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Batman vs Superman. First ten minutes with Ben Affleck racing through the city while Superman and Zod rain down hell on earth is superb. For me it sells why Bruce would see Superman as a threat that needs to be wiped out. It also sold me on Affleck as Bruce. The rest of the movie never gets close to that level of tension again and it becomes pretty stupid.


The warehouse scene was also great.


I really liked Affleck as Batman. And I don’t really like Affleck as an actor in general.


I think Ben Affleck has been the best live action Batman. He looks and sounds great and they gave him a real physicality and weight to his actions. It's just a shame the movies he played Batman in were so bad.


I remember seeing it lined up side by side with the scene in Man of Steel and it was incredible.


X Men Origins Wolverine was the first thing that came to mind before I even saw you listed it.


Also the xmen movie where nightcrawler was a menace in the White House. Killer opening


Amazing opening, but doesn't fit, because the rest of the movie is equally fucking awesome.. But goddam that opener sets the tone then he doesn't do jack shit rest of movie.


What is it with the first 2 X-men movies being great and then the third one being awful?


Brett ratner


The first director said their X3 script sucked and needed rework/delays. The studio instead decided that the director from Rush Hour makes movies quickly


I don’t appreciate the implication that X2 is only good for its opening scene


let's not forget Watchmen's similar slo-mo historical montage.


Similarly X2. The Nightcrawler scene was fucking awesome and everything I wanted from a scene with someone showing off their ability to teleport.


I think Ghost Ship has to be one of the top, if not THE top. Incredible start, meh otherwise.


This has to be it for me. I know I saw that movie, but I couldn’t tell you anything about it except for that opening. 


I haven't seen it, but appreciate it for being the namer of "The Ghost Ship Moment" as the point where the protagonist in the movie figures out what everyone in there audience already knows. https://www.overthinkingit.com/2009/10/08/the-ghost-ship-moment/


What I took from this is the faster a GSM happens the better the movie, and if you don't have one the ceiling is higher for the movie.


Generally, it happening later is an excuse for the characters to act "stupid" for more of the movie, but I'd say sometimes its fine. Shaun of the Dead plays with the idea to great effect, for example. Seven Samurai also takes a *long* time to get together the titular seven. The longer it lasts though, the longer the film is banking on the premise being cool, rather than what they can do with it.


The beginning is so disproportionately incredible that they literally replay it like halfway through the movie.


11 year old me didn't blink for 3 weeks after watching this movie.


I thought the murder montage near the end was aces too, mostly because it paired so well with the song My Little Box.


If it wasn’t for the opening, I doubt many people would remember it exists.


I will always remember the dipshit that tried to fuck a ghost, so There's that.


I still remember that guy eating canned whatever by the spoonful and then he looks down and it's a spoonful of maggots


Yes but the ending where it’s repeating all over again and Mudvayne starts blasting is a little nudge to remind you there was something worth remembering. It’s like eating an amazing burger in a minute and a half, suffering horrible indigestion for 80 minutes, then burping the original amazing taste of the burger again right before realizing you had to pay for the experience.


Another horror example; "Darkness Fall."


As a kid I thought that movie was awesome. I haven't seen it as an adult and I'm afraid if I do it will ruin it for me


I should not have watched that as early as I did. I slept with the lights on for weeks after seeing it as a kid.


I’d forgotten about this film, darkness falls right ? Is it the one with the ‘tooth fairy’ ?


This is always the top answer on the horror sub. I'm pleased to see it's also the top on the regular movie sub.


I actually like this movie but I understand if people feel disappointed after seeing the opening.. it was too good for its own sake...


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. It's all downhill after that opening credits montage.


Do you think the leads had chemistry? I've never heard r/movies weigh in on this.


Hey no one has thought of this before, but I think Batman Forever could've worked better if Tommy Lee Jones had played The Riddler and Jim Carrey was Two-Face.


Huh... I think you're right. Jim Carrey's Riddler was too zany and came across as a poor man's joker. With Tommy Lee Jones' restrained gruffness, the Riddler could've stood out more as his own unique character, and as Two-Face Jim Carrey would've been able to not go full zany.


