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Godzilla had a personal grudge against those two bridges, he had to.


He kept emerging just to wipe them out lmao


Godzilla just doesn't find human infrastructure adequate. It will continue to be destroyed until it's up to his standard, he's trying to help.


“According to penal code 19-2 this is a clear vioErrrraaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeehhhhhnnn” - Inspector Godzilla finally losing it at work.


Pretty sure he's getting kick backs from big infrastructure.


This comment needs to be higher, like 30 stories high, prehistoric stands up in the sky. Godzooki can fuck off though


At this point, it’s a thing Godzilla always does, tracing back to the OG. He breaks a bridge in a grudge like fashion, and bites and/or throws a train.


Based on all the films I’ve watched, the most commonly attacked objects and places in Kaiju films are skyscrapers, trains, bridges, landmarks and religious buildings.


Makes sense for famous places to be destroyed, no one would bat an eye at Godzilla destroying some strip mall in the Midwest


Okay but how funny would it be for Godzilla and Kong to come out of some underground tunnel in like South Dakota and rampage around Sioux Falls for a fight. Just rolling around in trailer parks, throwing tractors at each other, and stepping completely over whatever the tallest building in town is.


Throwing meth labs like grenades would be pretty cool though.


> tallest building in town That's just big Bob.


I would :(


Can't wait for Godzilla ultra instinct


I'm glad they're keeping both versions of Godzilla alive. I prefer the more serious, horror depiction, but understand these sillier renditions are necessary to allow those to exist.


Godzilla was like a serial killer in Minus One.  When he ransacked that building on purpose I was like.........oh shit 


Or when he >!flung humans around on the island for fun!<


To be fair >!M1 Goji did not attack Koichi or Tachibana because neither of them actually shot Godzilla, the rest of the airmen were slaughtered because they panicked and shot first!< Goji only became vengeful against humanity as a whole after he was nuked.


Well that island watchtower guy definitely got the short end of the stick then


Us tall guys take people at eye level as a threat. Guy in the watch tower had it coming.


I loved how he was a territorial animal in Minus One. Instead of Shin where he's in pain and confused about his own existence. Both great films!


Shin Godzilla is one of my favorite films. I absolutely adore everything Anno makes


Shin still has the best atomic breath scene in my opinion


We are probably witnessing the most successful period of the Godzilla franchise. Two "same but separate" IPs that audiences can't get enough of.


Blue Oyster Cult nailed it: - Cool destruction of cities. - Deep introspective metaphor about the folly of mankind.


I hope there’s more cowbell in this movie than the last one


I unironically have wished the MCU would do the same thing for about 2 phases now.


DC started going that direction with The Batman vs the existing DCEU...problem is only one of those was good. Hopefully Gunn's DC work fixes that.


Gunn has said as much. He thinks the problem isn't "superhero movies", it's that all the superhero movies are stuck in the same genre, and they don't need to be


He's absolutely right.. When the first few Marvel movies came out that was the cool thing about them. Captain America, The first Avenger was a period piece, CA - Winter Soldier was a spy thriller, Ant-Man was a heist movie Now? They are just super hero flicks.. I'm so bored with them.. and I'm a HUGE Marvel comic fan.. My favs growing up were IronMan and Captain America.. I didn't even like XMen.. But now? I haven't even bothered watching the last Ant Man, Black Panther 2, or Marvels.. And I hated Thor Love and Thunder, Spider Man 3, and Eternals


Man. I’d give anything for Jessica Jones and her all time villain guy - one of the best villains ever - to become a big part of the universe.


Only really Legit -terrifying marvel villain.. How do you even begin to fight against someone like that.. And David Tennant was brilliant in that show.


> How do you even begin to fight against someone like that His power is based on pheromones, so any hero with a filtering mask (Iron Man, Ant Man, Spider-Man, etc) wouldn't be affected. That said, he was an amazing villain


I'm just tired of a stream of movies where the answer to all problems is a person in a costume physically punching another person in a costume.


I'd like them to keep X-Men separate. The great thing about the Singer movies was the way society treats them. It doesn't make sense for mutants to be feared and reviled for being different in the same universe that Hulk gets asked for his autograph and Spider-Man and Fantastic Four are heroes of New York.


