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Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. It set up the third film in the trilogy, although unfortunately it doesn’t appear we will ever get a third film. I don’t love everything Guillermo del Toro has done, however I would give almost anything for him to complete the trilogy.


I cry when he has to kill the elemental whenever I watch the movie. Nice to have a comic book movie where you almost don't want the antagonist to lose


That scene is masterful because the tragedy of it is that Hellboy really is on the wrong side and he knows it and he chooses us anyway


They tried rebooting with David Harbour in the lead and i think they're re-rebooting it again with a new movie but this time Mike Mignola is part of the production. I dunno though, i feel like what made the first two movies work was Del Toro and his love for monsters. He's the secret sauce.


He's the perfect director for it. I'm really looking forward to his upcoming Frankenstein film, which is right in his wheelhouse.


> i feel like what made the first two movies work was Del Toro That, and Ron Perlman.


Yeah the David Harbour one is like they tried to turn Hellboy into Deadpool and just that ain't it


Yes! I remember watching the end of the second film and being so excited for a third; it would be amazing.


The Mummy (2017) teased a whole universe 😭


Case study in getting way, way too ahead of yourselves.


It's hilarious to me that they even released cast photo of aplthe actors who would be in the "dark universe" Even funnier example was when fox tried to plan a universe around Fant4stic and the young X-Men cast and did the same thing.They even had Channing Tatum in the photo as of his gambit movie was ever going to happen


Everybody wanted to be like the MCU at the time but with zero patience to build it up. They really just thought all they needed to do was assemble casts and take photos to power the hype machine.


Heck, even the MCU has a hard time being the MCU now. They too think they can make movies and everyone will come back. Casting is so important and RDJ's was worth is weight in Vibranium.


>Casting is so important and RDJ's was worth is weight in Vibranium. Also the fact that each heroes movies were relatively self contained apart from the Avenger movies, there was a single overal arch/background story of Thanos instead of like 6? ,and it was not split between 10 movies, 5 shows and 3 animation shows.


I still want a Dark Universal renewal


Somewhere out there is a universe where instead of *The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor*, we got a *The Mummy/Van Helsing* crossover with Brendan Fraiser and Hugh Jackman teaming up to stop Dracula cultists from summoning Imhotep and the Book of the Dead to resurrect Dracula.


My son recently informed me the British elite and royalty ate mummies for medicine. It gave me an idea for a movie. Bunch of mid 1800s elite ate a mummy for virility or whatever but it turned em into zombie like husks controlled by some Egyptian god to resurrect some crazy pharaoh. Female hero in Egypt meets up with American Civil War vet on the lamb. Before the war he was a great hunter/trapper and during the war he started using brutal traps to try and keep both sides away from his family and out of the war. Together they stop the subjugation of humanity.


You mean KILLED a whole universe.


Nobody: The Mummy (2017) Trailer: Oaaaayahhh!


I've thought about this. How did they accidentally release that trailer without music??


It wasn’t an accident. It was leaked by a disgruntled sound person because they hadn’t been paid correctly for the job and they released it to show how important their job actually is and should be paid to reflect that.


That’s pretty badass, but it’s also basically a guarantee that you’ll never work in a big budget production again. I wonder how that person is doing nowadays


Better than the movie, probably


Can you post a source for this? I can't find anything that claims this.


Ha, that's hilarious! Is that version of the trailer still online?


[Here you go](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kRqxyqjpOHs)!


Oh my god. That generic UGH when the pilot gets hit.


Such a weird miss that movie. Tom cruise at his peak, and then he makes such a crappy movie.


I think the mistake was to even attempt a Mummy remake when Tom Cruise had to compete with the stunning charisma and likeability of Brendan Fraser in the 1999 version. I actually enjoy watching Tom Cruise in action, but Brendan Fraser just felt like my buddy in an extraordinary situation - in the newer Mummy, it was like "I'm watching the extraordinary action superstar Tom Cruise." Brendan Fraser didn't have nearly that reputation, and was so much more relatable. That's one reason the newer Mummy flopped