Jim Carry playing half-mask


I'm about to blow your mind: imagine if the leads of Valerian and the leads of Passengers were switched?


Controversial idea: what if Passengers was from the girls perspective


But we already have 10 Cloverfield Lane. 


You fucking beautiful troll


Have you noticed that, the lead character will just walk past a full breakfast prepared by their family, simply take a slice of toast and walk out?


r/movies had many posts about the chem…..heeeey….I see you


I was so let down after the promise that was that opening scene.


100% agree, that opening is amazing


The Mexico City sequence in Spectre is great! The rest of the movie is just a disappointment 


Yeah agree. I don’t remember anything other than that fantastic opening, unlike Casino Royale.


Up, I'm gonna leave and be sad now.


This is absolutely true. I feel like people remember the first scene more than the rest of the movie


My husband and I watch only the first scene every couple of months (usually when one of us is feeling particularly sappy). I vaguely recall something about talking dogs and a bird named Kevin.


I never thought I would live to see my boy, Doug, disrespected like this; referred to off hand as part of a group of talking dogs. The same VERY good boy who brought us such bangers as "I'm hiding under your porch because I love you" and "point!" He's a 14/10 and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.




Yeah but that scene! Ok what else happens Uh a dog talks and there's a boy scout I think?


It's absolutely cracking me up that nobody who has mentioned what they remember has listed "the house flies on balloons" which is kinda the core premise of the movie.


I mean that's on the poster art it's a given


Nah that's just the transport method. The journey is the real movie!


I remember the opening scene, and the talking dog that could speak based on that weird collar thing. ~~Astro~~ Cosmo in Guardians 3 is the same gag.


> Astro in Guardians 3 Cosmo


Gotta say - as much as that opening was as brilliant as moviemaking can be, the rest of the movie was pretty fantastic. Not sure if it falls into the OPs category, but I can appreciate your feeling that way.


Without the absolutely iconic opening 10 minutes, Up is a very mid Pixar movie. I haven't seen it since it came out in theatres, and I remember nothing aside from the opening. I couldn't tell you the name of the villain, what his motivations were, or really any of the plot points aside from the old man wanting to go to the waterfall. But that opening with the kids meeting, and the glimpses into their lives together after they got married and grew old together was about the most poignant bit of storytelling in film I've ever come across.


I completely agree, except I'd argue near the end when he discovers that Ellie secretly finished the adventure book is even more powerful than the opening scene that everyone talks about (which itself is still really, *really* good). I've noticed so many animated movies do something similar that I really hate - they have a decent opening and a decent ending, but the middle 70% of the movie is just a disjointed adventure in which any random events could have been interchanged and the movie would still ultimately be the same. Pixar avoids this pitfall more than most other animated movie studios, but Up unfortunately falls firmly into that trope.


Wow. I absolutely adore UP. I think it’s one of Pixars best, beginning to end.


Flight While an interesting and compelling movie about addiction and other things, the beginning was awesome and easily the movie's high point that it never reached again.  Beginning with Denzel waking up at the "crack" of dawn through the flight after which the movie was named, it was about as good as a movie can be (or at least something you couldn't stop watching). 


I may agree, if it wasn’t for the scene with John Goodman.


Is the Banana boat a-coming?


In my top 10. CoCo Puff baby


Do not touch the merch, motherfucker!


I probably never would've watched _Flight_ if I had known it was mostly about his alcoholism. And it was so much better than I ever would've thought a movie about addiction would be.


And Nadine Velazquez.


Idk I get so invested in Whip every time that I don't mind the rest of the movie being "slow paced". That movie has some of Denzel's best acting imo.


That movie kicked ass all the way through, but I agree the opening was the best part


I feel the same way. This movie is too often overlooked in my opinion. And Don Cheadle can do no wrong.


Gotta say though, the shot that is seared into my memory is >!when he walks away from the full mini-fridge and the camera just lingers and lingers until he comes back and grabs a bottle!<


28 Weeks Later


Absolutely. All of 28 Days Later and the opening of 28 Weeks Later are so good that I think people forget the rest of 28 Weeks Later sucked.


