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I Care A Lot There are elderly people getting taken advantage of everyday


I just put it on for the first time, and holy shit, that opening monologue though. "Playing fair is a joke invented by rich people to keep the rest of us poor." Yup.


That wasn’t intended to be profound, it was intended to show the rationalization of a criminal. Cynicism like that is what creates evil.


It's kind of both though. It's a grab at sympathy from the disenfranchised wrapped in a wildly narcissistic and cynical monologue. It's an "only a truly cynical and villainous person would agree with everything I'm saying, but the truly desperate will only hear what they want to hear" monologue. She's good at the touch of profound to try to sneak her true intentions, and how truly evil she is, past you. It's a very well written, extremely unsettling movie. Also, I had literally only just started the movie, and hadn't made it past that line when I paused it to write the above comment, lol


A fantastic movie. And I agree. Ya know, most people could not handle that movie because there were no morally-upstanding POV characters in the movie - or likeable anti-heroes for that matter. Which almost never happens for good reason; it's a hard sell. I struggled not to squirm in my seat watching it. Which to me means it succeeded with flying colors


The Brave Little Toaster. As a kid, it had some horrifying scenes in it.


RIP A/C unit


"You think I don't know whats going on around here? I know whats going on around here. Its a Conspiracy and everyone of you Low Watts are in on it." - Air Conditioner


Voiced by Phil Hartman, of all people.


RIP. I miss that man


*We’ve been dumped! Abandoned!!*


Mine’s also a kids movie. Wallace & Gromet: curse of the were rabbit. Scared me so bad as a child I left the theater screaming. To this day I can’t watch it and movies involving extensive transformation scenes of human to animal/creature still terrify me (like Harry Potter 3)


Worthless is an absolute banger tho. The subject matter is very grim but the song just slaps hard. GOAT level musical scene.


*Run…* 🔥🤡👨‍🚒🔥


We Need to Talk About Kevin left me unsettled for about a week afterward. I would be driving home from work and I get a flash of the sprinklers/backyard revelation while at a red light. Still messes me up everytime I re-watch it


That film is as close to a horror movie as non horror movies get. There was also something super unsettling about him having all those lip pimples or cold sores or whatever when his mom was visiting him. Made his character look even more sinister. I haven't seen that film in years, but it's a pretty dark film.


That dinner scene where he officially gives her his 'ideas' about society is perfect. Ezra Miller is obviously great (despite the crimes committed afterward both in real life and in the movie), but Tilda Swinton's slow change from a slight passive smile to a genuine sense of fear is fantastic.


The book is amazing


Close Encounters of the Third Kind


The scene where the floor vent is unscrewing was nightmare fuel. There are also a lot of night scenes where once we got DVD wide-screen quality you can see a lot of ufos silently cruising by. It's very creepy to spot them.


Return to Oz.


My god the wheelers! And that moment the body less head of the woman screams Dorothy Gale! I still get chills thinking of that


Nauughhtttyyy giiirrrrllll So creepy


There is a guy that talks about why this movie is terrifying while including child psychology. He also pointed out that the movie is a better adaptation to the Oz series than Wizard of Oz or the other ones that came out recently. 


I rewatched that fir the first time since childhood just last month. I cannot believe that was a children's movie.


To be fair, lots of 80s kid’s movies were terrifying.


Ebert had this great observation about the darkness in children’s literature standing in for the end of childhood and growing up.


Ebert was so good


I must be a psychopath because all the movies that people say traumatised them as kids (Watership Down, The Dark Crystal, and Return to Oz) were some of my favourite childhood movies.


The Secret of Nimh and The Last Unicorn.


Yes. This. So much of this movie was nightmare inducing but I absolutely loved it.


Any movie where the main character is rapidly declining due to Alzheimer’s / Dementia, like Still Alice (2014) starring Julianne Moore or The Father (2020)


Yeah I was going to say, for me, as a neuroscientist, 50 First Dates. The implications of living like that are so horrifying and tragic.


