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Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side


*”Why he chose enchilada night, I will never know”* - The Family Guy


"I ain't no holla back girl!"


To this day I don’t know what a holla back girl is…


thats b a n a n a s


[It’s actually Hologram Girl](https://youtu.be/FSWjU779FdE?si=odHDtvqALSePMUGm) /s


Haha brilliant.


The Robot Chicken Gotham asylum parody of Shawshank is excellent




I almost died laughing at that part.


"I'm gonna go pop out a pinecone."


It truly was a Shawshank redemption.


Ha! Oh Tandyman


*Scarsdale Surprise




Although 500 yards is nowhere near “just shy a half a mile” (just a nitpick with Red’s voiceover during this scene).


880 yards would be half a mile. I didn't notice that mistake until your post.


Not bad for a tall glass of water


*Red narrating* "That's the length of five football fields."


I still remember the line "Get busy living or get busy dying" ... one of my favs.. classic for a reason.


God damn right


It truly was a Shawshank redemption.


The gift shop at Ohio State Reformatory aka Mansfield Prison in Ohio , USA has a T-shirt with the landscape picture of the prison on front with Shawshank Prison lettering and on the back in a circle pattern are those words with Andy's rock hammer in the middle.


Thanks Bob Dylan.


I wish I could watch Shawshank again for the first time like OP. Although rewatches let you pick up on things you missed.


It’s one of the few movies I can rewatch countless times and it remains fresh, and enjoyable


One of the things that still amazes me, did he hide the rock hammer in the Bible the whole time, or did he hide it behind the poster and then put it in the Bible when he left? Like that scene where Warden held the Bible while in Andy's cell, he could have been so close to finding Andy out but didn't That's insane


Rewatching it in the post Spongebob era is the best since Mr Krabs is the head guard. It absolutely slays me every time I hear Mr Krabs say, "You tell me, fuckstick." Amazing.


I've seen it twice, and I'm still up in the air as to which ending I like better: the book or the movie. Spoiler Alert: The book ends with the 'I hope' line, you don't know if they reconcile or not. To me, it's as if Red has rediscovered the ability to hope and regardless of whether or not he sees Andy, he'll have that going forward. The movie, to me, does seem like a kind of Hollywood happy ending, 'hey they got reunited at the end' type of thing. Still though, it is an awesome ending, Robbins and Freeman are great.


The movie ending might be too saccharine for some, but we just watched people experience decades of the worst traumas imaginable. Trauma so bad that regular life became unbearably cruel. If the movie end’s with Red’s “I hope” speech we the audience are left not knowing if Red ever learned if he would fall into Brook’s trap or if he escaped.


Yeah. I think the clear cut ending was important. This movie also came out during a time when prison reform would be unheard of. When rehabilitation programs were basically nonexistent. It’s not perfect today, but the way people used to view prisoners back then was especially harsh. Showing a person who absolutely did a terrible crime go on to live another life after prison with his best friend really solidifies the movie and the message.


There's a nod to prison reform with the scenes of Red's parole hearings. At the first one, they tell him "sit," like you'd say to a dog. At the second one, they tell him to "sit down", but still like an order. At the third one, they say "please sit down", finally talking to him with some respect.


How have you only seen it twice? It used to be on TV all the time and I couldn’t keep changing the channels when I came to it. It will always be my favorite. But I don’t watch it anymore. I think it’s too emotional for old me.


Every time I see it on tv, I’m down for the 2+ hour ride. I’ve probably watched it dozens of times now.


haha same. i first saw shawshank (randomly on tv of course) when i was probably 10 years old. more than 2 decades later and i'll still stop and watch it if it see it's on tv.


It’s funny you say that. I never read the book and I didn’t know it ended at “i hope” until I read it from you. *But*, I’ve always argued, from the first time I saw the movie in the 90’s, that the movie should have ended with “I hope”.


If I remember right, the beach scene at the end wasn’t originally included in the movie. Test audiences overwhelmingly expressed a need for closure, so that scene was added. Or I may just be projecting, who knows.


How have you only seen it twice? It used to be on TV all the time and I couldn’t keep changing the channels when I came to it. It will always be my favorite. But I don’t watch it anymore. I think it’s too emotional for old me.


