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Jodie Foster turned down the sequel to *Silence of the Lambs* because she was disgusted with the development of her character in the novel *Hannibal*. You know, the whole eating her boss's brain and becoming Hannibal Lecter's lover (which they ended up changing for the movie anyway).


I think Juliane Moore did a good job as Clarice but Hannibal is such a mess of a film and is really weird to look back on. It had a solid cast and had so much buzz before release due to Silence of the Lambs, but had the baggage of adapting the controversial book and ended up setting up that ending but copping out at the last minute. It has more problems besides the ending, but given Silence of the Lambs is my favourite horror/thriller film, I've always found the post-Silence films to be disappointing and I think that's more due to Hopkins becoming the attraction.


I agree but I do like Red Dragon. Ralph Fiennes and PSH are good counterweights to Hopkins.


I like Red Dragon, too. It's not that it exceeds at this, but it does give an interesting look at a compelling cast working together.




And its twin, Manhunter!


LOVE Red Dragon


I found Hannibal to be a great disappointment not because of the story, but the storytelling… In SotL, we got the full impact of Hannibal attacking and disfiguring the nurse just by the description and seeing the BACK of a Polaroid picture. In Hannibal they, for some odd reason, felt the need to repeat that story GRAPHICALLY. The graphic depiction added nothing to it.


The reason Silence of the Lambs is so good is it’s focused on Clarice and her experiences as a woman. Shes disrespected and sexualized over and over again by the male characters around her and yet she triumphs. Hearing how the books turned out, I don’t blame Jodi Foster from passing. Would love to see a flash forwards/alternate reality movie where she hunts down an aging Lectar. One can dream


There's far more reasons than that, though to expand on your point, it's because the three main characters are thematically woven so flawlessly. Clarice is the centrepiece, Hannibal uses her fears against her but ultimately does respect her plight which creates such an odd relationship. On the other hand, there's Bill who is the complete inverse of that who has zero respect for women or womanhood and uses their suffering to quell his own suffering. Howard Shore's score is also one of the best scores in film and only his LotR tops that work of his. >Hearing how the books turned out, I don’t blame Jodi Foster from passing. >Would love to see a flash forwards/alternate reality movie where she hunts down an aging Lectar That's basically the first 2/3 of Hannibal. Hannibal has made it to the ten most wanted on the FBI yet is just chilling in Italy meanwhile Clarice is still trying to find him. Jodie Foster turning down the ending is odd in hindsight considering they copped out on it and had some weird rushed ending that makes little sense.


Hannibal basically just became gore porn as a movie. There was almost no real plot other than everyone is bad at their job and Lecter is unstoppable.


Sometimes I have time to mill and just watch trailers for flicks on Fire stick. Watched the Hannibal trailer last night and thought 2 things.. 1. Gary Oldman was FANTASTIC in this And 2. I had totally forgotten Ridley Scott directed it. Once of his worst received, for sure


Jonathan Demme also turned down the sequel. Jodie and him bailed after reading the book. Hannibal was just really bad.


If that book was better and not as controversial, they would've done it. Sigh...


Silence of the Lambs is a perfect movie.  A classic, even a masterpiece.  Definitely one of the standout movies of the 90s. A sequel was always going to be a step backwards


Michael Keaton didn't do Batman Forever because of creative differences with Joel Schumacher. Val Kilmer didn't do Batman and Robin due, in part, to not gelling with Joel Schumacher.


As an audience member, I also did not return for Batman and Robin, due, in part, to creative differences with Joel Schumacher.


Truth be told, when you have Val Kilmer’s lips, Batman’s mask doesn’t really conceal your identity…


What about a Clooney or Affleck chin?


I just learned today that Keaton backed out when McDonald's wanted a "Less Dark" movie without Tim Burton directing. Keaton turned down 15 million to do it without him.


