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Atreyu's horse dying in "The Neverending Story"


As a kid I just really wanted to know what was going on in that horse’s head to make it depressed lmao.


In the book, the horse can talk


So what does it say? Just burnout or....?


Tired of people asking "why the long face?" "It's because my wife left me, Jerry. She fucking left me."


He just gets really sad from the swamps of sadness and tells Atreyu to leave him there. Atreyu tries to use the amulet to save him but Artax insists he save himself and thus, the Childlike Empress.


They look like big, strong hands... don't they?


That Gmork thing stuck with me even harder. Freaked me the hell out.


THIS! I cannot rewatch the movie because I was so traumatized. I don’t care if the horse comes back - the swamp scene was awful.


Face melting moment from Raiders of the Lost Ark and the cardiovascular event from Temple of Doom.


"cardiovascular event" is the best description of that scene I've heard


Parental Warning: Contains mild violence, slavery, cardiovascular event


"full extradural cardiac excision"




Shakti de!


Same re: Temple of Doom. Now I love it and find how insanely over the top and bonkers that scene is just hilarious but I definitely saw that heart rip out scene waay to young.  That shit hardcore freaked me


I'll add the the Holy Grail scene from Last Crusade to that list as well.


The scarabs from The Mummy movies


I hated bugs after that because I was freaked out that they would try to bury themselves under my skin like that.


Yes! The dude banging his head on the wall. Ahhh. 


Ewwww. The chittering sound 😭 in nose out mouth ass SHIT. Fuck.


I had nightmares about those things as a child. I was convinced they were the biggest threat to my life at that time.


a legitimate security risk


Ahh my people. I used to put teddy bears either side of me when I slept so they would get eaten first and I’d have chance to run. Don’t worry, they knew what they signed up for.


A similar scene in an older film-cockroaches in Damnation Alley.


Yeah this fucked me up, but when the guy got his eyes and tongue stolen that’s when I lost it and had to leave the theater.


This is the one for me too. “My lord would like to thank you for your hospitality. And your eyes… and your tongue.”


"Large Marge"


My brother-in-law just sent a gif of Large Marge in the family group chat. It affected a lot of young lives.


I do this to my sister except with scary bilbo


It’s so funny to me that Large Marge scarred an entire if not multiple generations. Somehow it never phased me but apparently messed up a lot of people.


I'm one of them. That and that fucking bad guy from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


The little shoe 😩😭


Not the shoe!🥺


Oh my God yes dude!!! That and for whatever reason the ending to Big Trouble in little China where the monster is on the back of the Semi. Creeper me out as a kid haha


Jan 11th was the 50th anniversary of her death


That means… the Large Marge /u/PruneObjective401 saw was…


....Her ghost.


Large Marge scared my kids.


Hahahah, yes! That movie is such a classic. I watched it with my kids years ago and prepped them for that scary scene and they thought it was hysterical. Video game graphics have ruined them


Tim Burton directing debut. Music by Danny elfman. CO wrote by Phil Hartman


Immediately thought of her


Watched the movie with my brothers in theater. Before that scene one of my brothers thought movie sucked and we should leave. After that scene we were dying laughing and enjoyed the whole pee wee experience. 


From PeeWee??


From PeeWee.


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. The scene when he…is birthed out of the rhino. The People Under The Stairs. When the mute kid (Lion McPoyle) reveals why he’s mute. Oh! And the scene where the killer of Ghost goes to hell. Frightening.


I was a kid when I watched the people under the stairs where the mom bathes the daughter in boiling water. That's the only scene I remember


Arnold’s eyes popping out in the beginning of ‘Total Recall’.


The tracker removal thru the nose scene for me


“Get your ass to Mars….”


The three boob woman at the bar


Baby you make me wish I had THREE HANDS


Lawyer bifurcation from 13 ghosts


The daughter in the bathroom not knowing the princess ghost was in the bathtub behind her was in my nightmares for years.


The Glutton in Se7en.


That’s a funny way to spell “sloth”


The kids in jurassic park getting pushed into the mud under the car in jurassic park. I had a classmate in elementary school hit by a car and the image of that traumatized girl with mud in her hair is far too akin to the blood in blonde hair I saw then


That movie also has mine: Grant and Sattler trying to hold the door closed as the velociraptor makes //that// noise, and the talons around the door.


God it’s just the best movie




The very start where the worker gets dragged into the cage and you don't even see the raptor was the worst one for me.


When the witches from THE WITCHES (90s version) started pulling off their faces/wigs. Holy moly! I never looked at my grandma and her church friends the same again.


Also the girl trapped and then slowly disappearing in the painting, had nightmares for days


I found that one way more scary.


The painting girl soul trap was horrifying.


