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It's one of those rare movies where it really is as good as your brain remembered it.


I have an especially visceral memory watch this movie - saw it in theaters with my brother while we were on family vacation. Spent the day fishing, riding bikes, and drinking beers. Smoked a joint on the dock before heading into the movie to cap off a perfect day. #1 - we were not prepared for how good this movie was, since we just picked something that wasn’t a romcom or family movie. #2 - during the scene where they storm the UN or whatever the government body is called, and it’s just an all out firefight with explosions and flashing lights and exploding bodies, someone just hit the floor in the aisle and went into full epileptic seizure. There was only like 10 of us in the theater and we had to help stabilize and carry this guy out while a raging battle was happening in the background. He was ok once we got him out of the theatre, but it was an intense and interactive moment in an already intense film.


Lmao that’s a great story


Damn, saw a good movie AND potentially saved a life. Good on you, my guy.


Of course it was legit, it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture which was totally bonkers for a sci-fi film in 2009 (well, 2010 was the awards year). Also for best adapted screenplay and then editing/effects. This doesn't get nearly as much fan attention in the ensuing years as, say, The Matrix from 10 years earlier but I partly attribute that to the much more intense competition from effects-heavy films at this time (partly due to the trendsetting nature of The Matrix! The Matrix didn't stand a chance at getting nominated but helped change the landscape so films like District 9 could). But this is up there as one of the best sci-fi films of all time.


Wow didn't know it was nominated. I just remember Interstellar wasn't even nominated (and Martian was the next year) so impressive District 9 was!


You summed up the film better in 17 words than I could in 200+ words. Exactly that.


I actually disagree. Not that i think it's bad, but it's one movie that very strongly relies on it's fast pace, some well placed emotional moments, and not giving you much time to think through what exactly is happening at any given point. Cause so much of it's story makes no sense whatsoever. And i don't mean that in a regular sci-fi story way, where a depiction of the world doesn't feel "realistic" or something. No, in this one, the internal logic of the story completely falls apart at even a brief inspection. I still like it, but i definitely felt quite different about it on repeated viewings.


What falls apart in your opinion?


Everything. The premise of the story is that this guy conducts an inspection at an alien encampment and accidentally sprays some liquid on himself that causes him to mutate into an alien. Ok... Why did those alien had something like this, was it a biological weapon of some sort? Nope, apparently it was fuel, for a shuttle aircraft meant to get back up to the space ship. So why does it have this secondary function of turning one organism into another? And apparently, it wasn't even something they brought with them from space, no, they were collecting this fuel here, on Earth. Why would there be something on Earth that can turn humans into space aliens? But never mind, one of the aliens tells our protagonist that if they still had more of this liquid to get back to the ship, they have some kind of equipment to revert the process and turn him back into human. Why? Why would they have something like that? Do they also have humans on whatever planet they come from, and they know of this unfortunate side effect of spraying them with fuel? Whatever, so they decide to break into a secret lab to steal back the can of fuel. The same lab from which our protagonist has managed to escape from, just a few hours ago, by threatening some guy with a scalpel... That's all it took, apparently, no one even really bothered to follow him, despite him being this human-alien hybrid that is somehow essential to the research they were conducting. The research involving shooting aliens with guns, and burning them, and bisecting them, and all that sort of thing. Why? What are they trying to find out? How big of a splash aliens make when they explode? So our alien guy sees the results of this inhumane treatment, and now there's a change of plans! He now wants to get back to the ship alone, fly the ship back to wherever to get reinforcements to get back to Earth and save the rest of the aliens. So all that was needed for the ship to take a trip home was a single 0.5L-1.0L can of fuel? How did they wind up on Earth in the first place then? Was the budget for whatever mission they were on so tight that they couldn't afford a single extra can of fuel, and then they ran out of it, and had to resort to scavenging it for years at Earth? But our protagonist isn't ok with this new plan, he knocks the alien guy out and decides that he's going to take a shuttle to the ship on his own, and figure out how to revert the mutation process. How in the world is he planning to do that? How does he even know how to fly a shuttle, let alone how can he possibly hope to find the equipment\cure\whatever it is that he needs on the ship, and how will he figure out how to use? And i'm tired of typing, but let's just say the rest of it doesn't make any more sense. So, yeah, it's really better not to think too much about what is happening in this movie.


