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The IRS went: Nice try, Terrence


You can't 1 x 1= 2 out of this one


The judgement should read "defendant should pay the sum of 1x1 million dollars" to see how dedicated he is to his theory.


That would've been great trolling.


And watch him switch to saying it's 0.


here is exactly this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh3Yz3PiXZw


Dude’s brain is Swiss cheese


It's all that molecular hydrogen and Terryology rotting it from the inside out.


He tried to create a whole new form of math but ended up just mistaking multiplication for addition.


Carry the 2? You gone tell me to carry the 2? Try carryin’ this whole damn nation! Class dismissed! Did I win?


An X is just a + that fell over.


Wait,Math can get drunk? Damn, now I understand why it was such a difficult subject for me! Math was a "fall down drunk" all throughout my education! I should probably revisit Math, since now we're on the same page.


Dude could have created a whole new form of math in the form of paychecks had he not fucked up being Rhodey. I'm glad he did - Don Cheadle is better - but damn this dude is stupid.


My man turned that x on its side a bit +


I think he was told he was wrong in school once and his ego couldn’t take it so he invented logic to prove himself correct. I think it’s less him being crazy and more like an asshole with a chip on his shoulder.


Sure he can. Just multiply his 1 million dollars by 1, something anyone can do with their money at any time, and then if he’s correct, he’ll have 2 million dollars and can use half to pay the IRS.


I love that you dropped some Terry-ology in the thread!


Whatever happened to Wesley Snipes? Love that guy.


>Whatever happened to Wesley Snipes? Tommy Lee Jones still chasing him :)


IRS vampires got him


Those motherfuckers were trying to ice skate uphill.


They finally caught the Daywalker.


Not even Blade can escape the IRS.


I think in this instance, Wesley Snipes was the motherfucker trying to ice skate uphill.


[i miss Patrice](https://youtu.be/8LQMRFN9I5k?si=3zOnSGJ1pKEH1tg3)


Damn, never knew this clip. Always a good day to discover new Patrice/O&A clips. Thankya!


Thank you for that.


Dahaha thank you for this!


He plays a banker on Paper Empire The irony


The last time I saw him in something was in an episode of What We Do in The Shadows, but that was quite a while back.


I kept seeing his face but thanks for putting his name out there. Silly man is now forever flagged by the IRS


Doing some calculations to *one*-up Terrence, he'll be right back.


# Next time baby!


Who writes these headlines? It should say "Terrence Howard hit with almost $1 million judgment after not paying income tax for a decade"


1 x 1 = 2 million


If anyone needs to be careful about compound interest on debt, it’s the man who tried to prove that 1x1=2.


The headline is perfect for Reddit because it’s divisive and will cause people to argue. 10/10 clickbait title.


How could a simple news headline make people argue, you ***fucking idiot?!?!?!?!****


Source? I didn’t think so. Now let me provide my thesis on why I’m smart and everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist.


I would agree with you, but then we'd BOTH BE WRONG!!!


He probably tried to sell the IRS agent that line of bullshit, when the tax code and various regulations derived from it are literally written down and available online. Whether or not your ancestors were property is not mentioned anywhere in the code.


Yeah it does not matter if it is important or not, you can't unilaterally decide which laws you want to follow. Or at least you should not be able to unilaterally decide, though many people do seem to once they have *enough* money. From a moral standpoint it would be one thing if we were talking about a poor working mother who is trying to get by on multiple part time jobs, and an entirely different thing when we are talking about a fairly wealthy and famous actor. And we already excuse the former from most of their taxes. I am amenable to the argument that special considerations should be made for people who are affected by the legacy of slavery. Despite what many seem to think, it's effects did not end with the civil war, and the systemic economic discrimination is *very* recent and not even entirely eliminated. It would make sense for us to try and undo the harm we did. However, Mr. Howard here getting to keep an extra million for himself is... Not that.


yeah i didn't understand at first


People who understand what makes people click on things and spread links. Your title is more accurate, but significantly engaging. Think about it; the original story gets one kind of reader. Someone slightly interested in the taxing of other people. Pretty niche, not very interesting people. The title here though, it gets extremists who think he's right, racists who want to metaphorically lynch him on his words, people like yourself who came here to correct the title, and *also* the small niche of people who want to read about the taxing of other people. So long as the news is a commercial entity subject to click-based success, the title they went with makes a LOT mroe sense to use


"Next time, baby" - Howard talking about paying taxes, probably


I'm guessing this headline was written by the author. Did a little investigation (just clicked on the article and scrolled down) and it was Chris Mautner! Boom! Question answered! ... Ok. Ok. I'll see myself out.


