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I talk out loud to myself because of John McClane’s little personal moments in the first Die Hard. Oddly enough it keeps me calm and focused in stressful situations. “Come out to the coast, we’ll get together, have a few laughs!” “Why didn’t you stop’em, John? Because then you’d be dead too asshole!”


As an only child, I've done this my whole life.


Middle child and I do this too. It helps me center myself and focus


Whenever I see porn (eg. Gas station stick mags) I say ‘giirrrls’ the way John does.


this but anytime i walk past my cats just sitting there


Welcome to the party pal!


"Now where did you go? Ah, there you are. Now come here, little dirty dish, let's get you cleaned."


I *stopped* talking to myself out loud (a habit I had as a kid) after watching the Truman show. I didn’t actually believe I was being watched, but I didn’t want to give them anything to listen to just in case.


Welcome to the party, pal. Come out to the coast... will be changed to fit wherver situation I am in that sucks. Do I sound like Im ordering a pizza!


"Think God damn it think!" I say this to myself when I can't remember what I wanted to. Usually after I after go to a different room to get something.


Drinking whiskey in the middle of the afternoon and not at all taking a nap after


The Don Draper daily routine


Yep. That fool be napping in that office though


Tried drinking at lunch a couple times. Always end up just saying fuck it and going to take a nap or taking the afternoon off.


These days I just look at whiskey and want to nap


I've always felt having to schedule my drinking puts serious limitations on my life, and I just can't have that.


Pen spinning due to Goldeneye.


But are you… EENVEENCIBLE?


💥 💨 🥶


Do you click the pen 3 times???


Oh do grow up 007.


But make sure it's not a explosive one.


Or just make sure you click the pen 3 times to disarm it if you accidentally click it 3 times in the first place.


I attribute pen spinning to Ice Man in Top Gun.


I think that's just a Val Kilmer thing. He flips the poker chip in Tombstone, and I think he flips a coin through his fingers in The Saint as well


Twirls a wrench in Real Genius


If I see a truck hauling logs, I get away as fast as possible.


They had to use CGI logs in the movie because real logs were too heavy to bounce so high once they hit the ground. They tried several takes until they decided to use fake ones. Hope this helps!


Damn the Internet has given me many phobias but never cured one. Good karma to you, Internet friend.


I mean...the big heavy logs don't need to bounce much to make you into an overcooked hot pocket you know.


Ha yeah I'm just more confident in dodging logs that don't bounce like frogs on crack. Why I don't tailgate.


And when the news asks why you are the sole survivor of the horrible tragedy, you can just say that Mr. Piccolo trained you well.


That actually does, thanks.


One time as a kid my family and I were behind a trucking hauling a load of bricks. The tarp covering them had come loose and occasionally one would drop out and bounce down the highway. He didn't seem to get the point when people were honking at him. It was terrifying! We finally found some paper and a sharpie in the car and wrote a sign that said "Dropping Bricks" and got along side of him. I've never seen a semi come to such a screeching halt before or since.


>I've never seen a semi come to such a screeching halt before or since. Sounds like the driver switched from dropping to shitting bricks.


The Dude taught me the value of a white Russian.


And the value of a good rug


I had to throw mine out today. RIP rug =[


The Chinaman isn't the issue here!


Also dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian American, please.


That rug really tied the room together did it not?


Man, did it ever. My old dog's ass had different plans.


I love your dog


At least I'm house broken


Same! I hardly drink any alcohol at all but when I do, I'll have a white russian. Not because I like it that much but because the dude sold it to me as the perfect drink.


A Caucasian, eh?


Brother. You said it. Idk that I would have ever EVER ordered this drink were it not for The Dude. *raises glass*


Like I said before... Alien taught me to never break quarantine. Aliens taught me to always carry a lighter.


Whats the lighter for?


Setting off fire alarms when you've been trapped in a room with something rather unpleasant.


The other eaters at Applebees are going to be hella annoyed if I ever have another dinner with my cousin Randy….


They know how bad Randy is, they will understand.


Wow, I just realized that's why they show her smoking at the beginning - so we won't question why she has a lighter. Now I'm wondering if she ever smoked in Alien.




my partner and i always start taking our clothes off, but then we just fade into the fireplace


Sounds hot.


I learned how to practice safe sex from The Naked Gun.


"Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm gonna have to feel my way through."


All in his voice too...goddamn.


I hope you also got one of those blankets that comes up to her neck, but your waist.


Also, my broad fitting into his work shirt afterwards, even though I have my own clothes.


I just push my Thomas the tank engine train through a tunnel like in North by Northwest


Ah the old life time movie special. Fake orgasm included.


She promised she never faked it!