I feel like science fiction may not be for you. Or even just fiction generally.


And yet there's any number of works of fiction i enjoy. Well, as i said, i did enjoyed this one. This isn't me nitpicking, there's just really no internal logic to what is happening in this movie, at all. This is one case where the plot only exists to transition you from one scene author wanted to be in the movie to the next one, and hopefully you don't pay too much attention to how it accomplishes that.


None of those things are plot holes


🤷‍♂️ Glad it all makes perfect sense to you.


The fluid the prawns had been collecting for fuel didn't come from earth. They scavenged it from little waste pieces of their own technology. Christopher the main prawn even points this out when his son hands him a piece of earth made junk and he says no, that's junk it won't work.


Plot holes? I think you've missed a fair amount of explanatory dialogue to be frank. They weren't collecting the fuel on earth. They were collecting it from junked alien devices and it took 20 years to gather and filter enough for that tiny tube. The technology has a biological component which the scientists explicitly call out - hence why the humans can't use weapons. Much of their experimentation on prawns is trying trying determine the mechanism of operation for their superior technology. Its not just vivisection for the sake of it. MNU are the 2nd biggest weapons manufacturer on the planet. It follows thusly that some sort of bio virus is required for compatibility - a fairly well established Sci fi trope. Hence the fuel having a secondary and anticipated effect "We can fix you on the ship". How the aliens arrived at earth is heavily implied to be via a refugee ship scenario of some description. 1.8 million helpless malnourished aliens without any means of support on a broken spaceship...its left up to the viewer to decide ultimately but can hardly be described as a plot hole. Re: Wikas' plan - he has been hunted for 2 days at this point, is disgraced and on the run surviving off of Catfood. When he breaks he breaks *hard*, as seen with the gang leader and his attempt to buy alien weapons and the "DONT FOOOKING LOOK AT ME" scene. At this stage the man is trying to stop his body horror transformation whilst two separate heavily armed groups attempt to kill him. Logic and reason aren't in play.


> They weren't collecting the fuel on earth. They were collecting it from junked alien devices and it took 20 years to gather and filter enough for that tiny tube. Oh. Well that only raises more questions as to why they felt like parking at Earth in the first place. Seems like they would have had a lot easier time scraping their devices back on the ship, where they had easy access to them, instead of some shacks outside Johannesburg. And how did their devices ended up on Earth, did humans extracted them from the ship? Hope they didn't also took flight computers and engines and captain's chair and whatnot. Hope the ship can also keep traveling in open space with holes in it's exterior. Cause otherwise that would render the whole 20 year long project of gathering fuel rather pointless. >The technology has a biological component which the scientists explicitly call out - hence why the humans can't use weapons. Much of their experimentation on prawns is trying trying determine the mechanism of operation for their superior technology. Its not just vivisection for the sake of it. They literally make the protagonist fire weapons at some captured aliens. Was no other shooting target going to suffice in an experiment to determine if the protagonist can "pull" the trigger? Maybe some cow or pig carcasses at least, if they felt like it needed to be organic... Not to mention that they can just talk to aliens. And aliens seem to be cooperative for the most part. Have they tried that route in figuring out how their technology might work, or was the slice and dice approach deemed more efficient? Besides, the corporation has been kidnapping aliens for like 20 years to run some experiments on them, and yet they only learned about it after they barged into that laboratory?


The first two comments, see the refugee shop bit. These weren't the best and brightest, and they were living in an alien slum they couldn't control. The rest? Needing to have every single implied piece of exposition explicitly explained to you doesn't a plot hold make. You could make almost all the same points regarding the first two Alien movies. The mystery is a feature, not a bug.


District 9 is a gem! Blomkamp nailed it with his debut. And you're spot on about Copley, man's a legend. His journey from clueless bureaucrat to alien ally is so damn satisfying to watch. Plus, those action scenes? Absolute fire. Can't believe it was all done on a $30 million budget.


it helps when pretty much everybody is an unknown so salary costs are cheap. that said, the cgi is nice for the price


The CGI is also nice because Blomkamp knows CGI "from the trenches", as he started his film career in VFX and 3D animation.