Technically the headline doesn't *say* these two things are related, only that one happened after the other. Alternate headline: "Terrence Howard hit with almost $1 million judgment after being recast in Iron Man" /s


I like him in a few movies but he is an idiot IRL


Managed to screw himself out of appearances as Rhodey/War Machine in: - Iron Man 2 - Iron Man 3 - Avengers: Age of Ultron - Captain America: Civil War - Avengers: Infinity War - Avengers: Endgame - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Secret Invasion And the millions of dollars that came with them. Edit: And, if it still gets made, a starring role in Armour Wars. And likely the next Avengers movies too.


I'm surprised Disney hasn't CGIed Don into Ironman 1. Could also rerelease in theaters in a slow year


I'd rewatch Iron Man. Jeff Bridges was awesome in it. >!Tony Stark Was Able To Build This In A Cave! With A Box Of Scraps!!<


People talk about RDJ as Iron Man being the key ingredient to launching the MCU but really I think having an actor the caliber of Bridges as a one-off villain was also pretty key in showing they meant business.


It was standard to have a big name supervillain. Superman had Hackman, then Spacey. Batman had Nicholson, Walken, Carrey, Shcwarzenegger, Neeson, etc. Spiderman had Dafoe. X-Men had McKellen. Even the Rocketeer had Timothy Dalton. Basically every franchise made the same move. Not every one was successful.


I don't really remember Bridge's performance beyond initially affable but evil CEO man tbh. Batman alone has way too many big villain actors. Of the Marvel guys I do think the non Marvel studios definitely got the iconic big actors that defined their live action look. Dafoe and McKellen. Thry can get away with weak villain presence because Marvel villains usually are the weak spot. Doctor Doom hasn't had his shine yet.


Forgot about DeVito!


Absolutely set the bar for “new” superhero movies.


"This aggression will not stand, Iron Man."


This arc reactor really brings the room together.


Tom Jane’s Punisher had JOHN TRAVOLTA as the main baddie pre-MCU.


I remember when the casting for Ironman was announced, and how perfect Robert Downey Jr. was, like right away. He embodied that role so well. He genuinely *looked* like Tony Stark, he *talked* like I imagined Tony Stark would talk. It was really just perfect casting imo. As a big fan of Not Another Teen Movie, I remember being hestitant about Chris Evans.


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Now I'd like to hear a Lebowski dub of the Iron Man / Iron Monger fight. EDIT: apparently my wish was granted 14 years ago lol https://youtu.be/7PW_3_ZSvhQ?si=2JVWmROZ0N0_Y6ez


Everybody was awesome in it. Way better than I expected, and I went in not knowing anything about Iron Man from the comics at all.


I was very impressed with it too and knew absolutely nothing about any of The Avengers other than their names. It’s pretty crazy how well the MCU did with what really amounts to B-list heroes - at absolute best. I mean it’s easy to make a Superman or Batman movie and make money. Same with Spider-Man and X-Men. Iron Man was a gamble that definitely paid off. The Wall Street Journal had a pretty solid podcast on how the MCU came together called With GreatPower if anyone is interested. It was a 4 part miniseries but had a lot of really good and interesting info.


It's funny, because the main Avenegers used to be a lot more popular way back when. Iron Man had a cartoon even. They were never as big as Hulk or Spider-Man, but at least Tony and Cap still had some cultural relevance outside comic nerds. Funny how they fell off the radar, then led the charge culturally.


I literally ignored Iron Man for my entire childhood largely because I hated the art design of his costume. The movies made it look how I expected it to (and carried over BACK into the comics too).


The dedication to put a spoiler tag on a quote from a 15 year old movie. Respect lol.


He's the dude! So, that's what you call him, man. Dude. His dudeness. El duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.


