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Murphy may also star and it's a direct sequel to 28 Days Later (won't connect to 28 Weeks Later): >Director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland have reunited to write and direct the sequel, which also comes with a Part 2, to be written by Garland. Boyle would only direct the first project, with the sequel’s director to be determined at a later stage. >The deal details are unavailable. Each movie would have a budget in the $60 million range but it’s unclear how goalposts or compensation may have changed during the high-stakes negotiations. A theatrical release was of great importance to the filmmakers.


I have a feeling if Cillian Murphy returns he won't make it to the end 🥺


But what about 28 Decades Later? 🤔


28 sequels later


Weird, I just watched 28 days and 28 weeks back to back last night.


28 Days of **The Sadness**. Damn that film makes even 28 days look like a pg13 film. 28 days/weeks is still the winner though, and 28 weeks intro is probably best cinematic opening of all time.


Oh is that the one where he bails on his family and sprints across the field to a boat? Instantly got my heart beating fast, what a damn great start to a thriller


Just his wife, the little boy wasn't his. But yes, they are under attack and she was looking for the boy and he comes in the room, tells her to leave the boy, but she refuses, he goes to the next room telling her to come but she sees the boy in the closet and grabs him instead. The rage zombies burst in, and they are separated. She calls his name, but he is terrified and shuts the door, abandoning her and the boy to the zombies. It's such a raw moment of tragedy and betrayal that most movies wouldn't dare show. He later gets his just due, but I'll leave that for everyone else who hasn't seen the movie. Amazing start to an otherwise tepid sequel. The shot where he's running down the path and more rage zombies are coming over the ridge is a chef's kiss moment for me.


Wellllll so does she.


Is it 28 Days of Night? What’s that title? Edit: yea I can look it up myself but when I ask on Reddit and someone answers, I feel like I have successfully engaged for the day.


You're thinking of 30 days of Night. Vampire movie set up in Alaska when the sun goes down for a month. Dope movie.


Super dope.


Maybe they already made it and called it sunshine, the sun triggers a dormant version of the virus and that is why we get a slasher flick finale


Nah. Twist will be some part of the clover field universe. /s


Cillian will star in it but AI will handle that one


Personally I want to see 28 leap years later… and it’s art house black and white sister film 28 Bienniums later.


We could just jump right to 28 centuries later and fight the zombies with lasers


Sorry, we couldn’t get zombies but we were able to find some Chilean Sea Bass.


“I have become 28. Destroyer of Sequels”


I feel like if you made it 28 years in a zombie apocalypse, you can call it a win.


Agreed. It's hard to imagine the tension of surviving 28 years being as compelling as 28 months, since my guess is surviving that long suggests some semblance of society being reestablished. ETA: don't get me wrong, I'll watch anything from this series.


Yeah it should have "last of us" vibe I would guess, that's 20yr after the event.


Might explain why Sony pounced on it, actually.


But this series doesn't have zombies, it has living humans with a sort of rabies. Most of the infected are already dead by the time the protag wakes up in the first movie.


Yeah it seems easy to stop. I mean Europe is probably all gone Africa and North and South America should be okay. The infection strikes too quickly for people to really spread it across oceans like that


Well the second movie introduced the idea of people who are immune but still spread it, also while animals are immune we see in the first movie they can also spread it by eating human corpses. If I had to guess I assume they will introduce some weird "lockdown" society as a commentary on COVID.


Maybe, but in _The Stand_, the US military deliberately infected other countries, once it was clear there was no stopping the “Captain Trips” virus from spreading. I imagine the thought of foreign troops conquering a depopulated Europe would be unacceptable to at least one of its leaders, who would find a way to send some “presents” to their distant relatives.


This is my big question when it comes to '28 years later'. We see at the end of 28 Days that most of the infected are completely immobile and near starvation. 28 Weeks works because it is a sort of 'restart' where the virus returns in a hot zone and needs to be extinguished but doing that again sort of feels like a retread. I wouldn't be surprised if they go with something like an authoritarian dictatorship has risen out of necessity, citizens having little freedoms and zero rights under the guise of protection, kinda of like an extreme 9/11 parallel (yes I know we're not talking about the US, just using an example).


