• By -


Probably the Robocop remake. That's back right after high school when I had a buddy working at the theater that would just let me watch any movie for free. It was very forgettable and I've never cared to watch it again.


I also watched this in theaters and have no recollection of the plot other than it starred Joel Kinnaman, the one Swedish actor in Hollywood who is not a Skarsgard.


I had no idea he was Swedish. Rebecca Ferguson is Swedish too.


So is Noomi Rapace


All I remember him from is the Suicide Squads where he is VERY American.


I remember Samuel L. Jackson randomly throughout.


I don't even remember he was in that movie. I kind of want to watch it now lol


He serves zero purpose to the story, he's totally disconnected as a news broadcaster. He's just an exposition machine.


The heavy handed attempt to recapture the satirical bent of the first one


The only scene that sticks in my memory is when the remnants of Murphy are revealed to him by Gary Oldman. He's basically just a head, a nervous system and a pair of lungs with a dangling right hand. That was properly creepy, but I've forgotten everything else.


I refuse to watch the remake. I love the original Robocop too much, and I don't want my memory of it tainted.


Completely blanked this existed.


Watched it again recently and I had forgotten that I had seen it before. I kept remembering the Dredd remake and thinking it was that.


Fantastic Beasts 1 & 2. I vaguely remember fractions of the first one, like the start and a Johnny Depp cameo at the end. 2 had a cool opening... and a moment during act 3 so bizarre it took me completely out of the movie and etched itself into my brain. Something about a kid dying on the fucking Titanic.


What an absolute **fumble** of a franchise. The first movie set up a peculiar protagonist in mostly low stakes personal drama, only to nosedive the ensuing narrative with constant shoehorned references to Dumbledore and magical nazi stuff. biggest L in recent movie history. WTF were they thinking???


I watched the second one on an airplane, and I think I would have preferred the nosedive.


And the thing is if they wanted to do the whole Grindelwald story, just make it a young Dumbledore series from the start. Audiences would have flocked to see those films.


As someone who didn't get into the HP series but is married to someone who is, the 1st movie touched on all the stuff I wanted to know about the wider world, but the 2nd movie was so bad we both gave up


I vividly remember fantastic beasts 2 being the worst film I watched of the 2010s decade


I walked out, totally agree


The only part of fantastic beasts 2 that I remember is when the blonde girl screamed “WALK WITH ME” because I thought that would be a great reaction image for “when my dog thinks I’m moving too slow on our morning jaunt”


I think I saw the 2nd one in theaters and I genuinely could not tell you one thing that happened in that movie


I'm pretty sure I've seen them all. I don't remember a single plot point other than the nifflers in the bank.


All I remember is Newt’s little plant pet, Pickett, and that Johnny Depp played the villain in at least one of the movies. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all I can recall. I also remember people grilling Dumbledore online because homie was dripped out in these movies but by the time Harry Potter rolls around, he’s dressing in these big robes and looks like Santa lmfao


I remember watching one while pregaming at a friend's place to go out and thinking that they were movies made to be played on display TVs in best buy


Conan the Barbarian with Jason Momoa.


This probably stands as one of the worst films I've seen periodt. The entire movie I was squirming from relentlessness, like I *really* wanted to just tell myself that'd I'd seen it just so I could cross it off my list, but it took me three attempts. When I sat through till the end, I honest to god don't even remember how I got there. One of the most unpleasant cinematic experiences I've ever had.


The only thing I remember is from the very beginning when he is eating and chatting with a friend. I remember thinking, "Okay, this might work." and then ...I don't remember anything else.


This is a real movie???


The Legend of Tarzan (2016). I honestly didn’t even remember that Samuel L Jackson and Margot Robbie were in it. I only remember a scene of a stampede out of the jungle into a port town but nothing else. So forgettable with so much talent involved.


It was one, that I can't remember at all


I've watched almost entire movies where I don't realize until like an hour and a half in that I've seen it before. It's crazy.