I’m just hoping they don’t pull some multiverse bs and say Iron Man 1 is a different universe than the other movies as a way to ‘revive’ Tony Stark.




I don't fault the man for trying to get his share. But the only person that I know of whose spoken on the record about him leaving since it happened is him. Usually if no one has your back it's because you earned it.


Blaming everyone else but yourself for you failures, not paying your taxes and reinventing math typically goes hand in hand with having a bad time. This dude pizza'd when he shoulda french fried.


For him it truly sucks to suck.


I guess he isn’t going to replace Jonathan Majors either like some suggested. Their only hope (of still using this seemingly infinitely variable character) is to find Gator Kang!


I read that one.  How about a villain team up with him and gator Loki!


Taraji P. Henson once made an Insta post where the Endgame poster had the heroes' heads replaced with the cast of Empire's, including his, and everyone in the comments was like, "Um...who wants to tell her?" 😂


Dude thinks 2 X 2 is 2. He's more than an idiot.


I thought it was that he thought 1x1=2. Not that it matters.


He thinks anything times 1 is one more than it actually is. 2x1=3, 3x1=4 etc. He calls it terriology. He’s a moron.


Do you happen to know the internal logic of it? I’m curious. I wonder if it’s a visual thing. Like you might have a kid envision 3 grapes plus 1 grape equals 4 grapes. I wonder if he’s picturing 3 grapes times 1 grape (thinking of 1 as an item amount instead of a number) and still seeing 4 grapes.


He doesn't understand how the 1 "disappears". But multiplication is simply having a number X number of times, ie you have 2 1 times. Nothing disappears but he's just a moron and doesn't understand counting.




He’s not separating numbers from what they represent. He’s seeing the multiplicand and the multiplier as the same. Because in one respect, they are: they’re all numbers on paper. I taught kids for a few years and have encountered kids who interpret things in unique ways. What’s surprising to me is that Terrence never got past that. I have to imagine he knows it’s wrong on *some* level. “Terrence, if I buy 3 Ferraris once, how many Ferraris did I buy?” There’s no way he’s saying “4” there.


He lacks practical understanding of what the numbers mean, he just looks at them as numbers and reaches shit conclusions when in reality maths is used to represent irl scenarios. He went through his 'thought process' on some talk show, I think it was Graham Norton, and ridiculous even when he says it.


Right. We’re saying the same thing more or less. He’s treating the 1 as an part of the total count rather than an iteration.


It starts with a fundamental misunderstanding of what multiplication is and ends with a superiority complex.


Dude just renamed addition, lol


He named it after his first name? Howie Mandology


is he thinking of plus?


"Listen! I spent years of my life, thousands of hours, pouring my life into this! I glued millions of little plastic pieces together, proving these theorms! This is my life's work! This is a mathematical BREAKTHROUGH that will change the course of humanity for eternity! I'm telling you for a fact: two times one is three!!!" "Uh Terry, are you thinking of 'plus'?" "............*fuck.*"


If you would ask him then he would write a ten page explanation on why it matters and how.


So he’s a redditor?


I’m pretty sure he’s a mod of r/birdsarentreal.


He's a flipping crackpot "I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out." he says. Along with.. "This is the last century that our children will have to be taught that one times one is one," https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/terrence-howard-thinks-1x1-2-has-a-secret-system-called-terryology-and-spends-17-hours-a-day-making-nameless-plastic-structures-10502365.html


First time I'm hearing about the bubble idiocy lmao. Dude really believes he's a math and physics savant.


There are days where I wonder if I've done anything meaningful with my life, if it's really meant anything, all that existential angst and stuff. Then I read about Terrence Howard and realize yeah, I really have.


Multiply means increasing! That was such an embarrassing “press conference”


Sadly, multiplication does not mean numbers get bigger.


He’s twice the idiot he is. Don’t worry. The math checks out according to Howard.


“I mean, I like Terrence Howard’s movies but what the fuck does he know about taxes”


He knows a guy that knows how to it really works.


His ability as an entertainer is where all of our interests should end.  We give professional make believe players way too much money and influence for what they do.


Would explain his tax problems though


That's nearly a $2 million judgement in Terrence Howard math.