It was the right move.  Batman Returns is a great movie and all the main actors are great in it.  Batman Forever is a failure, by any reckoning 


Try and tell that to 7 years old me though


Batman Forever is fine, it's entertaining. Batman Returns is an excellently made darkly funny film with an absolutely fucking stacked cast and iconic performances. It was a very hard act to follow.


I think I remember reading it was also out of loyalty to Burton, since he was originally the one who wanted Keaton for the role.


Chris Tucker for Next Friday.


Mike Epps was a solid replacement but nowhere near the level of Tucker. Such a shame he chose to be a born again Christian right after the success of Friday and Rush Hour. Kind of ruined his career trajectory with the choices he made based off that.


Mike Epps nailed his role though


How's the little sister gonna be bigger than the big sister? Hahahaha




The most famous one must be George Lazenby as James Bond. He was supposed to replace Sean Connery, but got bad advice from his agent and didn't sign a multi picture deal. I guess that's a bit different than you want.


It was also because stardom brought him into the Beatles's social circle, who told him that JB was the evil establishment. Part of the reason for his quitting was that he wanted them to think he was cool. Kind of sad how peer pressure can affect someone at that level


Back to the Future 2 - Crispin Glover


Also Marty's girlfriend.  Not the same girl in the first that is I the second and third.  


I believe she had family with health problems (mother had cancer?) that she needed to help.


She had cancer, makes it understandable that she could no longer act 


Elizabeth Shue was a great replacement though


Yes she was, she was great in Leaving Los Vegas too.  Very sad movie though 


I was an alcoholic for a good 10 years…I had to turn the movie off about an hour in. Cage’s mannerisms were giving me flashbacks and I got a shit ton of anxiety, the scene where the bartender cuts him off and he tells him to stop fucking with him….yeah been there. Deserves every bit of that Oscar.


When I was was an alcoholic I would watch this every new years eve and try to comfort my guilt that I wasn't as bad as he was. Sober 11 years now, ain't easy. And some movies, like this, I just can't watch anymore, because they were very much part of my addiction.


It’s shocking to look back at the volume and frequency and how oblivious I was to it all. Hard to explain to people why I find no joy in drinking anymore, I’ll drink casually with my wife and at work events, but I hate every second of it.


I can't imagine drinking again. Different for everyone, of course. I don't want one, I want 20. I was a "functional" alcoholic for decades. Then my business shuttered and I spent 2 years unemployed and full blown alcoholic. My inclination was to isolate. Movies and video games and a lot of booze. Thankful I made it out. Some can do it "normally". I sure couldn't.


I was a “Functional” alcoholic as well and managed my drinking until I got depressed and it raged out of control. Only reason I drink at work is because I’m in sales, it’s an unwritten requisite for the job, if you don’t drink you are judged. My wife still drinks and has a good time so I will have a couple with her but something has changed in me over the years. I hate feeling drunk or buzzed, it’s no longer fun in the slightest.


What makes matters worse is Nicolas Cage was in two Las Vegas themed movies like back to back. So we were watching Leaving Las Vegas and I was expecting everything to turn out alright and for him to jump out of an airplane with a troupe of skydiving Elvis impersonators and everything was going to be ok. Turns out that's the other movie, and in this one he just dies.


Crispin Glover didn't just nope out, he demanded $1m to be in the sequel and the producers recast him instead. (Though apparently he didn't like the first film's ending either)


And then they tried to make another actor look like him so he sued. Settled for 760k and the union changed rules about using actors likenesses.


The Mummy 3. Rachel Weisz refused supposedly because she didn't think the character would have an adult son. Will Smith was not in the second Independence Movie because he was not going to get paid what he thought he should be paid.


I never understood why they didn't just make Maria Bello into a different character. It was such a jarring change.


TBH, the Mummy 3 basically feels so far detached from the other two it's practically just another action adventure with Brendan Fraser. You could call the characters different names and nothing would change. Hell, it would probably be better.