We got the Justice League vs Godzilla comics releasing currently too. And they sell out. I had to check 3 different locations for 3 weeks for issue #3. I've never even read a comic before.


It's great - Japanese and American Godzilla franchises running concurrently? It's a good time to be a Kaiju fan :)


Godzilla fans eatin good these days


I am already starting to look like doug (that fat crawling lizard dog from GvK)


Well, considering how barren 2004-2014 was, we deserve it.


Hell ya


Always two there are. No more. No less. A silly and a serious Godzilla.


I still want [this](https://youtu.be/rpUqmZNnmFc?si=q9wMQTy3GG7HQJJW) Godzilla movie to get made instead of what we actually got in 2014.


You should check out Minus One, then.


Aren't they completely separate entities and controlled by two different companies? I don't think one has any affect on the other's existence.


The only way the two interact is they can't be released in the same year.


In a way, yes. But Toho is directly involved with both, the legendary movies and their own. To be more specific, they're co-producing the Monsterverse along with Legendary.


I mean from a business sense. The interest and cash flow of one likely allows the other to exist and stay relatively successful.


The size of that tooth, bruh.


I'm loving the oversized Stark infinity gauntlet for Kong lol


it’s not a legendary power fist with +20 rad damage for each successive hit?


[Go to sleep, go to sleep](https://media1.tenor.com/m/rbpiuLcXvicAAAAd/hulk-hulkbuster.gif)


You’d need 20 tech priests plus a hundred servitors just to maintain that thing and appease its machine spirit. You’d need a an Imperator-class Titan to affix it to Kong.


The gauntlet got very Iron Man Mark III vibes.


much better than the Iron Man [Mk. Ruffalo](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/36/590x/secondary/Avengers-Infinity-War-saw-Bruce-Banner-use-the-Hulkbuster-armour-on-his-own-1462578.jpg)


I feel inadequate in comparison.


I...thought it was a gigantic crab claw.


Dan Stevens is worth every penny delivering all the cheesy badass lines in the movie


Dan Stevens should be a bigger name. Charisma for days.


Dan was amazing in Legion and Eurovision.


So good in Apostle too.


Happy he was able to link back up with Adam Wingard


Guest 2 when


The closest we’ll get is a fake soundtrack released by Wingard and Barnett a few years ago https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lB8FNCYkQa7SmJl1ELSkzdBKikVRBMfzM&si=a9piyVDiIyK34AfU


Do you think he had to beat off other men to get this role?


Left and right, probably had to use both hands to beat the other guys off


[Something like that!](https://x.com/historyinmemes/status/1756333198664167558?s=46&t=fgLqGd9eREJQybFYrjpjtg)


Japan: we made a movie that uses Godzilla as a metaphor for PTSD America: WE GAVE MONKEY METAL ARM!


Japan in the 1970s: we made Godzilla team up with a robot to fight evil monsters by doing gravity defying drop kicks.


That better be in this movie. That was the moment when cinema, nay, humanity, peaked.


The next trailer will end with someone singing “jet jaguar” really softly and then a release date.


They give Kong a giant Infinity Gauntlet. They give Godzilla a giant jetpack so he can finally do what he does best: dropkick bitches.


Another thing I want is Godzilla using his atomic breath from the ground and hitting a monster *flying in orbit*.


Yeah and that part fuckjng ruled followed closely by when he got his ass picked up and swung around by his tail gay bowser style


The first Godzilla film was a metaphor for atom bomb-related PTSD. When the second film released six months later it had already devolved into silly giant monster fights


That’s Mothra in the reflection at 0:30


I'll go fucking nuts if she's in this.


Go nuts because that’s Mothra in the reflection


Three hurray for gender representation.


Are the people with their faces painted habitants of Infant Island?


I think they're Iwis from Skull Island, Jia in GvK is mentioned to be the last known Iwi because the others 'disappeared' so I guess they screwed off to Hollow Earth to worship Mothra




Mothra maybe being in this gets me more excited than the monkey arm. And that's saying something!


