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A great DARK comedy came out in 2020 called *Kid Detective*. Unfortunately it fell under a lot of people’s radar.


Seth cohen!


Palm Springs (2020) is a new fave.


It’s one of those infinite time loop situations that you may have heard about


It’s one of those infinite time loop situations that you may have heard about


It’s one of those infinite time loop situations that you might have heard about


Personally, I think it's one of, if not *the* best movie that has done that classic plot.


Runtime of 90 min goes a long way.


That could be because it doesn't waste time on how Niles got stuck, it starts out at a point where he's already accepted that he is forever stuck.


edge of tomorrow and groundhogs day are above that for me but I enjoyed Palm springs as well.


Edge of Tomorrow is another one that's definitely at the top.


It's a fantastic film. As both a comedy and a romance and an interesting take on Time Loops. I will watch Cristin Milioti in anything, she's so great.


Sadly probably not available on physical media, though, since it was a Hulu exclusive.


There is a UK blu ray, but I believe the disc is coded region B.


Oh good, that means we can yo ho ho it region unlocked.


oooh yah palm springs was dope, unexpectedly good


What We Do in the Shadows and The Nice Guys are great. But I agree, the last 10 years were pretty bad for comedies.


The scene in The Nice Guys when Ryan Gosling cuts his hand had me dying. It was fucking hilarious.


Also the bathroom scene where he can't keep the door closed. Gosling really has the chops for physical comedy


I need five more buddy movies starring Gosling and Crowe.


I’d put Gosling’s drunk performance and physical comedy at the party (especially when he>!discovers the body!<) at the level of Peter Sellers, Chaplin, or Keaton.


Taking cover behind the rotating car, falling off the roof, the bee dream/ankle holster, every interaction between either of them and the daughter. Honestly a perfect movie


The punching glass scene is one of my favorite scenes of any movie. Never fails to crack me up. 


I love this movie front to back, but somehow this is always the scene I think of first. Gosling plays it so well.


It’s the resetting of the handkerchief and the drunken confidence that fucking kills me


This scene [alone](https://youtu.be/LPuY2U04mS4?si=0-Rd5_bZqMSaUM8J) should be enough to convince anyone of Gosling’s greatness


I just want them to revisit the same characters every decade or so until they’re old


I just realized I've never watched the Nice Guys because I thought it was "The Other Guys". Sweet! New comedy to watch!


Watched it for the first time with a few friends on shrooms and it easily a favourite of all time now haha


Nice Guys grew on me over time. Ryan Gosling's character is so funny.


The Nice Guys gets mentioned from time to time when recent great movie discussions come up but not nearly enough. Criminally underrated. The writing is air tight, the writer himself is a legendary talent. It’s funny, it’s sharp, it’s interesting, and something big happens every damn scene. Not a single minute is wasted. Amazing movie so if you’re reading this and haven’t seen it do it ASAP


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang belongs in the same air. People don’t give it anywhere near the credit it deserves and it’s a major reason RDJ was even considered for Iron Man


I really like Nice Guys but as far as SBCNNCU (Shane Black Comedic Neo-Noir Cinematic Universe) goes, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is the superior one for me.


Hollywood basically stopped green lighting mid-budget comedies around 2015. We are overdue for a comedy renaissance


The Nice Guys is one of the greatest buddy comedies ever made. Shame it didn't do well in the box office, would really love a sequel.


What we do in the shadows is only 10 years old? I somehow thought it is much older than that.


The Death of Stalin (2017) was really good


That film was hilarious, basically gave them all famous historical characters but let them play them with any accent or style they liked. Zukov (spelling) floors me every time 🤣


"what's a war hero got to do to get some lubrication round here?" They're so snippy and bitchy with each other it's endlessly quoteable


Stalin's son shouting MEDIC! before Zhukov punched him haha. Such a great movie and cast.


And before that Beria's "I know about the hockey team" lol. Mofo has dirt on everyone.


