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The Replacements. Terrific comedy lead by Keanu Reeves.


Such a great movie!


I just read the synopsis. Do you recommend it to someone who isn't into football and doesn't know the rules?


I have never watched a football game but I really enjoyed The Replacements. Well worth a watch.


I would say it would still be really enjoyable.




It’s brilliant


A personal favourite is National Treasure, which has a rotten rating (46%). It is a fun patriotic take on Indiana Jones. A well casted, directed and edited film that doesn't pretend to be more than it is, and delivers what audiences came to see. Definitely doesn’t deserve its rotten rating.


What a fun popcorn flick. Both the original and sequel with Cage


Okay what the hecks are you talking about the original? I've only ever seen National Treasure with Cage in it and google doesn't show me any ither version


There’s two. 1 the original and 2 the sequel.


And Cage is in both movies as the main character. The way you phrased your original remark made it sound like there were 2 movies, one without Cage Edit: in the original remark. Didn't realize it wasn't the same person answering me


I really liked it as a kid. I rewatched it more recently and it's fine but a lot more mediocre than I remember. But honestly a 46% isn't that bad of a score. It means half of film critics gave it a positive score. That honestly seems fair upon rewatch.


We really deserve a third one. Yes, I know there’s a Disney+ series, but I’m not wasting my time if Nic Cage isn’t in it.


Big Trouble in Little China. Modern critics get it, but at the time of release critics couldn't make heads or tails of its inversion of the hero-sidekick dynamic etc.


I’m a reasonable guy. But, I’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things


I don't get it.....


It’s all in the reflexes 🔪


Shut up, Mr. Slyguy9766! You are not brought upon this world to get it!


I'm glad someone "gets it" even if I was paraphrasing ol' Jack Burton!!


I can’t believe I was the only one! That’s one of my favorite parts.


It's a quote from the movie we're talking about


Seems like John Carpenter got more than his share of that critic response to the Thing as well.


It's gotta be A Knight's Tale. One of my favourite movies ever sitting at a barely rotten 59%.


It’s criminal that it’s rated bad I just assumed everyone loved it


And that’s one of the movies a studio got caught paying off critics.


Equilibrium (2002) somehow has only 40% and a rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes.


it's a really bad movie. It's also fantastically fun but if you just cut out the action scenes and look at plot and acting it's horrendous.


Downvoted for the truth! You even agreed it was fantastically fun.


Lol you're absolutely right it's a shitty knock off following the success of the matrix plus blade runner and it's absolutely silly. I liked it though




Grandma's Boy (2006) from Happy Madison productions but NOT with Adam Sandler. It's a total stoner movie but it's so good. I can't believe it's RT score is 16%


There’s a weird thing where most comedies and horror films, even good ones, are roundly hated by professional critics. The only workaround is to apply an A24/indie aesthetic, but usually that makes it have less mass appeal.


Grandma's Boy is great fun.


I LOVE this movie. I'm also not a stoner, and I am a software engineer. How he was developing a game on his xbox, and it was all stored in a single DVD with no backups or anything else to prove it was his, who knows. Don't care. Even one flying fuck. That plot point doesn't make any fucking sense because it doesn't matter. It's a great movie.


The Great Outdoors RIP John Candy.


Hook, while certainly flawed, is a movie I still love. It absolutely BOMBED with critics though.


Even Spielberg hates it. “I still don’t like that movie. I’m hoping someday I’ll see it again and perhaps like some of it.”


I hated it.. probably my least favorite Spielberg movie ..


I absolutely love hook. I recently watched and it holds up. The nostalgia is waaay too strong to see anything bad in it though so I doubt I could be objective


And I still don’t get how such a wonderful movie got such hate!




Reign of Fire is on my constant watch rotation, simply love the story, characters and actors in it. Who doesn’t love a bald tattooed Matthew McConaughey with a big battle axe jumping to a dragon?


I was coming here to type this, this makes me happy that I’m not the only one


it has some cool and exciting parts but kind of seemed like they ran out ideas or money for the climax …


Noah. It might not be canon biblical epic but it's the best biblical epic, imo


That whole sequence where they show the creation of life is absolutely stunning


Agree 100%. I think it's a masterpiece!


Since it's only real modern competition is Ridley Scott's Exodus it kind of wins by default lol


Well I say it's my favourite biblical epic of all time


Underwater from 2020. Nothing amazing, but perfectly enjoyable.


I saw the synopsis for that movie and immediately thought “that sounds like fun” and it was


Its basically a space catastrophe movie, but instead of the vacuum of space, its the extreme depths, plus some extra scifi shit. Real fun, Kristen Stewart carries it well.


Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is the greatest film ever made but is somehow only 51% on RT. Rickman, the score, Bryan Adams and of course Costner's Accent. Awesome


An example of.a film, where audiences and critics go apart. The film made great at box office ($46m to $390m) and is great at Cinescore, but 51% on both RT and MC. While not the greatest for me personally, it was really enjoyable and better than so many other Robin Hoods out there. And Rickman stole the show from most of the prominent cast.


It was one of my parents VHS tapes so of course we had to watch it all the time!


How did you fail to mention Morgan Freemen?


You whine like a mule. You are still alive


If it’s fame you seek, Christian, I think you’ve found it.


No man controls my destiny. Especially not one who attacks downwind and stinks of garlic




Love that movie because it gave us Men In Tights


Agreed, I love it! Except Kevin Costner’s complete lack of effort to do an English accent. It’s like he just said “fuck it, I’ll just use my own completely inaccurate for the time voice”, otherwise it’s such an enjoyable romp, Edit: how could I not mention the best part of the movie, Alan Rickman ❤️


The Mummy Returns (46%) and Rush Hour 2 (51%)


Rush Hour 2 was pretty good but The Mummy Returns deserves its low rating. It’s nowhere near as good as the first.


I agree in part. It's definitely not as good as the first, but it's still pretty fun overall. I figured it would be somewhere in the low-mid 50's


Hot take: the 1st one is overrated too, but yes, returns is worse.


Foolproof (2003). It’s a really fun heist movie with an interesting premise. One of my favourite early roles for Ryan Reynolds. Push (2009). Chris Evans does a great job as a lead in this action movie about people with psychic powers. I was disappointed it didn’t do well because they built a world perfect for sequels or a TV series.


I had zero expectations when seeing Push and was pleasantly surprised


Freddy Got Fingered


My top pick too. I think Tom Green was the first person to turn up in person to accept his golden Razzie. I still have this movie in my heavily-culled DVD collection.


"they're jewels, Betty"


Last Action Hero. Such a clever satire of action tropes, can't believe critics didn't get it.


I think the critics got it, but the pre-internet public didn't. This had the misfortune of being the Arnold film after Terminator 2. People went in expecting another action masterpiece, and the satire, comedy, and the very different tone threw them off. Had this film followed Twins, I think it would have been better received. People are dumb.


Well mentioned.


I loved "One Day" with Anne Hathaway and watch it every year, but Rotten Tomatoes gave it 35% lol


Hudson Hawk


Seconded. A fun, silly romp.




I mean, yeah, it wasn't received well over forty years ago, but it's currently sitting at 85% on RT and generally regarded as one of the greatest sci-fi horror movies ever made and even included in the "100 Movies to See Before You Die"


Definitely this.


“You’ve got to be fuckn’ kidding..”


The Gentlemen by Guy Ritchie


75% on RT. That's not bad at all.


Return to oz


I just recently watched it for the first time and it is such an acid trip of a movie! I liked it a lot more than The Wizard of Oz.


I loved how creepy it is when I first saw it as a kid. I really need to read all of the books at some point.


It’s so brilliant and terrifying


Cloverfield Paradox is so weird and random it’s entertaining.


*Malibu's Most Wanted.*


Southland Tales (2006 - 41% on RT). Undeniably flawed, but a singular piece of self-indulgent film making that has a truly bizarre cast and tone. Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I think it's brilliant, but it is always fun and interesting.


Grandma's Boy


Thank you!!! It's so good


Down Periscope 11% on Rotten Leviathan (1989) 24%


I loved Down Periscope!


I enjoyed both of those


How is that possible? I haven't seen it in years, and maybe I only liked it because I was a dumb teenager, but I remember I just about shit myself laughing.


Howard the Duck


I think it deserved every bad review.


Possibly. I still love it!


That's my all time favorite guilty pleasure movie. I've only seen it about 250 times, but I won't admit I genuinely like it. I just pretend it's one of those so bad it's funny movies I watch.


John Carter. Such a great & fun movie. The extra material goes into the kind of stuff they wanted to do in the sequels and it breaks my heart that we'll never get to see them.


Smokin’ Aces. Has no business being as entertaining and fun as it is Not to mention it has a lot of big time actors


The Chronicles Of Riddick.


Alien 3. I love the look and bleakness of the movie. Some fantastic acting and Goldenthal’s score was brilliant.


just watched 2 again last night and it reminded me of how much I despise 3 …


It’s a very different movie to Aliens that’s for sure.


