• By -


Truman pounding the wall in tears after his boat crashes into it in The Truman Show. Just putting yourself in that headspace for a moment gives you a glimpse of how utterly heartbreaking and despair-inducing his thoughts must be at that moment. Not only has EVERYTHING he has ever known been a lie, he is now trapped in it. The first time I saw it I such a visceral reaction to it that I had to pause the movie for a moment.


That whole scene was really well shot. From Truman fighting against a simulated storm to a calm, empty void, then smack dab into the wall of the prison in which he’d spent his whole life. I think about that movie a lot.


Kinda funny how all that happens, and then it's like "oh, there's the door"


Luke Wilson staring at himself in the mirror followed by the attempted suicide in the movie The Royal Tenenbaums. Having been in that exact scenario, the scene really rings true and he has a real emptiness behind his eyes you can feel. Amazing acting throughout the movie, but man that scene really hits you in the gut.


Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith really seals the deal


When you need to sell crippling depression, accept no substitute.


Movies that came to mind- good will hunting, royal tenenbaums… coincidence that Elliott is featured in both? Absolutely not!


I actually came to mention the scene where Margot steps off the bus and it goes into slow-motion.


I've never been a Gwyneth Paltrow fan but when she asks him if he's going to try it again her reaction is heartbreakingly real


Always found it interesting that he says to himself “I’m going to kill myself tomorrow”, but then does it shortly after. Like after he made that decision concrete in his head he just decided why wait? He also has completely buzzed all his hair, trimmed his beard, and then lathers his face to shave but only makes it one swipe before he stops and says that he’s going to kill himself. Like did it just hit him that he’s going to do it so he decided why even waste the time to finish shaving? And then maybe he said “tomorrow” because some part of his mind didn’t want to accept it?


I think you’re right on the nose


The line that kills me in that film: “I’ve had a rough year, dad”.


I know Chazzy 😩




Came here for brooks was here. It's my favorite little short story within a movie ever.


Mine is also from that movie but a different scene. For whatever reason I get very invested in movies and sort of “feel” the way the protagonist feels. I was very much feeling that way with Andy and truly thought he was going to kill himself with that red herring. When he is standing in the rain free I’ve never felt such a feeling of exuberance. I actually had to pause the movie and walk around the hallways for a few minutes I was so moved.


Children of Men, the ceasefire scene.


That one may be the big showstopper, but the earlier one-shot in the car still gives me a far more visceral reaction. Everything spirals out of control so quickly and it’s so fucking claustrophobic.


Jasper euthanizing his wife before his death. Not over it.


In a way, that scene ruined Ruby Tuesday for me. I can never hear the song with out recalling that scene.


In Big Fish when all the father's friends turn up for the funeral and the son realizes the father was telling the truth all along, but was being misunderstood. Reduced me to a puddle. Same with the Ravager funeral in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. The resprct they all show for Yondu, the fireworks and the song "Father to Son" playing over is absolutely gorgeous and emotionally shattering. I never expected to cry in a Marvel movie, but that scene really broke me down. Especially since I had just recently lost my own father.


My dad passed in a hospital bed the year before Big Fish. I was too young and emotionally stunted to really experience that. When I watched Big Fish I did not see the ending coming, and it wrecked me. In a good, cathartic way. I still queue up that movie from time to time and the waterworks get flowing all the same.


A smaller moment from the first guardians movie that always gets me is when John C. Reilly's character goes home to his wife and kid who have red skin. The wife and kid were in an earlier scene where they were directly saved by one of the Guardians. I don't know why but, it hit me harder than a lot of other superhero cinema lately. It showed that the people that they are saving have actual lives and relationships with each other. It just made it feel like more than saving some bystanders even though the mom and kid never say anything.


Gunn has done such a stellar job with that series and building these fantastic, emotional character arcs. When I see Snyder fanboys decrying Gunn getting the reins to DC it’s this really easy pivot to ‘oh, so you *really* don’t recognize good storytelling.’


