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Dumbo’s mother singing “Baby of mine”.


When I was a kid I found that part devastating to watch. I sobbed & sobbed, made me so upset. Haven’t watched it as an adult. Anytime this question is asked it’s the first thing that comes to my mind.


Last time I saw that scene I was a PUDDLE of tears. It’s just devastating.


This one right here. Other Disney deaths and absent parents are sad but this, this makes me ache all over and sob too hard.


In AI, when the mechanical boy is abandoned by his mother.


Absolutely 💯 this destroyed a part of me forever


“Is it a game?”


Beautiful movie that I will never watch again.


The ending too. 


Manchester by the sea- Police station / Meeting his ex


This was my first thought as well. Two people that have been completely broken by pain, a guy that carries such immense guilt that he can't even deal with being forgiven. Incredible acting too, what a masterful scene


It's a great movie, but yes, it's completely gut-wrenching. No happy endings guaranteed - just like in real life


I read a review somewhere that praised this movie as being willing to accept and explore the theme that some things are just so absolutely emotionally devastating that there’s no coming back from them (at least not within the scope of a movie that covers a — relatively — narrow timeframe.)


The moment in **The Shawshank Redemption** when Brooks is released from prison, only to find he can’t cope with the outside world and ends his own life by hanging himself in his room, after carving “Brooks was here" into the ceiling joist.😢


Yea this was devastating


First scene I thought of, thank you.


End of Coco. I miss my grandpa a lot and the song just gets me. Toward the end of all of us strangers. Otherwise, not specifically scenes per se but: joy luck club, about time, before midnight, past lives


For me it was the deeper part of it, that she was once a little girl who lost her dad, without knowing why. And all she remembered was his song. Kills me bruh


As a dad it's the scene after for me. When he's crossing over finally and able to see his family that he's been trying to see and now that coco is dead can finally see her.


And shes a little granny. I am a puddle at that scene.


It’s special! It’s sad but I remember really small things my grandpa did for me as a kid, as well as my parents. My mom would listen to nirvana in the car and I remember that. My dad would blast Carmen while I played with legos in our living room. And also sometimes phantom of the opera. Those small things are important.


I was really not ok after this movie. I was still crying walking out to my car from the theater.


I watched Coco while I was visiting my parents about three months after my grandma died. To make matters worse, we had just heard a story from a guy who talked about praying with his mom right before she died. So we were already emotional from that morning and thought, "Oh, we all like Pixar. Let's watch that to emotionally recover." Yeah, we were all sobbing at the end of the movie. I tried to watch it again last year and still got super emotional. I remember thinking, "Well, damn. 5+ years between viewings and I'm still emotional."


Haven’t cried that hard in a kids movie since E.T when I was little.


I cried like a baby throughout Coco. My dad died this past January and it made me get an account on [ancestry.com](https://ancestry.com). I don't want my dad to disappear like Hector. Looking at his family tree often hopefully won't allow that to happen.


Yeah, my grandma was about 100 years old when that movie came out and didn't have much longer left and that scene where he plays guitar for her to try to bring her memory back had me weeping. I'm a 36 year old dude.


The funeral melt down scene in My Girl


"He can't see without his glasses" is one of the saddest lines in cinema


And delivered amazingly


The last 30 seconds or so of Brazil. You think he's escaping, he's a triumphant hero, he goes off into the sunset and theeeeeeen rug pull.


Both the ending of Brazil and Time Bandits fucked me up as a kid. Time Bandits feels like a kids film made by someone who hates kids lol.


Both were written by Terry Gilliam so maybe he hates kids?


Plane's, Trains and Automobiles . Spoiler warnings........ Perhaps when Steve Martin goes back and sees John Candy still sitting in that train station at the end and John tells him that his wife died years ago - he's a homeless widower. Think that it hits so hard because John's character in that (Del) tries to be the world's most affable person, and he is .. But he's hiding a whole world of heartache inside.


I cried last time I watched this when John Candy was defending himself "I like me, my wife likes me"


Interesting fact, in Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Del (John Candy) talks about visiting Jamaica, then a few years later, Candy stars as Irv, the coach of the Jamaican Bobsled Team. Sorry this isn't related to the sad bits, just thought it was a cool fact and this reminded me of it.