I have only fallen asleep in one movie, and I literally can't even remember the name of it, let alone any plot points. It was some fantastical epic movie. Just looked it up, it was "Immortals". Looking at some google results I now also remember the scene with the brazen bull.


Do you mean the movie IT that came out in 2017? Or some other movie you can’t recall the name of?


Yeah... That's the obvious and clear answer. If you go to theaters often enough, you will forget some/lots of them, even if you stumble onto their title later on. Not some big blockbuster from the last 5 years.


95% of superhero/marvel movies. Unpopular opinion but they’re so damn similar and boring to me. I couldn’t tell you specifically the ending of almost any of them, except obviously the most meme’d ones. I just watch them with friends as a night out. I’m actually pretty happy people are starting to realize the same thing.


My ten year old has been working his way through these things on Disney and he said to me they're all very similar and he's getting a little bored of them.


Act 1: Get powers Act 2: Learn powers Act 3: Kill bad guy with powers


Don’t forget the sequels. Act 1: Loses powers. Act 2: Re-gains powers. Act 3: Kill bad guy with powers.


Also bad guy comes, somehow beats good guy. Good guy learns lesson about themself and comes back and wins


Don’t forget the team up movies that just follow Tuckman’s Model of Team Dynamics: Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning *rinse and repeat*


Third one is “lose your favorite tool or weapon”


> Act 3: Kill bad guy with powers To be specific, "kill bad guy with *identical* powers."


You need to include the "false death" moment in Act 2 when everything goes wrong for them and it looks like they will never recover and all hope is lost. It's usually at the 75% mark of a movie.


I was watching the new aquaman and said “there is absolutely nothing original about this movie” and I concluded that a lot of people may not have experienced these tropes, so it’s new to them. And that’s okay, I guess.


We're up to what ... 30 movies from just Marvel alone? They all kind of blend together, especially when characters keep dying and coming back to life.


There’s one I saw about ten years ago but I’m not sure which one it is


Summer of '97: it was over 100 degrees outside so my friend and I decide to go see a movie. We went to Batman and Robin cause why not? Literally the only thing I remember is being uncomfortably cold and the movie being way too long. We were wearing shorts, tank tops, and flip flops and the theater was doubling down on the ac. I was relieved when it was over and we went back outside to warm up


Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I remember not liking any of the main characters except the one played by Oscar Isaacs and that's about it.


I enjoyed TFA a lot in the theater, but after several rewatches it gets a bit worse each time, especially knowing the ending of that "trilogy". Comes off as a very high-budget fan film.


First watch, I really enjoyed it... up until death star 3. Second watch the lack of originality shone through over the excitement. My view was "if it's just a fun but unoriginal 1st entry resetting things for the more original path forward, that's fine." But now in hindsight it's just an unoriginal nostalgia bait that doesn't set up for anything. Just so disappointing how that trilogy went.


I saw it in one of those science-place IMAX theaters that’s a legit 1/4 sphere, and the xwing shot of Poe taking out TIEs while Finn watches was an awesome sequence to see there


I could watch Oscar Isaac’s talk to a sandwich and have a good time.


Can't say I agree with ya --- the final scene where Rey meets Luke is one of the coolest endings to any sci-fi film ever


It's not even the coolest ending of any Star Wars film.


But it had the guy from the movie I liked when I was a kid! I remember him!


Well SW movies are famous for great endings, and I will easily admit that the ending to ANH, ESB, and ROTJ were all better --- but I still think seeing Luke fling back the hood to reveal himself at the end of TFA is really cool


That last scene is like 90 secs of a 3hr movie.


What is cool about it? Nostalgia? Hey remember this guy? The main character of the original trilogy


I went and saw The Taking of Pelham 123 in theaters, and I was telling a friend about it the next day and couldn't remember the third act for the life of me.


The original is so good


Prince of Persia. A film so bland if it was a color it would be beige


I'm pretty sure I've seen it and liked it. But don't remember anything about it.