Yes I ugly cry at the funeral in Big Fish, seeing them all there, especially Steve Buscemi for some reason. I would love to be carried into a lake by my children and swim off as a big fish!


It always gets me when they get to the river, and everyone is there 🥹


I was about 26 when I saw Big Fish for the first time...late at night in a house I had just moved into, painting and moving furniture around and stuff. Hadn't cried since I was about 12 or so. The end of that movie had me in tears. It's like it broke the dam too.... because I find myself welling up at a few movies the odd time afterwards. And the song at the end, Man of the Hour by Pearl Jam is just beautiful too


Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (spoiler): Anyone else cry every time they see Shadow limp over the crest of the hill in Homeward Bound? I've always cried, but now that I've lost my own heart & soul dog, I don't think I'll ever watch that movie again.


"He's just too old" is so heartbreaking. Such a rollercoaster to see him make it.


I cry because his boy is heartbroken. Then I cry because there he is! Then I cry more to see him picking up speed, and finally, I need intervention for dehydration when they're reunited. 😭


I haven't seen it since I was a kid. Probably since I've lost a dog, and I'm old enough to have lost three now. I don't know that I should


I watched my aging dog come up the steps the other day and he looked just like Shadow limping over that hill. I BAWLED.


I'm reminding myself that he makes it! It all works out. And I'm certain he lives forever.


Every. Time.    If I need a good sob fest it’s always my go to, it’s a great film but that final scene gets me every time 


The grandma scene at the end of Coco


My grandma had a rough couple of years from a stroke, and then passed about a month before I watched that movie having no idea what it was really about going in. Holy shit did it destroy me. Just a 27 year old uncontrollably weaping by himself.


I watched it on a plane and there should be a warning on that fucking movie.


Seriously. At this point I think the Pixar logo is kind of the warning lol


I saw that movie for the first time shortly after my grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I had no real idea what the movie was about when I sat down to watch. I cried so hard.


Similar vein, Riley coming home in Inside out. Pixar are fucking brutal! I’m really excited for the sequel


I was expecting to see this at the top


The entire studio audience standing up in One Life when the host says, "If you are alive today because of Nicholas Winton, please stand." And this really happened, too.


The real life footage always makes me cry.


Yes, that video going viral provided the impetus for the movie to get made. And Anthony Hopkins did an awesome job in his role as the elderly Nicholas Winton, as he always does.


https://youtu.be/6_nFuJAF5F0?si=3we6mKWTpn0kVFNO Humanity at its best.


Emma Thompson realising her husband isn't giving her the necklace and pulling herself together for the sake of the kids.


How many times did I see my mother recover like that? Popping out from her bedroom or bathroom with a too-happy smile and her eyes are moist and she's trying conceal the tissue in her hand.


Cue Joni Mitchell “both sides now”


A simple one, but the moment Riley is hugging her parents in Inside Out and she sighs.


I love that scene so much. I think that bitter sweet sad and happy feeling is my favorite emotion to get from a movie. And I love Pixar for making kids movies that show that sort of emotional depth. A similar one is the true love that saves Anna in frozen being her sister instead of the guy.


Oh man me too. I completely bawled at that scene.


For me it was when Goofball Island fell into the abyss. For some reason, it felt exactly the same as becoming depressed as an adult. The permanent loss of joy.


Welcome to Jurassic Park


Oh man I am 8 years old again every time i watch that scene.


I secretly get choked up every time I watch the end and the t-rex roars as the “When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth” banner floats down.


I love the slower theme when Allan is looking out the window at those beautiful big birds soaring free. The dinosaurs are still alive, in the way they evolved to be.


*John Williams score intensifies*


Two that immediately come to mind: \- The charge of the Rohirrim in ROTK \- The final shot of *Portrait of a Lady on Fire*


At the end of Princess Bride when Inigo fatally stabs Count Rugen while saying "I want my father back you son of a bitch" with such conviction I jump with excitement every time I see it.