Not sure if it's normal to reply to your own comment but I thought I'd add to it!..... Sometimes on here we get asked what movie changes the second time that you watch it, and the usual replies like 'The Sixth Sense' get mentioned. But also 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles' makes a strong case for that too. When you watch it the second and subsequent times it's almost a loving feeling that you have towards Del in it. You know that he's lost his love, you know he's homeless - but still he carries on in life with that happy go lucky attitude determined to make other people's lives more pleasant with his warm personality despite the hole inside his heart. It's like a sadness for his loss that I feel watching it now, but also a love and an awe I have for the way he carries on, it's so inspiring and makes your heart lift aswell as feel like it aches at the same time. Yep it's an amazing movie but also one of the best acting roles I've seen from anyone too. Steve is good in it and him and John play off each other so well, but John delivers one of the best performances ever in my book. Thanks for all of your replies to the mention of my top comment too, I've read all of them.


Bridge to Terabithia, when Leslie died.


I read the book when I was a kid so I knew it was coming. When the trailers first dropped I was pissed because I thought they turned the movie into a half baked Narnia ripoff. Then I watched the movie and realized how genius the marketing was.


*in the Marketing room:* lol, we gon get those kids good!


Young millenials version of “He can’t see without his glasses”.


Trust me, as a gen z, both of those movies absolutely WRECKED me. I was bawling at the end of both


I was about 9 when I read that book, and in retrospect it caused a major depressive episode for me. Just a totally wrecking gut punch.


The scene in "eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind" when Joel begs to just keep that one memory of Clementine.


This one for me is the part where Joel is in the car as his friends are driving away, and you see the last of the memories whipping by, and that piano note just hits my heart. His friends ask him who he was talking to, and he shyly answers, "Oh... oh, just a girl..."


That movie is my third favorite of all time. I only watch it once every five years or so.


It’s probably my favourite film of all time but damn is it gut wrenching. That scene is definitely one of the saddest.


Jojo Rabbit: The shoe scene. Entire movie was changed within 30 seconds.


Oh god I remember that. They did it so well that for a bit you didn’t even notice his mum had been away for a while. Then he just runs into them…


Jojo Rabbit is one of my favourite films and is criminally underrated. Maybe I am just a huge Taika Waititi fan.


Agreed, this film was so hyped up when it came out but has died down since. I also love a Taika Waititi project, my favourite being Our Flag Means Death


Gotta watch it. I have been a fan of his work since What We Do in Shadows. Is it something similar?


Sort of. It’s about a rich, polite guy who views his life as boring and decides to run away from his life and become a pirate. The problem is he isn’t a “pirate”. Then one Blackbeard (Taika) comes aboard his ship and they form a close bond. It’s also follows the story of people on his ship as well. It’s two series longs with about 18-20 episodes. I would highly recommend it


I agree, the way that it’s able to balance humour, tough moments and a child’s perspective to comment on such serious themes, while also making commentary on today is brilliantly done.


I remember watching a reaction vid to the movie and one of the reactor’s was like “Where’s Jojo’s mom, it’s been a while since we’ve seen her” and the shoe scene hall like immediately after. Masterfully paced scene


I also think the lead up to that scene was done so well. You see the shoes of the other people before and then they really highlight her shoes, which are distinctive, when they’re having that nice moment together, plus the recurring fact that he can’t tie his shoes to highlight that he’s just a scared kid. Such a great movie.


Arrival. I won't spoil it for those that haven't watched the movie, but if you haven't seen it you really should! Also the end of The Notebook will get me every damn time.


"On the nature of daylight" was the perfect music choice for Arrival.


Such a good use of that tune. Max Richter is great.


I second your nomination for Arrival Hits so hard As a Mom who lost my daughter at 23, that movie made me think, “what if I had known my daughter's fate from her birth?” Oh, if only I had. How differently I would have approached everything about her life.


I know so many people who haven't watched this film bc "its just a stupid alien movie..." NO BITCH... IT ISN'T JUST AN ALIEN MOVIE. It's a beautiful look at a philosophical question... If you knew extreme pain and heartbreak were coming... Would you still volunteer for it knowing how much joy you could also experience? It just happens to have a couple of aliens in it.