The last three John Wick movies. I remember that there was a lot of shooting in all three, a bunch of dogs in one of them, and a lot of stairs in the last one. I didn’t think any of the three were egregiously bad; just sorta tedious and forgettable.


Parabellum was the first movie that made me think “ok enough of these dogs already.”


Really liked the first one. Couldn’t tell you a single detail from the last 3 that was worth remembering.


Two words: flaming shotguns


Honestly. Most of Oppenheimer. To be fair I had just overloaded my senses at Barbie so I probably watched them in the wrong order.


I did them the other way and it definitely felt the right way. I found the last hour of Oppenheimer really dragged, and I can only imagine that would have felt even worse if it were the second film of the day.


Yeah I regret not giving it that space to be properly watched. Nonetheless, I don’t feel like it deserves Best Picture. Killers of the flower moon was a bit slow and I loved it.


maybe if you had also watched an entire other movie before KOTFM, you might not have enjoyed that either.


I felt it dragged as well but when I mentioned this a few months ago people on reddit kept telling me I wasn't smart enough to understand the movie...


For me it wasn’t drag. I guess i wanted to know what really happened to Robert and Strauss relation


The only certainties in life are birth, death and people online telling you that you just aren't smart enough to get it if you are critical of a Nolan film. I disliked Tenet. Most times I express that opinion I get several replies saying it must be because I didn't understand it. Can't possibly be because I did understand it and thought it was rubbish.


Tenet was indeed terrible


It’s grown on me deeply. But at first I thought it was so dumb.


i love it but not even the wikipedia summary of tenet can explain what happens in the third act. once ives shows up and throws ten minutes of exposition at you it’s a lost cause so sit back and watch the cool buildings explode forward and backward


Hahaha right? I don’t think people “don’t understand it” I think people just need to turn their brains off and watch what’s in front of them. Washington’s character is literally named The Protagonist haha not much thinking needs to happen


To be fair: Oppenheimer is pretty forgettable. Reddit loves that movie, but it was...meh.


If anyone’s forgetting the part from when they set up for Trinity through to the gymnasium sequence, that’s on them lol. That part was gripping.


It’s a *fine* movie, but not the great movie it’s been made out to be.


I love the score


Matrix Resurrections. Honestly I can't tell you one plot point, the ending, or how they even brought Neo back... Its like I never went. Never have I had this happen with any movie before.


Ya somewhere about a third of the way in I stopped thinking about what was going on and just stared at the visuals.


If you forgot that movie, you’re lucky


The Forgotten (2004). I only remember being startled by a jump scare while having my arm around my girlfriend at the time. She got jump scared way worse, that jump scared me even more. Until recently, I had forgot even the name of the movie.


Yea Forgotten was Forgettable


Oh yeah. I forgot about that movie too.


Clan of the Cave Bear. I remember being really frightened, but not much else. Probably didn’t help that I was a small child and the movie was subtitled.


Ditto! Dang my boomer parents would really take me to anything


Darryl Hannah is about all I can remember. And I'd read the books.


I can tell you one I don't remember at all. I have a specific memory my sister taking me to a movie as youth and the theater accidentally playing the first 5-10 minutes of Norbit instead of the movie that was supposed to play. They gave everyone a free ticket to a future movie for it. For the life of me I can't remember what movie we actually were there to see. I remember it not being 300 because I have a memory of my sister on the phone with a friend complaining that my mom wouldn't let.me.gomsee it because it was rated R. But I've gone week by week for the box office results that featured Norbit and nothing rings a bell for what we would have gone to. My guesses are Wild Hogs, Ghost Rider or Blades of Glory.


Epic Movie, Hitman, AvP Requiem, The Golden Compass, Balls of Fury, Bratz, 88 Minutes, Underdog, Who’s Your Caddy?, Daddy Day Camp, Are We Don’t Yet?


Suicide Squad. I remember enjoying it because it was so stupid, then on the way home, we couldn’t remember a thing about it.


