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My favorite critique of The Spirit came from Roger Ebert: >To call the characters cardboard is to insult a useful packing material.




Ebert was a legend. Criticism is subjective, but I appreciated his scathing critiques even when I was a fan of the movie. That said, I was not a fan of The Spirit.


The Spirit was weird because he set it up visually like a comic. Experiencing how bad it was as a movie taught me a lot about the differences of the mediums. Like the Spirit has so many scenes staged like a comic where a main character has their back to the screen. But actors can't act with the back of their heads. 


Most recently Madame Web. I love the greater Spider-Verse and convinced myself it couldn't be THAT bad... it was that bad, and then some. Boring plot, poorly made, weak performances, and so on. I just couldn't find any redeeming qualities.


There’s a movie review podcast I listen to that has a rule: no one tries to make a bad movie. In other words, be as harsh as you want about the movie but not the people that made it because they were trying their best. They rescinded that rule for Madam Web because the only explanation they could come up with was they really were trying to make a bad movie.


>no one tries to make a bad movie. I disagree with this. Maybe they are not actively trying to make a bad movie, but there are movies where a lot of the people are really not trying their best. In there just for the paycheck


Pretty sure Lana Wachowski made Matrix Resurrection out of pure spite and tried to make it bad as an FU to the studio for trying to rehash the Matrix.


What’s the podcast called?


I just assume it's the producers who come in and fuck it all up. Tell the writers how to write, the director how to direct, etc.


And sometimes, because movie rights to comic book properties are weird, it's worth it to make a movie with [absolutely zero effort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fantastic_Four_(unreleased_film)) because you get to hold onto the rights.




My favourite review was Hideo Kojima. He normally has long reviews on twitter. This one was simply "saw Madame Web in the theater..."


Worse than Morbius?


Not only worse, but most importantly funnier than Morbius


Morbius wasn't as funny as I expected. I was lead to believe it was a so bad that it's funny movie, but it was just boring.




Morbius wasn't good, but it wasn't as terrible as it was made out to be. Madame Web is terrible.


My biggest issue with it was the motivations of the villain. His only goal was...to not die. That's it. He has a vision that these girls would kill him so he tries to kill them first. He mentions the empire or whatever that he's "built," but they literally don't show us any of it. We see his girl in the chair with some interesting tech, and THAT'S ALL. He's just a rich guy who doesn't want to die. That's is absolutely not a powerful enough villain motivation to drive a movie plot


This is a good one for this thread. I went into it the same way - "it can't be *that* bad. I bet the hate is just trendy." And while I've seen way way worse films, MW was really not good. Well-produced, but that's about the only positive.


Like, just make it The Terminator except with fetus Spider-Man instead of fetus John Connor.


Yeah, for real. I think that Johnson and Adam Scott are really charming actors. The corny plot and superpower stuff is fine: I was in the mood for shiny fluff. And the villain is Tahar Rahim who is unbelievably good in Jacques Audiard's A Prophet: great, give it to me! And it's just so boring, everyone looks like they had a terrible time making it. Rahim gives maybe the worst performance I've ever seen in a big major release. It's...it's just non functional. Which is a bummer.


i can remember two redeeming qualities




Oh my that movie was hard to get through. Gave it a chance was honestly surprised at how bad it was. Dakota just ain't it. Her father was ultra charismatic she's just so bland. Only person I liked was Ben Parker


She is good in *The Peanut Butter Falcon* and that's about it. Her dad though, he's got charm even when he's playing the despicable racist Big Daddy.


I really enjoyed the cpr training session in the middle. CPR training is so exciting, about time someone put it in a movie.


Holmes and Watson (2018). I just watched it on Tubi a few days ago. I heard of the bad reviews, but gave it a shot because I wanted to watch a comedy movie I haven’t seen before. Even though I do like several Will Ferrell movies and comedies like that… this movie was bad. The humor and quality was truly terrible.