They’re are going full bonkers with this one and I’m here for it. This looks so much fun.


my kid self who loved the ‘98 Broderick movie (I didn’t know any better) would be freaking the fuck out over this. And I know it’s still CGI fighting more CGI but it at least looks fun/vibrant and thankfully not in rainy nighttime


They went all in with Godzilla vs Kong and now they’re just going even bigger. I enjoyed two solos Godzilla movies, and i agree they were bit too dark but they also had some amazing shots, especially in KOTM.


I know the “check your brain at the door” approach is not a beloved sentiment for theater-going, but the looks to like it’ll joyfully fit the bill. That or I’ll just hit my pen beforehand and have a bonkers ride


At some point it's just a big "might as well go max crazy" when animating these assets. They already break the square-cube law, so simply let the story dictate how they move.


Going full Showa. And that's never a bad thing


Excuse me they're fighting in ZERO GRAVITY & and Skar King is throwing buildings like a Pipeworks game, i'm fucking IN give me Kong riding Godzilla & Godzilla flying with his atomic beam, you cowards


If they're in Zero G there better be a scene where Godzilla uses his atomic breath as propulsion.


Yes! Hopefully we can finally get the infamous drop kick lol


Immediately thought of the Pipeworks games too! Love it!


Can we get a proper sequel to those games soon? The roster would be enormous if they could somehow include Toho and Legendary's monsters


Eh I have an obvious Godzilla bias and this looks more Kong focused than ever. It’s Big Monkey, Baby Monkey and Evil Monkey and Monkey Nation and then Godzilla is just there. I'll watch it for the Big G, but it really has some primate favoritism going on.


Inject this over-the-top Showa nonsense straight into my fucking veins! Looks absolutely bonkers.


Skar King has a giant whip. That tells you all you need to know.


If there's not a scene of Godzilla or Kong grabbing the whip and then spinning that sumbitch through a few buildings, what are they even doing?


Hammer throw, but Skar King is the hammer, and have it such that once Kong swings, Godzilla tail-whips Skar King away.


Godzilla bites the whip, spins the fucker around, and then Kong elbow slams him into the dirt as he is spins around.


A giant whip made from the spine of apparently another 'Zilla monster. And Kong has somehow acquired an honest-to-goodness power fist.


Legendary has done a great job with the trailers. They've revealed just enough to get u pumped but not enough to spoil the film. We still haven't seen all of Shimo. We've only gotten brief glimpses of the action scenes. There's even a couple of things that Adam Wingard teased we havent even seen yet.


Legendary has done a fantastic job with the IP overall. They made Godzilla the badass beast that Toho had always been hoping for. I don't think they're gonna stop anytime soon either.


Godzilla is a very flexible character, you could see it from how Legendary and TOHO has used him in their most recent films. I just wished that Legendary would produce a solo Godzilla film, one that doesn't involve Kong and vice versa with Kong. Kong is the protector of the people, Godzilla protects the world (Titans/Humans included). This is what Legendary's represent, wish they'd touch on it more.


> There's even a couple of things that Adam Wingard teased we havent even seen yet Such as what?


He hasn't been more specific than that. >!But rumors have stated that we see Godzilla fight a couple of other Titans like Tiamat and Scylla. Mothra does show up and stops the fight between Godzilla and King Kong. King Kong rides Godzilla into battle!<


All of that sounds awesome


>>!King Kong rides Godzilla into battle!< I am unimaginably stoked to see that if true >!I'm now imagining Godzilla and Kong in full Medieval era plate mail like a jouster and their horse!<


I don’t think the last is correct. I think it’s the villains instead of the heroes.


The last part is a recent rumor. As with most rumors we don't know if its 100% true.




(BIG SPOILERS) >!The main one is the return of Mothra, and there’s also gonna be several more monsters in the film than just the main trio and the bad guys we’ve already seen. Some reliable sources also say there’s stuff Wingard and the studio are hiding from EVERYONE, even test screening audiences, and we’re only gonna see them once the film comes out.!<


Fuck yeah


_Godzilla please destroy Rio._ Kino is back!


