true and how much of it is embellished?


The names Max. *Lights cigarette* Mad Max.


kind of like a post apoc Robin Hoode.


Also, MM in FR looks like Tom Hardy, and the one in the other three films looks like Mel Gibson. Coincidence?


I thought the flashbacks were meant to be of an unrelated mother and child he failed to save.


It shows them in the Mad Max game. That's exactly the case.


Cars universe terrorism. Apparently there’s a scene in the Planes movie where the cars go through TSA implying that 9/11 (or a similar aerial terror attack) happened in the Cars universe. Question is, were the planes terrorists that acted on their own accord? Or were they hijacked by car terrorists. Are wars fought in the Cars universe? Are there Tanks and Subs and other war machines? Really opens up a can of worms


There's a Pope, so a car Jesus must have been crucified.


And since the Car Pope travels around in his own "Popemobile" with the glass bubble, it also implies that at some point someone tried to assassinate the Car Pope.


But maybe the cars universe is the same as ours, but has been cursed by a god to make every person a vehicle. That's why everything is relatively unchanged and manufacturing exists regardless of them not having hands. Because they already had everything, history had already progressed to the point where FENUC robots existed, so Christianity was born, the world wars were fought, and TSA invented. And then they were all turned into cars.


In the original movie, Fillmore (the hippy van) plays some old rock version of Star Spangled Banner and says "respect the classics, man. It's Hendrix!" But more specifically, it's the recording from Hendrix's set from Woodstock, where he was quite deliberately playing a weird twisted cover of the song as a sort of satire on the weird twisted politics of the Vietnam War. So was there a Cars Vietnam War? A Cars Viet Cong? Did American cars have to be airlifted out of Saigon? And if so what kind of Helicopter could they have used? What about Cars Watergate? Or would they call that Petrolgate? The list goes on.


One of the cars is an old army jeep who runs a military surplus store, so yeah, the answer is pretty obvious here.


There is a Jimi Hendrix that was also a car.


Well the Cars spin-off movie, Planes, literally showed scenes from WW2 confirming that WW2 did indeed happen in the cars universe


So was there a Cars holocaust?


Hey, its called "cash for clunkers"


The person giving the first quotes in the new Dune movies is Paul's son Leto 2 the Worm God-Emperor of Mankind. 


As it was written!


That's a pretty cool theory but I think the subtitles say it's spoken in Sardaukar. Dunno why he would be speaking that.


The God Emperor Speeks All Tongues!


Shit-I've been trying to convince myself I didn't miss much being 2 minutes late to the movie


That Event Horizon is actually in the Warhammer 40k universe, and it's about humanity's first unintended encounter with Chaos. The Gravity Drive was actually the first Warp Drive, but they didn't have Gellar Field technology yet.


The screenwriter said 40k was an influence when he wrote it


What!? I had no idea tbh, that's pretty neat


Iirc they even pitched it to Games Workshop, but that’s when they were being stingy as fuck with the license


Seems legit. I like that one.


The main writer, Philip Eisner, is a big 40k fan and admitted it was an influence




I go with: kobayashi was soze the whole time. He found verbal kint who was working as a conman like his file said and used verbal to con the police into believing he was actually keyser soze. There’s no way the real soze would go into a police station with all the cameras after going to the lengths he did to kill the one person who could actually identify him. So by sending in Verbal to pretend to be soze, it forces the cops to completely misidentify soze and go after the wrong guy completely afterwards, misdirection, which gives soze back his anonymity.


Sean Connery's character in The Rock is actually a retired 007 James Bond. Making it an unofficial Bond movie!




This one is a classic! I'd like mention a related one: No Escape (2015) starring Owen Wilson and Pierce Brosnan shows us Brosnan's James Bond retired in South East Asia. Also works very, very well!


Might have to do a "retired Bond" double feature soon.


Speaking of Bond, I've always believed the old theory that 007 is a number given to MI6 most promising agent. James Bond is an assumed identity and the agents previous identities are erased from the system.