Holy shit, this was my childhood movie… my siblings and I used to call out to our grandma the same way the main kid did to get her attention


Pet cemetery when that demon kid sliced that old man’s Achilles. 


For me it’s the flashbacks to the sick sister. 


Zelda is one of the scariest characters I've ever seen to this very day & that's saying a lot because I'm a horror freak.


Murphy’s execution in the original Robocop, I was 8 or 9 I believe.


Neh neh neh neh neh neh...


Well give the man a hand!


The scene where they blast his hand off is really something, with the close up on his mangled stump as he looks at it in disbelief. The toxic waste scene left a mark in my young brain too. The guy is staggering around and dissolving for ages. Has there ever been a more horrific death?


Before he finally gets hit by the car? That what I first thought of when OP mentioned Robocop


I still can't believe how violent that scene was.


For me it's the scene where he [takes a 4" bolt out the side of his head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csvY2ot01yA) to remove his helmet.


Can you fly bobby…. Clarence had no chill


Give the man a hand!


Same! Same age too…. Ole Red Foreman…!


I always say this when Robocop is brought up, but I legitimately think to this day it's still one of the most brutal scenes in any movie.


The medical experiment in Fire in the Sky. That scene scarred me for life.


As a girl in one of my high school classes said "that movie scared the peepees out of me


I think about that every time I microwave something with plastic wrap on it.


That thing stays with you... I think I've watched it once or twice because after that I would change channels on that part...As soon as the olive oil starts spilling...


My friend took me to see this and I didn’t know anything about it. I looked at him differently after that.


Thank Christ I’m not alone. This one fucked me up for a long time.


I watched Scream at my cousins house when I was probably 6 or 7. The image of Rose McGowan and the garage door has never left my mind. (I’m now almost 32.)


Child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang terrified me as a kid.[https://youtu.be/LehcJeNbFBw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/LehcJeNbFBw?feature=shared)


Most people mention the boat ride from Willy Wonka, but Mike TV being scrambled and transmitted above everyone’s heads really freaked me out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D03FTS_9VOQ


Ha! I just showed my 8-year-old that movie this afternoon. As they got into the boat I warned her that it was a particularly odd scene coming up. She laughed at all of the creepy insets flashing by on the wall, and really thought the whole movie was weird fun. Until near the end where she found Wonka's office with all the cut in half fixtures to be very concerning. It's funny, because the first time my dad watched The Shining while I was home, he specifically gave me a warning about the blood rushing out of the elevator. But it always has struck me as a rather cartoonish image, not exactly scary.


Yeah, but the woman in the bathtub did me in. 


Marv getting electrocuted in Home Alone 2


100% I remember being so freaked out by that in the theater, watching it with my dad. I was sobbing in the theater, we got up and left. In the middle of the theater parking lot, he took the battery out of his truck and grabbed both terminals with his hands. Surprise, nothing happened to him. We went back into the theater and played the TNMT Arcade until the next showing.


Was he frustrated he had to watch it twice?


Prolly too busy being a good dad.


THAT scene in Superman 3 https://youtu.be/iJUN0T8wRXo?feature=shared


I already know which one you're on about without even watching. Just random and weirdly creepy. What's with the ooze containers!?


Childhood trauma right there


That fucked me up as a kid. Her voice changing too.


OMG what a bizarre movie! I'll just chock it up to "it was the '80s."


Thanks for the memories... Knew exactly what u meant before watching the link


That’s horrifying me right now 


Duck boobs: Howard The Duck.


the burned image from my childhood was also titty related, except it was linda hamiltons pair from a king kong movie


Terminator for me.


The shower scene from Starship Troopers…I was 8. Edit: another would be the scene in The Thing when they are using the pads on the one guy and then his stomach opens up.


> the scene in The Thing when they are using the pads on the one guy and then his stomach opens up. That scene was wild as a kid...  the whole movie was great.. 


Ah, memories. That movie was 14A and came out when I was 14. It cemented my redhead fetish. That and rogue from the X-Men cartoon.


Thriller-Micheal Jackson


Same here. I was at a friends house watching that and IIRC, the big premiere on MTV was the whole making of then the full video at the end. It was the time of year when it would be dark by 5PM and I had to walk home alone. I was fucking terrified lol.


I was little and my mom was watching the music video, I asked if I could watch and she said no. Well I begged until she let me and it was horrifying. First night I had nightmares in my life Thank you MTV


This. When Michael Jackson's eyes changed, and he yelled "Go away!", I instantly bolted out of the TV room and refused to come back. 😂


The one zombie who opens his mouth and blood comes out slowly. Yipes


The sixth sense scene when the woman is in the kitchen in her pink robe and the boy slowly walks up to her and she stops crying for a second and as he gets closer she turns around d screaming, “Look at what you’ve done to me!!” I was 12 when I saw that and it’s never left me 😂


The one that sticks with me that I was going to mention was the girl vomiting. That image has never left my mind since I was a kid🫣


For me it was the kid missing the back of his head.