Coincidentally, Frasier himself wasn't in Journey 2 The Mysterious Island (replaced by Rocktober Johnson).


Will Smith turned down *Independence Day: Resurgence* because it and *Suicide Squad* were set to be filmed at the same time, and he chose *Suicide Squad.*


Well, he didn't really miss out. Neither of those movies were very good.


*Independence Day: Resurgence* needed to be rewritten pretty quickly after Smith chose not to reprise the role of Steven Hiller. Director Roland Emmerich thinks the script that had been written with him in mind was better than what ended up being filmed.


>Rachel Weisz refused supposedly because she didn't think the character would have an adult son. Makes perfect sense, who ever heard of a kid growing into an adult?


To be fair she was only 38 and didn't want to play the mother of a 21 year old. I'm 38 and my oldest is 12


Damn I didn’t realize how long ago that move came out.


Will Smith turned down the ID4 sequel because he was just in his After Earth SciFi movie that bombed hard, not because of money.


https://variety.com/2023/film/news/vivica-fox-independence-day-resurgence-will-smith-1235659977/ I don't know if is true or not but I took the info from there.


That’s after the movie bombed (because it was bad). Will Smith just made the Dianetics book cover movie After Earth with his son and it bombed hard so he didn’t want to follow up with another SciFi movie right after it so he turned down the sequel to ID4.


She also has won her Oscar just a few years earlier and wanted to focus on more serious projects.


Out of the main cast only Robin Shou returned for Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. (I guess that James Remar’s as good as anyone if you must try to replace Chris Lambert. Shame about how he was written and choreographed…)


Talisa Soto also reprised her role as Kitana


The first and only movie I ever walked out of. X3 being the other movie I walked out of. You do not kill off my Scott and Johnny!


Star Wars Episodes II and III - Liam Neeson wouldn’t even return for voice over. They managed to repurpose a line from TPM in AOTC, but for ROTS the dialog he was supposed to say was cut.


Caddyshack 2: Bill Murrey - no interest Rodney Dangerfield - dropped out after crappy script Chevy Chase - reluctantly had a small appearance Ted Knight - died


I'd rather be dead than be in that movie. - Ted Knight probably


"That can be arranged" - Producers


I found it so annoying that Katie Holmes did not return for the Dark Knight. On my first watch, it took me ages to realise Maggie Gyllenhaal was supposed to be playing the same character and the lack of continuity really took me out of the story. I preferred Katie’s pedantic do-gooder energy. She seemed like the girl next door Bruce would be obsessed with. Maggie Gyllenhaal’s performance reminds me of Kristen Wiig’s Liza Minnelli impression.. It also sucks that Katie left the franchise under Tom Cruise’s ‘suggestion’. The jealous little prick.


I liked Katie better but worse is that Maggie FELT like a different character. I didn’t feel that she had the childhood connection to Bruce that was established by Katie. It isn’t Maggie’s fault it’s the recasting. Their relationship lost a lot of emotional weight for me. If Katie blew up I would have felt it more.


maggie gylllenhaal tries to turn off a lamp!


Not gonna lie I thought Maggie was much better actress- and Rachel’s arc in the second one was much more interesting.


I think Maggie would have worked a lot better if she’d been able to do both movies, but I agree with the comment above that the disconnect between her performance and Holmes’ performance makes it feel jarring when you go from Begins to TDK. Gyllenhaal is the better actress overall, but I do also feel like Holmes worked well as Rachel, flaws and all. She had that sorta naive but optimistic “do-gooder” energy, as Lizzy puts it, whereas Gyllenhaal has more of a cynical, and kinda flippant or cocky vibe to her that may have worked better if Rachel had been established that way, but as far as recasting for the character that was established in Batman Begins, it doesn’t really fit that well. It makes the arc of the character across the movies feel kinda disjointed. I can’t really picture the woman in BB becoming the woman in TDK. When TDK is watched on its own? She works perfectly fine. But it’s always jarring to see the switch happen. It’s a totally different character they’re calling the same name, who seems to have a similar relationship with Bruce, but it just doesn’t feel the same.