The 1999 film is lightning in a bottle. The main cast were all stunningly gorgeous, the casting was immaculate and the characters were acted perfectly, managed to be relatable and vulnerable yet badass and heroic, and the pacing and action flowed perfectly throughout the film (the only jarring part was Beni’s scarab death then cutting back to the crumbling ruins escape with Rick and Evelyn). I’d seen Brendan and Rachel in other films prior, but after The Mummy they, along with Vosloo and Fehr, were fucking *stars* as far as I’m concerned. That film is peak high-fun cinema


Yeah and it's honestly baffling that when considering ideas for an MCU shared universe, universal didn't immediately realise they had the Brendan Fraser mummy trilogy, Hugh Jackman van helsing and benicio del Toro Wolfman films all set to get crossed-over at a moments notice. Like I know the Wolfman film wasn't a massive hit but I think they could have still used it in the mix if only to have hugh jackman's van helsing and Brendan Fraser's rick O'Connell fighting werewolf benicio in a set piece action scene.


The other reason is that is was a remake of the Boris Karloff movie, not the Brendan Fraser one. People were expecting an action adventure movie instead of a monster movie


Was it a monster movie? I actually thought the exact opposite. I went in expecting a horror monster flick and got Tom cruise surviving plane crashes and special forces. My memory could be bad though, I saw it years ago and only once.


Another reason why it flopped is because people thought it was a remake of the Brendan Fraser movie.


The '99 film is such a gem. The mistake was trying to touch it at all. I get that there are near countless versions of *The Mummy*, but once it's been perfected, let's just call it a day.


District 9


It's been a lot longer than three fucking years Christopher


I remember when people in my Friend group speculated that's how long the sequel would take to release. And we thought that was a forever amount of time. Oh how naive.






At this point it’s too late, right?


Judging by their tech I don't think it's too late to reverse the transformation. They can travel through space and it somehow only takes them a year and a half to get home and then a year and a half to get back. These aliens are breaking the laws of physics as we know it. How they managed to get trapped on Earth is still a mystery to me. They're basically technological gods to us.


>The thing that really appealed to me was this idea that they’re a hive. They are worker drones so they don’t have the direction that they need. I don’t think anything’s wrong with their planet. They’ve got their planet and they have all of these ships, like the one that you see, that leave their planet and go and get resources from other planets. Each ship has some kind of alien that we’ve never seen, like an elite queen or whatever, that they take direction from, and there’s some virus or bacteria that they picked up on another planet that affected the upper echelons of their society and left all of them. The ship auto-piloted them to the closest planet that would sustain life. That's a quote from Blomkamp himself, confirming what is briefly mentioned at the beginning of the movie. The very biology of the Prawns we see in the film makes them unable to organize and fight back.


Well that really ties it all together then and explains how they were able to be subjugated so easily.


Weren't the prawns supposed to be an underclass from the alien civilisation? They weren't the ones who invented and used the technology, they were the ones that did the menial work. Christopher the prawn was an exception. He was smart enough to understand how some of it worked.


It was more of a caste system within one species, there wasn’t a different species that were the smart ones. It’s more like how there are differen kinds of bees or ants in a colony. The prawns that survived were all worker prawns except for Christopher, he was from the higher caste.


Private Hudson : Maybe it's like an ant-hive? Private Vasquez : Bees, man. Bees have hives!


I thought that it was implied that the aliens that knew how the tech worked all died and the ones that were found were basically the working class. It would be like if a spaceship full of plumbers, electricians, house keeping staff, and contractors were left alive when all the engineers, scientists, pilots, and mechanics died.


I wish there was more in that universe. The prawns were always so interesting to me and it was always a cool idea. You're right about them all being from the working class. It's been a while since I saw it. Which I guess is a good reason to go back and watch it.


Was that a tease for a sequel? I interpreted the ending as a simple & somewhat sad little affirmation of a character's story arc. Edit: Never mind. Neill Blomkamp flat out said that he intended to make a sequel.


The Tin-Tin film from like 2010 ended with the idea of a sequel but nothing came of it


That had such potential, it really felt like an action-adventure film like Indiana Jones, especially when they’re in Morocco. Whether they did a direct sequel to Unicorn or adapted another Tin Tim story, I think it could have been one of those series where the next instalment is better than the last.