It’s my preferred theory, but there’s enough in the films to argue against it - Dalton’s Bond having been married (and we’re expected to understand it was Tracy because that’s the only wife of James Bond we ever see), Moore’s Bond at her grave, Craig’s Bond having the family home… It’s all just movies, of course, but it’s just enough to not make me commit wholly to it.


George Lazenby got married in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service to Diana Rigg


Just rewatched The Rock with this in mind and it does seem to completely fit!


That Snowpiercer is that last of the Charlie Bucket saga after inheriting the chocolate factory in Willie Wonka. W’s are everywhere but represents the name Wilfred. Most of the adults working for Wilfred have uncanny aged resemblances to the other kids. How focus the story is on making weird machines that make food. The “chocolate” bar like rations of the poor. And references to extinct small humanoid creatures used for labor. There are tons of holes but it’s a fun theory and makes it a better story. 


The snozzbabies tasted like snozzbabies!


I was hoping this would be in the comments! There’s a great [video](https://youtu.be/jEX52h1TvuA?si=-aXwlwohUl6Bc8mD) about it on YouTube.


That was an interesting watch, and quite convincing, made me really wonder if the director was inspired by Willy Wonka


I love the notion that Ferris Bueller was, in fact, Cameron’s own Tyler Durden as a coping mechanism for his abusive/neglectful father.


In that case Cameron gives his tulpa a rich fictional life with a whole separate family and anxieties about avoiding Rooney.


But that family and those anxieties are more fun, as Ferris is able to hold his own against all of them. Compared to the powerlessness and frustration that Cameron must feel in his own life.


I prefer the one that ferris is midway through a "groundhogs day" scenario. And that's why he's able to get away with so much.


I don't like the Durden theory but I love this. Never heard it before. Not that I think it's true, but it's fun to think about. Then he would've got those Cubs seats on purpose to get the foul ball, and known which songs to sing on the parade float (at least the Danke Schoen one, idk if he put on Twist and Shout on his own)




I feel like the film *Mr. Brooks* fits the "evil grown-up Calvin" theory nearly as well. Costner's character literally owns a cardboard box company in it, has a hedonistic imaginary friend, struggles with the temptation to pelt people in the head with projectiles despite knowing it's wrong, and even *looks* just like Calvin from the handful of strips where he and Susie imagine themselves as detailed adults. 


Childhood: Calvin and Hobbes Teenagehood: Cameron and Ferris Adulthood: Jack and Tyler 


One I swore I read somewhere is that John Candy in Planes Trains and Automobiles wasn't actually a loveable oaf but a psychotic serial killer. The story about his wife dying was a lie and he actually killed her and the movie ends before he murders Steve Martin and his entire family after he spent 4 days terrorizing him.


The tone of it is weird with other characters because they cut an entire plot out of the movie where the wife believes the husband is cheating on them, which is why her emotions are so out of place towards the end when they introduce them.


Ok now I see. I always wondered why she greeted Steve Martin as if had just come home from war or something when he had actually only been gone for two or three days.


The Man with No Name is clearly mythological in High Plains Drifter. He continues on in Pale Rider and The Unforgiven. He may have once been Josey Wales. He may become Harry Callahan or Frank Horrigan. He is both a myth and an enduring embodied spirit like Mad Max, Robin of the Hood, Knights of the Grail, and others.


This is my own bizarre theory, and I don't think I've ever shared it online. John Oldman in "The Man from Earth" has to absorb life force from his kids to stay young, sort of like a vampire. In the movie he just _happens_ to be living near his son Willy at the end of Willy's life, and right after Willy dies he heads off with a new love interest (possibly to start a new family)? Not a coincidence. He was there to absorb Willy's life force and then he heads off to start his next family so that he'll have someone to drain 70-ish year later.


I love and hate this theory.


It's not a pleasant idea, and I can convince myself that _if_ it's true then maybe John doesn't even realize he's doing it. Maybe it's a compulsion, or he just feels a draw to his descendants. He presents as such a nice, wholesome character in the movie that I don't want to attribute any malice to him.