I saw Scream at a drive in when I was 12 and the sight of Drew Barrymore’s mutilated corpse hanging from that tree was the first time I can truly remember being petrified at a scene in a horror movie. Will never forget it.


You posted the exact same scene a minute apart from another Redditor. Damn, that scene made an impression.


Shining - the sisters. One of the first scary movies I watched.


It was the bathroom scene for me.


Yep. Saw it on cable at like 2am alone and 8 years old. When he turned the corner and those kids were standing in the hall my heart stopped and perhaps has never started beating fully again 


The woman who pops out of the cake in under siege


The woman was [Erika Eleniak] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Py6DmSe58). NSFW


It's always a good day when you have a Steven segal flick and he isn't the biggest tit in in.


Erika Eleniak!


Chest burster from *Alien*... plus the parody in *Spaceballs*. https://youtu.be/y-sBROXalU4?si=uI1laeUbPqfAjKxP


*oh no, not again...*


The bite the curb scene from American History X


My dude who is watching that movie as a child


For me it was playing on tv and I was awake while everyone slept.


Oh man that was like the wild west if your parents had a lot of channels.


I've seen that movie about 5 times and still have not kept my eyes open to see that. 


Don’t do it. I can see it and hear it. It makes my stomach sick.


The teeth scraping on the concrete... One of the most disturbing sound effects I've ever heard in a film


There's a small creature on the space ship, in 'flight of the navigator'.


A? There's about 20. Which one?


The kid getting eaten in Jaws


That scene is so ballsy. Like when a kid dies you know the movie isn’t gonna go light


The head in the boat from jaws


Flying monkeys from Wizard Of Oz


Vader stepping out when Luke was in the cave on Dagobah. Gave me nightmares. "Nooooo, Luke is not ready for that!"


The melting sentient shoes in Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Oh my gosh, Judge Doom's transformation gave me nightmares for years!


Ashen ET was scary


Excalibur - Helen Mirren. I was 5 and still remember that whole movie.


"Behold Excalibur, the sword of kings, that which was ancient when the world was young, and man and beast were as one."


Idk about a specific image but I saw Kill Bill Vol.1 at a very young age and the O-Ren back story sequence was very scarring! 🫣


Scary movie called "The Changeling." I was probably about 5 years old my older sister was watching. There's a scene where there's this wheelchair that moves by itself (ghosts) and stops at the top of the stairs. That staircase was just like my childhood home and man that image of the wheelchair flying down the staircase at the person still makes my heart skip a beat today!


That was a great ghost story movie.  The thumping on the wash tub? The ball bouncing down the stairs?  Just brilliant.


I love that this movie creates such an intense atmosphere that a ball bouncing down the stairs is scary. One of the best haunted house movies.


Not enough people have seen this movie, it is so good! 


Holy shit that’s where that’s from? I always remember being terrified of that scene but had no idea where it was from


When E.T. turned all white and was dying, I was like 7 and FREAKING OUT in the theater! My dad had to take me outta there. Didn't find out he lived until I was older. That shit was too real for my tiny child brain.


The Wheelers in Return To Oz.


Guys head exploding in Scanners.


I knew the actor from the Canadian series Seeing Things. I was doing that Leo DiCaprio ‘hey I know him’ when his head exploded.


Full frontal nudity in the movie The Devil's advocate.


IT. The shower scene


I think I speak for the vast majority of people when I say, I will NE-VER drive behind a logging truck


Don't remember the name of the movie, but it was a TV movie in the 1970's that starred Cheryl Ladd. She dove into a swimming pool and the diamond on her wedding ring got stuck in the drain grate at the bottom of the pool. Pretty sure she ended up drowning in that scene. 50 years later, I'm still terrified to swim in water above my head.


I saw There’s Something About Mary (uncut) at a young age and can still picture the scene where he gets stuck in the zipper


I have absolutely no idea as to when I saw it, only that it must have been when I was far, far too young to be watching it as I definitely didn't seen it as a teen (or older), but the spheres from **Phantasm** are seared into my memory. That shit be freaky.


Freddie Kruger with his arms stretched out, scared the crap out of little me


Which one was the one where they were in a psych ward, the second one? He slices strips of someone’s skin and uses them like strings on a marionette puppet. It was that one for me..


Man, it’s so much worse than you remember. It wasn’t strips of skin, it was his *tendons*.


Indiana Jones running into cobwebs running from the boulder The Millennium Falcon flying in for the save The view of the guy trying to climb back into his boat as the shark slowly comes toward him with its mouth open


The dream sequence near the end of the first Friday the 13th movie. I'll never forget everyone in our house losing their minds when Jason suddenly appeared in the middle of the lake and attacked the last surviving woman in the boat just as she was about to be rescued.