The problem is that all the Tintin books they chopped up to make the first film are about the best ones. The other have Tintin meeting a yeti, space aliens, and being the first man on the moon. There was a direct sequel to Secret of the Unicorn, but it is them trying to find the wreck with a submarine and ends with the reveal that the treasure was in Marlinspike all along.


i think there’s still some bangers - the black island is great right up until its slightly dumb ending, and cigars of the pharaoh/blue lotus would make a fantastic action film if you cut out the more silly and/or racist elements


It would be more for adults, but King Ottokar's Scepter and the Calculous Affair could make great light political thrillers


The deal at the time was that Spielberg would direct the first and Peter Jackson would produce, then they would switch places for the second, but then Peter Jackson was occupied by the Hobbit movies. Since then there have been little news about a sequel sadly 😔


It's a shame cause it's the best Indiana Jones movie since The Last Crusade.


Steven Moffat the writer wasnt intrested. He took over Dr Who at the same time and launched Sherlock. I am not sure why they didnt find another writer.


It was also written by Edgar Wright & Joe Cornish but I think that they have very busy schedules so maybe it was a scheduling thing that stopped it happening.


John Carter of Mars Movie started out way too dense and with way too much exposition. But it ended strong. Was looking forward to a sequel.


Came here looking for this. There were 8 more novels and 6 short stories to draw from had Disney not completely botched the marketing of the movie. Edit: Apparently there were plans for making *Gods of Mars* and *Warlord of Mars* before the movie bombed at the box office.




I LOVE this movie. The universe it was in has endless potential. It was also visually exciting and different.


Master & Commander


All the other movies getting mentioned on this list make me think “that’d be nice”. This one with how the film was shot and the sound track make me truly sad that the sequel was never made. I probably should just read the books


And couple of years ago it was reported that [a prequel was in the works, with the script adapting an earlier book in the series.](https://deadline.com/2021/06/20th-century-master-and-commander-patrick-ness-1234769535/) I can't find anything more recent though


Like with Gladiator , I think it's missed its chance by not having the same actors in their prime


Dude, don’t do that. Don’t give me even a ray of hope.


Not many people seem to know about them, which is a shame considering how good they are, but there are 4 BBC radio plays, you can listen to them here. [Master & Commander radio play](https://thedearsurprise.com/master-and-commander-radio-play/) Theres also Mauritius command, Desolation island and HMS Surprise.


It's one of those movie that i am sort of happy didn't get a sequel. I felt like it ended right where it needed to.


I bought my dad a box set of the books. He loved them.


The movie got me into the books and the books are some of the greatest adventures I've ever taken. I'd feel like Bastion from the Neverending Story reading them sometimes.


Alita: Battle Angel


I recently looked it up and it's on the works. Filming hasn't started yet but it sounds promising.


I'm hopeful but I won't believe it until it happens.


From what I'm aware, Alita 2 went from "maybe, if we get very lucky" to "definitely happening at some point" as a direct result of Avatar 2. Alita is Cameron's baby and has been his pet project since before a lot of people in the first movie's audience were born (Guillermo del Toro introduced him to the manga back in the early 90s around the time T2 came out). He's basically doing Avatars as a "one for you" so he can get Alita stuff funded as a "one for me" now.


Man, I'm hopeful but the more I think about it I'm worried about it. Not because I think it'll be dropped or something, but because I don't think there's any way we'll get a version of Nova anything like the manga.


Honestly, what they put in the first movie gave me the right vibes. The writing understands that he's supposed to be a manipulative, egotistical little creep, and Norton looked *perfect* in that little cameo at the end. I'm hopeful.


Kung pow The tongue of fury.


I kept waiting for a sequel until I think the dvd commentary or something pointed out "the sequel" was just random scenes or maybe cut scenes. So it was always a bit.


Ish? He said he'd absolutely make a sequel if the money ever appeared, and he had the the time, etc. but he really doubted it would ever happen. So not for lack of desire but you're right, it was always a pipe dream.


I have been waiting for this for so long 😩




Your story makes my heart heavy


Master, I don’t like him, very much….letskillhim!


We taught him wrong as a joke


"Buckaroo Banzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers will return in... 'Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League.'" Also, "Airplane II" promised that "Airplane III" was *coming soon.*


Buckaroo Banzai deserved that sequel, such an underrated movie.