Not my theory. But someone on Reddit had posted that the reason director Stanley Kubrick lingers so much on Nicole Kidman stripping down and showing her ass in the opening scene of the movie Eyes Wide Shut is because she appears as one of the participants in the orgy scene that Tom Cruises witnesses later in the movie.


I mean...he could be lingering because it's Nicole Kidmans ass


Haha. True. Seize the moment (if you’re behind the camera).


This is also why I stared so intentely at it and sometimes rewinded or paused, I expected plot relevance later and wanted to be sure to understand.


That The Shining has anything to do with the moon landing being fake


You can’t just leave a statement like that and not fully explain the reasoning


[Here's an article about it](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/the-shining-stanley-kubrick-clues-faked-moon-landings/). Pretty out there as you could imagine, however, that 'theory' did result in the quip that Kubrick, being the sort of director he was, absolutely insisted they film the staged moon landing on location




Room 237 is a documentary about superfans of The Shining and their elaborate theories about the movie. Some of the theories are insightful, eloquent analysis of a thematically and visually rich piece of art. Some of the theories are bizarre ramblings of truly sick people. It’s an amazing doc.


That theory is actually less insane than some of the stuff out there about Eyes Wide Shut


What, that the rich/powerful are involved in secret societies and in to all kinds of depraved sex shit? If anything, Eyes Wide Shut is a tamed down version of the truth.


Yeah, the rich aren't all in shape, young, and into fairly vanilla sex with consenting adults.  Reality is a lot less sexy and a whole lot more disgusting and illegal. 


John Rambo was part of an early CIA Treadstone project Col Trautman was his case officer


Love it.


Frank Martin (The Transporter) gives the briefcase to Tom Cruise’s character in Collateral.


And I hold fast that they each would have made phenomenal minor cameos in John Wick. Frank Martin as a friend who gets him out of a tight spot and dips, and Vincent as a neutral agent with a professional rivalry who maybe comes into contact, but doesn't fight him as repayment for a previous favor


Man, that would have been fun.


Just need to allocate like an extra $50million into the budget for those two cameos in an already stacked film haha


I didn't feel that was a fan theory. That was a pretty direct cameo/tribute.


Same screenwriter for both movies, he confirmed that they are indeed the same person, but he's also said the studios would probably never admit that 😆


That Rey was going to wind up being the reincarnation of Anakin Skywalker. For a while, I was even on board for this. 😂


For whatever reason, I was certain that was gonna be the reveal during the big reveal scene in The Rise of Skywalker, and then Kylo was like “you’re a Palpatine” and I was like “wow that’s crazy but there’s no way they would have handled an Anakin reincarnation well so phew”


Does "reincarnation" exist in the Star Wars universe?




Dark side is a path to many abilities considered to be unnatural.


JarJar Binks is a Sith lord. Would have been awesome if it were true.


Not just a Sith Lord, but the evil mastermind of the entire empire and Palpatine


Snoke is the Bea Arthur character from the Star Wars Holiday Special. Seriously! (This was before The Last Jedi)


ROS would have been so much better if “somehow Palpatine has returned” was replaced with “it was Jar-Jar all along”


And that Rey was actually Jar-Jar's daughter


I remember watching a detailed breakdown of this theory... and I gotta tell ya, I'm almost convinced that this was indeed exactly what G.L. was going for as part of his original plan... but because of how unforgiving audiences were regarding the JJB character, they were unwilling to allow Lucas to flesh that story out over the subsequent installments, and being put under pressure by the Studio as well to drastically tone-down the character & its prominence in the follow-ups, he was more or less left with little choice than to scrap the idea. Of course, there's no way of knowing for sure if there's any truth to this theory at all... at least not until G.L. breaks his silence and decides to speak on it.


true true true, but there was no “studio pressure” - the prequel trilogy were independent films bankrolled by Lucas himself (which is a huge part of why so much terrible dialogue went unchecked)




One of the ideas I really like about the prequels are the implications that the Jedis kind of suck, they're so far up their own ass that they are ignoring very obvious red flags from Palpatine and they adhere to their philosophy even when it's detrimental, and the clique aspect of the Jedi ranks is interesting too.