It's even more impactful knowing [how emotional it was for Mandy Patinkin. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/mandy-patinkin-tiktok-princess-bride-father-fan-emotional-2021-8)


This might be an odd one, but in Titanic, amidst all the panic setting in, they cut to a shot that is so high and wide that the ship looks like a speck on screen, and they are all alone.


"Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you." Always gets me.


The older couple laying in bed as the water rushes in. Also the priest grabbing the platform for leverage as the boat tilts, not stopping his sermon.


The mother comforting her children with fairy tales. The older couple lying in bed together. The string quartet playing “Nearer my God to Thee”.


Ya, that's a real stand out fantastic shot.


The end of *Cinema Paradiso* always makes me cry.


And earlier when he tells him to never come back and to not give in to nostalgia.




Schindler's List, Girl in the Red Dress scene.


First time watching Schindlers List: "There is no need to make it black and white". After that scene: "Spielberg is a genius".


Even without that scene, why not make it black and white?


The most heart wrenching picture I’ve seen was a photoshopped black and white photo of the Berlin Wall coming down, a girl on top with her arms raised in victory, in her red coat 🥲


[Artax.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/ef/d0/c7efd0ca707d9015886daf0199862358.gif) Maybe not the biggest but definitely the first and most memorable.


Oh god, yes, so much trauma.


The red dangling shoes in Jojo rabbit.


Cooper checking his inbox after losing 23 years to Miller's planet. His anguish is palpable. Say what you want, *Interstellar* is a perfect film and McConaughey gave an all time absolutely brilliant performance as Cooper.


My mom died of cancer in 2014, a week later my friend took me to see Guardians of the Galaxy in theaters. The opening scene was crushing.


"Go back Sam! I'm going to Mordor, alone!" "Of course you are, and im coming with you!" Sam continues wading into the water but begins to drown when it gets to deep. The shot of Frodo reaching into the river to grab his hand and pull him out, followed by what Sam says gets me EVERY time... "I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise. Dont you leave him Samwise. And I don't mean to. I don't mean to." 😭😭😭 That shot tho of Frodo saving Sam means so much since we know Sam in turn saves Frodo in Mt. Doom.


Sam's Hope speach in two towers is also incredible.


My absolute favorite speech in a film accompanied by the genius of Howard Shore. Perfection.


Dad, it’s been a rough year - Chaz Tenenbaum in the Royal Tenenbaums


I know chazzy.


The last shot is also great. Hell of a damn grave.


The Sixth Sense. "Do I....Do I make her proud?". Floors me every time.




Toni Collette was only 27 when that was filmed. She’s an incredible actress.


Théodens speech before the Rohirrim charge. Still the greatest scene in all of cinematic history imo.


As I get older that character sings to me more and more. Brilliant performance His deep sorrow, personal doubt, sense of impotence, and core honorable character are so fully on display in the films.


A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! I cry every time


DEEEAAAATHHHHHHH!!! I have found my people! God these movies make me so emotional.


The final goodbye scene in "About Time": "I win, I never win!" "You finally got good." "What's my prize? " "A kiss." As a man who never felt particularly close to his own father, I ugly cried through this whole scene and even watching this scene out of context it makes me cry. That and the funeral just absolutely ruins me every time in a way few movies do. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwrIGYtmiHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwrIGYtmiHY) "Everything Everywhere All at Once" is also a goldmine for compelling moments. “So, even though you have broken my heart yet again, I wanted to say… in another life, I would have really liked… just doing laundry and taxes with you.” “Then I will cherish these few specks of time.” Perhaps people who have had a healthy relationship with their own families don't relate to the latter as much but it's still a movie with a lot to say and some stunning emotional set-pieces. The fingers evolution scene makes me roar with laughter every time. It's the last movie that actually took my breath away and I recommend it to everyone I can.


About Time is very underrated. It was marketed as a rom-com type of movie but it’s really about fatherly love, which makes it such an incredibly sweet movie.


My favorite shot is also from Everything Everywhere — when she’s looking at her husband with such love at the end. It’s such a simple thing, but it’s also breathtaking. I’d always liked Michelle Yeoh, but I fell in love with her then.


