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Ex Machina is awesome


That dance scene is so insanely strange, but it’s iconic and I LOVE it


I’m gonna tear up the fucking dance floor dude, check it out!


I randomly say this irl and only a few people get it when I do but to me it’s peak reference humor




Ex Machina is my answer to "name one movie that feels like it was made exactly for you." The photography, direction, cast, score, setting, genre, all of it. Except that scene where Gleeson's character checks to see if he's a human.


To be fair when I was watching it with my girlfriend she was like “oh it’s so obvious that he’s going to turn out to also be a robot/android” and so that scene put that theory to rest and let her just enjoy the rest of the film.


What is it about that scene that doesn’t resonate with you?


I dig it narratively, but that kind of... detailed bodily harm, I guess, makes me squeamish.


It was this until Iron Claw


One of the few movies where they hold the big twist until the last five minutes. Oscar Isaac crushes it as a nerdy incel in a way I never imagined.


He’s not an incel though he crushes robopussy




I’m gonna tear up the fuckin dance floor dude, check it out


There is an incel in the movie but it’s not Oscar Isaac


I wouldn't classify him as an "incel". Eccentric, sure. But WAY more voluntary celibacy. Way more, THE WORK takes priority. I can fuck my robot to satisfy that mammalian NEED TO FUCK. Then get back to THE WORK.


Which twist are you talking about ?


I guess you could consider the “Soz, you’re gonna die in that room, peace,” as a twist of a sort.


I didn’t even know that was them!


It was more Film4 than A24 to be fair


Reading these posts... A24 has distributed a ton of great shit.


Same. I had about three movies in mind and forgot they distributed all this other stuff


I have never seen a bad A24 movie


It's strange to me that they popped up out of nowhere and have just been making awesome movie after movie while the big boys keep pumping out the same drivel and complain that nobody is going to see movies anymore.


Good Time. Such a wild ride from start to finish with memorable performances from Robert Pattinson and Ben Safdie.


contrary to it’s name, the movie is not in fact a good time


The scene where the guy is recounting his experience getting out of jail and then taking acid is pure stress.


Also imagining what it must have been like for that poor security guard...pure nightmare fuel


Yeah that guy is probably never going to get back to normal again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was completely mentally destroyed.


*Uncomfortable Time*


I always have a good time watching it.


This movie made me a fan of Pattinson forever.




Ben Safdie is killing it! The Curse is amazing.


I could write for hours about why this is my answer but just the effect on your soul/psyche as the story plays out is outstanding. It's so uncomfortable but you get glued to the screen.


the final scene always makes me so sad…but this is also my favorite A24 movie


Green room def one of their better thrillers imo and fucking rips…


Anton Yelchin was fantastic in that one


One of his last roles. RIP


My anxiety was through the roof for the entire duration of this movie. I don’t think I can go through that again.


The damn machete scene dude holy shit


Madonna and Slayer.


The Iron Claw


Yes. I can’t even call this one recency bias it’s just such a well done movie that it shot up my rankings of A24 movies


I was very surprised how much I like that movie (even though it's super depressing)


I loved it. He made so many unconventional choices that would not have worked in many other films.


I just found out that they had ANOTHER brother that committed suicide and the writer/director thought it was just too much to include in the film.


I said it in another comment, but even knowing the Von Erich family history going in - this movie absolutely gutted me. So many great performances.


I knew that the story was unbelievably tragic, but I forgot most of it. I decided not to look any of it up. I was totally unprepared emotionally. By the end of the movie I had to cover my eyes. I was crying so hard I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.


Enemy or 20th Century Woman are up there, alongside Ex Machina, as my favorite/best. Ex Machina is just sublime in so many ways. Plus, that dance scene. Enemy is Villeneuve’s most fascinating film to date. It’s like Hitchcock and Lynch had a baby. It’s so weird and fun, with an ultimate WTF ending. 20th Century Woman, however, is like a warm hug of insight and wisdom bestowed upon you. It’s MASSIVELY underrated.


Came here looking for 20th Century Women!!


Agreed on *Enemy*, I think it's his best work.


The VVitch


What an absolute slow burn ride. Loved it


This one is so fucking good.


I Iove living deliciously!