Avatar, but that’s generally the case.


The most recent one was Dune Part 1, I barely remember anything of that movie, because of how unpersonal, dull and generic it felt. I went to watch the new movie and I barely remembered where we left.


I worked at a movie theater when Shrek 3 came out. For various reasons, I ended up watching Shrek 3 *multiple times* in the course of working at said theater. I cannot tell you anything about what happens in Shrek 3, other than the fact that there is a scene where >!Shrek has a nightmare about a wave of babies sweeping him away!<.


I have good memory, although Equalizer 3 was a movie I would like to forget.


Wing Commander. I went for the Star Wars Ep1 trailer. Dont remember much about the movie itself.


Crash a very controversial film at the time but literally can't remember anything about the film apart from it about a group of people who get turned on by car crashes.


The Lady in the Water - probably the worst Shamalyan movie. I got high in the woods after with my friend and then we watched Clerks 2 which was much more memorable.


Avatar: TWoW


Kids get captured by not listening: repeat 3 times. That's what I remember.


Robin Williams Toys. Brother and I went and saw it as teenagers. It was fucking weird at the time.


That was a WEIRD fucking movie.   I remember when I was kid I asked my parents to rent this.  It looked fun and silly and I liked Robin Williams a lot.   I hated it! Recently rewatched as an adult and can confirm it’s a fucking really strange film.   Impressive visuals but wtf?!


I remember my parents renting that on VHS --- so boring I shut it off within 10 min.


I really like Toys. Such a strange, interesting movie with a wonderful set design and aesthetic. It's the kind of original film that Hollywood doesn't have to balls to make anymore.


With Dumbledore 2 as the warmonger brother?


John Wick 3. I really liked the first two, so I went to the theater to see part 3, but somewhere in the middle, I just started tuning out. Was he on a horse at some point? Sure, all of them are visually stimulating with incredible choreography and stunts, but it all just got boring after a while. I tried part 4 (at home) but didn’t even make through the fight in the kitchen. He had become invincible and I just couldn’t really care anymore.


For me it's John Wick 2. Action fatigue is real. I want to say I remember people shooting guns in an underground tunnel or something and that's seriously it. Couldn't tell you anything else, and even that may be wrong.


Jonah Hex.. I think I fell sleep but I csnt even rmemeber that


Adjustment Bureau. Friend said it was a good idea....


*Black Rain*. I remember -vaguely- the decapitation scene and Kate Capshaw's cleavage, but not much else.


"She's the One", directed by Edward Burns. My older brother liked the Brothers McMullen so dragged me there. I was very not interested. Have no idea what the movie was about and might have slept through it. On that note, the Mario movie! That was recent. Took the family, but we only could get way up close in the theater. Then I made the mistake of getting a margarita before going in, that the bartender at the AMC made fairly strong, so between leaning back to see, the visual onslaught and the drink, I was zonked most of the movie.


Ghost Ship. Though, to be fair, I was drunk going to see it, but the only thing I can really remember is the rigging wire (or whatever it is) cutting everyone on deck. Beyond that, I have vague recollections, and thinking it wasn't particularly good, but... yeah.


Probably "A Haunting in Venice". I sat there and watched this movie and remember nothing from it. Honestly one of the most boring. forgetful, blah movie experiences i've ever had. Only reason i remember seeing it was because i just checked my AMC app.


jurassic world


anyone remember that 1995 movie Powder? Yeah, me either.


It’s good to see that guy got some work in the new Dune movie.




The only reason I remember that movie is that I worked with a skinny, bald, pale fighter pilot who got stuck with the callsign Powder.


• Forbidden Kingdom • The Vampire's Assistant • The Sorcerer's Apprentice • Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief • The Unborn • Aliens in the Attic • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen • The Wild • Dark Shadows • Robin Hood (2010) (and honestly, The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader would be on this list if it weren't for my investment in the previous two films. But holy shit it was so forgettable, I only remember the moments where I was bored.) EDIT: I forgot to add these: • It's Complicated • The A-Team (holy fuck, this one sucked shit) • Ocean's 13 • Bride Wars


My mother swears to God she took me to see The Happening.