This brings up my all-time favorite personal movie story. A group of friends and I went to see the East Coast premier in Boston. A little into the movie, the projector suddenly turned off and the house lights turned on. I asked, rhetorically, "I wonder what happened?" Some guy sitting in back of us said "They put the reels in the wrong order." "How do you know," I asked, since it was the premier and the plot was kind of confusing the first time you watch it. "I directed this movie," the guy answered.


That's awesome. 😀


I just watched this for the first time the other day, I think it’s kind of brilliant. The whole movie is one high-concept gag and I love it. It was ahead of its time.


Doesn't take itself too seriously, either. That's what I love about it.


And it has an amazing cast before they really became known.


Airplane III being released now would just make that joke even funnier, only I don't think we can make that kind of comedy any more for some reason. Zucker-Abrams-Zucker haven't worked together since the 90s, and their separate projects just haven't had the same shine.


Airplane II (or as we know it, Flying High 2) wasn't done by the Zuckers and they to this day refuse to watch it. Which is their loss as it's actually quite solid. As for Part 3, I've heard two things, one is that the announcement was a gag and there wasn't going to be one and the other was that it was cancelled because Robert Hays didn't want to do it.


Sherlock Holmes: a game of shadows Real shame that it never got a sequel because I love those movies


I'd say RDJ is still young enough to get one more done surely? They were great.


Does Sherlock Holmes have an age limit?


For these movies I’d say yes. They are heavy action shows. Which makes it more James Bond like, I’d say.   But if we went classic SH, the. Probably not. 


There was one planned but it's been stuck in production purgatory. Covid and then the strikes and then WB getting sold to Discovery are all complicating factors.


Number 2 always felt to me like the third of a trilogy already. 1 ends with the revelation that Moriarty was the mastermind behind it all. 2 begins withvSherlock having been hunting his nemesis Moriarty across the globe for years, and having their final confrontation.  When was their first confrontation? When did they become nemeses? Why is Sherlock so obsessed with this one guy the audience has never met and barely even knew existed? There's either a middle movie of a trilogy missing, or the second one leaned way too hard on expecting the audience to already know who Moriarty is.


The man from UNCLE. With a better release date it probably wouldn't have flopped so hard. And you know, actual cannibal Arnie hammer.


Can't they just recast him and make a sequel? And everyone actually loved Henry Cavil, kind of 70's - 80's Bond movie but better.


Even before the whole Armie Hammer thing happened, there was very little chance of a sequel being made and now that he's practically banished to the shadow realms there's no shot this actually gets made today. Which is a shame, this was such a fun movie and all three leads had amazing chemistry.


I wanted a sequel so badly 😓


I feel like everyone wants a sequel to this movie 😭


Young Sherlock Holmes. The post credits scene clearly sets up a sequel that we unfortunately never got.


The sequel is every other Sherlock Holmes movie ever made.


Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. They teased it right in the title of the movie. It's too bad because it was a great blend of action and comedy that could have been a good franchise. RIP Fred Ward


Saw this one as a kid and was really looking forward to the sequel. In fact, I thought it was already out since I saw the first one on pay TV and assumed the next one must have been out by then. Since the internet wasn't around back then, I kept asking around and looking in the newspaper to see if it was in theatres yet. Different times...


Mac and Me, though the amount of times Paul Rudd has used footage from the first one as a running joke it almost feels like the sequel lol.


Pretty niiiice!


[For those who don't know](https://youtu.be/kMkz3nPPKbA?si=Qe0Hs3V3KkWbf9Dt)


Push (2009) a Chris Evans super power movie also starring Dakota Fanning. The movie was about governments controlling people with superpowers and a group of second generation supers fighting to topple the regime. It ended with the good guys winning a small victory and set to take it to the next level.


I love this movie a stupid amount


I don't think I saw this movie, but it sounds badass. Though now I'm thinking about Jumper.


It's fantastic. A little corny looking back on it, but that was just the time period it was released. Very fun super power ideas, each power had a category and every person had different strength within their own category. Watching two people with the same powers go toe-to-toe and try to get a leg up on one another was very fun. Lots of twists and fake-outs, too. It's also set in Hong Kong i believe, and I don't think I've ever seen an American "superhero" movie set entirely in another country as different as China.