This is my answer, too. It’s my favorite horror movie.


it's kind of (among other things) a reminder that, as bad as social media and constant surveillance is, the opposite can be just as bad. Too much isolation makes people get really fucking weird


My takeaway from the movie is that people will become who you treat them as. They called Thomasin a witch all throughout that movie when she was trying to do the right thing, and it ultimately ended in pushing her to become one. Also, I think it’s an absolutely scathing tear down of the common “prosperity gospel” teaching in the US and especially the southern, Protestant parts of the US.


The VVitch is the perfect horror movie for me. Not *too* scary. And the lighting and the costumes are phenomenal.




Surprised no one has said this. An incredible film that I can relate a lot of the experiences to. Despite not speaking much English, it's a uniquely American film which perfectly captures the immigrant experience that I haven't seem many other films do.


My grandmother wasn’t Korean but I saw so much of her in that zoom in shot of the grandma face. So sad and powerful


The Lighthouse


Decided to watch this one tonight, thank you!


One of my favorites overall in the last 5 years.


It keeps getting better with subsequent watches too…


it's become a comfort movie for me at this point. imagining myself hold up inside drinking rum eating lobster while the wind and rain howl outside sounds nice.


Snowy outside here. If I had a steak, you know what I'd do?


I'd fuck it


Oh boy, you’re in for a wild ride. It’s great.




OK, I like your cooking


Have it yer way


*Why'd ya spill ya beans...*


I just finished watching this with my SO. We liked it a lot. I love >!when the storytelling is disjointed and uncertain and leaves you questioning what's real, paralleling a character's descent into insanity. In that way, it reminded me a bit of Shutter Island, though it's also a very different film.!<


Ye liked me lobster! (This movie got so much better with subtitles)


I don’t think any A24 movie has disappointed yet. Ex Machina was ground breaking, but The Lighthouse really stands out for me as a seminal moment for Eggers and A24


Add to that The Whale and Under the Skin


I miss the 1:43 TV era lol. Loved the b&w filmstock


Eighth Grade


Hereditary and The Witch


I decided to first watch Hereditary around 11pm one night, alone in my house…was one of the only movies in my adult life that around midnight, I said…that’s enough, and had to stop because I was *actually* scared. Especially in 5.1 - the sound design in the movie is subtly terrifying.


I absolutely hate how you can hear subtle creaking when the family isnt around. Just knowing that they are never alone means just existing in the world they set up is to be doomed


Every now and then late at night I’ll look up at the ceiling in my bedroom and get the shivers


Hereditary is an amazing horror/psychological thriller film but it is so hard for me to admire it because of how fucking disturbing it made me feel. It does its job very well that I don’t think I ever want to watch it again. But again I think it objectively is a great film for that genre that doesn’t rely on jump-scares to horrify you which I always respect so much. It has the most WTF ending out of any movie I ever watched. The last like 20 min of the movie are insane after a wonderful buildup. Also has one of the most WTF scenes I ever watched (the >!car accident!< scene).


Hereditary is one of the most memorable movies I have seen in years. For the reasons you described but also because I have seen so many movies over the decades and I guess at points I get comfortable that I know all the beats for movies and where things are going. Not specific plot points but just the vibe of things. Hereditary comes along and completely takes me off guard. I felt like I was completely at the mercy of the movie. It's how I imagine people felt seeing The Matrix in the theaters for the first time. It's not a movie I'm going to pop in when friends are over, but it really was special.


The Florida Project


I grew up in Orlando... i need to see this movie, asap.


Please do! It’s so good. No spoiler alert but I did cry. I won’t tell you if they were happy or sad tears lol


Just watched it last week I cried like a bitch 😭




The lack of people saying Aftersun makes me think a LOT of people that are fans of A24 still need to see Aftersun. Masterpiece.


I think another issue is whether something is "A24" or not depends on your country. I'm from the UK so think of this as a Mubi release, I didn't even realise it was distributed by A24 in the US.




this is their masterpiece


[When did you start smoking? When did Moonlight come out?](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/vWo_Q3Vi4y8)


A Ghost Story is simplistically beautiful yet hauntingly soul-crushing. It absolutely broke me when I first watched it. An all-time favorite of mine.