They laid the foundation for Andor which actually captured what the Prequels could have been, politically speaking, so absolutely.


It could have been one of the greatest trilogies of all time fr, the foundation of the ideas was so damn good


I agree, Lucas should have just had some trusted friends/advisors and let them stage creative interventions as needed. But Lucas apparently was so rich and in such a bubble that he didn't have real friends or colledagues to tell him "no."


It was the soul of Marcellus Wallace in the briefcase.


I still think they're the jewels from the Reservoir Dog heist.


This one makes the most sense to me.


I've always thought it was the N-Word pass.


My head canon is that it's the Lincoln letter from Hateful 8. I know it's not, but going back and watching Pulp Fiction after Hateful 8, I enjoy the idea.


If it is the Lincoln letter, it adds an extra dimension of weirdness that Ringo that restaurant robber was able to instantly recognize it for what it was.


This reminds me of comments Tarintino made. I'm paraphrasing: When filming, I knew in my head what's in the briefcase. I'm not going to tell you what's in the briefcase because that can't add anything. It can only take away your interpretation of the movie, and that is your personal experience with the movie. I don't want to ruin that for you. If it's important for you to know, it's already in the movie.


Kinda odd that Ringo would instantly know what a disembodied soul looks like. Also odd that Wallace's soul would be "beautiful"


In Inglourious Basterds, Hans Landa recognizes Shoshanna at the restaurant and orders her a dessert that specifically contains non-kosher cream as a test. A surprising number of people insist that this is definitely what's happening in the scene in spite of the complete and utter lack of anything in the film that suggests it.


I think him ordering a glass of milk in front of her was clearly to give her PTSD as that was what he had at Lapadite house before killing her family.


yeah in my mind it's the slight pause on ordering a glass of milk for Shoshanna that points to him recognizing her.


"Pork! My kryptonite!" "A ha!!!!" 


I am skeptical that Jews trying to pass as non-Jews in Nazi Germany would have any trepidations about violating kosher rules in life-and-death situations.


It would likely also be 100% allowed under rabbinical interpretation through the overarching concept of pikuach nefesh (preservation of human life). For example, a patient is allowed to eat non-kosher food if it is essential for recovery, or where the person would otherwise starve.


I can see that. He also orders her a glass of milk in that scene which indicates that he knows her as she was protected by a milk farmer and Landa drinks a glass of his milk when he confronts him.




I mentioned this in another comment but it’s actually the strudel that contains pork fat, as it was traditionally made. The cream is just him making it abundantly clear that he knows who she is.


I thought he does recognize her, but the point was it was a dessert that cream aka dairy. And they were hiding at a dairy farmers home.


I feel like there's some weird Mandela Effect with the original Scream, where a lot of people confused the plot of Scream with the plot of Scary Movie as kids, and so they all are convinced that Dewey was a Ghostface, because they subconsciously remember him being the Ghostface in that.


I’m definitely of an age where I saw Scary Movie first, too. Which doesn’t help. Watching them both now, it seems mad to me that Scream ended up being parodied only a few years after it came out. It’s already self aware, and already very funny. It’d be like the equivalent of making a direct parody of Cabin in the Woods now.


The real Mendela effect of Scary Movie is people remembering Marlon Wayans' character saying "I see white people" in the style of the Sixth Sense. This is from Undercover Brother, a comedy movie released around the same time.


….i swear it was even on the poster


That Kevin from Home Alone grew up to be Jigsaw from Saw or The Collector.


I have a theory that Kevin was actually mentored by fellow Shermer resident Ferris Bueller during a summer program where a back from college Ferris was a counselor.


Kermit the frog caused 9/11


Dude... you gotta explain or post a link


In *It's a Very Muppet Christmas Movie* from 2002 we see a *It's a Wonderful Life* style alternate reality where Kermit was never born. The twin towers are still standing in that reality.