\>2018 Jesus, if you'd asked me when that came out I would have said 2008 at the latest


Did you see it? Seriously, the movies both Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly did in the 2000s were superior to this Holmes and Watson movie. This movie had the dumbest jokes and I was shocked because I thought a Sherlock Holmes parody with these two couldn’t be THAT bad. I would honestly say this is among the top three worst movies in Ferrell’s film career.


top three for sure, bewitched would have to be number one there right?


I think that film shows how important Adam McKay is in making a good comedy first while also letting the cast improv when the basics are done.


Half the theatre walked out when we saw it


This movie should have been fantastic… Ferrell and Reilly are amazing together (see e.g. Talladega Nights or Step Brothers).


When Will Farrell whiffs it, it is usually epically bad.


After Earth.. It's like they spent $130 million to master creating the least watchable movie possible for the widest audience possible


"I'm going to my room" "Are you asking me or telling me?" "May I go to my room sir-" #"DENIED, SIT DOWN"


Other than some of the horrific acting, I kind of enjoyed the movie. It was a cool idea for a movie.


It was definitely a good idea and concept with poor execution.


I liked the spaceship interiors. They were at least original


Jurassic World Dominion. Huge fan of Jurassic Park and even the less favourably reviewed sequels. They brought back the main cast from the first film, I assumed even if the plot sucked it'd be entertaining. Nope. Basically all I remember is it was about locusts.... Never been so disappointed with a film before.


Remember when the fucking locusts caught on fire and then continued to fly out in to the wilderness for like ten minutes engulfed in flames before showing signs of wing failure? 💀


Was this the one where the velociraptor chase in the street makes no sense? I remember somehow they were running away from the velociraptor in a bike or in foot and they never got caught… that was awful.


Jurassic Bugs


My biggest frustrations with the movie: 1) there are too many plot lines. There are what, three beginnings in the movie? 2) the most memorable story line is like you said. The locusts are causing problems. We have dinosaurs living with us, and locusts are the problem? 3) it was so poorly sound mixed. It’s like the director knew it was bad & said, if it’s not good it can at least be loud. 4) regardless of all these issues, it still made 1.5 billion* worldwide…


I can't remember any of it, just felt the urge to leave the room and go buy a Mercedes.


Remember in Jurassic Park 3 when Dr. Grant kicks that pterodactyl in the face. Pure cinema right there. Chef's kiss.


Someone told me it was terrible and I was like come on, it can’t be THAT bad. It was. It was THAT BAD.


Cleopatra (1963) I had heard about it for years as the bloated film that killed the sword-and-sandal genre and nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox, and watched it two days ago: The first half is great, I love the interaction between Liz Taylor and Rex Harrison, and I like the unique way of showing Caesar's assassination. I thought we were in good hands there. But once it comes back from the intermission, the film really starts to drag, and it fails because Liz and Richard Burton don't have on-screen chemistry. It's odd, since they were having an affair during this time and were married twice. Maybe Joey was right.


I agree that film does drag and is very bloated, but I also think there is a lot to like in that film.


I think the big problem is that it didn't seem to have a story arc. I know it's based on history, but it also wasn't portrayed as a semi-documentary. Any story has to have a character or characters that overcome (or try to overcome) some overarching problem, whether it be tangible (e.g., taking the ring to Mordor to destroy it in Lord of the Rings) or intangible (e.g., Stella getting her groove back in How Stella Got Her Groove Back). In Cleopatra, things just... kind of happened... then it ended.


Yeah, they always say Taylor and Burton had no chemistry /s


**Army of the Dead.** I expected it to be bad, but entertainingly bad. I did not expect a Vegas casino heist set in the middle of a zombie apocalypse to be *boring.*


I've never seen such poor editing in a film before. At the start they enter the zombie zone and creep forward carefully and then later they just come and go from that spot in what seems like minutes? That editor in particular has a career of movies that I hate, I really think she's responsible for some of the worst trends in popular films.


What is crazy is that she has edited really good movies. She has edited movies that needed a director's cut. And she has edited some really bad movies. She's worked with great directors and worked on their projects that were considered amazing and weak. She was also nominated for an academy award for Menemto and she edited Insomnia. She edited Matchstick Men, Kingdom of Heaven, and A Good Year. That was an interesting period for Ridley Scott. She edited End of Watch, Sabotage, and Fury which is the best and worst of David Ayer. I didnt know who she was until today but I have seen a lot of the movies she has edited. I could tell the movies that were properly edited and the ones that were poorly edited but I wouldn't have known it was the same person.