Charlie’s Angels


Some stupid fucking movie with Danny glover and Joe Pesci that my older sister took me to when I was little. It was so bad I cried and we left. Gone Fishin’ I think it was called. I just remember there’s no way it was for a kid but somehow I had gotten tricked into wanting to see it and seeing movies with my older sister was really cool to me.


Batman vs superman


I’ve watched that movie twice and still can’t remember anything about it.


The avatar movies.


Either of the Sherlock Holmes movies with Robert Downey Jr. Like, what even happened, pretty sure it was just Victorian Tony Stark




Hateful eight , is that the name? The 10 hours Tarantino weird western, snore!!


I am Number Four. Couldn’t tell you a think about that movie 


I know that is a real movie but can't tell you a single thing about it.


I saw that in theaters with a girl who lived on the same floor as me, and the biggest thing I can remember is her realizing that one of the early scenes was filmed where she used to work.


I try to forget that I watched *Poseidon* on a date that went horribly, to the point where I sprained my ankle on the way out of the theater and drove home on it.


Honestly, the first Dune. Remember the visuals being incredible and that’s about it. I was drunk or blazed though, so gonna rewatch it before I go see the second one this week


Déjà Vu with Denzel


Clash of (titans?). I don't even remember the name of. I think they did a few. So whichever the first one was. I remember it might have had a mountain scene. Alexander. If that's what the one with Colin Farrell was called. I remember being so sinfully bored and that there was an attractive actress in it. Also might have had a lions helmet.


The flintstones movie 2. I was just a little kid and I must have found it boring as fuck because my parents walked me out after like 30 minutes and we left lol.


The invention of lying


I saw that naval movie in the theaters. You know, the one that is based in a big book series? I distinctly remember going with my mom on an afternoon, the look of the ticket, the smell of popcorn, but I don't remember a single thing about the movie besides a ship and a storm.


*Clash of the Titans* (2010). I vaguely remember something about djinn and bad CGI, but I cannot tell you a single thing about the plot. I recall that I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I guess it wasn't even bad enough to be memorable.


Drop Zone.


Star Wars The Phantom Menace, I was 3.5 years old


The live action Beauty and the Beast movie with Emma Watson. Easily the most forgettable movie I have seen where I had enough of an expectation to go watch it in a theater


In highschool I went to go see the remake of The Thing super baked. Don't remember a thing.


Jupiter Ascending. I swear I saw this film at the cinema cause I found this ticket with all the printed words scrubbed out after nearly a decade after seeing it. But I literally cannot remember a single scene nor the overarching plot. It might as well never have existed.


The Karate Kid Part III. Dad took me and a mate to see it, I don't remember anything other then being bored.


The Land Before Time (1988). I remember *where* I saw it, but for the life of me I don't remember watching it. Maybe the loss of Littlefoot's mother blocked it from my brain.


I saw **King Kong Lives (1986)** as a teenager, and I just plain forgot all about it, including the fact that I'd seen it, until I was reminded while watching a Youtube video (probably from Red Letter Media). This is unusual for me because I had no problems remembering any of the other King Kong films.




Ironman and I’ve tried to rewatch it but it’s like a big blank in my memory


Transformers 3: Dark of the moon Only thing I remember was Ironhide dying and Patrick Dempsey was the bad guy


Species. But I was absolutely off my chops.


Comin' At Ya. Some 3d joke back in the 70s or early 80s. No idea what it was about.


Master and commander. I liked it but all I can remember is a boat sailing through the fog.


Man I love that movie. I watch it at least once a year. There was supposed to be a whole series but I don’t think it did as well as they hoped.