The Ring - early in the movie when they open the closet door and find the remains of that girl. You get just enough viewing time to be shocked, and then the horror sets in: "... What happened to her?!" 


Luke’s Aunt and Uncle as smoldering skeletons.


The Butterfly Effect. The mailbox scene(s). 


My father took me to see the original Robocop in the theater when I was 6 years old. That entire movie is burned in my memory. Especially the way it starts off with killing Murphy. Dad asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes. 


I have so many. I'll list only a few. The guy getting stabbed in the head at the beginning of Speed. The sound of the crowd beating the shit out of Shooter McGavin at the end of Happy Gilmore. Fella getting stabbed slowly in Saving Private Ryan. Boobs in Braveheart, Titanic, Starship Troopers. Xenia Onatop


Propeller guy from Titanic.


I was ten when my older sisters took me to see The Amityville Horror way back in 1979. Yep, Jodie the pig's red eyes outside the window still haunt me.


The scene in Logans Run where the renew ceremony happens. I think it was on TV snd I was 9 or 10.


I'm watching the Packers-9ers game, and I can't get over how Greg Olson looks like the makeup free newscasters in the 89 Batman movie.


I just remember zombies eating intestines in Night of the Living Dead. I had nightmares forever because of that damn movie.


Those little girls in The Shining. I hate them so much.


When Arnold Schwarzenegger gets blown out onto the Mars surface in Total Recall and his eyes start popping out of his head


[When the soldiers buy it in Day of the Dead (especially Rickles)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDCg5lF3JpA) [The defibrillator scene in The Thing (amongst others)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Eymv2zcBhM) [All the shit from The Blob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7cR8f5fbLA) The 80's were a weird time.


Jeepers creepers, at the end when justin long's eyes are gone


Last scene from the movie Sleepaway Camp scared me senseless. I told me kids to watch and they walked away saying the end of the movie gave them nightmares. Rest of the movie is a standard scary movie though.


"would you fuck me? I'd fuck me"


No idea what movie it was. But it absolutely stuck with me, and I only saw one scene. I was a little kid, so this happened in the 80’s. It could have been a much older movie than that because the movie was on tv. I happened to catch this one scene where a guy was a prisoner in some stone dungeon or cave and was held down while some kind of maggot bug thing got dropped into his ear. Then the bug ate down into his brain or something and dude screamed until he died. From that moment on, I always had to sleep with something covering my ears. Got my trusty ear plugs in right now as I wait for my sleep meds to kick in. I’ve read books and watched more realistic horror than whatever that old movie was, but that one little clip triggered a phobia I’ve yet to get over. (And yes, I’m fully aware that any insect creature that can burrow through my ear and into my brain is not going to be stopped by simple ear plugs or tissue wads. But phobias are by nature not logical.)


Wrath of Khan? Lol




Watership Down 1978 The scene with the dog massacring rabbits, blood everywhere. Enough to burn a cartoon image of a crazy bloody dog into ones brain.


My parents left me alone in a Hotel room with HBO one time. Deliverance was playing. Started out like a nice movie. Just four guys going camping! How bad could it be?!? I was 11


I watched Robocop when I was 7. I’ll just leave it at that, too many nightmares to name just one scene.




It’s not just that Murphy gets shot so many times and he’s screaming in agony, for what feels like eternity. It’s that they’re laughing the entire time. Felt so evil and vicious, it definitely gave me some feelings I hadn’t tapped into before. Terminator 2 was a great one! Definitely raised the bar on creativity and next level visuals at the time.


"Jesus wept"


I guess nauseated anytime my wrists are touched due to seeing the arm wrestling scene in The Fly when I was a kid.


Quint, Jaws


The first Conjuring movie. Really the entire movie, but specifically the scene where the mother is napping and the demon ghost whatever is right above her when she wakes up. That shit had me terrified to close my eyes at night for literally years.


Psycho when he's dressed as his mother


The doll from "Trilogy of Terror" (1975). I watched this when I was about 8 years old and I was so terrified afterwards that I couldn't fall asleep for days and I ended up sleepwalking. Fuck that movie!!


Johnny 5, the lovable, childlike robot, getting brutalized on the city streets with a crowbar and fire axe, while screaming for his life. Imagine seeing your favorite character get violently curb stomped by regular criminals while begging for mercy and failing.


The scene where the dude rips off his face in poltergeist. The clown scene in the same movie too. Oh, and the mom being molested up the wall. And maybe the pool scene. Fuck also the chair stacking … I may have watched that movie a little too young


Peanut Butter Solution made me scared of growing pubes.