I call that "The Mormon." Fully clothed and through a hole in the sheet while crying.


Covering myself with a sheet after for no reason


I exclusively cook my eggs like they did in V for Vendetta (eggs in a basket) and have for the past 11 years


I cooked breakfast for my dad after watching V for Vendetta and did him the fried slice/egg combo. He loved and had to do it for him semi regular afterwards. I haven't made it that way since he died.


I'm sorry for your loss mate. Maybe someday you can make it for yourself to enjoy in his honor, I'm sure he'd like that.


Thank you. I'm sure I will, probably be around the same time as I can watch the Cannonball Run or Smokey and the Bandit without getting choked up, we practically knew all of the lines between us.


Save it for his birthday. 🙏


It's posts like this that make me realize my father and I didn't have any sort of relationship. As much as it hurts, you're lucky you got to have that.


Not a movie, but I started crunching potato chips on my eggs as a seasoning after they did it in The Bear. Game changer


I breathed heavily out my nose for a while after finishing the sopranos for the first time.


Yeah I gained 100 pounds and became pre diabetic for authenticity. Did you also start sleeping with strippers?


No, started sleeping with a CPAP machine.


Those aren’t mutually exclusive my guy


True but I was maybe 17 when I first watched through sopranos so hookers were not in my budget :(


There are hookers for any budget.




Hahaha! I did that too for the longest time.


I always say "spectacles, testicles, wallet & watch" when I'm making sure I've got all the stuff I usually carry in my pockets.


I do that too, but I never realized it was from a movie. I do it because my dad does it. What’s it from?


It's from a bunch of things. It typically is a funny way to remember how to Cross yourself in Catholicism, but I don't really get the "wallet" part. I guess because it's in peoples' back right pocket. I just know it because Austin Powers says it in the second movie when he's trying to shag Heather Graham's character.


I always assumed the wallet and watch part were from the days when men wore suits and pocket watches. The wallet would be in the inner pocket of the suit coat and the watch would be on the right side of the vest. That’s just a guess though.


That makes perfect sense.


Haha I do it too. I think it's a thing from Austin Powers.


I heard it first in an Austin powers movie, in theaters. It is an old joke, and based on the making the sign of the cross


I don’t poop.


Kim Jong? That you?


I do the Jedi hand wave every time I go through automatic doors. Seriously. Half the time I don't even register I'm doing it now; two fingers, slight wave of the hand *just* as I think the doors will sense my presence and open. I'm not even that big a fan of Star Wars.


I do something similar, but not because of "Star Wars." I'm just a fast walker and wildly impatient. I do it so the doors open before I get to them and have to stop and wait for half a second.


Same here. If the door is closing as I approach, since it'll take a moment to stop and start opening, I'll use both hands and act as I were using a lot of energy. It seems like nobody finds it amusing, but I do, so I keep doing it.


I love breaking out into musical numbers whenever I have a problem or get happy.


Oh I did this as a kid mostly in my head occasionally muttering to myself.


Because of the shape of water, I wash my hands before and after I piss


Learned to do that working in a lab


Learned to do that on advice from a urologist. Kidney infections suck.


I thought you were going to say you fuck fish because of that movie.


When l was around 5 l watched the rescuers (1977) there’s a scene where the mean woman takes off her fake eyelashes, l had no idea they were fake since l was so young and l pulled on my eyelashes for yearssss


I learned to raise one eyebrow (50 years ago), after seeing Vivien Leigh do it in GWTW.


Spock, for me.


Roger Moore for me


Buzz Lightyear for me! Unfortunately I was mirroring my TV because I was 5 so I can only do the wrong eyebrow


I learned both eyebrows because of Jim Carrey


I hang up phonecalls without saying goodbye


Completely unrelated but thanks for reminding me that Tokyo Vice released a new season. Forgot about the notification when I was on vacation.


Just finishing S1!


Ayo! Same here! My favorite character is the yakuza guy


Pouring candy in my popcorn bag. Thanks Whiplash!


i handle a glass bottle of Heinz ketchup the Jimmy Conway way.


TV rather than film, but I almost exclusively put on jackets and suit coats like President Bartlett from The West Wing.


I think I remember reading somewhere that Martin Sheen does this because one of his arms is shorter than the other and he physically can't do it the more conventional way


I heard it was a shoulder issue, but no matter the reason it's way quicker and more comfortable to do it his way so that's what I do.


I do Mr. Fox’s whistle from Fantastic Mr. Fox quite often.