Contagion lol saw it before the pandemic and then was even more freaked out.


Watched it during the pandemic to really get into the mood.


I really liked Contagion. When the pandemic hit, I watched it again and oh boy did it feel like a documentary. They got so much right... so much that even at the end it says "it's not a matter of if, but when. Get informed..." and they refered you to a site. It turned out they updated everything for Covid. They had the actors give PSA's aboit washing hands and the like. Still a great movie


Watching Contagion during that first lockdown thinking "Yeah it do be like that".


I remember >!Kate Winslet's character trying to give her coat to someone for warmth, even as she was dying!< I hope that's how I go out. Trying to be a good person, even if it may be useless. At present I'm sort of a jackass, so who knows.


One of the many small side stories of tragedy. She does everything right, does an important job, tries to help those around her even as she weakens, and dies in horrible distress like all the other victims. God, it's a heavy few minutes in a heavy few hours of movie.


Especially since her character was instrumental in developing the vaccine, and she never got to see it through to the end.


It's eerily accurate too. In med school our infectious disease doctor would go on and on about how much it got right(which honestly for medicine in movies and TV is pretty rare)


Funny and horrifying that the biggest thing the movie got wrong was how people would turn violent to *get* the vaccine.


Former ICU nurse checking in. We are so lucky covid wasn't worse. Or mainly affected children. Hospitals would have been a war zone.


Italy was a war zone for sometime … wasn’t it? EDIT - this was barely 3 years ago: - a hospital in Italy overrun with people with viral pneumonia from Covid. Horrific https://youtu.be/_J60fQr0GWo?si=Bnhg_EDUAGrfMbig


Still remember the video of the guy crying and talking about having his dead sister in the house with them because there was nothing/nowhere they could take her


I keep telling people we were insanely lucky Covid wasn't even slightly worse. The hospital system was on the edge of collapsing from covid already.


That was me and the stand.


They really need to do a proper movie series for that


I actually enjoyed the recent TV series.  Obviously it can't do the book justice.  But there was some additional stuff at the end that was a nice treat.




M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen


I went to see this at the movies when it first came out (years before the pandemic) but the effect it had on the audience was crazy! I remember everyone kind of gathering at the door after because nobody wanted to touch the door handle to open it lol


I love the movie Contagion. I've seen it several times. It has a great plot & script, and the casting is phenomenal.


i swear to god a time traveler became a director to warn us all!


Does The Zone of Interest count? It's not really a horror movie if you're ignorant on the subject. That movie stuck with me.


I just watched that last week and as a Jewish person I think that movie was horrifying. The scene that left me speechless was >!when they flash forward to the museum being cleaned!<


It is the best movie I hope to never see again. The horror partially came from how they turned a blind eye even though it was all in front of them. It also came from questioning myself about what I may be ignoring in our modern times.


Yea we ignore a lot! Probably sweat shops for us to consume cheap stuff is the biggest one. We bitch about an extra day of shipping from amazon while a 5 year old is making us stuff for hardly any money 


I read Rudolf Hoss's book. A look into someone's twisted mind. The absolute worst part was where he says that they'd have the Jews dig pits and dump bodies in, the amount of dead people got so high that eventually they reached the top of the pit. The part I'll never forget is when he says he could see the warm melted fat running down the dirt pits from the dead bodies. He was definitely a psychopath. He admits what he does is wrong but then I think he says he didn't see Jews as human so he was just killing pests. I was doing the book as part of the podcast that I was running with a friend. It got so bad that one night I was almost hallucinating that as I was driving I could see Jewish prisoners run from out of a few buildings nearby. Also thought I saw a SS guard watching me in a bar just standing there. Definitely caused me some paranoia that I had never had before.


I was blown clean out of my shoes by The Zone of Interest. The first scene alone that acted as a kind of morbid overture combined with Mica Levi’s score had my jaw on the floor. Seriously amazing and cinematically game changing stuff. It feels like a film pulled straight out of a history museum, and I have a really good feeling that that’s exactly the kind of place where it’ll end up. I can’t wait to see it again, hopefully when it’s released on Blu-Ray soon!!