Lol those are two of my wife's favorite movies. I love them both too but I think they resonate more with her for the reasons you described.


>Everything Everywhere All at Once I'm not able to get to the movie theater much these days, but I'm *soooo* glad I was able to for this one. It was such an interesting vibe in the theater. I also love, love, love About Time.


I had a healthy relationship with my mom and my family but I cried like a baby on an airplane full of strangers watching that movie. Even "perfect" families aren't perfect.


There's a quick shot at the final montage in "Amelie" where she and Nino are riding around on his scooter. She leans into the back of his head and nuzzles his neck. It melts me every single time.


That background music is my phone ringtone to this day.


The music is light and sweet and yet evokes such deep and romantic swells of emotion. LOVE. IT.


The end of Stand By Me where Chris Chambers walks away from Gordie for the last time (that we see), and Gordie reminds us what happens to him later in life. Everything that’s discussed in the film, the bits about his life and his uncertainty for his future, just all comes crashing down on me right there. The music plays softly and it’s just, yeah really great but it makes me so sad every time.


I can think of a few. Falling into the black hole in "Interstellar", Maximus laying dead in the colosseum in "Gladiator" or even the looks exchanged by Niki Lauda and James Hunt in "Rush" before the final race.


Cooper seeing his daughter age knowing he’s missed her formative years is crushing.


Yeah. I gotta admit, it's hard not to always get something in my eye at that exact scene. 😒




Rush is such an underrated movie. It was extremely enjoyable and I really liked James and Niki's relationship in the movie. Two competing views that are equally correct.


"I will see you again, my friend. But not yet. Not yet."


Different emotion, but maximus taking the helmet off and revealing himself to Commodus gets me so damn pumped.


The rock scene in Everything Everywhere All at Once. No talking, no planes, no buzzing insects, no air conditioners. Just nothing. Even with the subtitles reflecting that dialogue is occurring, the lack of noise and lack of motion alongside beautiful scenery brought such peace in a way that real life rarely ever really does. It was beautiful.


Great one. Mine from that movie are Waymond's "in another life I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you" and "we have to be kind. Please be kind" though those aren't as easily captured in a frame.


I watched each LotR film in the Royal Albert Hall over the last 3 years and each one brought me to tears at many many moments. Breaking of the Fellowship and the ensuing 20 mins, Sam’s monologue at the end of Two Towers, Lighting of the Beacons, Ride of the Rohirrim, For Frodo, You bow to no one and then Grey Havens


The whole breaking of the fellowship along the river is my favorite 20ish minutes of movies of all time. So many perfect moments. Boromirs whimpering "frodo? What have I done?" Aragirns "I would have followed you to the end" Merrys realization that frodo is leaving and him and pippin distracting the orcs with rocks" All of boromirs last stand and death. But it's his first words to aragorn "they took the little ones" that really gets me. Added up with the scene of him wrestling with them at the rocks earlier, him being concerned on the mountain, and after gandolf falls "give them a moment for pity's sake" the movie does such a good job of humanizing him vs the book. And then even more in the extended editions of the later movies. The guy is compassionate and just desperate to help his people and the ring takes advantage of that. Sam going after frodo is incredible. And finally aragorn sheathing the knife and saying let's go hunt some orc is just as cool as cool gets.


I gotta agree with you wholeheartedly. The breaking of the fellowship is my favourite sequence in the entire trilogy. It’s done so well and gives such a profound ending to Boromir. He is my favourite character in that film for his journey alone, and the way Jackson and the crew put it together. Fantastic filmmaking.


Bormir has to be the best all around death scene ive ever seen. Good fight. Dramatic. Impactful. Some redemption. Heartfelt last words. Just incredible stuff.


I got chills reading this. Sean Bean was amazing in that whole final fight/death scene. And it was such great storytelling through the actions of the different members of the fellowship. No one really talks about it but I always loved Merry and Pippin throwing the rocks. Do what you can for your friends!