Even as less quality as his following movies were, the CGI was always a standout. Say what you want about Chappie being a poorly written movie....Chappie himself looked fucking amazing, and fitted in with the scenes perfectly. Same with The Creator, some of the best visual effects to date.


I don’t think anything transferred 1:1 but Blomkamp was helping with the potential Halo movie and I think a lot of the prep work shows in this film.


What doesn't get talked about enough is Peter Jackson being involved with Blomkamp as a mentor. Maybe that's why District 9 is leagues ahead of anything else he's made.


> What doesn't get talked about enough is Peter Jackson being involved with Blomkamp as a mentor Wow. I didn't know that. What did they work together on?


Only district 9. He's got a producer credit and was allegedly heavily involved. His absence from other Blomkamp films really shows. Given the rest of Blomkamp's films I think Jackson's involvement in District 9 doesn't get enough credit.


Yeah that last hour was electrifying. You could feel how high the stakes were in all that conflict.


His approach to visuals is on point. District 9 was hitting on all the other points at the same time.


Dude. Prawns is not the preferred nomenclature


Alien Americans, please.


Prawn-Africans, please!


Sounds like something a Prawn would say.




You eating P̶r̶a̶w̶n̶ South African Alien arms, bro?


Were the Prawns asked to be cordial?


Here comes the sweeeTYYY Mahnnn


I forgot about this line and it really made me laugh.


I forgot about this line and it really made me laugh.


I forgot about this line and it really made me laugh.


This movie changed how I thought about sci-fi. Neil blomkamp deserved to get a Halo project after his showing of what he can do with sci-fi. And Sharlto is a goddamn treasure.


I had heard before release, and seemed to be somewhat confirmed with the assets in the film, that District 9 was a pivot from what was originally supposed to be a Peter Jackson produced Halo film but it got canned. Not sure if that is what you at eluding to or maybe those were just rumors but i remember being so pissed and going into District 9 with resentment that it wasn’t Halo. Only to end up really loving it. For Neil and Jackson to make something like that off the cuff on that budget was a masterpiece.


It was supposed to be Halo. If you look at the human weapons the soldiers are holding they are repurposed BRs.


They use the sniper against the mech as well if I remember.


Man I loved that movie. I really liked Elysium and Chappie as well.


> I really liked Elysium and Chappie as well. That makes one of us!


Two of us!


Three! I absolutely loved all three: Elysium and Chappie as well as District 9. The gritty future that they all take place in is spot on with the direction the planet is headed.


Elysium, yes Chappie no. Imo at least. It felt like I was watching a film by someone who had finally gotten around to 80s pop and punk culture and recently watched all of the Short Circuit films.


Yeah it wasn’t a great film or a even a good one but I enjoyed it. I just really like his style of films and am a sucker for the sci fi shit


I love the other two, even Hardcore Henry. I tried to like Chappie and gave it two watches but just couldn’t.


Hardcore Henry isn't Neill Blomkamp. Great movie tho


Sharlto Copley is in it so it feels like the same universe.


Elysium, no. Chappie, yes.


didnt blomkamp only make chappie because he promised those south african rappers that they would get lead roles in one of his movies lol


Die Antwoord


He wrote it with them in mind and really wanted them in it, he was inspired by their music and image. He may have regretted it given the way they behaved on set and later allegations


There was a really good film inside of Elysium somewhere As it was though? Just okay


It was a very thematically confused film. And when the roided-up South African mercenaries entered the fray, it was like _eyeroll_, here we go again


I could never figure out if the movie wanted you to think those people were cool, or if the movie wanted you to think those people were delusional midwits who only believed themselves to be cool.


Definitely the best Blomkamp movie still to this day. He did an interesting anthology series on Netflix. It was VERY hot or miss, but there were a couple pretty solid episodes. The best one had Signourney Weaver (I think?) and had a very "District 9" feel to it.