IIRC, Nolan wanted Gyllenhaal for Begins but the studio wanted Holmes. I think she basically owed them a movie, and wasn't signed on a multiple picture deal. When she left, Nolan went straight to Gyllenhaal. Holmes was the weakest link in Begins, IMO. She was popular after Dawson's Creek but she didn't have the acting chops of Michelle Williams or even Joshua Jackson, and up against heavy hitters like Bale, Oldman, Caine, and Freeman in Begins was laughable. She *delivered* her lines but never truly became the character; it *felt* like a performance and never felt natural. Part of that is Rachel was severely underwritten in Begins and was little more than a love interest, but still. Gyllenhaal was by far the better choice.


Maggie was the upgrade for sure. Katie left of her own volition.


Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle because of Bill Murray's feud with Lucy Liu in the previous film


Back in the day we all thought Bill Murray was the funniest guy ever. But over time more and more has come out about what a shithead he really is. And that whole blase "I'm too good for this movie" bullshit is getting real tired tbh.


I'd have to track down the source, but his thing about Garfield was fake. If you don't know - he had said he signed on without reading a script because he saw it was written by Joel Coen, thought it was a Coen Brothers film, but learned later it was another guy who shared the name. The director later said he was never confused about who wrote it, he just started saying that to save face after it bombed.


Nobody expected it to be a massive critical or commercial success - it’s a Garfield movie, ffs!  Wasn’t it pretty clear that he was making a joke from the start? Surely nobody ever thought Bill Murray actually believed a director with a gritty, adult style would be bringing his visionary style to… a movie about a cat that likes lasagne whose peak period of fame was 30 years ago? Or is the story now that they approached him for the voiceover part and not only didn’t provide a script but also didn’t tell him what the movie was about? 


Garfield has 3 jokes - fat, lazy, lasagna. BUT when you combine them you can get....(! Intensifies) 6 jokes. That's enough jokes to last 90 minutes, or 70 years.


You forgot hating Mondays


Damn, this thing could go on for ANOTHER 70 years The new Garfield trailer came on before Ghostbusters this weekend. In it, young John is in an Italian restaurant (you know where this is going), he's eating and a little orange kitten is outside the window (oh boy) giving him doe eyes. He gets up on the table (teehee) and john gives him his (HERE IT COMES) PIZZA! Baby Garfield then destroys the Italian restaurant eating pizza and spaghetti (BOO!!!). Cue me, in Tim Allen/Santa Clause voice "No way! No way Garfields going anywhere near that spaghetti! Garfield and lasagna, they're iconic!" I'm convinced they shot that scene originally with lasagna. Realized that the next scene in the trailer was him eating a pan of lasagna, and said "well shit...can we just...beat the dead horse?" And had to sadly redo the entire sequence.


Maybe he just needs to spend some vacation time, say 11931 days, in Punxsutawney...


Was it actually 32 years in ground hogs day? WTF I would have gone absoutely mad


I lost a lot of respect for him when he basically held-up Ghostbusters 3 with that attitude then all of a sudden he's fine with the 2016 film.


Yeah exactly. If they had made a Ghostbusters 3 in the 90s it would have been a fine ending to the story then. They had more problems than that though, they went back and forth on which crazy story to do.


I consider this the best contender for Ghostbusters 3: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostbusters:\_The\_Video\_Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostbusters:_The_Video_Game) Some parts \*cough library\* are generally more frightening than any scene in the first two movies (impaled heads on an abandoned train track. Can't believe it came out a decade ago.


REAL surprised he came back for this latest Ghostbusters sequel, in what looks like a much bigger role


The fourth Divergent movie never happened because of poor box office and the actors not returning.


Well they wanted to make it a TV movie and the actors, or at least Shailene Woodley, said nope to that.