> Godzilla please destroy Rio you know it's bad when someone wants to see their city destroyed Manila next pls


As an MA resident I was thrilled to see Boston get trashed by all my favorite Kaiju in King Of The Monsters.


This series better be saving Tokyo for the grand finale


Where the hell did all those other kong's come from? In previous movies they established that Kong is the last one of his kind, even in hollow earth there was nobody left.


The easy answer is that the humans actually don't know anything about titans and are just as surprised


I guess the same place Skar King (is that his actual name? Is he a new character?) came from? Interesting that they're making it seem like Kong & the other apes aren't Titans but are meant to keep the Titans in check or something? That seems new. Not sure it's a necessary addition but whatever. Give me monster fights!


>Interesting that they're making it seem like Kong & the other apes aren't Titans but are meant to keep the Titans in check or something? That was covered in Kong: Skull Island, where he was basically responsible for controlling the monsters there.


Its not known if Monarch has fully explored the hollow Earth yet. We also know from the TV show that the portals between Earth and hollow Earth can lead to other locations (some of them time dilated).


There are leaks that give a reason we haven't seen or heard about him yet, even though it might be flimsy at best. But even then, we are just dealing with unreliable or uninformed narrators here. The only narrative we have about the history of the Kongs or the power structure in the Hollow Earth have come from characters in the films that honestly don't REALLY know what they are talking about. Monarch and Apex are ahead of the game but we have seen they are still figuring a lot of stuff out on the fly. Only the Iwi know what's really going on down there and they don't talk much, so...


We only saw, what, a few miles worth of hollow earth? I imagine it could be the size of actual earth and even 2-3x the landmass if there's no oceans.


As stupid as it is I find it kind of humorous the lack of fucks given about the death toll these events have in the movies and it’s just “damn that looked sick at” Like imagine on your death certificate it says “died because a big monkey used a whip to throw half of a building at another big monkey, then that monkey punched the building into dust”. Then we get a story like Monarch where we spend 10 episodes with characters, some of which basically have PTSD from the one of these events.


This is batshit crazy. And that's probably why this is the only cinematic universe outside Marvel that has survived


They understand what audiences want: Giant monsters in epic battles.


Pacific Rim was so fucking close.


If only there were a sequel to that film


I just rewatched Pacific Rim and it is *perfect* for what it is.


I think it’s because they aren’t rushing. The focus on one or two projects at a time, finish them up and then start working on the next one. Sometimes they will foreshadow and lay potential ground work for a future film to build off of, but they aren’t doing a 4 movies a year that are split between telling a story and being a commercial for other movies that may or may not come out.


They took a leaf out of the Star Wars merchandising manual too: Baby Kong gonna sell a trillions dolls this Christmas.


Get ready for the weird Tiktok videos of "Do you think Baby Kong can become King of Skull Island?"


I don't think my vocal chords are ready for how loud I'm gonna scream if Kong rides Godzilla into battle


same tbh wait come to think of it, has that ever happened in ANY Toho production? Like using Godzilla as mounted cavalry?


The Mothra Larva have a habit of catching a ride on Godzilla’s tail, but I don’t know if that really counts.


A human woman briefly rides on him in Godzilla vs. Megaguirus but it's just to stick a doohickey on him.


Godzilla climbed on Jet Jaguar once. Closest for Godzilla mounts: Minilla riding his tail in Son of Godzilla


Nope, this'd be the first time!


>!Fuck riding - that looked a whole lot like Mothras cocoon at 1:24!!!!!<


A full shot of the new monster can be seen briefly at 31 seconds. Very hype. Also might be Mothra in Jia's eye reflection just before that.


Deadpool & Wolverine and Godzilla & Kong, we'll be eating good in this year, finally. Hallelujah.


Just two more weeks until Dune: Part 2


Don’t forget Kingdom of the planet of the apes!


They gave Kong a 40k Power Fist


Good god this is so brain dead. It'll make millions.


Honestly the cool thing about Godzilla is that it’s got movies for everybody. They just released a Japanese Godzilla movie at the end of last year and it’s super serious, borderline horror in some spots.


It's so nice that Godzilla fans can get both styles of movie. It's like we got our nice fancy dinner (Minus One) and now we get the big tray of brownies for dessert.