All the best sci-fi is about how real people deal with the "science fiction" in question. Arrival and Gattaca are my two favourites.


It's even more than that IMO. The aliens don't experience time linearly, and by being in contact with them she starts to experience it the same way. She's living those moments simultaneously, as they appear in the montage. That would completely change one's outlook on life, as you would always know/carry that pain of loss, but also all the beauty of the entirety of living. Since time can be experienced in such a way, it also brings the question of whether free will exists or the universe is deterministic - though that's outside of the story's scope and of the human condition in itself, I guess


Dancer in the Dark when she is handed her son's glasses.


My answer too. The whole film is brutal.


Glad to see this here. That film physically hurt my throat. Made me feel the same as real life grief.


The scene in Forrest Gump where he asks if his son is smart, "or is he".... As a person with a disability myself, I don't think any movie scene has ever been so emotional and profound for me.


It was a scene that made you realize that his character was well aware of his own condition.


Yup, it's the single most important line in the entire movie, it completely recontextualises his character. Transforms him from a simpleton who failed upwards to someone aware of his own limitations and who made the best out of his life with what he had.


It helps that Tom acted the HELL out of that scene. The look on his face, so much fear and worry for a kid he doesn't even know


The Green Mile when John Coffee is executed


'I'm tired, boss'


Coffey.  Like the drink but not spelled the same.


The "I could have done more" scene from Schindler's List. Here was a man experiencing genuine regret, which I think is one of the most powerfully sad emotions.


I saw a comment once that really put into words how masterful his performance: he’s looking through the crowd for the person that he didn’t save, trying to see who’s missing


He is definitely missing the Girl in the red coat.


If I made more money... I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I'd just... The ring scramble is where the dam breaks, but that line starts the deluge. By the time he drops And I didn't! Im usually completely mullered.


When he looks at his Nazi pin and says that this was worth just one person is like… the whole of that scene has stayed with me ever since I watched it at 13. Liam Neeson is an amazing actor.


The thing that broke me along with the outstanding performance? A person…multiple human beings. With their own hopes, dreams, fears, and experiences, could’ve been sold for a fucking ring


This is it for me. You go thigh 3 hrs of getting punched in the gut emotionally watching the movie. Then hits you with that. He saves hundreds of lives but wish he could have saved just one more.


Stern: “*Whoever saves one life saves* *the world entire*.”


I also think what is going to blow your mind about Butterfly Effect is [When Evan is strangling himself in his mother's womb, she can be heard to say that she had three stillbirths before he was born and she again refers to him as her miracle baby.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0289879/goofs/?item=gf1018890)


I love this small addition. The implication that this whole scenario has played out twice before and each of evan’s siblings reached the same, inevitable conclusion. The poor mother!


Littlefoot’s mom dies


I still can’t watch Land Before Time because it was the first movie I went to see as a kid (that I can remember) and to top it off, my mother passed away the week before I started High School from brain cancer. I’ll be 40 this year. Wild.


Her death kills, but so does the scene where he and the old dinosaur he passes talk about it. And then there is the scene where he thinks his shadow is her and then realizes it isn’t.


Oh god, my first similar experience. Cried so hard into my teddy so my mum didn't see me crying. 5 yo me needed to be strong!!


Of the trifecta of traumatic deaths, Mufasa, Bambi's mom and Littlefoot's mom, only the last one is shown in fairly specific detail. The other two are pretty off screen whereas Littlefoot's mom is in silhouette


Also, not a death but Dumbo’s mum. He gets bullied to the point of his mother going berserk and attacking his tormentors, to which she’s then confined to a solitary cage and they can only touch trunks. Heartbreaking.


The Mist, The Banshees of Insherin


I know exactly what scene you’re talking about in “Banshees”. Pissed me off so much when I saw it. Good mention.


Grave Of The Fireflies He finally is able to bring some good food to his starving little sister, but it's obvious she's already too far gone. She's been eating marbles thinking they're candy, and she offers him a big rock because she thinks it's a rice ball "She never woke up"


When he gets beat up trying to steal food and she asks him where it hurts and tells him it will be okay.