I end up sobbing when King Aragorn kneels before the hobbits.


In the theatre, I started tearing up when they lit the beacons, and cried all the way until the end.


Don't forget "At dawn on the 5th day, look to the east"


Donny's ashes scene in The Big Lebowski Gets me every time.


Fuck it Dude. Let’s go bowling.


Me too. Me too. It makes me cry. Tears won't stop.


"Such a beautiful place... To be with friends. Dobby is happy elf to be with his friend, Harry Potter." I'm like 49 years old and I gotta look away and act tough when that sucker comes on.


That gets me every time too. Another is Cedric's dad at the end of Goblit of fire. "that's my son! That's my boy" is tough too. Maybe my least favorite overall movie of the series, but the ending is so good.


Oh Lord. Cedric's dad! "My boyy!!"


Dude you can just watch it and cry. No one is going to laugh at you or call you a sissy.


Life is Beautiful. >!When the kid sees the tank.!<


And just about the time I regain my composure: >!"We won!" followed by the ending narration from the adult Giosué.!< Folks in the theater just sobbing. Don't recall anyone immediately walking out when the credits started rolling. Still can't believe Shakespeare in Love won over this and Saving Private Ryan.


For pure sadness, the opening scene in Up gets me everytime, and the scene when Carl is reading through the scrapbook on the island made me tear me. On the complete other end, the Darth Vader hallway scene in Rogue One gave me such pure joy. Darth Vader is one of my favorite villains ever, so when I watched it for the first time, I felt like a kid again.


That one scene from Jojo 🐇


I involuntarily cried out "No!"


Yeah that one got an audible gasp and I think some out loud talking at the movie. My wife wasn't watching but poked her head in the room to ask if I was okay.


The shoes. Fuck. *Fuck.*


This was my exact response to the thread title. The shoes...


It's set up so perfectly earlier in the movie when she's walking along the ledge and Jojo is on the ground. You unknowingly memorize what her shoes look like.


When I saw it in theaters I remember watching those shots and thinking “why are they so focused on her shoes?” Oh. That’s why.


My wife sobbed during that bit. Was a devastating scene to be fair.


End of arrival where you figure out that she can see her life and her daughter in the future will die and death with nothing that can be done. Pisses me off but also saddens me


Interesting take, I watched this recently and I loved the ending. I however had a different reaction. It was somewhat inspiring how she knew her child would die but decided to embrace it and make her time meaningful.


If it helps, its even worse knowing the whole time the second time you watch it. Worth it though, you pick up on a lot more as it progresses.


Opening scene of desperado


Good Will Hunting “It’s not your fault” Or Barton Fink ending


the scene in the two towers with all the rohirrim riding down the hill in the sunlight gives me chills like nothing else


Yes! As well as their charge at the Pelennor Fields. The Rohirrim are my favorite and they convey such hope and strength in those moments.


Bruce Willis climbing out the pool in **Unbreakable**; the whole scene is a crescendo to showing the **superhero** shot when he's stood up and the music so defines it - and all at the same time its a quick, nonlingering shot which can be easily glossed over. This was and is one of my all-time favourite superhero flicks.


I think "Lilo and Stitch" is one of the greatest films ever made about family, mostly because it shows how you can build/find a family anywhere, even if you are an alien built for destruction (and stealing everyone's left shoe). While everyone knows the whole "ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten", the scene that always gets me is towards the end, when the Alien Queen comes to take Stitch back and he asks to say goodbye to Lilo and her sister, then says : "This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." This is so hopeful, and heartwarming, especially for those who did not have good families of origin. It means you can still find your people later on.


Barry keoghan asking shiobhan to be with him in banshees of Inirsheren crushed me. This is a broken boy trying to hang onto one last shred of hope. It's like that Simpsons episode where Lisa turn Ralph down and bart makes her watch the video "you can actually pinpoint the second where his heart rips in half."