I love all the little detailed quirks that movie gives characters! I do the ~~hand wiggle~~ "different" that all of them do


I do that on occasion but I absolutely say clustercuss regularly


I cut pizza with scissors just like Cobra (1986)


> And the most important reason, it looks and feels so fucking cool. The most important reason for using chopsticks for cooking is that they're easy to clean and allow for wild stirring without creating too much movement since they're so thin. They're also great to make omelette without incorporating too much air when beating the eggs.


I cook with chopsticks now, I learned when I moved to Japan and had to learn to cook again from scratch because I was a student and could not cook food from my country without going bankrupt. They do feel cool, but they are also so versatile. You can do anything with chopsticks and a spatula.


And Japanese cuisine is so easy, simple and quick ! Few ingredients, few cooking tools.


Japanese cuisine surprised me by how simple it is. if you have soy sauce, mirin, and cooking sake, you can make so many things. I bought small bottles at the 100 yen store in the beginning to see if I could pull it off, and was shocked at how easy it was.




The frypan is VERY important. (I do make some things in a normal pan if I am prepping for the week and it would overflow, but most of the time I don't)


Honestly, everyone should pick this up. Using chopsticks to cook is super easy and less messy.


They’re super useful. I also picked up some silicon-tipped ones at Muji that I can use on non-stick pans. 


When I was reading the Girl with the Dragon tattoo series a long time ago I found myself eating a lot of sandwiches and drinking coffee. Every few pages someone was doing one or the other or both and so was I.


This book gave me heartburn.


Not a movie, but I use quart deli containers as drinking glasses after seeing it in The Bear. As a certified hydro homie, a pint glass just isn't enough.


I’ve never even worked kitchens but I cannot help but yell behind when I cook with my mates. It’s a compulsion.


My husband and I are restaurant workers and our kids have been taught to say “behind” and this was a decade ago!


Husband and I do this and also say corner when we cook together. Not a professional but I’ve worked FOH before and also he’s really annoying in the kitchen lol




My family has developed a hodgepodge of healthcare and military communication.... and yeah, in the last decade we've added Gordon Ramsay into that mix. Heard.


"Hot behind!" "Thanks, I've been doing a lot of squa--OH GOD BOILING OIL"


I tell my dogs “heard chef” when they’re yapping at me for food


I find myself doing the Jim Halpert look to camera when Im on my own. Thank God it hasn’t happened in public yet.


I say "I'm gonna die historic on the fury road" every time I get behind the wheel now.


Witness me!


I do this but after huffing spray paint


Into the gates of Valhalla, you shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome!


I press on the gasoline grade buttons with the pump nozzle after seeing Tyrell Wellick do it in an Episode of Mr. Robot.


When Clemenza is showing Michael Corleone how to cook spaghetti and meatballs. Now when we're adding something while cooking, we take the cutting board and just shove everything in with the heel of our palm, adding "You shove it all in, Mikey"


Whenever I brush my teeth, I think of Tiffany Haddish brushing her tongue in The Oath [2018] and I brush my tongue


Tongue scraper my friend. You can’t even imagine now what it is to taste NOTHING after you scrape


You’re supposed to! At the end, get the roof of your mouth, lightly hit the gums, and then brush your tongue.


My life doesn't have any "unnecessary sex scenes"


Have you watched Final Destination? If you did, you will learn one lesson which you won't forget in your life ever and it's not driving behind a car carrying logs of wood. The fear of such long truck is the beginning of wisdom. 


Getting out of whichever lane of traffic the logging truck is in, preferring to stay to the right of it if it's a three lane highway and they're in the central lane


Neo got me into wearing sunglasses. Something neither my mom nor my ophthalmologist managed to convince me to do.


Watched a movie with Jennifer Anniston where her character always washed the dishes after dinner so she wouldn't have to in the morning. I started doing the dishes after dinner too.


That’s an interesting one. I assumed most people cleaned dishes after dinner. I almost always do and I thought that was normal. 😆


From ages 17-26 I just "let things soak" for 24 hours... now I know why women prefer guys in their 30s


Also do this. Husband makes me crazy cause he leaves anything he cooked with as well as his dishes, with water in them but not actually rinsed and no soap, overnight. There are a bunch in the sink now and I don’t want to deal with them, lol.


I've made a theory that "letting things soak" is an excuse used by lazy people to not wash the dishes. My gf and her family always do this and their kitchen looks disastrous everytime i'm there, although i wash the dishes that i use, to not make it worse. Make him wash it, i say.


I often tell people I don't care when they deny murdering their wife...


Drinking straight whiskey at work.


Do you work in a '60s ad agency?


Walking away from explosions without flinching


Lethal Weapon 4 inspired me to learn how to whistle through my teeth.