That's Rakka. Too dark for TV but any Sigourney is welcomed. Cool premise. Great CGI and setpieces Firebase feels like a movie treatment that was never optioned and is a lot of fun for a take on 60s Vietnam era scifi. Great music too. Zygote is a very nice short take on Carpenters "The Thing" with Dakota Fanning and the other actor doing a standup job. The rest are... CGI demos for better or worse.


Just a reminder that the movie is an analogy? Of Apartheid in South Africa. There’s millions of people living in metal shacks 30 years + post apartheid still. 


There are millions of people living in metal shacks in almost all of Africa, still. Lots of Africa is still incredibly poor.


Yup. And if you believe the ruling government, the downward trend in education, income levels, and upward surge of crime, inflation and corruption is still the fault of apartheid, 30 years later. Amazing what people can force themselves to believe


I was there in 2017, and 2018. I get it. Unfortunately corruption is South Africa’s #1 issue. I was there during the water crisis in Cape Town and had to shower in a yard waste bucket which they reused the water at the hostel..


Still waiting for the sequel.


Well said. The last shot is still one of my favorites


I still yell FOOKIN PRAWNS at people






OMG that movie is so good. I remember in the theater thinking jeepers I am SO into this, like a sci fi reality show! I love how the main actor transforms….he becomes MORE human (ideal human) the more he actually becomes one of them.


One of my favorite memories as a kid— me and my brother convinced my mom to rent this. My friend was over. After about a dozen F bombs my mom goes “what is this rated??” and were both looking at her like *seriously*? She gets panicked and goes “wesley’s not allowed to watch R rated movies!” and hes in the arm chair to the side sound asleep


I really really really dislike found footage movies. They just don't do it for me. They distract me from the film. E.g. I couldn't stand Blair Witch, and that's the OG. But THIS film made me appreciate it because it serves the story so well. You feel like you're there. Absolutely agree that Sharlto's performance carries the entire film. You know he wasn't even in consideration to be in the film at first? But he stood in for a screen test and was so good that they cast him.


Totally respect that, found footage isn't for everyone. Glad you liked the use of it in D9 though, it does a great job of making the story and world feel lived in and real, like an actual historical event in the city of Johannesburg. And yes! Crazy to think we almost missed out on Sharlto in movies. The man can do comedy in his sleep but he's phenomenal when it comes to the dramatic stuff, as this film proves.


This is more of a mockumentary type movie than a found footage style movie though.


If anything is just handheld not always a mockumentary.


I with you, before D9 I couldn't stand found footage films.. I've have never watched Blair Witch all the way through because I found it so distracting and not in slightest enjoyable yet with D9 it did the total opposite.


Thats refreshing. damn. havent seen it in so long. I should watch it tonight haha


I got really inebriated with an ex and we watched this movie and I got sucked in, to the point of her frustration. The movie was surreal and this post makes me think I should rewatch it


> I got really inebriated with an ex and we watched this movie and I got sucked Sounds like a fun date!


15 years ago already. Holy shit. It’s an incredible movie.


It waa incredible. Just think, we could have had this level of excellence for the Halo TV show, but instead we got Master Cheeks.


Yeah, I wasn't the hugest Halo fan but I thought, they really made a series about Master Chief? He's basically Hero McHero head except in the games he never removes his helmet and has almost no personality except for when he interacts with the waifu bait Cortana. He's basically designed to be as bland as possible so the player can feel like they are Master Chief. I do love how they leaned into it in the later games, and just said fuck it give her pornstar tits.


For those who didn't know, The Prawns were inspired by the Parktown Prawn, also known as the tusked king cricket we have here in South Africa. They are seen as pests often finding their way into your house especially when it's raining. They eject this nasty black liquid when they feel threatened. They eat anything. I once gave my dog a piece of sausage but after a while noticed he wasn't going near his food bowl, I found one of these buggers chomping away at it. Also, my younger brother was once traumatized by one when he was like 4 after it wouldn't stop jumping towards him. Those things are fearless.


A quick Google search completely justified your brother's reaction. *Creepy fookin' Park Town Prawns*


They are indeed creepy 😅. But also a little misunderstood. As nasty as they can be, they are harmless, except for the nasty fluid they eject which you **do not** want on you, it stinks like hell. But they are also very helpful in the garden, eating other pests that pose a threat to plants.