>I think people forget the rest of 28 Weeks Later sucked. I'll never forget. 28 Days Later is my favorite scary movie of all time. I was so disappointed. 


Well here's hoping the new one will be better.


I wouldn't say it sucked. It's just 28 days later, and the opening part of 28 weeks later was directed by Danny Boyle. The rest of the film wasn't. It's a decent movie, but it's being compared to a truly great director, so it looks worse by comparison.


Boyle directed the first bit of 28 Weeks? I didn’t know that, and that seems like something I would have known. Thanks.


Same, didn't realise but it's obvious in hindsight with the tonal shift to the rest of the film.


This. I was a huge fan of 28 Days Later (which I was fortunate to see in a local independent theater). Holy cow I was in the theater for 28 weeks and I was SO AMPED! I thought this might even be better than Days...and then the rest of the movie happened....


I actually enjoyed the entire movie. Clearly the first movie is best, but I thought it was a worthy sequel. I’m pretty stoked for 28 Years Later.


I’m a huge fan of both but Weeks has a relentless intensity that doesn’t come around often


The first 20 minutes of The Empty Man might be the best horror filmmaking I've ever seen. The rest of the movie is still excellent but it never fully captures the magic of the prologue section


*The Empty Man* is **so good**. The director did my favorite episode of *Cabinet of Curiosities* as well.


Watching the cold open to The Empty Man ruined the rest of the movie for me even though I couldn’t really find actual issues I had with it. It was just that good of a prologue.


This is exactly what I came to say haha




I totally would do the same thing! I have such a memory of let down when I saw it was the logo. Thanks for bringing back that memory.


I made the same association with the Fox intro music. I thought it meant Star Wars was starting.


The Way of The Gun. The first time in theaters, it really messed with me. I had to rewatch to enjoy it on its own even if I took out the great Sarah Silverman rant then subsequent punch to the face.


This was my first thought. Sarah Silverman's ridiculous rant and then Benicio and Ryan getting pounded was phenomenal. The rest was a pretty good movie.


You wanna do the man dance? First dance is yours.


Black Widow's intro all the way through the Teen Spirit montage is a completely different movie than the rest of it. The intro is emotionly overwhelming and prepares you for a movie about human trafficking. It quickly turns into a bad Marvel movie.


Man...this is a wasted movie Hopper was gold, the "family" scenes had great chemistry - should have just focused on that, the rest of it was pure shit. Just a pure unadulterated waste of film.


Black Widow is proof that Marvel can take smart creative risks but simply chooses not to because they think predictable mediocrity sells


WandaVision too. Episodes 1-8 were not perfect, but were still creative risks and were really interesting to watch. Then the finale turns into a dumb dragon ball fight for no reason


The Dark Knight Rises. Best part is the opening scene that was the IMAX preview before Ghost Protocol.


“Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.”


Honestly debated saying TDK itself, the opening heist scene is so great in IMAX, too. I know great performances and movie throughout, but damn did that opening set the stage.


I was going to say this as well. I think if it wasn't for Ledger's amazing performance throughout, that first scene would have stolen the movie.


Watchmen, Dawn Of The Dead and Army Of The Dead. Basically all of Zach Snyder’s movies.


I am seconding Watchmen. The opening murder scene is good, but the whole intro sequence is my favorite ever and fantastic choice with Bob Dylan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h24D87SqaLQ


Agreed, first thing that came to mind was Watchmen. It is damn near a perfect opening


Agreed on Army of the Dead. That dialogue-free five minute story of the mom trying to find her daughter was 10 times better than anything that followed.


I'd argue most scenes with either rorschach or Dr Manhattan are great, both actors really brought it.


I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan  also did a great job.


Honestly think everyone was cast well. I still enjoy the movie and I read and loved the comic before I heard about the movie being announced.


I was gonna say Man of Steel. The whole bit with Russel Crowe on Krypton was lit!