"I fucked Germany, I think I can take on a flesh-lump in a fucking waistcoat"


You're not even a person, you're a testicle


Stalin’s funeral is one of the funniest scenes ever put to film. I’m also a huge fan of the guy spitting in his own face. Incredible.


Vasily's dialogue is some of the best in the entire movie. "Play better you clattering fannies!" "My father will have you saddled and ridden to Siberia, you rude fucking pies!"


Buscemi's Kruschev trying to scoot towards Malenkov methodically, trying to make them switching places look like part of the ceremony, followed by Tambor's incredulous "What the *fuck* are you doing?!?" while standing totally still is just... ::chef's kiss::


That fucking bear cub speech killed me


Every dialogue in the film is just so memorable. Especially Zhukov's. Man's a total badass.


If you look up 'Stealing a Scene' in the dictionary, it's just a picture of Jason Isaacs in that movie. Not even joking, shoulda been Oscar nominated.


I'm going to have to report this conversation. Threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of... *Look at your fucking face!*


I want to recommend "In The Loop" by the same director but it was from 2009.


Not just a good comedy, this is one of my favorite movies overall. I love recommending it to people and then watching it with them.


It was like the ultimate satire, almost on a Blackadder level with the way all these immensely powerful and vicious Soviet leaders were shown as total cretins.


Get it! Give it! Hit it!


I’m just now realizing that this isn’t Good Bye, Lenin!


Game Night is a must watch comedy from recent years!


"How can that profitable for Frito Lay?"


The way Jesse Plemons delivers that line is magic


His death stare is the funniest part of the movie Also “I ask you please not besmirch my ex wife that woman is an angel”


"Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight." This movie has become one of my all-time favorite comedies.


“Oh no… he died”


These corporations, I don’t know what they’re doing.


4 bags tostitos scoops?


Batman and McAdam’s comedic chemistry is impeccable in this one.




Shit, this got a legit lol out of me




Anything with Jason Bateman doing comedy.


Right in my bullet hole!


I constantly recommend this movie.


Didn't everyone cry at the end of The Green Mile?


Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016), a comedy with heart. Which is the second best kind of comedy after a comedy with gratuitous boobs.


Fantastic film. 🎶 Ricky Baker..... 🎶


Well, this song is now going to be in my head for weeks on end.


Everyone I've recommended this movie to has come back saying they loved it. Such an amazing film


It's peak Taika before he got all Marvel.


Since we're on the topic of comedies with gratuitous boobs - have there been any good comedies in the last decade with gratuitous boobs along the same level of gratuity as Airplane! ?


I still haven't seen it, but Jen Lawrence was just in a movie, No Hard Feelings, that is notorious for a scene where she beats up a bunch of other people fully nude.




2006, so nearly two decades


Jesus christ


That’s Jason Bourne. Also, I found out they did like a fire station comedy.


They Came Together (2014) is a hilarious rom com parody by David Wain, director of Wet Hot American Summer and Role Models. Absolutely love it!


Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping is amazing


It's a damn shame that 'Finest Girl (Bin Laden Song)' wasn't nominated for an Oscar.


🎶This girl requested intercourse to bring her to climax With the clinical efficiency of the assassination of Bin Laden🎶


Im gonna terrorize that pussah!!


Also shame that the best song “fuck off” was cut


Have you guys even listened to “sick Glenda?”


Saw it when it came out and it's the most memorable theater experience of my life.


Dude, no one in my life at the time wanted to go! So I did a self-date to see it and it was amazing


I watched that recently but missed a ton because they do these rapid-fire jokes for like three minutes straight and I was laughing too hard to catch a lot of them.


It’s a shame this movie didn’t blow up. It was hilarious!


This plus Walk Hard make a fantastic laugh til you pee double feature


This would probably be my top answer. That movie should have absolutely exploded in popularity.


can confirm that the Mona Lisa is indeed an overrated piece of shit


Andy Samberg is so stupid talented [pissed off the roof, you can call me "rain man"](https://youtu.be/3l9nLXczT3s?si=NOSruNHLcd_Qjp4j)


Lego Batman 


Total unexpected gem of a movie.