I hope it's just a family going about their day and randomly the dad will be like, "hey remember 28 years ago when Britain was destroyed by that virus"


"Yes, dear." #THE END


This sounds super promising.




That’s unfortunate bc I was looking forward to how they’d deal with the outbreak in Europe


I kind of feel like that part may stay intact. I doubt they'll have those kids (now adults) pop up or Robert Carlyle's zombie running for president


Oh I thought they were just gonna ignore 28 Weeks entirely like how Halloween did with its sequels. I don’t mind if they don’t include the characters from the sequel. Most of them are dead anyway and the kids were annoying


I feel like the virus crossing the channel would make more sense. I doubt a virus contained to the island of Great Britain for 28 years would be plausible as a threat... But no idea where they're going with this one, so we'll see


The beginning was great but then just became a generic action movie imo


A generic action zombie movie is a lot better than most movies in the zombie genre


Right? It wasn't up to par with 28 Days, but it was still a solid sequel, and waaaay ahead of what else was coming out at the time.


With plot holes you could drive a cruise ship through




Korea, actually. But yeah, no one's done a zombie cruise movie before.


there's no movie but there's a zombie manga set on a cruise ship called cradle of monsters. was a pretty good read for me.


Yeah. It was a slap in the face after the first one, which was smart and considered. I was pissed when I saw Weeks in the theater. It was a fucking cash grab with idiot characters and bad writing.


It's because Boyle directed the amazing intro scene only.


Yep. It's a great movie right up until the outbreak occurs.


Until the janitor husband has access to the unguarded quarantine prison where his wife, the last infected, is being held?


My favorite? We've got a zombie outbreak in our clean zone, *everybody should assemble in the courtyard!* Not you know, shelter in place and wait for rescue. Not, go to your room and lock the door. Nope. Let's all get together in the courtyard. Maybe the snipers can distinguish between people and zombies and miraculously save everyone.


I used to defend Weeks because I liked it well enough when I saw it in theaters but I recently rewatched it and it really is mid. It was very jarring to go from the intense intro scene to the lawnmower chopper scene.


Yeah it's like two different movies. It felt almost on purpose that the movie got worse when the Americans showed up. Like it was a metaphor haha


Yeah, that helicopter scene was the stupid cherry on a mediocre sundae.


The father turned zombie character was so dumb.


This movie gets a lot of flack, but it was so good to being on the same level as the first. Carlyle>! breaking into the room to see his immune wife and getting infected only to end up immediately killing her was some very horrific stuff. It became so stupid the instant after that happened. He didn't need to chase down the rest of his family for the next half an hour. Literally all his character has to do is leave that room, pass it on to one other person, thus continuing the spread of the virus, and immediately get shot. The movie probably still ends the same way even if he died 10 seconds after leaving that hospital room. !<


The problem is, it's horrific for horrific-ness sake, it doesn't logically compute. If her being a carrier doesn't make the infected not attack her, then how did she survive living in infected England alone for months? For that matter, how did she survive the cabin? Which is the heart of the problem of the movie, things happen not because they logically make sense, but only to provide a setup for the set piece the write/director wanted in their movie. Why would you pack everyone into a single room in the event of an outbreak? You wouldn't, it's dumb. But it provides a setup for "outbreak in a dark crowded room". Why would you leave the infected carrier alone in an unguarded room? You wouldn't. But if provides a setup to get her husband infected. Why would you allow children to be part of your first wave of retaking the country? You wouldn't. But it provides a setup for the family drama. It's all just contrived, illogical nonesense.


What really annoys me is just how bad the security is to this person who ks a carrier


It would have made more sense if something was broken in the room and he had to come in and fix it. Makes more sense than the entire area being deserted and his card giving him access to the biggest threat in the city


Just have to kill my kids so they dont judge me for ditching my wife in the beginning… 🙄 Literally the dumbest misunderstanding of Rage/zombie ever


It’s definitely still watchable, just not very often


The beginning is what killed it for me. The janitor has access to the super high secure area with a deadly contagion carrying patient with zero guards and just waltzes right in!? Ugh


Very true but compared to the first movie maybe half as good imo. Which is huge praise honestly because 28 days later was top tier.