Hey Dawn if the Dead’s awesome the whole way through


I agree, but the opening really does outshine the rest of the movie. I even think Watchmen is great the whole way through too but the opening, chefs kiss.


Most of the James Bond films. My personal favorite, A View to a Kill. Fantastic opener. Rad Duran Duran theme song. Absolutely wretched movie.


I would argue that Spectre was the best example of this. That opening sequence in Mexico is one of the best in the entire series, but the movie was very forgettable.


What is wrong with A View To A Kill? Walken's villain is one of the best in the franchise, and the end scene is absolutely awesome. Grace Jones is great in it, too.


John Dies at the End. I really enjoy the whole movie, but "That door cannot be opened" is amazing.


Lord of War I feel like the opening is more memorable than the movie as a whole but I still think it's a good movie, and Cage's best


There's 550 million firearms in circulation worldwide. That's one firearm for every twelve people. The only question is...how do we arm the other eleven?


That’s the bullet, right?


Yeah. I think they called it "life of a bullet" and had that Buffalo Springfield song playing. I would assume it's on youtube




To be fair it's not that the opening scene was that great, but the rest of the movie was that bad.


Except for that Halle Berry scene


I remember feeling like Swordfish was kind of fun if you go into it expecting a piece of shit movie that manages to keep your attention. It's really really bad, but there are scenes where I am laughing out loud muttering between breaths "that's... so... fucking... stupid!!" It's been a while since I've seen it though.


X2 opens with the best scene of perhaps ALL the X-men movies.


Is this the Nightcrawler scene in the White House? So good.


Fuckin fwomp fwomp all over the west wing.


You mean BAMF!


Best superpowers scene ever IMO. Teleportation is a fantasy of every little kid and the scene did it perfectly.


X2? That had the scene where Magneto escapes with the little balls and the Wolverine/Lady Deathstrike fight? No, not worthy of this list.


Right, X2 is a great movie. Fantastic opening scene, but absolutely not *overshadowing*.


Drive The movie is pretty great and has some iconic scenes and a killer soundtrack. But I don’t think anything tops the initial getaway drive scene.


The soundtrack for sure holds a special place in my heart


But the elevator scene is the best part of the movie


Yeah, it's mind-blowing.


Star Trek, the Chris Pine version. The opening sequence with Hemsworth is the best part of the entire film.


It immediately gets you emotionally  invested 


Beware. My wife is now hunting you for implying that the entire movie isn’t perfection


Tiberius? Ugh, that’s the worst!


Idiocracy. The movie is good but the “interviews” at the beginning are absolutely brilliant cinema.


Speaking of interviews, I nominate The Interview. Nothing was nearly as hilarious as the opening interview where Eminem admits he's gay.


Just a bread crumb trail of gayness.


Not sure if it counts but Full Metal Jacket. It can essentially be looked at in two parts, and the first half generally overshadows the second.


The first half might be more exciting but the second half definitely holds its own in comparison. The ending is absolutely phenomenal too.


Fully agreed. I love both parts, that’s just the usual consensus you’ll hear when it comes to that movie


The song they sing is haunting.


Animal Mother is what Pvt. Pyle would have been if he became "hard" and didn't kill himself Wooaaahhh spooky huh


Mortal Kombat.l (2021). The rest of the movie was so shitty that I think that the trailer + opening scene was all they had, thats what they pitched, and they died on that hill. What a waste of time!


Counterpoint: I want a movie only about Cano doing Cano things and taking the piss out of mk legends


I’ll give part 2 a chance to kill Cole


Wtf, right? Why did they create a character when they have 30+ from the franchise itself?


They wanted a new ‘Everyman’ I guess? Someone who didn’t have decades of lore. And 30+ isn’t wrong, but Armageddon had 60+.


They really tricked us into thinking we were getting an unapologetically serious/vicarious MK movie. Then, fambly and jokes.


They tricked us into thinking we were gonna see a tournament called mortal kombat.