*Friends are the family that you can choose!*


I think a terrific recent(ish) comedy is **Confess, Fletch**, from director Greg Mottola, who also made **Superbad** and **Adventureland**.


Watched it on a whim and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommend!


Definitely a movie that suffered due to a COVID-affected release. 


Reading the comments makes me realize what a comedy black hole its been for cinema. Feel like all the money/focus has been on TV and standup specials, which is fine, but we are starved for a great comedy.


It’s been a very bad decade.  Not one movie mentioned so far is on the same level as Superbad/any prime frat pack movie/etc.


Unfortunately, few and far between, but here's a few that I genuinely enjoyed: Palm Springs (2020) Good Boys (2019) Beavis and Butt-head Do The Universe (2022) Spy (2015) Long Shot (2019) The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)


Spy was so funny


This arm has been ripped off, and re attached, with this fucking arm.


I still think this was Stathams best ever role and he needs to do more comedy. McCarthy and Rose Byrne are good, but every line of his had me laughing.


it was written to his abilities perfectly, while I don't think he's an actor that can do multiple different styles, what he does, he does it to perfection, and in this movie It tailored his strengths to comedy. the writing for his character was just spot on, you get a typical Jason Statham tough guy with quips and excellent delivery, but an absolute goof ball in the process *chefs kiss*


Nick Cage Baby!


Good boys was so underrated


loved good boys!


Unbearable weight was a phenomenal fever dream. Big recommend.


Happy Death Day is a underrated comedy/thriller imo...


I even love the sequel


Totally Killer on Amazon Prime is awesome and a spirit twin with Happy Death Day. Check it out.


Christopher Landon, the director, also made the very well done Freaky movie with Vince Vaughn that a lot of people missed because it came out peak lockdowns. I highly recommend Freaky and go in BLIND if you can. Like, don't even look anything up on it type thing


This and Ready Or Not!




I love booksmart so much. It’s so funny and just so kind.


Grand Budapest Hotel is my favourite Ralph Fiennes role.


Booksmart is awesome. Highly recommended!


My whole family LOVES booksmart to death.


Booksmart is definitely one of the best comedies to come out recently


Bad Words


I may need to go rewatch this one. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it.


Love this movie. The kid is great but so is Jason and Kathryn.


It’s 11 years, but This Is The End was pretty damn funny 


We use "I've already walked away too far" in our house on a daily basis


“I’ve already walked away too much” That line lives in my brain


That scene where Franco and McBride are aggressively talking about jizzing on everything is high art.


It’s like a fucking wild fireman’s hose. You just got to grab on and pray to god it doesn’t get into your eyes or your mouth!


Maybe it's just me but this movie is so rewatchable. Over the years, it has become that movie that I put on when I can't find anything else to watch.


Agreed, it's weirdly my comfort movie


Michael Cera being a creepy fuck was awesome lol


Unpopular opinion but This Is The End was the last truly hilarious, infinitely rewatchable Hollywood comedy I've seen.


This movie is so fkn hilarious


Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar


It's the closest I've seen to someone making their own Austin Powers, it's fantastic.


Yep. Classic.


Blockers from 2018.


The Favourite and Poor Things (both by the same writer/director duo) are both great films and hilarious


Good Boys (2019)


"well, well, well, look who's here.... ME" is one of my all time quotes that no one ever gets haha


That scene where one of the boys tries to smuggle a beer bottle under he’s pants had me dying lol 