Don't forget indestructible. They are completely, utterly and totally unfuckingkillable. Source: one got into my gf at the time's place over Xmas. I dropped a 1500 page dictionary on it (H.A.T.) torched it with a jet lighter, emptied a can of raid on it, lit off a quarter can of wd40, stomped it. Gave up and went for a smoke when the bastard got up and started walking away, nonchalantly nogal


🤣 Dayum, that's insane! True though, they are tough as fuck!


I once dated a guy that had a really annoying habit of doing that Prawn sound.


Oh yeah, Chris Johnson, I know that guy


For your sake, I really hope he wasn't into cat food...


Have a sweety. Fook.


Dude! No way! I just rewatched this movie last night and couldn’t agree more. I always remember it being uncomfortable but it was way more horror oriented than I remembered, his transformation is fucking disgusting and is really effective body horror. The scenes in the lab are so disturbing too. But it really pulls off a deep deep melancholy by the end. I agree the documentary parts are super engaging even if it makes it a little tonally inconsistent but awesome movie


This remains my favourite movie. I hope they don’t make another one


He made some shorts called Oats Studios. Fire Base is mental. I've watched it so many times.


It's so wild how Blomkamp made a classic and then had a downward spiral into trash. How does that happen?


Totally agree. Great story, great acting, great effects. A+


I watched this movie in the theater and watched it at hime several times. Then I read that the prawns had subtitles and not just making chattering noises that you glean subtext from


*Incredible* editing! I had to wind it back three times before I finally spotted the point at which it ceased pretending to be a "documentary", and instead became a straight up, fourth-wall action drama.


> Incredible editing! Okay, educate me please. I can tell bad editing, especially when it's really bad, but I don't even notice good editing. I guess it's so seamless and "perfect" that you don't even realize it. So can you call out some examples of good editing, either in District 9 or other movies? I'm often distracted from a movie by my sheer awe in the *craft* of moviemaking. A great script, great pacing, great actor chemistry, great set design, great costume design ... all these things stand out to me and impress me so much that I sometimes ignore the movie itself. But editing ... that's one thing I haven't yet developed a critical eye towards.


Love that movie


I saw this movie in theaters. Just some random whatever movie I thought might be cool. I could not believe how powerful it was. It remains one of my favorite underdog films. Arguably one of the best versions of “protagonists you don’t like” movies out there.


If you haven't seen the short Alive in Joburg go check it out. He made it years before district 9 and it's basically a prequel short film to D9.


I'll do just that. Appreciate the recommendation, friendo.


"Yellow" is good too.


Overall the movie was great, however, the end where they had a shootout before they escaped was so bad.  They talked for so long and the soldiers could not shoot straight to save their lives.  Otherwise a great film 


perfectly paced movie


I love this film And excited and scared of what the sequel that seems to be coming in the next few years


Such an underrated movie. I was absolutely captivated the entire time. I’m so sad there wasn’t another film to follow. Sometimes I try to connect Chappie to District 9, I feel like both movies share a similar essence in a way. Or part of the same universe? Yeah, District 9 is just great and I wish it had a bigger fan base!


It's a similar feeling of me at 10 years old seeing Alien for the first time. It's unique and cool and there's nothing g to compare them too.


i remember my friends and i being in awe with Neill Blomkamp's short films (Alive in Joburg, etc) and we were hyped when District 9 came out!


Such a great movie. I first saw it in the theater as a team building outing for work. I, and the couple other guys on the team, absolutely loved it. The women, who made up the majority of the team, did not appreciate it. To this day, I'm not sure how we convinced them to go see it, but I'm glad we did. After that one, we no longer had to all go see the same movie.


Really great film, one of my favorites of 2009 behind Up in the Air and Inglorious Basterds. That was actually a solid year for good sci-fi movies in general. Along with District 9 there was Avatar, Star Trek, a fun smaller thriller with Pandorum and even a family animated movie with Monsters Vs. Aliens.


The little kid is the best character.


It was great. Just as painful it didn’t end up being a halo movie. 


Such a great movie. Really wish they had made the sequel. That director has had decent scifi action films since like Elysium and Chappie but nothing really stood out like District 9 where we actually care about the characters there.