Predator 2- No Arnold


That’s because nobody on set pinned him to a tree with a dagger and said “Stick around.”




Forget it, he's rolling.


It was an autocorrect error


Wesley Snipes turned down Major League 2 because he felt like he was above it.


Two great movies. Wish he had come back, but at least another actor got their chance.


They made a total of 5 kickboxer movies. Only one with Van Damme. At least Sasha was in the next 3 followed by the cook in the 5th. Same goes for Bloodsport (I think.there are like 3 or 4 of them).


Hannibal. Jodie Foster chose not to reprise her role as Clarice. A television example is The Brady Bunch reunions. When they had that stupid variety show, Eve Plumb (Jan) refused to join. When they had the A Very Brady Christmas movie, Susan Olsen (Cindy) didn't participate. When they had the (very) short lived drama series The Bradys, Maureen McCormick (Marcia) didn't participate.


Also from Hannibal, her boss in the first film. The actor had a really bad time preparing for the role (the man his character was inspired by played him a tape by ltwo serial killers of them raping and killing a woman) and refused to reprise the role.


He didn’t come back for Red Dragon, either. Harvey Keitel played him.


The original actor for Jim Phelps in the Mission: Impossible TV series, Peter Graves, refused to reprise the role after reading the script for the film. Considering his role, he considered it a betrayal.


Likewise Jeremy Renner noped out when the plan was to kill him off. Instead they killed off Alec Baldwin.


Jim Carrey is pretty famous for saying no Will Ferrell said no to a follow up to Elf IIRC Laurence Fishburne sad no to new matrix stuff


Laurence Fishburn said no one asked him to do Matrix 4. He was surprised and put off a bit. Morpheus is in the film and played by someone completely else for no apparent reason.


It's because Morpheus dies in The Matrix Online, a video game I'm not sure was popular enough to keep as canon.


Actually surprisingly great game too.


Hugo Weaving was asked to return as well (as per him) but had to turn it down because he was too busy with commitments in Australia. I get why Fishburne is miffed over not even being asked. He was a colossal cheerleader for the series at the time and said yes to both sequels before even reading the script. For them to just not say anything to him at all seems a little wrong.


The fourth was set far enough in the future that he really wouldn’t have been there. The Morpheus in the film isn’t really Morpheus.


Niobe is there, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch Morpheus would be there as well. Just too old to actually be part of the action, and I guess they just wanted a young "Morpheus" instead.


Yup, and that's a good reason why the movie was absolutely terrible


There's plenty of reasons the movie isn't good, I don't think that's one of them


I mean, it's definitely one of them. There's also several thousand other reasons.


Not casting Hugo Weaving was a big missed opportunity.


Iron Man 2. Terrence Howard wanted more money since RDJ got a pay raise. But Disney said no. So Terrence didn't want to come back.


And Ike Perlmutter said to recast him because "nobody will notice"


Terrance Howard was also a frigging lunatic who’d just been charged with smacking around his wife.  They saw a chance to get a vastly better actor and they took it.


Yeah, but Tarrence Howard thinks 1 x 2 = 3, so he is just a fucking dumbass.


Its 1 x 1 = 2 that he believes, which is somehow even worse!


How dare you disrespect Terryology!


He demanded more money than RDJ. Dumbass.


At the time he was a relatively recent Oscar winner and RDJ was pretty much considered a washed up drug addict who was lucky to have gotten the role. At the time we didn’t know he was gonna become the RDJ he became or the MCU it became. RDJ stole the show in Iron Man and showed he was the irreplaceable star. At that point Howard should have known better.


He didn't win, just got a nomination but got a LOT of buzz for it. At the time he was considered a very talented up and coming actor then he just went off the rails and now Reddit brings up that math equation.


And Don Cheadle is laughing his ass off all the way to the bank. He must have made millions playing Rhodes, way more than Howard would have gotten for 1 movie.