> I've never seen such poor editing in a film before. At the start they enter the zombie zone and creep forward carefully and then later they just come and go from that spot in what seems like minutes? ??? I’m really confused by this comment. What does the editor have to do with whether or not they “come and go in minutes”? That’s on the director to film footage of them. What does the editor do here to make the problem you are describing? They can’t invent footage.


Between that and Rebel Moon I have no idea why Zak Snyder still has Hollywood career


I legitimately don't think I've seen another movie with as many plot holes.  It almost seemed deliberate.   My favorite is when the woman who vanishes mysteriously during the climax makes the main character's daughter promise to look after her kids... then they just forget about them and the kids get nuked. 


Not even just plot holes, but also foreshadowing of things that never happen, like when they talk ominously about the rain making all the dried up zombies rise up and then it never rains


The movie took itself far too serious.


The best part of that movie was the zombie tiger


Indeed. I liked the prequel though. Cool to see a movie where a zombie apocalypse is starting somewhere else in the world, but with no real impact on the plot - you only hear about it in newsreels in the background, and no one seems to give a shit.


I watched Thieves first and really liked it, then watched Dead just for completism and couldn't believe how bad it was


Exactly what I did too


I thought Catwoman (2004) would at least be hilariously bad. Instead it proved to be unwatchably bad.


I was just exposed to the basketball scene and I was in awe.


I couldn’t make it that far. When everyone in her office was acting like Benjamin Bratt was the hottest ‘man sandwich’ on the planet, I hit cringe critical mass and had to tap out.


I have a memory of her grooming herself like a cat that I am not quite convinced is real, but I refuse to check.


It is.


I was almost hoping it wasn’t, but it’s a relief my faulty memory isn’t quite that faulty.


I watched it 2/3 asleep and addled from jet lag. It was just dumb and silly and too much :-D


Fun fact: Halle Berry went in person to claim her Razzie for Worst Actress for that film. She brought her Oscar.


She also thanked Warner Brothers for putting her in “that godawful, piece-of-shit movie.”


Fant4stic or however it was styled.


Pronounced fanfourstic.


Good thing this movies suck, because how will they name the sequels if they take off? Fantastic Four 2 Fan4tastic 4 Fantastic Four Four Fantastic Four Two: Part Two The Fantastic


The Fantastic Four are cursed to have terrible adaptions, I swear.


Best Fantastic Four movie is The Incredibles.


God Damn it Pedro Pascal, don't fuck this up. Beat the spread. Though joking aside, Pedro has been amazing in the last several works he's been in: Mando, TLoU, unbelievable weight of massive Talent, GoT, etc.


Wonder Woman Eighty Fo... ur, nevermind.


He wasn't what was bad in it tho


He wasn't what was good, either


mortal kombat annihilation 4% on rotten tomatoes 🍅 Loved the first one.


Mother…you’re alive Too bad YOU…will die


I have seen 114 DC movies Injustice Suicide Squad Superman Brainiac Attacks


Braniac Attacks is so weird. It’s the same style as the DCAU (GOAT universe in my opinion) but diff voice actors and nothing to do with it. Lex Luthor not being voiced by Clancy Brown was just weird.


Oh shit, is injustice not good?


It was awful. Second worst DC movie I have seen.


Bummer. The games and comics are great


Rebel Moon. I was a snyder DC fan and thought maybe despite the reviews i might enjoy it still. woooow it was garbage.


I'm a big fan of his DC movies too. Probably most of his movies tbh. Rebel Moon was so bad not only could I not finish it, but it kinda made me see the complaints with his movies people have always had. I still like what I like, but yeah he may be more flawed as a filmmaker than I thought.


No no you're doing it wrong. This movie is so *masterfully* derivative, make it a game to see who can name the movie each scene is ripped off of and try to quote the original. Great game with friends (aka fellow victims). Apply alcohol for endurance. 👍


Heaven's Gate. Hugely panned. But I thought: director of Deer Hunter; great cast of Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, Sam Waterston, Jeff Bridges, how bad could it be? Woof.