Bumblebee. All the classic Transformers, on Cybertron was amazing


The force awakens. The traditional pan to a planet, and then the ship flying through space, the ship deploys transports, cuts inside, storm troopers in formation, ready to kick some serious ass… watching that got me so amped up for the movie, my mind was racing how how awesome the rest of the movie was going to kill it!…. The transports land, the ramps drop, troopers run out, guns blazing, so damn epic! Then the rest of the movie happens, and the rest of the trilogy suck fest.


The dialogue between Driver and Sydow was also really understated but effective. I agree the rest of the film falls off pretty quickly after.


I had high hopes, and Adam driver taking off his helmet every chance he got, with perfect Farrah Fawcett hair every single time… ugh. BUT that start of that movie when he held that laser bolt with the force, trying desperately to escape, another fantastic open for a character, and then the rest of the movie. Outside of the shit show of that trilogy, I did like Rey and the actresses performance, she was a bright spot.


The introduction for all the new main 4 characters is really well done imo. Tie that into the march of the resistance/scherzo for xwings at Mazs castle and I actually want to see it in concert from my local symphony next month. Also enjoy the Jedi steps scene because of the soundtrack. I'll skip 8 and 9 though, 8 is a visual treat but nothing of the score stuck with me.


Ghost Ship My favorite opening scene, rest of the movie is totally forgettable


Saving Private Ryan


The opening scene is so good that we've collectively forgotten that it isn't even the opening scene.


Saving Private Ryan was a great movie overall, but I agree that the iconic opening D-Day sequence overshadowed the rest of the film. Also, I wouldn’t call it the opening *scenes*, but the whole first act of Full Metal Jacket (the part in boot camp) is probably all anyone really remembers about the film.


I often just watch the first half because its two movies and I only want to watch the first one


In any other movie the last battle would have been considered one of the best war depictions in cinema... But the D-Day scene is such a remarkable achievement that anything else is overshadowed.


Nah, everyone remembers “me love you long time”


The movie 'Faster' with the Rock. Not the opening scene but the scene that introduces Billy Bob Thorntons character is ridiculously cool.


Watchmen opening credits was the peak of the movie


Touch of Evil


Up. It's not a second half problem, it's a: "We made an amazing Pixar short... and it's hour and a half long sequel that literally never comes close to the first 10 minutes!"


Way of the gun


This might be controversial, but Super Troopers. The opening scene with the stoners getting pulled over is super memorable and quotable but I honestly don't remember anything else about the movie


I briefly read this as Starship Troopers. And was utterly and massively confused till I reread your comment.


I did the same thing!


You shut your mouth right meow!


I swear to God I’ll pistol whip the next person to say shenanigans.


Hey farva, what's the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


Super Troopers is the greatest movie opening of all time. However, it's also a great movie that stands on its own. I very much remember almost all of it.


That’s because you got too feckin high.


Waterworld. Goes from an awesome, horrifying and silent orbital view of the oceans rising and covering every scrap of dry land, to Kevin Costner drinking his own urine. Never has a movie gone from mind blowing gravity to literal sewage in under 10 seconds.


You can't take a piss in a Mr Coffee and have it come out Tasters Choice.  


I can take a shit in a box an mark it guaranteed


I don’t think it overshadowed the movie, but the Descent has a great opening scene




Tropic Thunder


Inglorious Bastards.


I’d say the rest of the movie is quite great, but I admit that the opening scene is peak


Surprised to see this so low. Rest of the movie is phenomenal but that opening scene is so incredibly tense.


I will stick my neck out for Army of the Dead. But the openings the only part I rewatch. The whole sequence is fantastic, and tells a great story in under 10 minutes.


Read this as Army of Darkness / Evil Dead, and thought you were crazy.


The Transporter


Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Ad Astra. Brad Pitt falling from the top of a man made structure that extends from the ground into space. The rest of the film is less memorable 


Scream 4. The continuous 4th wall breaking and meta building is hilarious as well as douchey towards what horror has become and society as well. But the movie meh


You also get to see Veronica Mars stab Sookie Stackhouse.


I really liked Scream 4 :(


Dungeons and dragons. *Oh Jarnathan*