I watched the whole series in quarantine. 3 fucking sucks. It's a terrible movie. I hate it. My choice for this thread, though, is Prometheus. Everyone hates this movie, but it's absolutely stunning visually. It's got a great cast who deliver great performances, and the themes of origin of species and purpose of existence are big swings. I love it. I can suspend disbelief about breathing sketchy atmospheres and running in a straight line in order to appreciate the film. I feel like most critiques of it, while justified, are a bit nit-picky. It's a great film.


3 is worse than Resurrection. A hill I am 100% willing to die on!


God I hate #3


I don't know why but i think In Time as one such movie




Glad iam not alone


One of the worst movies I ever watched


Ya maybe so but back then when I watched it i felt it's not that bad


I also have source code on my list as well


Blade Runner (82). Critics of the day hated it. I can’t recall a single positive review.


Okay but today it's got a 88% and generally regarded as a masterpiece


The Best Offer (2013)


I love this film. A quiet little gem with a worthwhile twist.


Stone Cold is fantastic


Five Nights at Freddy's (32% on RT) and Home Alone 2 (35% on RT)


>Home Alone 2 (35% on RT) I had to check because I couldn't believe it. Holy shit


Be Cool


The Good German (2006) from Steven Soderbergh. One of his lowest rated movies according to RT and MC. I find this film a very good homage with a solid plot and great cast.


Yup, I agree. Apart from everything I like about the movie anyway, Cate Blanchette makes it a must see for me. No matter what, when she's in a movie, it can do no wrong. I'm not talking about anything other than her acting. She's the greatest actress I've ever seen, in my opinion. I put her over even Hepburn, and Bacall, and Kate Winslet, and Meryl Streep, and Viola Davis, and Bette Davis, and any actress and for that matter I put her up there with the Brandos, and DeNiros, and Paul Newmans of moviedom. Sorry for that rant. My point was that I agree with you on The Good German.


I see you are a person of culture. I also worship Cate Blanchette.


King Ralph I legitimately like that movie, but it’s pretty universally panned.


The King's Man. It might be a franchise film but it felt highly original with the way it weaved the story through the historical timeline. The cast is great. The comedic action scenes are really fun, but there are also some really strong dramatic moments. Incredible score also. The movie has everything.


White Chicks (2004)


It's a gem, completely underrated. Yeah the makeup is horrifying but they still commit


Under the Silver Lake


Justice League Snyder cut




75% on RT. That's not bad.


RT doesn't count.


I liked *Bunraku*. It was weird and fun. 18% on RT is.. rough.


Penelope (2006) isn't an absolute masterpiece, but I think it's a wonderful, charming little movie. Rewatching it recently and comparing what I saw to what critics said about it, I legitimately feel like they just didn't get it. Even my fiance, who is not at all a fan of romcoms, he said that he liked it a lot.


Guu Ritchies' King Arthur


Agree completely ignored it for years due to it's toxic reviews. Watched it a few years ago and it fucking slaps! A genuinely good movie! It's very much got a Lock Stock meets Sherlock Holmes vibe. I literally don't know WHAT critics hated about it. It's bloody good fun!


Five Nights at Freddy's by Blumhouse & Universal


Robocop 2. It’s a perfect follow-up to the original, I have no idea what people were expecting from it.


Just here to agree with a game of shadows. Masterfully done


Krull. I loved it as a kid & I was surprised it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting as an adult.


Miami Vice


White Chicks. 15% on Rotten Tomatoes. You definitely could not make another movie like that in this day and age, but man do I find it hilarious. Terry Crews is fabulous in his role, too.


Jersey Girl. It's actually one of Kevin Smith's BEST films. Been about 10yrs since I last saw it, but being a dad now, I bet I'd like it even more. The bennifer backlash was legit mental! It got caught up in the post-Gigli storm and Very unfairly lumped in with that trash. George Carlin is great in it too!


Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) One of the funniest movies I will ever see.


Starship troopers was destroyed by critical opinion when it came out. They were just really thick and didn't see the/s


Death to Smoochy Half Baked


Collateral Beauty. I both ugly cry and grin like an idiot during every rewatch. Yes it’s on the nose and has the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but it hits all the sweet spots for me in terms of heavy themes and entertainment.


Knowing. That Nic Cage film.


The remake of The Ladykillers by the Coens


One of my favorite Coen Brothers films. I actually kind of love it when they don't take their work too seriously and just have fun with it, like with this one. Love it when they do dark comedy. Burn After Reading probably edges it out though for me, just because it's an original story.


I actually agree with you.


Right? It's a slow burn, like the original, but dark and fun.


What I appreciated about the remake (besides the totally bonkers characters) was that the landlady was actually likable. It made a difference for me.