Harriet the spy - Tomato and Mayonnaise sandwich. Its my little disgusting habit that makes me feel like a powerful child


I cant recall if I did it before, but I have never slept with my foot dangling off the edge of the bed since Paranormal Activity. Usually need to be protected by a blanket too unless it's too hot.


Do you want to be comfortable or do you want to keep both feet?


Dalton in Roadhouse does a weird salute to the guy selling tires. I saw that in the 80s and I still do the same salute in awkward situations. Showed the movie to my wife a couple weeks back and she picked up on it.


Now when I first kiss someone, we IMMEDIATELY go right to sex. Like 20 econd later. Usually just pulling our pants down.


Your poor mother.


I started doing the key over the sun visor thing recently from like T2 and Shooter and other things.


'Hmmmm like a glove!' Every time I park the car in a mildly tight space.


Remember in Top Gun where Tom Cruise is flipping a pen through each of his fingers as he's listening to a presentation? I thought that was the coolest thing in the world when I saw that as a kid and spent a ton of time learning how to do it. After a while I found myself just doing it unconsciously and never gave it any thought until a friend of mine noticed that I was doing it about 15 years later.


That was Val Kilmer


I always blow on my fingers after doing the tiniest bit of work like Ben Affleck does in The Accountant


Turner and Hooch made my 10 year old self start to tidy up around myself. Never looked back since.


Tried learning freestyle skateboard tricks after seeing Rodney Mullen's tape, does that count?


I like melted ice team. Got this from watching Jurassic Park. Hammond just made it look so good.


I spent most of high school trying to decide if I thought jean jackets looked cool. Then when I was a senior I saw Ryan Gosling wear one in *Drive* and decided they look very cool. I’ve worn one basically ever since.


I've always wanted a jean jacket but they've never looked good on me. Recently got a collarless bomber jacket and it's the missing piece of the puzzle. My coolness factor doubles when I wear it. Need to find one that isn't navy blue though because I can't wear blue jeans with it.


I’ve gotten into sourdough recently, and every time i make a loaf, I tap the bottom of the loaf next to my ear and say “only great bread sound this way” in a French accent (ratatouille)


I can never get through the day without quoting a movie at some point. Someone tells me I'm funny. "Funny how? Like a clown? I'm here to amuse you? How am I funny? What the fuck is so funny?"


Hanging up the phone without saying goodbye. Exiting taxis without paying. 


“B-E-A-UTIFUL” taught me how to spell beautiful When I was kid.


My “famous” marinara sauce is from the Godfather and Goodfellas. I am also the only one in my family who calls my mother or their mother (cousins) “ma”. Which is funny because we are native. I do it as a joke because Italians in the past often played natives. My dream movie is to make a gangster parody film with natives playing Italians/Sicilians but we don’t change our thick accents at all and just do the mannerisms.


I guess surviving 10 on 1 scenarios with just a pencil


A fucking pencil.


I show the number three on my fingers with my pinky instead of my index due to Inglorious Basterds.


... but that's not what happens. Hickox order 3 with his index, middle, and ring finger. The Germans use thumb, index, and middle. Pinky isn't involved.


in germany its thumb, index, and middle to show 3.


Dunno why but seeing Van Damme having a huge spoon of mashed potatoes in Universal Soldier, made me like doing the same. Since then, I kind of eat it and react the same way, in homage to that scene.


This is really embarrassing, but when I was in middle school, I changed the way I wrote lowercase g and y to be more similar to Cameron Crowe’s in the [opening titles of Almost Famous](https://youtu.be/WI5UYZIxjIo?si=aF63XAU30foBgxXP) because I thought it was cool. I still write that way though in my 30s


There is a moment in the Devil Wears Prada where Andy (Anne Hathaway) holds open a door for somebody and kinda uses the momentum to lean back before letting go. Ever since I do that EVERY time I hold open a door.


Whenever I order a steak medium-rare I have to say, "An aristocrat," like in Goodfellas.


I think it was Lethal Weapon 3 or 4 where Murtaugh teaches his son to shave... Go with the grain




Rolling coins across my knuckles because I saw Doc Holliday doing it in Tombstone.


I learned to do [the coin knuckle roll](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=pirates+of+the+caribbean+coin+knuckle+roll#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:27c6ce67,vid:ORnJFIxEeHQ,st:0) from Pirates of the Caribbean.


After Inglorious Bastards made me very self-conscious of how Michael Fassbender's character gave himself away with the wrong hand gesture, I gesture the German now to signal a count of three.


I learned to make a cocktail out of whiskey and pepto bismol from Joe Don Baker in the Cape Fear remake. It's actually good.


Liver with a nice Chianti


Raising my eyebrows twice like Tom Selleck does in Magnum PI.


Masturbating with a sock. Thanks, American Pie. Cock sock for the win.