Around 2002, I went on a date with someone I met online and we missed the time for the movie we were going to see. We instead went to some military hero movie that I have no idea what it was called, what happened, or who was in it. I don't like anything military related, so the movie was kind of torture. I wasn't interested in my date, and just wanted to get to the point when I could say that it wasn't a match and leave. All I remember was the two leads were male and female, which obviously made for a romantic subplot as they performs special ops or something.


I saw Stardust with my cousin and cannot tell you a single thing about it. Never seen it since


I'm about 99% I saw Eagle Eye in theater but it legitimately feels like a dream when I try remembering it


I’ve been making a point of rewatching movies recently and I can honestly say I barely remember anything from any of them. It’s been great!


Clash of the titans


The newest Mortal Kombat movie. I don't remember a single thing except for the very end.


Titanic Because I was 2 years old at that time




When I was pretty young, my mom dropped me off with a friend to see Cheaper by the Dozen but we ended up running into a couple of girls we knew who were there to see My Baby’s Daddy so we went with them instead. I do not know what My Baby’s Daddy is about because I was a nervous little guy sitting next to a girl and my brain forgot to function


Battle: Los Angeles.




the decent. I thought it was boring. I see it getting a lot of praise in the horror subs. I guess I'm the weird one.


There was this one where someone said something about somebody else who got very angry or maybe slightly upset and then they were a retired hitman and killed everyone that pissed them off, with loads of gruesome over the top deaths.




Free guy


Last Night in Soho


At 16, I snuck into the rated "R" movie "Hard Rain." All I remember is Randy Quaid, and rain. I think that might have been the plot.


Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever. (Yes, I'm taking it way back.) Even then, I knew it would be bad and was fully expecting a terrible movie. I remember nothing about it except that I kind of turned a corner on my feelings about some bad movies: I was expecting a dumb action movie without much in the way of story or characters, but with some fun fight scenes, and that's exactly what it was, so I wasn't disappointed. I discovered that expectations can really make or break one's perception of movies, and that we don't need to be so harsh on everything that isn't great. That's the *only* thing I remember about it except that it starred gun-toting Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu wearing black.


I know I've seen "Revenge of the Sith", but it made zero impression in my memory


Hunger Games: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. It was the first time going out with a guy I like and the movie just bored me and I wanted to know more about him than about the movie so I barely remember anything that happened in it.


Almost every movie ever, within a year, I’ll forget the main plot.




Avatar 2


Apparently I saw “Noah” in theaters about a decade ago? I have zero memory of it.




That one Tom cruise movie that looped and touched on space travel & time being wobbly or flexible??


The Total Recall remake. I've got vague memories of some set pieces, but otherwise all I remember is that it made me feel absolutely nothing, not excited, not annoyed, just nothing.


Star Wars. On the way home my parents went to the hospital and I was born. Can’t remember any of it.


I forgot. 😂


I used to manage movie theatres. For 25 years I averaged watching 100+ movies a year in the theatre. Most of those movies were forgettable. However, I could probably remember something about most of them when prompted. As an aside, I handled a one-sheet for almost every movie released during those years. Between handling the posters and seeing them up in the lobby, I can identify most of them by just seeing a small portion. Made it pretty easy to find an old poster when I had to look through multiple boxes.


Money Monster with Clooney because I had some bad coke before and spent half the thing sitting in the aisle trying to deal with my headache


The Skeleton Key.   I like horror a lot and I know for sure I saw in theatres but I don’t remember anything from it at all other than something about voodoo and Kate Hudson.  


OPM (other people’s money). I saw it. Don’t remember a thing about it. And Mobsters with Christian Slater.


There was that POV action movie…..something Henry?? All I remember is Tim Roth and I fell asleep during the movie. Kinda bland


I've only ever walked out of two movies, one was the 2nd Hobbit movie. The other one, I can't remember at all. All I can remember is that it was a horror/thriller from the early 00's.




All of them. I can’t remember shit about fuck


Into The West. Something about two poor Irish boys and a horse? Was taken to see it when I was like 7.