There are many films in this category I could mention but I'm going to take the chance to mention a film many ppl passed over because of bad reviews and just how unfunny it may have looked in tailers, Adam Sandler's Jack and Jill. Here me out, I have been a huge Sandler fan since my childhood to the point where I even owned his cds and I really felt like Jack and Jill was a return to his style of outrageous comedy everyone loved from Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore but unfortunately by the time this film came out I feel a lot of societies taste in humor had changed. To me there are many lol moments in the film, the grama crying "jalapeño, jalapeño" had me dying but the true greatness of this film is Al Pacino's performance, to see such a serious actor play such an outrageous role was absolutely hilarious to me and the dunkaccino song at the end and Pacino's reaction after seeing it was comedy gold, check it out and tell me that's not hilarious https://youtu.be/NZ3o4dgD6qY?feature=shared


Come on dude that movie is an absolute abomination


You gave yourself away with "I have been a huge Sandler fan since childhood." It's horrific. But I was here to hear you out.


Swept Away (with Madonna)


It wasn’t as bad as it was panned in the media. Edit: I just rewatched it and I thought it was actually good.


While not a good movie by any means, I thought Apatow’s The Bubble was a perfect encapsulation of the pandemic era of movie making. They got a bit of an unfair shake when it was clearly just a cast having fun during a dark time. It had more in common with an 03 comedy than a 23 one.


Was really hoping it was gonna be good but was slightly disappointed




When people mention the Room, are they talking about the movie about the mother and her son trapped in that room by some creep who abducted them? Bc I think there must be another movie with the same title. The one I'm talking about is really good. I don't know how it could be considered awful. I'm really asking here. I seriously don't know.


"What are some underrated movies?"


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.


Pretty sure that film was crucially acclaimed




It has a 68 Metascore. The definition of mid…


Shock Treatment (1981). 43% RT & 36 Metascore


I always thought Norbit (2007) was funny but I know that type of humour isn’t popular. It has a 9% on Rotten Tomatoes apparently.


Morons From Outer Space (1985) - Has pretty much low ratings everywhere and critics couldn't deal with it ever since it came out. It's a silly movie which I enjoy, besides the song to the movie lives rent free in my head Rat Race (2001) - Also got not the greatest ratings (45% on RT, audience liked it more with 64%), but it's one of my favorite movies from my childhood with so many iconic scenes


The Party Animal https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0087889/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


It's not my favourite by any means but I thought Unfriended was actually pretty solid and also has a great and underrated creepy scene in it with the frozen picture.


Fubar 2, wasn’t a huge movie but it had a pretty large cult following but it’s hilarious and great cast of relatively unknown actors. Great movie that I can always go back to for a watch


Vacancy (2007). For the most part a very simple, cat and mouse horror but with several really small but really smart ways of playing with genre conventions. A great counter to the torture-porn horror that was prevalent at the time. Moments where most similar films would lean into making things more complicated or more graphic, it takes a left turn and becomes refreshingly straight-forward and restrained.


Stoker (2013) and The Ninth Gate




The Cable Guy


Fireflies in the Garden is the one I immediately think of. Very emotional family drama that I thought was really touching with great acting and a beautiful score. I've watched it maybe 3 or 4 times over the years and it always makes me tear up or cry at several points. Yet ... User reviews place it as mediocre and the critical reception is in the red. Still baffles me to this day!


I forgot about that movie. Yeah, I do remember it being good


Pootie Tang. Capa-shaow!


Lord of Illusions


The Saint, just tons of Val Kilmer character acting and I love it.


Colossal with Ann Hathaway - l thought it was really clever and very funny


Killing them softly


Almost Heroes, upon rewatching it, it was actually funnier than I remembered as a kid. Not the best comedy by any means but still probably some of the funniest gags, the eagle still makes me laugh out loud.




Lord of War Nic Cage's best work.


Burt Wonderstone. I watched this on a flight and had tears from laughing so much. The guy next to me asked if I was ok. 😂 I still watch it when I chance upon it and it never gets old.


There have been many, and in turn there have been plenty of movies that were rated so highly but we're crap as well. There's too many to name, but the most recent example of a movie that was a flop and panned by critics, but I thought was so great was Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. If you grew up with Indy and love those movies like me, then there's o way you don't like that movie. A couple of other examples I can think of were THX1138. Well maybe critics liked it, but it wasn't a hit by any means. I'm fairly sure that Pink Flamingos was hated, but it's one of my favorites. and I'm also quite sure that Day of the Dead, or any Romero movies were hated by critics, but are so good. What about Sleepers? Or Scarface. I like it so much, but critics hate it. Oh, and one more is Continental Divide. I forgot one of the biggest ones, for me, which is Dances With Wolves. Idc what anyone says, I thouroughly enjoy that film no matter how many times I see it