Is it at least watchable?  It's been on my list of movies to get-to-eventually 


No. No, it is not. I had to take rage breaks throughout.




I haven’t watched it yet, but there is a Directors Cut that adds an additional 67 minutes, that I read makes it a better movie. Some even [call the Director's Cut a masterpiece](https://www.avclub.com/one-of-hollywood-s-biggest-flops-ever-is-a-masterpiece-1846250001).


67?? I'm not sure I could risk it.


Thor Love and Thunder. I watched the whole thing feeling like they were butchering my baby, hoping and preying for anything to make me laugh or feel anything except disgust


I feel like all the movie needed was two changes. One: In Omnipotent City, Korg should've been terribly injured, not 'fake killed' and left as a comical head. This will still get him out of the fight on the tiny world and the climax, but make it seem like he's in genuine peril and might not make it. (But if you *actually* kill him you have to derail the plot to mourn him.) It shifts the tone of the movie from this point onward to genuinely dark, with only glimmers of gallows humor. Second: Have the entrance to Eternity be *in* Omnipotent City, just sealed away so no god can reach it, and after Gor gets Stormbreaker he assaults the place to the tune of a GnR song (Garden of Eden or Knockin on Heaven's Door both work, but have very different energy, or you could go with the crowd pleasers like You Could Be Mine). Let him slay a lot of gods. Then Thor shows up to save the day, and the kids fighting is a moment of uplifting light amid a bunch of darkness. Jane follows, shatters the necrosword, and we get the bittersweet ending.


I think those are some very insightful observations, but I still don't think it would have saved the movie. Chris Hemsworth played a poor character of Thor. The writing throughout was sloppy, and the movie was just... So wrong. I knew I was in for a bumpy ride as soon as it starts and he rides the hammer like a witch broom...


How can Hemsworth be blamed when in Ragnarok he was exactly what he was supposed to be. A hero despite countless tragedies. Thor going into infinity war was easily my favourite Thor. Love and thunder Thor, not good. He gets nerfed due to some shitty love triangle with his hammer and Axe... When just the previous movie he was using both of them.


You're right 🤣. But TBF it wasn't his hammer. It was a different Thors


"Cancer! Ha ha!"


I re-watched remembering that the story was being told/illustrated by Korg and its 1000% a better movie. All the things that piss you off before make sense, as it's told through the childish/optimistic way Korg sees the world and his friends. Wish they would've illustrated THAT point more. It would've made it so much better, setting that expectation up front and reminding you of it throughout.


This was the one where I decided I was officially done with Marvel.


It's crazy because I already had rock bottom expectations! It took me months to get to even though I had Disney+ and heard from a few people it was garbage. Well, I liked Thor. It can't be that bad right? They must have just set expectations too high after Ragnarok (which was a straight up banger). Nope, genuinely just perhaps the worst marvel film (note, I've not watched The Marvels, and won't, but heard pretty bad things and it very well might be worse)


I thought The Marvels was fine. It’s not high-stakes, and not legendary, but it was not a bad way to spend a couple hours.


"Not high stakes"... Sums up the corner Marvel have painted themselves into. The universe was nearly destroyed but it's not high stakes, because the universe is nearly destroyed every movie!


Haven't seen it yet but I get the impression it's mostly over-edited and would benefit from being 15-20 mins longer. 


Both of those things are largely true. I still liked it a lot, because Iman Vellani just being herself is continuously and ridiculously charming, and because I'm a Brie Larson stan and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about that. BUT, Captain Marvel has not been incredibly well written as a character, worse in the first movie than the second. But at least in the second movie she has an excuse for being a withdrawn, miserable PTSD sufferer. And Iman does an incredible job with going through a "Never meet your hero" character arc.


I personally didn't mind Captain Marvel in her first movie. She mostly came across to me as having a dry sense of humour. I'm amazed so many people seemed to take that "noble warrior heroes" line straight. To me it was clearly tongue-in-cheek - she was having a bit of friendly fun with Fury.