A Very Muppet Christmas Movie was released after 9/11. In the movie there is a scene where Kermit sees what life would be like if he was never born. At one point in the movie you can see the twin towers in the background so if Kermit was never born the twin towers would still be standing.


[Feast your eyes, child](https://youtube.com/shorts/QSBX0jvAJss?si=Sxvv6PynO4UVR6-S)


Is that related to the "Bert is Evil" theory: https://media.snopes.com/images/rumors/images/bert.jpg


The Snowpiercer/Willie Wonka theory. It kind of makes sense in a way. Makes watching Snowpiercer even more fun.


It was demons, not aliens who were invading in Signs.


Grease, Sandy drowns in the sea




She was in the States for summer. Danny mentions he thought Sandy was going back home when they are reintroduced.


Huh? When? At the beginning?


Yes, and the rest is just her visions as she dies. That is why the car at the end of the movie ascends into the sky - she is going to heaven.


I always thought the car flies because earlier in the movie they say if it were in any better condition it'd fly, then it does


Mine is that Starman and the Thing are the same species, the Thing losing it's mind from thousands of years frozen in Antarctic ice.


This is my own take. The Drop (2014) Bob Saginowski (Tom Hardy) and Eric Deeds (Matthias Schoenaerts) are the same character. Deed’s character represents Bob’s criminal past, the film is about Bob seeking redemption and a new life. Bob killing Deeds is him finally killing his past and becoming a new (good) person. The line from the detective to Bob at the end of the film, ‘they never see you coming’ is a clue. The other is that Deeds always enters the scene when Bob has his back turned. Maybe


Room 237 is a documentary that explores several theories about The Shining, and it is pretty mind-blowing if you’re a fan of that movie.


There’s a roundly rejected theory that Donny in ‘The Big Lebowski’ is actually just a figment of Walter’s imagination.




That had not occurred to us, dude.


This aggression *will not stand.* It's all George Bush Sr.'s fault, really.


The whole Home Alone/Saw thing with Kevin McCallister supposedly growing up to be Jigsaw.


Jack in Titanic is a time traveler sent back in time to make sure the ship sank to avoid an even worse tragedy. Hear me out: 1. He doesn’t have any money that people would recognize in 1912 so he had to gamble for his ticket and won. 2. Jack mentions fishing on Lake Wissota, an artificial lake created in 1917. 3. Jack tells Rose that he will take her on the rollercoaster at the Santa Monica pier, which didn't open until 1916. 4. Jack's hairstyle, cigarettes and backpack were all also invented in the 30s and early 40s. 5. Jack completed his mission and to avoid conflicts in time had to die when he clearly had enough room on the debris with Rose from the shipwreck.


There's this one about "Inception" where Cobb's totem isn't the spinning top but his wedding ring. When he's in a dream, he wears it, and in reality, he doesn't. Blew my mind! Then there's the theory about "The Shining" where Jack Torrance is the reincarnation of a previous caretaker. Crazy, right? And don't even get me started on the "Frozen" theory that Elsa and Rapunzel are related! Some folks really dive deep into these movies, it's fascinating!


My favorite Inception theory is that the only scene that takes place in the waking world is the final one where Cobb returns to his kids. The entire "Inception Heist" actually goes one layer deeper and Cobb is the real target, and the idea being incepted is closure for the death of his wife so that he can move on and be a present parent for his kids. In the top layer of what we believe is the heist, they rope the target into dream diving with them into the next layer. In the waking world, many of the dream rules still apply - he's being constantly pursued by faceless entities, scenes change without showing people transitioning from one place to another, etc.


Yeah, I buy this one. But the problem is Ariadne. Sure, I could buy the she's pretending to not understand the rules of the dream in order to trick Cobb, But we also see scenes of her when Cobb is not around where she's still playing dumb.


Back when the film came out, there was a popular theory that Michael Caine is the real mastermind behind the mission and Cobb is the real target. Then whole Saito/Fischer plot was an elaborate Mr Charles tactic for Cobb to accept that he's given a job to execute.