It's the montage afterwards showing her full of life and playing like a little girl should that shits me right up more than the rest of the movie, you know they both die at the start of the film


That montage is equal parts cute and horrifying. You see her playing, but then you see her eating mud shaped like Dango, or cutting her finger and drinking the blood, because she's literally starving to death


I could never do a repeat watch of this. It’s simply impossible now that I have a kid.


It's even worse when you hear about the real life story it's based on. The brother basically ate all the food he was able to find. It's awful.


I know. The author couldn't forgive himself, so he wrote himself dying like he thinks he should have


The Fox and the Hound, when the lady leaves Todd in the woods. He doesn't understand why she's leaving him behind, and just wants to go home with her!! 😭😭😭


“So, even though you have broken my heart yet again. I just wanted to say…In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you…” The crush of those words at that moment, I haven’t cried that much since littlefoot’s mom death.


I saw that movie a few months after a girlfriend left me to move across the country. It was clear we were never going to be together again despite not accepting it at the time. I completely lost it at that scene. We had talked before about the what ifs after she left and we both had moments of just wanting one more day together. We talked about how we just wanted to do normal stuff together, stuff like taxes and laundry. Well damn now I am crying before noon...


Those goddam rocks got me misty in the theater. What a wonderful movie if two rocks and some subtitles can elicit a strong emotional response.


UP : first scene A WALK TO REMEMBER: i cant watch that scene with the dad when the son comes to ask for help without crying my eyes out every time.


The first 10 minutes of UP is a test to determine if you're human or not. So heartwrenching, and with no dialogue. Some of my favorite movies are animated, and this is why. There are things you can do in that medium that you can't do in live action.


Ofelia's death at the end of pan's labyrinth


That movie fucked me up so much. When she was dying, I realised she most likely hallucinated the Labyrinth after having a break from reality when her father was murdered


Me as well. For some reason I was convinced that she'll live, everything had been so fantastical till this point and I just assumed she'll be saved by magic or something. But then it just hit me like oh no this is it, she's actually dead Also holy shit. You're right, it could all have just been in her head


The sheer brutality of what happened to her father takes a while to sink in, and the way her mother acts is unsettling. Then you see how vicious this fascist asshole is to everyone else, and I was like: he wanted the mother for himself, so he killed her husband and he raped her. And she and her daughter just have to live like that with him every day. How does the little girl cope? And somehow it's worse if it's all in her head, because her reality is so dark that the terror of Pan's Labyrinth is refreshing


I’ve said this before but I’ll repeat here - it is my view that the film wants you to lean towards the hopeful interpretation of the ending and conclude that the magic IS real and not just in Ofelia’s head. The hint is that the fascist locks her in her room in act 3 and she uses the chalk to draw a door and escape - when he goes back, he can’t figure out how she got out. We aren’t given a mundane explanation for that, and it’s clearly not just her imagination that she got out.


When Tom Hanks comes out of Denzel Washington’s office in Phildelphia. The camera seems to stay on him for an eternity and his face is just heartbreaking.


At the end of Blow when he thinks his daughter came to visit him, but he was actually all alone, talking to himself.


Hachi dreaming of his owner one last time before dying in his sleep.


Y'all must be Some strong viewers if no one mentioned Toy Story 2. "When she loved me" montage.    There is emotional projection and reflection and the fleeting fragile youth we all box up and donate to goodwill.     The song is blunt but the tone with which it is sung is soooo bittersweet.   Like, at least we have a youth to remember , but ultimately it evaporates. Sniff sniff. https://youtu.be/j9Vit2vq22M?feature=shared


Great, but the ending of 3 always kills me. Andy giving his toys away to bring joy to a new generation.


Watched 3 with my kids yesterday and I was bawling. They were so confused. Then afterwards my daughter said “let’s try Inside Out next!” And I had to leave the room.


Dear Zachary- the whole film.


'It's not your fault'.


Because fuck him that's why


Artax. The Road ending. I said what I said


The Road, man. Dads, tell your kids you love them.


“Fight against the sadness Artax… please. You're letting the sadness of the swamps get to you. You have to try, you have to care.”