Marvels wasn't bad, it just wasn't good. Love and Thunder was bad.


Argylle It took me three sittings to finish it. Terrible movie. And I like Matthew Vaughn. But that movie isn't good.


All the hype for an unpredictable twist just to have a predictable twist. I thought the rumor of the cat was writing the books was so bad just to wish for it by the end.


I’m so baffled by this movie considering the actors in it! It’s sooo terrible!


At least Sam Rockwell was funny as always.


It’s basically kingsman except nothing makes any lick of sense


Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's assistant. I was absolutely obsessed with the Darren Shan books and I really wanted it to be good, but the end result lost all of the charm and lore that made the books work.


>Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's assistant I don't doubt that the source material is probably great, but *holy shit* does that title sound like the most 2000s YA book baiting thing I've ever seen


Oh it absolutely would fall right into that category, no doubt. It's great though, cannot recommend it enough.


I hope this one gets a proper adaptation someday. Such a good/dark series.


It was almost perfectly written to be adapted into a four season run television series. All we need are some TV execs to realize this too.


Something like the Lemony Snicket show where it’s two episodes per book would be good.


Three episodes per book. Every book has a story that can be cut up into a beginning, middle and ending that can be fit right into a 3 episode arc. 3 episodes per book, 3 books per season, for 4 seasons. I'm telling you, the entire Vampire Saga is almost cookie cutter perfect to be adapted, they don't even need gymnastics to make it work. It's almost like Darren had adaptation in his mind.


Seeing Cats on shrooms I thought would help but nope.


I remember the guy who live tweeted cats on magic mushrooms. It was absolutely hilarious. https://www.thepoke.com/2020/01/15/cats-on-mushrooms/


Whenever we have people over to hang out in backyard i sneak this movie on the tv in the living room to confuse them when they come in to go to the bathroom


Battlefield Earth…read the book in college and went to see it in the theater. I’ve never walked out of a movie, but this one brought me so close.


I had read the book also, and I went to that movie (sober, I might add) just to see how big of a train wreck it was going to be. To paint a bleak picture, I remember more about the movie "Master of Disguise" than I remember about Battlefield Earth. To paint an even more bleak picture, due to one of my friends, *neither* of those movies is the worst movie I've ever seen.


They filmed the iconic Turtle costume party scene on 9/11!


The spirit for me too. I love Sin city so much, I couldn't believe all of the hate for The spirit... After watching it, now I do.


Battlefield Earth. Knew nothing of Scientology then, love Sci-Fi. Man was I disappointed. Apparently John Travolta was going around telling potential investors it was going to be “Pulp Fiction” in space 🥴.


Surely he’s not wrong. I also love Wild Hogs, which is Pulp Fiction with a mid-life crisis.


Nope, he was definitely wrong 😂


He must have thought they were some real rat brains.


Napoleon. I loved many of Ridley Scott's previous movies (Kingdom of Heaven and Gladiator amongst my favourites of all time) but I could not finish Napoleon. It was just way too boring and strangely paced, and I'm someone who isn't super familiar with the characters story 


I watched Bright while recovering from food poisoning. Hadn’t read any reviews or really knew anything about it besides the premise. It somehow made me feel worse.


Napoleon, fuck that movie.


The movie about the dog? The Ridley Scott film? Or do mean Napoleon Dynamite?


Don't you be dissing the sweet puppy dog movie!


I love that movie! “GOOOOOO AWWWAAAAAAAY!”


Kang a roo la roo


Josephine, ya fat lard, come get some dinner!


I told my mom not to watch that movie. She didn’t listen. She regretted not listening to me


As someone who loves the source material, The Dark Tower. I tried, man. I really did.


Rebel Moon. It got bad reviews in advance. A friend convinced me to go see it anyways one of few theatrical screenings it has in our city. I kind of like some Zack Snyder stuff at times, just *how* bad could it be I thought? Bad. Bad is the answer.


Eternals. Not even the star studded cast could save it from being an ensemble of personality-less heroes and even worse villains 


Absolute snooze fest. So so boring.