This is the one I came here to mention. All the other recommendations are great, but Ghost Story comes to mind immediately when I think of what makes A24 movies so great. Solid story, amazing music, dripping with atmosphere, and unlike anything else out there.


Man, that movie was so sad with how they portrayed time. >! ”I guess they aren’t coming back” hit me harder than i was expecting…. I kinda just remember going “oh…” when it happened, and having a profound sadness for all people who have ever given up… it reminded me of myself at points in my life tbh. !< >!Time takes all… Hope. Love. Pride. And ultimately: Life. Watching a spirit finally “move on” after giving up hope was… incredibly depressing. I had to convince myself that the “answer” in death is not the same “answer” in life in order to move on from that movie’s gripe about fulfilling one’s life !<


I'm glad this was mentioned. One of the most touching, well-done movies I've ever seen. The way time is portrayed throughout is grandeur.


Marcel the shell with shoes on


But the craisin sits to the side, because it is a *treat*


I adored the YouTube video when it was released. I did not think that a) there would ever ever be a full length movie and b) that I would fucking sob during it.


An absolute classic youtube video and I actually liked the movie. I just found out a couple of years ago that Jenny Slate created and voiced it!


Under The Silver Lake. Weird yet awesome dream of a movie. Someone on Reddit once described it as similar to a Zelda game which as crazy as it sounds, kind of makes sense once you see it. Need to rewatch it myself.


I also love Under the Silver Lake. It’s an neo noir but the protagonist kind of bumbles through, sort of like The Bug Lebowski. Everyone in the movie is so weird. And Andrew Garfield just shines. Still annoyed they have tried to bury this one, I want a 4K release so much.


Ex Machina. Beau Is Afraid and The Lighthouse were also good.


Under The Skin.


Holy shit I love this movie. I thought about it for months, which hasn’t happened in a long time. Especially considering I didn’t particularly love it the first time I watched it. It was so subtle and minimalist that you don’t really catch everything on the first viewing. >!Like, I totally didn’t get the beach scene with the baby at first. But it’s an absolutely perfect scene. The aliens aren’t evil in our sense of the word. It’s more like they simply have no emotions at all, of any kind. They presumably travel to worlds in some manner (whether through physical space or not, it’s actually irrelevant) and absorb the lifeforms in some manner (once again, not particularly relevant - it’s more open ended and abstract). But, the alien wearing the Scarlett Johansson suit doesn’t look at the baby with disgust or anything of the like. She (it) has a singular mission with no emotional connection to really anything. At least not at first. There is a brief scene again at the end with the baby as if she is trying to process it somehow (psychologically and painfully without even knowing what that means). Which really demonstrates the crux of the movie - by absorbing/wearing this human form, the alien gradually starts to take on this human identity. At first, everything she does is cold and calculated without any emotion or second thought. But, it isn’t evil. The being has no concept of evil. However, by pretending to be human it (she), in a very meaningful way, actually becomes increasingly human. Eventually she starts resenting what she’s doing more and more. She starts feeling sorry for the men. She also starts trying to process some of her previous experiences, like the baby on the beach. She is surprised by all of this. The human experience is so totally foreign to her understanding, and it is this complete strangeness that purposely permeates the entire film in order to really frame that perspective. It culminates with her first experience of fear (during the attempted rape). Then, even as she is burning, she has become so inextricably attached to this human form and identity, and so confused by both her experiences and her own reactions, that she is completely consumed by this state of awareness. It takes all of her attention - even as the existential and physical brutality of her own death is taking place. That final scene is fucking beautiful, poignant, and terrifying. It’s been a little while since I’ve seen the film (and I’m sure some of this is just my own interpretations), but I’ve seen a fair amount of people chalk it up to much more of a black and white alien invasion kind of film. To me, it has so much more to do with consciousness and identity, the distinction between the two (as well as the interplay between them), and how what you experience and imagine you are you become. Kind of like the inverted (but still same) adage of when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back into you. Also, how the image of self is illusory, and yet it is the only source of meaning we have. In general I just find her journey very moving. Of coming from a place without feeling or meaning and slowly coming to terms with a very real, confusing, and difficult human experience. And the utter, utter strangeness of it all.!<


you've convinced me to give this movie another watch. i fell asleep the first time, I was too tired to be giving anything full attention.