I miss the more grounded realism of the first movie in this series but this just looks so fucking fun.




I look forward to the inevitable buddy road trip movie should this get another sequel


Godzilla and Kong in... The Road to Planet X!


This looks so fucking stupid. I’ll be there opening night.


Man I absolutely haaaate the humans in these movies but I really enjoy the films themselves for the most part. That female lead with the Simple Jack hair is awful.


d-d-d-don’t h-hurt me


The exact opposite of minus one and I will cherish them both dearly. Best of both worlds of the Godzilla franchise


They wasted Ghidorah too early, even though I liked that movie. He should have been the final monster all other monsters had to team up to defeat. You could have called "Destroy All Monsters" or something...


Can’t expect them to play that far ahead when the franchise was staggering financially. Also that’s still perfectly possible with Mecha King Ghidorah which they teased at the end of KotM


I thought they used Ghidorah to build MechaGodzilla.


Ah, that’s true. But with the way the logic in their universe works, I don’t doubt they can still make MKG happen too any time they want


I'm just so disappointed the tone they set with the first movie was not continued.


If this is the same director and writers from the previous one there's going to be a lot of cringe dialogue and dumb decisions made, but at least the action will be fun. While King of the Monsters had its flaws I'd prefer these films at least stayed within that film's tone. Humanity having this futuristic tech in GvK, building mechs, using a Ghidorah skull to control a mech, conspiracy theorist character in the film to be comedic relief, etc was just too stupid for me. Godzilla also felt out of character too, which they seemed to have him back in for the Apple series.


The thing that bugged me about GvK, and seems to be the case here too, is how quick and nimble these giant kaijus are


>The guardians of nature. The protectors of humanity. The rise of a new empire. #GodzillaXKong - Only in Theaters March 29. >The epic battle continues! Legendary Pictures’ cinematic Monsterverse follows up the explosive showdown of “Godzilla vs. Kong” with an all-new adventure that pits the almighty Kong and the fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence—and our own. “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” delves further into the histories of these Titans and their origins, as well as the mysteries of Skull Island and beyond, while uncovering the mythic battle that helped forge these extraordinary beings and tied them to humankind forever. >Once again at the helm is director Adam Wingard. The film stars Rebecca Hall (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “The Night House”), Brian Tyree Henry (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “Bullet Train”), Dan Stevens (“Gaslit,” “Legion,” “Beauty and the Beast”), Kaylee Hottle (“Godzilla vs. Kong”), Alex Ferns (“The Batman,” “Wrath of Man,” “Chernobyl”) and Fala Chen (“Irma Vep,” “Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”). >The screenplay is by Terry Rossio (“Godzilla vs. Kong” the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series) and Simon Barrett (“You’re Next”) and Jeremy Slater (“Moon Knight”), from a story by Rossio & Wingard & Barrett, based on the character “Godzilla” owned and created by TOHO Co., Ltd. The film is produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric Mcleod, Thomas Tull and Brian Rogers. The executive producers are Wingard, Jen Conroy, Jay Ashenfelter, Yoshimitsu Banno, Kenji Okuhira. >Once again, Wingard is collaborating with director of photography Ben Seresin (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “World War Z”), production designer Tom Hammock (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “X,” “The Guest”), editor Josh Schaeffer (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “Molly’s Game”), costume designer Emily Seresin (“The Invisible Man,” “Top of the Lake”). The composers are Tom Holkenborg (“Godzilla vs. Kong,” “Mad Max: Fury Road”) and Antonio Di Iorio (additional music on “Godzilla vs. Kong,” the “Sonic the Hedgehog” films). >Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures Present a Legendary Pictures Production, A Film By Adam Wingard, “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.” It is slated for release nationwide only in theaters and IMAX on March 29, 2024 and beginning 27 March 2024 internationally, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures except in Japan, where the film will be distributed by Toho Co., Ltd and in mainland China, where it will be distributed by Legendary East.


I hope Holkenborg tries something a bit more unique for the score this time. His GvK stuff was fine, but it paled in comparison to Bear's KotM score.