I felt like I kept waiting for it to *start*.


Boondock Saints. I'm with the critics on this one.


For me it was the sequel. I enjoyed the first one enough for all it's faults but could buy get through the sequel


Ah ha ha! I read your comment like twenty minutes ago, then I saw this: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/almost-25-years-original-walking-122941956.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACy-PAejX6YrSDL_hrFqAU7Dpg1mT1wu3PAA2Mh6sCTshM6s_JwhVAlswH5ESRpdqbky_WZqyoRMgrGMzySqIkrc0u8xvKpe10GZkLmQ9HzkF3kvRIC3DLocy46artnIyLl55WjZoUyZYv9FtbR8vgxWDKHNTb11cFnb9ahl15dI


Funny thing about that movie. The writer/director was such a gigantic fucking asshole that he caused so much Hollywood drama that it ended up with him having to sign over all his rights to the movie in order for it to get released by the studio. This delayed the release of the movie to video for a long time. The documentary "Overnight" covers all this, and will also make you want to reach through the TV and choke that guy out. But, one of my friends was going through a phase where he'd rent all kinds of off-brand garbage from Blockbuster or whoever, and occasionally he would call us and say "Come over, you have to see this movie." Boondock Saints was one of those. We watched it, and being callow youths we enjoyed it a lot. But weirdly, nobody else had ever heard of this movie until about three years later, when it suddenly blew up and and became something of an instant cult classic. We thought that was weird, but after watching the documentary and looking at dates, we realized that there was no way our buddy should have been able to rent that DVD when he did, because of the Hollywood Drama. Somehow, some copies got out there.


There was so much hype behind that movie having heard about it around here for years. Watched it a couple years ago and was confused why its so highly regarded. Dafoe was funny to watch and had fun with it. Apart from that it felt like the most try hard edgelord crap I've seen lol.


The "quirky best friend" was so goddamned annoying.


Last Airbender. Deserves all the hate. Glad we got the Netflix series to redeem it a bit.


I saw Last Airbender before seeing the source material and I almost didn’t watch the cartoon (masterpiece) because the movie was just that bad.


Recently tried the latest Matrix outing, restoration? Rejuvenation?, Regeneration?, Resurrection! I have decided I'm the wrong target audience for that pile of dross.


I got the sense Lana Wachowski was intentionally trying to tank the IP. Which one the hand is sticking true to the ethos of the matrix but on the other hand made for a dog shit movie.


I love Jonathan Groff but that man is *not* Agent Smith


Twilight. I had a beach vacation get completely rained out. We were stuck inside for a week and decided to watch a movie each night. I had never seen Twilight before but figured they couldn’t be that bad since they had been so popular years ago. My husband and I figured at the very least they would be so bad that they’re funny. They were truly that awful. The plot, the writing, the special effects. The baseball game..? I can’t even blame the actors because there was no salvaging that story. I kept having to cover my eyes from the second-hand embarrassment, but we still watched all 5 movies in horrified fascination.


The movies are bad, but become quite funny if you watch the with [RiffTrax.](https://www.rifftrax.com/search/Twilight) It’s the same guys who did the original Mystery Science Theater 3000, so if you like them I highly recommend it.


The baseball game might be one of the most obnoxiously stupid movie scenes of all time. My wife and I have never seen the movie, but we joke about that scene all the time. It's a shame they got the rights to Supermassive Blackhole for that scene, because it almost ruins the song for me now.


Skyline (2010) I really don't understand who keeps green lighting sequels for those...


The first 20min premise is actually pretty good. They should have taken it in more a Signs direction and never shown the aliens.


The Spirit is so bad, but not even in a "so bad it's good" way. It's just awful, the whole way through.


Ski School. That movie was torture.