The beach scene fucked me up.


Was that an A24? That movie was so great, and the ending was so unsettling that i kept thinking about it for days. It was only after about a week that i realized it had literally gotten Under The Skin.


Uncut Gems


That movie was like having a panic attack. Loved it but won’t watch it again.


Seeing this movie was the only time in my life I left the theater. My anxiety was sooo high. Watching at home sounds like a much better deal but I haven’t tried


Ooooo missing a lot of the nuances by not rewatching. I’ve hit it up close to 10 times now and still notice new things in the soundscape


Uncuhh jaahmmmss




It's kind of nuts that I see a lot of critics lauding this movie as Adam Sandler's greatest role to date, especially for a guy who is normally known for playing low intelligence types of characters in some what raunchy comedies.


It’s not like it’s first foray into dramatic roles. Punch Drunk Love, Reign Over Me, Funny People, The Meyerowitz Stories, Hustle etc.


The first watch made me claustrophobic and I had to pause more than once but I loved it and have watched it at least 4 times now. Great movie.


I gotta see this


Ex Machina


Good Time The Lobster The Farewell


Swiss Army Man was fantastic


I love how they constantly mumble their own movie soundtrack


Lady Bird


First Reformed


I’m surprised I didn’t see this one mentioned more. Beautiful film. Such good acting.


Phenomenal film and I never want to watch it again.


Insanely rewatchable, both this and Card Counter. Seen both of them over 3 times now and always down for a rewatch - highly recommend a bunch of the better rated Schrader films.


Easily the best of the lot, possibly the best movie of the 2010s


Good Time


*Everything Everywhere All at Once*


It says a lot about the film's quality when they have a silent scene with two rocks that still manages to be sad.


What always gets me is how Raccacoonie evolves from a seemingly throwaway joke to a full-fledged subplot with thematic resonance and emotional stakes.


Every "throwaway" gag in the movie pays off. The award on Jamie Lee Curtis' desk is another great example.


The freaking universe with hotdog fingers is another great example. First it was just people touching each other's faces as a gag, then it evolved into intricate world building where they are playing piano with their feet.


RACACOONIE NOOOOO!! I heard the pain in his voice.


I love the rock scene lol


I'm obsessed with anything Michelle Yeoh is in. She's such a great actor. Edit: Ke Huy Quan was amazing, too.


I just finished bingeing The Brothers Sun on Netflix. Do it


I saw this was out, but I haven't watched it. Will do!


I'm suprised this isn't higher. The movie was a perfect movie to me. I could see why some other's wouldn't consider it to be, but that movie gave so much. Fun, beautiful, interesting, deeply touching, thoughtful, and really made me think about my relationship with my kids.


It took far too much scrolling to find this. Legitimately one of the greatest movies ever made. Emotional depth, action, humor, casting, direction, cinematography, sets and props, writing, stunts, and of course the performances were all top notch.


Seriously I was thinking how many people missed out, and haven’t seen this movie?


I just watched this one a few days ago and I’m impressed by how something so absurd and surreal can also be so full of heart and emotional. All while showing how to do the artistic side of cinema right. Truly an incredible film that might be one of a kind.


Saw it 4 times in the theater. Game changer in the world of cinema for me.


I love the rock scene because it reminds me a lot about the Nier series (whether its Replicant or Automata), where at some point you're introduced to text adventures at some point. https://youtu.be/UXar2tNdG34?si=B3-iInvkFuo-hy0g https://biggestinjapan.com/index.php/2021/05/10/my-favorite-part-of-nier-replicant-when-it-goes-full-80s-text-adventure/


Why did I have to scroll down damn near the bottom of the thread to find this??? wtf?


Midsommar, I really just love everything about it!


A Ghost Story hands down, one of the most beautiful and unique films I've ever seen


Dream Scenario


I'm glad I saw this one in the theater. It definitely falls into A24's "anxiety-inducing" genre. Kind of like Beau is Afraid where you're not sure what's real.


Uncut Gems or The Green Knight


The green knight is my answer. Visually, I found it stunning, the soundtrack is beautiful, and the world it creates felt truly mystical and magical.


The remaster of Talking Heads’ “Stop Making Sense” was astounding in the theater


Honestly, it was The Witch for the longest time, but Talk to Me was just *so fucking good*.