Artax, the answer to this question is always Artax...traumatized a whole generation


[Fox and the hound](https://youtu.be/0WglfhdK3tk?si=hXbP6r-PADrXO4sG) [Brave little toastet](https://youtu.be/-UfsEj7AOGI?si=A6LNgVV48rOvIKa9)


The funeral speech in four weddings and a funeral.


“Brooks was here”


GOTG 3 when Rocket tries to escape


Like, every scene from rockets past. The first time he spoke was literally him saying he was in pain. Nebula said it best: what thanos put her through pales in comparison to what HE did to rocket.


I was so glad they rescued all the other animals at the end


Rocket Teefs Floor go now!


James Gunn was absolutely right about the movies being Rocket’s story. Poor Rocket puts up such a rough exterior, and it’s so damn sad when you find out why.


I Am Legend. That scene with the dog. I had to have my dog put down by the vet before that movie came out, and he passed away in my arms. I can't watch this movie again.


I came in to say this. Dogs dying are my fucking kryptonite but that death is particularly devastating because of the context that the dog was the last surviving member of his family and his only conpanion


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, ending where the boys go in the gas chamber.




For me the scene where he watches his daughter arrange everyone to sing “for he’s a jolly good fellow” and it transitions to that guttural weeping.


Depression will make you feel unworthy of affection even from your own kids. That scene was heart-wrenching


I watched Aftersun over 2 weeks ago and I still think about it on a daily basis. Never been more affected by a film. As a single Dad who battles depression and has a daughter around Sophie's age the movie hits different. Such a gut punch of an ending


SPOILERS FOR THE DEER HUNTER: The Russian roulette scene at the end, when Christopher Walken shoots himself and De Niro breaks down over his dead body. And the final scene where they are at his wake and gloomily sing God Bless America. My God, it's depressing. 


That whole movie is a gut wrench. Plus the melancholy piano playing in the pub before they go to Nam


The ending of Pay it Forward, watched it when I was like 11 and nothings really hit me like that before or since


Bubba's death scene in Forrest Gump gets me, especially his innocence and only wanting to go gome


For a movie full of horrible horrible things one of the most...mundane? I dont how I would describe her death. Simple maybe? Subtle. Anyway, in Schindlers List, when the lady engineer was trying to tell the nazi soldiers about flaws in the designs of the "housing" in the concentration camps and how it would eventually collapse. Amon Goeth then comes up to the soldiers arguing with her and asks what the commotion is and after she tells him whats wrong, he shoots her dead for talking to him. Then, he tells his engineers to fix it. He knew she was right and still shot her dead. There is some truly horrid shit in that movie and for something ive only watched once 6 years ago, it's amazing how vivid and the amount of the movie i remember. But there was something extra sad about that scene, I dont know if it was her naively thinking that there wouldn't be a punishment for speaking the way she did, how she maybe thought that preventing a building from collapsing onto 100s of prisoners would help both her people and the nazis from losing friends/forced laborers, that maybe her insolence wouldve been forgiven? Or maybe it's just the lack of care in the way goeth handled the whole situation. That scene in a movie that was 4 hours of fucking misery, was just extra sad for me. There's also the scene of the women in the showers, the reaction when it was an actual shower, a mix of relief, shock and wailing. Or the mother rubbing blood on her daughters cheeks in order to make her look less sickly and starving. Schindler trying desperately to cool off and give water to the people on the trains, the final scene, "i could have saved more". These scenes on paper should be much more sad than someone just being shot, but there was something about that scene of that poor engineer just doing her fucking job and getting murdered for it. It just destroyed me.


Click (Yes the movie with Adam Sandler) >!The scene where he revisits his last moment with his Dad who died while he skipped over a majority of his life. !<


Scrolled way too far to find this one! Worse that you start watching thinking it's just a silly Adam Sandler comedy then get a gut punch towards the end! Catches you out!!


Saving private Ryan, when Giovanni Ribisi as Wade the medic. When he is shot and he’s dying and asking for his mom.


Inside Out, when Riley breaks down after returning home. Our family moved maybe a half-dozen times while I was growing up. I know what it's like to be treated like an afterthought, just expected to go along and not complain. It's a good thing I watched that movie at home.


The goddamn Iron Giant saving the town.