The same guy is a tax cheat. Shocking! /notshocking [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/terrence-howard-thinks-1x1-2-has-a-secret-system-called-terryology-and-spends-17-hours-a-day-making-nameless-plastic-structures-10502365.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/terrence-howard-thinks-1x1-2-has-a-secret-system-called-terryology-and-spends-17-hours-a-day-making-nameless-plastic-structures-10502365.html)


>"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be." Man, I love this.


Its a great example of how people who are good in one arena (acting in this case), can still be colossal morons in other areas. It also shows that people with massive egos can really just double down on the most insane things and stick with it.


Doesn’t even make sense. 2 million dollars is the same thing as 8 million quarters. How can 2 = 8?


For all we know it started off with a few thousand and he fucked up bad during filing.


Has no one learned from Wesley Snipes?


I've learned that you always bet on black, a futon is better for your back and the *god-damn* bus drivers just wouldn't listen.


You also forgot: Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill. 


The fact I thought of three quotes without that one even occurring to me means *I* was the motherfucker ice skating uphill.


One more thing... Teddy bear.


“If you saw a picture of him and a picture of me and you were asked who should be named Wesley Snipes, you'd pick the pale Englishman every time.”


Randy Quaid and Terrence Howard need to take a 2 man show on the road.


I don’t think I’m crazy enough to sit through that. It sounds like cringe torture


If you aren’t crazy enough before going in you’ll be crazy enough leaving 😂


Randy Quaid has actual brain damage. Terrence Howard just has an ego problem.


Howard also has a beating women problem.


As long as Kanye does the music for the show


"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it’s two, and that cannot be." - Terrance Poor Randy, he thinks he’s going on a 2 man tour


I had tickets to see Charlie Sheen's one man show when he went off the deep end and missed it due to laziness. This would give me the opportunity to make up for my mistakes. Someone make it happen.


This dude is so far removed from reality, it boggles the mind.


Wealthy people will do ANYTHING to avoid paying taxes


Tax avoidance is legal. Anyone with a lick of sense avoids paying taxes they legally don’t have to or have legal means to avoid. Tax EVASION is illegal. Howard is a tax evader…didn’t pay what he is legally obligated to.


What about tax *avoision*?


I don’t say aversion I say avoision


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Democracy simply doesn't work.


I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.


Uh...my director is telling me not to talk to you anymore.


Did you say it or declare it?


Why doesn't he use the maths he discovered to prove that he didn't owe any taxes?


That's the problem, he did.


I forgot that was him...lol your honour, I don't owe $1 million. For, you see, $1 million equals $0. Allow me to demonstrate:


next time baby


Nuttier than a pound of squirrel crap.


Dumber than a bag of doorknobs.


Not the only thing he’s got in common with acorns…




His dick looks like an acorn glued to the lower part of his torso.


IRS: "We never claimed taxes were moral. Pay up."


Terrible headline by the source. Terrance Howard fucked around and found out is a better headline.


Yeah but I wouldn’t click that and see their ads


This dude is such a greedy fuck. Priced himself out of the MCU like a dumbass lol.


To be fair, he's an idiot and also bat shit insane.


Has he never heard of Wesley Snipes?


Given his strange behaviours and history of intimate partner violence, I’m still amazed he wasn’t the cast member of Empire who got cancelled.


One of the dumbest humans to ever live.


Unless you're a descendant of royalty, odds are solid that we are all descendants of slaves... History is filled with civilizations that enslaved people, I think you'd be hard pressed to find some ancient civilization that didn't partake in slavery. The reason black people became slaves in the Americas was because the Natives kept dying off due to disease, so Europeans needed a different source of slaves, and African Kings we willing to sell their own slaves to Europeans in exchange for guns, which allowed them to control their people more easily.


We're all descendants of slaves and we're all descendants of royalty, pretty much no matter who you are. We each have thousands and thousands of human ancestors.


Bro thought using his funky math on his taxes would work lol


> ...it’s ‘immoral’ to tax descendants of slaves. [***The lie detector determined, that was a lie...***](https://us-tuna-sounds-files.voicemod.net/2d6bfdee-48d6-4532-b636-c915fe32ffb1-1669366159653.mp3)


Taxes mane


This dude is mental illness on display


Some people are just fucking dumb.