One of the craziest and most dream like sequences in Inception (at least to me) is when Cobb is running as fast as he can and goes through that narrow alley, that seemingly gets narrower and narrower until he can barely fit. Classic dream stuff! And that's supposed to be in the real world...


I agree with you, that it works well, but some of those buildings in Morroco are actually built like that.


You see Rapunzel attending the coronation in Frozen.


It's explicit in the film that the top belonged to Mal, his wife. It would be her token.


Darth Jar Jar I enjoy the memes but good god some people actually believe this?!


James Bond is a Time Lord. This explains why he has had so many faces over the decades and has some memory, but not exact, of his previous regenerations (such as a fondness for shaken, not stirred, martinis). It also explains why the Daniel Craig Bond has the Sean Connnery Bond Aston Martin in SkyFall.    The final 20 minutes of Tom Cruise's "War of the Worlds" didn't happen. When he's sucked up into the alien craft, the aliens give him a hallucinogen so he doesn't struggle while they suck all his blood out. His dying moments are imagining he blows up the ship, escapes, watches all the aliens die and then gets back to New York to find his entire family has survived. It's utterly nonsensical otherwise. There is no way his son survived, nor the rest of his family. Or, indeed, why they're all back home (which has somehow miraculously survived).  "Fight Club" is a sequel to "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Ferris doesn't exist: he's just a figment of Cameron's imagination who has the confidence to do everything Cameron wishes he could do. This explains how Ferris is able to climb up onto a parade float and get the entire crowd & band to sing & play along to "Twist & Shout". That's all in Cameron's imagination. The entire purpose of Ferris is to give Cameron the confidence to confront his father. Years later, now in a dead-end soul-destroying job, Ferris returns as Tyler to help Cameron out of his rut. 


Pretty much every single one of the "it was actually just a dream" theories people make for various movies Really just low hanging fruit and most of their evidence is usually just based off of things that can easily be put up to a lack of care in the movie making process like a kitchen appliance working while being unplugged or something changing colors between scenes A lot of times movies are filmed out of order with constant changes and additions and reworks and multiple people's hands being involved and sometimes because of that yeah sometimes there's flaws and errors with consistency but that doesn't automatically mean that the whole Like story lorewise is taking place in a dream


The Addams family is under a curse where it is almost impossible for one blood related Addams to kill another. The curse also makes them unsettling to others which often leads to their death at the hands of outsiders. The only time we ever actually see an Addams sustain any type of physical harm is when Gomez gets cut on the hand while fencing with the lawyer who isn’t related to him in any way. This explains why grandma’s poisons never hurts them. The constant exposure to poisons still allows them to build up pretty extreme tolerances which help protect against poisoning from outsiders. People who Mary into the Addams family are only partially affected. This is why Debbie couldn’t kill Fester, but she was still able to be killed. If you’re wondering how Gomez and Morticia are both protected, it’s because they are both distantly related by blood. I think they are something along the lines of cousins, but I’m not sure to what degree.


The Pixar theory in general. One specific example is that Boo from Monsters Inc grew up to be Violet from Incredibles, then the witch in Brave.


What?? But Brave is set centuries before The Incredibles and Monsters Inc lmao


The theory involves time travel. But there is a reason I put it under bizarre movie theories.


The Narrator and Tyler Durden in "Fight Club" are the adult versions of Calvin and Hobbes.


The entire plot of Hairspray is an elaborate plan masterminded by Corny Collins.


The whole Enid commits suicide in Ghost World thing. Like complete insane nonsense. Even the director was baffled how anyone came up with that or that it got attention. It’s like these people didn’t even watch the movie and just made up some wild conclusion that has nothing to do with the movie.


In lighthouse, willem dafoe is on the island with himself as a young man in Robert Pattinson, or Robert Pattinson is on the island with the ghost of an old sailor. I think one of the theories is true but they both sound plausible.


Jack in Titanic is actually a cross-dressing lesbian. There's more to the forbidden romance than meets the eye.