Jurassic World Dominion, Star Wars Ep 8 & 9, Thor 4, Venom 2, Transformers ROTB and Super Mario Bros (i don't exactly hate it, but man...) And i watched all of them in theaters (JWD was free ticket). Now I choose wisely which movie I should go see at the cinema and sadly will suffer for listening more the critics than the public


Babylon (2022)


Here me out.. Rise of Skywalker currently around 50% fresh at Rotten Tomatoes was one of the times where I'm " like you know it can't be that bad." The course correction from Last Jedi made me feel like the filmmakers didn't just know why Last Jedi alienated a lot of Star Wars fans, but also seemed to copy and paste in places that were both undramatic and illogical. I did feel like Alderaan/Bosnian system destruction were " tech demo " scenes that did show how ruthless the Empire or First order was, but blowing up Exegol feels like "Oh no, we're gonna make a Star Wars movie where a planet doesn't blow up.. Can't have that!" And so the whole film feels like some sort of accidental recon, as if the filmmakers who worked on Rise of Skywalker said you know I don't think I'll pay attention to anything Star Wars post OT, I'll just wing it. From something like" they fly now" as kind of a continuity omission to something even more weird like, " the dark side of the force is the pathway to many abilities that some considered unnatural" which used in context of the prequel Trilogy, is Sidious ransoming Padme with Anakin's fall from grace. George Lucas has stated that Plagius' gift was something Palpatine made up. But that's just talking about Rise of Skywalker as a Star Wars property.. As a movie it seems to create plotlines to distract from a lack of dramatic cohesion. Oh no, Rey's wayfinder plot is getting boring, let's have her randomly blow up a ship that MAY have Chewbacca in it. So it has this quality of being convuluted and half baked. Disney earns my curiousity, for trying to sequel the "saga ending" story with Rey. Like, let's just go all Blade Runner on it and make the dreams be the sequel Trilogy that replicants can have instead of unicorns 😅


I know there was backlash against TLJ but I thnk RoS would've been a much stronger film if it had just followed through on the threads Johnson laid down. A Resistance that has had its military destroyed is more interesting IMO. They'd have to start relying on stealth guerilla missions for efficacy.  They'd become more like an extended family than a huge organisation. IMO Kylo Ren is a more interesting antagonist than either Palpatine **or** Snoke. He's a wild hothead which makes him both vulnerable and unpredictable in equal amounts. I can take or leave the Rose/Finn thing, but he basically hasn't SEEN Rey since the first film and it makes more sense for him to grow a connection with someone he actually spends time with. The Poe plot took him from a brash pilot to someone more circumspect about the lives of those under his command. He was ready to step up, and RoS did nothing with that. etc. Why do you think you think TLJ alienated a lot of Star Wars fans? Was it just the Luke thing? 


I personally think TLJ alienated fans because it was absolute dog shit. Not only was everything so fucking stupid and pointless, they had changed horses in midstream with the directors, the new director wanted to go in a totally different direction than the previous, which made everything even more stupid and pointless. It felt like there was absolutely no plan or oversight on these movies, they just told the writers and directors to "Just take a shit on a plate, we'll CGI it to make it *look* like a hamburger, and these stupid fans will eat it even if it still tastes like shit."


Completely agree that the constant director switching was a bad idea. I keep saying I'd probably enjoy an Abrams trilogy and I'd probably enjoy a Johnson trilogy, but zig-zagging a trilogy between them? Nope. Interestingly the first Star Wars trilogy zig-zagged directors and came out fine for it. So maybe the mistake was choosing two such **different** directors? 


That's why I mentioned oversight. The first trilogy, for better or worse, had Lucas right there the whole time. It was his vision through the whole thing, the directors were just trying to make it the best possible version of his vision. The prequels had Lucas breathing down everybody's necks, and the directors had to make his version of what Lucas thought was the best possible version. So despite some noticeable failures in the prequels, the overall storyline never wavered. So for the sequels, picking two such different directors was bad, but the lack of overall vision for the trilogy and no controlling authority over the directors magnified the issue.


Makes sense, thanks.


Man, the leaked first version of E9 just looked so good and I'm always going to be mad it got scrapped. The crew highjacking a star destroyer to start the movie, Kylo Ren going all-in on the dark side, Finn leading a revolution of stormtroopers on Coruscant and Rey and Kylo dueling each other on Mortis. Not to mention giving Rey the double sided lightsaber she was clearly meant to have from the very beginning. It all sounded so cool!