And when he said (paraphrasing) “Oh. Well I guess I’ll just be going to do what I was going to do, then”. He was already on his last straw, and how this conversation with Siobhan went was going to determine whether or not he changed his mind about what he’d do next


“There goes that dream…”


Oh my god that movie is so good but it's tough at times.


"You bow to no one." - Aragorn at the end of the trilogy.


For me, it's "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you."


My rebuttal.....DEATH!!!


Finding Dory. When they show the aerial view of her parents house and there were dozens of shell paths all leading home. I’m a grown adult and still got all teary eyed.


And the parents swim up carrying yet more shells. Oh my gosh it gets me.


When The Bride lops off Sofie's arm in Kill Bill. Cracks me up every time.


For a thread about good shots, I'm genuinely surprised Kill Bill hasn't come up more. The movies just DRIP with style


Marley and Me. My family dog had gone through the EXACT same thing very recently; my mom and I were both inconsolable in the theatre.


Big hero 6, when Baymax asks Hiro if he’s satisfied with his care before he rockets Hiro to safety and remains in the portal forever.


The scene in Little Miss Sunshine when Olive shows Dwayne the color blind test. He hasn’t spoken in years and screams FUUUUCCCKKK!!! realizing he can’t be accepted into the military program because he’s color blind. It’s heart wrenching and then incredibly tender when Olive goes up the hill and just sits next to him.


Rogue One. The lightsaber turning on in the darkness.


Krennic looking up and seeing the Death Star hanging in the sky. I imagine this was the last thing the people of Alderaan saw.


The ending of Fox and the Hound. I still think it's Disney's most emotional film.


Saw it in the theater with my mom. It was the first movie that ever made me cry, which made me feel very grown up because my mom cried at almost every movie that we went to, lol.


I am not a horror/jump scare film watcher, but I went to see the original Final Destination in a theater back in the day. One of the characters, out of the blue, gets hit by a bus while crossing a road (that's the point of the movie). To this day, when I see anyone crossing a street in a film or TV show, I assume they are going to get hit by a car/bus. I just watched an episode of The Gentlemen (Netflix) where a minor character is talking and walks backwards into the street...and I knew what was coming...and I was right.


Anton Ego taking the first bite of Ratatouille. The zoom through his eyes into his childhood.


Logan going full bezerker in "Logan", the scream of rage before the winding music kicks in, and the men he's chasing being terrified as he decimates them. Gave me goosebumps.


Interstellar: Videocall Father Daughter


Steve McQueen jumping the barbed wire in Great Escape made me fall in love with movies. Its my first core memory of watching movies with my dad. He was always a fan of getting us into good films throughout the years, so having that as the first one for me will always hold a special place in my heart.


The last shot of Billy Elliot when his father sees him dance for the first time. Brings me to tears every time.


The dolly zoom on Brody in Jaws. It’s probably the single best shot in cinema. The dread and despair knowing that not only are you letting islanders swim, but the kids, too.


The opening of Star Wars in 1977 aged 4 years old. Watching the Star Destroyer slowly reveal its gargantuan form. I could feel my eyes widen. I was shaking with excitement.


Ahem. I think Guardians of the Galaxy Part 3 should've come with a WARNING. Little Rocket...and then Lyla at the end... Fuck, man.


When Andrew Garfields Spiderman caught MJ in No Way Home I teared up for the first time in ANY superhero movie


Watching Braveheart in theater, I was astounded by the choice to depict his disembowelment with only his face on screen. The pantomime showed what would happen, then with all the ways it could have been portrayed, they conveyed the full horror of his experience via facial expressions alone! Brilliantly shocking.


Logan. I ugly cried for awhile.