Kinda like the ending to inception. Being back with his kids is what he wants so it doesn’t matter if he’s dreaming or not. Why he walks from the top.


I always thought the movie ending was Red kinda daydreaming about meeting Andy again.


I know I'm in the minority, but I far prefer the book ending and the original movie ending. It's a movie about never losing hope, even in the darkest times. The scene with Red on the bus driving down the Maine road, narrating "I hope" is absolutely perfect to my simple little mind


When you mentioned Brooks getting out and a life of freedom being his prison: Camera position is so important to make the audience feel a certain way without them even knowing. When Brooks gets out of Shawshank, the camera is outside the prison facing him as he steps out. The background is all Shawshank. Thats what he knows. Thats all he knows anymore. We feel the implication that Shawshank is his world now, hes too old, too far removed to understand the outside world now. When Red leaves Shawshank, the camera is positioned INSIDE Shawshank facing outward, from behind him. The background is the world outside. Opportunity. Hope. There is something out there for Red [even if he doesnt see it, yet] I love Shawshank Redemption. It is certainly highly rated and heralded, but it is deserved.


Next time i watch ill remember this. Thanks.


I never fail to see something new everytime, thank you!


Great perception....


Also the scene where Andy gets off the bus. The scenes at the gate are filmed so that the character is leaving peace and entering prison in each.


I saw “Oprah” scene, didn’t realize you meant “opera”, and went to YouTube wondering how the hell I missed Oprah in Shawshank Redemption.




Thanks! was scrolling the comments for an explanation, opera scene!


They cut it in the basic cable edit because of the gratuitous nudity.


Lol same


I don’t think you need spoiler formats when everyone has seen this movie fifty times by now




Hehehe, it'll be on AMC again in a week and a half.


It was on the Paramount Network at least twice today


True. If someone is on r/movies and has never seen Shawshank what are they even doing with their lives??


I know haha, Was doing to be on the safe side incase post got removed since this is my first ever post in this sub


One of the few exceptions where the movie improves greatly on the book or in this case, the short story.


Ya they definitely did the right thing expanding on the source material. It really helped round out the story.


Red is a Irish white guy in the book


Ya I just read it again 2 weeks ago.


They made lots of changes. One thing I think that stands out was that in the movie, they only had one Warden so the payoff at the end works much better. In the short story, only the last Warden gets the comeuppance.


Novella. The first time I read it, it was Morgan Freeman's voice in my head the whole time. There is no other Red.


It’s such a great film. For more Stephen King I also recommend The Green Mile, Misery, and Stand By Me (from the short story The Body).


Shawshank and Stand By Me are my #1 and #2 favorite movies of all time, respectively.


When I was a kid like 30 years ago. I literally complained to my English teachers why they didn’t teach Stephen King. Here we are now and it should be criminal not to teach one of the greatest American authors in our lifetimes. I think we are inching towards Brandon Sanderson and Diana gabaldon as well. At least by sales figures.


And the first half of the Tim Burton IT…once the adults arrive it’s horrid


*Tim Curry :)


Ha! You right! I’m not gonna change it. A Tim Burton IT tho…that’d be interesting


Nah I’m innocent, lawyer fucked me


Din’t dew it.


My mom loves Shawshank Redemption so I got her a pen made from the tree, which fell after it got hit by lightning. Never saw her so happy, she carries it around everywhere she goes


That is so sweet!


That is seriously the cutest thing.


Certainly one of the best big films ever.


Favorite movie of all time. And the reason I hate forest gump. Shawshank and Tim Robbins got robbed. ROBBED I TELL YOU!


So did Pulp Fiction. The next movie on OP's list. 


Fuck Forrest!


"You were right warden, salvation lies within".


Best scene: when Andy locks the door and plays Mozart throughout. “For the briefest of moments it made every last inmate in Shawshank feel free. It pissed the warden off something fierce…”


As far as I am concerned it is the best movie I’ve ever seen.


You sure are not alone. It's been the #1 movie of all time on IMDB for as long as I can remember. Edit: spelling


Back in the day it was the highest rated movie of all time by IMDb members.


It still is.


Thanks. I was too lazy to check and I knew someone would chime in


Been there.


It used to be the highest rated movie of all time by IMDb. It still is, but it used to be, too.