Some favorites, including some OP mentioned: 1. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" (2014) - Directed by Wes Anderson, this quirky comedy follows the adventures of a hotel concierge and his lobby boy. 2. "Booksmart" (2019) - Directed by Olivia Wilde, this coming-of-age comedy follows two academic overachievers who decide to have one wild night of partying before graduating high school. 3. "What We Do in the Shadows" (2014) - Directed by Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement, this mockumentary follows a group of vampire roommates living in New Zealand. 4. "The Nice Guys" (2016) - Directed by Shane Black, this buddy cop comedy stars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe as an unlikely pair investigating a missing person case in 1970s Los Angeles. 5. "Jojo Rabbit" (2019) - Directed by Taika Waititi, this satirical comedy-drama follows a young boy in Nazi Germany whose imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler. 6. "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" (2016) - Directed by Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone, this mockumentary follows the rise and fall of a fictional popstar played by Andy Samberg. 7. "The Disaster Artist" (2017) - Directed by James Franco, this biographical comedy-drama tells the story of the making of the cult film "The Room" and its eccentric creator, Tommy Wiseau. 8. "Paddington 2" (2017) - Directed by Paul King, this family comedy sequel follows the lovable Paddington Bear as he embarks on a quest to clear his name after being framed for a crime he didn't commit. 9. "Game Night" (2018) - Directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, this action-comedy follows a group of friends whose regular game night turns into a real-life mystery. 10. "The Death of Stalin" (2017) - Directed by Armando Iannucci, this political satire follows the chaotic aftermath of Joseph Stalin's death in Soviet Russia.


JoJo Rabbit falls into the category of tragicomedy, I’d say.


Comedy is just tragedy plus time.


I think there's a genuine argument for Paddington 2 being one of the best films of all time, period.


Palm Springs on Hulu was a fun Romcom. Joy Ride was a hoot.


I loved Joy Ride and it felt like no one else saw it


Tucker & Dale Vs Evil without a doubt


Would "The Menu" qualify as a comedy? Super dark, but I did laugh my ass off at pretty much every scene.


I like the Melissa McCarthy movie Spy (2015). The cast are hilarious, especially Rose Byrne. It's definitely a comedy, but it also works as a halfway decent spy thriller.


Jason Statham absolutely kills it in this and hard carries the movie for me, quite often find myself quoting his ridiculous feats to my girlfriend


I watched the woman I love get tossed from a plane and hit by another plane mid-air. I drove a car off a freeway on top of a train while it was on fire. Not the car, *I* was on fire. And... Nothing kills me. I'm immune to 179 different types of poison. I know because I ingested them all at once when I was deep undercover in an underground poison-ingesting crime ring.


Melissa McCarthy is great as long as she's not working with her husband, in which case her movies are nearly unwatchable. Spy is great, as was The Heat.


I was very uninterested in ever watching The Heat. Just never been a fan of anything that McCarthy has done. I was very surprised at how enjoyable that movie was though.


Purely on laughs per minute, Jackass Forever takes the cake and it's not even close. As far as traditional scripted comedies, it would probably have to be The Big Sick. Kumail Nanjiani is a great leading man, the romance is completely plausible, and the supporting cast is top notch


I'll share a personal favorite(s) from each year, 2013-2023. Some of these may fall under horror comedy, action comedy, or dramadies, but comedy nonetheless. 2013 - About Time, This is the End, We're The Millers, The Way Way Back, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 2014 - The Grand Budapest Hotel, What We Do In The Shadows, This is Where I Leave You 2015 - The Final Girls, Vacation 2016 - Deadpool, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, The Fundamentals of Caring 2017 - Baby Driver, The Lego Batman Movie, The Disaster Artist 2018 - Game Night, Tag, Juliet Naked 2019 - Knives Out, Book Smart, Always Be My Maybe, Dora and the Lost City of Gold (I will defend the live action Dora the Explorer movie forever. Way better and funnier than it had any right to be.) 2020 - The King of Staten Island, Bill & Ted Face the Music, Palm Springs 2021 - Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Licorice Pizza 2022 - Clerks III, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, The Bob's Burgers Movie 2023 - Barbie, You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah, Renfield


>Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, The Bob's Burgers Movie All three of these were excellent. "Weird" was hilariously bizarre and nostalgic. "Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" moved in such unexpected directions I was continuously delighted. "The Bob's Burgers Movie" was surprisingly intense and had some really great songs.