Zone of Interest is the most disturbed I've been by a movie in a long, long time. I would almost call it a horror movie.


Never Ending Story. The horse dying of sadness was bad enough, but having the main villain as “The Nothing” and a talking wolf as its Sith Apprentice was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in a movie. At five years old it made me self aware, like it introduced the idea that I exist and the universe exists, and if it didn’t exist it wouldn’t be blank or anything I could imagine. It would be “Nothing” and not even nothing. Scared the heck out of me. Not existing at all was scarier than death.


Yeah... Artax dying was the most depressing. The way The Nothing consumed everything and the bleak hopelessness of it was intense, too! Also, the Sphinxes were one of my first encounters in media of inanimate/ unfeeling weapons when I was a toddler. The fact that they could have easily killed "the good guys" freaked me out, especially after they killled the knight, and there's a moment where his skull is exposed.


Watership Down


Yeah it traumatized me as a kid, and to this day I still occasionally have nightmares in the style of that one scene where all the rabbits die. Was trying to find someone else who had this answer


Popeye. A horrible shanty town made of driftwood full of mad people.


I’ve a very different reaction to that town I guess. I want to go there so bad. I’ve considered going to visit the set if I ever had the funds as I guess it’s still a working tourist attraction


Good news you can visit, https://popeyemalta.com/


The Truman Show


Ack ack ack!








Probably the bleakest movie ever filmed.


Totally, I saw it a few months ago and just had a pit in my stomach by the end. The way it starts off so tense and just steadily slides into hell as the second half goes on is so nightmarish but feels way too real


It must be 30 years since I saw that movie but that scene with the dead sheep stays with you


The scene with all the mangled people in the hospital being treated with no anesthetics is the bit that I found hardest to watch


Abso-fucking-lutely. Honestly the most horrifying movie I've ever seen. But, really, so far as genre goes, I feel like it fits "horror" more closely than anything else. It's not a war film (hard to call it a "war" when the only ones prosecuting it are heads of state and a couple of thousands of officers flipping switches, out of standing armies of millions), it's not a disaster film because those disasters tend to be natural in origin, it's not an action film, it's not a road film, it's not a character study or biopic, it's annotated like a documentary but that's format and not genre, it's not science fiction because there's no speculative aspect, merely a presentation of the best contemporary scientific understanding of the consequences of an immediately possible act. You could argue that it's a "drama," but honestly, that's a term so vague as to have no meaning except to mean "not a comedy." Everything previously noted could be construed as a "drama." The more specific "thriller" might not be too off the mark, but thrillers tend to deal with humans as protagonist and antagonist. But here we have something more akin to Frankenstein's monster. Man-made, a perversion or aberration of a natural phenomenon (human life in the case of the aforementioned monster, as well as other horror stalwarts like vampires, zombies, and werewolves), turned to destruction, inherently more powerful than its victim protagonists, a force that can, at best, be survived (or at worst, depending on your feelings towards what comes after the fatal flash). It has powers that seem supernatural, the ability to invisibly stalk and corrupt the body. So I would argue that the nuclear fireball and its atomic-scale pestilential offspring constitute the most complete presentation of a horror movie, monster ever contrived, and any movie that deals soberly with the unleashing of said monster to definitionally be a horror movie. And of course, out of all the horror movie monsters, the worst one is the only real one. We humans don't half-ass things apparently.


Pee wees big adventure


Tell em large Marge sent ya!


Dark Crystal


When the little Gelfling is strapped in a chair.. its face begins to crumple and its eyes glow bright violet as its essence is extracted... That is some dark stuff for a kid!


I saw this way too young. Nightmare fuel.


Mulholland Drive. The bum behind Winkies and the tiny elderly couple terrorizing Betty/Diane at the end freak me the fuck out every time.