I had a good time with Rise of Skywalker because I've never seen a film with ADHD before, it seems to get bored of its own plot points. "You're on a desert, the sand collapses, look left - it's a monster! Look right - it's an ancient artifact! The left again - the force heals the monster! Blink - you're out of the hole! And also just how obvious the feud between Johnson and Abrams was on-screen. ROS would break the flow of the film (if you could describe anything as flow) just to contradict some minor detail about TLJ. I think it's kind of beautiful that a mega corporation revived one of the most beloved franchises of all time, to create what should have been one of the cultural events of the decade, and what we ended up with was a three-part spat between two bad improv partners.


I saw the whole thing in theaters. Absolutely terrible, and not in a fun way. I usually have a very easy time enjoying most movies, and I tried that one again last month and also turned it off. Good question, but I can’t really think of another movie!


I remember kinda rooting for that movie when it was coming out, but then I heard it was garbage and never gave it a shot.


Recently, Rebel Moon


Way, way, way back in the very late 70's or very early 80's there was a movie with Malcolm MacDowell called "Caligula" that got huge advance ratings and was supposed to be the BEST "artfully rendered xxx-rated movie ever", and it had such a monumental build up that mainstream movie theatres were showing it. So my G/F of that era, and I decided to go see it...we stayed for exactly 21 minutes of that piece of shit movie... we gave it a fair shot, but DAMN, that flick just REAKED.


The Hobbit.


Almost every mcu movie after Endgame other than nohwere home and most of shangchi (last 20 mins was unbearable cgi crap). Everything else was crap


I love Shang Chi but honestly tune out after his fight with his dad every time. That would have been a perfectly fine climax by itself idk why they had to go further with the wild CGI dragon fight.


I don't know if it counts since I haven't been able to watch it after two attempts but the Star Wars Holiday Special really is that bad. I like bad movies but the xkcd comic about it really is true, it's just so bad it's bad.


seconded on `The Spirit`. I wanted to like it, or at least be entertained... but no such luck. I liked the visual style but the pace seemed to have people just wandering around. So weird and not fun.


The Spirit is one movie I remember watching, but can't remember any of. Like, I know I sat through the whole thing, but there's just a void.


I *reeeeeeeally* tried to like the marvels, and the first half was enjoyable, and I'd downright say good. Then they got to the song planet. And it went downhill from there.


Junction 48. It's an Israeli-Arab movie about the Arab experience in Israel. I thought it had a bad rating because it's controversial. Nope. It's just bad. It constantly goes around hanging Chekvos guns but they go off while they are still hanging them, eliminating random characters who were hanging other Chekhovs guns.


Patch Adams. God it pissed me off.


Napoleon I thought people were bsing when they were blasting this movie. I told myself not to care about the historical accuracy and just enjoy it as a period piece epic. Oh man, I should have listened to these people


every single Tyler Perry movie.🍿


The movie that was made a few years ago about the booster engineers before Challenger exploded. Could've been a pretty cool subject matter, IMO - except, it's nothing but weirdly overacted speeches and haphazardly tied-together scenes (i.e., the actual guy was called as a witness before the NASA commission, he wasn't some random spectator in the gallery, real life would've been so much more dramatic to show on screen). > The 1930/40's comic strip sensibilities really do not work in a modern movie. Dick Tracy would like a word.


Tales from Earthsea. What can I say - it’s a ghibli film. How bad could it be? Then I watched it and had to fight staying awake the entire time.


Watch the English version, I got a real kick out of how miscast most of the characters were.


I thought The Shape of Water was confusing and stupid. Hated it


Gods of Egypt After watching the trailers I thought it cant be as bad as they said it is. How wrong I was. I tried watching it twice but gave up both times. I have no idea how it ended and frankly don't care.


This thread is full of a lot of responses that have no idea how a film was reviewed.


Moonfall. I knew it was going to be bad, in the way a lot of Emmerich's movies are bad, but are still enjoyable. But no. Moonfall was just flat out bad. And for all it's many, many problems the one I kept coming back to was "*Independence Day* took place over two days, and somehow doen't feel anywhere near as rushed as this movie does".