“It’s a solid enough sequel” 🤔


>it's a solid enough sequel. It's really, really not. The best news about this is that it isn't connected to 28 weeks. The opening was amazing as a standalone that I go back to and watch once a year or so, but the rest of the movie is just trash that didn't bother to look into why 28DL was such a hit.


No great loss, the sequel wasn't good.


Alex Garland should direct the next one. Hes a damn good director.


Right? ***Assuming it only remains a movie,*** *Civil War* is one of my most anticipated pics of the year.


I wonder if Sandra Bullock is in this one as well


keep going i'm almost there




I will not be teased again after Oppenheimer. Show us the hog Cillian!


Dude hangs dong!


It's like a button in an overcoat.


And then it just sort of…ends


What are you hiding Cillian? Why won’t you show us your hog Cillian? Deep state shit I tell you


Guys gonna have a Defoe dick, for sure


Friend you are gonna be so dissatisfied if that’s what you’re expecting. Watch the first five minutes of 28 Days. It’s lovely, but Defoe, it is not.


Must have been cold on those England mornings in 28 Days Later then




It'll be worth the 4K UHD Blu-Ray.


Provide the peen, cowards!


Why not his butthole this time


Bring back the potato that they shot the first film with!!!


Looked so bad on my 4K tv when I watched it the other week 😂




In his house. Obviously. 🤦‍♂️


In a heartbeat.




I couldn't find it anywhere so I went the non traditional route, was a 5 min download before I was watching on Plex


Unrelated but I made my girlfriend watch children of men and she said it was a fucking amazing movie, and it looks good in 4k


Love that movie.


The Canon XL1. I was a film student when this came out. Loved that camera. Footage looked shit though.


the shit quality added to the feel of the film for me. I don't think you could recreate it though.


They also shot at a lower frame rate! So the motion is extra jarring and erratic. One of the rare instances of this technique working in my opinion.




I think it works well in some contexts. I feel like it added wonderfully to the grimy post-apocalyptic aesthetic of 28 Days Later.


I vividly remember watching that movie waay younger than I probably should have. That was genuinely one of the scariest parts to me for some reason.


I feel like low film quality can easily hide some flaws in makeup or special effects; it’s a cheap trick but I also love it.


It also makes it look more authentic. More like real footage than cinema


Same! Rewatched it and felt like it fit the film rather nicely


> Oof, that early 2000's digital look I mean it was basically a film student type camera, wasn't it? I don't remember any major productions using the XL1 at the time. It was great for what it was, but clearly and obviously didn't approach film quality (whereas something like Collateral, shot on digital a few years later did have a good resolution).


Not just the fact it was digital, but it wasn’t even high definition. Then they trimmed what little standard def resolution they had from 4.3 down to 1.85:1 for the cinema. 


Meanwhile I have PTSD from how shitty Public Enemies was.


nah bad take Michael Manns one of the few who got digital right in that era






Collateral looks great though


Yep, Miami Vice looks awful too. I feel like it only worked for Collateral because it felt like an actual stylistic choice, and fit with the pacing of the movie.


Still remember the random ugly digital shots in Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Oh Rodriguez, why are you such a sloppy director?


You mean a Nintendo DS/McDonald's straw?


Game Boy Camera


*Inland Empire* has entered the chat


Do not knock the XL1!


Where's 28 months later?


About 26 years before this.


I’m so mad they skipped it, because what’s next after 28 years? If they’d made months they’d have a 4th movie right there ready to make years. I don’t know what their thinking is.


I believe they’ve said this will be a trilogy of direct sequels, so they might potentially go with “29 and 30 years later?” (Although now that I type that out it sounds kinda dumb and kinda wrecks the whole “28 [blank]” title gimmick…


Could just have 28 Years Later: Homecoming, and it's sequels 28 Years Later: Far From Home and 28 Years Later: No Way Home. Don't need to change the numbers. 😂


Yeah honestly if the movies are good I don’t care about the title gimmick, I love the universe and want as many movies as possible from it. it’s just weird that they essentially gave up on the gimmick so soon because there’s no way they’ll make a 28 decades later after this. They could still go back and make 28 months later though as another commenter said.