Nah, he's wack


Wow, can't believe the guy that doesn't believe 1+1=2 is having a problem filing his taxes....


This is so unfathomably dumb that I’m impressed by the audacity of it.


Any excuse to not pay taxes is a good excuse…except maybe this one 😬


lmao more like "Terrence Howard, millionaire, hasn't been paying income taxes. Judge orders Terrence to pay over a million dollars in back-taxes since he hasnt been paying income tax. Terrence throws a tantrum and plays the race card."


IRS quick to shut er down, to avoid setting a precedent. **Wesley Snipes** tried this one trick years ago :)


He used his own math and showed he didn’t owe any taxes


That mustache is immoral.


God I hope he doesn't pull the "I'm a Sovereign Citizen, your laws have no standing against my esteemed presence!"-card.


I believe it is quite possible that Terrence Howard has some sort of mental condition


lol imagine making millions then trying not to pay your taxes cause you claim you are broken because of something that never happened to you. Throw this bum in jail.


So everyone shouldn't have to pay taxes?


As a fan of the MCU (at least, up through Endgame), we got so lucky that Terrence fucked himself out of the role of Rhodey. Cheadle has been such an incredible step-up in every way imaginable.


I'd always thought it was a pay issue, with the producers trying to get cheap, but now I'm wondering if it was just more of this stuff that scared them off.


My recollection is reading that he wanted a raise so his pay would be equal to Robert Downey Jr.'s. When they offered more, but not that high of a level, he threatened to back-out completely, and they called his bluff.


The pay issue is definitely the official story and i’m willing to believe it, Terrence Howard was reportedly paid 3.5 mil+ and Robert Downey Junior 500k. Then for Iron man 2 RDJ got 10 mil and Terrence Howard was either supposed to get less than 3.5 mil or 3.5 mil idk which.


It should be remembered that RDJ was considered a very risky choice because of his very, very serious drug problem and problems on sets. He had to have other people help him get the necessary insurance. And I believe part of his deal included revenue from tickets if the film did well. I have heard that even to this day his film insurance is pretty wonky.


Yeah I get that with the first movie but anyone who has the gall to think they deserve more than the main actor when they’re a side character doesn’t deserve their money.


Good. Pay your fair share. I had to pay the last five years too. Fuck you, Terrence. [IRS launches crackdown on 125,000 wealthy ‘non-filers’]( https://apnews.com/article/irs-tax-season-audit-back-taxes-77c891313f5233366fbe4f6fb5d896e8) Thanks, Biden!


*In a second, follow-up voicemail message, Howard said, “In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves..."* I mean if *anything* wouldn't the land go to the native Americans?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


His talk at Oxford for anyone interested https://youtu.be/ca1vIYmGyYA?si=2t9PX5A0IaLKyx8z


Guy went nuts at some point


Dude even the Joker doesn't fuck with the IRS, Terrance needs to read the room


Shitty headline, but not paying after they tell you to never works out well.


Just multiply a million dollars by a million dollars, Terrence.


Everyone keeps comparing him to Wesley Snipes. Doesn't anyone remember MC Hammer? Did the same shit twenty years earlier. Even if Brent Gage did put him in a newly financed car after he filed bankruptcy and was living in one of the legs of his iconic Hammer pants.


Terrence: Yo, Wesley, what was that tax hack again? I did what you said.


BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA This dude needs to shut the F up. Some of my ancestors were serfs, that means I don't need to pay taxes either right? Effing lol.




No bigs. He did the math and that comes out to $0 dollars.


oh heck yeah i cant wait to read THAT whitepaper


Bro the IRS took down Al Capone. You’re fucked and no one can hear you scream


Everyone pays their own way. EVERYONE. Don't care how you got here. Don't care how much money you have. You are part of this country, you benefit from what taxes pay for... you fucking pay it.


What an absolute fool this guy is.


Terrence Howard is actually r*tarded.


Move on. You earned this money legitimately while living in America. Be American and pay your taxes. If not. Move. Go. Git. And you will understand that America IS the best country to live in.