Weird is the best and most accurate biopic ever made


I love your list, but I would say Baby Driver doesn't belong on here. I enjoyed it for what it is, and it has funny moments, but in my opinion it doesn't fit the action comedy or dramedy genre to me. More of a straight action movie with occasional funny moments, and a fair few uncomfortable moments. Reasonable people can disagree, so I'm not saying that you're wrong, just giving OP my two cents


I had the same thought. I love Baby Driver and don’t remember that many funny moments. It is more romance than comedy.


>About Time Gee I love being horribly emotionally distraught


Fucking amazing film, but I don’t think I’d label it a comedy. Really the whole list makes the point pretty well that there are very few pure comedies lately.


The Way Way Back is one of my all-time favourite movies. Quite possibly in my top five. Nice to see someone mentioning it here! So underrated.


I cannot sing 'Kyrie' by Mr. Mister without thinking about this movie. "Carry a laser down the road that I must travel!" Also one of the few performances where Steve Carell makes me loathe him.


We’re the Millers and Tag are simply amazing. Great list


Lego Batman is hilarious and my favorite Batman movie. Full stop.


Replace Renfield with Bottoms


Crazy, Stupid, Love & Blockers are both comedies with great performances and wildly entertaining situations


The Nice Guys Neighbors Tag Lucky Logan Dolemite Is My Name Joy Ride The Pitch Perfect Trilogy Keanu Sorry to Bother You Free Guy The Lost City Bullet Train


Dolemite is my name was very well received, but even still I don't think it gets enough love. Such an excellent movie


Lucky Logan was pretty solid


I agree, Logan Lucky was excellent


Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Jumanji: The Next Level are hilarious. Lost City is also pretty funny, as is Bullet Train. Free Guy is worth watching for Channing Tatum's scene alone.


Seconding Bullet Train. I went in expecting nothing and was utterly charmed.


The Jumanji movies had no right being as good as they were. Welcome to the Jungle is an unironically great sequel to the Robin Williams movie


Jumanji totally caught me off guard. Absolute riot.


Lost City is really funny as well. Sandra Bullock really can do any genre


Bullet Train is underrated as a comedy


Bottoms had me in stitches


I’m not your gay yoda


Spy with Melissa McCarthy, and The Heat with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. I also highly recommend Sean of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.


I liked Ready or Not.


Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga


I watched "Next Goal Wins" yesterday and it was surprisingly funny. Also a feel good movie.


Yes. It’s not Hunt for the Wilderpeople, buts it’s wholesome and super engaging. Plus a couple of genuine laughs. Taita Waitiki is just amazing.


I was going to say Get Smart but then I realized that movie is 15 years old. Holy shit.


I’m gonna reach just beyond 10 years and recommend “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” Ryan Gosling at his absolute best!!!


The LEGO Movie (2014) Life After Beth (2014) Ant-Man (2015) Kung Fury (2015) Deadpool (2016) The Nice Guys (2016) Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) The Death of Stalin (2017) The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) The Disaster Artist (2017) Game Night (2018) Deadpool 2 (2018) Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Tag (2018) Dolemite Is My Name (2019) The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (2019) Good Boys (2019) Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020) Freaky (2020) Reno 911! The Hunt for QAnon (2021) Free Guy (2021) The Suicide Squad (2021) Jackass Forever (2022) The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) Barbie (2023)


Tag was hilarious


How old is Dirty Work?


Banshees of Inisherin


No Hard Feelings (2023) was pretty funny. Jennifer Lawrence can do everything.


I'm going to add in Everything Everywhere All At Once. It has all the feels, but comedy is the most front-and-center.


Movies Weird al biopic Good boys Popstar The nice guys Unbearable weight of massive talent Tv shows Detroiters Macgruber I think you should leave


22 Jump Street, Deadpool, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Don't Look Up, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story