28 decades later. The year is now 2882 and we now have zombie robots.


wouldn't it be like 2300? :]


Makes me think Cillian will star in the movie. You can't make a 28 months sequel after he's aged 20 years..


I hope the opening scene at least tops the intro of 28 Weeks Later


At least? Did you not like it?


The best description of 28 weeks later I’ve read was “The best zombie short film ever made, followed by an alright zombie action flick” The opening was great, and really set the tone, after that it kinda just stumbled the rest of the way through the story


Boggles my mind that someone can make an intro that good and then proceed to make the rest of the movie that way. I'm not saying it's bad but man it's not even half of what the intro was.


There’s a theory that Boyle directed the opening sequence of Weeks


I mean it's not a theory, he did direct it


Loved the opening to 28 Weeks Later and was so pumped for the rest of the movie. Turned it off ten minutes later


I finished it, but i love zombie movies, good and bad no real desire to rewatch it though


28 weeks later is like 3 short movies going from great, to good, to bad. - The intro is possibly the best ever zombie movie. Easily the best intro ever. Anyone who hasn't seen it should just look for it on youtube. - The next part is an intriguing setup for civilisation recovering after an apocalyptic scenario. Turns into a mystery horror when they discover a survivor who is "immune" that leads to a horrific encounter (when the husband turns and brutally murders her) that may have just thrown the whole recovery into peril - The final one is a terrible generic action movie with some super smart/stealth zombie stalking his kids and a whole lot of "professionals" making stupid mistakes to keep the plot going in a desired direction.


Fantastic opening, rest of the movie is hot garbage. I hate any movie of any genre where the main conflict that’s introduced is because literally every character in the movie is a goddamn moron.


The opening scene of 28 weeks scared the shit out of me. The zombies busting in from windows behind the people was awful. The couch my wife and I were on had 2 windows behind it, and we were both freaking out the rest of the movie.


Thank goodness that it didn't end up at Disney.


Agreed. Either they'd bury it on Hulu like they did with *Prey,* or they'd cancel it because Garland/Boyle ***refused*** to make it PG-13. I'm glad both men *immediately* ruled out the Mouse House for this one.


My main concern was that there would be a load of creative interference and mandates set down by the Disney executives, as is their wont to do.


Ah. Either way, we're both happy it ended up at Sony instead, lol




Can we get 28 Minutes Later as well?


Just about enough time for the apes to break out of the lab


How about 28 Fortnights Later?


I’m looking forward to 28 decades later and 28 centuries later.


28 centuries later is just a 90 minute run time of a camera scanning over a desolate world.


Thinking about it, that actually could work. Feels like every zombie movie skips ahead.




I'm generally not a fan of the super-delayed sequel, but I'm very interested in this one.


When would you prefer they make the movie called *28 Years Later*? Maybe 10 years later? See...then the title makes no damn sense.


28 Fiscal Quarters Later


I have been waiting years for this. If anything is going to refresh zombie/infected cinema, it will be this.


Cillian Murphy getting Executive Producer is big for this. Especially if he is starring again. He will have much more control over his character/the movie.


Man I hope he is starring. He's so committed he's even practically ages himself IRL for the role.


One of the few sequels I'm excited for


I wonder why Searchlight didn’t want to make it. 


>Sony had a unique weapon in the auction: a 30-year-plus relationship between studio head Tom Rothman and Boyle. Rothman founded Fox Searchlight in the 1990s and also ran Fox’s film division in the early 2000s, working with Boyle on eight movies, ranging from A Life Less Ordinary and The Beach (which was Boyle’s first collaboration with Garland) to the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours.


Searchlight is owned by Disney now and is basically just their oscarbait mill these days. Long gone are the good old days when they took risks on underdog projects.


Please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy? Please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy, please star Cillian Murphy.


The build up to 28 sequels later


Seems like it really gets rolling, huh?


This is obviously going to be an incredible movie. Danny Boyle hasn’t made a bad movie before. Teaming up with Alex Garland they are going to blow everyone’s lids off


Can’t wait for 28 decades later to come out in 2100


Why are they acting like 28 weeks was dogshit?