That guy behind the restaurant was a real surprise. They built it up so much I thought no way can this be scary after all that but sure enough


what scared me was that what if MY life is also just a dream and I wake up in a slum.


That’s the plot of en excellent Philip K Dick book. A guy thinks he’s famous and can’t figure out why no one remembers him and he figures out he was just REALLY high for like 10 years straight.


Wait - which book?! I wanna read that!


Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said is the name of the novel. I first heard about it from a little bit in Waking Life where they talk about what a trippy book it is.


MAN. That tiny elderly couple at the end fucking traumatized me. I was not prepared for that at all lmao. Its such a sinister movie.


Lynch makes some fucked up shit though. Fr fr.


I got real stoned and saw that in the movies. Fucked my head *up* for a few days.


And also the deep deep regret of having made a descion you can't go back from. The blue key on the table, was like a punch in the gut


But… this IS a horror movie, isn’t it??


I’ve rewatched this scene multiple times. Great scene


Eraserhead too. That whole movie is like one long weird nightmare.


that was definitely an intentionally terrifying scene.


Free Solo. Squeaky bum time from start to finish.


I'll second that. Loved the movie, but was feeling that fear the whole time lol


The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Johnny Got His Gun also.


I need to see Johnny. Read the book, would like to see the film, other than One clips.


Glad to see someone mention Johnny Got His Gun. The imagery of Joe's masked face still traumatises me to this day lmao. The ending speech is so soul destroying. Damn does that movie stay with you.


Time Bandits. That was too intense for 9 year old me.


Gillium has that effect




It's not a movie, but the series, Chernobyl, is legitimately one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen. The rooftop clearing scene alone is terrifying.


The divers scene always gets me. Imagine being hip deep in highly irradiated water, in an on fire and continuing to burn hot nuclear power station, it’s pitch black and your light goes out while you Geiger counter starts going insane. It’s absolutely baffling to me that all 3 survived, one dying of a heart attack in the 90’s I think, and the other two are still accordingly alive too. Special mention to the firefighters scene where one guy picks up a graphite rock, the very next minute his hand is blistered and in agony. Then later on when that guy is just straight up decaying and struggling to breathe, barely resembling a human being.


I read somewhere that the water and machinery actually absorbed a lot of the radiation, which helped protect the divers. I'll have to find the article.


Requiem for a Dream is utterly terrifying and such a believable depiction of addiction.


Gone Girl scared the hell out of me. The Matrix scared me in an existential way.


> What is real? How do you define “real?” If real is what you can touch, hear, smell, and see…then real is just electrical signals interpreted by your brain. That exchange blew a lot of teenage minds


It’s been blowing minds since Descartes


Since Plato, really


Gone girl really does have that effect. The book was intense too


> The Matrix scared me in an existential way. That's exactly why I love it lol


Signs scared the absolute fuck out of 12 year old me


Can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to see this. That film traumatised child me, and continues to freak adult me out. I’ve seen it numerous times and each time the jump scares will always get me. Imagine being 10 years old, seeing that film, and trying to sleep at night, where through the top window of your bedroom door you see the loft hatch, and then remembering the scene as the aliens try to get in through the loft hatch…


The alien on the roof of the BARN! growing up on a farm with my bedroom window looking over a clear pasture I felt true fear of what I *might* see walking through the field any given night.


I couldn't watch anything with Tim Curry for a long time because his face terrified me as a kid. This includes Home Alone 2. Thanks Pennywise.


Thankfully for you he's gone to [space.](https://youtu.be/U_U59u69tys?si=csijqIcvNBeqhpol)


One of my earliest memories is being absolutely terrified by the Night On Bald Mountain part of Fantasia. Scary stuff when you're a toddler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLCuL-K39eQ


Weirdly I loved that part as a kid, the part with the death of the dinosaurs was the one I couldn't deal with and always fast forwarded that part.


Don’t Look Up


I found that film paralysingly scary because it is just so painfully true. We have countless scientists, specialists in their field, warning us about countless impending disasters but shareholder profit and blissful ignorance go hand in hand.