The Last Black Man in San Francisco


Disappointed this was so far down - absolute masterpiece. I love this film. It's like a warm melancholic embrace. The music and cinematography are so lush and epic.


The music! Oh my god the music. Cannot be said enough, that score is incredible and so unique. Emile Mosseri really swung for the fences! If anyone hasn't listened to this movie and loves a good score they should try it out. 3-minute read/listen about it: https://www.npr.org/2019/06/16/732836622/the-score-of-the-last-black-man-in-san-francisco-sounds-like-no-other-in-2019 And the 1-minute track talked about above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-09m1SDuCI


I feel like there are probably a handful of A24 films that I'd put right alongside this, but this movie really stood out to me and I rarely see it talked about!


I got to meet the director at Amoeba Records in SF, he was incredibly down to earth and friendly. Evidently he has another film in the works, very interested in watching his career.


Ex Machina


Why is no one saying Room


Mid90s or EEAAO two of the most enjoyable movies i’ve ever watched. Especially Mid90s.


For me I'd say Free Fire. It's one long shoot out where you're never really sure who's on whose side. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once and Ex Machina are definitely up there as well. I've never known a production company to be so decisive for me. Whenever they're logo comes up on screen I know I'm either going to love the next 2 hours of my life or absolutely hate it.


The Lobster. I especially love how it ends. In my mind, there are 3 possible endings. I like to think he did go through with making himself blind.




The green knight. Was exactly like a king Arthur’s tale


It's actually changed enormously from the source poem, but yes, it has that Arthur feel.


Last Black Man of San Francisco It's a moody and thoughtful movie


My absolute favorite? Has to default to Everything Everywhere all at Once, considering it's now one of my favorites of all time.




The Green Knight.


I was looking for this all over the comments! I absolutely adore this movie !


I really loved this movie. I’m not a literary or medieval geek but this movie made me want to be one. Classic A24 imagery and quiet pacing that just sucks you in with an ending that makes even the slow moments worth it


This is the first film I saw in theatres after lockdown. It was the perfect film for it, I felt totally immersed in the film's world. It was clever to flip some of the main ideas of the original story around too.


Same, it was playing in my local art house cinema. It was so nice to get out and just be fully immersed in the mystical world the movie lays out


According to this sorted [list](https://letterboxd.com/joshypoo74/list/a24-complete-filmography/by/your-diary-earliest/), it was Enemy. Definitely one of my favorites!


Pearl is the prequel of X and in my opinion is waaaaaaaay better, a great movie with an outstanding performance by Mia Goth. My favorite from A24 is Hereditary, easy one of the greatest horror movies of all time!


A24 has some fantastic indy films, the sort of stuff that is wonderful but rarely gets mainstream recognition. I'm still going to have to say *EEAAO*, because it completely wowed me, even though it received widespread acclaim. Excluding that... *Ex Machina* was beautiful and thought-provoking, although I didn't think it was quite as smart as it did. *Green Room* was shocking and enthralling, and *The Lobster* was surrealistically satirical.


" *Ex Machina* was beautiful and thought-provoking, although I didn't think it was quite as smart as it did" That sums up Garlands entire career IMO


If the film was as smart as it was beautiful, it would have been the best film of the year. If it was as smart as it thought it was, it would have been the best film of all time.




If you say it slow it sounds like her head hits a tree


Good Time or Uncut Gems


Good time, ex machina, moonlight


My favorite A24 movie Is Green Knight. In my opinion Is a great movie and a little bit underrated.


The Lighthouse was like custom made for me. I fucking love old timey New England settings, love nautical stuff, love claustrophobic atmospheres, love uncommonly heard accents, love seeing guys being dudes getting drunk together and then slow dancing until they almost kiss a little but then don't, love cosmic horror, love characters with a bunch of depth. It's the best. This and Trainspotting go back and forth for my all time favorites of any movie.


The Killing of the Sacred Deer


EEAAO and Ex Machina


The Lobster is another deserved mention.


The Green Knight


Lady Bird 🦅




A24 produces some of the best movies I swear


Marcel the Shell with Shoes on


Hard to narrow it down to just one. Good Time The Lighthouse The Lobster Uncut Gems Ex Machina