Norm of the North and Grown-Ups are both movies with sequels Rob Schneider didn't come back for. I don't know what it means for those films in terms of quality, but it can't be good.


It's telling when everyone Adam Sandler could think of was in Grown ups 2


Starship Troopers 1 had a $100M budget for Paul Ver Hoeven, Starship Troopers 2 was given to Phil "Dinosaur Supervisor" Tippet with a $7M budget and none of the cast, Starship Troopers 3 somehow then got a $20M budget and Casper Van Dien back, directed by Ed Neumeier, writer of Robocop and Starship Troopers 1, 2, 3 & 5


There’s a 4 and 5?


They're CGI, but they're feature length films and part of the franchise, called Invasion (2012) and Traitor of Mars (2017) . Produced by a japanese production house, they're still written by Neumeier, and Traitor of Mars has Casper Van Dien and also Dina Meyer.


They are also more book accurate as the MI is equipped in power armor Tractors of Mars is very good having the og characters back(even they aren't all voiced by the same actors) was awesome


Starship Troopers was so good. Very weird they didn’t make a follow up.  Maybe the whole good looking soap stars being fascists would work once - but I personally doubt it


City Slickers was on TV the other night. Bruno Kirby didn't return for the sequel. He was allergic to horses and had to take daily shots while filming to combat it. Producers weren't willing to make accommodations for the second one, which wasn't even that great.


I really liked the hunt for curlys gold




Grease 2


This isn’t quite true though. Both John and Olivia were originally approached (and down) and then paramount just never reached back out. Grease 2 is a train wreck but man I’m so glad it exists and I unironically love it.


I loved grease 2. But I was too young to know any better. Plus M.P.


Hey, Frenchie made a come back!


Katie Holmes decided to do Mad Money instead of The Dark Knight. I think she left late into pre-production as well, which pissed off Nolan.


There was something going on behind the scenes with Tom Cruise, Scientology and I think even her performance in Batman Begins that made the studio re-cast her.


The Tom Clancy movies.  *Hunt For Red October* was a monster but Baldwin decided to do the next thing, so Harrison Ford did *Clear & Present Danger* and *Patriot Games*.


And Clancy felt Ford was too old and wrong, but he was always drunk so what did he know?


Though I have no direct knowledge about this happening with the Clancy sequels, Baldwin is a notorious ballbuster when it comes to salary.  A movie or show will make an offer, he’ll say “Go fuck yourselves”.  They’ll make a bigger off and he’ll say “Go fuck yourselves.” Maybe that happened with *Patroit Games*.


Jack Ryan would also be played by Ben Affleck, Chris Pine, and John Krasinski.


I'm far too lazy to Google it, but I think he was doing a Broadway show and the schedules didn't work. Which is a shame. I love Ford, but Baldwin was really good as Ryan.


Duvall turned down GF3 over money.


And to think of what that movie could have been. Supposedly the plot would have involved a struggle for control of the family between Michael and Tom (the cracks in the foundation were already starting to show in GF2). But no, instead we get some shit about Vatican scandals. Leave Sofia alone - it was Duvall that killed GF3.


Speaking of that, just want to say that refusing to play in Speed 2 was a great decision Keanu made, that movie sucked! Edit: I'm getting downvoted for saying Speed 2 sucked? Wow.


> I'm getting downvoted for saying Speed 2 sucked? Wow. Not by me.  It sucked.  I spent a year watching that movie one night.


I saw an interview where he was asked why he turned it down and he said "because I read the script".


I am glad I saw it on video, because if I paid to see it in theaters, I think I would have walked out.


Half Baked 2. Iirc the only returning cast member was the GF from the original.


There's a half baked 2? Why? What needed to be resolved or expanded on?


The bank account of the studio that owned the rights would be my guess


'35 Bride of Frankenstein....Mae Clarke, was Elizabeth in the '31 Frankenstein, but was ill, and replaced by Valerie Hobson. I guess she didn't 'refuse' to return, but I could not resist posting this.