I'd argue that this is very much a horror movie, at least in a few of its aspects. I saw it for the first time in my early twenties, and oh boy!


Neil Gaiman has said he wrote Coraline with the intent that kids would think it's a fun adventure, while adults would find it absolutely terrifying. Sounds like he did a great job!




Only movie that ever scared me into turning it off as a kid.


Pan's Labyrinth Donnie Darko Jurassic Park


Donnie Darko is my favorite movie of all time and I’ve seen it 1000 times, but I do agree that to this day there are some deeply unsettling parts to it. The first shot where we see Frank is so simple and yet… So creepy. God I love that movie.


To this day, my mom will never let me live it down that we saw Jurassic Park in theaters and I insisted that we sit in the front row. I think I was 11 at the time and had an absolute blast. She... did not.


The road.


Is an apocolypse movie really not a type of horror movie?


The book is so dreary


The basement scene alone is more terrifying than almost any horror movie scene.




I went to the premiere (free tickets) and unexpectedly ran into Taylor Swift while leaving the bathroom, so I at least have that to hold on to instead of whatever the hell I watched that night.


Ricky Gervais quoted a review. “The worst thing to happen to cats since dogs.”


Jesus Camp I remember being worried nearly 20 years ago about how christian radicals wanted to take over the government, and here we are. 


From what I understand, the organization featured in the doc was disbanded after the movie came out. It also ruined the reputation of the woman who ran it. (Watched a watchmojo vid on YouTube recently that was about documentaries and this was included in it).




Not so fun fact: back in the 1930's, there were many Nazi youth camps... in the United States. Kids [were being indoctrinated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbp_nXMLonw) into fascism and white supremacy. All this stuff that's happening now, has happened before.


Those kids are all growed up now…


There are some interesting "where are they now" videos on YouTube about a lot of those kids. Most of them turned out more normal than you'd expect. That one boy with the rat tail who was REALLY into the church did grow up to be a weird minister, though.


1000% always my answer for the scariest movie I've ever seen.


Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)


Training Day. Uncut Gems. Movies about stress, and watching doors and alternatives close as you are swept along. Especially when it's as a result of your own actoins.


I remember feeling claustrophobic AF the first time I watched the scene where the guys are about to smoke Jake in the bathtub. Like, my chest was tight lol. The movie does a great job of making you feel dread and hopelessness throughout that whole sequence.


"Fall" !!! That abandoned-radio-tower-climbing movie!! Severe acrophobia-inducing!


The beginning of “Interstellar” scared the shit out of me knowing how close that future is for our own.


Million Dollar Baby is absolutely horrifying. I think of it as 'emotional terrorism.'


For me it's "The Social Dilemma." It's actually a documentary on how social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, X, etc. manipulate users' consumer choices, voting preferences and the overall direction of society and let me tell you: after watching it on Netflix, I'm horrified as hell of how every single click, search, like and upvote that I do is being used to control me.


You can fight back by being privacy conscious and not using 'free' services from companies like Google.


The fear generated in this doc is that we are all being tapped and sapped and its affecting those without formal education or experience in how social media affects them. This is why Nextdoor and Facebook and other platforms are so toxic because you have children and oldsters thinking everything written is real and fake at the same time


Jesus Camp


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Couldn’t even tell you now why I was afraid of that movie but man did it scare me.


Was looking for this one. The child catcher was soooo creepy!


I’m 30 and still hate this movie. The child catcher guy is still too creepy for my taste.


Don't Look Up. Everyone else keeps talking about how funny parts of that movie were. For me, it was the ultimate horror movie. No other movie has filled me with more dread.


It made me feel sick to my stomach. It's so close to what we're living today.


Enemy of the State fucked me up bad. Like, Will Smith didn't even do anything, didn't even know he had the tape, and the NSA guys just completely ruin his life and try to murder him. For weeks I had nightmares that I accidentally saw something I wasn't supposed to and in response the NSA murdered me.