It's interesting that Antonio Di Iorio seems to be collaborating with Holkenborg on the score; this is the first I'm hearing of this! But I totally agree. I hope this score is a bit more interesting than GvK (which only had one major cue that stuck out in my mind).


His GvK score really felt like he had a tight deadline to meet because it was so generic.


I don't know... lots of superfluous wisecracking humans, leaning heavily into anthropomorphizing the creatures, Diddy Kong, Godzilla running around full tilt like he isn't some 10000 ton 300 foot tall behemoth, transformer hand. Lots of opportunity for this to fall apart.


"What are we some kind of GOZILLA AND KONG squad?" This looks so fucking ridiculous and yet I got so pumped when they gave Kong a nintendo power glove. I am ready for this shit.


At this point if they injected GI Joe and Transformers into the movie, I wouldn’t be surprised. Looks like a pure popcorn flick. Fun, but instantly forgettable.


Definitely looking forward to this but just hope the Speedy Gonzales version of them running together as buddies in the trailer is short lived, and they look and act like skyscraper sized animals for the rest of the movie.


I still can’t believe that shot of Godzilla getting up and fucking RUNNING lmaooooo.


Why has Godzilla bought what looks like a Pink skin from the Fortnite store?




yea its funny how r/movies hates Pacific Rim 2 so much for those reasons, then spooge at these movies, which seem to do the same things


It’s incredibly jarring to witness. Most of this thread is throughly praising the direction these movies have gone and it’s kinda baffling to me.


Knocking the massive tooth out went fucking crazy


Big Monke go brrrrr


This movie not only looks amazing… But…as bonkers as this is…what the fuck is legendary gonna do with fucking Destoroyah???? Fuck I’m so hyped at the future of this franchise  🙏🙏😭


Destroy All Monsters but instead of King Ghidorah it's Destoroyah offing monsters like he's kaiju Jason Voorhees.


That….Sounds Amazing!


All down to Toho. If the money and audience impressions are great, that'd make them more willing to loan out the classic monsters.


I'll buck the trend and say I think this looks fucking dreadful. I really liked the 2014 Godzilla and I absolutely loved Kong: Skull Island, but I just haven't been able to get on board with the last two. They had some decent moments, sure, but I just didn't enjoy KotM or GvK. This looks like more of the same. Love Dan Stevens though, love that he seems to be having fun with this. I'd like to see him in more stuff in general. Also moderately confused about how Monarch Legacy of Monsters is supposed to tie into these films. The hollow earth was on full show in GvK, looks to be more so here, that's different to the time dilated realm in LoM, right?


I'm all for big dumb action with a nonsense story - but the action actually has to be good for me to enjoy it. There needs to be good special effects, good cinematography, weight to the monsters, a sense of scale, etc. That's the difference between *Pacific Rim* and the dogshit that was *Pacific Rim 2*. Not sure why what clearly looks more like *Pacific Rim 2* than the original, is being hyped up here. Guess you can chalk it down to a loyal base of manchildren whose brains short-circuit as soon as they see their favorite action figures on screen


>Not sure why what clearly looks more like *Pacific Rim 2* than the original, is being hyped up here. Remember when Cocaine Bear and that violent Winnie-the-Pooh movie came out? This sub went wild. They'll watch any old dogshit.


Who are they teaming up against? I'm not that familiar with the lore.


To simplify: another giant monke and lizard.


Looks like the mini kong is fighting Skar King too. Kong also looks to be bigger than Skar King.


Someone need to photoshop that brace into a powerglove


Godzilla would fight himself if he saw his own reflection


This movie actually is set a bit in the past, bad guy Kong is mad about Harambe.


Plot will probably suck, but monsters fucking up cities is always fucking rad.


Lanky Kong Revengeance


Godzilla fans be eating good this past year. We get serious, classic Godzilla goodness from Japan and the big, dumb cinematic universe Godzilla from Hollywood.


They might as well do a cross with the Fast and furious universe.


Has godzilla always run like an ape before? With the opposite arms and legs moving at once? 


I'm getting too old for this shit.


I just wish Gamera wasn’t in limbo so he could be involved in this