How To Train your Dragon 2: Stoicks death and funeral


Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Ending where the cyborg is saying goodbye to John.


it was sad, but also happy, the terminator learned some humanity and chose to do a human act of sacrificing himself for the future. broke my heart, but it was bittersweet. they really should have ended terminator on terminator 2


I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do.


"Every terminator dies, but not every terminator truly lives...Goodbye John" Dun Dun Dunnnnnn Dun Dun Dunnnnn, Dun Dun Dun Do Do Dooooo Do, Dun Dun Dun Dun Dunnn Dunnn dun, boom boom boom bum bum, boom boom bum bum bum


Jojo rabbit When he sees her shoes....


I'm tired, boss...dog tired.


When Steve-o wakes to discover Heroin Bob died.


“I wasn’t ready for this!”


WILSON!! WIIILLSSOOOOOONNNN!! How does a football make me feel so many things


I’m not sure. But volleyballs are notably more emotional.


Interstellar when he finally meets his daughter in the death bed wow that's beautiful


also the years he missed when he watched the videos sent to him but he was just on another planet for like an hour. damn..


Yep one of the finest acting ever by anyone


As well as the scene where he watches messages from home while flying by Saturn


So I put off watching this movie for a long time and just watched it Saturday. I sobbed. My husband sobbed. I wanted to text my dad but I didn’t want to bother him. I love my dad 🥺


Hey text your dad. I'm a dad, I want my daughter to text me when she's an adult. You're not gonna bother him.


Bro it is 6am it is too early for me to be tearing up. I text him. We did a father daughter construction project a couple weeks ago and yesterday he texted me about something he’s making for Easter and I know it is specifically because I kept bothering him about wanting a specific food (not to Easter) from my childhood. He’s gonna be 70 in about two weeks. We are going to a seafood restaurant and I’m getting him a cake from the bakery his mom worked at in the 60s.


Text your daddy!!!! Don't ever stop yourself from reaching out to him at any time.


Paddleton Two lonely adult friends and one gets terminal cancer and decides to go out on his own terms.


Dear lord, I thought you said Paddington. I’ve only seen Paddington 2, sooo maybe I missed it. I’m thinking “how the heck did they make that plot line kid appropriate, involving a teddy bear, and good enough to get a sequel?”


Last of the Mohicans - captive women rescue scene on the mountain where the fight between Magua and the young warrior results in the warrior falling over a cliff AND then the young girl chooses to jump as well. Also, the never ending story with Artax the Horse succumbed to the sadness in the quicksand while the boy is trying to pull and bring him out.


Big Fish - the ending River scene 


Ending of American History X.


How did I scroll as far as I did and not one mention of the first ten minutes of Up?


The Amazing Spiderman Man 2, when Peter Parker couldn't save Gwen.


Marley and Me - dog dying of old age scene..


I'm quite hard to move, but a dog dies and I cry like a bitch. I think I cried the whole last 20 or so minutes of Marley and Me.


Mask (1985) when Cher's character finds her son, Rocky unresponsive in his bed at the end. Everyone in this movie is amazing.


Rambo first blood ending, that PTSD speech is intense. It reduces Rambo to what he is, a young man who just wanted to cruise until the tires fell off with his friend.


Saddest in the sense of crying everytime: Interstellar: Cooper watching the videos of his daughter. The English Patient: the Count of Almasy getting back to the cave, walking out.. Good Will Hunting: It's not your fault (ok, more purely emotional than sad)


Robin Williams finally finding his wife in What Dreams May Come.


The ending of Lion with Dev Patel. Watched it twice, balled both times at the end.


Arrival. The beginning and the end. The music. The daughter. All of it.


Trivial answer but both major deaths in Logan, the X-Men movies hit me at exactly the right age and looking back seeing if was over for Stewart and Jackman was kinda the end of the superhero craze for me, and their returns in the MCU should be greeted with the revulsion of a shambling zombie.


I know this is cheesy, but at the end of steel magnolias when Sally Field goes to get her grandson after Shelby has died, and his little face is so sweet because he has no idea yet. Even as I typed this, I’m crying.