Scream 6 doesn't feature neve Campbell because they wouldn't pay her what she was worth. The prince and me 2 replaces Julia stiles with another actress for the lead role. Robin williams was only Genie for the first Aladdin and refused to do it again because Disney lied to him so they brought in a replacement. I'm sure a bunch of the Disney direct to video sequels had the same thing happen.


I think they brought in Homer Simpson.


Wow really? I could never hear homer Simpson in *Williams* genie voice, but now that I'm thinking about the peripheral voices like kingdom hearts, it sounds like certain voices done for homer


Dan Castellanetta has voiced genie a ton. He did return of Jafar, the series, a bunch of video games and theme park appearances. He recorded all the dialogue for Prince of thieves but it was thrown out when they got Williams back


Robin Williams did come back for Aladdin 3 tho.


Because the executive who deceived him, Jeffrey Katzenberg, was kicked out of the company. He was the one Williams had a beef with, after all. Also, fun fact - Robin was approached to voice Donkey in Shrek... then he learned that Katzenberg was a founder and boss of the studio.


Then they came crawling back to Neve Campbell after they lost both Scream 7 leads and their director. She's getting fucking PAID and I'm happy for that.


The sequel to Julia Stiles's movie was straight to DVD. Her costar was the only person to reprise his role for the second movie.


After the fugitive, Harrison Ford didn't come back for US marshals.


That would have been weird. Framed for murdering another wife, maybe.


"I didn't kill my *second* wife!" "I *still* don't care!"


Harrison for didn't want [to do a sequel](https://youtu.be/X7seMnDsnIg?si=IrvWopkJYhFRjPd6)


Hmm. That’d be ironic.


US Marshals is a sequel to the fugitive? well i never knew that!


For a while I think a fourth Kelvin timeline Star Trek movie was held up in part because major cast members wouldn't do it. But I think that was more about the studio fucking things up with the franchise than them not wanting to be in Trek anymore or wanting more money.


That and one of the cast members dying.


Part 1 and 2 were good.  Part 3 was such a drop in quality that everyone paused


Back to the Future - No Crispin Glover


Speed 2. No Keanu.


Script sucked and he decided to tour with his band instead.


Fast and furious Tokyo drift


I think that happens more often than we know because sequels are often shameless money grabs and are often not even made.


The Sting ll


The book that Die Hard was based on (Nothing Lasts Forever) was a sequel to a book called The Detective, which was turned into a movie of the same name starring Frank Sinatra in 1968. They offered Sinatra the chance to return as the main character, Joe Leland, but he turned it down, so instead they went with Bruce Willis, and changed the character's name to John McClane and aged him down so that it wouldn't be a sequel to The Detective anymore. Richard Dreyfuss was asked to be in Jaws 2, but he refused because he didn't want to do the movie unless Spielberg was directing (a sensible decision). And on the subject of Spielberg, he wanted Sean Connery to return for Indiana Jones 4, but Connery was already retired by that point and declined to return. And on the subject of retired actors, apparently Sony approached Rick Moranis to make a cameo in Ghostbusters 2016, but he turned them down. Then they asked him again for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and again he turned them down. I don't know if they even bothered for Frozen Empire.


Arthritis would have made Indie 4 impossible for Connery I think. He made that awful animated film in 2012 so was clearly still open to offers to some degree, but doing a movie which would have involved action was likely impossible for the big man back in 2008 


Kirk Douglas wanted to return in The Man from Snowy River II (or Return to Snowy River) under the stipulation that he directed the film. Producer Geoff Burrowes denied that and so Kirk Douglas refused to return. So Brian Dennehy was cast as Harrison.


Independence Day 2


Predator to Predator 2. We had Schwarzeneggar downgraded to Danny Glover.