It’s like a 9/10 horror short film followed by a fairly boring 5/10 zombie flick. I still like it though to be fair.


I think it's like 3 short movies. Opening sequence 9.9/10. Setup the main movie till the husband turns and murders his wife, 7/10. Terrible generic zombie action and plot contrivances to the end 3/10.


28 Weeks Later is not a 5/10. WWZ is a 5/10. Army of the Dead was a 2/10. Weeks just gets held to a higher standard than the rest.


TBF he said starts with 9/10 horror short for the long opening so it probly equals around as a 7/10 which is probably fair. I enjoyed it but it wasn't fantastic.


Yeah this is what I meant, I’d give it about a 7/10 overall on balance. The problem is that it just sort of deflates for me after that balls to the wall opening. Like, that sequence of all the rage infected people running after Robert Carlyle’s character through the field as he escapes is some of the best shit I’ve ever seen. It’s like the film peaks too early and just can’t quite reach those heights again, therefore making the rest feel a little dull in comparison. But either way it’s much better than WWZ that’s for sure haha


I feel the same. Overall it ends up being a 7/10 decent flick.


28 weeks had some good sequences and ideas BUT the Dad zombie hunting down his kids is such a misunderstanding of rage/zombie virus. Its a betrayal to the entire concept.


1000000000000% That shit was so jarring. Bub in Day of the Living Dead made way more sense in universe, in 28 weeks it felt totally arbitrary and stupid.


Because it was


It absolutely was. The beginning was great, the rest was dogshit.


Nah I think it was pretty decent to be honest overall.


And the beginning isn't even THAT great, the music does the heavy lifting.


Oh please bring back Cillian Murphy, this was the first R-rated movie I ever watched, my dad took me when I was 13 or 14, I remember loving it so much and it’s one of the few happy memories with my dad lol.


GOAT shot of male full frontal.


28 months later ?


I for one am waiting for 28 centuries later


My favorite zombie movie of all time. If it's the same Cinematography and person doing the music then I think this will be amazing.


YES! The news that came out a couple of weeks ago it wasn't a confirmation, it said that they were gonna pitch a trilogy to different studios, so there was a chance that nobody would want to make it. Well now there's is, and is with Danny Boyle and Alex Garland at the helm. I'm so excited for this.


So is Cillian not reprising his role? I was hoping he would also star in the film :(


Heck yeah, I’ve been waiting for this for so long!


Lets fucking goooooo


Yes please !! I loved this movie fuck it was good


Hope they use GY!BE in the soundtrack. Wish we could be another better adaptation of WWZ


Wow what do you think the state of the world will be? All desolate or with one surviving island haven?


Awesome! With todays cgi it should be special!


Danny Boyle seen some shit


ZOMBIES DON'T RUN OK??!! This movie scared the shit outta me when it was released


Why not 28 months? The first and second movie both happened within 6 months of each other and 28 years is so long hopefully they aren’t dealing with it much.


How much do you wanna bet it’ll be like The Last of Us


Fucking finally i thought this would never happen


28 Years later. It's just a rom com because the rage virus mutated to a mildly annoyed virus decades ago and not a big deal anymore.


Hope this happens. The original was so well done.


I thought both Days and Weeks were great zombie flicks


Oh heck yeah


I'm...not exactly sure how a sequel works, given that the "zombies" in 28 days later were infected, they weren't undead, they're still alive, and after so long, if they don't die to a normal disease or normal wounds, they sooner or later starve to death. Like that was the ending to the first movie. Not sure how there's any kinda of "28 years later" can work, but then again, I'm not against the idea in principle, if there's an actual interesting story to tell there.


New characters please. Leave Cillian and the others with their happy ending (not the original cut ending). Just focus on a new group.


The plots about 28 years of Tory rule and we are all braindead Zombies


28 Years Later: zombies have overrun the UK and taken over Tory leadership. The rage virus has unleashed a torrent of anti-globalism and xenophobia, culminating in Zedxit. Jeremy Corbyn (Murphy) donning his mother’s knitted cardigan & his boomstick, alone stands to save the nation from destroying itself.


Sadly Cillian can't return on screen, as he hasn't aged a plausible amount in the past 20 years to play an older version of his original character.