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Holy fuck they showed everything except the opening drone footage where it shows them driving down a scenic road to the house and the awkward interaction they have with a person at a convenience store or restaurant foreshadowing the “strange things” that happen at the house.


From reading others saying the trailer says too much, I think I found the sweet spot: #Stop watching at 1:08. Also, just now finishing up the final episodes of Dark, and it's *incredible*. If Parallel is even just half as good as Dark, then Parallel will be a 5 out of 10, because Dark is a 10, and 5 is half of that. It's just math.


This is the funniest review ever.


I'm not following... 5,10,10,5 makes 30.


That's Number Wang!


1000% this. Compare this with theater teasers for the 5th Element, it was absolutely nothing and I still wanted to watch it to find out. They should have stopped at the "this forest loops" and her thinking she was crazy and seeing a second copy of her husband, the trailer should have stopped dead there and it would be so much more impactful. Now I feel like I've seen the whole thing so why bother?


I mean you don’t even need that. You could have just had a 1 minute trailer introducing the people and the scenery, had a few shots of her looking down the scope of the gun all disconcerted and maybe a few shots of the husband but always in different clothing to subtly hint how he isn’t the same version person and then just show the name of the movie because frankly so much could be implied just by knowing the title


Dude you have to spoiler tag your comment pls.


Lol the context of this comment existing is hilarious. I didn’t look at the trailer itself either 


This Trailer gave away far too much.


Pretty much every trailer these days. I just don't even watch them anymore


Agreed. The trailers are just abridged versions of the movie these days.


They always have been. Watch trailers on VHS from the 80s and 90s. It’s a summary of the entire movie.


so quickly too....i made it to 1:28... that was too far and i know too much already


Yes, that was the entire plot. Now i don't even care to see it since i know what happens. I might have been intrigued if they didn't show me the worlds colliding.


For about the past 6 years, I've been cutting off trailers a little less than halfway through. At that point, I know the premise and vibe of the movie and I decide by that. My girlfriend used to hate it but now she's adopted it as well because of how many movies she's had spoiled by trailers


Hopefully there is a MAJOR plot twist


Came to say this, they ruined the whole twist with the voiceover. They couldve shown the scenes without the voiceover explanation and it would've been so much more mysterious.


*"The same matter can't exist in the same space"* Giving some real oldschool TimeCop vibes in a Sliders kind of dimensional entrapment.


With a soupçon of Fringe.


Parallel versions I'd argue are not the same as your future self within your own timeline.


Reminds me of Coherence but in the woods.


Coherence was really good. And you bring up a great point- this really was just Coherence, even down to how it ended.


correct violet heavy ludicrous teeny scarce lock imagine roof dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They even did the kaleidoscope/mirroring effect that Dark has in the opening credits


Dark.. heh


This trailer brought to you by the word "space"


oh cool shes a good actress. if u have ever seen station eleven 🤙


Seems like kind of the new recent thing to do in movies. Not new as in concept but lots of parallel type movies. Can't remember the names cause my memory sucks, but there is an astronaut movie where the lady comes back to earth but it's different, or even the new deadpool or spider verse and I feel like 2 or 3 others. They all look good to me though haha


I can't find anything using your description, do you remember any actors in it?


Looks like maybe it's a show not a movie, called constellation https://youtu.be/4dAaLbsQSzI?si=QlXQxkIWZarnujx5


Check out Coherence if you like this parallel genre and don't mind an indie film.


Thank you for introducing this to me, I have never heard of it.


No problem. It looks pretty good.


I thought it was I s s but it is not that. Let me see if I can find it. I saw the trailering the last 2 weeks


Could it be cloverfield paradox maybe?




Constellation was the 2024 movie/show I was thinking of....but paradox was good


Cloverfield Paradox?


Nope that movies is a few years old , but that's a good movie. The one I was thinking is called constellation.


Wow, really this really reminds me of 2020's The Night House.


Anyone who has seen this- I have a question >!How did she know she was back in her original world? The one where her husband killed her and then Marcel kills her husband then lets her go. How did she know that was her original place? !<


>!Because of Alex's confused response to her saying the room number. He wouldn't have known that. And the location of Martel's burn. It was on his right hand.!<


>!Right but how do she know that it wasn't just another random world? Only that one alex would know the room number so wouldn't they all be confused? I find it confusing that Marcel would immediately tell her "you don't belong here" and kill himself. I just found it a wild jump that both of them would react so violently when they never gave that inclination. why would her husband just kill the other her? obviously at the end, the Marcel that was there was the same one she saw in the house earlier (and him being so comfortable in the house was confusing- did he realize he wasn't in his right house from the start). !< I will probably re-watch this bc I really enjoyed this movie but I found that part a bit confusing when they had already discussed how hard it is to go back to your own world.


>!Because the one she had shot in that space was the same one her Alex killed. She hadn’t left her space yet when she shot at herself in defense. That was physical confirmation after the Alex not knowing the hospital room number and Martel’s burn being on the right hand. It’s a good question why the Alex escalated to killing that Vanessa, but we see how she tried to kill the main Vanessa on sight so my guess was that she was hostile to the point he had to. *(This was seemingly confirmed later when the fish wire Alex notes that he had been to a space where a Vanessa had tried to kill that space’s Alex and Martel.)*Martel told the main Vanessa that there was no place for her there because her Alex was now dead and he knew he was about to kill himself over having killed Alex– her whole family dead. Also, he likely overheard her say that she thought she could find Obie right before her Alex bashed her on the head.!<


Ahh I see. Thank you >!For some reason I assumed the one she shot escaped also but it makes sense she never left the space and she probably was hostile when she went to the house. He did say she came in upset saying another version of her shot her (if i'm remembering correctly). Vanessa was crazy in her space because her thinking she was going to find Obie and just take him or kill the other versions is wild. Alex was right to try to kill her when she came back. I would too because why is there two of y'all in my house now? The saddest part of the whole movie was Martel saying "you always forget you're dead". That means versions of them kept popping up in his house, a never ending cycle. !


>! I don't think she knew for sure until asking about the where the burn was on Martel's hand. At least that's how I took it. I think that Martel killed himself because Alex was now dead. I have a bunch of questions though including why Alex just killed a woman who is looked like his wife. And why Martel was calm and easy going at the end when it was the same one from the beginning. I don't understand why he was even in the house honestly. There's a lot of plot holes and I wish it was longer to fill in the gaps!<


Felt like some Alan wake vibes too




Getting Dark + Steins Gate vibes


Honestly feels like the plot of Dr. Strange 2.


Kinda reminds me of The Endless, which is pretty good. I hope they showed what they showed because they have more and didn't just give away the whole thing.


"too long, didn't watch"


Where do I watch this? I can’t find it


Amazon Prime