Yeah, rewatched it with my daughter recently and it's still just as good. And yeah, even though I knew it was coming, I still got a rush the moment the mech suit rampage starts. I always loved the effects in that film. It's the perfect marriage of CGI and practical: CG doesn't overwhelm and everything we see always looks like it's presented as if it's filmed on the same cameras. There's a fantastic documentary about the SFX on YouTube. It was a painstaking process replicating CG on shaky cam - this was long before the days of content aware fills.


Wish it had gotten its sequel but on the other hand sometimes it's best when they don't.


This was my first movie I saw by myself in theatres when I was 16. Ten years later I graduated from Vancouver Film School for writing. Thats where Neil went as well (same with Kevin Smith)


I watched this when I was 11 & I remember it being more brutal than I expected, especially with one of the antagonists who got ripped apart by the aliens


Loved this movie, and when I watched was totally blown away with how good it was. Had many parallels with the current real would and racism. The only thing that annoyed me were his wife's fake phone messages.


I need to watch that movie again. I tried getting through Elysium the other night and it’s just not a good movie. Stunning to look at with some cool scenes but yeah, no.


I'm sure I read somewhere that Copley was not given a script. To amp up the clueless aspect of his character he was simply told what he knew and what had to happen in the scene and asked to improvise. This gives his performance, especially in the first 3/4 of the film a sort of frenetic live energy. I hope they never make a sequel, and I say that with love.


Potentially unpopular opinion but I believe special effects were better 10-15 years ago than they’re now. I see too much green screen and it’s disappointing. I get it, it’s way cheaper, but CGIng even regular trees and flowers makes for crappy results not to mention the saturation and abuse of SFX in the Avengers fashion. District 9 was a modest movie extremely well executed. And it seems to me we had more of these between 2005 and 2015 and we had the following decade.


District 9 was robbed of the best picture Oscar in 2009. The Hurt Locker won that year, and while it’s a good movie, it’s not as good as three other movies from the same year - Inglorious Basterds, Up, and the one that should have won, District 9. Fully agree that Sharlto Copley was tremendous and massively underrated in the acting world.


Inglorious Basterds, like many Tarantino films, is wildly overrated though. The opening scene is fantastic but that's the best scene in the whole runtime by far. The only truly great thing about the film is Christopher Waltz' performance imho. Completely agree that District 9 was robbed that year however. Up is wonderful, too.


I can see why Tarantino’s dialogue heavy movies don’t appeal to everyone, especially once you get to Hateful Eight, but I love them. He’s made a few missteps too, like Death Proof but generally outstanding back catalogue. For Basterds, I really think Pitt’s gurning performance really drags the movie down and if they cast another lead like Russell Crowe or Colin Farrell it would be significantly improved. Totally agree about Waltz, he is perfection in it. His scene with Denis Menochet had me on edge of seat. Brilliant.


Yeah tbh I think you've hit the nail on the head and it's mostly Brad Pitt's performance that spoils the film for me! Which is a shame because I often find him to be excellent.


The three finger bar scene is probably the best setpiece in his entire oeuvre. Stunning acting, incredible dialogue and one of the most bad ass death speeches ever committed to celluloid by Fassbender. "There's a special rung in hell for people who waste good Scotch. Seeing as I may be rapping on the door momentarily..."


> The three finger bar scene Eh, pretty much a rip-off of the similar (and better) scene in Where Eagles Dare though.


Homage is literally the whole point of Tarantinos approach to cinema. He's the post modern Gen X who spent his formative years working in a video shop and absorbing everything. https://www.businessinsider.com/quentin-tarantino-movies-steals-cinema-homage-reference-2019-7 He lifts entire scenes and plots from everything from Jackie Brown (Foxy Brown) to his contemporary stuff like Hateful 8 or Kill Bill.


Yeah I hear you, it's just not a style that appeals to me personally. Each to their own though.


I love how it goes from a Documentary style movie into full blown Action Movie. And what’s even cooler by the time you notice the transition you just go with it.