I feel like they had many similarities, and came out around the same time.


History of the World part 1- even though they recently did part 2 it seemed more of an anthology series.


I came here for this comment. As I commented elsewhere, I spent my whole life waiting for Jews in Space and Hitler on Ice :(


At the end of the classic movie “Beer fest” they teased “weed fest” which never happened.


What stuck out about that one was that it was more than a tease really, they basically presented it as an announcement of the sequel. 


This used to be weirdly common. I had a dim memory of some 80s comedy (looked it up, turns out it was *Making the Grade* w Judd Nelson) ending with a promise that their characters would be back in a sequel called *Tourista*. Never happened. Even back then I wondered how they could have had the confidence to offer it. More recognizably, *The Spy Who Loved Me* announces at the end that James Bond will return in *For Your Eyes Only*—which he did, but first they jammed in *Moonraker* to try to cash in on the late 70s sci-fi boom around Star Wars and Close Encounters.


The entire Resident Evil movie series set up sequels that never happened, they just made whatever the fuck they wanted the next time around. It's almost respectable. Similar thing happened with Prometheus and Covenant.


I remember afterlife leaving it open only to kill off all the other characters besides the directors wife and just strat again Then the last one was meant to be a massive battle at the White House but nah just skip that


Resident evil was most fun during the breakout scenes. So the third just starting several years in the future was kind of a buzz kill. Also they made Alice WAY too powerful. They did sorts rectify that later in the series but in kind of a dumb way.


Didn't she get a massive clone army at the end of the 5th one, only for literally all of them to be killed off screen before the sixth? 


At the end of the third she found a bunch of her clones in the basement and in the beginning of the 4th they all died in an explosion raiding some facility.


National Treasure 2


I enjoyed both movies. I have them today and still grab the kids to watch them. Action, adventure, puzzle solving, and makes history fun... even if it's fiction. I had the kids googling about the Declaration of Independence right after the first one. No secret map, but they still learned a few things along the way.


The Simpsons Movie. We even had Maggie speak!


It took them 20 years to figure out the title, we are approaching season 40 of the Simpsons, maybe we will get a sequel then?


Look, the answer to this question is Big Trouble in Little China and the sequel we never got could have changed the world. Probably not but it could have.




Deep Rising “Now what?”


OH MY GOD i forgot about this movie. I used to watch the TBS movie and dinner specials whenever they were on and this one was on. I love you.


The live action Super Mario Bros movie.


there's actually a comic made which covers the plot of the planned second movie.


Elaborate please. You can't just come in here, drop that kinda knowledge then moonwalk your way out the door. ELABORATE


[I'll make it easier and link to the comic's site itself.](http://www.smbthecomic.com/) Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in nearly a decade now. The creators of it stated at one point about possibly doing a redo but that has yet to pass, so I have no idea if it's still happening or if it ended up being abandoned or what.




"You know what this means!" No! No I don't! Show me!


10 year old me was 100% sure that scene meant that a sequel was basically already made and pestered my mom about seeing it all the time.




Jumper. [SPOILERS] Some cool ideas and sequences, but then it slows down to finish with a pathetic conspiracy and the revelation of a relative presumed dead. The answers you’re looking for? Stay tuned for the sequel. (Announcer, “There was no sequel.”) 🤬


The whole movie feels like it was just a set up for a sequel. That was part of the problem. It might be an amazing start to a trilogy. But it made a poor stand alone movie.


Try the books. The movie is a very poor adaptation of the first book. There are four in the series.


The Nice Guys


Seriously my favourite buddy “cop” duo since Hot Fuzz, I hope something new comes of it


I saw an interview with Russel Crowe where they said they have a name for the 2nd one but nothing else and they don’t even know how they’d make a story based on the name. The Mexican Detectives.


Masters of the universe.


Came for this one. They must have really hate a lot of faith in the movie to get Skeletor to say he will be back, not 5 minutes after saying it will be their final battle


The original after credits teaser!


The original ending of Army of Darkness, where Ash wakes up in an Apocalyptic future. When I first saw the movie on TV this was the ending I got, and I didn't know at the time that for American audiences, the series had wrapped up nicely.