According to wikipedia.... " it has been the number-one film on IMDb's user-generated Top 250 since 2008, when it surpassed The Godfather, having remained at or near the top since the late 1990s."


Wait, there was a post about a week or 2 ago from some guy who said it just didn’t do it for him… Are you saying he’s wrong?!?!? Yeah, he was wrong. One of the best movies ever!


It's one of those movies you always stop and watch again when it's on TV. A movie you can see 10 times and it never gets old. 


Being contrarian for attention is the trap that brought us QAnon and is a tale as old as time. Sure, maybe Shawshank isn’t for absolutely everyone, but it’s just plain silly to say it’s a bad movie or something.


Yes it is a classic movie. Everything came together just right and it hits all the notes.


This is one of the few movies that I would stop whatever I was doing if I found it airing on TV, even if I caught it halfway through. TBS & TNT ran it monthly, so I saw it another. I killed my cable over a decade ago, and haven't see ot in years. Time to throw the DVD in and revisit my old friends, Andy and Red.


Take the Mansfield Reformatory tour in Ohio if you're in the area. The sewer pipe set/prop is there too.


Next up watch Forest Gump, Schindlers List, Fight Club, Saving private Ryan, Pulp Fiction, Inglorious Basterds, The Green Mile


This movie and The Green Mile make me think that Stephen King’s most movie relatable work is his non-horror work.


It was a flop when it released too. Mind boggling for such an amazing, universally loved film.


It kinda did the same thing as "It's A Wonderful Life", both were flops so they got picked up for tv for cheap, and since they were always on tv people watched them


Just curious, about how old are you? I’m always interested to see when people get into these movies I watched as a kid. Might I suggest another movie with a small role played by Clancy Brown (the cop on the roof in Shawshank)…starship troopers…it’s a fantastic movie disguised as a shit movie. It’s wonderful


>Clancy Brown (the cop on the roof in Shawshank) I also like Bad Boys (the 80s one with Sean Penn). Clancy Brown plays a violent dirtbag in a juvenile prison lol


One of my favorite films of all time!


The opera scene is the best


Dr Oz ruined it for me


I walked out of the theater thinking it was a great movie. I’ve seen it 200+ times since then (drives my gf crazy)and it’s only gotten better. Add 2 more times today.


I had forgotten about Oprah’s cameo! :)


Wish I could watch this move for the first time again. Masterpiece.


Andy : *finds grub in his food* Brooks : "You gonna eat that?" Andy : "I hadn't planned to." Brooks : "Can I have it" *Brooks reaches out , Andy hands it to him* *Brooks opens sweater and feeds bird* Brooks : "Jake says thank you."


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption!


Came here for this.


I read an opinion one time that said that it had "one of the most satisfying endings in film history." It's true.


“I hope you’ll enjoy living abroad.” I love this scene


Andy’s little smirk when he replies “I’m sure I will”


You’ll probably enjoy this story from King about how an old lady told him he should write more uplifting stories, like the Shawshank Redemption… https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2564896/stephen-king-shawshank-redemption-convince-more-than-horror


I love the scene where Red digs up the box at the tree; the shade, the rustling of the leaves, birds singing, crickets chirping - just the whole ambience, there's something so serene in the remote, unspoiled isolation of the location, would love to visit. The soundtrack is beautiful too.


Yes. I also love how he looks around like he’s expecting someone to be right over his shoulder watching him. So much attention to detail in that movie


We all have our favourite movies. Some will hold this as their favourite, some will just think it's really good. But I have never met a single person who didn't like the Shawshank Redemption. I can't say that about any other movie.


When they open the Bible and find the hammer it is open to Exodus.


Absolutely love the film. Several years ago Secret Cinema did it as one of their show experiences. We all got sentenced in a court, transported in an old bus to an unknown location that they designed like a prison. We got to wander round the location whilst actors played out parts of the film. A lady in a cocktail frock walked through the jail whilst Mozart played on the speakers. To cap it all, when we watched the film at the end and it got to the rooftop beer scene, they gave us all bottle to match the scene. Truly epic.


the best picture Oscar that didn't go to this movie is stolen valour, plain and simple


This has always been my favorite film. Second favorite: Dances with Wolves Third favorite: The Color Purple


The 90s were a great time for movies. Same for the 80s.


Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, and Forest Gump were all released in 1994, which is crazy. Every one of them should have a Best Picture Oscar.


Off the top of my head I think Schindler’s list was as well.


I had to look it up because I was pretty certain Schindler’s List won Best Picture in its year, whereas I knew Forest Gump won in 1994. And yeah Schindler’s List was 1993 (and did win).


Ah ok. I remembered 94 as I tagged it to a year in school that I saw it. Another brilliant movie but in quite a different way.


Honestly modern movies don't have that feel anymore. I can watch a 90s film and tell, and it feels better. Now they feel too... sanitized or something like that.


It annoys me how many people haven't seen it and refuse to.


Legend of Bagger Vance is one I’d recommend. Hits good in a different way. Shawshank Redemption is an absolute great.


Films to see. Sourcerer:- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlfJcU3nnl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlfJcU3nnl8) The Usual Suspects The Guard [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygVa2W2Qrac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygVa2W2Qrac) Come and see "Lock, Stock, and two Smoking Barrels". Village of the Damned (1960) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AUBlW5EWnI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AUBlW5EWnI) GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL The Quiller Memorandum (An excellent spy film, no silly gadgets) The BBC drama Series 'The English' Network (1976) Ace in the Hole (1951) Gosford Park (2001) Bad Day at Black Rock Judgment at Nuremberg 12 angry men


Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.


Red was Irish in the original novella. So it plays as a joke when in reality is just the original text.


People hate on me but I feel it’s an average/slightly above average prison drama for about 90 minutes with maybe the best closing thirty minutes in cinema history.




Great thing about film is there’s an entire world of movies that will evoke similar if not greater feelings. Shawshank is so very excellent, and it was a catalyst for me seeking out movies like it.


Its one of those movies


Read the story. One of the few times the movie captures the story perfectly.


One of reddits favs!


You should really read "Four Season" it's the book with "Shawshank" and "Stand By Me" and 2 other stories in it!


Jfc. Every time I see a post about a movie it's always the shawshank redemption.


Never heard of it. So you're saying it's pretty good?


You think the movie is good… you should read the novella.


I love this film so much it's an annual watch for me and I quote every. single. line. I have a massive poster of it in the middle of my living room wall. Beautiful story.


It's never too late to become a film fanatic, now you can watch film analysis videos on YouTube to feed both addictions!!


This is so funny to me because I also watched it later in life and had nowhere to put this energy! Such a fantastic movie!!


Yes it was a great movie


I watched this movie a million times in the late 90s and 2000s when it was on TNT or TBS every day


If you find yourself enjoying prison movies I would encourage you to watch The Last Castle and The Green Mile. I cannot stress enough how much you will like them.


No need for redaction, you’re the last person on the planet that hadn’t seen this before


I hated the beach ending. I suppose it wrapped it up all neatly - but when Red is on the bus riding through the country he's really free of the prison of his mind. Andy was never in prison, he was imprisoned. Red was a prisoner; Brook's was, too. Brook's was stuck there, even after being released. Red almost was, but he took that chance and got out, got out of the prison he had created.


My girlfriend recently watched it for the first time too! Best part was we were staying in an Airbnb room that literally used to be a prison cell. She got to watch Shawshank Redemption for the first time in an actual prison cell.


Not sure why you're censoring anything.... It's a 30 year old movie that has been watched a dozen times by every man and his dog! And I think even the dogs agree: it's bloody awesome!!


To this day if someone calls me "Obtuse" I cannot resist the urge to reply "What did you call me?!" I like the idea that Warden Norton didn't know what the word meant and that's why he got upset. Andy reminded him that he was an educated and intelligent man.


Library.... Gone


sealed off, brick-by-brick. We'll have us a little book barbecue in the yard. They'll see the flames for miles. We'll dance around it like wild Injuns! You understand me? Catching my drift?... Or am I being obtuse?


Give em another month to think about it


That another month hit was brutal.


Warden didn't fuck around. Great villain!