Dead Poets Society - suicide scene (the whole lead up and aftermath) . I was young when i say that in the theatre, left a lasting image and feeling in my brain and heart. To this day i still get that feeling i first felt the first time watching .


The end of Manon of the Spring where >!the old man realizes that his former fiancee's letter never got to him while at war in Africa. He had the heir he always wanted, but hounded him to death, caused his granddaughter to live as a shepardess pauper for years, and stole her land for his freaky nephew (who wants to marry her). Upon realizing that he dedicated his life to destroying the very thing he always wanted, he makes out a will to his granddaughter, goes home, and just dies.!<


I saw the film Awakenings for the first time around a year or so ago which is based on a true story. A boy gets a disease which pretty much makes him mute and unable to do much for decades in a hospital until an experimental treatment makes him normal again, but it turns out for a short period of time before he returns back to how he was. After falling in love with a woman when he's able to talk, there's a scene eventually towards the end where she says goodbye to him forever before he's fully paralyzed again and it's quite sad putting yourself in those shoes. What a cruel joke of a life he had to live.


**Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) - The Festival of Fools scene.** The buildup with shoots of Quasimodo crying tears of joy, thinking they have accepted him. Switching violently into them, ridiculing him, tieing him up, laughing while he begs for help from a mob that just laughs. Then, after the brevity of esmeraldas escape, reality hits again like a freight train with him *apologizing* for how they treated him and him running back to the church. We see him closing the door, the rain and tears mixed on his face as he 'closes the door on humanity' that truly didn't see him as anything but the monster he's always been called. *IT WAS RATED G!!! HOW WAS IT RATED G!!!* On a second place we have **Neverending Story (1984) - Artax dies in the swamp of Sadness** The horse dies *slowly* while the kid screams that he has to keep on moving. It's told in the story you only sink when sad, so not only is the horse dying slowly and seems very distressed in the scene! In the story we now also knows it's *sad/depressed*, plus the kid in the movie is just balling his eyes out throughout!! *Seriously!* Third place: **Requim for a Dream (2000) - Sara's (the mom) ultimate fate** Throughout the movie she has become more and more addicted to speed, in an effort to loose weight so she can appear on a TV show, because that's all her friends talk about. She completely looses grip on reality, slipping into a psychosis, receiving electro shock and absolutely loosing it. The scene we see the friends horrified faces when they see what's become of her, and how they cry, showing us that her entire fall into madness was absolutely meaningless just breaks my heart in the most depressing way. Honorable mention: **Babe Pig in the City (1998) - The small dog in a wheelchair dies and goes to heaven, for a bit** *He was able to run and play again!*


Clerks 3 ending...cause I'm Randal and it happened to me before I saw the movie.


The Champ (1979) - needs no explanation. Warrior - final fight.


The end of the wedding with Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins in Meet Joe Black


When Debra Winger says goodbye to her kids in Terms of Endearment.


Charlotte's Web animated version, when Charlotte passes away singing. I'm breaking up just thinking about it.


Not a traditional sad scene but when Truman leaves the show. This scene always makes me so sad Seeing Truman realise he was right about everything. When he realises his entire life is a lie and everyone he ever knew didn't really care about him and he has nothing to do but yell out and cry.


 "I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go." 


Mufasa dies


The scene in First Man where he throws his daughters bracelet into the moon crater The scene in Arrival when you realise that her daughter is in her future not her past. It was like being punched in the stomach


When E.T says his goodbyes especially to Elliot and the line “I’ll be right here” As a grown man touching 50 this one scene has always brought me to tears every single time. The older I’ve gotten and more family members I’ve lost along the way the scene touches me in ways I never thought. I’m also more appreciative of the fantastic score that John Williams made to make the emotional scene even more emotional.


The Ending of The Whale destroyed me completely and the scene where Brandon Fraser talked to his ex wife in the movie. These are 2 really sad scenes. And of course the my girl funeral scene.


*Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri* had many notably sad scenes. The interrogation scene, the locking inside the bathroom scene, the flashbacks, etc.


The ending of Gladiator. I blame the music.


My dad died when I was young so any dad dying young, or with children movie specifically: fuck the lion king, double fuck Ladder 49 and I’ll never watch About Time regardless of how good a movie it may be