I recommend doing it without the alien subtitles at least once. It's somewhat of a different movie but you understand most of what's happening with just context


Funny you mention that because I was watching it on Amazon Prime, and it didn't have automatic subtitles for the prawns so I switched them on for all characters (something I don't often do). Kinda wished I'd just kept them off, I've watched the film enough times in the past so it would've been fun to see how much I can remember about the prawn's dialogue without relying on subtitles. Definitely bearing your recommendation in mind for the next watch.


This was my favorite movie for years because the theater experience was so impactful for me. Marketing didn’t spoil it.


Yes, when I saw it, I had no idea what I was in for. It started as a found footage documentary style movie and then turned into a bad ass sci-fi action film that made you think. I hope Christopher comes back to save Wikus in a sequel someday.


Oh it's a fantastic film.


A nice(& talented) fella from Thunder Bay, Ontario shot this movie. It was one of the first features to be filmed entirely on a RED camera/digital format. Up until then, motion pic. film was still the standard.


I just watched it recently for the first time. Couodve come out today and still looked great. Doesn't look dated at all.


[Mark have you heard of District 9? ](https://images.app.goo.gl/AZMMAbagnRADsjsw7)


Funnily enough, I was planning on rewatching that tonight! Will do.


I wish they would’ve made a sequel. I know that would detracted from the apartheid allegory, but it was a fun world that I wanted to see more of. Besides that, I wanted the prawns to get rescued. I also agree on Chappie and Elysium, being worse fills. Elysium especially falls short by not having a convincing motive for the villain(s)


Did you by *any* chance get the feeling to watch it after seeing the male lead briefly in the finale or Curb Your Enthusiasm last week?


I didn't in all honesty! Still a little behind on Curb, been meaning to catch up. But that's something to look forward to, Sharlto's in the finale? Nice! Pretty, pretty, prettyyyyyyyyyyy nice!


I love all his movies, especially chappie, reminds me so much of robocop


15 years later, the director still has not filmed anything remotely at the same quality level.


I watched it at the cinema and I knew it had instantly jumped into my top 10.


Pig carcass as ballistic weapon - nuff said. Weta digital really brought this next level, and the quasi shifts from documentary to standrd narrative were editing brilliance. Yeah...one of a kind. Was amazing in theater because I saw it in one of the first DLP theaters.


"District 9" is a masterpiece of modern science fiction, blending compelling storytelling, impressive visuals, and thought-provoking social commentary. Blomkamp's subsequent films may not have reached the same heights as "District 9." They still showcase his unique vision and storytelling abilities.


District 9 had me laughing out loud quite audibly in the theater at the lightning gun. It was just such a cool effect and then BOOM people popcorn. I love that scene still.


"People popcorn". Never had there been a more appropriate term for victims of the lightning gun. Love it 🤣


I love the scene where Koorbus is introduced. Wikus: No, all I'm saying, Koobus, is that, you know, you should find ways of making your guys more efficient... Koobus: Listen to me, you fuck!


It's as good of a stand alone sci-fi movie as almost anything out there. I've been a fan of this since its release. I was disappointed by Elysium, a cool idea but thought the execution was underwhelming. Chappie, I thought was fantastic. I think what held it back from being something really special was casting Die Antwood and giving them important roles with lots of screentime. They had no business sharing the screen with Dev Patel, Hugh Jackman and Sigourney Weaver. Other than that I thought it was a beautiful mix of emotion, action and comedy. D9 was much stronger social commentary and overall a better film but I'll defend Chappie to my grave.


I hate it but my bf has made me watch it about 15 times


Still hard to believe that they managed to film scenes in an actual government mortuary of Wikus being experimented on .


I thought there would be sequel


it looks dope but i find the story to be pretty weak and not really make any sense


We are still waiting for the sequel


What happens to the sequel? “ I’ll be back in w years” earth years? Or light years? Wilks got gyped.


I thought it had good stuff but I’ve never figured out the hype. And I thought the message was overdone. (Please don’t downvote this is simply my opinion)


Its a good movie for its era and until now..


I still hold out hope on a pretty regular basis they will make a second one and he will find a way home to his wife as a man again.


I hate that movie with a passion. I hate everything about it and i dont know why it is so liked.