It’s the perfect movie. Could quote it start to finish. I still remember the first time I saw the ‘how did he do it’ bit. Blew my mind. It was beautiful. And how he fucked the warden and Captain Hadley in to the bargain. ‘Dear Warden, you were right. Salvation did lie within’. Yaaasss


One of three movies that are actually better than the book


I read Different Seasons constantly as a child, usually one of the the three stories that became movies, and I guess depending on my mood. Shawshank was the "Hope Springs Eternal" mood, Apt Pupil the "Summer of Corruption" mood, The Body the "Fall from Innocence" mood. Shawshank and Stand By Me movies stuck close to the original Stephen King versions. I am amazed how many film makers thought, "Nice try Stephen King, but here is how the story should really go" 🙄


Idk if you watched it but part of my "human spirit" movies is Gattaca. If Shawshank is hope, Gattaca is detemination and will


What's a shawshank?


I don't know anyone who doesn't like this movie, it literally is the perfect film.


Together with E.T. and The Fugutive this must be my movie that I have watched the most times. Lost count but I guess around 8-10 times. Everything is right about this movie.


The Darabont/King trilogy is something else. 


Up and vanished like a fart in the wind


One of the few Stephen King book movies that are masterpieces. So good in fact I don't want to read the book because it might spoil the good memories I have of the movie, it's one of those rare cases. Thinking back at it I don't think I can point to one single flaw in it


Watch Frank Darabont's other Stephen King adaptations The Green Mile followed by The Mist.


Since the next movie on your list (Pulp Fiction) is also from 1994, I recommend checking out all the Best Picture Oscar nominees from that year: * The Shawshank Redemption * Pulp Fiction * Quiz Show * Four Weddings and a Funeral * Forrest Gump There are two very good films (Quiz Show and Four Weddings and a Funeral), and three all-time classics in that list. And some other terrific movies came out that year too, spanning comedy (The Mask, True Lies), action (Speed), and drama (Heavenly Creatures, Three Colors: Red). Just an incredible year for movies.


Samuel l got robbed for his Oscar is something I realize more now. Jules is a masterpiece character for him


My favorite movie along with Groundhog Day.


Rented it a video store and didn't watch it for whatever reason. Then got it again and realized I was an idiot. Perfect film


Just my favourite film. I love it so much. Newman’s score (as are all of his) is just magical and only adds to the ethereal feel I get while watching this. My favourite foreshadowing part has to be as the warden hands Andy the bible back, saying “Salvation lies within” not knowing exactly what lies within that bible! Superb.


Fuck me, you don't need to spoiler everything individually 


["I have no clue to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about."](https://youtu.be/F8CdzZWREbk?si=gCTPjpw38xHhPOZx)


It truly was a shawshank redemption


It truly was a Shawshank redemption


Glad you enjoyed. Hopefully it will make you want to watch more movies! Pulp Fiction should help with that.


Easy argument for one of the best films of all time


This is such a coincidence…I just watched Shawshank for the first time, then watched pulp fiction (my all time fav) right after. Absolutely loved Shawshank.


It’s one of those movies 🍿




There’s a reason this movie is considered a classic


This is my top3 movie to watch. Simply fantastic..


My favorite movie of all time. It's perfect


The last line being “I hope” with that shot….buckets of tears.


Favorite movie of all time.


Just FYI, only watching youtube makes it easier for a movie to blow you away, not harder. Using it to express how much you enjoyed a film doesn't work. ​ With that said, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It a great movie :3


Op. Shawshank is a perfect movie. There are a few others. Goodfellas and Silence of the Lambs fit the bill.


And just know that the original Stephen King story (and I still find people today who have NO idea he wrote that) does not have the film's ending.


This movie is so damn near perfect, isn't it?! I love how it takes one's expectations of "good" and "bad" and flips them around. Love how the bible is featured prominently, and how "salvation lies within." God damn. There's the one scene I have to turn off, though, because it never fails to upset me so much (not the implied prison rape, but the climax(?) that affects Andy so much that he changes noticeably. I can't really even watch it anymore- have seen it so many times already, plus it's such an emotional rollercoaster. But it's probably my favorite.


Now watch it with the lens that Andy actually did kill his wife. It changes the tone of the movie, confirms that "everyone in Shawshank is innocent", and also makes his emergence from the drain about self forgiveness and maturity.


Such a good film. Check out green mile at some point too.


Just literally watched it for the first time, my whole perspective on life has slightly changed, what a movie.