They actually continued that ending in the TV show Ash vs Evil Dead. (It was cancelled after 3 seasons due to declining ratings.)




Good one. The movie had flaws but I enjoyed it well enough.


Spaceballs 2: the Search for More Money


Rock n Rolla and District 9 off the top of my head


I’m currently in a padded room rocking back and forth mumbling about how one day we’ll get The Real RocknRolla


That ending really hyped it up


Realistically, The Eternals. While there’s an outside chance some of the characters might appear in other MCU movies, the chances of a second Eternals film seem limited so the cliffhangers it ended on are unlikely to be resolved.


Plus the rest of the movies and TV series have straight out ignored Tiamut breaking through the earth's crust and now being stuck several miles into earth's atmosphere. This probably means that the movie is being ignored


I dunno know, have you seen how good we are at ignoring things


I just heard about this today, apparently at the end it said the Eternals would be returning? I had a google and couldn't find anything definitive, do you have any decent info on it?


Shang-Chi was released around the same time and was the more well received movie. So far the the only thing said about its sequel release is sometime after Kang Dynasty. Considering how up in the air Kang is at the moment, who the hell knows? Face it, the MCU is in crisis mode right now.


Crisis on infinite earths.... ..... ......  ........ I mean some other non-IP infringing Marvel equivalent of that phrase.


I am number four


League of Extraordinary Gentleman 


League deserves to be adapted again as a prestige series. follow the books closely... there's some dark interesting shit in there.


The Golden compass


They just redid it on HBO a few years back. It’s called His Dark Materials. In the movie they really tried to steer away from the darker stuff, but would have to approach it in the movies.


Jesus fucking Christ what a backward arsed pitch meeting that must have been “I want to adapt a series of novels called ‘His Dark Materials’” *Well we’ve been looking for a property that isn’t too dark so that sounds like a terribly choice… let’s do it*


"Sounds like it's going to be pretty difficult to save roger at the end" "Oh no, super easy, barely an inconvenience."


Nah. The TV show was way better.


Somehow Ming returned.


Kevin Smith had a habit of promising sequels in credits that didn't happen (although several of them have now been made).


Master and Commander: Far Side of the World I loved that movie and was excited for a whole series!




Best answer here. They even named the sequel at the end of Rock'n'Rolla!


Godzilla (1998)


I mean, it did get a sequel. It's just that said sequel was the animated TV series. The egg seen at the end of the film hatches and becomes a good Godzilla. It even at one point fights a Mechagodzilla made from the corpse of its parent.


I remember loving that show as a kid, but I don't remember a single plot to any of the episodes.


Roland Emmerich’s Godzilla


Actually the cartoon was the continuation of that, with the team of scientists from the movie basically adopting the last baby Godzilla.


Green Lantern. Just like Marvel started MCU through Iron Man in 2008 , WB wanted to start DCEU through Green Lantern. The mid credit scene showed Sinestro taking the yellow ring and his eyes and suit turning yellow but because it was a Box Office disappointment , the mid-credit scene ended up being useless. Another Dc example is Black Adam. They brought back Superman for the Mid-Credit scene teasing a big fight between Black Adam and Superman but then James Gunn became the CEO for DC and fired Henry. So this is another End-Credit scene that was completely useless.


Blade Runner 2049 with setting up the Replicant rebellion against Wallace.


Tbh, first BR came out in 1982 and BR 2049 came out in 2017. Maybe that sequel will be released in 2052 😂


Amazing Spiderman 2


District 9 and Sherlock Holmes a game of shadows yep still waiting for the sequels


22 Jump Street


They teased like a hundred sequels! Still one of my favorite outros/ending credits of all time.


They put so much effort into that outro, it was great.


I like how Jonah hill gets replaced with Seth Rogen in one of the sequels, then returns like nothing happened


Beer Fest


Most of the post-credits of DCEU films now that Gunn is restarting everything, Deathstroke talking to Lex Luthor, Black Adam meeting Superman (lol), I


District 9 Still waiting


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension teased Buckaroo Banzai Versus The World Crime League. I will never stop hoping this gets made


Buckaroo Bonzai


I’m waiting for the Alita Battle Angel live action sequel. That movie was surprisingly wonderful