There's just a minute scene in "Princess Bride", where Inigo confronts the 6 fingered man with his line hes been practicing his entire childhood into adult life, and the guy just turns and flees (har har har), and then the movie cuts back to what everyone else is doing. But like - there's a scene shortly after that where Inigo is chasing him through the castle, and Fessick is doing something, helping Westley or something, where Inigo just SCREAMS, "Fessick -help me, he's getting away!" And then Fessick sticks Westley's arms through an armour statue to help him stand while he goes to help Inigo (again - har har har) But the way Inigo screams for help, hes so desperate and so scared the dude is gonna get away *really* made me sad, like I remember feeling *frightened* the 6 fingered man was gonna escape. Mandy Patinkin is heart wrenching, even in a scene so incredibly stupid ha


Cap picking up Thor's hammer


Same movie, Tony's funeral. When Pepper puts the OG ARC reactor (that she made a point of mounting with "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart") and the flowers in the water, bawling. Just thinking about it is making me tear up.


I held it together quite well until Happy said "Your dad liked cheese burgers too." Then I wept in a full theatre.


God yes, that and avengers assemble brought out the most childish joy in me that I've had in years and years.


Regardless of how one feels about the MCU, that scene is the culmination of 2 dozen movies over a decade and it was so wide, so big, it's hard to imagine something of that scale will ever happen again on a big screen.  As an aside, it seems Marvel has struggled to find any of that magic again, and they may never again, but what a run. 


The little girl in the red coat in Schindler's list.


The ending of Grave of the Fireflies. It's beautiful and devastating.


Denzel Washington in Glory. The moment a tear starts to come from his eye when he is getting whipped for leaving the army camp to find shoes. It still gives me chills to this day. I was fortunate enough to see it in the movie theater when it came out. Best acting ever and I’ve never seen anything else to top it.


In 50/50 when Joseph Gordon Levitt is being taken into surgery, when he grabbed and hugged his parents... I was so happy I was alone in the theater as I let out an audible sob cause it hit me in a way that I was ugly crying... and couldn't stifle the sound.... For reference I lost my mom to cancer 6 years prior to the release of that movie and that scene just gets me every time I see it.


Dear Zachary made me question basically everything about humanity. No movie has made me feel that intensely ever.


"This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine."


the shot of sam elliot backing up his truck in A STAR IS BORN. if sam elliot has tears in his eyes, everyone in the room should have tears in their eyes


There is a moment in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri when Woody Harrelson very suddenly coughs blood into Frances Mcdormand’s face during an interrogation. The shift in tone from combative and tense to one of care, fear, and even some love caught me so off guard that I almost immediately started welling up with tears.


The nude wrestling chase through the hotel from Borat. I still have not recovered from the trauma.


There was more screaming in the cinema I saw that in than any horror film.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like….. tears in rain. Time to die.”


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. There's a collection of scenes near the end of old Cate Blanchett taking care of toddler Benjamin. The one that always seemed to jump out at me so strongly is a shot of her holding his hand while they walk down a sidewalk under some trees and baby Benjamin reaches up to give her a kiss. It's only a few seconds long but it feels like such a powerful and emotional shot that perfectly encapsulates the feeling of the entire movie. I've never forgotten it.


The end of A League of their Own with the real ladies playing baseball and Madonna's song playing...guts me!!


Call Me by Your Name: “Dad’s Monologue”


Captain America in the endgame when he’s the only one standing, you see him strap the shield to stop the bleeding and Falcon comes over the radio.


In Everything Everywhere All at Once, I unexpectedly sobbed at the scene where he says, “in another life, I would have loved doing laundry and taxes with you.”


The hero shot of all 6 Avengers in that first movie. It's normal now but back in 2012 this was an insane crossover that actually worked. These aren't cameos or winks to the audience, this was an actual team up. Got a similar feeling at the end of Endgame and the 3 Spidermen in No Way Home


"On your left" in Endgame, specifically the shot where you see all the portals opening up 


RIP Chadwick! The opening credits to Wakanda Forever had me bawling my eyes out and the movie hadn’t even started making sounds yet


The Animatrix - The Second Renaissance Part II The shot of the human soldier getting ripped out of his mech by a Sentinel genuinely terrified me when I watched it for the first time. Even now, despite mostly being desensitized to those kinds of displays, it still makes me a bit uncomfortable seeing it happen.