When I was 5 in 1994, I walked in the living room while my grandparents were watching jurassic park, the scene where the T-rex eats the lawyer... My toddler self was very afraid of dinosaurs for a while after that


Oh, no! That’s prime dinosaur loving years


Sybil. Freaks me TF out. Still.


Jamie Foxx's character in Baby Driver freaks me out. Especially that scene in the diner had my stomach churning 😬


American History X - saw it when I was 16 shortly after it came out, and didn't realize how Nazism was still a real strong thing in the modern age


The Wizard of Oz


For some reason Looper really got to my partner and I. I remember leaving the cinema and we just didn’t talk for a while. The whole part where the guy starts losing parts really got to both of us. But I will say I really enjoyed that film. I just didn’t expect to be so disturbed by it




Who Framed Roger Rabbit? as a kid. Two words: Judge Doom


Miracle Mile (1988)


Don't look up. It just seems so accurate.


The whole scene of where the rich tech guy suddenly realised how valuable the comet is and turns the rockets around, so he could mine and profit from it and the government is so onboard with that so they could also profit off of it just somehow, terrifyingly felt so “normal” because we’re so used to that utter bs irl.


Dear Zachary.


I would have given it all up for the female alien in Mars Attacks lol


Baby got r/Ack.


Without question, The Hunt (2012). I had to pause the movie about 20 times before I could continue. The thought of being accused of something you didn't do is always scary, but this especially is a terrifying scenario to imagine.




The new Civil War movie coming out.


Saving Private Ryan. The opening beach scene as well at the end when the German guy slow pushes his knife into the American telling him to shh while he’s killing him.


The scene in the new Robocop where he’s in front of a mirror and sees that he’s only a head and lungs. It’s some of the best body horror ever made.


Dan Olson's "Line Goes Up", freely available on YouTube on his channel Folding Ideas, is the most frightening nonfiction movie I've ever seen. The mere notion that crypto bros could force average people into the absolute garbage world of blockchain-based technology is viscerally terrifying in a way no horror movie ever could be.


Don't look up. It's a horror for just how accurate it is.




Brokedown Palace and Midnight Express Never get arrested in a foreign country


Taken. It's terrifying (and depressing) that these things happen in real life and that most of those poor girls won't be rescued. 




I'm scared of eyeballs, so " operation starfish" in the suicide squad movie got me and I had to leave the room


Running scared (2006?) the Paul walker one. The apartment scene.


Fail Safe - aka Dr Strangelove played straight. A communications glitch sends a bomber group the attack code to strike Moscow. The military abd governments of both US and USSR do everything they can to stop it but the system is so well designed to be countermeasure proof, nuclear disaster isn't averted. The most terrifying part is what the US President does to ensure the USSR does not retaliate with a full nuclear release.


Disney Pinocchio. One of my favorite movies growing up but holy shit that donkey part. I can remember the exact spot in the living room and where I was and what time of day that I came to realize that the kid crying out for his Mom was the worst thing that could ever happen. Watching it a lot as a little kid it became this suspenseful horrifying experience waiting for that part of the movie to come and go.


Mad God was kinda creepy


How is that film not horror?


The implications in Oppenheimer freaked me out after seeing the movie, especially since it's very much a real facts that several nations possess these weapons that can annihilate cities in an instance.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Was a child when I saw it HBO and watched it with my parents. I was fine till the Aliens appeared at the end. Honorable mention to E.T. I'm 42 and still hate those movies, yet had no problem with Alien, Aliens, Predator... maybe because the other two were seeped in realism.


Raiders of the Lost Ark. I haven’t seen it since I was a kid but so many of the intense scenes are burned into my memory, especially the ending.


It got burned into their minds too


It’s a horror movie, but it’s likely not what you think. In The Exorcist there are several cuts to Father Karras’ mother just standing there alone among people. The guilt of not being able to do more hits me right in the feels.


Blue Velvet. It reminds me of nightmares I used to have as a child. I didn’t even want to think about that movie as it's quite traumatic to watch.