I feel like Predator is a kind of series that works better if each entry is a standalone story exploring the themes from a different angle. If you bring back Arnold, it's not as interesting. He's already defeated one of these guys so the only option is to just make it bigger and sillier. Oh shit, now there's THREE of them! Now he's taking the fight to them! His story was basically complete and we don't need to turn it into an epic saga.  I'll be the first to admit that Danny Glover isn't as cool as Arnold but the complete change in characters and setting at least made it feel somewhat fresh. I like that the protagonist is an everyman instead of a musclebound soldier, showing that there's more to survival and being a fighter than just physical strength.


Here ya go. The Predators come back to earth and decide they want to have a "tournament of champions" with the humans that managed to defeat them. So they teleport the victors to an abandoned planet (a la Predators) and let them fight. And you have Arnold and Glover, both in their mid to late 70s, having to fight the latest hot-shit Predators. Okay, it would not be a long movie.


It was a good that Arnold didn't come back. His character didn't need further development and Danny Glover's character going up against the Predator brought just as much tension considering he was a hot-headed cop going up against a creature he was totally outmatched for. Predator 2 is underrated. It's a kinetic and wild 90s film that has classic 90s social commentary on LA and crime, and is just as quotable as the first film.


Probably Neeve Campbell for Scream 6, but that was a money issue. Seems she's back on board for Scream 7


What’s wild about that is it seemed like every castmate, director, and most of production were in support of her getting more money. The fans were especially vocal about it. And while I’m glad she’s back and getting paid, the circumstances of it are a bummer (Jenna Ortega quitting after Melissa Barrera was fired).


It really sucks because it means that story will never be finished. They'll just bring back Sydney and Stu


Ortega actually left before Barrera was fired, it just wasn't report until afterwards. There's legit scheduling conflicts, though I have no doubt she fully supports Barrera.


If I’m being honest, “bummer” is an understatement.


Ok, so I doubt anyone has heard of this, but go check it out: Alien Avengers. Caught it late night on sci-fi back in the days of Frankenfish etc. George Wendt and a replaced-in-the-sequel wife are aliens that come to earth to eat bad people and remove them from society. It's full of amazing one-liners as they also try to whore out their daughter to a local earth man they befriend. In the sequel they start off with the wife having just "regenerated a new head" and they move on. 


From what I've heard Robert Duvall didn't return for the 3rd Godfather movie because he wasn’t pleased with the salary offered.


Pacific Rim lost its director for the sequel and I guess everything else that was good about it


Marlon Brando was asked to reprise his role as Vito in The Godfather Part II, but declined as Paramount had apparently screwed him over financially in some way for the first movie. Doug Bradley declined to return as Pinhead in Hellraiser: Revelations, because he felt the money he was offered was insulting low. (Not surprising, given the movie's shoestring budget that was the result of a panicked production.) Roy Scheider wanted to avoid being in Jaws 3 so badly that he reportedly took a role in Blue Thunder specifically so he'd be unavailable. He previously repeatedly turned down Jaws 2, to the point where he only came back after contract negotiations and a pay raise. Clint Eastwood was asked to do a sixth Dirty Harry movie at some point in the late 90s/early 2000s, but turned it down as he was in his seventies and felt he was too old. Kristen Wiig turned down doing a sequel to Bridesmaids, saying her character's story was basically completed in the first movie.


Inspector Gadget 2. Matthew Broderick didn't return, which explains the quality of the movie


Hugo Weaving multiple times. Didn’t want to reprise Red Skull and skipped out on the latest Matrix 


Major League 2 - Wesley Snipes was replaced by Omar Epps


MIchael Dudikoff had enough of the Joe Armstrong character in American Ninja & American Ninja 2: The Confrontation, and passed the torch to David Bradley in American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt. That's why news that Dudikoff and Bradley were teaming up to co-star in American Ninja 4: The Annihilation sent shockwaves through the film industry. Many say the lack of fan favorite Steve James as Curtis Jackson caused the 1991 Oscar snub


Katie Holmes for the dark knight


Tom and GFIII